
How the production of bakery products is developing. Modern condition in the bakery industry. The state of the bakery industry

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about the passage of production practices

on "Novosokolnic Bread"


1. Structure and production activities of the enterprise

1.1 Enterprise as a legal entity

1.2 Production Management Structure

1.3 Assortment of Products

2. Technology and organization of production

2.1 Technological scheme of production

2.2 Production receptors of the coat of "mustard", gingerbread "Souvenir" and biscuit

3. Production control

3.1 Quality Control Scheme and Quality Requirements Bakery Products

3.2 Physico-chemical indicators and nutritional value of bakery products

3.3 Packaging and storage of bakery products

3.4 Industrial Sanitation

4. Trade accounting

4.1 Accounting for raw materials

4.2 Accounting of finished products

5. Organization of labor leader. Official duties of the Chief and Technologist

5.1 Environmental Protection

5.2 Hazardous Production Factors

5.3 Security Guarantees

5.4 Sources of pollution and their localization



A significant role in the development of the bakery industry, its scientific and technological progress was played by the Ministry of Food Industry of Russia. The bakery industry has sufficiently effective methods of rational spending of the main raw materials - flour, as well as other components that make up the bread product together - the main product of the population of Russia.

In general terms, the spending of bread resources in the industry is determined by the following factors:

Total bread production and bakery products;

Assortment of produced products;

Technical costs and losses;

The use of additives and unconventional raw materials.

Bakery industry is one of the main industries of the food industry. Russia's bakery industry has about 15,200 bakeries and over 4,800 small businesses producing more than 16 million tons of products annually. In the diet of the population, bread products are up to 40% of the calorie content of bread consumed and bakery products, due to them is covered to 20-30% of the body's need in proteins and half in carbohydrates.

The main directions of development of the bakery industry: building production capacity by building new and reconstruction of existing enterprises; improvement of the structure, assortment of bakery products in order to make the most complete satisfaction of the needs of the population at enterprises, the ingenious transportation of the main and additional raw materials; development of progressive technological processes of cooking test using aggregates and installations that allow comprehensively mechanize and automate testing; the introduction of lines, including complex-mechanized and streaming, to produce molding, bakery, butter-shaped, fine bakery and baked, crumpled and beam products; development and introduction of bakery furnaces of new electrical heating structures; Automation of production processes, the creation of automated control systems for technological processes of bread production.

Special attention in the bakery industry is paid to product quality issues, producing bakery products with improvements, as well as rational spending of raw materials, reduce losses at all stages of the technological process.

The main raw material of bakery production is wheat and rye flour, water, yeast, salt. Additional raw materials include all other products used in Bakery. The technological mode of bread production and the quality of finished products substantially depend on the bakery properties of flour. The properties of flour are caused by the initial properties of the grain, from which it is obtained, as well as changes in its chemical composition during drying, storage and oil.

An important factor in the bread maker is the correct flour consumption depending on the range.

The possibilities for reducing the flow of flour depending on the humidity of bakery products are limited by the standard and its water absorption capacity, which has recently been reduced due to the magnificent use of low-quality flour, primarily from defective grain.

It is known that flour of healthy grain and affected by the bug has a reduced water absorption capacity, and the use of such flour leads to the need to reduce the calculated humidity of the test and naturally, to a significant loss of product output.

I have passed a production practice in the consumer society "Novosokolnichesky Bread" in the city of Novosokolniki, located at: Street on January 9, D.22a. In production, the essence of my work was to pack the finished products coming from bakery and confectionery shops. Also, during the practice, I got acquainted with the production of bakery and confectionery. Practice time - from May 12 to August 1. The events in which I participated are provided in the diary, where the essence of my work is indicated during the practice.

1. Structure and productionenterprise activities

1.1 Company as legalface

Chairman of the Board - Ryzhikov Yuri Vasilyevich.

Manufacturing head - Lesikov Natalia Ivanovna.

Technologist - Ababkov M.V.

The administration of the Novosokolnichesky district issued a license, according to which the production and sale of products are allowed. Main activity: Food production, including drinks - production of bread and flour confectionery products of non-durable storage. The number of employees is 58 people in winter, and in summer - 80 people. Production in the bakery workshop includes three shifts: Ignatieva ON, Orlova G.M., Tarasova E.A. Each change consists of a brigadier, shape and baker. The operation of the bakery workshop is a round-the-clock, and the confectionery, lemonade and meat shops eight-hour.

Design capacity of the bakery - 2-2.5 tons of bakery products per day.

Currently, the actual release of bread and bakery products depends on trade applications and ranges from 2 to 2.5 tons per day.

In the territory of the enterprise there are storage facilities and the main production building.

In the main building there are: the warehouse of the battery (65 m2) and the carnoe (120 m2) storage of flour, the bread shop (225 m2), bakery and confectionery sections.

The main activity of the enterprise is the production of bread, bakery, bakery and flour confectionery products. According to the "Novosokolnichesky Bread" owns an extensive network of outlets for the implementation of its own products.

1.2 Streamproduction Control Cura

The management of the enterprise and the management scheme is presented in the following form:


Production director Technologist

x / b shop confectionery shop meatshop cream shop lemonadeshop

1.3 Assorthyment manufactured products

According to "Novosokolnichesky Bread" is one of the largest producers of bread, bakery, bakery, confectionery products.

The range is presented:

Group of bread: 5 items;

Group of bakery: 11 names;

Group Feed Products: 3 items;

Group Confectionery: Over 26 items.

The range of bakery and confectionery is constantly updated and expands.

In this section on "Novosokolnic Bread", the range of products is presented:

Bread (kg):

· Darnitsky - 0.6;

· Sokolnic - 0.55;

· Empty - 0.4;

· Aromatic - 0.4;

· Custard subside - 0.6;

Bakers (kg):

· Baton - 0.35;

· Malt bread - 0.4;

· Mold - 0.4;

· Baton with raisins - 0.4;

· Mustard - 0.35;

· Ukrainian - 0.35;

· Went with sesame - 0.3;

· Poppy - 0.35;

· Metropolitan (baguette) - 0.3;

· Doctor's breads - 0.2;

· Opening - 0.35;

· Ciabatta Italian rustic - 0.3;

Digging (kg):

· Appetizing snob - 0.3;

· Twisted - 0.3;

· Spikes - 0.3;

Confectionery (kg):

· Biscuit weights;

· Oatmeal cookies - 0.4;

· Fantasy cookies - 0.4;

· Cupcake "Verona" - 0.075;

· Cupcake "Metropolitan" - 0.075;

· Gingerbread "Souvenir" - 0.7;

· Gingerbread "Souvenir" - 0.3;

· Sandy wand cookies - 0.4;

· Cyhelah (with vanilla);

· Lands (with cinnamon);

· Roll: creamy, chocolate, fruit;


· Baby;

· Crescent;

· Boat;

· Ring with nuts;

· Shortborn;

· Basket;

· Eclairs;

· Sandy stick;

· Biscuit with oil cream;

· Exotic;

· Saint chocolate;

· With cream and fruit;

· Customer;

· Story;


· Autumn - 0.3;

· Walnut - 0.3;

· Vanilla - 0.3;

· Lemon - 0.3;

· Poppy - 0.3;

· Mustard - 0.3;

· Kiev - 0.3;

2. Technol.ohia and organization of production

2.1 Thosenological production scheme

For the right organization of the technological process and controlling it, there is a technological plan of production. Work on the plots is organized on the principle of continuous production flow besides the confectionery area, as there is a terminating production. Finished products are subject to fast implementation.

