
The scientist proposes to allocate seven sources of innovative changes. Seven sources of innovative opportunities. Innovation factors

Drager P. allocates seven sources innovative ideas:

An unexpected event for an organization or industry - unexpected success, unexpected not luck, an unexpected external event

Not congruence - the discrepancy between reality (which is actually it is) and our ideas about it (what it should be)

Innovations based on the needs of the process (under the need of the process should be kept in mind those of its disadvantages and weaknesses that can and should be eliminated)

Sudden changes in the structure of the industry or market

Demographic changes

Changes in perceptions, moods and value installations

New knowledge (both scientific and unscientific).

According to Drakera P., the systematic innovation process consists in a targeted and organized selection of changes and in the systematic analysis of these changes as a source of social and economic innovations.

The first 4 sources of innovative ideas (areas of change) is referred to internally, as they are within the framework of the organization, within the industry or services industry (such sources are available for those operating in this organization or in this industry). The last three sources relate to external, as they have their origin outside this organization or industry. However, there are no clear boundaries between all sources, and they can mutually intersect.

When choosing an innovative idea and decision to implement any innovation, it is necessary to find out some points:

If we are talking about product innovation - whether one or another product has good chances in the market.

If we are talking about any innovative project - Getting real profit (profit from the project should be significantly higher than the cost of its implementation) and the assessment of the real risk (the project associated with the risk must be in the maximum permissible ratio of profit from its implementation).

So., in order to achieve intended goals and get monopoly superprivalent From innovation activities, organizations need to comply with some conditions and meet certain requirements:

It is necessary to clearly represent the amount of demand for potential consumers for innovation, its economically pronounced benefits before existing methods Satisfying this need

It is necessary to identify the resource restrictions that occur when creating, manufacturing and marketing innovations, i.e. It is important to correctly compile a comprehensive forecast economic potential innovations

For the successful development of an innovative organization mandatory condition is the compliance of the organization's personnel with certain requirements

With limited material and financial resources and market uncertainty, the quality of organization and management plays a significant role in the success of innovative organizations.

In connection with the above, it is small innovative organizations that are most effective, since they are characterized by the absence of strictly formalized management structures, which ensures the speed and flexibility in decision-making.

Question 4. Essence, content and classification of innovation.

The term "Innovation" translated from English means "innovation".

In accordance with the classification of Y.Shumpeter's concept "Innovations" Considered as:

1) manufacturing new, i.e., still unknown consumers, benefits or the creation of a new quality of a good;

2) implementing new, i.e., this industry of the industry is still almost an unknown method (method) of production, which is based on a new scientific discovery and which can also be in a new way to commercially use the relevant goods;

H) mastering a new sales market, i.e., such a market on which still this industry Industry of this country was not presented regardless of whether this market existed before or not;

4) obtaining a new source of raw materials or semi-finished products is equally regardless of whether this source has existed before, or was considered unavailable, or it was only necessary to create

5) conducting reorganization For example, ensuring a monopoly position or undermining the monopoly position of another enterprise.

Innovation -this is the final result of introducing innovations in order to change the management facility and obtaining an economic, social, environmental, scientific and technical or other type of effect.

Innovation- This is the result of fundamental, applied research, development or experimental activities to increase its effectiveness.

The famous American Specialist in the field of management P. Drucker allocated 7 major sources of innovation or conditions for innovation:

1) an unexpected event (success, failure, event in the external environment);

2) the discrepancy or mismatch between reality and its reflection in our opinions and estimates;

3) the needs of the production process;

4) Changes in the structure of the industry and the market, "capturing all by surprise"

5) demographic changes

6) Changes in the perception and sentiment of consumers

7) New knowledge (scientific and unscientific)

Unexpected event. The richest opportunities for effective innovation gives an unexpected success (the veterinarians found that medicines for people treat and animals, acquired licenses for the production of new drugs for veterinary medicine and organized their production). At the same time, innovative capabilities are associated with a smaller risk of obtaining a negative result, and innovation is less laborious.

The discrepancy between what is, and what should be. This phenomenon can be expressed in the following situations:

Discrepancy between economic indicators. An increase in demand for products (that is, on its production) must be consistent and profit growth. The inconsistency of the dynamics of these indicators across the industry indicates crisis situation. An innovator who has noticed this inconsistency and has a new solution to the problem, can count on success. Example: Even the minimum expansion of steel and metal products required huge investments, which very slowly paydled; The production process was uneconomic: heating and cooling of ingots was carried out 4 times. Specialized mini-plants began to occur, which produced a limited range of products. The production process was better than automation, the specific costs were reduced by half.

