
Forecast euro. Euro course forecast long-term forecast for Euro

Euro course now 73.2253 rubles for 1 euro. Change range: 73.2318 - 73.2318. Course of the previous day: 73.2318. Change: -0.0065 rubles, -0.01%. Reverse course:

Forecast euro for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 years old.

Month Revelation Min-Max Claw Mon,% Total,%
May 72.48 72.28-75.59 74.47 2.7% 2.7%
Jun. 74.47 74.47-76.88 75.74 1.7% 4.5%
Jul 75.74 73.38-75.74 74.50 -1.6% 2.8%
Aug. 74.50 72.15-74.50 73.25 -1.7% 1.1%
Sen. 73.25 72.16-74.36 73.26 0.0% 1.1%
Oct. 73.26 71.22-73.38 72.30 -1.3% -0.2%
But I 72.30 72.30-74.89 73.78 2.0% 1.8%
Dec 73.78 71.02-73.78 72.10 -2.3% -0.5%
Jan. 72.10 68.98-72.10 70.03 -2.9% -3.4%
Feb. 70.03 70.03-73.21 72.13 3.0% -0.5%
Mar. 72.13 70.61-72.77 71.69 -0.6% -1.1%
Apr. 71.69 71.09-73.25 72.17 0.7% -0.4%
May 72.17 68.95-72.17 70.00 -3.0% -3.4%
Jun. 70.00 70.00-73.18 72.10 3.0% -0.5%
Jul 72.10 72.10-74.99 73.88 2.5% 1.9%
Aug. 73.88 71.64-73.88 72.73 -1.6% 0.3%
Sen. 72.73 72.27-74.47 73.37 0.9% 1.2%
Oct. 73.37 71.87-74.05 72.96 -0.6% 0.7%
But I 72.96 72.96-75.87 74.75 2.5% 3.1%
Dec 74.75 73.61-75.85 74.73 0.0% 3.1%
Jan. 74.73 72.36-74.73 73.46 -1.7% 1.4%
Feb. 73.46 70.61-73.46 71.69 -2.4% -1.1%
Mar. 71.69 71.69-74.95 73.84 3.0% 1.9%
Apr. 73.84 73.84-77.20 76.06 3.0% 4.9%
May 76.06 76.06-79.07 77.90 2.4% 7.5%
Month Revelation Min-Max Claw Mon,% Total,%
2021 Continued
Jun. 77.90 77.90-81.44 80.24 3.0% 10.7%
Jul 80.24 76.87-80.24 78.04 -2.7% 7.7%
Aug. 78.04 74.56-78.04 75.70 -3.0% 4.4%
Sen. 75.70 75.11-77.39 76.25 0.7% 5.2%
Oct. 76.25 72.85-76.25 73.96 -3.0% 2.0%
But I 73.96 71.08-73.96 72.16 -2.4% -0.4%
Dec 72.16 69.94-72.16 71.00 -1.6% -2.0%
Jan. 71.00 67.84-71.00 68.87 -3.0% -5.0%
Feb. 68.87 67.12-69.16 68.14 -1.1% -6.0%
Mar. 68.14 68.14-71.23 70.18 3.0% -3.2%
Apr. 70.18 67.05-70.18 68.07 -3.0% -6.1%
May 68.07 67.23-69.27 68.25 0.3% -5.8%
Jun. 68.25 65.37-68.25 66.37 -2.8% -8.4%
Jul 66.37 63.41-66.37 64.38 -3.0% -11.2%
Aug. 64.38 63.45-65.39 64.42 0.1% -11.1%
Sen. 64.42 64.42-67.35 66.35 3.0% -8.5%
Oct. 66.35 66.35-69.37 68.34 3.0% -5.7%
But I 68.34 66.93-68.97 67.95 -0.6% -6.3%
Dec 67.95 64.92-67.95 65.91 -3.0% -9.1%
Jan. 65.91 65.91-68.24 67.23 2.0% -7.2%
Feb. 67.23 67.23-70.29 69.25 3.0% -4.5%
Mar. 69.25 69.25-72.40 71.33 3.0% -1.6%
Apr. 71.33 71.33-74.57 73.47 3.0% 1.4%
May 73.47 71.93-74.13 73.03 -0.6% 0.8%
Jun. 73.03 69.78-73.03 70.84 -3.0% -2.3%

Forecast euro course for tomorrow, week and month.