Production B.aTON.

For a 120 kg dough: a layer of 50 kg is set, yeast is added 0.8 kg, warm water (in the summer, water temperature 280s, and in winter, warmer depending on the temperature in the workshop). After that, the dough wanders the dough 3-4 hours. As soon as it took off, then 70 kg of flour are falling asleep, lay -1.8 kg salt, sand - 4.8 kg, margarine - 1.2 kg, vegetable oil - 2.5 l, Improveter -120, water and after which they smear 20 minutes.

After mixing the dough it is 20 - 40 minutes, followed and enters the molding. The dough turns into the bunker. Then, in the divider, the dough is divided into weights of 400 g (the output of the finished product is 350 g). On the tape of the workpiece enroll in the rounder and roll into the preliminary barrier Breeze plus, after which the blanks are put on the sheets and put in the studs.

In the proof - "Climmer Agro", the batons are put on 55 minutes, where the dough rises (fits). Then the dough has already come to the oven - "Rotor - Agro". The heating in the furnace is made to a temperature of 2700C, and the bake at a temperature of 2350c 23 minutes, in the first baking, 24 seconds are served. The oven rotates stud when baking clockwise. After baking bacton, the furnace itself gives a beep when the products are ready. Then the batons are pulled out, cooled and their facilities.

Bread production.

Flour The operator pours into the sifter, 1 grade in one bunker, 2 grades in another bunker, after which it enters the terminal. The "Agro-3" terminal falls asleep the desired amount of flour on the dough (40% of the riding and 60% 1 of the variety) and on the head (only obdamal flour). Head on bread put in advance. After the head is gaining acidity 12-13% begin to knead the dough.

For the production of 100 kg of test: Salt, water 47 l, yeast 1.4 kg, an enhancer 0.14 kg, which is added only to flour, marriage - 4 loaf. After that, everything is stirred. Head (25 kg starter) on 1 Dezh. In the terminal, the program is gaining and falling asleep the required amount of flour, 20 minutes the dough is smelted, it is released - 20-40 minutes. The balance is put on the lift, turns the dough into the bunker, where it is divided into weight blanks of 690 g (the output of the finished bread is 600 g). After it takes place in the "Climate Agro" (50-55 min). Later is put in the furnace, where it is baked at a temperature of 27 million 45 minutes. At the very beginning, 2 seconds are served. After baking bread, it watered it with water to give a glossy crust. Further, from the forms, it is knocked out on the circle, folds on the trolley where it cools, and then its fault.

2.2 Manufacturedyrecipess Bowls "mustard", gingerbread "suvyenir "and biscuit

The recipe for 10 kg of finished products of Mustic beekeeper:

· Flour top grade - 10 kg;

· Mustard oil - 0.6 kg;

· Yeast - 0.2 kg;

· Sugar - 0.6 kg;

· Salt - 0.15 kg;

· Enhancer - 0.05 kg.

Table 1 - Biscuit Recipe

Table 2 - Gingerbread recipe "Souvenir"

name of raw materials

Number of gingerbread pcs.

Rye ridge flour


Vegetable oil

Dry spirits

Essence Honey

3. Control of production

3.1 Control scheme forquality And the requirements of K. Quality of bakery products

The production of bakery products is carried out in accordance with the regulatory documentation comprising GOST, the recepting of products and technological instructions. In GOST and TU, the basic requirements for the quality of finished products and raw materials, methods of analysis, rules and transportation and storage are formed.

The main raw materials in the production of bakery products include flour, grain products, bakery yeast and chemical bars, salt and water. Flour of the following species is used: wheat bakery highest grade (Tambov LLC "So" Agros), I grade (Michurinskaya, Tambov region), rye obesome (LLC "Mill", Kalininsk).

Additional includes raw materials applied by recipe to ensure the specific organoleptic and physicochemical properties of bakery products. It can be: Sugar-sand (GOST 21 - 94), sunflower oil (GOST 1129 - 93), margarine with fat content of at least 82% (GOST 240 - 85) and others. In the production of bakery products, additional raw materials provided for The recipe, other types of raw materials, the nutritional value of which is almost equal to (in accordance with the instructions on the interchangeability of raw materials).

All operations for technochemical control performs a production laboratory.

All raw materials when entering the enterprise is undergoing strict control, according to the current MTD.

Sampling samples is carried out by laboratory workers. Physico-chemical performance of raw materials is determined by GOST.

Flour GOST 26574.

Sugar GOST 21.

Margarine GOST 240.

Egg powder GOST 2858


Yeast Dry GOST 28483

Salt GOST R5174.

Milk dry GOST 10970

Milk Condensed TU 9227-001-45325092-98

The amount of raw materials used must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, the Madino biological requirements, the current regulatory documentation, the sanitary standards of the quality of food raw materials and food products of the Russian Federation of Gosanadememadzor.

Technoochemical control at various stages of the technological process is carried out by a workshop technologist, as well as employees of the laboratory that the control results are fixed in the production control journal.

The control includes checking the recipes, the quality of the semi-finished product, the performance of the technological mode of acidity, temperature and duration of fermentation, mass of pieces of dough, duration of proofing and baking, laying products and quantitative indicators of the technological process.

The range of bread and bakery has more than 1000 items such as general purpose and special dietary. All of them are divided into groups: by type of flour - on rye, wheat and from a mixture of rye and wheat flour; according to the method of baking - on the form and suburies; in the form of products - on the baton, bread, braid, etc.; on the recipe - on a simple, improved - with the addition of a small amount of sugar and molasses, fat or spices and a dying - with an elevated content of fat and sugar; By appointment - on ordinary and dietary.

Due to the fact that rye flour on bakery properties differs from wheat, wheat bread technology differs significantly from technology of rye and rye-wheat bread.

The quality of rye and wheat bread is determined by the taste, aroma, shape, volume, painting and the condition of the peel, breaking and the color of the ball, the structure of the porosity, the breakdown of the baked bread. However, the value of individual indicators in the overall score of bread is different. For wheat bread, such indicators are of great importance, as the volume, the structure of porosity, the color of the ball, which very much fluctuates in bread from different batches of flour. In rye bread, especially from the wallpaper flour, compared with wheat smaller volume, more dark pastry and crust, less percentage of porosity and more sticky mealky.

