
Personal Cabinet in Internet banking BPS Sberbank. What banks offer a distance discovery of an account for Jurlitz? Open currency account in BPS Bank

16:44 25.11.2016

So, you decided to become individual entrepreneur. Assembled papers, listed in the Executive Committee, received a testimony ... Now you need to open an account in the bank. Which to choose? Where is profitable?

Most banks offer for IP batch services. They are usually generally costs cheaper and immediately include the whole list banking operationsnecessary to the entrepreneur.

the site looked through the offers of all banks and studied the conditions for the packages offered. And also tried to calculate what will be the most acceptable for the most beginning PI.

Bank and its service pack

Package cost / month, rub

Connect to package

Number of payments / month in electronic form

payment, rub

Payment to Bank account, %

Commission for removing money from the account,%

Closing account, rub

Client-Bank, rub

Absolut Bank,Start




Alfa Bank,Alpha Start

14.9, action - 134.10 per year with one-
Middle payment immediately for 12 months




There is no data

BANK BELVEB,Business takeoff





Bank VTBDebut




There is no data

Bank Moscow-Minsk, Start




Bank decision,The beginning (there is only the first 6 months from the date of opening of the IP)

Not limited




Belagroprombank, Start











29, as well as disconnection from client-bank - 30

BNB BankSmart 10.




BPS Sberbank,Micro





Not limited




Free, but for issuing electronic keys - 30

Idea bankBase

19, action - 171 rubles per year with one-
One-time payment for 12 months




MTBank,First account (valid only to 1 year from the opening of the individual




There is no data

ParitybankBusiness Small-1









18 - Connection, 12 - Monthly fee

So, almost for all batch services for IP, you must pay subscription fee.

The average tariff is 13-15 rubles. The most profitable - Belagroprombank - 8 rubles. However, it will also have to pay a one-time payment for connecting to the package - 5 rubles. Next is Belarusbank - 8.5 rubles per month.

The highest subscription fee of Pri'orbank - as many as 30 rubles and another 15 rubles. ONO for connecting a package, VTB Bank - 29 rubles and Belgazprombank - 24 rubles.

The exception is the bank Moscow-Minsk. He is the only one offering batch tariffs without subscription payment, but you still have to pay - for 15 rubles per client-bank every month.

Almost all banks opening and maintenance(sometimes not one) within the package for free.

The exception is only Bank Moscow-Minsk: here for opening an account will have to pay 30 rubles. Although the subscription fee for the tariff, as already mentioned above, is not.

Client Bankyou also within the framework of packages most often will be provided for free.

An exception, for example, - Priorbank, which will ask to pay for the connection of 18 rubles, and will take 12 rubles every month.

BTA-Bank will connect for free, but will ask to pay for the issuance of an electronic key of 30 rubles.

Bank Moscow-Minsk monthly demands to pay 15 rubles, BNB-Bank and VTB Bank - 12 each, Belagroprombank - 7.5 rubles, respectively.

Number of PaymentsYou can commit as part of a batch proposal, different banks differ from an unlimited number of the Bank, BTA-Bank and MTBank to 1-3 in Belagroprombank, BelarusBank and BPS Sberbank.

Over this amount each additional paymentit costs money: 50 kopecks - at Absolutbank and BNB Bank, 60 kopecks - Paritetbank. The most expensive payments from the Bank of Moscow-Minsk - 7.5 rubles, and Belagroprombank - 6 rubles.

If you decide enroll money on account, then this operation will be free, the Bank is a solution and a BNB Bank. All other financial institutions will have to pay from 0.18 to 1.8% of the amount of enrollment.

Rent money from cashyou can't do any bank free. Minimum Commission Up to 1% pay the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bank and the BNB-Bank, the maximum in 3-4% - Belarusbank, Belagroprombank and the Bank of Moscow-Minsk.

Many banks in the form of bonus offer batch offers offer free discovery and maintenance of bank cards.This is Alfa-Bank, Belarusbank, BNB-Bank, BPS Sberbank, MTBank and Priorbank.