Forecast euro euros by day

date Day Min. Max Course
13.05 monday 72.14 74.34 73.24
14.05 tuesday 72.52 74.72 73.62
15.05 wednesday 72.14 74.34 73.24
16.05 thursday 72.22 74.42 73.32
17.05 friday 72.40 74.60 73.50
20.05 monday 72.26 74.46 73.36
21.05 tuesday 72.86 75.08 73.97
22.05 wednesday 72.88 75.10 73.99
23.05 thursday 73.23 75.47 74.35
24.05 friday 73.08 75.30 74.19
27.05 monday 73.42 75.66 74.54
28.05 tuesday 73.51 75.75 74.63
29.05 wednesday 73.90 76.16 75.03
30.05 thursday 73.50 75.74 74.62
31.05 friday 73.35 75.59 74.47
03.06 monday 73.63 75.87 74.75
04.06 tuesday 73.29 75.53 74.41
05.06 wednesday 73.05 75.27 74.16
06.06 thursday 72.62 74.84 73.73
07.06 friday 72.62 74.84 73.73
10.06 monday 72.63 74.85 73.74
11.06 tuesday 72.88 75.10 73.99
13.06 thursday 72.26 74.46 73.36
14.06 friday 72.30 74.50 73.40
Euro course forecast for Monday, May 13th: 73.24 rubles, maximum 74.34, at least 72.14. Forecast euro for Tuesday, 14th May: 73.62 rubles, a maximum of 74.72, at least 72.52. Euro forecast on Wednesday, 15th May: 73.24 rubles, maximum 74.34, minimum of 72.14. Forecast euro for Thursday, May 16th: 73.32 rubles, maximum 74.42, at least 72.22. Euro forecast for Friday, 17th of May: 73.50 rubles, a maximum of 74.60, at least 72.40.

In a week. Forecast euro for Monday, May 20: 73.36 rubles, maximum 74.46, minimum 72.26. Euro Forecast on Tuesday, 21st May: 73.97 rubles, maximum 75.08, at least 72.86. Forecast euro on Wednesday, 22nd May: 73.99 rubles, maximum 75.10, at least 72.88. Euro forecast for Thursday, May 23: 74.35 rubles, a maximum of 75.47, at least 73.23. Forecast euro for Friday, 24th May: 74.19 rubles, maximum 75.30, at least 73.08.

In 2 weeks. Euro forecast for Monday, May 27: 74.54 rubles, a maximum of 75.66, at least 73.42. Forecast euro for Tuesday, 28th May: 74.63 rubles, a maximum of 75.75, at least 73.51. Euro forecast on Wednesday, 29th May: 75.03 rubles, a maximum of 76.16, at least 73.90. Forecast euro for Thursday, May 30th: 74.62 rubles, maximum 75.74, minimum of 73.50. Euro forecast for Friday, May 31: 74.47 rubles, a maximum of 75.59, at least 73.35.

In 3 weeks. Forecast euro for Monday, 3nd June: 74.75 rubles, a maximum of 75.87, at least 73.63. Euro Course Forecast on Tuesday, 4th of June: 74.41 rubles, maximum 75.53, at least 73.29. Forecast euro on Wednesday, 5th of June: 74.16 rubles, maximum 75.27, at least 73.05. Euro forecast for Thursday, 6th of June: 73.73 rubles, a maximum of 74.84, at least 72.62. Forecast euro on Friday, 7th of June: 73.73 rubles, a maximum of 74.84, at least 72.62.

After 4 weeks. Euro course forecast for Monday, 10th of June: 73.74 rubles, a maximum of 74.85, at least 72.63. Forecast euro for Tuesday, 11th June: 73.99 rubles, maximum 75.10, at least 72.88.

