
When a Russian merchant bank is revoked its license. In Russia, a list of banks that will be deprived of their licenses has appeared. Russian Trade Bank closed or not

The fundamentals of any commercial bank are solvency and liquidity. The resulting stagnation and insolvency in the sale of bank assets and problems with the bank's solvency maximally negatively affect the full functioning and efficiency of the enterprise, which in turn represents ineffective liquidity of the bank.

Regulation of liquidity in a commercial bank is a very complex process that includes many factors of work:

  • thoughtfulness and rationality of decisions taken on bank management;
  • multilateral analysis and forecasting of the direction of development commercial activities;
  • an objective assessment of the riskiness of the actions taken.

Guaranteed stability of an exemplary liquidity level presents a major problem in the management of banking activities for a constant focus on maximum profit growth. The efficiency of maintaining a high level of liquidity is the coordinated regulation of active and passive bank investments.

Criteria to address critical performance problems financial system, - this is the primary task for the management of a commercial bank. The implementation of expedient actions for guarantee repayment of debts and the restoration of the bank's liquidity will allow achieving stability of the commercial bank's functioning system, including stabilizing growth cash deposits... The invariable fulfillment of the conditions is guaranteed to exclude the possibility of bankruptcy.

Creation of a corporation

The community was opened in 1998 in the city of Zheleznovodsk, a commercial organization was registered under the same name. In October 2004, the bank began to participate in state system for insurance of monetary investments. In 2007, the commercial bank was headed by a new owner in the person of Sergei Mikheev. The name “Russian Trust Bank” was given to the joint-stock credit institution in January 2008. In April 2008, the bank issued a new registration in Moscow.

Joint Stock Head Office Commercial Bank Russian Trust Bank is located in Moscow, additional offices are located in the Pskov and Moscow regions, as well as in the Saratov region and in the city of St. Petersburg. The bank developed effectively, introducing into its program innovative opportunities for communication with clients, remote service.

The bank has small assets, the key direction of the bank is aimed at working with individuals and servicing corporate clients.

Termination announcement

Mono-office Russian Trust Bank in 2016 significantly decreased in financial functionality and the provision of a sufficient amount of invested capital.

Since the beginning of 2016, the Russian Trust Bank has received repeated decisions of the Central Bank on the need to replenish the reserve capital. Unscheduled inspections showed unsatisfactory management performance, insufficient assets and liquidity of the bank. Claims were made for non-compliance with the collateral indicators own funds, in a sufficient amount set by the Central Bank regulations. JSCB "Russian Trust Bank" was registered in the fourth group of the Central Bank for 2005-U.

On August 14, 1916, the Russian Trust Bank stopped the work of electronic bank cards due to the temporary closure by the Central Bank of access to the system of "banking electronic reception payments ". This situation had an extremely negative impact on financial activities bank and led to the inability to fulfill their direct responsibilities.

This has invariably led to the elimination of the banking permit. JSCB "Russian Trust Bank" was charged with consistent violation of federal laws to control the activities of banks. The claims are related to a significant decrease in the personal capital ratio, as well as a fall below the two percent level established by federal legislation at the time of registration of the Russian Trust Bank organization. Lack of condition of property objects with financial assessment Stock Commercial Bank"Russian Trust Bank" and the inconsistency of the decisions that caused credit risks organizations. The present position of the riskiness of credit obligations, at the request of the inspecting authorities, showed an absolute loss of equity investment of Russian Trust Bank JSC.

The management and shareholders of the credit institution ignored the existing problems and did not take appropriate action to normalize financial stability jar.

Termination of activity

This financial position of Joint Stock Commercial Bank has created the need to comply with the main article No. 20 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” to confiscate permission from a credit institution to carry out financial operations.

By official order of the Bank Russian Federation a resolution was issued on the temporary deprivation of the competence of the leadership commercial organization and the appointment by the management of the activities of JSCB "Russian Trust Bank" as an arbitration manager or the announcement of the bank's liquidation. The order was approved on August 16, 2016.