The discrepancy between reality and the presentation of it.It arises when the leaders of the industry are based on erroneous prerequisites and misunderstand the real situation.

Missing between the values \u200b\u200bof the buyer and the ideas about them of managers (manufacturers). Leaders believe that they all know, but in fact there is another. (Japanese radio managers were confident that the poor could not afford the TV, but for them he had specific value and was acquired).

The needs of the production process. In industrial activities, there are often situations when the "bottlenecks" of the technological process prevent business development. At the same time, it is necessary to replace the weak link or restructuring the existing process in accordance with the new level of knowledge. Example: at 19 in. In the photo there was a weak link - glass photographic plates. When replacing them on cellulosic film and designing for it, a mild camera Kodak won the leadership in the photo.

Changes in industry and market structures :

Rapid growth of the industry.If the volume of production in the industry is growing faster than the population or economy as a whole, the structure of the industry should change. Upon doubling the volume of the enterprise, as a rule, cease to understand the needs of the buyer and ineffectively serve the market.

Rapprochement (convergence) of technology.The compound of several technologies in one causes major changes in the structure of production. (Cell phone with built-in camera and clock;)

Ripening industry for its large structural transformations.(Transformation of ophthalmologic blade in the USSR: Changes in the treatment of eye diseases, in operating technology, in creating a new surgical instrument (diamond scalpels) and as a result, the change in the organization of the entire treatment process).

Demographic changes. They greatly affect the amount of demand for goods and services, which opens up new opportunities for innovation. Example: In 1949, "Babi-boom" began in the United States, which provided families with a large number of children. In the NAK.60-X, when the children of this wave have grown, the shoes merchant Melllville reoriented its business to adolescents: for them, new products were developed and advertising is designed.

Changes in the perception of the population. Change of sentiment in society, the creation of new values \u200b\u200bare the serious possibilities of innovation. (health value - fitness centers, gyms, environmentally friendly products).

Features of innovation based on new knowledge. The implementation of innovations based on new knowledge is characterized by the greatest time.

1. A thorough analysis of the knowledge itself is needed to create an innovation. It is important to find out what conditions is not enough to successfully implement the idea. If it is impossible to ensure all the conditions, innovation should be postponed.

2. An important orientation is important for strategic dominance in the market. Perspective innovation Immediately attracts competitors, and therefore leadership must be achieved quickly.

3. Implementation of innovation requires entrepreneurial management

5. Features of innovative organizations, their types.

The main difference between innovative (updated) organizations is the orientation of changes that are becoming the norm of their activities. They are actively innovative policies. Investing large investments in research and development. They constantly bring new products and services to the market, update their technological base. (Best Innovative Companies: "" Bank of America '', "Procter & Gamble", IBM, "Sony", etc.).

Features of innovative organizationsthey are in their own understanding: essence of innovation and management of the process of creating innovations.

The essence of innovation.

Features of the process of creating innovation

Basic provisions Content position
Home Background of Innovation Strategy Products, technology, markets, distribution channels, etc. aging
The basis of an innovative strategy Planned and systematic replacement of outdated
Direction of work on the creation of innovation Refusal to the well-known temporary sequence "Research - Development - Production - Marketing". The project manager carries out work depending on the logic of the situation.
Organizational principles for creating innovation Separate from the current production
Organization of work on the creation of innovation Independent group or team working in parallel with an existing structure
Financing Separately from current activities.

The innovative organization in its strategy is in advance oriented on the need for constant work on new products and services. That is, simultaneously with the production of products there is a planned preparation of new products.

In innovative organizations, and this is their essential difference, the creation of innovation is a type of business, whereas in most organizations is a function, a part of the company's overall activity.

Allocate 5 types of behavior of innovative firms on the market, depending on:

· Industry novelty (new, promising, mature)

· Company sizes

· R & D spending values

· Production output scale: mass (large-scale, serial), small-sector, single (experienced and experimental) production

· Product quality

· Level of competition, etc.

