
Where to invest money, or the most profitable investment. Where it is profitable to invest money - ideas for the right investment

Earn money is often postponed to buy major things. But not many are informed that it is possible to increase its savings, investing them into a profitable business or buying shares. It's time to figure out how it is profitable to invest money and at the same time make a profit.

What to invest money

More recently, citizens of the country did not have a large number of options where money to invest: they were offered only bank deposits and the purchase of privatization checks. Today, investing money is a new tool that gives an excellent opportunity not only to get a bonus in the form of additional cash receipts, but also favorable investments For years ahead. Such actions create a fertile ground for obtaining passive income. A person can engage in various matters, not delight in the subtleties of the stock of everyday brokers, but at the same time receive a guaranteed income.

Financial investments

Investing free money in financial instruments to get from this profit - this is financial investments. What do these tools mean at the present stage of market development? These may be the following attachments:

  • bonds;
  • stocks;
  • futures;
  • precious paper;
  • options, etc.

Direct investments

To participate in the management of the company there are straight, or real investment. This is a risky kind of capital investment, because in this way the investor invests its cash in the case, which is only at the stage of its formation, and it will be able to receive profits only in the event of a successful business development. Another distinctive feature of direct investment is a long period of their investment and less liquidity compared to other types.

It is worth noting that professionals should invest money in real investment, since in addition to financial injections, a person must have a number of knowledge that will help him lead the right management of the enterprise, its labor and financial resources. He must have great links to organize the sale of products and a lot more - otherwise the case will quickly go bankrupt.

Direct investments involve obtaining high yields, they are not exposed to strong influence on market fluctuations. In addition, the investor will be able to cover its expenses in certain cases by selling not only manufactured products, but also material values Enterprises. The real investments themselves are divided into material and intangible.

Speculative investments

This species Attachments are of interest to those people who want to make a profit on changing the cost of their assets. They are characterized by increased risk, because it is impossible to completely predict the yield, especially if there is an unstable situation in the economy. This species helps to obtain significant income profit, although sometimes you can lose everything. Basic tools speculative investment:

  • currency;
  • precious metals;
  • futures;
  • options;
  • securities;
  • real assets (oil, gas, etc.).

Where to invest money so they worked

Where to invest money - everyone should answer this question for himself, since depending on the quantity moneyThe presence of certain knowledge can be selected the appropriate option. A person can choose passive investment. This type of investment does not imply active participation in the formation of profits - investments are given management companywhich is engaged in all issues of investment.

If the investment of funds in order to obtain profits implies an active part in the formation of income, then you can also seek help from a specialist who perfectly understands all the peripets of exchange and financial affairs. He will be able to send to the right path and indicate where to invest money by creating a profit scheme from the point of view of the investor's wishes.

Investing in real estate

Investments in real estate can be carried out in several ways:

The investment of money in real estate is a risky business, because it gives a good opportunity to earn a good margin at the difference from the cost, but on the other hand, real estate at a certain point can sharply depreciate, therefore, investing the money in this way, you can lose large in this way. In addition, it is necessary to have sufficient financial resourcesthat not everyone has.

Invest money in business

Open a Personal Business - What could be more pleasant? Yes, and so that it brings a substantial profit - the pleasure is doubly! Invest in their own business - risk, as it implies moral and material costs. There is always a chance of bankruptcy, especially if you do not have sufficient knowledge to keep your own business. On the other hand, such a type of investment is the possibility of self-realization and large profitability. In addition, there is an opportunity to invest money in someone else's business under conditions of partial entry into business or the full purchase of the company.

Put money on a deposit

Deposit is one of the popular investment methods, which is a stable way to increase. Investing money under the high percentage in the bank is unlikely to succeed, since financial institutions establish rates according to the Policy of the Central Bank of Russia, and it does not allow banks to engage in this kind of speculation. It is advantageous to invest money in the bank for interest is an option for depositors who do not like to risk and accustomed to calculate the amount of their income for a certain period of time.

The process of investing money itself is simple and developed for years:

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to study all kinds of proposals and choose those that are optimally suitable in all respects.
  • Then you need to go to the bank to conclude a contract. It should be borne in mind that many institutions offer online registration of deposits, which simplifies the procedure.
  • Percentage payments can be taken every month or at the end of the deposit period.