This bank is part of the state system for the protection and insurance of household deposits, therefore, the liquidated license appears to be an insured event established by Federal Law No. 177-FZ.

Payment of insurance compensations to citizens with deposits is established in full amount of funds from a bank account, but not exceeding the maximum amount of 1.4 million rubles. The amount exceeding the compensation will be repaid in the course of the complete liquidation of the bank upon presentation of claims from the creditors. Reimbursement of insurance foreign currency deposits are carried out in the ruble equivalent established by the Central Bank of Russia at the rate of 08.16.2016.

In the competition for the vacant place of the agent bank, in terms of payments of insurance compensation to the depositors of the Russian Trust Bank, the first place was taken by the Foreign Trade Bank 24.

Start of payment of debts

Implementation of acceptance of applications for reimbursement of funds for capital investments will be carried out within one year, the payment is made through VTB 24 or directly by the "Deposit Insurance Agency".

According to federal laws, compensation for reimbursement of deposits is valid throughout the entire period of liquidation of the enterprise. The owner of the monetary deposit has the opportunity to use any of the territorial subdivisions of the agent-bank offered on the DIA website.

Holders of a cash deposit in the Russian Trust Bank are allowed to collect compensation for open bank accounts... You can also get cash by transferring to the bank accounts of another company, a member of the deposit insurance system.

For bank accounts opened for the purpose of commercial activities, compensation of funds will be made only through the transfer of the specified amount to the declared account opened for the same purpose in a bank that is a mandatory participant in the insurance program.

The owner of the monetary deposit has the right to submit an application for payment of compensation both personally and through a notarially authorized person. If the owners of the deposit for monetary savings in the Russian Trust Bank have a part of the amount left, then the depositor has grounds to make a claim to the agent bank by filling out an application for payment of compensation of the bank's debt.

Russian Trade Bank is a small credit organisation, which provides services to corporate clients and individuals. The bank is actively pursuing currency operations and attracts funds from citizens in deposits. The latter are the largest source financial liabilities jar. Russian Trade Bank was founded back in 1994. In the early stages of his activity, he provided services as a Specinvestbank. Current name financial enterprise received only in 2010.

Contributions for individuals Of the Russian Trade Bank are issued on various terms. A wide range of deposits allows you to choose the most optimal option for any client. Attractive deposit rates allow you to get good profit. Some deposit programs include capitalization. In this case, the accrued interest is automatically added to the G / L account. The frequency of such a procedure is determined by the conditions of a specific program. Most often this happens every month or quarter. Payments are made at the end of the due date.

The line also includes multicurrency deposits. Their feature is the ability to convert the account into another currency. This option allows you to minimize possible losses caused by fluctuations in the exchange rate. Interest rates on deposits of this type will not be too high.

Certain program variations include an automatic prolongation option. At the same time, cooperation continues on the same terms.

Bank contacts

On the map

Bank branch ATM Several nearby objects

The bank was founded at the end of 1993 and registered on May 16, 1994. Started out as a Special Investment bank(Specinvestbank). Until 1997, the lending institution focused on individual and trusting customer service. In 2002 authorized capital was increased to 150 million rubles (later, in 2012 - up to 217 million, in November 2013 - up to 259.4 million rubles). In 2005, the bank entered the deposit insurance system.

Until 2010, the bank's members were oil transportation companies, developers and a group of individuals. In 2010, the owners, headed by Mikhail Lvov, sold the bank for 280 million rubles to Sergei Ivanov, a former shareholder and chairman of the board of the Russian Development Bank (RBR; in the crisis year of 2008, it could not withstand the outflow of client funds and, as part of the reorganization, moved to FC Otkritie, later taking the name from it).

Since February 2010, a new team has been working in the purchased bank, formed mainly from Ivanov's colleagues from the RBR. The post of the chairman of the board was taken by Lyudmila Sapegina from the legal department of the RBR. In the summer of 2010, the credit institution was renamed into Russian Trading Bank (RTBK).