Euro course forecast for May 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 72.48 rubles. Maximum course 75.59, minimum 72.28. Middle Course For a month 73.71. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 74.47, change for May 2.7%.

Euro euro forecast for June 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 74.47 rubles. Maximum course 76.88, minimum 74.47. Middle course for the month 75.39. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 75.74, a change for June 1.7%.

Euro course forecast for July 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 75.74 rubles. Maximum course 75.74, minimum 73.38. Middle rate for the month 74.84. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 74.50, a change for July -1.6%.

Euro euro forecast for August 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 74.50 rubles. Maximum course 74.50, minimum 72.15. Middle course for the month 73.60. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 73.25, a change for August -1.7%.

Euro course forecast for September 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.25 rubles. Maximum course 74.36, minimum 72.16. Middle rate for the month 73.26. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 73.26, change in September 0.0%.

Euro euro forecast for October 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.26 rubles. Maximum course 73.38, minimum 71.22. The average rate for the month 72.54. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 72.30, change for October -1.3%.

Euro course forecast for November 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 72.30 rubles. Maximum course 74.89, minimum 72.30. Middle rate for the month 73.32. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 73.78, change for November 2.0%.

Euro euro forecast for December 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.78 rubles. Maximum course 73.78, minimum 71.02. The average rate for the month is 72.67. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 72.10, change in December -2.3%.

Euro course forecast for January 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 72.10 rubles. Maximum course 72.10, minimum 68.98. Middle rate for the month 70.80. Forecast euro at the end of the month of 70.03, a change in January -2.9%.

Euro euro forecast for February 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 70.03 rubles. Maximum course 73.21, minimum 70.03. The average rate for the month 71.35. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 72.13, a change in February 3.0%.

Euro course forecast for March 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 72.13 rubles. Maximum course 72.77, minimum 70.61. The average rate for the month 71.80. Forecast euro at the end of the month 71.69, change for March -0.6%.

Euro euro forecast for April 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 71.69 rubles. Maximum course 73.25, minimum 71.09. Middle course for the month 72.05. Forecast euro at the end of the month 72.17, change for April 0.7%.

Euro course forecast for May 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 72.17 rubles. Maximum course 72.17, minimum 68.95. Middle rate for the month 70.82. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 70.00, change for May -3.0%.

Euro euro forecast for June 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 70.00 rubles. Maximum course 73.18, minimum 70.00. The average rate for the month 71.32. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 72.10, change for June 3.0%.

Euro course forecast for July 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 72.10 rubles. Maximum course 74.99, minimum 72.10. Middle course for the month 73.27. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 73.88, a change in July 2.5%.

Euro euro forecast for August 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.88 rubles. Maximum course 73.88, minimum 71.64. Middle course for the month 73.03. Forecast euro at the end of the month 72.73, a change in August -1.6%.

Euro course forecast for September 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 72.73 rubles. Maximum course 74.47, minimum 72.27. Middle course for the month 73.21. Forecast euro at the end of the month 73.37, change in September 0.9%.

Euro euro forecast for October 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.37 rubles. Maximum course 74.05, minimum 71.87. Middle course for the month 73.06. Forecast euro at the end of the month 72.96, change in October -0.6%.

Euro course forecast for November 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 72.96 rubles. Maximum course 75.87, minimum 72.96. Medium course for the month 74.14. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 74.75, change for November 2.5%.

Euro euro forecast for December 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 74.75 rubles. Maximum course 75.85, minimum 73.61. The average rate for the month 74.74. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 74.73, change in December 0.0%.

Euro course forecast for January 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 74.73 rubles. Maximum course 74.73, minimum 72.36. The middle course for the month 73.82. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 73.46, change in January -1.7%.

Euro euro forecast for February 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.46 rubles. Maximum course 73.46, minimum 70.61. Middle rate for the month 72.31. Forecast euro at the end of the month 71.69, a change in February -2.4%.

Euro course forecast for March 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 71.69 rubles. Maximum course 74.95, minimum 71.69. Middle course for the month 73.04. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 73.84, change for March 3.0%.

