
Ingos Life. Framing of Ingosstrakh-Life. Cumulative life insurance

The insurance rate under the life insurance program of borrowers starts from 0.22% of the sum insured, which is established on the basis of the amount of obligations to the lender.

For coaches, the tariff is slightly lower - 0.135% of the sum insured. The age of the insured must be at least 18 years or at the end date of the loan payment of not more than 55-60 years.

The insurer agrees to arrange a contract if:

  • the insured did not tolerate stroke;
  • there is no oncological diseases, coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction, angina), liver cirrhosis;
  • it is not disabled 1, 2 or 3 groups.

You can arrange a policy separately or concluding a contract integrated insuranceThat is, at the same time having bought three insurance: property, life and title (loss of ownership of housing).

If an insurance event occurs, for example, 1 or 2 group of disability comes, the insurer undertakes to pay up to 75-100% of the sum insured. The total amount is paid in the case of the death of the insured - his heirs. With disability, earnings are also compensated for earnings for all the time of treatment and the additional costs needed to restore health.

The insurer may require a medical examination from the client if, according to the results of the consideration of his application-questionnaire, it turns out that he suffered from various diseases in the past.

What cases are considered insurance?

Borrowers are insured against major risks, as a result of which may lose disability (temporarily or constantly) or even lose their lives.

Insurance cases:

  • preparation of disability I or II group as a result of injuries, injury, diseases;
  • temporary disability after an accident or illness;
  • the death of the borrower due to an accident or illness.

In case of illness, the insurer compensates for a part of the credit payment, the proportional period of staying on the hospital, with a complete loss of disability or death - the entire balance of debt on the loan.

But if the insured event occurred as a result of alcoholic or drug intoxication, during the commission (for example, an intentional accident) or a car control without rights, then payments will not be made.

When insuring life there are many restrictions. Before issuing an agreement, it is worth reading in it, what events the insurer will not consider insurance and when it has the right to refuse to pay compensation.

What banks does it work with?

IC Ingosstrakh enters the list of accredited companies of all leaders mortgage lending. For example, you can buy insurance, receiving a loan to Uralsib, Opening, Svyaz-Bank, VTB, and in other banks.

What are the tariffs depend on?

The cost of life insurance depends on the age, the gender of the borrower, the presence of diseases of the disease, its sports activity, as well as the size of the loan. For insurance will need to pay from 0.135-0.22% of the sum insured.

The rate of the tariff also affects the company's promotional policy (you can get a discount), as well as an insurance history - receiving payments for life insurance in the past (this increases the cost of insurance).

How to calculate the cost?

The life insurance fare is calculated in accordance with its calculation method. The cost of the policy is established on the basis of basic tariff rates, taking into account correction raising or lowering coefficients.

Insurance premium is equal to the work insurance Tariffspecified in the Policy and the sum insured at the date of commencement of the insurance contract.

How much insurance is: an example of calculation

An example of calculating insurance: If the borrower issued mortgage in the amount of 1.5 million rubles, then in order to determine the size insurance payment It is necessary to take the tariff specified in the contract and multiply it to the amount of debt and divide on the service station. Thus, the cost of insurance will be: 1.5 million rubles x 0.22 / 100 \u003d 3300 rubles (per year).

This is the easiest option of calculation when the insurer has already voiced the tariff. If it is unknown, then it will be quite difficult to produce calculations, as the clients are unknown to the table of correction coefficients, and often the basic charges of the insurer. The easiest way to seek help to an insurance manager, which will help determine the cost of insurance.

Procedure for the execution of the policy

The borrower's life insurance policy is quite simple. You need to contact any of the offices of the insurance company with a copy of the passport and other documents.

The process of execution of the policy provides for:

1. Fill out an application for execution of the policy.
2. Transfer the insurer the collected package of documents.
3. Read the insurance rules.
4. Sign the insurance contract.
5. Pay policy by any convenient way.

In the insurance statement indicates all information about health, age, field of injuries, chronic diseases, kind of activity.

You can make payment for insurance in the office of the insurer or transfer to its account on the details specified in the contract. The contract is issued for a year and it will need to extend every year.

In the IC "Ingosstrakh" there is an opportunity to do it through personal Area Online . There you can also pay insurance to the card.

What documents do you need to provide?

