
Types of resources and saving them. Economic resources: their types. Types of aggregate economic potential of the National Economy

National Economy: Suspending Koshelev Lectev Anton Nikolaevich

3. Economic resources: their types and interaction

Of great importance in the national economy are economic resources that determine the nature of its functioning, pace, structure and scale of development. They represent the basis for economic growth. In fact, this is a kind of good that can be used to produce other goods.

Economic resources - This is the form of resources necessary for the production of goods and services.

There are the following types of economic resources:

1) entrepreneurial potential. This is the ability of the population to organize the production of goods in various forms;

2) knowledge. These are specific scientific and technical developments that allow you to organize the production and consumption of benefits at a higher than preceding, level;

3) natural resources. These are specific minerals, such as land, subsoil, as well as climatic and geographical position countries;

4) Human resources. This is a specific number of the country's population, differing in certain qualitative indicators - education, culture, professionalism. In the aggregate, human resources are the most important economic resource, since without it it is impossible to present normal functioning national Economy;

5) Financial resources. This capital submitted by the specific cash existing in the national economy.

In the Middle Ages, great importance was attached to human resources, work, which was considered as the only economic resource. IN economic theory physiocarantism was recognized as the only economic resource. A. Smith defined capital, land and work as economic resources. Based on this position, J. B. SEEM was formulated by the theory of "three factors" - economic resources. This list of A. Marshall supplemented the entrepreneurial potential - the fourth factor, resource. The merit of the introduction of knowledge as one of the economic resources belongs to E. Tofler; This resource is interpreted by both specific scientific and technical developments, research, scientific and technical progress, information and science.

Natural resources It is quite diverse in its composition and includes land, energy, water, biological, forest, mineral, recreational, climatic resources. Their use is interrelated among themselves (for example, for the use of land resources of the technique, and it is necessary for its work. mineral resources - fuel).

An important form of natural resources is mineral raw materials - coal, natural gas, oil, metal ores, phosphates, potash salts. The distribution of this resource is uneven both within the national economy and at the global level. Natural resources are divided into:

1) explored. Mining them are already underway;

2) reliable. On the existence of their reliable is known, but for various reasons, their prey is not conducted;

3) forecast. These are minerals that should have hypothetically exist, but this is reliable unknown.

According to experts, at the existing mining rates, their reserves will be exhausted about 500 years. At the same time, the need for them economies is constantly increasing by an average of 10% annually. To improve the efficiency of using this resource, the development and implementation of resource-saving technologies is constantly being developed.

Human resources in our country are limited. Despite the high level of unemployment, there is a shortage of human resources that differ certain quality characteristics - Professional and qualifying level. There is an acute shortage of employees of certain qualifications and professions, which significantly slows down the development of the national economy.

The main property of economic resources is their limitations when infinity of the need for them for the production of goods and services. From this property implies a natural necessity effective use Economic resources for the maximum full satisfaction of the needs of the population. In this case, it is necessary to constantly make decisions on the appropriate distribution of resources, i.e., about their use in such a way as to obtain the maximum result from this.

Another property of economic resources is their complementarity. For example, knowledge is used to rationalize the use of natural resources - an economic resource, which, on the basis of scientific and technical developments, makes complementarity more efficient and optimal. In turn, knowledge is based on the basis of human resources and are concluded in specific knowledge, skills, professional skills of employees.

Mobility Economic resources consists in their ability to move between industries, regions, countries. With regard to each economic resource, the degree of mobility will be different and will depend on the set of both objective and subjective factors. For example, minimal mobility will be at the economic resource - land, as it is impossible to change its geographical position. Human resources that are capable of moving between national economies are the greatest mobility.

An important property of economic resources is their interchangeability, which is the ability to replace one economic resource to another. For example, in order to increase production efficiency, you can use both entrepreneurial potential - change production technology and knowledge - to train employees so that they are more efficiently performed their official duties. The ability to replace the economic resources is limited and cannot be fully manufactured and totally. For example, capital cannot fully replace human resources. The initial replacement of resources can bring a positive result, but in the future economic activity is significantly complicated, and its effectiveness can be reduced.

The main task of the economic entity is to constantly increase the degree of efficiency and rationality of the use of economic resources, for which their properties are involved - interchangeability, complementarity, mobility.

As part of the national economy, the appeal of economic resources occurs in the relevant markets (for example, capital market, labor market). Inside these markets, there is also a certain segmentation (for example, the labor market consists of a segment of managers, economists, engineers).

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Economic resources are all types of natural and human capabilities that are used for production in order to meet the needs.