Euro euro forecast for April 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.84 rubles. Maximum course 77.20, minimum 73.84. Middle rate for the month 75.24. Forecast euro at the end of the month 76.06, a change in April 3.0%.

Euro course forecast for May 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 76.06 rubles. Maximum course 79.07, minimum 76.06. Middle course for the month 77.27. Forecast euro at the end of the month 77.90, change for May 2.4%.

Euro euro forecast for June 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 77.90 rubles. Maximum course 81.44, minimum 77.90. Middle rate for the month 79.37. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 80.24, change for June 3.0%.

Euro course forecast for July 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 80.24 rubles. Maximum course 80.24, minimum 76.87. Middle rate for the month 78.85. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 78.04, a change for July -2.7%.

Euro euro forecast for August 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 78.04 rubles. Maximum course 78.04, minimum 74.56. The average rate for the month 76.59. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 75.70, change for August -3.0%.

Euro course forecast for September 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 75.70 rubles. Maximum course 77.39, minimum 75.11. Middle course for the month 76.11. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 76.25, change in September 0.7%.

Euro euro forecast for October 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 76.25 rubles. Maximum course 76.25, minimum 72.85. Middle rate for the month 74.83. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 73.96, change for October -3.0%.

Euro course forecast for November 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.96 rubles. Maximum course 73.96, minimum 71.08. The average rate for the month 72.79. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 72.16, change for November -2.4%.

Euro euro forecast for December 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 72.16 rubles. Maximum course 72.16, minimum 69.94. The average rate for the month 71.32. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 71.00, change for December -1.6%.

Euro course forecast for January 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 71.00 rubles. Maximum course 71.00, minimum 67.84. The average rate for the month is 69.68. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 68.87, change in January -3.0%.

Euro euro forecast for February 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 68.87 rubles. Maximum course 69.16, minimum 67.12. Middle rate for the month 68.32. Forecast euro at the end of the month 68.14, a change in February -1.1%.

Euro course forecast for March 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 68.14 rubles. Maximum course 71.23, minimum 68.14. The average rate for the month 69.42. Forecast euro at the end of the month 70.18, change for March 3.0%.

Euro euro forecast for April 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 70.18 rubles. Maximum course 70.18, minimum 67.05. The average rate for the month is 68.87. Forecast euro at the end of the month 68.07, change for April -3.0%.

Euro course forecast for May 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 68.07 rubles. Maximum course 69.27, minimum 67.23. Middle rate for the month 68.21. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 68.25, change for May 0.3%.

Euro euro forecast for June 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 68.25 rubles. Maximum course 68.25, minimum 65.37. Middle course for the month 67.06. Forecast euro at the end of the month 66.37, change for June -2.8%.

Euro course forecast for July 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 66.37 rubles. Maximum course 66.37, minimum 63.41. The average rate for the month 65.13. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 64.38, a change in July -3.0%.

Euro euro forecast for August 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 64.38 rubles. Maximum course 65.39, minimum 63.45. Middle rate for the month 64.41. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 64.42, a change in August 0.1%.

Euro course forecast for September 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 64.42 rubles. Maximum course 67.35, minimum 64.42. Middle rate for the month 65.64. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 66.35, change in September 3.0%.

Euro euro forecast for October 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 66.35 rubles. Maximum course 69.37, minimum 66.35. Middle rate for the month 67.60. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 68.34, change in October 3.0%.

Euro course forecast for November 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 68.34 rubles. Maximum course 68.97, minimum 66.93. Middle rate for the month 68.05. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 67.95, change for November -0.6%.

Euro euro forecast for December 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 67.95 rubles. Maximum course 67.95, minimum 64.92. The average rate for the month 66.68. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 65.91, change for December -3.0%.

Euro course forecast for January 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 65.91 rubles. Maximum course 68.24, minimum 65.91. Middle rate for the month 66.82. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 67.23, change in January 2.0%.

Euro euro forecast for February 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 67.23 rubles. Maximum course 70.29, minimum 67.23. The average rate for the month is 68.50. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 69.25, a change in February 3.0%.

