
What is a bank sanitation - is it good or bad? What is a bank sanitation and what it means for the investor

45 Russian banks ceased to work due to license revocation only in 2017. For the most part, these are small credit organizations, a significant part of which was created to serve the business projects of their owners. But what will happen if one of such negligent banks will be the system-forming financial institution included in the TOP 10? The deprivation of any of them licenses may be a serious threat to the banking system of the country. In such cases, a rehabilitation is used - the financial recovery of the banking structure that made a mistake in banking operations. Over the past 10 years, 35 Russian banks have undergone this procedure. What is a sanation, at what funds it is carried out, and how is it reflected in depositors, owners of banks and investors?

Sanation of the Bank (from Lat. Sanatio - Improvement, Treatment) - This is a set of measures (financial assistance, sale or transfer to other persons of problem and risky assets, an increase in own capital etc.) aimed at improving the economic and financial state credit organizationthat avoid its bankruptcy.

Now let's try to explain what kind of sanitation simple words On examples. Sanation is, in fact, saving the bank from ruin. Financial recovery, in contrast to the license revocation, implies that the Central Bank () does not consider the position of the expaning credit organization hopelessly, or sees some serious consequences for the entire banking system in the event of the liquidation of this institution.

In order to prevent the bank, the funds of the state and private investors are injected into the bank - most often, in exchange for the Bank's shares or the assets belonging to it.

Currently, the reservation of large banks is carried out through the consolidation fund banking sector, and small - through. In addition to the conservation of a specific bank, the purpose of financial recovery is to improve the quality financial market RF. The states of assets, as a rule, are "cleaned" from risky investments and are re-privatized.

Video: Sanitation mechanism of problem banks

What actions lead to bank sanitation

Over the past 10 years, three large waves of banking crises passed in Russia, as a result of which the state had to resort to artificial stabilization. financial system.

2008-2009. During this period, several large world stock exchange "bubbles" burst, markets were cleaned in many industries, and the banks were "feeding" on them (for example, Globeks, serving the construction business of its owner Anatoly Motyleva), were forced to resort to the help of the state.

In 2009, and over the next few years, the Bank "Russian Capital", Kit Finance, VEFK and others were sanitized with different degrees of success. Many experts believe that the reasons for the current problems in the banking industry are rooting precisely in the days of the first major crisis, when the Central Bank and the QU has not yet had sufficient experience in the sanitation of problem banks, and the attraction of large private investors to financial recovery was not always thoughtful.

2014-2015. After the introduction of international sanctions, including against the banking system of the Russian Federation, access to inexpensive money on the foreign capital market for many credit institutions has been closed. This was the cause of the "death" of dozens of banks, others were taken on a tug of larger "colleagues" and the state represented by the Central Bank and the DC. Among the largest recovery that began in this period, we note the NB "Trust", Uralsib, Mosoblbank, Tauride and several small credit institutions, financial holes in which sometimes exceeded their own capital several times.

The essence of such "holes" is that real value Bank's assets are much less indicated in the reporting sent to the Central Bank. For example, on the papers, the bank issued a loan of 100 million rubles on the security of an office building of the same cost, and in reality it is a "building" - a dilapidated short, the red price to which is 5 million.

It turns out a "hole" in the balance of 95 million. Sometimes the subject of pledge and does not exist or has a zero cost. The reasons for "holes" can be risky investments of depositors in: planned income turn out to be negative and are funded at the expense of their own capital, increasing negative balance.

Or too high percentages By, when the yield of old deposits is ensured by attracting new customers. Sooner or later, this pyramid, and at the same time the well-being of the bank comes an end.

2017 year. In the current year, the banking system is increasing a fundamentally new NEWCH: the system-forming banks were under the blow, which previously acted by sanatators of smaller credit institutions. And the "discovery" and Binbank are among the top ten Russian banks in terms of assets.

Their financial recovery is engaged directly by the Central Bank, in which in 2017 a special structure was created to rescue such large-scale market participants - the FCBS already mentioned (the banking sector consolidation fund).

The leadership of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not exclude that in the coming months, help may be needed and some other members of the Top 30 Russian banking business.

The main reasons leading to the need to improve banks:

  • Capital Investing Action: Acquisition of Problem Assets, Rated Bet financial instruments (for example, in 2009, a lot of banks were burned to repos - the purchase / sale of securities with the obligation of back sale / ransom), ill-conceived participation in the reservation of other banks (and "Russian capital", and the "discovery", and Binbank did not cope with among the rehabilitation of "colleagues", overestimate its capabilities).
  • Flow outflow due to market panic. After the first messages about the problems of the Bank, customers are trying to close deposits. In the case of "discovery", it led to a loss of almost 30% of fixed capital within 3 months.
  • The withdrawal of funds by the owner or management with fraudulent intentions. Such a scheme was used, in particular, the former leadership of the Bank of Moscow and the Bank "Ugra", and in most other problem banks, such cases are more or lesser.
  • External or internal market conditions. From the above data we see that every wave of problems of the banking system coincided with economic crisis - on the global or Russian market.

Signs of the Bank's Problems, after which Sanation is required

The Federal Law No. 127 shows 6 reasons that entail an introduction to the Bank of the Interim Administration:

  • References of the Bank for their credit obligations over the past six months.
  • Violation of deadlines (more than 3 days) paying taxes and fees due to lack of funds in accounts.
  • Failure to comply with the Central Bank of Credit Organization's Capital Regulations.
  • Reducing the volume of capital volumes for the year by more than 20% (with violation of the sufficiency of the adequacy of funds).
  • Violation of the standard of minimum volume current liquidity (10% or more for a month).
  • Reducing the value of bank assets below level authorized capital.

