
URALSIB leasing company. Leasing in the bank of Uralsib. Leasing in the bank of Uralsib


Uralsib Leasing is a universal federal company, a recognized market leader, which is part of the nine large companiesforming business in leasing and financial rental.

Advantages of Uralsib Leesing

This company is ready to provide customers:

  • more than one and a half decades of successful activity in the field of leasing;
  • a solid position in the top ten of the largest leasing companies;
  • developed network operating in 45 regions of the Russian Federation;
  • additional service activities in the field of insurance and registration in the traffic police;
  • the most favorable price due to special conditions Acquisition of equipment from partner companies;
  • the ability to sign agreements with the minimum packet of documents in the absence of financial inspections;
  • the fastest decision-making;
  • high service level.
  • receive proposals for cooperation in 24 \\ 7.

What is the leasing company URALSIB?

Uralsib Leasing is a company whose activities contribute to expansion financial opportunities Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship by concluding contracts for financial leasing of vehicles, equipment and special equipment. Uralsib Leasing works in all districts of the Russian Federation, so it can offer customers the most profitable terms Financial lease. The company is successfully fulfilling its own mission, which sees in the development of domestic entrepreneurship by updating the means of production of new and ex-operating equipment. URALSIB leasing collaborates with entrepreneurs of any form of ownership, offering conclusion of transactions on the most beneficial conditions for customers with a minimum term of consideration and a simplified option for signing the Agreement.

What programs does URALSIB leasing offer?

Uralsib Leasing - expands the ability to increase the profitability of enterprises, offering leasing programs to:

  • Auto commercial type;
  • Cargo cars of different load capacity, tractor and semi-trailers;
  • Passenger cars of domestic and foreign production;
  • Equipment for a different business (from printing and forestry to shopping, warehouse, etc.);
  • Agricultural machinery and special equipment.

To find the most interesting offer of URALSIB Leasing 2018 provides each potential customer to calculate the agreement using a special calculator posted on the page of the official site by placing this electronic form The following details of the transaction: the magnitude of the advance amount, the term of the contract and total leasing.

How to arrange leasing?

The leasing program exists for any type of entrepreneurship. Information about this is posted on a page with appropriate equipment:

  • It is necessary to issue a minimum package of documents, which includes documentation on BUST, income statements and loss at a specific reporting period;
  • For leasing, a certain minimum term of the enterprise is required;
  • The presence of personal positive capital;
  • For individuals We need copies of a passport, driver's license.

You can choose the conclusion of an agreement with the analysis of financiality and without it. Document packages for each option will be present in the table.

Financing conditions (rates) are set forth on pages with a corresponding type of contract.

Financial Corporation URALSIB includes not only the bank of the same name, but also a company engaged in leasing. 15 years of work experience and high degree of reliability allow us to talk about the company, as about one of the leaders of this market segment.

Consider in more detail the conditions for obtaining financing in Uralsib Leasing.

General terms of contract

Leasing is called one of the options for credit financing under a certain object.

In Uralsib-Leasing, such objects can be:

  • cars;
  • commercial transport;
  • trucks;
  • special equipment;
  • equipment for business.

Uralsib Leasing works with dozens of official vendors of automotive equipment and equipment.

Each client can choose the necessary object for optimal value.

An extensive network of branches throughout the country allows the company to cover the maximum number of territory.

Lease principles:

  • the company-the lessee is obliged to return funds paid for it to the lessor;
  • the company-the lessee is obliged to pay the percentage of the rise in prices for the lessor for using the leased object;

  • the conclusion of the lease agreement always takes place on a specific object (car, transport equipment, equipment).

When buying an object on leased conditions, the lessee provides an obligation to make any manipulations with it.

It has no right to sell, lease to third parties, repaint or change the configuration of an object without a written permission to this lessor.

When using a leased object in the field of activity taxable VAT, the leaser holders the right to return tax deductions in the amount of VAT - 18%.

The main conditions in Uralsib Leasing are as follows:

The amount of the deal

Treaty term

Advance payment
With the analysis of Fin. explanatory Without Ana Lisa Fin. explanatory With the analysis of Fin. explanatory Without Ana Lisa Fin. explanatory With Ana Liz Fin. explanatory Without Ana Lisa Fin. explanatory
Passenger cars


Commercial trance- port,



social appliances

Up to 30 000 000 rubles Up to 15 000 000 rubles From 1 year to 5 years From 1 year to 3 years

From 10% to 49%



Up to 30 000 000 rubles Up to 1 000 000 rubles From 1 year to 3 years From 1 year to 3 years From 25% to 49% From 35% to 49%

Uralsib-Leasing does not work with individuals.