Investment in stock market

This kind of profits tool is complex and requires an investor of certain knowledge, skills and continuous improvement. The competent investment in the promotion is the prerogative of experienced participants, but if there is a desire, you can always try something new. Wherever you can invest more:

  • stocks;
  • futures;
  • options;
  • bonds and other securities.

Investment in mutual investment

Our customers have mutual investment funds offer to acquire a share (Buy Pai) in the investment portfolio, which consists of a list valuable papers different enterprises. Picks up the products a specially trained person who is called the manager or broker. It watches and analyzes the state of the market in order to respond in a timely manner to changes in the value of the financial portfolio components. This type of investment is ideal for novice players, because they can in practice to study the Azam Exam Trade.

Where to invest money on the Internet to earn

The worldwide network is not only a space where you can search for the necessary information, to get acquainted with people or play online games. Here you successfully earn money, but they make it very few people. It is possible to produce safe deposits on the Internet to certain projects. Invested money can bring tens of percent per annum.

You can play with money on the stock exchange - for this will suit Forex, and if games with currency (dollars, euro, rubles), cryptocurrency (bitcoins, etc.) are not suitable, then you can invest in PAMM account. There is still a mass of ways and ideas where to invest money that gives excellent opportunity Earn in the World Wide Web, but this is a question for a separate study.

Investments in currency

Daily by currency exchanges You can earn great money, however, here you have to have knowledge and skills, be ready to give this case many hours both during the day and at night, and sometimes day long. Forex investments and similar tools are a matter for professionals, although newcomers can also invest money here, because for them a great opportunity has been created - try their forces on specially developed simulators.

Investments in precious metals

It is beneficial to the precious metals to invest money - this question is hardly a specific answer. Yes, they are practically not subject to inflation, such contributions are reliable, external factors do not affect them, but investing in precious metals also have their own nuances. There are several options for this type of investment:

  • purchase jewelry;
  • acquisition of ingots;
  • opening of the so-called metallic account;
  • purchase memorable coins.

Non-profit social investments

Investment and other resources in objects social sphere (for example, investments in education, culture, etc.) to get some profit or another effect - this is NSI. These tools imply the interaction of power, inverters and societies in order to improve the quality and level of living and maintenance of the population or certain groups. These are investments in order to achieve a positive effect or structural reforms from implementing certain programs.

How much can you invest

How much money to invest is difficult questionwhich no one will give a certain answer. It all depends not only on the desire of a person, but also from his financial opportunities. For some people, an indicator equal to 1000 rubles will be considered a big success monthly, and someone decides to invest in order to obtain at least 100% increase.

For such investments, as real estate or direct investment, a decent amount of money will be required, and for a bank deposit, it is enough to invest several hundred rubles. For this reason, the minimum amount of investment can be any - it all depends on the income and savings of the investor, as well as from the amounts that he can afford to invest.

Where you can invest a small amount of money

Often there is a question where to invest small money to increase capital? At first glance, this is difficult, but it is not worth a hurry with such an incorrect statement, because it can bring a pleasant bonus even a small amount of money. Over time, the received money can be involved in working capital and have a good income in the future. To do this, it is allowed to use several options where you can attach earned money. Some of them may seem unreal, but in fact, many investments do not imply large investments at the initial stage:

  • bank deposit;
  • purchase of precious metals / ingots;
  • trust management;
  • investment in someone else's business on the rights of the companion;
  • Mutual mutual
  • securities;
  • PAMM accounts;
  • earnings on the Internet;
  • opening your own website and place contextual advertising on it.

Video: Investment Methods

How to reduce risks

How to reduce labor intensity

How much money to invest

Actual types of low risk investments

What to pay attention to when choosing where to invest

To understand whether to invest in one or another source of income, it is necessary first to define the criteria for which it will be determined by it or not.

If you restrict ourselves to three simple criteria, we would like to highlight the following:


The yield is undoubtedly one of the defining factors when choosing where to invest money to earn. It is measured most often in percent percent per sum of the invested capital and determines how much capital will increase in a year, that is, how much will the investor work. If we want the money to work, and not just save them, then at a minimum, the level of yield should be higher than the level of annual inflation. At the moment, bank deposits in Moscow cannot boast of this, since the average rate on them is about 8.5% is lower than the level of average annual inflation, which over the past three years before 2017 is 9.9%. Therefore, to invest in a high percentage and earn money on it, you need to use other features that we will look at further.