The law obliges the owners of the bank when any of these reasons is discovered to immediately contact the Central Bank asking for a retention. A financial recovery plan should be attached to the petition. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation either takes this plan into account, or rejects it, sometimes changing or complementing, if it comes to system-forming credit organizations.

The Bank of Russia itself can initiate a reservation procedure for the relevant or unscheduled audits of the credit institution.

There are other situations. For example, in 2010, the decision to sanitation of the Bank of Moscow by the structures of VTB was made after the resignation of the mayor of the capital Yuri Luzhkov (the mayor's office belonged to more than 46% of BM's shares), initiating criminal cases against the Bank's leadership and verification of the financial organization of the Accounts Chamber.

Law enforcement agencies found signs of capital conclusion through dubious lending structures belonging to the top management of the bank and businessmen related to the mayoria.

In 2009, the Bank of Moscow issued almost 13 billion rubles ZAO Premier Estate to acquire a large land plot In the west of Moscow, the company's spouse of the former mayor of the capital. The pledge was the share of the company-borrower worth an as much as 10,000 rubles.

The billions received at the expense of Premier Estate were immediately written off in the form of "free assistance to a third party", and the company itself soon ceased to serve the loan. Such cases were far from meaning, and created a serious "hole" in the capital of the Bank of Moscow.

How do you choose banks for rehabilitation

Why do one problem credit institutions take licenses, and other provide large funds? What is the selection criterion? There are two main factor in which financial recovery is used:

1 The bank is of great importance for the country's economy or a particular region or is among the largest banks of the Russian Federation. Examples - FC "Opening", Binbank at the level of the Russian Federation, Bank of Moscow in Central Russia, Bank "Solidarity" in the Samara region.

For example, the "discovery" is the eighth largest and largest private bank in the Russian Federation, enters the list of systemically significant organizations, approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. His closure, according to the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Dmitry Tulin, could entail significant risks for the stability of the banking sector, since in addition to 540 billion rubles of the deposits of individuals and 22 branches under the control of this bank Santed by the NB Trust and the largest insurance company of the country "Rosgosstrakh"

However, in the case of the discovery, there was a more good reason for its salvation. If he had not been saved, then the Domino effect would arise in the banking sector and the discovery would have pulled a large number of banks. How?

For their own financial operations, Including on the acquisition of unprofitable "Rosgosstrakh", the NPF "LUKOIL-GARANT", the Bank "Trust", the opening management attracted funds through the placement of bonds. Bonds have redeemed both private investors and various financial structures, among which were smaller banks. Then these banks laid bonds in the Central Bank on repo to receive short-term loans.

If you do not go into complex financial concepts, then in the case of the bankruptcy, the opening would have happened approximately like this: their bonds would be depreciated, and more precisely, debts would be debt on these bonds. So small banks who bought these bonds would lose their capital invested in them. For some of them, losses could be essential, the lack of capital on the balance sheet overnight would deprive their licenses.

Lost I. Central bank, issued short-term loans to other banks secured by opening bonds. And also issued large amounts of funds to the discovery itself. In fact, the Central Bank in this particular case did not have other options.

2 The stability of the Bank has shaken in connection with external factors, and not with internal problems. Such a situation was at one time from Kaluga Gazenergobank, who was drunk first with Probusinessbank, almost left the crisis, but here herself "died" himself was already Probusinessbank, after which the Kaluga credit organization switched under the wing of SKB-Bank. As a result, Gazenergobank now works consistently in 6 regions of Central Russia.

In this category, the Bank "Trust" falls in addition to the unsightly actions of its management (according to the information of the investigation, the Chairman of the Board, the Phondar and three more leaders through the lending to the substairs brought about 15 billion rubles to Cyprus) became hostage of panic depositors in the period of sharp increase in the dollar . Then the individuals brought more than 3 billion rubles in a few days, instantly exposing all the problems of the bank with liquidity and lime reports on their own capital.

The decision on the sanation of a bank is made by the Central Bank or according to the results of control procedures and interim reporting, or at the request of the credit organization itself - as it was, with the "discovery" and Binbank.

Important moment: Sanation is rarely applied if there are signs of fraudulent actions affecting the main business. For example, the Bank "Ugra", which was included in the thirty of the largest in the Russian Federation in terms of assets, was used by the owners as a "vacuum cleaner": the money of the depositors (including government agencies) was translated into personal business Owners through the issuance of obviously non-returnable loans to submersible firms. The Central Bank did not heal the bank, calling it " financial pyramid».

How is a sanation?

First, an example of real healing, which is still on the hearing. In the summer of 2017, it became known about serious problems in the "Opening" bank. The events preceding this developed as:

  • 2015 year."Opening", the largest private bank in the Russian Federation, which occupies 8th place in the Rating of the Central Bank with assets almost 3 trillion rubles, took the "Trust" bank, receiving 127 billion rubles from the Central Bank. In December of the same year, FC Opening, the only one of the Russian banks in the conditions of sanctions, was able to attract a syndicated loan from the pool of international investors by 185 million dollars. These funds were used for further acquisitions.
  • 2016 year. There was not enough funds to save the "Trust", the owners of the bank "Opening" appealed to the Central Bank with a request to provide an additional 50 billion rubles. Money was not allocated, but the bank did not revise the strategy for active expansion.
  • April 2017.Bank "Opening" began the process of acquiring a leading company insurance market RUSSIA - ROSGOSSTRAKH, who has shown the losses of 33 billion rubles for 2016.
  • May 2017.Analytical credit rating agency (acre) lowered a bank rating from BB - to +.
  • June 2017. Insider depositors (Top management of the bank, etc.) began to withdraw funds from deposits.
  • July 2017. Acre published another rating, in which the "Opening" was awarded the Roting of VVD- (poor quality of assets). This automatically stopped working with budget funds and non-state pension fundsSince the bank has deprived of about 100 billion rubles.
  • August 2017. An employee of the Alfa-Capital Management Efficient in the next mailing list for customers reported problems with liquidity in four banks, including in the "opening". The outflow of deposits acquired avalanche-like character. In total, from June 1 to August 24, the saline has brought about 630 billion rubles from the bank. The owners of the bank appealed to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with a request to support. On August 29, the Central Bank decided to save the "discovery", after which he introduced a temporary administration, as part of which employees of the Bank of Russia, VTB24 and shortly before the educated consolidation fund of the banking sector.

