
Online calculator bank calculate a loan. Credit calculator. How to calculate payments if the client has a credit card

Excel is a universal analytical and computing tool that creditors often use (banks, investors, etc.) and borrowers (entrepreneurs, companies, individuals, etc.).

Quickly navigate in wise formulas, calculate interest, the amount of payments, the overpayment allows the functions of the Microsoft Excel program.

How to calculate credit payments in Excel

Monthly payments depend on the loan repayment scheme. Distinguish annuity and differentiated payments:

  1. Annuitu suggests that the client makes the same amount every month.
  2. With a differentiated debt repayment scheme, interest is accrued to the balance of the credit amount. Therefore, monthly payments will decrease.

Annuity applies more often: it is more profitable for the bank and more convenient for most customers.

Calculation of annuity payments on the loan in Excel

The monthly amount of annuity pay is calculated by the formula:

A \u003d K * s

  • A - the amount of payment on the loan;
  • K - annuity payment coefficient;
  • S - Loan value.

The formula of the annuity coefficient:

K \u003d (I * (1 + i) ^ n) / ((1 + i) ^ n-1)

  • where I is the interest rate for the month, the result of dividing the annual bet on 12;
  • n - loan period in months.

In Excel, there is a special feature that considers annuity payments. This is PL:

The cells were painted in red, the "minus" sign appeared in front of the numbers, because We will give this money to the bank, lose.

Calculation of payments in Excel according to the differentiated repayment scheme

Differentiated payment method assumes that:

  • the amount of the principal debt is distributed under the payments periods equal shares;
  • the interest on the loan is accrued to the residue.

Differentiated payment calculation formula:

DP \u003d OSS / (PP + OSZ * PS)

  • DP is a monthly loan payment;
  • OSZ - loan balance;
  • PP - the number of periods remaining until the end of the periods;
  • PS is a percentage rate for the month (annoying by 12).

We will make up the repayment schedule of the previous loan on the differentiated scheme.

Input data are the same:

We will make a loan repayment schedule:

Loan debt balance: In the first month equals the total amount: \u003d $ B $ 2. In the second and subsequent - calculated by the formula: \u003d if (D10\u003e $ B $ 4; 0; E9-G9). Where D10 is the number of the current period, B4 - loan period; E9 - loan balance in the previous period; G9 - the amount of the principal debt in the previous period.

Percentage payment: The loan balance in the current period is multiplied by a monthly interest rate, which is divided by 12 months: \u003d E9 * ($ B $ 3/12).

Payment of principal debt: The amount of the entire loan is divided for time: \u003d if (D9

Final payment: The amount of "percent" and "principal debt" in the current period: \u003d F8 + G8.

We submit formulas to the corresponding columns. Copy them to the entire table.

Compare overpayment with an annuity and differentiated loan repayment scheme:

Red Figure - Annuitu (took 100,000 rubles.), Black - differentiated method.

Formula for calculating interest on the loan in Excel

We will calculate interest on the loan in Excel and calculate the effective interest rate, having the following information on the offered bank loan:

Calculate the monthly interest rate and credit payments:

Fill the type table:

The Commission is taken monthly from the amount. The general payment on the loan is an annuity payment plus the Commission. The amount of the principal debt and the amount of interest are the components of the annuity payments.

The amount of the principal debt \u003d annuity payment - interest.

The amount of interest \u003d the balance of the debt * monthly interest rate.

The balance of the principal debt \u003d the remainder of the previous period is the amount of the principal debt in the previous period.

Relying on the monthly payments table, we will calculate an effective interest rate:

  • credit 500,000 rubles;
  • returned to the bank - 684,881,67 rubles. (the sum of all payments on the loan);
  • overpower amounted to 184,881, 67 rubles;
  • interest rate - 184 881, 67/500,000 * 100, or 37%.
  • The harmless commission of 1% cost a borrower is very expensive.

Effective interest rate of the loan without commission will be 13%. Counting is conducted by the same scheme.

Calculation of the full cost of the loan in Excel

According to the Consumer Credit Law, a new formula is now applied to calculate the full cost of the loan (PSC). PSK is determined as a percentage up to the third decimal sign at the following formula:

  • PSK \u003d I * ChBP * 100;
  • where I is the percentage rate of the base period;
  • ChBP is the number of basic periods in the calendar year.

Take the following credit data for example:

To calculate the full cost of the loan, you need to make a payment schedule (for order, see above).

It is necessary to determine the base period (BP). The law says that this is a standard time interval that is found in the repayment schedule most often. In the example of BP \u003d 28 days.

Now you can find the percentage rate of the baseline:

We have all the necessary data - we substitute them in the PSK formula: \u003d B9 * B8

Note. To get percentages in Excel, you do not need to multiply by 100. It is enough to set a percentage format for a cell.

The PSK in the new formula coincided with the annual interest rate on the loan.

Thus, the simplest PL function is used to calculate the annuity payments on the loan. As you can see, the differentiated way of repayment is somewhat more complicated.

Today, credit online calculators are placed not only on banking sites, but also at most specialized Internet resources devoted to financial subjects. The reason for such a situation is obvious and lies in the convenience and simplicity of using similar tools.

