
Technical conclusion according to the results of the survey. An example of a building survey - projectsDon. Analysis of technical documentation

Conclusion (Report) according to the results of technical examination It is a final document. It should include reasonable answers to all the questions set in the task of a technical inspection. The text of the conclusion should be written with clear, understandable language specialists and is quite brief. All that conclusion can overload information should be attributed to applications.

Building Technical Survey Report

The conclusion structure may be different. It seems that in the most complete form, the text of the conclusion should consist of the following parts:

1. Title leaf.
2. List of performers.
3. Brief historical reference about the object.
4. Characteristics of a constructive building
or facilities.
5. Description of the status of structures at the time of the examination.
6. Conclusions based on the results of the survey.
7. Recommendations for the further operation of the building or facility.
8. List of used literature.
9. Appendix.

The title page contains the name of the document and the requisites of the organization conducted.
The list of performers includes all performers of technical examination with the position, sections and paragraphs of the conclusion in which each of the performers participated, their signatures.

A brief historical certificate of the object contains information about the authors of the project, construction time, capital repairs and reconstruction. In this section, drawings or photos of facades of buildings may be presented after construction and during the survey period. Be sure to note whether the object is an architectural monument.
In the characteristic of a constructive solution of the building or structure, a structural circuit of a building or structure, the number of floors, the design of the foundations, walls, overlappings, and coatings, roofing, stairs, balconies, partitions, window and door fills, floors, finishing works are described. This section places floors and cuts.
In the description of the status of structures at the time of the examination Consistently, usually starting from the base and foundations, a description of the state of all designs of the building and structures is given, indicating deviations from the project and all identified defects (technical diagnostics). The acts of examinations of individual structural elements in this section of the conclusion are not placed. Themthey have in the appendix, and in the description they make links. In this section, the scanners of the foundations and walls with cracks deposited on them can be placed, sections with high humidity disturbed by plaster; Cleaning plans, coatings and roofs indicating the places of identified defects. Photographing of defects and splits on shurts so as not to overload the main text of the conclusion, it is better to put in applications.

At the end of the description of the state of each structural element (foundations, walls, overlaps, etc.), an assessment of its technical condition and the degree of physical wear (diagnosis) should be given.
Under the physical wear of structures, buildings or structures is understood as the loss of the initial technical and operational qualities.
Physical wear is expressed by the ratio of the value of the necessary repair activities that eliminate damage to structures or the building as a whole, and their replacement cost.
To assess the physical wear of residential buildings and their designs Rules for assessing the physical wear of buildingswhich can be used to assess the physical wear of buildings close to a constructive solution to residential buildings.

In conclusions, according to the results of the survey, they must be repeated estimates of the technical condition Each constructive element from the previous section of the conclusion and assessment of the state of the entire object as a whole (diagnosis), as well as the causes of the appearance of detected defects are substantiated.

In the conclusions, the conclusion is given of the need to enhance structures, overhaul, the possibility of reconstruction of a building or structure in accordance with the task for a technical inspection. Conclusions are divided into points.
If it is impossible to obtain comprehensive information during the survey period (due to its small duration), then in this part there is a conclusion about the need for further observations of the object (for further deformation of the foundation, the development of cracks, etc.).

If in the task of technical inspection The question of the forecast for the further behavior of the subject of the subject is raised, then possible changes in the states of the object (technical prediction) should be predicted in the conclusions. If in the taskthe technical examination was raised about the status of structures at some point in the past (for example, before the accident), it should be given an answer on the basis of an analysis of the examination materials (technical genetics).

Recommendations for further operation of a building or structure Proposals are given on the methods of strengthening building structures due to defects detected in them or due to an increase in loads with the intended reconstruction of a building or structure. Recommendations should contain proposals for further observations of the designs (installation of beacons on cracks, performing geodesic work to determine the dynamics of the development of deformities of the building, etc.).

The list of literature indicates a list of regulatory and reference materials used in the technical inspection (SNiP, manuals, guidelines,recommendations, reference books).

In the applications place:
- Task for technical inspection of a building or structure;
- original drawings of the building or facilities;
- materials of engineering and geological surveys;
- materials of geodesic works;
- acts of examination of structures;
- test results of materials;
- calculations of the degree of wear of building structures and the whole building as a whole;
- calibration calculations of the building or facilities;
- Other materials, on the basis of which conclusions were made and recommendations were given.

