
Construction Operation and building buildings. Vocational training (by industry). Branch: Construction and operation of buildings and structures. Advantages of learning in the magistracy

Every young man, at the end of the school, takes a very important decision, what to do next. As a rule, preference is given to economic, banking, computer specialties. But it must be borne in mind that in the labor market, the overabundance of specialists of this orientation.

IN modern conditions The economy of the country has formed a shortage of specialists of the construction industry. The construction technician receives secondary special education, the learning time is about three years. Engineer builder is studying for five years.

Due to increased health requirements, there are medical contraindications: diseases associated with the loss of consciousness, violation of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, dysfunction in the organs of hearing and vision, diseases of the nervous system.

There are requirements for personal development: attentiveness, responsibility, mental stability, mathematical abilities, perseverance. The main divisions of the profession on qualifications are shown below.

Specialty Construction and operation of buildings and structures

People of this qualifications will be able to produce construction and installation work on the construction of civilian objects: residential buildings, enterprises, trade facilities. After graduation, we will acquire knowledge in areas of civil engineering:

  • design drawings;
  • normative documents;
  • building materials and structures;
  • mechanisms and equipment;
  • procedure for designing, construction and operation of buildings and structures;
  • measures to organize the operation of buildings and structures;
  • planning and preparation for repair work.

Specialty Construction and operation of engineering structures

Those who chose this specialty will be able to fulfill and organize construction and installation work on the construction and operation engineering facilities. Received knowledge and skills:
construction of bridges, overpasses, metro, pipelines, hydraulic structures;

  • application of construction mechanisms and equipment;
  • reading and analyzing project and estimate documentation;
  • security;
  • organization of operational activities;
  • determination of damage and measurement;
  • development and planning repair work.

Specialty Installation and operation of internal sanitary devices

Specialists of this qualifications are responsible for comfortable conditions within buildings and structures, their competence includes system of sewage and water supply, ventilation, air conditioning, heating. Received knowledge and skills:

  • application various systems Life support and their features;
  • reading design drawings;
  • finding and repairing damage;
  • installation and operation of equipment;
  • emergency restoration work.

Specialty Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment

Specialists of this profession work in the main industries: metallurgy, material processing, engineering.

These are the main branches of any economy and therefore are always in demand. The duties of these specialists include:

  • organization of the production process;
  • competent selection of equipment, tool;
  • technological discipline;
  • calculation and planning of equipment repair work;
  • rules for safe operation of machines and mechanisms.

Specialty Installation and operation of gas supply systems

The gas industry is one of the most dynamically developing, includes thermal stations, gas pipelines, gas-filled and gas distribution stations, repair and maintenance services. Experts will acquire knowledge:

  • repair and operation of gas equipment;
  • reading and checking design solutions;
  • emergency restoration work;
  • production and installation of nodes of gas pipelines.

Specialty Construction Operation gasonephprodov and gasonefTeranches

The dominant position of oil in the global economy will provide a worthy workplace with a future specialist.

Not everyone can just take and become a builder. It is necessary to have a constantly thirst for creating something new, as well as possess knowledge that are purchased throughout long training. Upon receipt of the specialty, construction is studied by ecology, mechanics, architecture bases, engineering graphics and much more.

Without the last place is given to practical skills that are purchased at direct places of work, where you can get excellent experience and knowledge that cannot be considered only in theory.

Specialty Code Construction 08.03 01.

Specialty Industrial and Civil Engineering

Knowledge in this area are interrelated between themselves and often studied together. The engineer who was educated in this area and considers himself a professional, can work without any problems with operating, reconstruction, restoration of public construction facilities.

Upon reaching the third course, each of the students can expand their specialization and choose a more interesting thing for him to study.

Specialty civil Engineering Es in demand, and qualified workers are valued for gold weight.

Specialty Construction and operation of buildings and structures

The construction of buildings and structures is a specialty, highly estimated by many leading educational institutions in large cities. And this is not just so - graduates who received all the necessary knowledge and proven themselves will not suffer from lack of work.

When choosing a specialty construction and unique buildings and structures, students will become more deeply familiar with computer science and mathematics, economics, electronics and electrical engineering, as well as many other necessary objects.

Construction of roads specialty

From the quality of acquiring knowledge, modern students in this area depends a lot, because our current situation with the roads is far from ideal. You can find engineering specialties in construction. Specialty Construction road roads Chooses talented young people, which in the future uses all his skills.

Students learn to develop advanced technologies, organize their own protection activities ambient, apply in practice all the knowledge gained using information development, produce own products and materials.

And this is only the top of the iceberg, there is a construction railways, as well as the construction of bridges and tunnels - specialty is particularly complex, but no less interesting and necessary for our country.

Construction of airfields is an important specialty on which not only the comfort of flights depends, but also complete safety.

Garden and parking and landscape construction Specialty

Such a specialty requires a student not only a simple desire to create something new and unusual, and also have a sense of excellent and the ability to combine all the most beautiful works of nature. Lecturers of specialty Garden and parking and landscape construction will teach students to hold a deep landscape analysis and carry out work on the gardening of cities, while maintaining and restoring the ecological balance.