Bank and its service pack

Bank card within the project, free

Alfa Bank,Alpha Start Visa Classic / MasterCard Standart
BelarusBank,Easy Belkart.
BNB BankSmart 10. Visaelectron, Maestro.
MTBank,First account Visa Classic on3 years old, Visa Business- 1 year
Priorbank,Prior-IP Visa Business

If you decide close your account - This procedure is free from the bank a decision and idea-bank. In all other banks will have to pay again. The most expensive closure of the account with Belgazprombank - 59 rubles and BNB-Bank - 50 rubles.

In which bank, the service of the IP may be more profitable, it is difficult to determine. Each entrepreneur has its own tasks, everyone chooses service in its criterion depending on the purpose and experience.

Nevertheless, for example, we decided to take a novice IP, which a month will perform no more than five payments, replenished the account in the amount of 1,000 rubles and take about 500 rubles in cash.

Let's see how much money after the year he will leave in every bank.

Bank and its service pack

The cost of annual service

Priorbank,Prior-IP 837
Belagroprombank, Start 773
BTA-bank,Entrepreneur 654
Belgazprombank,Elementary 586
Bank VTB,Debut 512
BANK BELVEB,Business takeoff 491
BelarusBank,Easy 368
MTBank,First account (up to 1 year from the opening of the IP, then the package is your account) 362
BPS Sberbank,Micro 358
ParitybankBusiness Small-1 323
Alfa Bank,Alpha Start 278
BNB BankSmart 10. 275
Idea bankBase 249
Absolut Bank,Start 240
Bank decision,Start (the first 6 months, then the Package Standard) 224
Bank Moscow-Minsk, Start 207

As you can see, the most expensive in this case It will cost service in Priorbank, Belagroprombank, BTA-Bank and Belgazrobank. And the most profitable partners will be Bank Moscow-Minsk, the Bank , Absolut Bank , Idea Bank, BNB-Bank and Alpha Bank.

Text: Anastasia Mark

Exercising a program cash ServiceSberbank offers corporate clients opening and maintaining current accounts. Thanks to the extensive network of banking offices in the territory Russian Federation And abroad has become possible cooperation with foreign and domestic counterparties.

Open an account in Sberbank for a legal entity is very attractive. This credit organization has a good reputation and is characterized by a simplified settlement system. Non-cash payment Preferred when conducting economic operations in the National I. foreign currency. The state gets the opportunity to control the movement money Subject entrepreneurial activity.

Organizations are entitled to register multiple accounts with various destinations. Under exercise foreign economic activity It is permissible to apply various calculation operations: a letter of credit, bank transfer and collection.

Opening a settlement account

To open an account in Sberbank for a legal entity, one of the methods can be used:

  • personally visit the division financial institution at the place of registration of the enterprise;
  • use online reservation.
  • The list of documents for filing to the institution is posted on the official resource of the bank. The main ones are:

  • Constituent documentation
  • Decision on the appointment of the head
  • Certificate of production in extrabudgetary funds
  • Certificate of personality
  • Print print
  • Extract from a single federal register of legal entities
  • Leading license
  • Order on the appointment of those responsible for conducting a settlement account of persons
  • Certificate of State Registration
  • Form of the established sample with full information about the client
  • Card with samples of personal signatures of trusted persons
  • Tired
  • Taxpayer document
  • If the documents for opening an account in Sberbank for a legal entity are provided in the originals, they must be assured by the representative of the financial institution. Copies certified notarized are also accepted.

    Taking a packet package for consideration, the bank's specialists prepare a constructor contract with explanations of the assets management process, on orders for the transfer of funds. The document is complemented by recommendations for banking services and granted tariffs. The agreement includes information on the responsibility of the parties in force majeure and the procedure for permitting disagreements. Once the contract is signed by both parties, the organization receives the status of a full-fledged financial institution client.

    Online opening account

    Understanding how valuable in our time, the rate of decision-making, the Bank has provided, how to open the current account to a legal entity in Sberbank online. The client's representative will need to familiarize themselves in advance with the proposed service tariffs, fill out the appropriate application on the official resource of the institution. The account will be available for use after receiving the notification of its creation.

    To save the account will be needed within five days attributed to the bank required package documents. If you ignore this, an open account in Sberbank for a legal entity will be canceled. Money will return the owner.