The risk level is also the main criterion when choosing where to invest in interest. Risks are the likelihood of events in which the investor can lose their profit or even its investments. If, when considering ready-made investment proposals, the amount of profitability is most often determined immediately, then the quantitative risk assessment is almost always unknown. This is due to the fact that to predict the likelihood of certain negative consequences Most often it is very difficult. Yes, and not all consequences can be defined. Therefore, when choosing, where to put money for interest, it is best to delve yourself, and on what the project actually earns how this process has long been established and there can be a situation in which something will not go wrong. If you do not have sufficient experience in these processes, it is better to attract the experts to this, who understand this and understand. It also needs to be understood that most often than the higher yield, the higher the risks. If you are a novice investor, then at the initial stage it is better to invest money under a small percentage, and as experience gaining experience already on more profitable offer Under the high percentage.

Labor intensity

If in a pure investment, when I put money and do nothing more, it is enough, in our opinion, an understanding of the levels of profitability and risks, then, for example, when investing in your own business, an additional factor appears, as laboriousness - this is the amount of working time spent, multiplied by experience and expert performers. In other words, how much time you or your team will spend on business development, and in any number of knowledge and skills you possess. The development of its own project can have the highest yield: hundreds or even thousands of percent per annum, but at the same time the necessary labor-intensiveness of the process is strongly increasing, especially if you independently participate in business processes. The risks at the same time have the opposite dependence on the experience and expense of the team, that is, the more experience and knowledge - the less risks.

Where to invest in 2019 in order not to lose - Moscow expert advice

When there is an understanding which factors are determining when choosing, where to invest money, so that they work, you can already consider and evaluate specific investments than now we will do.

All options will be somehow related to mortgage loans.

We believe that such investments, on objective reasons, are the least risky, but they have a high yield.

At the same time, everyone can find an acceptable type of type, based on possible labor costs and the availability of expense.

To begin with, we will tell you more about what loans are secured and why the risks are minimal. Loans secured - these are loans that give out financial companies (MFIs, PDAs, auto bardes, leasing companies) Or private lenders secured by real estate and cars. All this activity is legal and regulated by the relevant laws of the Russian Federation. Rates on such loans are much higher than that of bank loans, and averaging from 40% to 100% per annum. Borrowers are most often entrepreneurs - the level of profitability of their business allows high percentagesAnd they have no opportunity to pass long and thorough bank checks. The second category of borrowers is people with spoiled credit history, The road to banks for which is closed. Or people who are not able to confirm their informal income.

All loans are issued or secured by real estate, or on the security of cars. At the same time, the maximum loan amount most often does not exceed 50% of market value The object of pledge, and the loan period is usually not more than one year. If the borrower cannot pay a loan, then the object of pledge is sold at a market value, which allows you to cover the amount of the principal debt, and the amount of accrued interest. If the difference remains - it is transmitted to the borrower.

It is the presence of collaterals that provides a minimum risk level for the investor, financial companies And this activity as a whole.

In 2019, as experts noted, activities with mortgage loans became particularly popular and in demand from borrowers, and decent players appeared on the market of non-bank lending. individuals Without any labor costs, invest money in this sphere and not only not to lose, but also to make money well on this, receiving your percentage with a guarantee provided by the presence of collateral.

Now, when we figured out how it works, and why the risks are minimal, we turn to the consideration of specific species of investments, their profitability and complexity. Total three options:

  • Favorable treasures from 14% to 22% per annum
  • Investment easily under 24% per annum
  • Investing-pro up to 100% per annum

Let us dwell on each of the options, and you can find out in detail about each one by going on the relevant link where you can also leave an application for participation in the relevant program.

Favorable contributions

This type will suit those who do not want or cannot be given time to invest. Everything is simple here: invested money and received income after the expiration of the deposit period or monthly payments depending on the type of deposit. No labor costs on the part of the investor, but also the yield is not the highest, but 2.5 times higher than deposits in banks - from 14% to 22% per annum. Favorable contributions It is suitable for those who want to invest, for example, 100,000 rubles, since the minimum deposit amount is 1000 rubles.

