
PJSC "Joint Stock Commercial Bank" Strategy. PJSC "Joint Stock Commercial Bank" Strategy Akb strategy

Description of the main components of the 3D strategy

The activities of the MTS Company are based on a strategic concept "3D: Data. Differentiation. Dividends "... This wording reflects our vision of growth directions, prospects for further development and key priorities for our activities.

The first element is "Data"- indicates a segment that is currently the main source of growth in the telecommunications market. In our opinion, it is services related to data transmission that will form the most significant part of the customer experience in the future, while traditional voice and non-voice services will play the role of a mandatory minimum, a basic service. By the concept of "Data" we mean not only the process and technology of data transmission. In our interpretation, this is a wide sector of customer experience, affecting all spheres of human activity in the modern information world. This is the area of ​​interaction between service providers of various types and scales with consumers who independently form their own information and service environment. In this model, telecommunications operators are a key link in making contact, and in this role, we will strive to realize our natural advantages: by accumulating knowledge and improving methods of processing information, finding growth points, catching the demands of the consumer environment, identifying the most demanded services and taking active action. in this field, realizing itself not just as a telecom operator, but as a service provider.

Direction "Differentiation" was formulated by us proceeding from the desire to take a broader look at the areas of our activity, go beyond the framework of a telecommunications operator in its classical sense and include in the scope of our activity not only the full range of communication services (mobile and fixed), but also related areas, such as financial services , M2M, geolocation, cloud services, subscriber equipment, television, content, etc. The purpose of differentiation, we see the creation of the actual differentiating factors that will allow us to differ from competitors, broadcast special value, provide customers with a unique customer experience, create products and services that are not would only stimulate people to choose MTS, but would also increase the level of loyalty of our customers. This value also reflects our constant striving to improve products and services in all sectors of the Company's presence, to gain and retain a significant, and, where possible, a leading market position, to broadcast advanced and diversified customer experience. Thus, the concept of "Differentiation" is associated not only with our intention to generate value in promising markets, but also with the desire to diversify the portfolio of services and, thus, to deal with industry risks, to strengthen our competitive position.

“We believe that there is no point in changing our strategy in difficult times, because this will be evidence that in simpler times, in times of a healthy economy, we did our business incorrectly and were not ready for any changes. As practice shows, we have always been ready for difficult times and in practice show that even in a difficult period for the economy we can be better than the market. "

President of MTS PJSC Andrey Dubovskov

A separate direction of the strategy, which sounds like "Dividends", reflects the special attention we place on creating and maintaining stable returns for shareholders. Despite recent macroeconomic challenges, MTS does not plan to change its dividend policy... The most important part of the shareholder value creation process is continuous and consistent improvement of business efficiency based on the use of optimal technological and organizational solutions, cost control, sound investment policy and improvement of business processes. As a separate area emphasizing our commitment to ensuring stability and predictability of cash flow and reducing foreign exchange risks, we highlight maintaining an optimal level of debt and its cost. A set of measures aimed at continuous improvement of operational efficiency and management discipline cash flows Companies enable us to generate a stable return on investment.

The main strategic priorities of MTS in the short and medium term are:

  • retention of leadership in the mobile communications segment both in terms of the total volume of revenues and the number of subscribers, and in terms of growth rates in the most dynamic direction of mobile data transmission;
  • active development of mobile data networks (LTE and 3G) to realize the growth potential at a rate higher than the market average;
  • ensuring a high level of competitiveness and providing a full range of services in the fixed-line segment;
  • development of financial services in cooperation with MTS-Bank, the implementation of synergies in combination with other business areas;
  • improving the operating efficiency of a mono-brand retail network; using this channel to sell financial services and stimulate the consumption of data transmission services, including through the sale of its own line of branded subscriber devices;
  • development of promising areas of data services: Big Data (extracting value from the Company's information assets), M2M and the Internet of Things, customization and branding of mobile devices, system integration.