Euro course forecast for March 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 69.25 rubles. Maximum course 72.40, minimum 69.25. Middle rate for the month 70.56. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 71.33, change for March 3.0%.

Euro euro forecast for April 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 71.33 rubles. Maximum course 74.57, minimum 71.33. The average rate for the month is 72.68. EUR Course Forecast at the end of the month 73.47, change for April 3.0%.

Euro course forecast for May 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.47 rubles. Maximum course 74.13, minimum 71.93. Middle rate for the month 73.14. Forecast euro rate at the end of the month 73.03, change for May -0.6%.

Euro euro forecast for June 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.03 rubles. Maximum course 73.03, minimum 69.78. The average course for the month 71.67. Forecast euro at the end of the month of 70.84, a change for June -3.0%.

RUBNE course today.

Ruble exchange rate now 13.6565 Euro for 1000 rubles. Course change range: 13.6553-13.6553. Course closure of trading of the previous day: 13.6553. Change: +0.0012, + 0.01%.

Forecast of the ruble euro for tomorrow, week and month.

Calculation of 1000 rubles.

Forecast of the ruble euro for Monday, May 13th: 13.65 euros, a maximum of 13.86, at least 13.45. The ruble exchange rate on Tuesday, 14th May: 13.58 euros, a maximum of 13.79, at least 13.38. Forecast of the ruble euro on Wednesday, May 15: 13.65 euros, a maximum of 13.86, at least 13.45. The ruble forecast for Thursday, May 16th: 13.64 euros, a maximum of 13.85, at least 13.44. Forecast course Ruble-euro on Friday, 17th of May: 13.61 euros, a maximum of 13.81, at least 13.40.

After 1 week. RUBLE RUBLED Forecast for Monday, May 20: 13.63 euros, maximum 13.84, at least 13.43. Forecast of the ruble euro on Tuesday, 21st May: 13.52 euros, a maximum of 13.72, at least 13.32. RUBLED RUBLED Forecast on Wednesday, 22nd May: 13.52 euros, maximum 13.72, at least 13.32. Forecast course Ruble-euro on Thursday, 23rd: 13.45 euros, maximum 13.66, at least 13.25. RUBLE RUBLED Forecast on Friday, 24th May: 13.48 Euro, maximum 13.68, at least 13.28.

In 2 weeks. Forecast of the ruble euro on Monday, May 27: 13.42 Euro, a maximum of 13.62, at least 13.22. The ruble exchange rate on Tuesday, May 28th: \u200b\u200b13.40 euros, a maximum of 13.60, at least 13.20. Forecast of the ruble euro on Wednesday, May 29: 13.33 euros, a maximum of 13.53, at least 13.13. RUBLED Forecast for Thursday, May 30th: 13.40 euros, maximum 13.61, at least 13.20. Forecast of the ruble euro on Friday, May 31: 13.43 euros, a maximum of 13.63, at least 13.23.

In 3 weeks. RUBLES RUNDATION Monday, 3nd June: 13.38 euros, a maximum of 13.58, at least 13.18. The forecast of the ruble euro on Tuesday, 4th of June: 13.44 euros, a maximum of 13.64, at least 13.24. RUBLED USE Forecast, 5th of June: 13.48 euros, a maximum of 13.69, at least 13.29. The forecast of the ruble-euro on Thursday course, 6th of June: 13.56 euros, a maximum of 13.77, at least 13.36. RUBLE RUBLED Forecast on Friday, 7th of June: 13.56 euros, maximum 13.77, at least 13.36.

After 4 weeks. Forecast of the ruble euro for Monday, 10th of June: 13.56 euros, a maximum of 13.77, at least 13.36. The ruble exchange rate on Tuesday, 11th of June: 13.52 euros, a maximum of 13.72, at least 13.32.