    Developed many convenient services for their customers. The striking example serves. Credit organisation Created a developed customer support. On the page, you can read in detail what options the call on the hotline.

    BPS Sberbank is owned by Sberbank of the Russian Federation from 2009 to this, he was known as Belpromstroybank OJSC. Having investments or issued a loan, the need arises to control their accounts. For this you need an extract online BPS Sberbank.


    Services from BPS-Sberbank

    Basic services for individuals - Credit programs and deposits. Here you can easily invest in a metallic account, open a deposit in various currency or retirement account. In the list credit programs There is a non-targeted and target loan (on vehicles, housing). They differ in each other issued amount and interest rate.

    Maps are available in various design: salary, credit, corporate, debit, retirement. Some of them can only be used within the territory of the country, others in international format.

    Available card operations:

    • non-cash;
    • cash;
    • information - receipt of information on the card balance;
    • additional - control and score management at a distance.

    Extract options in BPS Sberbank:

    • maximum detailed report - is issued in the bank branch;
    • with the use of cards - via the Internet or self-service devices;
    • a small report - you can request with remote services.

    To order discharge online requires an Internet banking connection. Then log in and find the item "Extract". You can choose an extract on accounts or cards. Information for filling out an extract:

    • the initial and final date of the period for which the extract is needed;
    • account or card for which information is required.

    If you make a request outside your personal account, you must specify the card number and the final period of action. Extract online BPS Sberbank will be displayed. If desired, it can be printed.

    How to connect to an online extract system

    To connect to an online extract system, you must fill out and contact it to the bank branch. Employee will provide login and password to enter

    BPS Bank is a system of remote customer service from BPS Sberbank, operating in Belarus. Internet banking gives Belarusian customers the ability to use all the services of the bank and monitor accounts and cards in online mode. All operations are held in the Personal Account, it will be described below how to register, enter the account and use it.

    Entrance and registration of account

    Until 2015, the BPSB had a different banking system, after which he went to the same service that operates in Russia - Sberbank online.

    Access to the LC will only receive a client that has a score or a card in BPS. You can become the user in two ways:

    • By concluding an agreement with the bank. You only need to take a passport.
    • Registration without visiting the department on the lender website.

    In the case of a visit to the Department, the Bank Manager after submitting an application will give a temporary password and login.

    When registering on the site, you need to click on "Register" and introduce:

    • Identification number of the card or account.
    • Mobile number to which in the future session codes and passwords will come to confirm operations.

    By clicking on the "Continue" to the specified number will send a password. Entering it into the line on the site, the identity of the client will be confirmed, and access will be open. Now you need to enter the LC.

    The generated password is not safe. You need to change it in the future in the future by creating a new, complex combination.

    Login B. personal Area BPS is carried out on main page Official site www.bps. Sberbank. by. No special software for authorization is required.

    Recall that by entering the wrong password several times, access to account will be blocked for several hours.

    Using the BPS Cabinet

    There are two options for connecting to LCs:

    • Is free.
    • For 7.5 rubles per year (BYN version).

    In the free version of the subscription, the client gets much less opportunities. He can only:

    • Receive information about bank accounts and maps.
    • Use auto board and SMS notification.
    • Confirm transactions input of disposable passwords.

    It is impossible to conduct payments yourself - only by automatically write off the cash. This is suitable for those who need to spend periodic payments.

    Therefore, payment is so small sum It is worthwhile - the user will be available all the feature of the cabinet for the year.

    The system is not much different from the Sberbank of online serving in the Russian Federation. Account allows individuality:

    • Manage your accounts and cards.
    • List the funds to private and legal entities on the cards and accounts of the BPS Sberbank and other financial institutions.

    • Open and replenish deposits, withdraw money for impersonal metal bills.
    • Pay for services and purchases in online stores - LCK, communication, Internet, fines and taxes, etc.