How to get a?

To arrange transport or equipment in leasing, organizations need to be applied to one of the leasing companies, for example, in Uralsib-Leasing. Select an object and apply.

Specialists will contact the company, will check its financial documents and will offer the terms of the contract.

The contract is signed on mutually beneficial conditions. The lessee lists the leasing company advance payment For the selected leased object.

The lessor pays the entire cost of the object to the Supplier. The lessee upon receipt examines the object and signs the act of acceptance and transmission.

The company enjoys an intended object and pays to the lessor monthly payments in accordance with the schedule installed when signing the contract.

URALSIB leasing in Moscow

The capital presents a large selection of leasing companies. Uralsib Leasing is in the list of leading due to its loyal conditions:

  • a small advance payment from 10%. No need to withdraw from the turnover of the enterprise a large amount of funds in order to expand activities;
  • a large range of equipment, cars and equipment from official dealers;

  • the term of the contract for up to 5 years allows to pay funds on a comfortable environment;
  • ability to arrange leased, if there is a minimum package of documents.

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Requirements for borrowers

Uralsib Leasing proposes to issue a lease agreement to small and medium-sized businesses working in various fields of production.

The basic requirements are:

  • maintaining the main statutory activities of at least 1 year;
  • the presence of constituent documents;
  • availability of a current account in the bank and operations on it;
  • accounting and reporting.

Auto in Leasing

To arrange a car or car park in Leasing, Uralsib offers convenient conditions for enterprises.

A small advance will not allow the company financially "strain." Leasing cars will work upon receipt of profit for the company. The company can get tax deductions on the amount of VAT, which is important.

With successful work, the company can redeem the leased object, but not earlier than 6 months from the beginning of the contract.

At the end of the contract, the lessee may issue an object in the property, only after paying the entire cost of the contract plus a redemption payment. The amount of redemption payment is established by a leasing company.

Used cars

Uralsib Leasing offers to acquire techniques that used on favorable terms.

The price of such machines will be significantly lower than the cost of new, while its operational specifications Will be more understandable.

Interest rates

The interest rate under leasing agreements is called rise in price.

It is calculated individually for each enterprise, depending on:

  • from the rules of profit of the lessor;
  • conditions of economic activity of the enterprise;
  • availability;
  • credit history;
  • nuances selling leased object.

Sometimes the rise may rise 0%. This happens when the supplier gives a discount to the lessor at the cost of the object being purchased.

List of documents

Uralsib Leasing works in two programs:

1. "Minimum documents, minimum checks." It must be provided:

  • application form;
  • certificate from the bank about the absence of delay, card files number 2, extract for operations;
  • constituent documents;
  • documents on your own / rented room.

2. "The minimum rise in price with a small check."

Required documents:

  • application form;
  • decoding on loan obligations;
  • boo reporting on F1 and F2 for the 5 recent reporting periods;
  • extract from the bank by revolutions at the current account, the absence of overdue and card files No. 2;
  • analysis of accounting accounts 50, 51, 57.

Debt repayment

The debt repayment under the lease agreement is made according to the payment schedule approved by the parties.

It may be annuity (equal payments), differentiated (decreasing payments) and seasonal, if there is such an opportunity.

In the latter case, the maximum payments are paid during periods of obtaining maximum profit lessee.

Payment of debt takes bank payments From the settlement account of the lessee to the current account of the lessor, unless otherwise provided by the lease agreement.


In Uralsib Leasing, the maximum term of the contract is 5 years.

In cases of acquiring equipment to lease or when issuing a contract under the terms of "without analysis", the term of the contract will be 3 years.

A larger term of the contract allows the organization-lessee to minimize its monthly debt payment costs.

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Pros and cons

Pluses of leasing in Uralsib:

  • extensive work experience;
  • a huge number of suppliers;
  • large branch network;
  • leasing of diverse equipment;
  • understandable conditions;
  • the ability to refund tax on VAT;
  • availability of simplified design programs.