This type for those who want to immerse themselves in investing in loans secured and receive a higher yield from investments than in conventional deposits. Here, directly the investor himself issues loans secured on his own behalf, but all other business processes are such as the search for borrowers, underwriting (risk assessment and checking of the borrower), assessment of the deposit, drawing up contracts, receiving payments and other, carry out qualified specialists. Investor labor costs are consideration and selection of investment proposals and the presence on the conclusion of the contract. Yield 24% per annum. It is suitable in the presence of investments from 300,000 rubles, optimally invest 500,000 rubles and more.

The most profitable, but also the most time-consuming type of investment of money. This method is suitable for those who are well versed in loans on bail. In contrast to the previous method, all business processes, except for the search for borrowers, must be made independently. Yield up to 100% per annum. A good optionwhere to invest 100,000 rubles and after a year and a half earn a million rubles from above.

Where it is profitable to invest in interest - comparing options

  • Risks
  • Payments
  • Labor intensity
  • Amount of investment

You go to work every morning, day after day, from year to year. And all your life is rather reminiscent of Groundhog's day. Every day is similar to the previous one. All your income received at work you safely spend on life. As a result, it turns out a vicious circle. And what's next? - You think. You need to change something in this life. One way to break the current situation is investment.

After all, what is investment?

Investments are an investment of money today, in order to receive them tomorrow, but more. Or receiving constant passive income, from once invested funds.

Of course, it's immediately possible to find great amount. Most investors are starting with very modest amounts that turn out to be postponed from salaries. Here is the main thing this is constancy and time. In combination with these parameters, any, even a minor capital can grow in a fairly decent amount, allowing to receive a very good income to its owner, which will exceed your current income. Please note that it will be fully passive income, formed practically without your participation.

Before beginner investors, many questions arise, the main of which is where you can invest. Especially if it comes to at all small sum money. It is the restriction on the amount of invested funds causes its own adjustments for possible investments. But nevertheless, even with small money There are many ways to earn and multiply your blood.

6 ways to invest new money

Investing in bank deposits

Bank deposits or deposits, the easiest and most reliable type of investment. Opening the contribution to the bank, you will know in advance. What income you get at the end of the term. And most importantly, guaranteed income. Deposits are almost the only one financial instrument, the yield on which is known in advance. Other investments such a guarantee are not carried. You can make both earn and lose. Also, do not forget that the preservation of deposits is guaranteed by the state (in the amount of 1.4 million rubles). If the amount exceeds this threshold, it is better to open several deposits in different banks.

Bank deposits are used mainly as a means of initial capital accumulation. When achieving a certain level of funds in the account, the investor becomes available other investment opportunities. Why? The answer is quite simple - very low yield. Typically, deposit rates are within inflation. Therefore, to get rich on investments in deposits is unlikely to succeed.

Currency deposits

In the conditions of the difficult economic situation in the country, currency deposits Again began to gain popularity. The ruble rapidly loses its position compared to other financial payment systems. And even in order to save their savings, deposits are used in foreign currency. And although the yield on such contributions is quite modest, in the region of 2-5% per annum, real earnings may exceed the current yield several times. Due to the weakening of the ruble and, accordingly, strengthening the currency.

It is foreign exchange deposits that have been the most profitable in the last 5 years, among the main types of investments. Those who discovered similar deposits a few years ago earned more than 230% of profits. For comparison, simple ruble deposits have shown a yield of 83% for the same period.

Investment in mutual investment

  • possibility of investing small amounts
  • tax exemption
  • no need to store at home, exposing the risks of theft
  • you can buy-sell parts, if necessary

Other possible ways of investment in gold (buying ingots, gold coins) - just have the disadvantages that are advantages of the OMS.

Passive earnings - what many people dream about the age, place of residence and other factors. One of the most famous and reliable ways receiving passive income are deposits, but not everyone knows what to do to implement such a dream.

We often ask us how to invest money in 2019 to earn money, so we have prepared material for you with a detailed consideration of various investment options.