Competitive advantages are always associated with the implementation of certain changes that affect all members of this organization. In this case, changes, to one degree or another, are always associated with innovation.
For the first time, the term "innovation" appeared in scientific research of cultural scientists in the 19th century and literally meant the introduction of some elements of one culture to another.
Only at the beginning of the 20th century began to be studied by the patterns of technical innovations. In 1911, the Austrian economist Shumpeter Y. in the work "Theory economic Development"Allocated two sides of the economic life:
· Static (the routine circuit is associated with constant repetition and renewal of production - the organizations participating in it from their experience know the principles of their behavior, they are easy to anticipate the results of their actions and it is easy to make decisions, because the situation is understandable);
· Dynamic (innovative circuit means development - special, distinguishable in practice and in the consciousness of people, the condition that acts on them as an external force is not found in the situation of economic circuits).
The innovations in the economy are implemented, as a rule, not after the consumer has a spontaneously new needs and reorientation of production will occur, and then when the production itself will take off the consumer to new needs.
It means combining the resources available at the disposal, but to produce something new - it means to create new combinations of changes in the development of production and market. Shumpeter J. allocated five typical changes:
1. Changes due to use new techniqueNew technological processes and new market support;
2. Changes due to the use of products with new properties;
3. Changes due to the use of new raw materials;
4. Changes in the organization of production and methods of its logistical support;
5. Changes due to the emergence of new markets.
In the 1930s, the 20th century Schumpeter J. For the first time, I used the concept of "innovation", implying changes in the aim of introducing and using new types of consumer goods, new production facilities, markets and forms of the organization in industry. At the same time, Schumpeter J. The main role of the driving force of the economic development of society took not the nature of the struggle between capital and the proletariat (according to Marx K.), but the introduction of innovations to the state of state.
In the course of the research, it also turned out that the source of profit could be not only a change in prices and saving at current costs, but also a radical update and change of products. The possibility of ensuring the competitiveness of the organization by changing the price or reduction of costs is always short-lived and is limited. An innovative approach is preferable because the search process, accumulation and transformation of scientific knowledge into physical reality is essentially unreasonable.

Sources of innovative ideas

Drager P. allocates seven sources of innovative ideas:
1. An unexpected event for an organization or industry - an unexpected success, an unexpected failure, an unexpected external event
2. Not congruence - the inconsistency between reality (which is actually it is) and our ideas about it (what should it be)
3. Innovations based on the needs of the process (under the need of the process should be kept in mind those of its disadvantages and weaknesses that can and should be eliminated)
4. Sudden changes in the structure of the industry or market
5. Demographic changes
6. Changes in perceptions, moods and value installations
7. New knowledge (both scientific and unscientific).
According to Drakera P., the systematic innovation process consists in a targeted and organized selection of changes and in the systematic analysis of these changes as a source of social and economic innovations. The first 4 sources of innovative ideas (areas of change) is referred to internally, as they are within the framework of the organization, within the industry or services industry (such sources are available for those operating in this organization or in this industry). The last three sources relate to external, as they have their origin outside this organization or industry. However, there are no clear boundaries between all sources, and they can mutually intersect.
When choosing an innovative idea and decision to implement any innovation, it is necessary to find out some points:
§ If we are talking about product innovation - is one or another product good chances in the market
§ If we are talking about any innovative project - receiving real profits (profits from the project should be significantly higher than the cost of its implementation) and the assessment of real risk (the risk-related risk must be in the maximum permissible ratio of profit from its implementation).
So, in order to achieve the intended goals and get a monopoly super-profile from innovation activities, organizations need to comply with some conditions and meet certain requirements:
§ It is necessary to clearly represent the volume of demand for potential consumers for innovation, its economically pronounced advantages over the existing ways to meet this need.
§ It is necessary to identify the resource restrictions that arise when creating, manufacturing and sales of innovations, i.e. It is important to correctly compile a comprehensive forecast of the economic potential of innovation
§ For the successful development of an innovative organization, a prerequisite is the compliance of the organization's personnel with certain requirements.
§ When limiting material and financial resources and market uncertainty, a significant role in the success of innovative organizations is played by the quality of organization and management.
In connection with the foregoing, it is small innovative organizations that are most effective, since they are characterized by the absence of strictly formalized management structures, which ensures the speed and flexibility in decision-making.