Strategically, MTS positions itself primarily as a telecommunications company, a universal telecom operator that provides complete list high quality services, the undisputed and undisputed leader of the mobile segment. Telecommunications is our core competence, the core of our business. At the same time, the intellectual, organizational and managerial potential we have accumulated will be used as a basis for finding growth points in adjacent markets, which will allow us to create even more value for our clients and shareholders, and in a broader sense - to enrich people's lives, provide them with new opportunities for life, business and self-realization. We are convinced that the implementation of the "3D" strategy will allow us to maintain and strengthen our market position, provide financial stability and operational efficiency, guarantees development and growth in the most dynamic segments, will allow us to offer our subscribers the best customer experience, as well as fulfill obligations to shareholders.

Implementation of the Strategy in 2015

The best demonstration of the successful implementation of our strategy is the confident achievement of the target values ​​of the main operating indicators. It should be noted that the restrained forecast that we gave at the beginning of the year was later adjusted in positive side, which became possible due to the successful implementation of a number of strategic projects, and the final result exceeded these expectations as well.

As part of the implementation of the strategy, the MTS Company carries out work in several areas, among which "Data", "Differentiation", "Dividends" deserve special attention

Direction "Data"

Promotion of Voice & Data tariffs
  • Penetration of V&D tariffs in 2015 more than doubled
Stimulation of sales of data-oriented subscriber equipment
  • The development and promotion of branded equipment with pre-installed applications was carried out
  • The “entry threshold” was reduced by reducing the retail margin on phones in all price segments
  • Smartphone sales increased 1.4 times compared to 2014
Development of 3G / 4G network
  • The number of LTE subscribers doubled in 2015
  • An agreement was concluded on the implementation of joint investments with VimpelCom to optimize costs and increase the pace of construction
Expanding the use of the radio spectrum
  • Frequency refarming was actively carried out in the 1800 MHz range for LTE
  • Purchase of lots in the framework of frequency auctions

The implementation of projects in this area allowed in 2015 to increase revenues from data transmission services by 19.8% compared to the previous year.

Direction "Differentiation"

Digital commerce
  • Twofold growth in income of the MTS online store in 2015
  • Leadership in the number of visits to the MTS website among all Russian mobile operators
  • Successful implementation of all planned joint projects with OZON
Financial sector development
  • The penetration of financial services into the base at the end of 2015 reached 15%
System integration market entry
  • Acquisition and integration of NVision Group JSC has been completed
Satellite TV
  • A full-fledged sales network was built using our own channels and product-specific partners; in the middle of the year, the start of mass sales was started
M2M and the Internet of Things
  • At the end of 2015, MTS maintains a leading position in the M2M market
  • Projects are being implemented on telemetry of stationary objects (electricity, housing and communal services, industrial facilities)
  • Projects are being carried out with insurance companies using geolocation data
Extracting value from the information assets of the Company through the implementation of the Big Data concept
  • In 2015, the development strategy until 2020 was approved
Other services (OTT / Cloud)
  • A number of projects have been implemented: B2C "Second Memory", B2B "Light Office", branded digital services (music, games) have been launched

We are already seeing positive effects from differentiation projects, but the impact of their results on the Company's operating performance is a question of the medium and long term.

Direction "Dividends"

The Board of Directors and management of MTS understand that constant and stable dividends are an integral part of investment attractiveness MTS and profitability for shareholders. Since 2010, MTS has paid a total of over 235 billion rubles. annual dividends with an average annual growth rate of 12% (while the annual payment volume increased by 69% from 2010 to 2015). In 2015, the Company made record payments of RUB 52 billion. It should be noted that the volume of dividend payments from 2006 to 2015 at MTS is the largest among all Russian mobile operators.

We are confident that our current strategy fully meets the current market conditions, ensures the concentration of efforts on the most important and promising areas and allows you to achieve operational and financial results above the market level.

M&A strategy

The company monitors opportunities for inorganic growth both in the markets of its presence and beyond. MTS PJSC has sufficient experience in integrating acquired companies, which allows them to effectively integrate them into the business structure and quickly obtain a positive economic effect.

The bank was founded in April 1994. In December 2004, he entered the deposit insurance system. In the second half of 2009, the key beneficiaries of JSCB "Strategy" were Alexander and Alla Urinson, who controlled more than 50% of the shares through LLC "Alur" until the summer of 2011. Alexander Urinson headed the Main Computing Center of the State Statistics Committee of the USSR and Russia from 1978 to 1992, and since 1994 he was the permanent chairman of the board of Strategy Bank. In July 2011, Alexander Urinson passed away. After that, the board of directors was headed by his brother - former minister economy of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Rusnano" Yakov Urinson, and the post of Chairman of the Board was taken by Stanislav Berlizov, who previously worked at JSC "Stolichny Trade Bank" (mass media .