    • Credit and make payments on them.
    • View accounts, credit and debit cards, deposits, as well as information on the balance of funds and transactions.
    • receive payment documents and form the documentation from them.
    • Browse reference information On the course of currencies, the location of ATMs and departments of financial institutions, existing promotions and programs, etc.
    • Activate and disable bank services, order and block cards.
    • Change account settings: data for the entrance to the LC, make visible strictly certain services, view the log of custom authorizations, etc.
    • Make insurance and make payments on it.
    • SMS notifications about conducting transactions.
    • Auto wave for specific transactions without client order (for this, the user must submit a list with payments and recipients).
    • The service similar to the previous - "payment by one button". In one click there are periodic payments, pre-specified in the LC, i.e. without visiting the bank.
    • Approval of payments by entering disposable passwords sent by SMS to the user number (for visa cards and mastercard are provided different names Services).

    All operations are carried out in 4 sections:

    • "Payments and translations".
    • "Deposits and accounts".
    • "Cards".
    • "Credits".

    Here you can not only carry out transactions, but also view information on the issued in this moment banking products and closed accounts. On the cabinet's head page already presents information about cards, deposits and accounts.

    You can get acquainted with the terms of service for the individuality of the Bank, opening the section "individuals" and by going to the subsection "Payment of services using remote channels". Here are instructions for working with the service, service order, answers to the main questions and recommendations for ensuring the security of the account.

    Cabinet operation is protected by the SSL protocol. Check the address bar when hitting the site - the lock icon should appear. This means that data transmission is protected.

    By setting up the payment function by one button, you can make payments for similar operations every month.

    The function of setting the visibility of products is a purely aesthetic, which allows you to remove unnecessary information from the Cabinet interface.

    Note that in the account you can get a mini-extract, for the formation of which you need to make a report on facial account. To do this, click on the "Extract" tab and enter the following data in the following fields:

    • The beginning and end of the period for which the report is needed.
    • The card or the account for which the extract is issued.

    Checks and extracts can be sent to Email, save to PDF and print. The subsection "Calculated Sheets" will be useful for those who plan to conclude any transaction in the near future. For example, if the employer signs the Agreement with the BPS.

    You can create template payments by entering the parameters in the "Quick Payments" subsection.

    Important! An electronic wallet Yandex.Money can be tied to the score or map (this service consists of Sberbank). To do this, you will need to go through the identification procedure. Transfers from the wallet are possible on the cards:

    • Visa.
    • Mastercard.
    • Belkart.

    There is I. mobile app BPS Bank. You can download it for Android and iOS OS from the PlayMarket and AppStore stores, respectively.

    Important! Useful section, called the financial manager, can be found by opening the section "My Finance". It will analyze the existing profits on all active accounts, cards and loans.

    If it is decided to terminate cooperation with the bank, the client needs only to submit an appropriate application for the closure of all products and services. After that, access to the LC will be closed.

    So, access to the account provides persons already having any banking Product. The service is convenient and laconic, offers all the possibilities for managing your means and services.

    November 17, 2017 2679
    • Alfa Bank
    • Bank decision
    • BNB Bank
    • BPS Sberbank
    • BSB Bank
    • BTA Bank
    • MTBank
    • Priorbank
    • Statusbank
    • Technobank

    The bank also has its help in opening a business, and not just an account, offers!

    If you want to be serviced in PriorbankYou can invite an employee to the office to design documents for opening an account. An employee of the unit is leaving for opening an account, in which the client will be served next.

    IN BNB Bank For future customers, there is also an option to leave the manager to the office for consulting and preparing documents for opening an account.

    Not all legalities wishing to open an account in MTBankYou need to leave your office - you can agree with a bank employee about a convenient meeting time. The service is available only to organizations that first applied to this bank to open current (calculated) accounts. Departure is free and carried out only within Minsk, Vitebsk and Molodechno.

    BTA Bank also provides an account opening service without visiting an office for corporate clientsnot have the current (calculated) bank account.

    If you have chosen as a service Bank decision, also boldly invite an employee to yourself;)

    Did not stay aside and offered a similar service and BSB Bank.

    The bank specialist will come directly to your company's office with a package of documents.

    As in Statusbankor in Technobankawhose work managers with legal entities By agreement with the client goes to the location of the office of the company.

    Go to meet the future client can and in BPS Sberbank. And although on the website of the institution itself - no word, we were assured that the issue was solved individually.

    In principle, this is all. Although we fully admit that in other banks, you can agree on a remote opening of the account.

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state