On the quality of bread produced using rye flour, the features of the bakery properties of flour, its carbohydrate-amyolaus complex and protein substances have a significant impact. Unlike wheat test, the structural-mechanical properties of the rye test are characterized by the absence of a spongy gluten "frame", which gives the wheat test, elasticity and elasticity. For rye test, high viscosity, plasticity and low stretching ability, low elasticity and elasticity are characterized.

Separate types of bread are manufactured using welding. This method gives bread a specific taste and aroma and slows down its coat. Sometimes malt is added to the enhancement of taste and aroma in welding. For the preparation of certain types of custard, instead of welding use specially produced additives: extrusion semi-finished rusty flour; Flour swelling - dry welding, obtained by hydrothermal treatment of flour on the roller dryer.

Rye bread release form and subwareness. Molding should fit with bread uniforms, without side float. Underline products must have a rounded, oval or oblong-oval form, not blurry, without tritis, individual products can be with pointed ends. Products must have a smooth surface, without large cracks or undernsums, the color of the crust - from light to dark brown. The ball should be pasteful, not sticky, not wet to the touch, elastic. Humidity of rye-wheat bread should be 45 - 50%, rye - 46 - 51%. The acidity of rye bread 7 is 12 degrees, the acidity of rye-wheat 7 is 11 degrees.

Determination of titratable acidity:

To determine the acidity, they are taken on scales of 5 g of semi-finished product, the hitch is transferred to a porcelain mortar and triturated with pestle with 50 ml of distilled water. The resulting mixture is titrated 0.1 n. A solution of caustic soda in the presence of 3-5 drops of a 1% alcohol solution of phenolphthalein to a pink color that does not disappear within 1 minute.

The result is calculated by the formula:

X \u003d a * 100 / s * 10 \u003d 2a,

where a-amount of 0.1 n. Alkali solution spent on the titration of S-mass test. Assortment Quality Bakery Packaging

Preparation of wheat flour test is mainly carried out in two ways - without and doubling. Unless - this is a single-phase method in which all raw materials in accordance with the recipe is dosed when the test is kneading. Duration fermentation of the test 150 - 180 min at a temperature of 28-32 ° C. The dual is a two-phase method, in which opara is first prepared. After fermentation, the rest of the flour, additional raw materials, water, and knead the dough are added to it for 180-100 minutes. The dough wanders 30 - 150 minutes.

Preparation of dough with jar and unoperal ways includes the following operations and processes: dosing of the prepared raw materials, scattering or dough, ferry and dough fermentation, test vehicle. As a result of these operations, the dough acquires the properties necessary for cutting and baking.

Appearance, shape, surface, condition of crumbberry (passengerness, jam, porosity, elasticity, freshness), taste and smell of wheat flour bread must comply with the requirements of the GOST for this type of product. The moisture content of wheat bread should be 42 - 46%, and acidity - 2.5 - 7 degrees.

The dough for bakery products is mainly prepared by the usual methods for wheat flour. Separate technology has some features. Bakers bake directly on the leakage chamber. The exceptions are sakes that bake in forms and on sheets.

Organoleptic rates of bakery products must comply with the requirements of GOST 27842 - 88. The moisture content of bakery products should be 37 - 45%, and acidity - 2.5 - 4 degrees.

Dough for fruited products is prepared by the dual, unsopular and accelerated methods. Also baked products from a pale puff test, it is prepared by an accelerated method using chemical bars. Organoleptic indicators of paper products must comply with the requirements of GOST 24557 - 89.

3.2 Physico-chemical indicators and nutritional value of bakery products

Physico-chemical indicators of rye bread:

The ratio of raw materials - rye mullet flour 93 - 100 kg; Fermented malt 5 - 7 kg;

The humidity of the ball - no more than 51%;

The acidity of the ball is not more than 11 - 12 degrees;

Porosity - at least 45 - 48%;

Mass fraction of sugar - no.

Physico-chemical indicators of rye-wheat bread:

The ratio of raw materials - Rye fuel flour 55 - 80 kg; Wheat flour 40 kg, II grade 15 kg; maltented malt 5 kg;

The humidity of the ball - no more than 46 - 49%;

The acidity of the ball is not more than 10 - 11 degrees;

Porosity - at least 46 - 50%;

Mass fraction of sugar - no.

Physico-chemical indicators of wheat-rye bread:

The ratio of raw materials - the flour rye wallpaper 20 is 80 kg, the riding 10 - 100 kg, seeded 10 - 100 kg; Wheat flour 20 - 70 kg, sprinkled 20 - 80 kg, II grade 15 - 85 kg, I grade 10 - 50 kg, higher grade 10 kg (delicate); The malt fermented 5 kg, non-enmented 5 kg;

The humidity of the ball - no more than 43 - 50%;

Acidity - no more than 5.5 - 10 degrees;

Porosity - at least 49 - 65%;

Mass fraction of sugar - 3.0 + 1.0% (table).

Physico-chemical indicators of wheat flour bread:

The ratio of wheat flour varieties - a wallpaper 30 - 100 kg, II grade 50 - 100 kg, I grade 30 - 100 kg, the highest grade 100 kg, latter 100 kg;

The humidity of the ball is not more than 39 - 48%;

The acidity of the ball is not more than 2.5 - 7 degrees;

Porosity - at least 54 - 74%;

Mass fraction of sugar - 2.0 - 13.8 ( + 1,0)%;

Mass fraction of fat - 1.5 - 7.9 ( + 0,5)%.

Physico-chemical rates of bakery products:

The humidity of the ball - no more than 34 - 44%;

The acidity of the ball - no more than 2.0 - 4.0 degrees;

The porosity of the ball - at least 60 - 73%;

Mass fraction of sugar - 2.0 - 6.0 ( + 1,0)%;

Mass fraction of fat - 1.0 - 14.0 ( + 0,5)%.

Physico-chemical indicators of fruits:

The humidity of the ball - no more than 24 - 37%;

The acidity of the ball is not more than 2.5 - 3.0 degrees;

Mass fraction of sugar - 9.0 - 19.5 ( + 1,0)%;

Mass fraction of fat - 4.3 - 16.5 ( + 0,5)%.

3.3 Packaging I. Storage of bakery products

After leaving the bakery furnace, a series of processes proceeds in them: the products are cooled, dry, i.e. decrease in mass and worry. When cooled bread for the first 3 - 4 hours after baking, 1 kg of product loses 25 - 30 g of moisture. It is taken into account when producing products in a packaged form: cooled products before packaging.

After 6 - 10 hours after baking in bakery products, the processes of activity begin. In small products (weighing 0.05 - 0.2 kg), these processes begin slightly earlier than that of more products. In this case, it turns into a soft, elastic, wrinkled, more humid, with a longer storage, with a longer storage, it becomes solid with a longer storage. The crumb of soft, easily compressed, slightly wet to the touch, not crumbling becomes more dry, crumbling, solid, less compressible. The compressibility of the whole bread is reduced. The product loses a pleasant aroma and taste and as the duration of storage increases the taste and fragrance of the cherry product.