According to the message of the head of the main department economic security and anti-corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Denis Sugrobov, in March 2012, law enforcement agencies seized documents related to the case of illegal withdrawal Money abroad and laundering. The police stopped the activities of a criminal group consisting of bank employees who illegally cashed in more than 20 billion rubles. We are talking about the employees of Master-Bank, Zolostbank, as well as the Bank "Strategy". According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the defendants in the case, using one-day firms, on fake electronic orders transferred money to accounts of commercial banks, then to other accounts and cashed out. For their services, the organizers of the group, which included the heads of a number of banks and other organizations, took a commission of 3-7% of the payment amount.

Since February 2013, having acquired 19.46% of the shares, Pyotr Gaidar, the eldest of the children of the ex-Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Russian statesman and politician Yegor Gaidar, came to the bank. According to Peter Gaidar, Urinson was not only a like-minded person, but also good friend his father, and therefore the bank considered Petr Gaidar as a strategic shareholder. In addition to Pyotr Gaidar, the bank belonged to Oleg Medvedev, Leonid Kelin, Alexei Andronov and Irina Rubinova (they owned 19.9% ​​of the bank at that time). At the same time, Sergei Timofeev headed the board.

Subsequently, in August 2014, the Bank was again caught by the Bank of Russia in non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation on combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. During the investigation, it turned out that with the help of 21 banks of the Russian Federation (including the Bank "Strategy"), 700 billion rubles were withdrawn from Russia, the so-called "Moldovan scheme". Subsequently, most of the banks were deprived of their licenses, but the Bank "Strategy" was brought only to administrative responsibility. This follows from the information provided by the Vedomosti newspaper, which had the letters Federal Service on financial monitoring of Moldova to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Currently, the main beneficiaries credit institution the speakers are Irina Rubinova (73.3%), Alexey Andronov (8.84%), Oleg Medvedev (8.84%) and Petr Gaidar (8.76%). The remaining 0.25% is distributed among minority shareholders.

The bank's network is represented by its head office in Moscow, a branch in Perm and 13 additional offices. The bank is focused on lending and settlement and cash services corporate clients- trade, production and construction organizations, enterprises energy industry... Among its key customers and partners, the bank names its former shareholders - OJSC Neftegazspetsstroy, OJSC Energy and Electrification Permenergo, LLC Gaz-Oil, OJSC Silvinit, GMC Rosstat, Information and Publishing Center Statistics of Russia, CJSC FPC "Kalugaenergoremont", LLC "Motor transport company" Veles "and other organizations.

For legal entities, in addition to key banking services, the bank also offers salary projects, acquiring, brokerage and custody services, bank guarantees, salary projects, etc. Private clients in the bank offices are provided with deposits, consumer and mortgage loans, Money transfers by systems "Unistream", "Anelik", "Leader", "Contact", " Western Union"," IntelExpress "and" Zolotaya Korona ", rent safe deposit boxes, bank cards international payment systems MasterCard and Visa.

During the period under review, the net assets of the credit institution decreased by 7.82% (or by about 1 billion rubles) and as of February 1, 2016 amounted to 12.2 billion rubles. In the passive part of the balance sheet, the main reason for the decrease in the balance sheet total was a significant outflow of funds from enterprises and organizations (-78.2%, or 4.83 billion rubles). This was partially offset by attracting additional deposits from the population (+ 68.67%, or 3.57 billion rubles). In the active part of the balance sheet, the above changes in liabilities caused a significant reduction in the corporate loan portfolio (-11.17%, or 666.13 million rubles), as well as an almost complete reduction in the volume of funds placed on the interbank lending market. Highly liquid assets also showed negative dynamics (-26.46%, or 402.49 million rubles). At the same time, the credit institution for the analyzed period showed an increase in the portfolio of securities and investments in fixed assets.