Forecast of the ruble for a month.

date Day Min. Max Course
13.05 monday 13.45 13.86 13.65
14.05 tuesday 13.38 13.79 13.58
15.05 wednesday 13.45 13.86 13.65
16.05 thursday 13.44 13.85 13.64
17.05 friday 13.40 13.81 13.61
20.05 monday 13.43 13.84 13.63
21.05 tuesday 13.32 13.72 13.52
22.05 wednesday 13.32 13.72 13.52
23.05 thursday 13.25 13.66 13.45
24.05 friday 13.28 13.68 13.48
27.05 monday 13.22 13.62 13.42
28.05 tuesday 13.20 13.60 13.40
29.05 wednesday 13.13 13.53 13.33
30.05 thursday 13.20 13.61 13.40
31.05 friday 13.23 13.63 13.43
03.06 monday 13.18 13.58 13.38
04.06 tuesday 13.24 13.64 13.44
05.06 wednesday 13.29 13.69 13.48
06.06 thursday 13.36 13.77 13.56
07.06 friday 13.36 13.77 13.56
10.06 monday 13.36 13.77 13.56
11.06 tuesday 13.32 13.72 13.52
13.06 thursday 13.43 13.84 13.63
14.06 friday 13.42 13.83 13.62

Forecast of Ruble-Euro 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 years old.

RUBLED USE Forecast May 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.80 euros. Maximum 13.84, minimum 13.23. The average course for the month is 13.58. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 13.43, the change for May -2.7%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on June 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.43 euros. Maximum 13.43, minimum 13.01. The course is average for the month 13.27. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 13.20, a change for June -1.7%.

RUBLED USE Forecast July 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.20 euros. Maximum 13.63, minimum 13.20. The average course for the month 13.36. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 13.42, a change in July 1.7%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on August 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.42 euros. Maximum 13.86, minimum 13.42. The average course for the month is 13.59. The forecast course of the ruble at the end of the month is 13.65, a change in August 1.7%.

RUBLED USE Forecast September 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.65 euros. Maximum 13.86, minimum 13.45. The course is average for a month 13.65. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.65, a change in September 0.0%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on October 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.65 euros. Maximum 14.04, minimum of 13.63. The average course for the month is 13.79. The forecast course of the ruble at the end of the month is 13.83, a change in October 1.3%.

RUBLED USE Forecast November 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.83 euros. Maximum 13.83, minimum 13.35. The average course for the month is 13.64. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.55, a change for November -2.0%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on December 2019..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.55 euros. Maximum 14.08, minimum of 13.55. The average course for the month is 13.76. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.87, a change in December 2.4%.

RUBLED USE Forecast January 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.87 euros. Maximum 14.50, minimum of 13.87. The course is average for the month 14.13. Forecast of the ruble at the end of the month 14.28, change in January 3.0%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on February 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.28 euros. Maximum 14.28, minimum 13.66. The average course for the month is 14.02. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.86, a change in February -2.9%.

RUBLED USE Forecast March 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.86 euros. Maximum 14.16, minimum of 13.74. The course is average for a month 13.93. The forecast course of the ruble at the end of the month is 13.95, a change for March 0.6%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on April 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.95 euros. Maximum 14.07, minimum of 13.65. The course is average for the month of 13.88. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.86, a change for April -0.6%.

RUBLED USE Forecast May 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.86 euros. Maximum 14.50, minimum of 13.86. The course is average for the month 14.13. Forecast of the ruble at the end of the month 14.29, change for May 3.1%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on June 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.29 euros. Maximum 14.29, minimum of 13.66. The course is average for the month 14.03. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month of 13.87, a change for June -2.9%.

RUBLED USE Forecast July 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.87 euros. Maximum 13.87, minimum 13.34. The average course for the month is 13.66. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.54, a change in July -2.4%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on August 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.54 euros. Maximum 13.96, minimum 13.54. The course is average for a month 13.70. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.75, a change in August 1.6%.

RUBLED USE Forecast September 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.75 euros. Maximum 13.84, minimum 13.43. The average course for the month is 13.66. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.63, a change for September -0.9%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on October 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.63 euros. Maximum 13.91, minimum of 13.50. The course is average for the month 13.69. The forecast course of the ruble at the end of the month is 13.71, a change in October 0.6%.