Slowerly tastes bread from rye flour and a mixture of rye and wheat flour compared to bread from wheat flour. Wheat bread, baked with a high content of protein and gluten, as well as the addition of white-containing raw materials, is slower. Long retain softness (especially mealky) bakery products with the use of fatty products, sugar and sugar-containing raw materials. Recently, special additives are applied-anti-cultivors - surfactants, emulsifiers, enzyme preparations, modified starch, etc., which include the recipe for complex improvers of the quality of bread.

Storage conditions have a significant impact on the series of bakery products. At a temperature of 60 ° C and higher, the products are peeped slowly, the decrease in the temperature of the ball to 0 ... - 2 ° C increases the speed of the coherent to the maximum. The most reliable way to preserve bakery products is freezing at a temperature of 30 ... - 40 ° C in the jet of cold air or nitrogen and storage at - 18 ... - 20 ° C. The refresaries then the products are roasting rather than fresh ones. Packaging of bakery products in moisture-proof materials slows down the loss of freshness, as well as the loss of volatile aromatic substances.

Bread storage room should be clean, dry, ventilated, temperature - 18 - 20 ° C (not lower than 6 ° C).

Changes in bakery products caused by microorganisms as a result of which products become unsuitable, called diseases of bread. The most common and dangerous - potato disease and mold.

In order to increase the timing of the product package. Apply the following types of packaging materials: paper and paper, duplicated with polyethylene or other materials and packages of them; Polyethylene films and packages of them; polypropylene film and packets of them; Cellofan film and other packaging materials allowed by the use of health authorities. Products are packaged by a piece or group. The term of implementation in the retail chain from the moment of recess from the oven of rye bread from seeding flour 24 hours, other species - 36 hours.

Packed bakery products made of rye and a mixture of rye and wheat flour are stored at temperatures up to 25 ° C and relative air humidity not higher than 85%. The term of their storage is established by the manufacturer from 3 to 7 days depending on the manufacturing technology and the additives used.

The term of the implementation of wheat bread from the moment of removing from the furnace without packing 24 hours, road bread is not more than 48 hours, and in the package - from 2 to 7 days.

Bulk products are produced in a packed form and without packaging. Batones pack 1 pcs., Breads, buns, horns, bunny trifle - 2 - 8 pcs. The term of implementation in retail trade from the moment of removing from the bakery furnace without packing weight up to 0.2 kg is inclusive of 16 hours, more than 0.2 kg - 24 hours, packed - respectively, 48 and 72 hours.

Feed products come to the implementation in a packaged form and without packaging. Packaging of the apparatus is carried out in the same way as bakery products. The term of the sale of products without packaging in the retail chain of the furnace from the furnace is 24 hours for products weighing 0.4; 0.5; 0.8 kg and 16 hours for products weighing 0.05; 0.065; 0.1 and 0.2 kg.

3.4 Industrial Sanitation

The production of bread and bakery products in enterprises are carried out in accordance with the "sanitary rules for the bakery industry enterprises" and "Instructions for preventing foreign objects in the products of bakery enterprises".

Frameable waste such as chosen from bags, flourish, waste during cleaning in production is used on the extraproductive need in the prescribed manner.

Control over the implementation of the hygienic regime and sanitary rules at the enterprise is assigned to the head of the production and chiefs of shifts (brigadiers).

4. Accounting producedeath

The production of bread, baked and bakery products is produced on the first floor of the production case. The management and organization of production is carried out by a master-bearer (brigadier), which heads the brigade of workers consisting of 23 people. The master baker receives a task from an expedition to the amount of production produced in the range.

Calculates raw materials, gives ready-made products to the expedition and makes production reports. Production reports are checked by the head of production, are approved by the chief engineer and are given to the accounting department to verify the correctness of the consumption of raw materials.

According to the results of the report, the report on raw materials is made monthly, which is done in the laboratory.

4.1 Accounting raw materials

The raw material enters the workshop from the central warehouse of the enterprise in the presence of accompanying documents:

Quality certificate;

On the invoice.

For high-quality and quantitative production control there are magazines. Technological control journals:

Bakery control magazine;

The magazine of accounting and control of the incoming raw materials;

Magazine Issues of Flour;

Magazine detection of potato disease;

Magazine analysis of finished products;

Magazine accounting magazine and other laboratory equipment (by shifts);

Metal admission journal in flour, raw materials.

4.2 Accounting finished products

Accounting for finished products is carried out for permanent accounting. When transferring finished products to the expedition is drawn up receiving and sucking.

The invoice indicates the entire range of produced products, signatures of the link and the receiving agent are put. For methods of analyzes of finished products, a collection of guests was created.

5. Organization of labor of the site leader. Officialshead of the Chief and Technologist

The technologist is obliged to carry out the amount of work on the control of the technological process in accordance with the established amount of work and is responsible for conducting analyzes and timely records of the results in production control journals.

Technologist obeys the chief of production and technological laboratory. The head of the laboratory is responsible for the correctness of the analyzes, the preparation of the production formulation and the instructions on the procedure for the consumption of flour, for the implementation of the work provided by the Regulation in the established amount of the laboratory.

5.1 Environmental protection

Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions in production is assigned to the administration of the enterprise.

The head of production, the master, the bakers are directly engaged in the workplace conditions in the workplaces, in which accidents would be excluded. They carry out the necessary instructions of the working and monitor the execution of instructions on TB. The company has an engineer on TB.

Events are developed annually aimed at creating healthy and safe working conditions. Employees associated with harmful conditions are issued milk, vitamins, increases the next vacation.

5.2 ABOUTpaste production factors

The following factors can affect the employees of the site engaged in the production of products:

1. Physical - these are moving equipment mechanisms, hot surfaces of equipment, illumination, state of the air in the working area.

2. Psycho-physiological - labor intensity, work posture (sitting, standing), gravity of labor.

5.3 Security Warranties

Security Guarantees in front of the employees of the site are aimed at preventing accidents at work and occupational diseases. Employees are issued special clothing and shoes, individual means of protection, regular safety instructions are held regularly.

At the enterprise there are a number of payments of social medical nature, payment of hospitals.

Labor protection on the plot is supported by the collection of instructions on from for each workplace and general labor safety requirements. All the requirements set forth in the instructions, employees of the workshop are obliged to perform.

5.4 Sourceski pollution and their localization

The enterprise "Novosokolnichesky Bread" developed "Environmental Passport". The passport is given a characteristic of the sources of allocation and emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, their number. The passport provides a calculation and approved maximum allowable emissions to the following indicators:

There is no excess of maximum permissible emission standards (PDV) on the enterprise. To reduce the PDV, overhaul is carried out.