  • does not work with individuals;
  • under the bankruptcy of the lessor, the leased object can be removed from the holder;

  • the lysine holder has no right to perform any actions with the object without the consent of the leasing company.

The leasing from Uralsib is a professional bank service, since the company has solid experience in the lease market since the late 90s. It is not only convenient, but also beneficial because the Bank creates special conditions with a minimum of documents and a flexible payment schedule.

The leasing from Uralsib is a professional bank service, since the company has solid experience in the lease market since the late 90s. It is not only convenient, but also beneficial because the Bank creates special conditions with a minimum of documents and a flexible payment schedule. Leasing from Uralsiba is also reliable, because this rating service financial Sustainability Refers to the class "A +".

Leasing company URALSIB

Uralsib invites to cooperate as individual entrepreneurs, so I. legal entitiesAnd offers them leasing service. Using this service, you will be able to lease cars such as minibus, pickup, special equipment with small and medium lifting capacity, KAMAZ, as well as semi-trailers, cars of any brands, and both foreign and domestic auto industry. In addition to the TC, in leasing you can take printing equipment, woodworking machine, logging, sports, commercial, sewing, textile and storage equipment. Using the lease calculator, you will easily produce a preliminary calculation of the value of this service.

Leasing programs

Each client of the bank can be purchased into leasing passenger, commercial and cargo vehicles, bus, trailer, special equipment or equipment. The maximum financing amount can reach 30 million rubles, and the period of financing is 60 months (5 years). All transactions are made in rubles. You can apply for leasing in any branch of the bank URALSIB. To do this, you will need to provide a minimum package of documents that consists of:

  • application profiles;
  • certificates from banks (by revolutions and absence of overdue debts);
  • constituent documents;
  • copies accounting reporting F1 (if you are on general System taxation).

The decision to satisfy the application for leasing is accepted within 1-3 days.

Leasing in the bank of Uralsib

The bank offers small and medium-sized business customers, in which you can get not only standard banking services On the opening, accounting and operations and operations, but also to obtain the possibility of financial lease (leasing), which is beneficial in many areas of Russian business. The bank in this sees its mission, which helps to develop the domestic economy.

For the simplicity of calculations, customers can count their benefits in advance with the help of a leasing calculator, in which it is necessary to specify the leased object, the amount of delivery, the size of the advances and the payment period.

Sale in Uralsib Leasing

Not all the lessees are repurchased by rental techniques. If she turned out to be an unclaimed company or was confiscated due to non-payment, it falls into a special base. Anyone can familiarize themselves with this list on the website of the leasing company in the section. Here, many lots can be purchased at a discount. For ease of search, you can sort the sentences on the type of leasing, as well as in the city where it is located. Application for the purchase of equipment can be sent via the feedback or by phone.

Financial Corporation URALSIB includes not only the bank of the same name, but also a company engaged in leasing. 15 years of work experience and high degree of reliability allow us to talk about the company, as about one of the leaders of this market segment.

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Consider in more detail the conditions for obtaining financing in Uralsib Leasing.

General terms of contract

Leasing is called one of the options for credit financing under a certain object.

In Uralsib-Leasing, such objects can be:

  • cars;
  • commercial transport;
  • trucks;
  • special equipment;
  • equipment for business.

Uralsib Leasing works with dozens of official vendors of automotive equipment and equipment.

Each client can choose the necessary object for optimal value.

An extensive network of branches throughout the country allows the company to cover the maximum number of territory.

Lease principles:

  • the company-the lessee is obliged to return funds paid for it to the lessor;
  • the company-the lessee is obliged to pay the percentage of the rise in prices for the lessor for using the leased object;

  • the conclusion of the lease agreement always takes place on a specific object (car, transport equipment, equipment).

When buying an object on leased conditions, the lessee provides an obligation to make any manipulations with it.

It has no right to sell, lease to third parties, repaint or change the configuration of an object without a written permission to this lessor.

When using a leased object in the field of activity taxable VAT, the leaser holders the right to return tax deductions in the amount of VAT - 18%.