RUBLED USE Forecast November 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.71 euros. Maximum 13.71, minimum 13.18. The course is average for a month 13.50. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.38, a change for November -2.4%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on December 2020..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.38 euros. Maximum 13.59, minimum 13.18. The average course for the month is 13.38. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 13.38, a change in December 0.0%.

RUBLED USE Forecast January 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.38 euros. Maximum 13.82, minimum 13.38. The course is average for the month of 13.55. The forecast course of the ruble at the end of the month is 13.61, the change in January 1.7%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on February 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.61 euros. Maximum 14.16, minimum 13.61. The course is average for a month 13.83. Forecast of the ruble at the end of the month of 13.95, a change in February 2.5%.

RUBLED USE Forecast March 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.95 euros. Maximum 13.95, minimum 13.34. The course is average for a month 13.70. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.54, a change for March -2.9%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on April 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.54 euros. Maximum 13.54, minimum 12.95. The course is average for a month 13.30. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 13.15, a change for April -2.9%.

RUBLED USE Forecast May 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.15 euros. Maximum 13.15, minimum 12.65. The average course for the month is 12.95. Forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 12.84, change for May -2.4%.

Month Revelation Min-Max Claw Mon,% Total,%
May 13.80 13.23-13.84 13.43 -2.7% -2.7%
Jun. 13.43 13.01-13.43 13.20 -1.7% -4.3%
Jul 13.20 13.20-13.63 13.42 1.7% -2.7%
Aug. 13.42 13.42-13.86 13.65 1.7% -1.1%
Sen. 13.65 13.45-13.86 13.65 0.0% -1.1%
Oct. 13.65 13.63-14.04 13.83 1.3% 0.2%
But I 13.83 13.35-13.83 13.55 -2.0% -1.8%
Dec 13.55 13.55-14.08 13.87 2.4% 0.5%
Jan. 13.87 13.87-14.50 14.28 3.0% 3.5%
Feb. 14.28 13.66-14.28 13.86 -2.9% 0.5%
Mar. 13.86 13.74-14.16 13.95 0.6% 1.1%
Apr. 13.95 13.65-14.07 13.86 -0.6% 0.5%
May 13.86 13.86-14.50 14.29 3.1% 3.6%
Jun. 14.29 13.66-14.29 13.87 -2.9% 0.5%
Jul 13.87 13.34-13.87 13.54 -2.4% -1.9%
Aug. 13.54 13.54-13.96 13.75 1.6% -0.3%
Sen. 13.75 13.43-13.84 13.63 -0.9% -1.2%
Oct. 13.63 13.50-13.91 13.71 0.6% -0.6%
But I 13.71 13.18-13.71 13.38 -2.4% -3.0%
Dec 13.38 13.18-13.59 13.38 0.0% -3.0%
Jan. 13.38 13.38-13.82 13.61 1.7% -1.4%
Feb. 13.61 13.61-14.16 13.95 2.5% 1.1%
Mar. 13.95 13.34-13.95 13.54 -2.9% -1.9%
Apr. 13.54 12.95-13.54 13.15 -2.9% -4.7%
May 13.15 12.65-13.15 12.84 -2.4% -6.9%
-9.7% Jul 12.46 12.46-13.01 12.81 2.8% -7.2% Aug. 12.81 12.81-13.41 13.21 3.1% -4.3% Sen. 13.21 12.92-13.31 13.11 -0.8% -5.0% Oct. 13.11 13.11-13.73 13.52 3.1% -2.0% But I 13.52 13.52-14.07 13.86 2.5% 0.5% Dec 13.86 13.86-14.30 14.08 1.6% 2.1% 2022 Jan. 14.08 14.08-14.74 14.52 3.1% 5.2% Feb. 14.52 14.46-14.90 14.68 1.1% 6.4% Mar. 14.68 14.04-14.68 14.25 -2.9% 3.3% Apr. 14.25 14.25-14.91 14.69 3.1% 6.5% May 14.69 14.44-14.87 14.65 -0.3% 6.2% Jun. 14.65 14.65-15.30 15.07 2.9% 9.2% Jul 15.07 15.07-15.77 15.53 3.1% 12.6% Aug. 15.53 15.29-15.76 15.52 -0.1% 12.5% Sen. 15.52 14.85-15.52 15.07 -2.9% 9.2% Oct. 15.07 14.42-15.07 14.63 -2.9% 6.0% But I 14.63 14.50-14.94 14.72 0.6% 6.7% Dec 14.72 14.72-15.40 15.17 3.1% 10.0% 2023 Jan. 15.17 14.65-15.17 14.87 -2.0% 7.8% Feb. 14.87 14.23-14.87 14.44 -2.9% 4.7% Mar. 14.44 13.81-14.44 14.02 -2.9% 1.6% Apr. 14.02 13.41-14.02 13.61 -2.9% -1.4% May 13.61 13.49-13.90 13.69 0.6% -0.8% Jun. 13.69 13.69-14.33 14.12 3.1% 2.3%