Consumer Society "Novosokolnichesky Bread" has a large product marketing network. The main customers are: PGT. Pratov, Dno, PGT. Pluss, PGT. Pushkin Mountains, Pskov, Pskov, Novosokolniki, PGT. LOWER, GREAT LUKI, PGT. Krasnogorodsk, PGT. Bejanitsa, Semen, Gdov and others.

During the passage of practice, I mastered the packaging of finished products, equipment for the production of bakery products, studied the composition and components for the preparation of bread and bault, determining the titratable acidity and assisted in the confectionery shop.

Production proposals: replace outdated equipment to newer, improve sanitation and hygiene in production, expand product range.

Posted on Allbest.ru.


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    practice Report, added 01/16/2014

    Classification and assortment of bakery products. Factors affecting the demand and supply of flour products. Analysis of production and sales. Causes of reducing the consumption of bread in recent years. Competition between bread facilities and mini bakeries.

    examination, added 04/28/2015

    Production of bakery products - the main activity of LLC "Ekochleb". Assortment of products, machine-hardware production diagram. Design of technological equipment. Power supply of the enterprise, environmental protection.

    practice Report, added 04/02/2014

    Analysis of the bakery industry in Russia. Economic characteristics of the enterprise "Novocheboksar Bakery". Study of the technological scheme for the production of buns "Moscow". Calculation of labor costs, cost and profitability of a unit of products.

    coursework, added 12/10/2013

    Study of the economic activity of JSC "Zarya". Analysis of the current state of production of cattle breeding. Sizes of the industry, farms, their specialization. Organization and payment of labor. Modern technology of the main workflow in animal husbandry.

Russia's bakery industry belongs to the leading food industry apk. The production base of the bakery industry of the Russian Federation includes about 1,500 bread plants and more than 5,000 mini-bakeries, which provide an annual production of approximately 21 million tons of bread products, including about 12.7 million tons are produced on large bakeries.

In recent years, the working conditions of the bakery industry have changed, and above all, organizationally. Almost all bakeries and bakeries have become privatized joint-stock enterprises. There are market relations on bakeries, the laws of competition begin to act.

The level of middle-rival bread in Russia is 120-125 kg per year (325-345 g per day), including for the urban population of 98-100 kg per year (245-278 g per day), for rural 195-205 kg in Year (490-540 g per day). These norms depend on the age, gender, the degree of physical and mental load, the climatic features of the place of residence.

At the same time, the analysis shows that since 1991 there was a decrease in the production of bread, the annual consumption of bread per person by 1995 fell to 70 kg. Consumption of bread is already significantly lower than the rational nutritional rate, which will undoubtedly affect the health of the population.

Such a situation causes irreversible processes in the bakery industry: bakeries are forced to preserve technological lines, reduce jobs, increasing the cost of manufacturing and selling products, to discontinue investment.

In the new conditions of the bakery industry, new approaches are required to develop an assortment of products whose role in organizing consumption should increase significantly. If earlier the range was determined mainly by the terms of production and dictatorship of mechanized lines, now the conditions of production and the composition of the equipment are determined by the range and demand. It follows more than before, take into account the demand and needs of different groups of the population.

The task of increasing the volume of bread consumption requires special attention and studying the problems of improving its quality.

In the new economic conditions there are prerequisites for the introduction of bakeries that produce a wide range of bakery and flour confectionery products. Currently, the release of domestic equipment for bakeries with a capacity of 0.2-5.0 tons per day is based. These enterprises allow us to produce a wide range of bakery products and sell them in fresh form directly in stores with these bakeries. To ensure this production, equipment has developed new machines that entered the A2-CPO equipment kits, L4-HPM-500 and others for bakeries of low power.

Some of the most important areas for improving the efficiency of production and improving the quality of the products of the bakery industry - the creation of the rational structure of enterprises of the industry, mechanization and automation of production processes on the basis of the latest technologies.

The solution of the main tasks of scientific and technological progress in the bakery industry is closely related to the development of brightened packaging technologies and automated devices for monitoring the properties of raw materials, semi-finished products and quality of finished products.

According to modern dietary tendencies, the assortment of bakery products should be expanded by the release of high quality products and nutritional value, preventive and therapeutic purposes.

The amount of production of dietary products is insignificant, the need for them is satisfied only by 10-20%. Low production production of preventive products for the population in the zones of ecological disadvantage, long-term storage bread (from 3 to 30 days) for people living in hard-to-reach and remote areas, under man-made disasters, emergencies, special recordings, etc.

The solution to the problem of balanced nutrition of the population, which is of state importance, is possible only under the condition of developing and implementing technologies in the production, with the help of which will be implemented:

  • ensuring the safety of agricultural and food raw materials, food products;
  • reducing the incidence of children due to incomplete nutrition and environmental pollution;
  • reducing the food and raw material dependence of Russia from foreign countries;
  • environmental protection in the production of food products;
  • environmentally friendly foods of the new generation of mass and dietary purposes, taking into account modern hygienic requirements;
  • fundamentally new technologies based on the use of non-traditional methods that contribute to the acceleration of the process;
  • scientific basis for the creation of technological processes for the production of new generation baby food products.

The creation of the range of bread products "Health" group is conducted in two directions:

  • simulation of the rational range of bread products for individual regions, taking into account their climatic, demographic, etc. features;
  • development of a variety of range of products for prophylactic and medical nutrition.

To produce such products, special composite flour mixtures with bran, germinal flour, crushed and stiff grain, vitamin-mineral components, etc. carry out the production of these mixtures.

In the new conditions, garbage packaging is of great importance and development. Bread packing protects it from premature drying, retains its consumer freshness, increases the sanitary and hygienic conditions of its storage and increases the implementation time. The following packaging machines of foreign and domestic production are used on bakery enterprises: HARTMANN, IBONHART, RSE, FINPAK, TAYRAC, "Terminal", "Laura" and others.

The amount of consumption in the Russian bread and bakery products in 2016 amounted to 6.6 million tons, which is 2% lower than the 2015 level. According to the preliminary results of 2017, the volume of visible consumption of bread and bakery products is also 6.6 million tons. At the same time, the Russian market for bread and bakery products by 98% consists of products of domestic production.

According to the results of the INDEXBOX RUSSIA study, a pronounced trend is currently growing the interest of the population to healthy eating and, accordingly, new varieties of bread products with added nutritional value. Bread and bakery is one of the basic foods, so the demand for this type of product remains stable.

Bread and bakery market structure: Production, Export, Import, Consumption

The Russian market of bread and bakery products in physical terms almost fully consists of products of domestic production (98%). The share of imported products is 2%. About 3% of the produced bread products is supplied for export.

Dynamics and structure of the market of bread and bakery products in 2013-2017 (o). and the forecast until 2025, million tons (within the framework of the basic development scenario)

The structure of consumption by federal districts

Bread and bakery products are one of the main goods present in the consumer basket.