At the moment, the main beneficiaries of the bank are the chairman of the bank's council Sergey Ivanov (28.19%), spouses Sergey and Nina Muravlenko (in total 25.54%), member of the bank's council Alexander Avrutin (19.32%), member of the bank's council, chairman of the board Lyudmila Sapegina (4.26%), Irina Molodetskaya (8.94%), Irina Nadvornaya (7.81%), Igor Medunitsa (4.08%), Tatiana Simonova (1.83%) and Elena Gladkikh (0, 03%).

The Bank operates through a single office located in Moscow. As of October 1, 2017, the payroll headcount was 175 employees. Its own network for servicing payment cards is represented by two ATMs.

RTBC is focused on working with trade organizations and on trade finance in the segment of small and medium-sized businesses, and also develops the direction of private banking. For legal entities, the bank offers the following Bank operations: lending, settlement and cash services, remote banking service, Customs Card, plastic cards, acquiring, deposits, etc. Individuals have access to deposits, cash settlement services, plastic MasterCard cards(debit, credit), safe boxes, transfers (Contact), etc. About 150 clients of the Russian factoring company founded by Sergei Ivanov, operating under this brand since 2008, have been transferred to RTBK for servicing. They formed the initial customer base.

The volume of net assets of the credit institution has increased since the beginning of the year by 0.3% (or 32.2 million rubles), amounting to 10.8 billion rubles as of November 1, 2017.

The growth of the balance sheet currency was primarily due to the inflow of funds from legal entities, which led to an increase in the bank's resource base. In the active part of the balance sheet, the newly attracted funds were mainly used to increase the volume of the total loan portfolio and highly liquid assets.

The structure of the credit institution's liabilities is poorly diversified by sources of attraction and is characterized by an extremely high dependence on funds from individuals, whose share at the reporting date amounted to 63.2% of the total volume of the credit institution's net liabilities. During the analyzed period, the following changes occurred in the structure of attracted funds:

The share of individuals' funds in liabilities decreased from 65.1% to 63.2%, while their nominal volume decreased by 182 million rubles;
the share of legal entities' funds in liabilities increased from 5.9% to 6.2%, while their nominal volume increased by 30.6 million rubles;
as of the reporting date, the credit institution has no attracted interbank loans;
the share of own issued securities in liabilities decreased from 4.3% to 3.4%, while their nominal volume decreased by 98 million rubles;
as of the reporting date, the credit institution has no funds raised on loro accounts.

The credit institution's own funds as of November 1, 2017 amounted to RUB 1.1 billion. The shares of own and borrowed funds as of the reporting date are 10% and 90%, respectively. The equity capital adequacy ratio (N1.0) as of the reporting date is at an extremely low level, amounting to 9.83% (with a minimum of 8%).

The main volume of the credit institution's assets falls on the item of the loan portfolio, which as of the reporting date forms 77.4% of net assets. The shares of interest-earning assets and other assets as of November 1, 2017 are 80.8% and 19.2%, respectively.

During the period under review, the structure of assets has undergone the following changes:

The share of the total loan portfolio increased from 72.6% to 77.4%, while its nominal volume increased by 533.3 million rubles;
share of investments in portfolio valuable papers decreased from 9.6% to 3.4%, while their nominal volume decreased by 657.6 million rubles;
as of the reporting date, the credit institution has no investments in the form of issued interbank loans;
the share of highly liquid assets increased from 3.4% to 5%, while their nominal volume increased by 175.1 million rubles;
as of the reporting date, the share of the credit institution's investments in fixed assets is minimal (less than 1%);
the share of other assets decreased from 14% to 13.8%, while their nominal volume decreased by 20.6 million rubles.

As of the reporting date, the total loan portfolio of the financial institution is 8.3 billion rubles. Since the beginning of the year, its volume has increased by 533.3 million rubles (or 6.8%). The bulk of the loan portfolio falls on loans to legal entities, - 95%. According to the interim reports under RAS for three quarters of 2017, the bulk of corporate loans falls on the following activities: wholesale and retail (22,9%), Agriculture(11.7%), construction (6.2%) and real estate (5.6%). The loan portfolio is predominantly long-term: the share of loans issued for a period exceeding one year is 90.9%. During the analyzed period, the level of overdue debt on the total portfolio increased from 1.3% to 1.4%. In this case, the level of redundancy for loan portfolio is 21%, which fully covers the amount of overdue debt. As of the reporting date, the value of property pledged as collateral for loans is 4.2 billion rubles (50% of the loan portfolio).