In September, the former head of VTB24 Mikhail Zadornov was appointed Chairman of the Board of Opening. At the same time, the Central Bank, through the specified fund, contributed to a deposit in the "opening" of 330 billion rubles in order for the bank to be excluded with depositors without any problems.

In exchange, 75% of the "Opening" shares were transferred to the FCBS management. Former owners will be able to save their 25% only if attempts to deteriorate the status of the Bank will not be discovered in their past actions. Further financial assistance from the Central Bank will stand out as needed.

After a reservation, according to Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, it is planned public accommodation State Basic Shares of the Bank on the stock exchange. Other assets of FC "Opening" - SC "Rosgosstrakh", NB "Trust", "Rosgosstrakh Bank", Point banks, Rosktbank. NPF "LUKOIL-GARANT", "NPF electric power industry" and "NPF RGS" continue to work as usual, but according to the results of the replacement, the owners will also change.

Sanitation "Opening" is a classic example of such a procedure. The total list of measures to improve the financial condition of banks is contained in Article 189 of Law No. 127-FZ. It includes:

  • Crisis Investing in Bank Assets (Financial Assistance) by His owners, Central Bank, FKBS, DSV or other banks. In this case, the accounts of the problem credit institution are deposits for a period of half a year below the refinancing rate of the Central Bank. Also in this category includes a sentence of the Bank's credit commitment, provision bank guarantees For new loans and temporary refusal to pay dividends. Let's say Binbank until the last moment financially supported one of its owners, Michael Shishkhanov, who sold personal assets and investing funds to the liquidity of his chief child. Now the BinBank is investing Money FKS. For the Bank of Moscow, the Savior was the Savior Group, and the GLOBEX banks and Svyaz-Bank were reanimated by Vnesheconombank. Almost in all cases, the rehabilitation is not without the attraction of public funds, but about it below.
  • Sale or transfer to other persons of problem and risky assets. For example, a bank of Moscow in the process of rehanging was divided into two parts, one of which became part of VTB24, and the second continued his rehabilitation.
  • Changing the structure and principles of bank management.
  • An increase in the bank's own capital to the level established by the standard of the Central Bank.
  • Other rehabilitation measures of the Bank's financial condition.

Sanitation of banks is good or bad?

Reply to this question we will give Professor of the Department international financial MGIMO, Dr. economic Sciences - Valentina Yurevich Katasonov. He commented on the review of the license from the largest Russian banks in the size of assets in the first ten RATING ratings.

Video: Sanation of banks is good or bad?

What threatens the sanation of the bank owners

Sanation always leads at least to the temporary elimination of owners from the bank management process and the transfer of this function of the temporary administration. In addition, the owners require consent to transfer a share in the authorized capital in exchange for financial assistance (in particularly serious cases - for example, when the current owners do not come to contact with the Central Bank, and the situation continues to deteriorate, the assets are withdrawn without their consent).

In most cases, this leads to the fact that after the end of the process of rehabilitation of the bank, it becomes a subsidiary from the company-sanator (or the main owner becomes the state if the Century was engaged in the Central Bank or DR).

In addition, the Bank's financial rehabilitation for its owner may result in the following consequences:

  • Changing the management structure, the number of branches, the number of bank employees.
  • If a reservation does not result, the owner is obliged to initiate a bankruptcy procedure.

Consequences of the Bank's Sanation for Depositors

For investors, the sanitation is always preferable than the license is rating. The rehabilitation of the bank is carried out primarily in their interests. In the process of rehanging in the same mode, accounts and deposits are serviced, restrictions on removal money With accounts (if the bank is trying to limit the rights of depositors, it is necessary to immediately complain about the Central Bank).

Even when changing the owner, and during a sanation, it most often happens, contracts between the bank and customers continue to act, as well as the previous conditions for deposits and loans are preserved (if contracts are not provided for the change).

The unpleasant consequence of information about the problems of the bank and the beginning of the procedure of financial recovery is usually becoming panic: depositors are trying to transfer their funds to other credit organizations.

However, if you survive these psychologically uncomfortable days and weeks, then in the future, a replacement can also bring their advantages: often to increase liquidity, the administration establishes increased rates By deposits to preserve the available and attract new customers.

Financial rehabilitation does not affect - they are still protected by the OSR.

Consequences of the Bank's Sanation for Borrowers

For conscientious borrowers, sanitation does not bear any changes in the status or terms of the contract. But customers with overdue loans can wait for a tougher approach of the bank to the recovery of debts.

One of the results of successful financial rehabilitation is a significant reduction in the volume of "bad" loans in the bank's portfolio. Therefore, often problem debts are sold packages, and if you owe the loan, nothing is particularly pleasant in the event of your bank's rehabilitation.

Borrowers of the Bank "Trust", for example, for sure this will be confirmed - the share of "bad" loans in this bank in mid-2016 exceeded 43%, and not spreading the physicals in the time.

Consequences of the Bank's retention for Jurlitz and IP

Considering that today, when recalling a license, the Bank of Jurlitz turns out to be the main victims, since their accounts are not insured, a sanation for them is like Manna Heaven. There is an opportunity to "decompose eggs on different baskets" or go to an RKO to another bank. In addition, in the process of financial recovery, the Bank tries as loyal as possible to remaining remaining customers and offers them more profitable terms.