Innovative process

Formation of plan, preparation and gradual implementation of innovative changes are called an innovative process. An innovative process is a broader concept than innovative activities. It can be considered from various positions and varying degrees of detail:
· First, it can be viewed as parallel-consistent implementation of research, scientific and technical, industrial activities and innovation;
· Secondly, it can be viewed as temporary stages of the life cycle of innovation from the emergence of the idea to its development and implementation.
In general, the innovative process is a consistent chain of events, during which the innovation is implemented from the idea to a particular product, technology or services and applies to business practice. Moreover, the innovative process does not end with the so-called implementation, i.e. The first advent of the new product, services or bringing to the project capacity of the new technology. The process is not interrupted, because As it is distributed in the economy, the innovation is improved, it is done more efficient, acquires new consumer properties, which opens up new applications for him, new markets, and therefore new consumers.
An important direction in the study of innovative processes is to identify real factors that contribute to or preventing them.

Table: Factors affecting the development of innovative processes

Group of factors Factors impeding innovation activities Factors contributing to innovation activities
Economic, technological lack of funds for financing innovative projects · Weakness of the material and scientific and technical base and outdated technology, lack of reserve capacity · dominance of the interests of the current production · The presence of a reserve of financial, material and technological means, progressive technologies · The availability of the necessary economic and scientific Technical infrastructure · Material promotion for innovative activities
Political, legal · restrictions on the part of antitrust, tax, depreciation, patent license legislation · Legislative measures (especially benefits), encouraging innovative activities · governmental support Innovation
Organizational and managerial · Well-established Organization, excessive centralization, authoritarian management style, predominance of vertical information flows · Departmental closure, difficulty of inter-sectoral and inter-organizational interactions · Strichness in planning · Orientation for the established markets · Orientation for short-term payback · The complexity of coordination of the interests of participants in innovative processes · Flexibility Organic Structures, Democratic Style of Control, the prevalence of horizontal flow streams, self-plating, adjustment assumptions · Decentralization, autonomy, formation of target problem groups
Socio-psychological, cultural · resistance to changes that can cause consequences as a change in status, the need to search new work, restructuring of established ways of activity, violation of stereotypes of behavior of the established traditions · fear of uncertainty, fear of punishment for failure · Resistance to everything new, which comes from outside · moral promotion, public recognition · Ensuring the possibilities of self-realization, liberation of creative labor · Normal psychological climate in the labor collective

The content of the innovation process covers the stages of creation, both innovations and innovations.
The process of creating innovation includes (the life cycle of innovation):
1. Study of the study
§ Fundamental studies and development of the theoretical approach to solving the problem (fundamental studies are theoretical or experimental activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge of the basic laws and properties of social and natural phenomena, the cause-effect relationships regarding their specific application. Distinguish theoretical and search Fundamental studies. Theoretical studies include the task of which are new discoveries, the creation of new theories and the rationale for new concepts and ideas. The search relates fundamental studies - the task of the opening of new principles of creating products and technologies, new, unknown, previously, properties of materials and their compounds, analysis and synthesis methods. In search studies, the target of the intended work is commonly known, the theoretical foundations, but are not specified, but are not specified. During such studies, confirmation is relegated I or revise theoretical offers and ideas. The positive yield of fundamental research in world science is 5%.);
§ Applied research and experimental models (applied / original studies are directed, first of all, to achieve a specific goal or task, to identify paths practical application previously open phenomena and processes; Scientific research work of an applied nature aims to solve the technical problem, clarifying unclear theoretical issues, obtaining specific scientific resultswhich will be further used in experimental development);
§ Experimental developments, determination of technical parameters, design of products, manufacturing, testing, finishing (product development - the final stage of scientific research, which is characterized by the transition from laboratory conditions and experimental production to industrial production. The purpose of developing a product - the creation / modernization of samples of new techniques that can be transferred after appropriate tests into serial production or directly to the consumer. At this stage, the final test of theoretical studies is made, the corresponding technical documentation, manufactured and tested technical prototype or an experienced technological process. The technical prototype is a real-acting product sample, system or process that demonstrates the suitability and compliance of performance characteristics by specifications and production requirements);
2. Production Stage
§ Primary development and production preparation (at this stage a description of possible production methods, indicating the main materials and technological processes, conditions of operational and environmental safety, the stage of determining industrial applicability and preparation for production is the period during which the product must be prepared for exit to the market. The result is a prototype - a full-scale current model, designed and created to determine the requirements for the production of a new product. The prototype fully complies with industrial design standards final product, mastered in mass production. Data technical analysis and collecting information are the basis for a feasibility study containing a detailed assessment of costs for the creation and operation production complex and arrived from the sale in the product market at competitive prices);
§ launch and management of developmental production (full-scale production is the period during which new Product mastered B. industrial production and optimizes the production process in accordance with the requirements of the market);
3. Stage of consumption
§ Delivery of products to the market and its consumption (at this stage, the strategy for promoting a new product on the market is specified, there is a direct consumption of new knowledge, emitted in a new product. At the same time, the actual effectiveness of innovation activity is detected.);
§ Observing of the product and the necessary elimination of obsolete production (this stage comes when there is not only physical, but primarily moral depreciation, caused by the rapid rates of developing new highly efficient samples).
In relation to the innovation, as to the process of transferring innovation to the scope, the content of the life cycle is somewhat different and includes the following stages:
1. The birth of innovation is the awareness of the needs and the possibility of changes, the search and development of innovations;
2. The development of innovation is the introduction of the object, the experiment, the implementation of production changes;
3. Innovation diffusion - distribution, replication and multiple repetition on other objects (the distribution of innovation is an information process, the form and speed of which depend on the capacity communication channels, features of the perception of information by economic entities, their abilities to the practical use of this information, etc. According to the theory of Schispeter J. The diffusion of innovation is the process of cumulative increase in the number of simulators / followers, introducing an innovation after an innovator in anticipation of higher profits);
4. Rutination of innovation - innovation is implemented in stable, constantly functioning elements of the relevant objects.
The innovation, as a process, cannot be considered completely complete if it stopped at one of these stages. In turn, the life cycle of innovations may be ceased at the consumption stage, if not comes with the innovation.
Thus, both life cycles are interrelated, interdependent and impossible alone without the other. Both life cycles are covered general concept The innovative process, and the main difference between them lies in the fact that in one case the process of forming new products occurs, in the other - the process of its commercialization.