As of the reporting date, the credit institution acts on the interbank market exclusively as a net creditor. The volume of placed funds as of November 1, 2017 is 2.4 million rubles. On foreign exchange market the financial institution is showing moderate activity, the turnover on conversion operations at the end of the last month is at the level of 91.1 billion rubles.

According to RAS financial statements, at the end of 2016, the credit institution incurred a net loss of RUB 902.2 million. For ten months of 2017, the credit institution showed a negative financial results with a loss of 467.3 million rubles.

Bank council: Sergey Ivanov (chairman), Alexander Avrutin, Lyudmila Sapegina, Tatiana Simonova, Tatiana Trefilova.

Governing body: Igor Safonov (chairman), Olga Platitsyna ( Chief Accountant), Natalia Martynova.

Russian Trade Bank

26.04.2017, 13:49

In April 2016, he opened a deposit "without loss of interest" in the Russian Trade Bank for 5 years. I specially chose this contribution, because its conditions provide for the introduction of additional payment ov. I applied to the bank on 04/26/2017 to make an additional contribution, but the bank does not accept it, because there is an internal order for the bank prohibiting the acceptance of additional contributions on the deposit "without loss of interest." This is tantamount to change ...
In April 2016, he opened a deposit "without loss of interest" in the Russian Trade Bank for 5 years. I specially chose this contribution, because its conditions provide for the introduction of additional contributions. I applied to the bank on 04/26/2017 to make an additional contribution, but the bank does not accept it, because there is an internal order for the bank prohibiting the acceptance of additional contributions on the deposit "without loss of interest." This is tantamount to changing the type of deposit, although it is stated in the deposit agreement that changing the type of deposit is not allowed. Bank in unilaterally transferred the deposit "without loss of interest" from savings to savings. Per recent times I saw how banks lose their licenses due to a decrease in the key rate due to the fact that they had previously attracted funds for much more high rates... And it seems that the Russian Trade Bank will be no exception. I do not recommend placing funds in this bank in excess of the amount of the insurance compensation.

Russian Trade Bank

22.04.2017, 07:16

Who does not believe - read the reviews, there are many of them both on Banki.ru and in other networks. Since the bank is unscrupulous, he turned to the banking regulator and to the court. I advise all depositors to fight with this bank with all available ...
The bank does not accept additional contributions to the deposit, despite the fact that, according to the agreement, a unilateral change in its conditions is not allowed .. Do not bring money to the bank, it is being checked, the license can be revoked.
Who does not believe - read the reviews, there are many of them both on Banki.ru and in other networks. Since the bank is unscrupulous, he turned to the banking regulator and to the court. I advise all depositors to fight this bank with all available ways... It is better to close such a bank, depriving it of its license, than to allow it to exist and do not care about depositors.

Russian Trade Bank

13.04.2017, 20:19

The cashier could not accept 20 dollar bill, because "the machine does not let it through, although it looks like it is normal." The bill was issued in another bank, where the machine passed it perfectly. As a result, I waited 20 minutes (paperwork for replenishment) in vain - I have to go to another bank to complete the operation.

Russian Trade Bank

03.04.2017, 13:46

I didn’t come again, because the prospect of the bank’s life is not clear - is there no need for "expensive" money? Is there a restriction on accepting deposits from the Central Bank? Though...
The bank violates the terms of the agreement - refuses to replenish the deposit! Bank employees refused to replenish earlier open contribution, referring to the internal order of the management. A written refusal was given to the request to show it. I wrote a complaint to the book of complaints and suggestions.

I didn’t come again, because the prospect of the bank’s life is not clear - is there no need for "expensive" money? Is there a restriction on accepting deposits from the Central Bank? Although they accept new deposits, there were 5 people in the bank to open a deposit.

What to do? How to live?)