5 options to invest money profitable

There are a large number of money investment options, but we made up the top 5 most profitable. When drawing up this list, we tried to correlate and profitably and risks, so you will not see it ways of earnings that suggest high risks.

Let's start considering investment options from a less profitable method out of 5.

5. PIFES - Monthly income

Recommended investments: from 15 000 rubles.
Risk: middle.
Yield: Low.

Often to the question where to invest money to get monthly incomepeople get an answer about the variant associated with mutual investment funds (PIPI). Under this title, a special property complex lies, which does not have a legal entity.

Each FIF is based on principle trust management Property Fund. Thus, it is possible to achieve an increase in the cost of this property, which means the appearance of profits for each investor (they are called "shareholders" in such a system). The number of feces depends on the amount of investments, the amount of profit to the total number and the amount of profit (more investigate more, get more).

It is worth clarifying that the investment paem is called a special security, which certifies the right of the owner of this paper on a certain part of the property fund to which it belongs. In the rules of a specific fund you can find more information About this valuable paper.

Paying on the cost at the cost of the current time - it means to exchange securities for money, and the amount of the amount will fully depend on the percentage on which you have the right, it is specified in the PAE.

It should be noted that each Pai provides a certain amount of rights regardless of investors, and accounting for the rights of each owner is carried out with the help of an independent organization, which contains the register of investment fell owners.

Yes, this embodiment can be considered in some situations, but the amount of income, brought by him, according to the last data, is not as large, and the risks of investments in mutual impact are relatively high (it is impossible to call them large, but there is a chance in the market in the market, and this will lead to significant losses of shareholders).

4. Bank contribution under interest

Recommended investments:
from 100,000 rubles.
Risk: minimum.
Yield: Low.

If you think where to put money at percent to have stable income Throughout 2019, one of the most acceptable options will be a bank deposit.

Let's consider the essence of this option: Depositor (person wishing to open bank deposit) Transmits a loan institution a certain amount of money, which conducts certain financial transactions with them leading to profit. Thus, the bank can make a profit for itself and the depositor.

It is worth discussing such a moment as interest rate. Depositor will receive fixed amount profits regardless of success financial operationswhich were held with your money. If the contribution provides 10% per annum, how it is easy to guess, with 100,000 rubles of the contribution of a person will receive 10,000 profits. Yes, annual percentage This option is relatively small, but it is worth understanding that there are practically no risks in such a way.

The only risk that exists in a person who has fulfilled a bank deposit is a certain chance of a license bank loss or its ruin. Fortunately, such situations can be easily avoided if you adhere to one simple rule - contact only well-known and reliable banks.

Note!The example does not reflect the entire essence of deposits, because there are other options. Carefully examine the conditions, because the percentage can accrue more than once a year, but 4 times, or even every month. Of course, in such situations, interest will be much smaller, if you are not sure that you can do without this money, it is worth considering such options.

Recommended investments:
from 30 000 rubles.
Risk: minimum.
Yield: below average.

You can easily choose a place where it is better to put a novice investor, but to come to a specific conclusion will not work, since there are a large number of points of view, many of which contradict each other. Let's consider the two main options in the third position - securities and precious metals, as well as make conclusions.

As for the securities, they are found different types:

  • main (promotions, bonds, bills and much more);
  • derivatives (options, swaps and other).

Note that for the competent attachments of this type, it is necessary to study a lot of information regarding this issue and be aware of the current market situation. Thoughtless investments in securities are unlikely to lead at least some profit, therefore it is worth considering the second option.

As for precious metals, such investments are much simpler, as each person understands their essence. The most common option is the simple purchase of one of the metals located in the following list:

  • platinum;
  • gold;
  • palladium;
  • silver.

This option does not always bring profit (for this you need a large jump in the price), because the sale price is always significantly varied with the acquisition price. The most interesting way to invest in precious metals is the acquisition of precious coins that have an additional cause of the cost of value.

We are talking about the zeal of collectors to purchase them, because the circulation of such coins is strongly limited. But it is worth understanding, such an investment is designed for at least 10 years, because you need to wait until the coin becomes popular.

Note! The risk of investment in precious metals is minimal, as they are all slowly, but added in value.

2. Investments in PAMM-account

Recommended investments:
from 1000 rubles.
Risk: middle.
Yield: High.