The structure of liabilities is extremely poorly diversified. The main source of funding for a credit institution is deposits individuals, whose share as of February 1, 2016 amounted to 72.05% (at the beginning of 2015 - 39.38%). Almost the entire volume of funds of individuals is represented by deposits with maturities from one to three years. Also, a significant share in the structure of liabilities is own funds credit institution and funds of enterprises and organizations, the share of which at the reporting date was 13.56% and 11.06%, respectively. Dependence on funds of individuals is assessed as very high. The bank's client base has significantly decreased (due to the departure of legal entities). The turnovers on current accounts of clients previously reached values ​​of 45-50 billion rubles. The current dynamics of turnovers averages about 5.3 billion rubles per month.

The bulk of net assets account for loan portfolio(53.14%). Another 24.47% and 9.19% are occupied by other assets and highly liquid assets, respectively. Fixed assets and intangible assets and investment in securities in total, they occupy a share of about 12% of the net assets of the credit institution.

Over the period under review, the loan portfolio, formed by corporate loans by 81.86%, decreased by 5.35% or by 0.4 billion rubles in absolute terms, amounting to 6.5 billion rubles as of February 1, 2016. At the same time, during the analyzed period, the bank increased the share of retail lending. The loan portfolio is mainly short-term, the share of loans issued for a period of up to 1 year is 51.92%. According to the bank's financial statements under IFRS for 2014, the bulk of corporate loans is represented by the following sectors of the economy: wholesale(49%), manufacturing (11%), construction (11%) and real estate (10%). The level of overdue debt as of February 1, 2016 amounted to 6.68% (at the beginning of 2015 - 3.40%), which is a rather low indicator. The level of provisioning for the portfolio is at the level of 11.36% (at the beginning of the period - 8.38%), which is indirectly explained by the fact that the loan portfolio is only half secured by property pledge.

The securities portfolio for the analyzed period increased by 194.9 million rubles (+ 38.99%), amounting to 694.6 million rubles as of February 1, 2016. The portfolio is 77.4% represented by investments in bonds (mainly corporate and bank bonds), investments in bank bills account for 21.9% of the securities portfolio. It is also worth noting that the credit institution does not use securities presented in the portfolio as collateral for repo transactions. The dynamics of portfolio turnover is low, which indicates either the low quality of the portfolio, or about investment strategy bank on the securities market.

Over the period under review, the credit institution's investments in highly liquid assets decreased by 26.5% (or by 0.4 billion rubles), amounting to 1.1 billion rubles as of February 1, 2016. The main volume of highly liquid assets falls on cash balances (80.3%), while nostro account balances also account for a significant share (8.3%). It is noteworthy that three-quarters of the bank's previously highly liquid assets were represented by investments in precious metals.

During the analyzed period, the Bank showed moderate activity in the interbank lending market, acting mainly as a net lender and supplying liquidity to residents for short and medium terms. Liquidity is also attracted from residents for a similar period. On Forex market the bank shows relatively high turnovers: up to 50 billion rubles a month.

At the end of 2015, the bank received net profit in the amount of 39.59 million rubles (in 2014 the bank received a net profit of 85 million rubles), and in January 2016 the bank received a net profit of 372 thousand rubles.

Board of Directors: Yakov Urinson (chairman), Stanislav Berlizov, Petr Gaidar, Valentin Andreev, Diana Ksendzenko.

Governing body: Kirill Drugov (chairman), Natalia Nikiforova, Elena Titova, Christina Volchkova.

Alexander Kudryavtsev, banking analyst

Information and Analytical Department of Banki.ru

Our vision for Sberbank in 2018 is formed on the basis of five main directions of development or strategic themes. We believe that it is precisely focused work in these areas that will lead us to success, will allow us to achieve all the financial and quality goals that we set for ourselves for the period until the end of 2018. These five areas are as follows:

  • with the client - for life: we will build very deep trusting relationships with our clients, we will become useful, sometimes invisible and integral part their lives. Our goal is to exceed the expectations of our clients;
  • team and culture: we strive to ensure that our employees and corporate culture of Sberbank become one of the main sources of our competitive advantage;
  • technological breakthrough: we will complete the technological modernization of the Bank and learn to integrate all the most modern technologies and innovation;
  • financial performance: we will increase the financial return of our business through more efficient cost management and the ratio of risk and reward;
  • mature organization: we will develop organizational and management skills, create processes that match the scale of the Sberbank Group and our level of ambition.