With preliminary visual examinations of non-complex objects, the conclusion according to the results of a technical examination may be small in volume, but it must contain a brief historical certificate of the object, the characteristic of a constructive solution of the building or structure, a description of the status of structures at the time of the examination, conclusions and recommendations.

Conclusion (report) According to the results of a technical examination may consist of one volume. With the large amount of application material, it is advisable to submit them in the form of a separate volume.

Buildings section number 1.
The right to carry out this type of work is confirmed by a certificate of admission.
The survey is caused by the need to evaluate the technical condition of the building structures due to the existing deformations of the structural elements.
The design documentation for the examination of the building structures includes the following types of work:
- Perform measurement work to determine the parameters of the structural elements of the building;
- assessment of the actual technical condition of the main supporting structures and the building as a whole;
- issuance of recommendations to ensure the further operational suitability of the building.

Based on the results of the survey conducted in accordance with the requirements
SP 13-102-2003 and GOST 53778-2010, a present report compiled, including:
- Drawings of the building (plans, cuts, facades);
- results of the examination of structures (walls, overlapping, coatings, structural elements) with the photo application of the existing defects;
- conclusions to assess the technical condition of the structures;
- Recommendations to ensure the further normal operation of the building.
When performing work, the following documentation was used:
1. Technical passport on a warehouse building.
2. Fragment of topographic shooting site of the building.

2.2. Brief description of the object
2.2.1. common data

The surveyed building is located in Rostov-on-Don.
Climatic conditions:
- climate district - III B;
- Calculated winter temperature - 220 s;
- the calculated snow load for the II of the Snow Area (by SNiP 2.01.07-85 *) on the horizontal projection of the roof - 1.20 kPa;
- normative high-speed wind pressure for the III area (by SNiP 2.01.07-85 *) at height before10 m - 0.38 kPa;
- the regulatory depth of the primerization of the soils (SNIP 2.02.01-83) - 0.9 m;
- Seismicity of the district - 6 points.
Characteristic of the building:
- the level of responsibility of the building is normal;
- the degree of durability - II;
- degree of fire resistance of the building - II;
- class on functional fire danger - F 1.1.
Technical and economic indicators:
Total area - 687.8 m2.
Building volume - 2313 m3.

2.2.2. Terms of construction and operation of the building

The warehouse building was built in 1966. Information about previous building surveys, as well as the preserved documentation for the construction of the building is absent.
From the words of employees who operate the building, several years ago, for a long time, soaked sorates of the foundations of the foundations by the waters of hot water supply (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe axis "2").
During the examination, it was noted that part of the building in the axes "1" - "2" was attached later by the main building.
In the immediate vicinity of the "5" axis of the building of the building is located neighboring.
When viewing the building, elevated humidity and dampness in the basement premises were noted.

2.2.3. Surgical Planning and Design Solutions

The building is a single-storey brick, rectangular shape in terms of shared sizes in the axes of 37.3x11.7 m. For a part of the building in the 2/1 axes - "4" is located a basement with a height of 2.4 m. The height of the first floor is 3.7 ... 3.8 m.
Constructive building scheme - frameless with carrier brick longitudinal walls.
Foundations - tapes on a natural base.
Overlapping basement - reinforced concrete plates.
Coating - reinforced concrete ribbed and crowded plates.
The beam, which relieves the slabs of the overlap in the axes "1" - "2" - metal.
Jumpers over window openings are metallic.
Roofing - from roll-up materials.
Plans, cuts and facades are shown on sheets of graphic part and in photosappendix 4.1.

2.3. Examination of structures

2.3.1. Foundations and engineering and geological conditions

During the inspection of the building, the foundations were not revealed and not studied.
There are no data on engineering and geological surveys. Relief plot calm, flat.

2.3.2. Walls and jumpers

Materials of walls and jumpers
The walls of the building are made of ceramic bricks. The surface of the walls in the premises of plastered. The thickness of the outer and inner walls is 440 mm with a plastering layer. M100 brick brand.
In the premises of the basement and the first floor there are partitions with a thickness of 150 ... 300 mm of bricks.The thickness of the walls of the building does not meet the requirements of the norms on heat engineering.
Wall and Jumper Defects
The main defect of the building walls is vertical, inclined and horizontal cracks of sedimentary character. The width of the disclosure of cracks in the walls of the building is up to 15 mm. Maximum deformations are marked in the axes "1" - "3".
Jumpers over the opening of the building are made metal from the Corner L75x75 and Schawler)

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