Literally within a few seconds, anyone can calculate on the credit calculator online approximate parameters of the available loan. Examples of such calculations are shown in the table.

Source loan conditions Result of the calculation
Sum Time Rate Monthly payment, rub. The amount of overpayment, thousand rubles.
450 thousand rubles. Half a year 12% 77 647 15,785 0,466
500 thousand rubles. Year 12% 44 424 32,978 0,533
1 million rubles. Year 18% 91 680 99,798 1,100
1.5 million rubles. 2 years 15% 72 730 245,144 1,745
2 million rubles. Year 11% 176 763 120,744 2,121
3 million rubles. 5 years 11% 65 227 912,792 3,913
5 million rubles. 5 years 10% 106 235 1 372,894 6,373
5 million rubles. 7 years 10% 83 006 1 971,075 6,971

The ability to pre-calculate the loan allows you to determine the most important parameters, to the number of which include the value of the regular payment, the amount of overpayment and the total amount of payments on the loan as a whole. A comparison of several options for calculations clearly shows what option to credit in cash is most profitable for a potential borrower.

Calculation of interest on the loan

The key parameter for comparing various loans is the magnitude of interest paid or, as often called this indicator, the overpayment amount. It is she, along with an effective interest rate, demonstrates the real profitability of a banking product for the client. Below are examples of calculations of different loans, sorted by this parameter.

Source loan conditions Result of the calculation
Sum Time Rate Overpayment Monthly payment Total payment of payments, million rubles.
500 thousand rubles. Year 10% 27 402 rub. 43 958 rub. 0,527
500 thousand rubles. 1.5 years 10% 40 433 rub. 30 029 rub. 0,540
750 thousand rubles. Year 10% 41 102 rub. 65 937 rub. 0,791
1 million rubles. Year 10% 54 803 rubles. 87 916 rub. 1,055
750 thousand rubles. 1.5 years 10% 60 650 rub. 45 043 rub. 0,811
1 million rubles. 1.5 year 10% 80 866 rub. 60 057 rub. 1.081 million RUB.

Calculation of the monthly loan payment

No less serious importance in the process of choosing a loan is the amount of monthly payments on it. The value of this parameter depends on how serious the financial load will fall on the borrower. Below are examples of calculations of cash loan conditions with the allocation of this indicator.

Consumer loan credit that you take to various consumption needs. For example, you want to buy a TV in the store or washing machine, or go on vacation.
Buying a tour of the operator is the purchase of services. Those. You consume a service and take a consumer loan.
Consumer loan calculator is designed to calculate loans in cash, taking into account commissions and insurance.
Commissions and insurance are introduced through early payments.

Options for calculation

The calculator allows you to make a loan calculation - enter the amount, bet, time and press the calculation.
The second option is the calculation of early repayment. You specify credit data and date and amount of early repayments. If you want to understand how much you will repay when making every month a certain amount of loan, we recommend using the forecast calculator
Cm. also:
He will allow you to understand how quickly you will close a loan.

How to compare two loans

Before receiving a bank loan, it will not be superfluous to calculate the overpaid on the loan. It is best to compare the offers of several banks and choose the best. Calculator on this page can be used for this. However, you have to open another page with a calculator to compare 2 different loans. Specially for comparing loans and early repayment schemes We have made Credit Comparison Calculator
See also:
It will make it possible to understand what an early repayment scheme to choose is to reduce the deadline or the amount of payment. It will also help in choosing the most profitable lending option.

The procedure for calculating the loan using the calculator

There are 2 options for calculating loan
The first is a preliminary calculation when you want to take cash on credit. For this calculation, the date of the first payment is not needed. It can be left by default. It does not affect the size of the monthly payment.
The loan amount is spelled out in a loan agreement and takes into account the initial contribution to the product or service.
Interest rate - a nominal rate on loan without taking into account commissions and insurance. Takes from a loan agreement. You can enter 3 characters after the comma.
It is expressed without dividing on a hundred.
Term - the whole number of months on which the loan is taken. If you have 2 years for example, you need to enter 24 months
The second option is the calculation of an existing loan
Next comes the field - the date of the first payment. This parameter is already important when you took a loan
The calculation of the date is important for your loan. Those, when building the graph, the date of the next payment is indicated - the number of the day in the month.
Calculation based on dates is important in early repayment. From the date of early making money depends on how the month will be a new reduced payment.

How to use a calculator?

After entering the above data, you need to click on the calculation button.
After pressing it, the following options are possible.

  • Errors when entering data. Please note - the dates need to be entered through the point in DD.MM.Uuuu. Amounts are entered into through the point, the rate may have 3 sign after the comma
  • There was a successful calculation of the loan. Built a payment schedule. Rechain overwhelmed loan

The future borrower needs to take care of the comfortable execution of commitments made with high payments and moderate overpayment. Accurate credit calculator helps the user to quickly calculate the upcoming payments, evaluate their own debt service opportunities, choose an attractive program and decide on specific loan parameters. This year's universal tool is successfully used to analyze banking products of various types from classical cash loans to mortgage and refinancing.