The worldwide network is incredibly developed, so many people began to ask a specific issue where to invest money on the Internet in 2019. We will tell about the way to earn, which is the most profitable for today in Russia. We are talking about passive income, where to invest more profitable money, we will now tell.

PAMM-account is the term closely related to the Forex market, but do not rush to choose from the previously presented methods, since such investments do not imply a thorough and long study of the market. If you explain the essence of such investments simple words, then, you can say, you just trust your money to the trader (manager), which they trades them.

It should be noted that the PAMM account makes a certain contribution and the manager himself, then the percentage of investment of each investor is calculated. It is necessary in order to correctly divide the profits (what percentage you have from the amount of PAMM account, this percentage of profits from trade operations And it will be yours).

The most famous PAMM-broker today is, here are the largest and profitable PAMM accounts.

This option has risks that can be reduced if you know certain. We are talking about the choice of the manager, from which it depends, whether you will make a profit or losses to endure.

When choosing, it is necessary to rely on the profitability of the score, its sediment and many other factors (we advise you to study the schedule, which should be attached to each PAMM account). It is important to look at the contribution of the manager itself, because it can say a lot, or rather, about his confidence in his power and a specific account.

It is worth noting that the PAMM accounts have one indisputable advantage, the essence of which is the lack of money to the trader, because they will continue to be in your account, that is, he can only trade, and it will be impossible to output these funds for it.

Recommended investments:
from 1,000,000 rubles.
Risk: minimum.
Yield: average.

We are often asked where to invest a million rubles to make money without high risks. One of the most famous public methods is the purchase of real estate. In this issue, the main complexity is not to be mistaken with the acquisition of an apartment in any new sector, where there will be no strong demand in the future.

Profitable This way of earning is to be called in those situations when a person can competently analyze the situation and understand whether the demand for this property in the future will be. 1 million rubles is the minimum amount, but it is better to engage in such investments in the presence of at least 3-4 million.

The disadvantages of the method are that if you pay with the acquisition, then you will simply lose part of the initial amount, and the losses will be significant. Also mention and about a significant loss of time.

Buying a property is recommended only to those people who are ready to analyze the real estate market, compare proposals and competently choose the most attractive options. It is worth understanding that it will take a lot of time to go, but with a share of good luck and trying to earn quite a lot.

This material contains the most popular options for the advice of experts, but to the question where it is profitable to invest in 2019 in order not to lose, you must answer yourself. Someone prefers more profitable options, and someone seeks to protect themselves from high risks.

In education

Behind the shoulders for several years of work, and it is already clear what skills lack and in which direction you need to move on. Free money is worth investing in courses, seminars, trainings. The main thing is to make sure that they are made not charlatans, and people respected in their environment. Such spending will bring new knowledge and new connections. And this promises many interesting projects and an increase in salary in the future.

In the airbag

The period from the age of up to 25-30 years is the age of risk. Landlord may refuse removable apartment. At work will reduce the youngest, because he came the last. I want to move to another city, which opens more prospects.

To survive the crisis period with minimal losses, you need to have a sum that would be enough for a normal existence within two months. It is enough to make a deposit for new apartment and pay the percentage of the real estate so as not to starve during the search new work. To move, it is advisable to use additional sources of income.

Tips for more young age are valid for all subsequent periods of life.

In stock

When the accumulation is small, you can try the system for the future. Determine the amount, parting from which you will survive for a long time, and it is in "blue chips" - shares that show a tendency to increase. After 5-7 years, check how much money "accumulated".

In franchise

Franchise is a version of the finished business, when all conditions for development have already been created. But in this case, not only you choose, but also you. Readiness is needed to meet the rules and work in a team.

The costs of the franchise can be from 100 thousand to several million. There are no direct links between the value and prestige. The costs of production area, equipment and so on are important.

Franchise is a training that you do not pay money, and also earn in the process. So it is she who is ideal for a young businessman. And it's easier to combine with work than your own business.

Where to invest in 30 years

In the Stabilization Foundation

This amount should be enough for the family to live in a habitual mode for at least six months. Money is convenient to store on a bank account in a bank: a small percentage is accrued monthly, and you can remove the entire amount or part of it without loss.