The main conditions in Uralsib Leasing are as follows:

The amount of the deal

Treaty term

Advance payment
With the analysis of Fin. explanatory Without Ana Lisa Fin. explanatory With the analysis of Fin. explanatory Without Ana Lisa Fin. explanatory With Ana Liz Fin. explanatory Without Ana Lisa Fin. explanatory
Passenger cars
Commercial tranceport,
social appliances
Up to 30 000 000 rubles Up to 15 000 000 rubles From 1 year to 5 years From 1 year to 3 years

From 10% to 49%

Up to 30 000 000 rubles Up to 1 000 000 rubles From 1 year to 3 years From 1 year to 3 years From 25% to 49% From 35% to 49%

Uralsib-Leasing does not work with individuals.

How to get a?

To arrange transport or equipment in leasing, organizations need to be applied to one of the leasing companies, for example, in Uralsib-Leasing. Select an object and apply.

Specialists will contact the company, will check its financial documents and will offer the terms of the contract.

The contract is signed on mutually beneficial conditions. The lessee lists the leasing company an advance payment for the selected leased object.

The lessor pays the entire cost of the object to the Supplier. The lessee upon receipt examines the object and signs the act of acceptance and transmission.

The company enjoys an intended object and pays to the lessor monthly payments in accordance with the schedule installed when signing the contract.

URALSIB leasing in Moscow

The capital presents a large selection of leasing companies. Uralsib Leasing is in the list of leading due to its loyal conditions:

  • a small advance payment from 10%. No need to withdraw from the turnover of the enterprise a large amount of funds in order to expand activities;
  • a large range of equipment, cars and equipment from official dealers;

  • the term of the contract for up to 5 years allows to pay funds on a comfortable environment;
  • ability to arrange leased, if there is a minimum package of documents.

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Requirements for borrowers

Uralsib Leasing proposes to issue a lease agreement to small and medium-sized businesses working in various fields of production.

The basic requirements are:

  • maintaining the main statutory activities of at least 1 year;
  • the presence of constituent documents;
  • availability of a current account in the bank and operations on it;
  • accounting and reporting.

Auto in Leasing

To arrange a car or car park in Leasing, Uralsib offers convenient conditions for enterprises.

A small advance will not allow the company financially "strain." Leasing cars will work upon receipt of profit for the company. The company can get tax deductions for VAT, which is important.

With successful work, the company can redeem the leased object, but not earlier than 6 months from the beginning of the contract.

At the end of the contract, the lessee may issue an object in the property, only after paying the entire cost of the contract plus a redemption payment. The amount of redemption payment is established by a leasing company.

Used cars

Uralsib Leasing offers to acquire techniques that used on favorable terms.

The price of such machines will be significantly lower than the cost of new ones, while its operational specifications will be more understandable.

Interest rates

The interest rate under leasing agreements is called rise in price.

It is calculated individually for each enterprise, depending on:

  • from the rules of profit of the lessor;
  • conditions of economic activity of the enterprise;
  • availability;
  • credit history;
  • nuances selling leased object.

Sometimes the rise may rise 0%. This happens when the supplier gives a discount to the lessor at the cost of the object being purchased.

List of documents

Uralsib Leasing works in two programs:

1. "Minimum documents, minimum checks." It must be provided:

  • application form;
  • certificate from the bank about the absence of delay, card files number 2, extract for operations;
  • constituent documents;
  • documents on your own / rented room.

2. "The minimum rise in price with a small check."

Required documents:

  • application form;
  • decoding on loan obligations;
  • boo reporting on F1 and F2 for the 5 recent reporting periods;
  • extract from the bank by revolutions at the current account, the absence of overdue and card files No. 2;
  • analysis of accounting accounts 50, 51, 57.

Debt repayment

The debt repayment under the lease agreement is made according to the payment schedule approved by the parties.

It may be annuity (equal payments), differentiated (decreasing payments) and seasonal, if there is such an opportunity.

In the latter case, the maximum payments are paid during periods of obtaining maximum profit lessee.

Payment of debt occurs by transferring bank payments from the settlement account of the lessee to the accounting account of the lessor, unless otherwise provided by the lease agreement.


In Uralsib Leasing, the maximum term of the contract is 5 years.

In cases of acquiring equipment to lease or when issuing a contract under the terms of "without analysis", the term of the contract will be 3 years.

A larger term of the contract allows the organization-lessee to minimize its monthly debt payment costs.

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Pros and cons

Pluses of leasing in Uralsib:

  • extensive work experience;
  • a huge number of suppliers;
  • large branch network;
  • leasing of diverse equipment;
  • understandable conditions;
  • the ability to refund tax on VAT;
  • availability of simplified design programs.

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