For SP, having from the point of view of deposit insurance, the same status as the saline, the license review is terrible only if the balances on accounts exceed 1.4 million. But even for the "non-churred" IP, the termination of the bank's work means the need to wait for compensation from the DC, and this is actually withdrawal current means From business for several months. Therefore, a sane is more profitable for any individual entrepreneurs.

As the state participates in the banks of banks

It has already been mentioned above that only the Central Bank may receive a decision on the bank's rehabilitation. Until the middle of 2017, the continued participation of the state in the process of financial recovery could go in two ways: with the direct participation of representatives of the Bank of Russia, as well as through the Deposit Insurance Agency (DC).

In both cases, funds from the reserves of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation were distinguished on financial assistance to the problem bank, only the Central Bank sent money directly, and the DEM received a loan on preferential terms, transmitting them to a sanitary facility for a period of up to 10 years.

In the future, the mentioned bodies transferred the credit institution "to the care" to investors. Although there are also single cases of full support of the Sanation of the DCA - for example, with respect to the Bank "Russian Capital", which the agency took under his wing back in 2009, and now uses a sanator bank.

For the reservation of the system-forming banks in May 2017, a fund consolidating the banking sector with an authorized capital of 1.5 billion rubles was created. This state supervisory Organwhich is fully controlled by the Central Bank through one of its separate divisions. Using FKBS, the Bank of Russia directly provides state institutions to the system-forming banks.

Expert opinions about the creation of a new institution of state regulation of the banking sector were divided. Some note the higher state involvement in the Financial System Management Process (and therefore improving the reliability of this system), others warn on the excessive population of industry and unjustified, in their opinion, advantages for banks from the top 10.

One way or another, after the completion of the Sanation "Opening" and "Binbank" Share state owned In the banking sector will exceed 57%. If you consider the volume of deposits of individuals, then by the share of banks with the dominant states will have almost 69%.

The co-owner of Promsvyazbank (another potential candidate for an ambulance Sanation) Dmitry Ananiev directly calls this process to the "nationalization of large private banks" and notes that "state-owned" for the largest banks can become an incentive to the irresponsible behavior of the management (what's the point of straining, if in the case of which the Central Bank Shut up a "financial hole"?), As well as to extrusion from the market, unnecessary non-promotional bankers.

In turn, the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank Dmitry Tulin assures that FKBS is just a tool "allowing to prevent financial destabilization on the macro level", and not a way to reduce the number of banks in the Russian Federation to 50-100 the largest.

Who pays for banking banks

According to rating agencies Fitch., Only over the past 4 years, the Bank of Russia sent about 2.7 trillion rubles to financial recovery. Before the "discovery" and BINBANK, the most serious funds were invested in the sanation of the Bank of Moscow (294 billion rubles), NB Trust (157 billion rubles), KIT Finance (135 billion rubles), Svyaz-Bank (125 billion . rub).

However, in 2017, these figures will clearly blocked. According to preliminary information of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the financial recovery of two players from the top 10 will require at least 800 billion rubles, the numbers of more than a trillion rubles were also voiced.

Regardless of the formal sources of financial assistance of banks, if we are talking about sanatoriums - credit institutions with state institutions, or about the Central Bank, bank recovery is always paid at the expense of taxpayers or depositors.

The revenues of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are predominantly emissions (printed money) and the state budget means (that is, taxpayers). When the fight against inflation is proclaimed by the main state challenge, the possibilities of the printing machine are limited, therefore emphasis is on budget funds, as well as money from the states (national welfare fund, reserve fund). Revenues of banks with stateship - for the most part funds from deposits, as well as placed on accounts money organizations, to a considerable degree - budget.

However, this is nothing but the same means of depositors initially laid down in increased interest rates on loans and reduced on deposits. If a private bank acts as a sanator, sometimes funds are used in financial and industrial owner groups.

The banking sector consolidation fund receives funds through the sale of its shares. Since the FKBS is actually part of Structures of the Central Bank, some specialists call such a scheme of "air trade" and noted that the reserve fund funds, state budget and reserves of the Central Bank are sent to a sanation through this institution.


Summing up, we can say that the sanitation of problem financial organizations ensures the stability of the banking system, but this provision takes place mainly due to the contributors of other banks and taxpayers.

But the owners of the stratum banks, as always, remain unpunished.

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Any information is not too understandable for the investor information from the financial institution, where he saves "blood", sounds scary and can cause panic and excitement. Sanation is no exception. Many do not know what it means and that in such a situation should be done. Therefore, in this article we will tell you what the bank's sanitation is what the consequences of it for investors and credited.

Banking Sanitation and its importance

The term "Sanation" itself comes from the Latin word "Sanatio", which is translated as "treatment", "Restoration". That is, from the point of view of the financial system, a sanation is the adoption of certain economic and financial measures, the essence of which is reduced to the improvement of the organization (in this case of the Bank). The success of this procedure or its inefficiency can be judged depending on whether it was possible to prevent bank bankruptcy.

At the same time, first of all, the concept of a sanation is associated with the credit debt of the bank and its inability to respond to its obligations to customers.

So, the main actions in this case will be the changes in the structure loan portfolio Bank that has fallen under this procedure. Speaking otherwise, an attempt is attempting to reduce non-estiquid and non-profit assets, and vice versa, increase the share of reliable and high-profit financial instruments.

Sanation is applied in the following cases:

  • the bank, experiencing some difficulties, is a fundamental (very large bank, which has a significant percentage of all banking assets and its bankruptcy can lead to destabilization of the entire banking system);
  • the serviceability of the Bank is not doubtful, but there are temporary difficulties associated with information attacks and an increasing panic of depositors, which in turn is accompanied by a rapid outflow of deposits.