What if damaged to health?

When an insurance event occurs, it is important to keep calm and fulfill all the actions provided for by the insurance contract.

If there is a risk of health, it is necessary:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Call police, traffic police, Ministry of Emergency Situations (if an attack, accident, natural disaster, etc.), insurance company occurred.
  3. Within 30 days calendar report insurance case Insurer.
  4. Collect and submit to the insurance company necessary documents.
  5. Get paid.

All documents provided to the insurance company (certificates, conclusions) must be in the form of certified copies or originals. To apply, the right of the insured itself, his trustee or the heirs of the deceased.

The decision on insurance payment is usually taken within a month. But the company can request additional documents that can somewhat increase the period for the payment.

What will required to receive payments?

To receive payments, you need to provide a large package of documents. Their view depends on the cause of death or disability, disability. For example, if the accident occurred in a plane crash, then the act made by the carrier will be required. If the reason is the attack of other persons, then the decision to initiate criminal proceedings and other documents.

The insured or his heirs must show:

  • application for payment;
  • original death certificate or a notarized copy (in case of death);
  • certificate of death from the registry office or a copy (extract) of the final part of the act of forensic medical examination;
  • copy of an accident on the accident at work or a copy of an accident investigating an accident along the way to work / from work;
  • original or certified transport company Copy of an accident on an accident;
  • original document (decree on initiation / refusal to initiate a criminal case, certificate of accidents);
  • a copy of the medical card about injury / disease that led to the establishment of disability;
  • posthumous epicris if death has come in a hospital or an extruded epicride;
  • act of surveying ITU, a certificate of disability.

With temporary disability, copies of closed disability leaves will also be needed.

From the submitted documents, the insurer must understand all the circumstances of the stated case, the full diagnosis, the time of the beginning and end of treatment, the results of all studies, the term of temporary disability.

To the application you need to attach copies of checks for treatment and rehabilitation from medical institutions . The insurer has the right on the basis of the documents provided to carry out the examination, establish the facts, to find out the causes and circumstances of the event.

Mortgage borrowers on voluntary basis Can buy insurance of life and risk of disability (temporary or constant). It will help them cope with credit paymentsIf, as a result of a disease or accident, they will not be able to fulfill their employment responsibilities. At the occurrence of 1 and 2 groups of disability, the amount of payments can reach 75-100% of the loan amount.

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Ingosstrakh-Life's insurance company established in 2003 has not only the highest rating of reliability a ++, but also has an assessment of a "quality mark" from the Nafi Analytics Center. Per financial obligations Organizations are responsible for its reinsurers - world-class companies Partner Re, Generali Group, Mapfre Re, Vig Re and IC Ingosstrakh. Private clients, the company offers issues of investment and accumulative life insurance.

Used designations

  • Saint - investment insurance life;
  • NSG - Cumulative Life Insurance;
  • Evil - insured person;
  • LP - any reason;
  • Ns - an accident;
  • UI is the establishment of disability.

Investment insurance of life

"Ingosstrakh-Life" offers only one version of the ISA - "Vector". Start sales of policies began in 2015.

The program "Vector"

The funds hosted by the client shares the company to 2 parts:

  • warranty Fund - the presence of this part ensures a guarantee of returning the amount transferred to the insurance at the end of the policy due to the fact that money is invested in deposits and bonds with high reliability;
  • the risk part - brings a contribution of profit at the end of the policy due to the placement of funds into the tools with a high predicted yield.


  • opens in rubles or dollars;
  • the fee is paid one-time;
  • the minimum amount of accommodation is 50 thousand rubles;
  • the contract can be concluded with the depositor aged 18 years at the opening date and up to 85 years at the end date;
  • the investment direction is selected by the investor;
  • at the end of the policy, the contribution of the depositor is guaranteed returned in full;
  • the contract opens for 3 or 5 years;
  • when leaving the client's life after NA, payment reaches 200%, and with an accident - 300%.

You can open the program both in the most insured and through agents, for example, UniCredit or Promsvyazbank. Depending on the terms of the agency contract, the conditions for execution of the policy and the investment strategy may vary.

Cumulative life insurance

Depending on the needs and goals of the client, Ingosstrakh-Life offers 5 options for NWS:

  • "Guarantee";
  • "Horizon";
  • "Axiom";
  • "Capital";
  • "Golden Key".