The full version of the Development Strategy of Sberbank can be found here.

The bank was founded in April 1994. In December 2004, he entered the deposit insurance system. In the second half of 2009, the key beneficiaries of JSCB "Strategy" were Alexander and Alla Urinson, who controlled more than 50% of the shares through LLC "Alur" until the summer of 2011. Alexander Urinson headed the Main Computing Center of the State Statistics Committee of the USSR and Russia from 1978 to 1992, and since 1994 he was the permanent chairman of the board of Strategy Bank. In July 2011, Alexander Urinson passed away. After that, the board of directors was headed by his brother - the former Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Rusnano" Yakov Urinson, and the post of Chairman of the Board was taken by Stanislav Berlizov, who had previously worked at JSC "Stolichny Torgovy Bank" (see) and.

According to Denis Sugrobov, Head of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in March 2012, law enforcement agencies seized documents in the bank related to the case of illegal withdrawal of funds abroad and laundering. The police stopped the activities of a criminal group consisting of bank employees who illegally cashed in more than 20 billion rubles. We are talking about the employees of Master-Bank, Zolostbank, as well as the Bank "Strategy". According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the defendants in the case, using one-day firms, on fake electronic orders transferred money to accounts of commercial banks, then to other accounts and cashed out. For their services, the organizers of the group, which included the heads of a number of banks and other organizations, took a commission of 3-7% of the payment amount.

Since February 2013, having acquired 19.46% of the shares, Pyotr Gaidar, the eldest of the children of the ex-Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Russian statesman and politician Yegor Gaidar, came to the bank. According to Pyotr Gaidar, Urinson was not only a like-minded person, but also a good friend of his father, and therefore the bank viewed Pyotr Gaidar as a strategic shareholder. In addition to Pyotr Gaidar, the bank belonged to Oleg Medvedev, Leonid Kelin, Alexei Andronov and Irina Rubinova (they owned 19.9% ​​of the bank at that time). At the same time, Sergei Timofeev headed the board.

Subsequently, in August 2014, the Bank was again caught by the Bank of Russia in non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation on combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. During the investigation, it turned out that with the help of 21 banks of the Russian Federation (including the Bank "Strategy"), 700 billion rubles were withdrawn from Russia, the so-called "Moldovan scheme". Subsequently, most of the banks were deprived of their licenses, but the Bank "Strategy" was brought only to administrative responsibility. This follows from the information provided by the Vedomosti newspaper, which had at its disposal letters from the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring of Moldova to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At the moment, the main beneficiaries of the credit institution are Irina Rubinova (73.3%), Alexey Andronov (8.84%), Oleg Medvedev (8.84%) and Petr Gaidar (8.76%). The remaining 0.25% is distributed among minority shareholders.

The bank's network is represented by its head office in Moscow, a branch in Perm and 13 additional offices. The bank focuses on lending and cash settlement services to corporate clients - trade, manufacturing and construction organizations, energy companies. Among its key customers and partners, the bank names its former shareholders - OJSC Neftegazspetsstroy, OJSC Energy and Electrification Permenergo, LLC Gaz-Oil, OJSC Silvinit, GMC Rosstat, Information and Publishing Center Statistics of Russia, CJSC FPC "Kalugaenergoremont", LLC "Motor transport company" Veles "and other organizations.

For legal entities, in addition to key banking services, the bank also offers payroll projects, acquiring, brokerage and depository services, bank guarantees, payroll projects, etc. Private clients in the bank's offices are provided with deposits, consumer and mortgage loans, money transfers through the Unistream systems, Anelik, Leader, Contact, Western Union, IntelExpress and Zolotaya Korona, safe deposit boxes for rent, bank cards of international payment systems MasterCard and Visa.