During this procedure, the Bank management temporarily moves to the Deposit Insurance Agency (DC). By choosing a new manager, the DRI transmits it all the necessary powers.

To solve their problems, the Bank receives credit funds By refinancing rate (which is the minimum at that time). Lines of such commitments should not exceed 15-20 years. The loan usually gives the ARS itself, although external investors can sometimes be involved.

Positive impact

Since such a procedure occurs in banks, which already have problems that are impossible to fulfill their obligations, it should be considered as positive. Instead of starting the bankruptcy process, organizations make it possible to rehabilitate themselves and enter the stable working mode.

The Bank continues to conduct credit and deposit, clearing and other operations, which leads to profit, there is an opportunity to leave existing personnel policies (not to dismiss employees), and customers can receive their deposits back.

At the same time, the essence of the sanation lies in the change and development of a new, more progressive and currently relevant banking ProductSo that the situation of insolvency does not occur in the future.

How to behave contribute

As if it sounded, first of all, the depositors do not need to panic. After all, the introduction of a reservation means that at least several months the financial organization will not go bankrupt.

Even if the administration of the bank was decided to temporarily "freeze" all accounts (in some cases, during the rehabilitation, it does not mean to the lot, this does not mean the loss of funds. When the situation stabilizes, the depositor will be able to pick up the entire deposit in full. In addition, a sanation, as a rule, means changing the strategy of the bank and the products offered to them, which, in most cases, improves their quality and level of customer service.

When liquidation

In the case, if the bank still decides to eliminate, there will be no reason for panic too. After all, the ASV is guaranteed to pay 100% deposit deposit (In the event that it does not exceed 1.4 million rubles or an equivalent amount in currency). The minus in this case will be only one - the return procedure will delay for a while (usually no more than a year).

How to be borrowers during a reservation

Since during the reservation, the bank continues to work in normal modeThe situation with the repayment of loans does not change completely.

In case of delay in debt payment by the Bank will be used penalties.

You should also pay attention to credit contract: It may have an item about the possibility of changing the interest rate on the loan in the event of various force majeure cases. Even if the bank decides to withdraw the license, the obligations of the borrower before the financial institution will not disappear, but will move towards another financial institution.

Many people interact closely with banks, take loans, open deposits and so on. Any changes regarding financial structures cause panic, so it is important to understand the main terms, for example, to understand what kind of sanitation of the bank and what to do if it is carried out.

Sanation of the bank - is it good or bad?

A set of measures that are used to avoid bankruptcy and restore solvency is called a sanation. The shareholders of the financial organization, creditors or other significant persons can conduct it. Finding out what the bank's sanitation means, it is worth indicating that such adjustments are held for recovery: reorganization, financial assistance to shareholders or other people, the change of the structure of assets and obligations, and is still normalized by the authorized capital and its value own funds.

Bank Sanation Act

for example, in Russian Federation The law "On the insolvency of credit institutions" is used, according to which equal measures are a reorganization, reorganization and purpose of the manager for the time. The concept of the bank's retention implies changes and the law describes the grounds for their implementation:

  1. Detection of violations relating to capital adequacy standards.
  2. Inability to meet the requirements relating to monetary obligations And put forward by creditors within six months. Lack of opportunity to pay payments within three days due to the lack of money in accounts.
  3. Describing what kind of sanitation of the bank, it is worth mentioning another prerequisite for its holding - a decrease in the amount of capital at least 20% compared with his maximum for the previous year.
  4. The fall in capital size is lower than the statutory level. This item concerns only banks that operate no more than three years.

How long does the bank's reservation last?

The Insurance Agency takes responsibility for holding a credit institution to exclude bankruptcy. If you focus on legislative Base, Sanation should continue should be no more than 18 months. When to extend the term, the bank should contact the arbitration court. It is important to notice that the period of rehanging the bank can not exceed half a year.

What does bank sanitation mean?

"Health" program helps the bank to go through rehabilitation and avoid bankruptcy announcement when problems arise and there is a low solvency of people. Issues regarding what the bank's sanitation is threatened to depositors, borrowers, legal entities and employees are described below. Let us dwell on the main stages of the "recreational" therapy:

  • the bank will be temporarily under the management of insurance agency;
  • a meeting is held to choose a new manager for a while;
  • interest rates for loans and the term no more than 20 years have been reduced;
  • investors are connected to the procedure.

Describing that this is a bank sanitation, we note that there is a certain list of tasks that the bank's leaders must accomplish to avoid bankruptcy:

  1. For 10 days to the Supervisory Board of Directors must be filed good grounds For reservation. The decision is made within three days.
  2. Send a notice to the National Bank, where a list of actions for a retention should be submitted. It is important that he takes into account all the rules prescribed in the legislation.
  3. If the Board of Directors permits to conduct a rejection, then a plan for recovery is being developed. It is submitted to the discussion in the territorial authority of the bank no later than in a month.
  4. If the Council refuses to carry out events, the head itself turns to the territorial body of the bank and proves that the rehabilitation is necessary.

What does the bank sanitation mean for investors?

Many people heard that a sanation is held in the bank, they strive to pick up their deposits as soon as possible, but specialists do not recommend this. This is explained by the fact that in most cases it is possible to establish limits on the amount of issuance and will have to wait for any day to receive money. It is better to wait for the expiration of the term not to lose interest. Contributions at the bank's retention will not change in any way, and they will be insured. It is recommended to take a passport and treaty after some time and contact the bank to clarify whether the conditions of deposits are stored or changes have been made.

Finding out what the bank's sanitation means for its depositors, we note, even when the license is reviewed, citizens and organizations can count on compensation in full, including interest (if the amount was up to $ 26 thousand). If the amount of the contribution is more, then the person is recommended to refer to the external manager to make it on creditors list. In the case when after eliminating the organization, cash will remain, then the residue will be returned.