Creates countless various products - services and products. Therefore, the number of resources used should be as huge as the production volumes. In essence, economic resources that are also called are different benefits that are used to produce other goods. All of them are combined into several large groups. Let's analyze them in more detail.

Economic resources and their types

This name combines all types of fossil, land, forests, water, flora, fauna, climatic and recreational possibilities.

Natural economic resources participate in different ways economic activity:

As the operational bases of production, they represent the direct territory on which production facilities are placed;

As sources they are used in the extractive industry;

As objects of production activities, they are presented in agriculture.

The Earth is a limited and almost irreplaceable resource, so it needs to be careful about users and in state protection. Because of the negligent attitude towards the Earth from agricultural circulation in the world more than six million hectares are made annually. At such a pace, two and a half centuries, humanity risks to lose all lands suitable for keeping agriculture.

This type of resources covers people who are busy in industrial (economic) activities. Despite the technical progress and automation, the role of labor in the production process does not significantly decrease. The reasons for this, first, in the complexity of tasks that are solved in modern production To meet growing needs. Secondly, work is becoming more intellectual, that is, mental efforts grow. Thirdly, in many areas of activity there are high risks and responsibility - for example, in nuclear power, air transport, etc.

Since people are direct carriers of specific technical and organizational knowledge and skills, culture, now it is considered that labor economic resources are not only labor, but the whole human capitalwhich reflects the level of development of workers.

3) Capital.

TO this kind Resources include equipment, machinery, equipment, transport, buildings and structures) and financial opportunities (funds that are managed by banks and individuals, giving them into use in the form of loans and investments).

4) Entrepreneurship ability.

These economic resources are separated from others in separate category And represent the ability to base profitable business and effectively manage them. Not every person has a natural ability to entrepreneurship, therefore, not everyone can become successful businessmen. Successful in addition to knowledge of production technologies, also involves a developed intuition, communication skills and beliefs.

5) information.

Information Economic Resources includes knowledge of the needs, opportunities, production and management technologies, prices, etc. In the current society, the following principle is fully implemented: who owns information, he owns the world. Therefore, it is called the informational society. Computer technologies, networks of accumulation and data transfer systems are currently identifying.

Economic resources, which determine the nature of its functioning, pace, structure and MaE-development, have great importance in the national economy. They represent the basis for economic growth. In fact, this is a kind of good that can be used to produce other goods.

Economic resources- This is the form of resources necessary for the production of goods and services.

There are the following types of Economic Resources:

  • 1) entrepreneurial potential.This is the ability of the population to organize the production of goods in various forms;
  • 2) knowledge.These are specific scientific and technical developments that allow you to organize the production and consumption of benefits at a higher than preceding, level;
  • 3) natural resources.These are specific minerals, such as earth, subsoil, as well as the climatic and geographical location of the country;
  • 4) human resources.This is a specific number of the country's population, differing in certain qualitative indicators - education, culture, professionalism. In the aggregate, human resources are the most important economic resource, since without it it is impossible to present the normal functioning of the national economy;
  • 5) financial resources.This capital submitted by the specific cash existing in the national economy.

Natural resources in their composition are quite diverse and includes land, energy, water, biological, forest, mineral, recreational, climatic resources. Their use is interrelated between themselves (for example, for the use of land resources of the technique, and for its work, mineral resources are needed - fuel). Natural resources are divided into:

  • 1) explored. Mining them are already underway;
  • 2) reliable. On the existence of their reliable is known, but for various reasons, their prey is not conducted;
  • 3) forecast. These are minerals that should have hypothetically exist, but this is reliable unknown.

According to experts, at the existing mining rates, their reserves will be exhausted about 500 years. At the same time, the need for them economies is constantly increasing by an average of 10% annually. To improve the efficiency of using this resource, the development and implementation of resource-saving technologies is constantly being developed.

Human resources in our country are limited. Despite the high level of unemployment, there is a shortage of human resources, characterized by certain qualitative characteristics - professional and qualifying levels. There is an acute shortage of employees of certain qualifications and professions, which significantly slows down the development of the national economy.

Under economic resources Understand all kinds of resources that are used in economic life, i.e. For the production of goods.

So they are often called production Resources, production factors, economic growth factors. Resource consumption in the production process is called costs (production costs). According to economic Sutty resources are close to production benefits, and therefore in economic theory, speaking about economic benefitsAs a rule, economic resources are also implied (as the term "goods" usually imply goods and services).