During the period under review, the net assets of the credit institution decreased by 7.82% (or by about 1 billion rubles) and as of February 1, 2016 amounted to 12.2 billion rubles. In the passive part of the balance sheet, the main reason for the decrease in the balance sheet total was a significant outflow of funds from enterprises and organizations (-78.2%, or 4.83 billion rubles). This was partially offset by attracting additional deposits from the population (+ 68.67%, or 3.57 billion rubles). In the active part of the balance sheet, the above changes in liabilities caused a significant reduction in the corporate loan portfolio (-11.17%, or 666.13 million rubles), as well as an almost complete reduction in the volume of funds placed on the interbank lending market. Highly liquid assets also showed negative dynamics (-26.46%, or 402.49 million rubles). At the same time, the credit institution for the analyzed period showed an increase in the portfolio of securities and investments in fixed assets.

The structure of liabilities is extremely poorly diversified. The main source of funding for the credit institution is the deposits of individuals, whose share as of February 1, 2016 amounted to 72.05% (at the beginning of 2015 - 39.38%). Almost the entire volume of funds of individuals is represented by deposits with maturities from one to three years. Also, a significant share in the structure of liabilities belongs to the credit institution's own funds and the funds of enterprises and organizations, the share of which at the reporting date was 13.56% and 11.06%, respectively. Dependence on funds of individuals is assessed as very high. The bank's client base has significantly decreased (due to the departure of legal entities). The turnovers on current accounts of clients previously reached values ​​of 45-50 billion rubles. The current dynamics of turnovers averages about 5.3 billion rubles per month.

The bulk of net assets falls on the loan portfolio (53.14%). Another 24.47% and 9.19% are occupied by other assets and highly liquid assets, respectively. Fixed assets and intangible assets and investments in securities in total account for about 12% of the net assets of the credit institution.

Over the period under review, the loan portfolio, formed by corporate loans by 81.86%, decreased by 5.35% or by 0.4 billion rubles in absolute terms, amounting to 6.5 billion rubles as of February 1, 2016. At the same time, during the analyzed period, the bank increased the share of retail lending. The loan portfolio is mainly short-term, the share of loans issued for a period of up to 1 year is 51.92%. According to the bank's financial statements under IFRS for 2014, the bulk of corporate loans is represented by the following sectors of the economy: wholesale (49%), manufacturing (11%), construction (11%) and real estate (10%). The level of overdue debt as of February 1, 2016 amounted to 6.68% (at the beginning of 2015 - 3.40%), which is a rather low indicator. The level of provisioning for the portfolio is at the level of 11.36% (at the beginning of the period - 8.38%), which is indirectly explained by the fact that the loan portfolio is only half secured by property pledge.

The securities portfolio for the analyzed period increased by 194.9 million rubles (+ 38.99%), amounting to 694.6 million rubles as of February 1, 2016. The portfolio is 77.4% represented by investments in bonds (mainly corporate and bank bonds), investments in bank bills account for 21.9% of the securities portfolio. It is also worth noting that the credit institution does not use securities presented in the portfolio as collateral for repo transactions. The portfolio turnover dynamics is low, which indicates either the low quality of the portfolio, or the bank's investment strategy in the securities market.

Over the period under review, the credit institution's investments in highly liquid assets decreased by 26.5% (or by 0.4 billion rubles), amounting to 1.1 billion rubles as of February 1, 2016. The main volume of highly liquid assets falls on cash balances (80.3%), while nostro account balances also account for a significant share (8.3%). It is noteworthy that three-quarters of the bank's previously highly liquid assets were represented by investments in precious metals.

During the analyzed period, the Bank showed moderate activity in the interbank lending market, acting mainly as a net lender and supplying liquidity to residents for short and medium terms. Liquidity is also attracted from residents for a similar period. In the Forex market, the bank shows relatively high turnovers: up to 50 billion rubles a month.

At the end of 2015, the bank received a net profit of 39.59 million rubles (in 2014 the bank received a net profit of 85 million rubles), and in January 2016 the bank received a net profit of 372 thousand rubles.

Board of Directors: Yakov Urinson (chairman), Stanislav Berlizov, Petr Gaidar, Valentin Andreev, Diana Ksendzenko.

Governing body: Kirill Drugov (chairman), Natalia Nikiforova, Elena Titova, Christina Volchkova.

Alexander Kudryavtsev, banking analyst

Information and Analytical Department of Banki.ru

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state