It is worthwhile that during the last sanations, the banks used restrictions, for example, a limit on removal of money up to $ 400 per day / week, which were issued by order. Another important moment - Means located on electronic wallets, for impersonal metal accounts and foreign branches will not be compensated.

What threatens the bank's sanitation to legal entities?

Nothing global for legal entities When conducting treatment procedures, there is no, if compared with the situation when bankruptcy was announced or a license is lost. If interested in the bank's sanitation threatens, it is necessary to say that it is not necessary to worry about the deprivation of all working capital. Problems will concern the change of the Bank's legal entity, accounts, details, and so on. In addition, there will be difficulty with accessibility bank accounts etc.

What is a bank sanitation for the borrower?

That, whom does not apply to the procedure of "rehabilitation", so these are people who took a loan in the bank. It should not be assumed that if the bank announced a sanation, then you can count on the "disappearance" of the loan. The bank can change the terms of lending only if the loan agreement allows such opportunities, but it is extremely rare. Knowing what is happening during the bank's retention, the only thing that can be recommended is not to repay the loan ahead of schedule, because it may be leaving and the bank will declare bankruptcy and then the loan will be written off.

What is a bank sanitation for employees?

Measures on "rehabilitation" are carried out in order to keep jobs, but in practice it is not always possible. In Real, there is a reduction in the "extra" employees who, in most cases, propose to sign an agreement on the termination of the employment contract by agreement of the parties. The consequences of the bank's rehabilitation depend on the investor, since after the completion of the procedure, he independently decides whether to keep the team of employees, a brand and a business model or better start everything from scratch.

What happens to bonds when rehanging the bank?

Many people use different methodsTo keep your money, for example, you can buy bank bonds, which for the financial institution itself are an additional income. Many are interested in what will be with bonds during the bank's rehabilitation, so here is one of the directions for the restoration of solvency is to delay the repayment of the issued securities, with a decrease in percentages.

Sanation- This is a system of activities carried out, which are aimed at improving the financial situation of the enterprise in order to prevent bankruptcy of the company or increasing the company's competition.

Thus, the rehabilitation of enterprises is a financial and economic procedure for improving the state of the enterprise, preventing bankruptcy.

Basic signals sanitation

The main methods of rehabilitation can be:

    reduction (Reduction) of the value joint Stock Capital by reducing the volume of outputs or when exchanging shares on most of the old stocks;

    providing subsidies by the government, preferential loans, benefits on a number of taxes from the state;

    carrying out the nationalization of the enterprise;

    use of antitrust laws and so on.

What events are held at the enterprise sanitation

When conducting a reservation, financial, economic, industrial, technical, organizational and legal events are held, which are aimed at achieving or restored solvency, profitability and competitiveness of the debtor's enterprise for a long time.

A special point in the sanitation procedure is activities that have financial or economic.

Financial and economic activities reflect the character financial relationswhich arise throughout the mobilization process and use of domestic and external sources of enterprises.

They can be the funds that were obtained with the terms of loans and property, on the basis of a return or irretrievable.

The main goal of financial sanitation in optimizing the financial flow of enterprises is as follows.

Financial reservation should:

    cover current losses and eliminate (eliminate) their causes;

    reduce all types of debts;

    improve the structure of working capital;

    to form funds financial resources that are necessary in order to carry out activities of industrial, technical and organizational characters.

At the same time, the financial sanitation is usually carried out in several stages.

Sanitary activities with organizational or legal character are focused on improving organizational structures enterprises, organizational or legal forms of doing business, improving the quality of management, as well as to free enterprise from industrial structures that are not productive, improve relations between members of the labor collective.

What gives the enterprise sanitation

In the course of the enterprise sanitation process, the debtor receives financial resourceswho make it possible to repay his monetary obligations to counterparties, payment obligations tax payments, as well as the restoration of solvency.

Requirements for the enterprise debtor

Note that certain requirements are imposed on the debtor's enterprise.

So the debtor company:

    it should prevent unproductive expenses from the company's assets.

    be a mechanism for sanitation (financial reorganization) from the list of enterprises with real potential for success in further financial and economic activities;

    take measures to ensure that creditors' claims are most complied with.

Two types of enterprise sanitation

The level of the depth of the crisis in enterprises, as well as the conditions for providing assistance from the outside determine the use of the enterprise rehabilitation, which are two species:

    sanitation with orientation on debt reorganization;

    sancing with a change in the status of the enterprise.

Sancing with orientation on debt reorganization

Note that when choosing this type of sanation, the status of a legal entity remains unchanged.

This type of rehanging is used to eliminate the indentation of the enterprise.

It can only be implemented if the insolvency state of the enterprise is temporary.

Then debentures Enterprises will be repaid at the expense of funds from the state budget (if it comes to sanitizing the enterprise owned by the state).

Besides, commercial BankWith which this company stands is on service, it may issue a target bank loan to this enterprise.

Such a loan can be issued after the audit.

Also help can be provided on the other side (the company's debt can be transferred to another that wishes to take part in the sanitation of the debtor's enterprise).

In addition, based on the guarantees established by the sanator, the enterprise may additionally release bonds or another type of securities.

Sancing with a change in the status of an enterprise

Sanging with the change in the status of the debtor's company is understood as the implementation of the reorganization procedure, which is carried out under the crisis state of the enterprise.

When carrying out such a reservation, one or more of the following forms is selected to achieve the goal and carry out measures for the reorganization of the debtor's enterprise:


If a fusion is selected as a form of sanitation, the debtor merges with another enterprise, which is a more sustainable organization financially.

As a result of the merger, the debtor's enterprise loses its official independent status of a legal entity.

In the case of merging enterprises that relate to one industry, they speak horizontal merge.