Types of economic resources

Economic resources include:

  • labor resources (People with their ability produces products), abbreviated - work;
  • Capital - as in the form of bank assets and valuable papers (financial capital) and in the form of industrial goods (real capital, physical capital);
  • Entrepreneurial resource (the ability of people to the organization of production production, that is, their entrepreneurial abilities), abbreviated - entrepreneurship;
  • The knowledge necessary for economic life (they are opening primarily by science, they are distributed mainly through the channels of information, they are absorbed mainly through education, are implemented through innovation);
  • Natural resources (land, mineral, water, biological, agro-climatic, recreational), abbreviated land.

Yet Aristotle(384-322 BC), and after him, European scholasty medieval thinkers considered the work by one of the main economic resources. Such an approach shared and the first economic School In the world - mercantilism. French School of Physiocrats (XVII century) Special importance attributed land as an economic resource. Scotland Adam Smith(1723-1790) who laid the foundation of economic theory, considered such economic resources as labor, land and capital, but the most clear theory of three factors of production formulated the French economist Jean-Batist Say(1767-1832). English Economist Alfred Marshall suggested adding the fourth factor - entrepreneurial abilities (calling them the term "organization"). IN present time, especially in economically developed countriesThe first place for significance is knowledge. Active introduction to the economic life of new knowledge (innovations), primarily by the efforts of entrepreneurs, has become a characteristic feature of the modern economy.

The unevenness of the availability of resources and their mobility

Economic resources are not only limited, but also inequate unevenly in the territory both around the world and within countries. In the Arab countries of the Persian Bay, there is a shortage of labor resources, and in neighboring India and Pakistan are their excess. In Russia, we observe in general the abundance of natural resources and the lack of financial capital, and in Moscow and the Moscow region, on the contrary.

This is partly compensated by resource mobility. They move both within countries and between countries. But the degree of their mobility is different. The least mobile natural resources, the mobility of some of them is close to zero (the land is difficult to move from one place to another). More advanced labor resources, which can be seen from the internal and external labor migration in noticeable sizes. Even more mobile entrepreneurial abilities, although they are usually moved by themselves, but along with labor and / or capital (this is due to the fact that the carriers of entrepreneurial abilities are primarily managers and capital owners). The most mobile two recent resources - capital (especially financial) and knowledge.

Complementability and interconnection of resources

Resources are complementary (complementary). For example, such a production factor, as knowledge, is used when they seek to use natural resources more rationally. Labor resources are generally difficult to use if they do not have professional knowledge (qualifications). At the same time, knowledge (primarily technological) provides an increase in the level of equipment use, i.e. real capital. Finally, they (especially management knowledge) allow entrepreneurs to organize the production of products are most rational.

At the same time, the complementarity (complementarity) of resources is usually limited to the fact that others can be attached to one resources only in limited sizes. So, if all employment resources are highly qualified, then who will perform an unqualified work, even if its role in modern economy decreases? Therefore, we can talk about the complete and partial complementarity of resources.

Resources are interchangeable (interchangeable, are substitutors, alternatives). If the farmer is required to increase the production of grain, he can do it like this: hire additional workers (increase labor use), or more make fertilizers (increase capital), or improve labor organization on the farm (wider use entrepreneurial abilities), or use new types of seeds (Apply new knowledge), or finally expand the sowing areas (use additional natural resources). The farmer has a similar choice because the economic resources are interchangeable.

However, reconnaissance is rarely complete. For example, human resources cannot completely replace capital, otherwise employees will remain without equipment and inventory. Moreover, economic resources replace each other at first easily, and then more and more difficult. So, with a unchanging machine park you can increase the number of workers on the farm, obliging them to work in two shifts. But hire more workers and organize systematic work in three shifts will be very difficult, except having increased dramatically wages. Therefore, they talk about full and partial interchange of resources.

An entrepreneur (organizer of production) and society as a whole works in the conditions of limited economic resources. Therefore, firms, industries, countries are forced to constantly find the most rational combination, using the unevenness of the availability and mobility of resources, their complementarity and interchange. Search for this combination is called accommodation (allocation) of resources.

The concept of the resource market

IN market economy Each of the economic resources is a large resource market - the labor market, the capital market, etc., consisting, in turn, from a variety of markets for a particular resource. For example, the labor market consists of market workers of various specialties - engineers, artists, economists. In turn, the market of economists consists of financiers, marketers, etc.

The concept of economic resources

Under economic resources are understood by all types of resources used in the process of producing goods and services. In essence, these are those benefits that are used to produce other goods.

Therefore, they are often called production resources, manufacturing factors, factors of production, factors of economic growth. In turn, the rest of the benefits are called consumer benefits.

Types of economic resources

Economic resources include:

Natural resources (land, subsoil, water, forest and biological, climatic and recreational resources), abbreviated land;

Labor resources (people with their ability to produce goods and services), abbreviated work;

Capital (in the form of money, i.e. cash capital, or means of production, i.e. real capital);

Entrepreneurial abilities (people's ability to organize the production of goods and services), abbreviated - entrepreneurship;

Knowledge required for household life.