Figure: Life cycle of the new product

Flow need for theoretical studies The need for developing applied research needs the need for economics in the development of new equipment, technology and consumer goods
Scientific Fundamental research Applied Studies Experimental Development Diffusion Meaning in Production and Consumption
Opening ideas of the invention Scientific and technical achievements / development innovation

Figure: Innovation Process

Generation of technical feasibility testing Creating a prototype Comprehensive testing and improvement technical characteristics Protecting the Market Market Market Market Succession
Analysis Retaining Wide Marketing
First stage second stage third stage fourth stage fifth stage sixth stage
Organizing the innovation process
We will look at the process of innovation from a financial point of view.

Figure: Dynamics of costs and profits during the implementation
Innovative Project (Mikkelson H.)

Profit W.

Gross income

Clean income


Current costs associated
with production I.
Sales of products

Obviously, the early stages of this process are deliberately costly, and the costs increase sharply as the innovation approaches the market (time T1). The segment T0-T1 corresponds to the first four stages of the innovation process. With the onset of the fifth stage, the organization begins to receive income from sales, growing further with the expansion of production and sales (curve W on the T1-T3 segment). Naturally, this happens only with the successful development of the innovation process. The V curve on the same segment characterizes the production of pure income, starting from time to T1. It is formed as a result of subtraction from the gross income W of the current costs q associated with the production and sale of commercial products. From some point in time T2\u003e T1, net income compensates for the costs in the early stages of the innovation process and the organization begins to receive pure profits (curve P on the T2-T3 segment).
Net profit It grows until the new commodity products are competitive and in demand from buyers.
However, life indicates that in conditions market economy This happy period for entrepreneurs continues long. In the footsteps of the Novator's organization, many others go, also seeking to settle in the new market niche. Some of them acquire a license to use innovation on legal grounds. Others - act with pirated methods, applying the technology developed by the first organization or releasing a new product without complying all the requirements provided for by the law. Third generally discredit innovations, setting up the underground release of low-quality and cheaper analogues under the brand name of the developer. Finally, the fourth are the most serious competitors on the market - independently improve the consumer or technological characteristics of innovations, achieve significant results on this path, find loopholes in patent legislation and gradually fill on with their products all new spaces of a market niche.

Drager P. allocates seven sources of innovative ideas:

An unexpected event for an organization or industry - unexpected success, unexpected not luck, an unexpected external event

Not congruence - the discrepancy between reality (which is actually it is) and our ideas about it (what it should be)

Innovations based on the needs of the process (under the need of the process should be kept in mind those of its disadvantages and weaknesses that can and should be eliminated)

Sudden changes in the structure of the industry or market

Demographic changes

Changes in perceptions, moods and value installations

New knowledge (both scientific and unscientific).