If the association of enterprises is carried out with the participation of enterprises of related industries, they are talking about the vertical merger.


The sanator is acquiring an enterprise that is a debtor.

In this case, the sanatorian acquires a full-fledged property complex, most belonging to its assets.

The enterprise that is sanitized at the same time may continue as a separate enterprise in the form of a subsidiary of the company - Sanator.


The separation is used for those enterprises that are capable of carrying out production activities in a multi-industrial environment.

Conversion to joint stock company

Joint Stock Company can be created on the initiative of a group of persons who want to become founders joint Stock Company.

A prerequisite for sanitation in this case is to ensure the minimum level of authorized capital of the joint-stock company, which is enshrined at the legislative level.

Transferring an enterprise for rent

This item is applicable to state enterprises that can be leased under a contract to one of the members of the labor collective.

In this case, the debts of the expansion enterprise are moving to the leasers team.


Privatization is one of the ways to sanitation of state-owned enterprises.

When the company's rehanging is considered completed

Sanation is considered complete, in the case when sanatators have reached the goals for improving the financial position of the debtor's company or the debtor's enterprise is declared bankrupt.

Conditions and deadlines for serving the enterprise

Any of the processes of derivation from the state of the crisis should be carried out under the control of the arbitration courts under the observance of a number of conditions that are indicated in the relevant agreement.

At the same time, the sanitation of the enterprise should not last more than 18 months.

Arbitration courts can extend these deadlines for the period up to six months.

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Sanitation: details for accountant

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    Three times since the beginning of the reservation - from 8.7 to 28 ... your duty. " After the start of the Sanation of Promsvyazbank, the Central Bank declared a number ..., while before a sanation, some of them had a preferential ... Stanislav Volkov. "Being for a sanation, capital adequacy regulations Bank may ... transferred toxic assets of banks undergoing rehabilitation. As stated by Pozdyshev, the assets of Promsvyazbank ...

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    The Bank of Russia intends to work out the mechanism of sanitation of non-state pension funds (NPF). ... experts, the prospects for the launch of the Sanation mechanism in the pension market may be ... financial stability. " The need to sanitation NPF at Mr. Schvetsov ... at the expense of future income. Sanation has long been tested on the banking sector ... assets. Therefore, to extend the principles of banking banks to the pension segment is unlikely ... "It is likely that the reinforcement trigger can be the results of stress tests ...

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    ...; Soviet, "since the further sanitation of the credit institution would be highly returned ... measures to prevent bankruptcy bank [sanations], which allows the maximum way, based on ..." Soviet "was on a sanation since 2015. At first it. .. Capital ", in 2016 the Sanation was engaged in" Tatfondbank ", which ...

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    Russia plans to share the costs of rehanging banks and insurers with their ... it would not issue money for a sanation for free or at a preferential rate ... At the time of the transfer of funds to a sanation in the funds of bank consolidation or ... The period of activity is aimed at reserving banks 1 , 8 trillion rub ...

The bank's reservation is a set of regulated actions aimed at improving the financial situation of the credit institution and the prevention of its bankruptcy. The need for a sanation can be determined by the owners of the financial organization themselves, or such a procedure passes on the direct requirement of the market regulator - the Central Bank of Russia.

What it is

What does the bank sanitation mean, and under what conditions should such procedure be started? Bankruptcy of any financial institution will inevitably entail serious problems for its depositors and customers - accounts will be frozen and deposits, suspended payments on deposits, is violated a transaction system between legal entities, etc. As a rule, possible problems can be detected in advance, which will eliminate them in the rehanging mode.

Sanation mechanism financial institutions It is an independent procedure regulated by the norms of the Federal Law No. 127-FZ. In the specified regulatory act There are mandatory stages of preventing a bankruptcy procedure for banks, including a reservation. The characteristic features of sanitation activities include:

  1. the main goal of the sanation is to restore the solvency of the credit institution and the elimination of problems identified by the regulator;
  2. for the period of financial recovery, the current management will be carried out by a specially appointed authority - the external administration, the composition of which is approved by the Central Bank of Russia;
  3. sanation includes a complex of measures of an economic and organizational nature, while current operations and customer service and depositors are not suspended.

Consider what grounds for the introduction of a sanitation procedure provides for the federal law № 127-FZ.

When a reservation is needed

The grounds for the introduction of financial recovery procedures in banks may be problems with the liquidity of assets, uncontrolled growth of unsecured or risky operations, direct violation of the requirements of the market regulator, etc. The law No. 127-ФЗ to the number of reasons affecting the appointment of a temporary administration:

  • systematic violation of the timing of meeting the requirements of creditors over the past six months;
  • violation of obligations to pay mandatory payments and fees due to the lack of funds in the bank's accounts, if the period of such a delay exceeded three days;
  • violation of the demands on the amount of capital of the financial organization (these standards, as well as the change in the financial indicators of capital, introduces the Central Bank of the Russian Federation);
  • reducing the amount of capital of a credit institution by more than 20% for the previous 12 months (it should be violated and the sufficiency of the adequacy approved by the instruction of the Central Bank of Russia);
  • non-compliance with the minimum value of the current liquidity by more than 10% over the month;
  • reducing the size of the bank's assets below the amount of authorized capital.

If these circumstances are revealed by the management of a financial organization, it must independently refer to the market regulator to initiate the rejection procedure. Also, the requirement to conduct a reservation can follow from the Central Bank of Russia, which holds regular planned and extraordinary checks of credit institutions for compliance with the regulatory rules.

If sanitation actions are initiated by the Bank himself, it is obliged to send a corresponding petition to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the plan of financial recovery is attached, which includes measures to increase sustainability and an increase in the liquidity of the Bank.