Russian Trade Bank

20.03.2017, 19:54

I have refused to accept an additional contribution to the Contribution! No intelligible explanations are given. Something is getting dark. And I also accidentally overheard the conversation of bank employees that there was some kind of check by the Central Bank in the bank and it might end badly. All this is alarming. Why don’t they accept additional payments? It's outrageous! With this attitude, I do not want to keep a contribution here at all.

Russian Trade Bank

02.03.2017, 22:54

According to numerous backed-up reviews of the bank's clients, Russian Trade Bank has not fulfilled its obligations under the agreements concluded since September 2016 (or even earlier). The problem is NOT SOLVED AND NOT DECIDED! See my previous review. Why is the national rating so high? What is it made of? This is pre-bankruptcy. The bank unilaterally changed (read VIOLATED) its obligations under the deposit agreements ...
According to numerous backed-up reviews of the bank's clients, Russian Trade Bank has not fulfilled its obligations under the agreements concluded since September 2016 (or even earlier). The problem is NOT SOLVED AND NOT DECIDED! See my previous review. Why is the national rating so high? What is it made of? This is pre-bankruptcy. The bank unilaterally changed (read VIOLATED) its obligations under the deposit agreements and shoves the clients a letter in the form of a "bank order", which cancels the terms of the agreements.

Banki.ru, you are misleading potential depositors of this bank, tk. do not change its rating.

Recently there was information that the Russian Trade Bank is closing. One of the reasons is a license issue. The news came in mid-summer 2017, when one of the Internet portals published a blacklist of banks whose licenses had been revoked. In total, more than 30 banking organizations were represented, among which were RTBK, Baikalinvestbank, VVB, Russian International Bank, Rublev, Ural Capital, Garant-Invest, MBA-Moscow and many others... A little later, we learned that the information regarding most of the companies was false.

Russian Trade Bank closed or not

Already in the summer of this year, many clients of RTBK sounded the alarm when they learned that the organization was being closed due to the revocation of the license. It should be noted that dozens of banks had checks, many of which revealed violations. The Central Bank recently released an official list banking companies revoked in 2017. Among them there are 38 organizations. The RTBK was not included in the list, so it successfully continues its banking... In addition, the official website of the bank states that the information about the revocation of the license is not valid.

Let us remind you that Russian Trade Bank is a relatively young organization founded in 1994 in Moscow. The company, which is a limited liability company, is one of the most famous banking organizations in the metropolitan area. She specializes in the provision of financial services (loans, deposits, checking accounts, trade finance etc.) to individuals and legal entities.

In the entire history of the company's existence, there have been no problems with the renewal of the license. Today, experts say about her precarious position. In addition, according to the rating of unreliable banks in the Russian Federation, compiled by the Central Bank this year, the capital organization is included in the list. The rating includes more than 450 banks. The following aspects affect the weakening of the position of any bank:

  • lack of excess liquidity;
  • low lending activity;
  • negative foreign exchange revaluation;
  • strengthening of the national currency;
  • increase in interest expenses;
  • introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation.

Russian Trade Bank and License Problems: Assessment of the President of the Company

Sergei Ivanov, the president of RTBC since 2010, has already spoken out about the rumors about the withdrawal of the license. According to the head, the organization had some problems with the license, which were resolved in a timely manner. Today banking organization successfully promotes its activities, so current and future clients have nothing to worry about.

The problem in the Moscow company was revealed during inspections in early August this year. The organization did not disclose the form for calculating its own funds. A similar situation was the case with PromTransBank and Uralfinance. The RTBK almost immediately presented the relevant certificates.

RTBC: latest news

Russian Trade Bank continues to cut rates on different types deposits. At the beginning of summer 2017, the rates on deposits and deposits in rubles were lowered. In October this year, the company's management announced a decrease in interest rates on deposits in euros. The company continues to successfully implement settlement and cash transactions using the Internet banking system due to the large number of counterparties. Among the main services remain:

  • individuals: deposits, internet banking and safe deposit boxes;
  • corporate clients: loans for business, deposits, bank guarantees, currency control.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state