According to Drakera P., the systematic innovation process consists in a targeted and organized selection of changes and in the systematic analysis of these changes as a source of social and economic innovations.

The first 4 sources of innovative ideas (areas of change) is referred to internally, as they are within the framework of the organization, within the industry or services industry (such sources are available for those operating in this organization or in this industry). The last three sources relate to external, as they have their origin outside this organization or industry. However, there are no clear boundaries between all sources, and they can mutually intersect.

When choosing an innovative idea and decision to implement any innovation, it is necessary to find out some points:

If we are talking about product innovation - whether one or another product has good chances in the market.

If we are talking about any innovative project - receiving real profits (profit from the project should be significantly higher than the cost of its implementation) and the assessment of real risk (a project associated with the risk must be in the maximum permissible ratio of profit from its implementation).

So, in order to achieve the intended goals and get a monopoly super-profile from innovation activities, organizations need to comply with some conditions and meet certain requirements:

It is necessary to clearly represent the demand of potential consumers for innovation, its economically pronounced advantages over the existing ways to meet this need.

It is necessary to identify the resource restrictions that occur when creating, manufacturing and marketing innovations, i.e. It is important to correctly compile a comprehensive forecast of the economic potential of innovation

For the successful development of an innovative organization, a prerequisite is the compliance of organization personnel with certain requirements.

With limited material and financial resources and market uncertainty, the quality of organization and management plays a significant role in the success of innovative organizations.

In connection with the above, it is small innovative organizations that are most effective, since they are characterized by the absence of strictly formalized management structures, which ensures the speed and flexibility in decision-making.

Question 4. Essence, content and classification of innovation.

The term "Innovation" translated from English means "innovation".

In accordance with the classification of Y.Shumpeter's concept "Innovations" Considered as:

1) manufacturing new, i.e., still unknown consumers, benefits or the creation of a new quality of a good;

2) implementing new, i.e., this industry of the industry is still almost an unknown method (method) of production, which is based on a new scientific discovery and which can also be in a new way to commercially use the relevant goods;

H) mastering a new sales market, i.e., such a market, which so far, this industry has not yet been presented regardless of whether this market has existed before or not;

4) obtaining a new source of raw materials or semi-finished products is equally regardless of whether this source has existed before, or was considered unavailable, or it was only necessary to create

5) conducting reorganization For example, ensuring a monopoly position or undermining the monopoly position of another enterprise.

Innovation -this is the final result of introducing innovations in order to change the management facility and obtaining an economic, social, environmental, scientific and technical or other type of effect.

Innovation- This is the result of fundamental, applied research, development or experimental activities to increase its effectiveness.

Innovations and inventions become innovations after their commercialization (implementation).

The time between the emergence of innovation and the embodiment of it in innovation is called innovative Lag.

Innovations may be issued as:





Rationalization proposals;

Documentation for a new or improved product, technology, management or production process;

Organizational, industrial or other structure;



Scientific approaches or principles;

Results of marketing research, etc.

table 2

Types and objectives of innovation

The literature presents a number of innovation classifications. A. I. Prigogin offers the most complete typology of innovations:

1) by type of innovation:

Material and technical (technique, technology, materials);



Organizational and managerial;



2) on innovative potential:

Radical (basic);

Combinatorial (use of various combinations);

Modifying (improve, complementary);

3) on the principle of attitude to its predecessor:

Replacing (instead of obsolete);

Canceling (exclude execution of operations);

Returns (to the predecessor);

Opening (new, no analogues);

4) by volume of application:


Systemic (technological, organizational, etc.);

Strategic (principles of management, production);

5) on efficiency (goals):

Production efficiency;

Management efficiency;

Improving working conditions, etc;

6) in social consequences:

Causing social costs;

New types of monotonous labor;

Harmful conditions, etc.;

7) According to the features of the mechanism of its implementation:

Single (for one object);

Diffuse (for many objects);

Completed and unfinished;

Successful and unsuccessful;

8) According to the features of the innovation process:



9) by the source of the initiative:

Direct social order;

As a result of the invention.

Each innovation is implemented according to the scheme called innovative cyclecomprising various stages - from the idea to the commercialization of innovation.