Sanation can occupy both the Central Bank of Russia and the Deposit Insurance Agency. As a rule, the agency is engaged in a sanation if the problems in the banking institution are temporary and do not affect the financial condition of the region or country. If the Bank is among the leaders in terms of capital of attracted funds of citizens and legal entities, and its bankruptcy can cause economic problems At the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the whole country, sanitation procedures will be held directly with the participation of the Central Bank. Typical second-time examples is a bank sanitation Binbank and bank Openingwhich was announced in the last month.

Sanation activities

A set of measures aimed at the financial rehabilitation of a banking institution includes actions of an economic and organizational nature. Article 189.14 of Law No. 127-ФЗ regulated the following list of reasons:

  1. selection financial investment at the expense of the funds of the bank, the regulator of the market, the Insurance Agency for deposits or other persons (for example, during the Binbank Sanation, financial assistance is provided directly to the Central Bank of Russia);
  2. a change in the structural ratio of the assets and liabilities of the bank, including the disposal of non-maltenitary and risky assets;
  3. restructuring of the control system financial Organization;
  4. actuation of the bank's own capital to regulator regulators;
  5. other measures stipulated by the legislative acts of the federal level.

In the process of work of the External Administration, the composition of the necessary activities may vary and supplemented, depending on the current financial position of the Organization.

In most cases, the external administration acts in accordance with the plan of financial recovery approved by the Central Bank of Russia. In this case, it comes to submit regular reports on the procedure and results of specific procedures under the retention.

The most common and effective measure to eliminate the problems of the bank is to provide financial assistance. This option provides for the following directions of action:

  1. placing attracted financial assets on the deposit accounts of the problem bank under conditions of urgency (at least six months) and the amount of interest not exceeding the accounting rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  2. registration of installments or postponement on the execution of current and overdue monetary obligations;
  3. issuing bank guarantees on loans;
  4. the transfer of debt to other persons if the direct consent of the bank's creditors was obtained;
  5. introduction of additional financial contributions to increase the authorized capital of the bank and bring it into line with the standards of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  6. a temporary restriction on the distribution of profits on dividends while simultaneously sending it to the improvement of the financial situation.

The rationale for the amount of financial assistance occurs when applying for a petition to the Deposit Insurance Agency or the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In this case, the regulator has the right to independently change the size of the necessary financial support Based on the objective indicators of the status of the bank's assets. A typical example can be a unilateral increase in the amount of financial assistance during the Bank's bank's rehabilitation - instead of declared 15 billion rubles at the first stage of healing, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation independently increased this amount up to 30 billion rubles.

The change in the structure of liabilities and assets of credit institutions is based on the indicators of an independent audit and internal audit measures of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The specified procedures include the replacement of illiquid assets by liquid assets, reducing the costs of a banking institution, selling a part of non-profit assets, etc. At the same time, actions can be made to fill the loan portfolio of the problem bank with low-crop assets.

What it threatens to depositors

The sanitation procedure serves as a measure of bankruptcy prevention, i.e. It is carried out in the interests of investors. At this stage, financial recovery does not provide for the termination of current accounts on accounts and deposits, including the possibility of removal of funds. The following nuances should be taken into account regarding the protection of the interests of ordinary depositors:

  • the notice of the introduction of a reservation is publicly available information that can entail a sharp outflow of private capital from deposits and accounts - most of the depositors prefer to avoid the risks of the Bank's possible bankruptcy and take funds from their deposits, which may aggravate the problem with liquidity;
  • the risk of loss of funds occurs only with the amount of the contribution of more than 1,400,000 rubles - it is within these limits that all contributions are insured by the Deposit Insurance Agency;
  • any restriction on the issuance of funds to citizens during the period of sanitation procedures is illegal, this may entail additional claims and penalties from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Even if the actual owners of the banking institution change during the replacement (this is allowed by the conditions of the sanation), no changes under contracts with ordinary depositors occurs.

The external administration can carry out additional attraction of funds to increase the liquidity of the Bank. To do this, the means of new or existing depositors are used, while in coordination with the regulator is allowed to establish preferential or elevated interest ratesnot exceeding the standards of risky operations.

The initiation of a reservation means that the owners of the banking institution will voluntarily or forcibly eliminated from the management of assets for a time term. This does not mean that rights can be transferred to third parties without the consent of the Bank's founders even at the request of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, when providing financial assistance, a third party parties can establish conditions for the transfer of a share in the authorized capital of the Bank. In this case, the rehabilitation can actually carry out a larger or successful bank, which, after restoring the financial state of the expansionable structure, can obtain control over the assets management. Such a procedure was actively used in the 2000s in the process of consolidating banking structures when small banks were included in the network of financial sector leaders.

TO possible consequences Sanatations for owners of a credit institution can be attributed:

  1. possible change in the structure of the bank management, the number of personnel or the number of regional divisions and branches;
  2. the duty to proceed with the bankruptcy procedure, if the measures of financial recovery did not give a positive result;
  3. forced disposal of the assets and liabilities of the bank without coordination with the owners;
  4. bank transition to the ownership of third parties in the presence of an agreement with the owners.

It should be borne in mind that a petition for holding a reservation is not necessarily subject to satisfaction. When considering the appeal of the Bank's leadership and owners, the Deposit Insurance Agency or the Central Bank of the Russian Federation may refuse the introduction of a sanitation procedure. In this case, the Bank responds the license, and it loses the right to work in the market banking services and operations. The refusal to conduct a reservation actually means an inevitable bankruptcy of the bank and the loss of opportunity to return to normal financial activities.

The decision to refuse a rejection occurs by assessing the possibility and appropriateness of these activities. If the bank occupies a leading or dominant position in a certain sector of production or in a separate region of the country, instead of a decision to refuse to sanate the market regulator may approve its own plan for financial recovery of the problem structure. As a rule, in this case, financing of any activities in the sanation process is carried out at the expense of own funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state