Universities in the specialty construction

In Moscow, you will find a large number of universities who offer to get the right education. But what specialty in construction to choose and where exactly do it? We will give a list of the best throughout the country:

Moscow Architectural Institute;
Moscow Construction State University;
Architectural and construction St. Petersburg State University;
Novosibirsk architectural and construction state university;
Samara architectural and construction state university;
Kazan architectural and construction state university.

Specialty construction - who work

Received a specialty construction - who to work? You can get the job of the foreman, but then your debt will be the control of how the team works full security control, as well as the construction of construction at all its stages. Take the most necessary and fateful decisions on the use of various materials in production, learn the load for the building.

Designer engineers, architects, masters of plots, chiefs of construction sites and other construction professionals are required on numerous construction sites of the country.

Not everyone is given to become a specialist of this profile. And not only because training on the engineer of buildings and structures is difficult. But also because it is responsible. Let's find out why.

The residential and non-residential fund is the buildings and structures that need to be carefully observed, to develop shortcomings in a timely manner, prevent the structural defects to have a danger of human life or caused inconvenience.

Per residential houses, manufacturing enterprises, shopping centers, hospitals, schools, cinemas, dams, waterboards and other buildings are fixed special person, referred to as an engineer for the use of buildings and structures, training this craft is very responsible.

The responsibilities that he performs in enterprises are numerous. Of course, his submission is usually a whole department that performs a varied complex of maintenance of residential and non-residential buildings in proper form.

But ultimately last learning On the engineer for the operation of buildings and structures will be responsible for the work of the entire department (in the absence of the post of chief engineer).

First of all, the management of the company expects from a specialist that he will be responsible for carrying out repair and construction work. This means that engineer:

  • makes ways other job documentation;
  • makes up a schedule;
  • controls the course of execution;
  • takes part in the reception or delivery of work performed;
  • supervises the observance of the timing of the schedule and the quality of personnel;
  • performs disciplinary control over personnel performing work;
  • timely issues applications for materials;
  • monitors the cost and quality of materials;
  • negotiations S. project organizations.

Of course, without training, the engineer for the operation of buildings and structures will not be able to fulfill its work and the availability of education is the first requirement for a candidate for the position.

By the way, in addition to carrying out repair and construction work, there is a lot of diverse paperwork on the engineer:

  • drawing up instructions for use;
  • drawing up current and long-term plans;
  • compliance with regulatory documentation and safety;
  • participation in conclusion of contracts with suppliers, project organizations and energy owners;
  • reporting for management and control bodies.

Options for training on the engineer of buildings and structures

Profession is one of the most sought-after and well-paid among other engineering specializations. Therefore, the choice of educational institutions, where you can get training on the engineer for the operation of buildings and structures is quite large.

But this specialty is demanding that the level of knowledge, as the future engineer should know the foundations of mathematics, physics, chemistry, drawing and many other technical disciplines, which is not available to every person.

To become an engineer for the operation of buildings and structures, training can be passed in college or in high school.

Education on the engineer for the operation of buildings and structures in Dusza

The secondary special education received in college or technical school will assign a person qualifying technique for use. Cut into college is permissible after graduating from 9 or grade. After graduating from grade 9, the course of study will be 4 years 10 months, on the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 10 months.

IN training program Technical Colleges include:

  • study of properties, rules of application, storage and acceptance of materials;
  • basics of designing structures of buildings and structures;
  • types and appointments of equipment;
  • ability to perform calculations and design;
  • execution of measures for the reconstruction, elimination of accidents, assessing the technical condition;
  • the implementation of preparatory work.

Having received the basics of engineering education, a specialist can work as technician at least three years to qualify for the post of engineer. But before he gets a new position, you will have to take advanced training courses.

Numerous educational centers of additional education are engaged in training engineer for the operation of buildings. It can be remote coursesOr the enterprise management can invite representatives of the school training center.

Education on the engineer for the operation of buildings and structures in the university

So that the path to position was shorter, the training engineer training can go immediately in the highest educational institution. The choice of universities in which you can get the profession of the engineer, in our country is huge.

The future student is provided with the opportunity to get high-quality higher education not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in the regions of the country. Much will depend on the wishes of the future specialist in choosing the scope of work.

If a person sees himself an engineering in the field of construction, he is better to go for education in a construction and architectural institution, where specialization will be called "the construction and operation of buildings". Dreaming about defense industry facilities is obliged to finish the Military Engineering University. A person who has not yet decided on the sphere can go to study in any technical, technological or polytechnic university. There are such universities in every major city of the country.

The desire to focus solely on facilities can satisfy universities that produce training specialists in oil and gas industry, electrical installations, hydraulic structures, agricultural facilities. Conditions for admission to technical universities are the same: over average or secondary special education.

The term of study on the engineer for the operation of buildings and structures in the university will be 4-5 years. Study can be full-time or correspondence. The result is a diploma of higher education and the opportunity to work. Responsibly and diligently, but also adequately paid.

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