Generalized Innovation Cycle Scheme

Keywords: Forms, features, business, activities, sources, innovative, changes

Status the entrepreneur is purchased only through state registration Enterprises. In cases where entrepreneurial activity is conducted without the use of hired labor, it is registered as individual labor activity , and with the involvement of hired labor - as company.

It follows that entrepreneurship is carried out in two forms:

the owner of the production means at your own risk and risk and under its property responsibility (individual labor activity);

the head of the enterprise on behalf of the owner.

The limits of disposal of such property are regulated contract (contract), Determining mutual obligations of the parties. This agreement indicates restrictions on the use of property and conducting certain types of activities, the procedure and conditions for financial relations and the material responsibility of the parties, the foundations and conditions of termination of the contract.

The owner of the property has no right to interfere in the activities of the entrepreneur After the conclusion of the contract with the manager (entrepreneur), with the exception of cases provided for by the contract, the statute of the enterprise and the law.

The entrepreneur (head) has the right:

Attract in the contractual principles and use financial resources, objects of intellectual property, property and individual property rights of citizens and legal entities;

Independently form a manufacturing program, choose suppliers and consumers of their products, to establish prices for it within the limits defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and treaties;

Carry out foreign economic activity;

Carry out administrative and administrative activities on the management of the enterprise;

Hiring and dismiss workers Otmeni enterprise owner.

For all points the entrepreneur must organize activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and agreements concluded by him and be responsible for the law for the improper performance of concluded contracts, violation of ownership of other subjects, pollution ambient, violation of antitrust laws, non-compliance with the safe working conditions, sales of consumers of products caused by health.

Entrepreneurship formula is simple: Getting maximum profit with minimal risk. However, its implementation is carried out in a high level of uncertainty in the success of the case. This uncertainty, on the one hand, is determined. market relations (Will be recognized in the businessman's proposals market), and on the other - the dynamism of change in supply and demand.

From here the most important features of entrepreneurship are risk, mobility, dynamism of entrepreneurial actions (Will not be late, in time to catch a changing demand). The entrepreneur, as they say, does not sit in place, he is continuously looking for a new one. To withstand competition, it continuously improves the technology of its production, corrects the price of the goods, its quality in accordance with the changes occurring in its field of action.

French economist J.B. This Back in 1800, I noticed that the entrepreneur moves economic resources from the low productivity area and low income In the area of \u200b\u200bhigher productivity and profitability.

At the same time, entrepreneurship, as any type of activity, should have theoretical foundations explaining its essence. If proceed from the destination of entrepreneurial activity, namely permanent search for a new, continuous improvement of the enterprise, it is obvious that it cannot be based only on the classical economic theory, which gives ways to optimize what is already there, i.e. It concentrates on issues of extracting maximum profits from cash and equilibrium.

And in this regard, we share the point of view of the American scientist Peter Drucera that theoretical basis Entrepreneurial activity is the economic theory of dynamic non-equilibrium.

The ancestor of this theory was J. Schupeter.which in his book "theory economic speakers"(1911) refused traditional economic theory and argued that the "norm" of a healthy economy is not equilibrium or optimization, but dynamic non-equilibrium caused by activities innovator-entrepreneurwhich is aimed at creating a new consumer demand, to receive something other, other than the previous one, providing qualitatively more complete satisfaction of needs.

True, the latter does not always mean something completely new. It is usually based on a well-known consumer value (product or service), but by introducing new technology, increasing the return on investment, the entrepreneur creates a new market and a new consumer.

Example This is network of restaurants McDonalds.whose activities are pure entrepreneurship. Here we have a position in which the demand for this product has grown to such an extent that a special "market niche" was formed.

Most this entrepreneur can achieve with the help of the existing "resource" in which he should "inhale" a new life or find a new resource that will help create new consumer costs that end up with the so-called so-called corrective destruction.

The fact is that any resource becomes useful only when a person finds him in nature and gives it an economic value, i.e. Can get from it or create new products or services with it.

Hence it follows that the basic principle of the theory of dynamic non-equilibrium is an innovativeness approach, as a result of the implementation of which is created new resource violating the accepted balance.

This innovative approach should be considered as an innovative process that occurs constantly and purposefully in finding changes in the existing practice as a source of obtaining social and economic benefits.

At the same time, these innovations are extremely diverse, and each of them has its own concrete reasons, motives. This circumstance necessitates the classification of changes taking place for one or another reasons.

In this regard, in our opinion, quite complete of all available classifications The changes offers the American scientist-economist Peter F. Kdroger.