Economic resources are mobile (movable), as they can move in space (within the country between countries), although their degree of mobility is different. The least mobile natural resources, the mobility of many of which is close to zero (the land is difficult to move from one place to another, although it is possible). Labor resources are more mobile, which can be seen from the internal and external migration of labor in the world in noticeable sizes (see HL 36). Even more mobile entrepreneurial abilities, although they often move themselves by themselves, but along with labor resources or / and capital (this is due to the fact that entrepreneurial carriers are or hired controls, or capital owners). The most mobile two recent resources - Capital (especially money) and knowledge.

Weave resources and their mobility partly reflect their other property - interchangeability (alternativeness). If the farmer needs to increase the production of grain, he can do it like this: expand the sowing areas (use additional natural resources), or hire additional workers (increase labor use), or expand its fleet of technology and inventory (increase their capital), or improve the organization Labor on the farm (wider use their entrepreneurial abilities), or finally use new types of seeds (apply new knowledge). Farmer has a similar choice because the economic resources are interchangeable (alternative).

Usually this interchangeability is not complete. For example, human resources cannot completely replace capital, otherwise employees will remain without equipment and inventory. Economic resources replace each other at first easily, and then more difficult. So, with a constant number of tractors, you can increase the number of employees on the farm, obliging them to work in two shifts. However, to hire more workers and organize systematic work in three shifts will be very difficult, except having increased them with wages,

Production resources are a totality of material and financial means, natural, social and spiritual forces that can be used in the process of creating goods, services and other values.

In economic theory, resources are customary to divide into four groups:

1) natural - potentially suitable natural forces and substances in production, among which are distinguished by "inexhaustible" and "exhausted" (and in the latter - "renewable" and "non-renewable");

2) material - all created by man ("man-made") means of production, which themselves are the result of production;

3) labor - the population in working age, which in the "resource" aspect is usually assessed by three parameters: socio-demographic, professional qualification and cultural and educational;

4) Financial - cashwhich society is able to allocate on the organization of production.

The significance of certain types of resources was changed as they move from pre-industrial to industrial, and from it - to post-industrial technology. In the pre-industrial society, priority belonged to natural and labor resources, in the industrial - material, in post-industrial - intellectual and information resources.

Natural, material and labor resources are inherent in any production, so they got the name "basic"; And the financial resources emerged on the "market" stage began to be called "derivatives".

Along with the concept of "production resources", economic theory also operates the concept of "production factors". What is their difference?

We noted that resources are those material, natural and social forces that can be involved in production. Production factors "is economic categorydenoting resources already actually involved in the production process. Consequently, "production resources" - the concept is wider than "production factors". In other words, production factors are producing resources.

Unlike resources, factors become so only as part of the interaction; Therefore, production is always the interacting unity of its factors.

In economic theory, there are several classifications of factors (Fig. 4.2.), For example, Marxist theory, as factors of production allocate personal (labor) and real (labor and labor items) factors. Contemporary economic science Determines three main factors of production:

"Earth" - as a factor of production has a troopful value: in a broad sense, it means all natural resources used in the manufacturing process; In a number of industries (agrarian, mining, fish) "Earth" there is an object of business when it simultaneously acts as a "work of labor", and a "work means"; Within the entire economy "Earth" can act as an object of ownership (in this case, its owner of direct participation in the production process may not be taken, - it is involved in indirectly, the provision of "his" land);

2) "Capital" - so called material and financial resources in the system of factors of production: monetary assets, stocks, equipment, buildings, transport and means of communication, raw materials, etc.;

3) "Labor" acts as any physical and intellectual activity of a person aimed at making goods and providing services. A combination of personality abilities caused by education professional learning, health skills, is human capital. This is the part of society, which is directly occupied in the production process (sometimes use such a term as "economically active population", which covers only able-bodied, occupied in production).

More on the topic The concept of economic resources and their classification. Economic resources as a factor of production. Features of resources:

  1. 3.1. Social responsibility of private business as a factor \\ r \\ non investment activity in the social sphere
  2. 1.1 Capital as an object of value measurement in accounting
  3. Sustainable economic growth as a stabilization condition of the economy
  4. The concept of economic resources and their classification. Economic resources as a factor of production. Features of resources
  5. 3. Economic system of society and the criteria for its development in modern economic literature
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  9. §2. Criminal policy in the field of taxation as an independent direction in the fight against crime.
  10. Factors resulting in the features of the activities of the district authorized police in the resort region

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