Consumers of bread are the final buyers, commercial organizations (trading networks, nutrition factory, etc.), as well as the state in the implementation of state procurement on tender conditions for government agencies (educational, medical, etc.)

In 2016, the greatest share of the visible consumption of bread and bakery products in physical terms accounted for the Volga, Ural and Central FD (14.9%, 11.3% and 11.0%, respectively). The following follows the Siberian FD with a fraction of 11% and the North-West FD (10.5%).

The structure of the consumption of bread and bakery products for federal districts in 2013-2017 (O), in physical terms

Partial consumption

In the dynamics of middleweight consumption of bread and bakery products, there is a tendency to gradually reduce the consumption of bread products. So, in 2013, the consumption of products was 47.6 kg / pers., In 2016, this figure was 45.6 kg / person. This is due to the fact that the demand for traditional types of bread products is reduced due to the change of consumer preferences. According to the results of 2017, the consumption of bread and bakery products per capita will be 45.8 kg / person.

Consumption of bread and bakery products per capita in 2013-2017 (o), kg / person.

Structure of bread and bakery products for federal districts

A significant role in the location of production factor in the manufacture of bread and bakery products is played by the consumer factor: bread and bakery products are products with non-eligible storage time, so enterprises are located in close proximity to the end users. In this regard, the structure of production under the federal districts of the Russian Federation is largely determined by the population and the structure of demand for products, as well as the purchasing power of the population.

The bulk of the production of bread and bakery products in Russia in 2016 in physical terms accounted for central and Volga FD (29% and 20%, respectively).

The structure of the production of bread and bakery products according to FD in 2013-2017 (O), in physical terms

Main market participants

The production of bread and bakery products in the Russian market is engaged in more than 10 thousand companies.

The largest domestic bread makers and bakery products in the Russian Federation are:

  • LLC Fazer, JSC Kapaway,
  • "ChiPIT-Petersburg" (St. Petersburg),
  • OJSC "Khlebprom" (Chelyabinsk region),
  • "KDV" Yashkino "(Kemerovo region),
  • CJSC "ATRUS" (Yaroslavl region),
  • "Confectionery-Bulk Plant" Cheryomushki ",
  • "Boil and confectionery combine" Kolomensky "(Moscow).
  • Bread and Bakery Products Market: Development Forecast

In the medium term, the development of the bread market and bakery products will occur mainly due to the growth of demand for non-traditional products of products with a more complex recipe. An annual increase in market volumes is expected to be on average + 2% (within the framework of the basic development scenario). The main growth drivers should be the modernization of production and quality improvement and expansion of the range of bakery products.

The development of the bakery industry in Russia and its current state

Panishchenko Maria Igorevna 1, Gubarov Sergey Viktorovich 2
1 Far Eastern Federal University, undergraduate Department "Finance and Credit" Shem
2 Far Eastern Federal University, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Department "Finance and Credit" Shem

Bakery industry is the main industry in the food industry. To date, little attention is paid to this industry. This article discusses the current state of the bakery industry in Russia, identified negative trends in the development of this industry and proposed measures to combat them.

Development of the Russian Bread Industry and Its Current State

Panishchenko Maria Igorevna 1, Gubarkov Sergei Viktorovich 2
1 Far Eastern Federal University, Graduate Student of the Department "Finance and Credit"
2 Far Eastern Federal University, Professor, Grand PhD in Economics Science, Department "Finance and Credit"

Bread Industry Is One of The Most Important Segments of the Food Industry. However, Nowadays There Is Not Enough Attention Devoted To The Bread Industry. This Paper Analyzes The Current State of the Russian Bread Industry. The Paper Puts Emphasis On The Negative Tendencies of Development Of The Industry and Offers Particular Measures of Eliminating Such Tendencies.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Panishchenko M.I., Gubarkov S.V. The development of the bakery industry in Russia and its current state // Economics and management of innovative technologies. 2016. No. 6 [Electronic resource] .. 02.2019).

One of the leading sectors of the food industry is the bakery industry.

The volume of the retail market for the sale of bakery products amounted to 567.2 billion rubles in 2015. For this indicator, this industry ranks 6th among the food products after alcoholic beverages, meat products, confectionery products and dairy products.

Bread is a unique food product that contains almost all the components that are necessary to maintain the vital activity and human health.
To date, there is a tendency to reduce bread production and bakery products (Table 1).

Table 1 - production volumes of bread and bakery products in the Russian Federation, thousand tons.

Type of product 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Bread and bakery products - Total 7255 7066 6965 6829 6815
Bakery non-dusting products 6816 6626 6513 6369 6325
91,7 89,5 103 102 107
231 235 236 240 254
116 115 114 118 128

Table 1 shows that the production of bread and bakery products is reduced every year and in 2015 compared with 2011 decreased by 440 thousand tons. (6.1%), which is primarily due to a decrease in bread production and bakery products of non-dusting storage, since products for long-term storage and reduced humidity every year increases production volumes. As not strange, in Russia, the consumption of bread is 55.2 kg / person, and the amount of per capita per capita is only 49.3 kg / person. Despite the fact that the data does not take into account the consumption of bread outside the house and the consumption of bread migrants.

According to marketing research: "The market of bread and bakery products. The current situation and the forecast ", which was conducted by IRG (Intesco Research Group), mainly in the market presented domestic products. After all, a significant amount of bread and bakery products are non-fixed storage products, then the share of imports is insignificant. In 2015, 5045.7 tons of bakery products were imported to Russia, which is less than 1% of the total volume. The main importing countries are Finland, Germany and Poland. In the aggregate, these countries account for about 60% of the total import in physical terms. The share of exports in the structure of foreign trade is about 30%. The fact that the volume of exports and imports is insignificant, it can be concluded that the missing products comes to the population from small businesses that do not provide statistical reports from bakeries of trade organizations. According to experts, the volume of bread and bakery production, which are not taken into account by the statistical authorities, can be more than 200 thousand tons per year.

Consider the production volumes of bread and bakery products according to individual groups (Table 2).

Table 2 - production volumes of bread and bakery products according to individual groups, thousand tons.