He offers to highlight seven sources of innovative changes:

An unexpected event (for the enterprise or industry) - success, failure, external event;

Non-kongentity is a discrepancy between reality, what is it really, and our ideas about it;

Innovations based on the needs of the process;

Sudden changes in the structure of the industry or market;

Demographic changes;

Changes in perceptions, moods and value installations;

New knowledge (both scientific and unscientific).

All of the above types are close, sometimes it is even difficult to distinguish them. And at the same time, the analysis of emerging situations when considering this or that type of change allows establish the nature of innovative solutions.

In any case, you can always get answers to such questions as: "What will happen, If we use the undergoing change? Where it can lead company? What should be done, To change the change to the source of development? "

At the same time, of the seven types of changes are the most important than the third and seventh, as they are of the most radical.

The change caused by life is much more importantrather than two first. The old proverb says: "The need is the mother of the invention." In this case, the change is based on the needs of practice, life. (Replacement of manual set in typography, preservation of freshness of products, etc.)

However, the implementation of this type of change implies the need to understand that:

1. Not enough feel the need it is important to know her, understand In its essence, otherwise it is impossible to find her decision.

2. Not always It is possible to satisfy the need, and in this case it remains only solving some part of it.

In any case, when solving the problem of this type, it is necessary to answer such questions as: "Do we understand what changes do in what changes do you need? Does the necessary knowledge necessary or need to get it yet? Do our solutions meet the habits, traditions and Target orientations of potential consumers? "

The most significant changes can be said radical, occur based on "New Knowledge". Innovations Based on new knowledge (discoveries), as a rule, are difficult to manage. This is due to a number of circumstances.

Primarily observed, as a rule, a large gap between the appearance of new knowledge and its technological use, secondly, it takes a lot of time before new technology Materializes in a new product, process or service.

In this regard, innovations based on new knowledge require:

1. A thorough analysis of all necessary factors.

2. Clear understanding of the goal pursued, i.e. Clear strategic orientation is needed.

3. Organizations of entrepreneurial management, since financial and managerial flexibility and market focus are needed.

An innovation based on new knowledge should "mature" and be a perceived society. Only in this case it will bring success.

But there is innovations that are based Sometimes not on new knowledge, but on ideas.This type of innovation in quantitatively and in its consequences overlaps all other types of innovations. It can be considered eighth in addition to the classification.

Example This is the appearance of zipper fasteners, balls, balloons with aerosols, rings-opening on cans with beer or soft drinks and much more. Entrepreneurs should always be aimed at using witty ideas.

But when using them is observed great degree risk.

In general, speaking of changes based on newand Brilliant ideas, It should be emphasized that when they are implemented, it is necessary to be guided by a number of principles. These include:

  • all innovations must be targeted;
  • all of them must begin with the analysis of opportunities, and first of all the sources of innovative opportunities are analyzed;
  • setting susceptibility by the market of innovations.

Innovations should be simple and directed . They should be aimed at solving only one task. Easy and accessibility - the key to success.

Following these principles in your practical activity, the entrepreneur can achieve good results in the work.

But in this case, the question arises: what differs from entrepreneurship in their content relatively sustainable forms economic activity (This, as a rule, belongs to the organization of the work of enterprises with large industrial and material funds), which in the conditions of the market also seek to receive profits as an economic basis for development?

This difference is that their activities (forms and methods) are based on long-term development goals of the enterprise, and the goals include not only the profit, but also an increase or retention of market share for the sale of their goods or the provision of services, the creation of new types of products and services , radical improvement in the quality of products, constant updating of the range, etc.

The need to take into account the long-term development goals of the enterprise It is determined by the fact that the implementation is the implementation of R & D, the production duration, the establishment of cooperation, etc. - requires a long time.

In addition, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of using expensive equipment, which is possible only on a long-term basis. But this, of course, does not mean that the usual form of economic activity does not include certain elements of entrepreneurial activity.

On the contrary, such features of entrepreneurship as mobility and dynamism, the desire to sensitively capture the market conjunctureet al., are always considered in terms of implementation current tactical actionaimed at successful implementation strategic goals Taking into account the changing conditions of the medium in which enterprises work.

At the same time, the entrepreneur in his actions comes from long-term forecast and even maybe from establishing long-term goals (in this case as long-term goalAs a rule, the profit is taken) of its development, but it does not have a determining value for the results of its activities.

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