Credit Calculator online mode

An independent calculation of upcoming payments requires special knowledge and skills and is a rather laborious and tedious process. With the help of credit calculator, the user in online mode without excess effort receives ready-made results with the details of important indicators:

  • quantity of regular contributions;
  • components of each payment;
  • the total amount of interest;
  • total payments.

It remains to compare the results obtained for products of different institutions. For visitors to the specialized site created the most comfortable conditions:

  • instant fulfillment of the necessary computing operations;
  • absolutely free provision of financial services services;
  • lack of registration;
  • 24-hour daily access to a convenient tool;
  • application for programs of any creditors.

The time of use of the services is not limited. Each visitor has the right to quietly calculate different versions of borrowing before establishing an option corresponding to current circumstances and individual preferences.

Credit Credit Credit Calculator

The applicant clearly traces the impact of the interest rate, size and term of borrowing on the amount of mandatory payments and the final overpayment. Change the price of borrowed money unilaterally by the will of the applicant is unlikely to succeed, but the applicant is available to choose the optimal value and preferred loan duration. Fast loan calculation with a special credit calculator is performed without any particular client's efforts. Just enter the source data in the system:

  • the amount of borrowing;
  • interest rate;
  • maturity;
  • method for building a repayment schedule (annuity or differentiated payment).

The service immediately produces calculations. Based on the information received, the applicant indicates the desired parameters in the application and draws up an attractive loan.

Consumer credit calculator

For applicants who wished to take money from the lender for urgent needs, useful to use an instant calculator to compare consumer loans to several organizations and assess the advantages of specific programs. The use of a remote calculation tool provides:

  1. accuracy of comparative analysis of various banking proposals;
  2. selection of preferred lending parameters;
  3. an objective assessment of the material capabilities of the borrower;
  4. making an economically informed decision on early repayment;
  5. determining the effectiveness of the refinancing of existing loans.

The table formed displays a change in the ratio of parts of each subsequent making of money and contributes to a competent solution to the feasibility of closing a loan at a certain stage in order to obtain additional benefits when recalculating interest.

Credit Calculators from Banks

Lenders care about the well-being of customers and promote the definition of the optimal conditions of the loan. Online credit calculators from well-known banks allow each applicant to promptly adjust the request on the official website in accordance with its financial position. Potential borrowers Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Sovcombank, Raiffeisenbank, Eastern Bank, VTB, Citibank, Ubrir, Gazprombank, other organizations of federal and regional importance are proposed to promptly draw up a payment schedule to identify the most effective option of mutually beneficial cooperation.

What can be calculated by a calculator:

The timely change of individual characteristics in the request for issuing funds contributes to the successful performance of duties under the contract. Before applying for a loan, it is worth calculating a special loan calculator via the Internet debt schedule and evaluate significant indicators:

Annuity plates

It is used in most cases, provide for the same amount of all monthly payments and ensure uniform and not too burdensome load on the personal budget.

Differentiated payment

With a gradual decline in the monthly board, it is used less frequently by the annuity due to increased costs of initial contributions, but provides for a smaller overpayment. This method is relevant for large long-term loans, such as mortgage.

The dimensions of the accrued interest

Calculated by the system separately for each month and for the entire period of use provided by money, which helps to accurately establish overpaid at each stage and determine the benefits of fulfilling the obligations of the previously established date.

Amounts of payment

It is clearly displayed in the table, which allows you to quickly compare your own income of the applicant with a planned debt load, adjust the application and reduce the risks of the occurrence of overdue.

The ratio of the principal and percentage

As part of the next contribution, it allows you to clarify the balance of debt when planning early payment of payment or dedication in a third-party organization. Remote resource services contribute to the adoption of reasonable, weighted decisions on lending and personal finance management.

The credit calculator is one of the most convenient and rapid ways to calculate the main indicators of consumer loan, knowing which, it is easy to estimate the conditions of several banks and choose the most profitable. Using it, you can see current offers of 2019, to calculate the loan payment in advance and evaluate your financial opportunities before turning to the bank.

Credit calculation

  • the presence of guarantors and confirming the income of references;
  • the form of issuance of money (cash or card);
  • experience;
  • age;
  • availability of collateral;
  • the term of consideration of the online application on credit.

Additionally, you can specify a specific bank in which you would like to take a loan. In addition, extended settings allow you to find financial institutions that give money to persons with bad credit history, beneficiaries and citizens with temporary registration. All presented options can be sorted by the size of the annual percent and the amount of the loan.

How to calculate a monthly loan payment

To view detailed information about a specific credit product, you must click on its name. A page with an indication of the conditions for obtaining and repayment of the loan, as well as its main parameters, such as:

  • amount;
  • type of payments;
  • currency;
  • monthly payments;
  • interest rate;
  • total cost;
  • payment schedule;
  • list of necessary documents;
  • the age of the borrower.

Using a loan repayment calculator, you can see the preliminary calculation by months, indicating the date of payments, their size and debt balance. Here you can calculate the overpaid on the loan.

Example of calculating a loan in an online calculator

Loan balance


Repayment of the main duty

Amount of payment

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