Names of assortment groups 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Products bakery non-durable storage products, total 6816 6626 6513 6369 6325
of them:
from rye flour 322 293 266 270 285
2051 2052 2006 1913 1856
from wheat flour 3634 3398 3612 3511 3405
from wheat, rye flour and mixtures thereof, other 37,1 41,3 49,4 56,6 58,9
double unpacked 138 130 120 121 123
feeded packaged 198 212 217 222 230
open and closed pies, open and closed pies, donuts 48,8 47,4 53,9 58 59,9
Products Bakery Long Storage Packed 91,7 89,5 103,0 102,0 107,0
of them:
from rye flour 12,5 10,2 9,3 7,4 7,2
from a mixture of rye and wheat flour of various varieties 6,7 8,3 10,9 16,2 18,5
from wheat flour 29,2 33,7 37,2 40,5 42,5
feed 7,3 5,8 6,8 6,2 6,3
pies, pies, donuts 16,4 13,3 15,4 15,7 16,1
Bakery Humidity Products 231 235 236 240 254
of them:
drain products, croutons 99,3 102,0 107,0 110,0 115,0
bread crispy baked 7,0 7,5 6,8 7,9 8,0
baranbal products 106,0 106,0 95,4 93,1 92,5
straw, bread sticks 5,2 5,4 4,2 4,0 3,9
Semi-finished bakery products 34,4 35,6 38,4 42,0 43,1
Bread and bakery products, other 116 115 114 118 128
of these: Dry cookies (gallets, crackers) 101,0 99,3 93,7 95,6 95,7

For 2011-2015, the production of bread and bakery products of non-fixed storage decreased: in 2012 by 2.8%, in 2013 - by 1.7%, in 2014 - by 2.2%, in 2015 - by 0.7% . Most of all products of this species produce from wheat flour, their share accounts for 53.8% of the total. For the period under study, the production of bread and bakery products of long-term storage and reduced humidity increased slightly.

Since mainly the bakery industry is presented mainly by non-fixed storage products, most of the bakery enterprises are located next to consumers. Consider how the production of bakery products on the federal districts of Russia is distributed.

Figure 1 - distribution of the production of bakery products according to the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation in 2015

As can be seen from Figure 1, the largest share in the production of bread and bakery is occupied by the Central Federal District 29% (1976 thousand tons) from the whole produced in Russia. A little less produced in the Volga Federal District - 20% (1390 thousand) from the total production, in the Siberian Federal District - 12% (833 thousand tons), in the North-West and Southern Federal Districts -10% (662 and 669 thousand tons. Respectively), in the Ural and North Caucasian federal districts -7% (469 and 444 thousand tons. Respectively), in the Far Eastern Federal District - 4% (273 thousand), in the Crimean Federal District - 1% (72.3 thousand tons).
At the beginning of the 20th century, the bakery industry enterprises numbered about 18 thousand, the total capacity was 54.4 thousand tons. / day. Since the demand for bread and bakery is constant, then bakery enterprises occupy one of the important places in the country's turnover. But in recent years, there has been a significant decrease in large and medium-sized enterprises engaged in the production of bread and bakery products in Russia.

Figure 2 - the number of large and medium-sized enterprises in the bakery industry of the Russian Federation

As can be seen from fig. 2, over the past 5 years, the number of large and medium-sized enterprises has decreased by 14.9%, which is primarily due to the disagreement of bakery enterprises. To date, even such a number of enterprises can satisfy the demand for vital products (bread). Despite the fact that some enterprises are equipped with modern equipment, all the same, most enterprises suffer from factory worn. The main thing for the development of the bakery industry is the provision of its production funds.

Table 3 - the state of the main means of the bakery industry for 2011-2015

Indicators 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Fixed assets at the end of the year, residual value, million rubles. 31356 32793 33492 34783 35395
including cars and equipment 15847 15306 15759 15967 16342
The coefficient of depreciation of fixed assets total,% 42,6 45,6 47,5 48,2 49,7
including Machines and equipment 50,0 55,2 57,3 59,5 61,2
Fully worn fixed assets, full accounting cost, million rubles. 4765 5806 7647 8095 9105

The food and processing industry of Russia is one of the strategic sectors of the economy, designed to ensure the sustainable supply of the population with the necessary quality food.

The bread was and remains one of the main foods of the population of our country. The daily widespread consumption of bread allows you to consider it one of the most important foods, the nutritional value of which is of paramount importance. It provides more than 50% of the daily need for energy and up to 75% of the vegetable protein need.

In the transition period at the regional level, prerequisites were created for the cardinal modernization of the technical base of the bread machine, increasing the nutritional value and taste of bread. Currently, bakeries have the opportunity to acquire any types of raw materials, materials, food additives, improvers; have well-trained personnel of managers, specialists, workers; Capable (with investment resources) in a short time to establish modern technological equipment.

However, currently bakery enterprises are faced with serious problems that are braking their development. This is an increase in the cost of raw materials, and the inability to update equipment due to their high cost, as well as the rise in prices for electricity and water, a high level of taxation, etc. All these factors lead to an increase in the cost of produced products and bakery enterprises are forced to raise the prices of bread and bakery products.

The quality of products is also suffering, as many enterprises to increase their profits from the sale of products or use cheaper, but low quality raw materials, or violate the rules of the technological process of bread production - which adversely affects the quality of the finished product, and therefore on public health .

The correct organization of bakery products and the economical spending of resources in the bread maker are the priority tasks of the industry, from which the quality of products depends on the solution, and the reduction of its cost, and consequently, the growth of bakery enterprises, their competitiveness, the possibility of introducing new progressive equipment and the ability to exit on new consumer markets.

Thus, since bakery products are in constant and widespread demand among the population, the bakeries have favorable conditions for increasing production volumes. However, only correctly organizing the production of bakery products The company can get positive results.

Consuming bread and bakery products, a person satisfies its energy needs for 40-50%, protein needs by 30-40%, in the vitamins of a group at 50-60% and vitamin E up to 80%. According to estimates of the State Statistics Committee of Russia about 70 million people, their needs in food are satisfied by 80% of bread.

The nutritional value of bread is determined by the content of individual components and energy value, taking into account the digestibility coefficient.

Bread made of various varieties of wheat and rye flour contains 40-50% moisture and 50-60% dry substances. The composition of dry substances consists of carbohydrates (about 45%), a small amount of proteins (8-9%), as well as fats, minerals, vitamins and acids. The content of the main groups of food substances in bakery products depends on the recipe.

The energy value of bread depends on the moisture content (the greater the moisture, the lower) and on the number of individual components of the dry matter. Bakery products have high energy value and together with grain products are replenished more than 40% of the daily need of the body in energy.

The nutritional value of bread is higher than the more complete it satisfies the needs of the body in food substances and the more accurate chemical composition corresponds to the formula of balanced nutrition. Bakery products provide one third of the body's needs in protein and a significant part of the need for carbohydrates and vitamins of Group V.

At the same time, bread proteins are not full: there are few non-amino acids lysine and methionine. Therefore, in the process of producing bread, its protein value is raised by enrichment by dairy products, proteins of legumes and oilseeds (soybean, sunflower). Thus, the bread is a source of many amino acids indispensable for the human body: through it is satisfied with the need for a lysine by 19-21%, in methionine by 20-22%, in tryptophan by 36-40%.

The mineral and vitamin value of bread depends on the variety of flour: the more flour yield, the higher it is.

In Bakery - one of the oldest industries - by now historically there is a terminology and basic groups of goods. Over time, these concepts and definitions crossed the production framework and are now widely used not only in technological guidelines, but also in regulatory documents.

The classification proposed below includes not only a simple list of the range of bakery products, but also the circle characterizing their signs, which includes the weight, the main components of the formulation, features of processing methods.