In accumulation

If money in the near future does not need, they can be put on a deposit to the bank for a fixed period. Early removal, most likely, will deprive you of all bonuses, but the interest rate here is higher. Please note whether there is capitalization. If any, accruals will be tie to total amount Monthly, then interest is accrued already for the increased amount.

Another important moment - The possibility of replenishing the deposit. The more you bring, the more you can pick up.

Increase capital will turn out if the interest rate is higher than inflation. If not, we are talking only about saving money.

In real estate through a mortgage

This option works if you already have accommodation. Perhaps you have already managed to divide with a mortgage for one apartment and accumulate the initial contribution to the second. In general, investing in real estate through a mortgage is a controversial step.

Suppose you buy an apartment for 3 million rubles with initial contribution At 750 thousand and 13% per annum. You are ready to pay 33.6 thousand rubles every month for 10 years. During this time, you will give 4.03 million bank, including 1.78 million per alarm. The apartment cost 4.78 million rubles, and there is a possibility that its market price for 10 years will not take off.

If this is a secondary housing market, you can pass the apartment all this time. Based on the cost of housing, it can be assumed that the tenant will pay 20 thousand rubles per month. For 10 years he will give 2.4 million, which will completely cover interest on the mortgage and 20% initial cost Apartments. In this case, the accommodation will cost you 2.38 million.

In own business

Suppose, earlier you were strained on a franchise or otherwise mastered the skills of reference. Now you can invest money in your own business.

It is not necessary to open an enterprise from scratch, you can buy a finished company. Such suggestions are even on sites where they are mainly selling iron and baby strollers. We are talking, of course, not about the factories. These are usually small floral kiosks, greenhouses for the cultivation of dill, maintenance station, online shopping, beauty salons.

Plus such a purchase is that the company is already working: the staff is formed, suppliers and customers are found. What should pay attention to not to burn:

  • profitability;
  • reputation;
  • lack of problems with law;
  • terms of rental of premises or plot.

Even taking into account the fact that the enterprise is already working, to make a profit will have to sweat: understand business processes, to additionally invest in advertising.

To succeed, it is important to understand how to destroy problems, including those who are inspected which tools work, and which - no, what kind of business is your own way and where you can perfectly realize your knowledge and skills.

Roman Alehin, founder of the Marketing Group "Alehin and partners"

Where to invest in 40 years


On the state support Only completed optimists may hope. Therefore, time to think how to feed yourself in old age. In this question, long-term deposits, "blue chips" are suitable. There are also options that will bring profits only in the long run.

Buying gold

We are not talking about jewelry, most of the price of which is the work of the Master. Buy gold bars or coins, purchase stock provided by the precious metallol. The peculiarity of such an investment is that it justifies himself only after a decade or two. That is, just to pensions.

Venture funds

It is not worth putting all your money on this horse. Venture funds invest customers in innovative enterprises and startups, and it is always risky. 70-80% of them do not become profitable, all hope for the remaining 20-30%.

On the other hand, a small company can grow to Google or Apple. In this case, the investment will be not only profitable, but also enjoyable: it will be possible to boil that invested in the conditioned Google at the dawn of his activities.

In real estate without mortgage

Buy an apartment without overpayment and take it - a variant of stable passive income. On the rentally, you can hardly live without breaking, but this money will be a pleasant addition to income. In addition, real estate is an asset that grows in price. The main thing is to verify that the house does not mean in the lists to settle or renovation.

In health

Passive income is fine. But if interest from deposits, securities and other attachments are able to feed you, hardly you faced with financial problems And earlier. For the rest, it is not excessive purpose will extend the able-bodied age.

After 35 years, the body begins slowly, but it is right to collapse. Therefore it is worth checking everything. important systems And to continue to do it regularly. On a separate line Standing is worth the dentistry. Now implants are inserted mainly natural color, but at a price it is truly "golden" teeth. So come to the dentist and cure right now.

Investments are always risk. But whoever does not risk and keeps the money at home, he loses the percentage of the amount at least in the amount of inflation. According to the forecast of the ministry economic Development, in the next three years it will be 4% Forecast of socio-economic development until 2020..

Keep money, risking, or safely, but inefficiently store them under the mattress - what method did you choose?

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