For all programs, basic investment income is charged.



  • Evil - depositor aged 18 to 65 years;
  • term - from 5 to 35 years.

Basic risks:

  • logging to the end of the contract;
  • death on LPs during the action of the policy.

Additional features and risks:

  • payment in the diagnosis of critical diseases;
  • payment during death or UI (1st or 2nd group) as a result of the NA;
  • payment of rent at the US 1st or the 2nd group (regardless of the cause);
  • additional (in addition to the insurance payment) of the rent when leaving life.


Suitable customers who form savings for a family member who cannot be insured, for example, because of health. The feature of the contract is that the date specified by the Policy will be paid insurance amount (regardless of the dependence, survived the insured or not).

Registration parameters, basic and additional risks correspond to the program "Garant".


The program is designed for customers who are interested in forming an inheritance for loved ones with the ability to use the amount if necessary.


  • Evil - depositor aged 18 to 75 years;
  • currency - rubles, dollars or euros;
  • term - lifelong accumulations (at least 5 years);
  • available payment of contributions - once in 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 or 20 years; until the age of 65 or 75 years old, to a pension;
  • possibly early dissolution According to redemptions with the payment of investment returns.

Basic risks:

  • death on LP for the action of the policy;
  • looking until the age of 100 years.

Additional risks are similar to the program "Horizon" and "Garant".


The optimal option for customers who make focus on accumulation, and not for insurance.

The opening parameters of the contract comply with the terms of the program "Horizon" and "Garant".

The main risk is around the end of the policy.

Additional risks:

  • exemption from paying contributions to the UI 1st or 2nd group;
  • payment at death or UI (1 or 2nd group) as a result of NA.

The main difference from other programs is the absence in the basic version of the protection protection policy. During the death of the evil during the action of the contract, only actually paid contributions will be returned.

Golden Key

The program designed for the accumulation of the child's goals, which is both the insured and the recipient of funds.


  • the age of a child from six months to 18 at the time of registration of the program and up to 23 at the date of its end;
  • currency - rubles, dollars or euros;
  • term - before reaching any age in the range of 16-23 years, but not less than 5 years.

The main risk is the harvest of the child before the end of the policy. When leaving the life earlier, the beneficiaries receive paid contributions.

Additional risks:

  • payment at death or UI (1 or 2nd group) child as a result of NA;
  • rent in case of death of the insured (who makes the means);
  • protection of contributions upon the death of the insured or assigning it the 1st or 2nd group of disability.

It is important that only parents or legitimate guardians of the child can indicate as beneficiaries.

Company official website: www.lifeingos.ru.

Video: Presentation of insurance from the official channel Ingosstrakh-Life.

The company carries out the following types of insurance:

  • Investment insurance of life
  • Cumulative life insurance
  • Pension insurance Life
  • Credit life insurance
  • Accident and Disease Insurance

Registration number in the Unified State Register of Insurance Subjects: 3823

Licenses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for insurance:

  • License for implementation voluntary insurance Life number SZh 3823 dated 01.10.2015 without limitation.
  • License to carry out voluntary personal insurance, with the exception of voluntary life insurance № Sl 3823 dated 10/01/2015 without limitation

CEO: Chernikov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Vladimir Vladimirovich Chernikov was born on January 31, 1969 in Kiev. In 1991 he graduated from the Military Red Banner Institute of the USSR MO, the Faculty of Eastern Languages. Internships in foreign insurance companies AXA, IF, Pohjola, Tapiola, Achmea, Interpolis and training at Austria Insurance Academy are underway. In 2009, he graduated from Ashridge Business School (United Kingdom) in the direction of "Insurance and Management", as well as the Academy national economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in the specialty "Finance and Credit".

  • In 1993-1998, he worked as Deputy Head of the Office of Autotransport Insurance OSA "Russia" (Group Ingosstrakh).
  • In 1998-2006, he served as First Deputy General Director of the Renaissance Insurance LLC.
  • From 2006 to February 2011, he served as first Deputy General Director of Oranta SK LLC.
  • In July 2011, he was appointed Director of the Department corporate business OSA "Ingosstrakh".
  • January 2014 appointed CEO LTD " Insurance Company Ingosstrakh Life.

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