1) Bread - products with a mass of not more than 0.5 kg, in the formulation of which only the main raw materials are usually included. The group includes formal and dyed bread from rye, wheat flour and their mixtures.

2) Boil products - from wheat flour with a mass of no more than 0.5 kg, into the formulation of which, in addition to the main raw materials, are usually included sugar and fats in total quantities not exceeding 14%, as well as other types of additional raw materials. The group includes baton, breads, halas, braid, sacks, kalachi, sitney, etc.

3) Feed products - from wheat flour of the highest and first grade; The recipe includes sugar and fats in total quantities of at least 14%, as well as other types of additional raw materials. The group includes a piece, a bunnyh mix, bars, pellets, puff products, etc. The groups of the group differ sharply by type of additional raw materials and sugar content (from 7 to 30%) and fat (from 7 to 25%), have inherent in the form Form and decoration.

4) ram products - reduced humidity (no more than 19%) with a characteristic ring-shaped (or ellipsed) form; Preparation ends with baking. The group includes rams (a lot of one product 20-40 g), drying (mass 4-10 g) and bagels (weight of 80-100 g).

5) straw and bread sticks - reduced humidity products, the preparation of which provides after baking a multi-hour shutter speed at a certain temperature and humidity, cutting on the slice and drying to a given humidity (8-12%), the group includes crushers (weight of the product at least 5 g) , simple and dubbed, and crackers (weight of the product not more than 5 g).

6) Pitroling products - from wheat flour; When the molding is added filling. The group includes pies (weight of the product at least 200 g), open and closed, and pies (weight of the product not more than 200 g).

In Russia, there are more than 10 thousand bakeries in Russia (including 1.5 thousand large) and bakeries that can produce about 70 thousand tons of bread in assortment (more than 700 items), or 500 g of bread per person. Their capacity is approximately 25 million tons per year.

If we consider the sales of bread and bakery products, then you can see that in many regions of the country, the share of bread consumption per person is much lower than the consumption of wheat and rye bread, established by the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation №192: Men - 520.5 g / day, women - 348 g / day, pensioners and children from 7 to 15 years - 301.4 g / day, children from birth to 6 years - 137 g / day (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Comparative assessment of wheat and rye bread consumption in regions

Reducing the consumption of bread can be a consequence of the following factors:

Reduction of raw material resources of the bakery industry;

- "Unsuppression", due to a significant decrease in the standard of living of the population, in which even the acquisition of everyday demand in the required number of goods is impossible to maintain the livelihoods of the body;

The transition of a part of the country's population to homemade bread maker (for example, in a number of areas of the Omsk region, a car, delivering goods on rural shops, brings bags with flour instead of bread);

Growth of average per capita income, reorientation of the population's demand for the acquisition of more expensive and full-fledged foods.

The volume of bread production in Russia decreases to unacceptable in terms of nutrition of the population of volumes. The population does not receive the required amount of bread, although it exists to acquire up to 10% of its income against 4-5% 15 years ago. In addition, there is an ubiquitous increase in flour flow per ton of bread by reducing the mass of loaf. For example, when the industry at one time was translated into the release of bread weighing 800 g instead of 1 kg, losses in Russia amounted to about 50 thousand tons of flour. Now, due to the growing costs of raw materials, electricity and services, enterprises everywhere reduce the mass of loaf or baton, so that the price increase was not so noticeable.

At all times, the dynamics of the consumption of bread and baking products was considered indicator of the living standards of the people. On the one hand, if consumption is reduced, it indicated that the population has become more rational to eat. On the other hand, the existing amount of bread consumption cannot be extremely low in a situation where "very many can only afford the bread and potatoes, or bread and tea."

It is logical to assume the possibility of illegal production of the analyzed products in the framework of industrial and small bread machine. This point of view is divided by many experts. According to V. Maltsev, Deputy Chief State Bread Inspector of the Russian Federation, "We consume bread within the limits of the recommended consumption rate, and the difference in production - 6 million tons - is unrecorded mini-bakery products." This "lost" bread is eaten by the population.

According to the results of the checks conducted by the Trade Inspectorate, the following main violations were revealed.

1) In enterprises producing bakery products:

Development and sale of low-quality bread and bakery products;

The mass of products in commerce-transport documents is not affixed (when weighing the fact that the mass difference is established);

Deviation from the mass-established mass in a smaller side;

The negligence of the production personnel (the mass of dough pieces is not controlled);

Non-compliance of the appearance of bread requirements of GOST; In the invoices, the time of the removal of products from the furnace is not affordable;

Development of bread with violations of sanitary rules;

Violation of the technological process of bread production (flour not sieved);

Violation of flour storage standards.

2) in the retail chain:

Availability of bakery products with an expired implementation period;

Dirty shelves where bread is stored;

Sale of poor-quality products (bread has slips, cracks, vague shape, worm);

Disadvantage of the necessary inventory in the tent (scales, handouts, washbasin);

Contracts are not concluded with enterprises supplying bakery products;

Improper storage of bread on racks (i.e. "in bulk") or in the wrong place (in the tambour).

Despite the lack of special measures for the demonopolization of such a branch, as a baker, the process of developing the market competition of bread is activated. A positive consequences can be considered the emergence of new economic entities bakeing high-quality bread and components of competitive bakelifiers, an increase in the range and presence of bread all day, lack of queues for bread, improving customer service - the emergence of a large number of outlets.

Given the changes in the structure of the bakery industry and the development of market relations, there was an opportunity to expand the range of bakery products for the purpose of the health of the diet of the population of Russia.

In Russia, where bread is one of the main foods, rational is to balance the chemical composition and energy value of bakery products. Taking into account this, the creation of a wide range of new products of bakery production of low energy value, having a prophylactic value, is very relevant.

In conditions when in a number of regions, the environmental situation is unfavorable (soil pollution with radioactive substances, in grain contains pesticides, microscopic toxic mushrooms are found in separate batchs of grain, etc.), in order to protect the health of consumers of bread and bakery products, regular production and strict State control over the quality of raw materials and finished products on bakery enterprises.

The main causes of non-standard products on bakery enterprises are violations of the rules of the technological process, the use of cheaper, but low quality flour, the uncontrolled application of the quality improvers and bakery products. On the latter it is necessary to stop especially. When used for the bread maker of low quality flour, the correct use of improvers allows you to improve the quality of bread. However, due to its incompetence or in order to extract greater profits from the sale of bread, the dosage of improvers and the duration of fermentation and the ripening of the test is broken. The result is the bread of a good commodity and volumetric form, but inside the crumbberbish; Such bread is impossible to cut a knife, the taste leaves much to be desired.

Often it also turns out that, despite the recipe and full-fledged products, it will not be possible to get a good quality bread. All failures, as a rule, are associated with a violation of the temperature regime in the preparation of the test and its baking. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the recipes and the above modes, and the products spent accurately measure and weighed - only then you can guarantee high quality bread.

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