Forecast of the ruble euros on June 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 12.84 euros. Maximum 12.84, minimum 12.28. The course is average for a month 12.61. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 12.46, a change for June -3.0%.

RUBLED USE Forecast July 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 12.46 euros. Maximum 13.01, minimum 12.46. The course is average for a month 12.69. The forecast course of the ruble at the end of the month is 12.81, a change in July 2.8%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on August 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 12.81 euros. Maximum 13.41, minimum 12.81. The average course for the month 13.06. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 13.21, a change in August 3.1%.

RUBLED USE Forecast September 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.21 euros. Maximum 13.31, minimum 12.92. The average course for the month 13.14. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 13.11, a change for September -0.8%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on October 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month 13.11 euro. Maximum 13.73, minimum 13.11. Course average for month 13.37. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.52, a change in October 3.1%.

RUBLED USE Forecast November 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.52 euros. Maximum 14.07, minimum of 13.52. The average course for the month is 13.74. The forecast course of the ruble at the end of the month is 13.86, a change for November 2.5%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on December 2021..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.86 euros. Maximum 14.30, minimum of 13.86. The course is average for the month 14.03. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 14.08, a change in December 1.6%.

RUBLED USE Forecast January 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.08 euros. Maximum 14.74, minimum of 14.08. Course average for month 14.36. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 14.52, a change in January 3.1%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on February 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.52 euros. Maximum 14.90, minimum 14.46. The course is middle per month 14.64. Forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 14.68, a change in February 1.1%.

RUBLED USE Forecast March 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.68 euros. Maximum 14.68, minimum 14.04. The course is average for a month 14.41. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 14.25, a change for March -2.9%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on April 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.25 euros. Maximum 14.91, minimum 14.25. The course is average for the month 14.53. The forecast course of the ruble at the end of the month is 14.69, a change in April 3.1%.

RUBLED USE Forecast May 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.69 euros. Maximum 14.87, minimum 14.44. The course is average for the month 14.66. Forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 14.65, change for May -0.3%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on June 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.65 euros. Maximum 15.30, minimum 14.65. The course is average for a month 14.92. Forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 15.07, a change in June 2.9%.

RUBLED USE Forecast July 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 15.07 euros. Maximum 15.77, minimum 15.07. The average course for the month is 15.36. Forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 15.53, a change for July 3.1%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on August 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 15.53 euros. Maximum 15.76, minimum 15.29. The course is average for a month 15.53. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 15.52, the change for August -0.1%.

RUBLED USE Forecast September 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 15.52 euros. Maximum 15.52, minimum 14.85. The course is average for the month 15.24. Forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 15.07, change for September -2.9%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on October 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 15.07 euros. Maximum 15.07, minimum 14.42. The average course for the month 14.80. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 14.63, a change in October -2.9%.

RUBLED USE Forecast November 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.63 euros. Maximum 14.94, minimum 14.50. The average course for the month is 14.70. Forecast of the ruble at the end of the month 14.72, change for November 0.6%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on December 2022..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.72 euros. Maximum 15.40, minimum 14.72. The course is average for a month 15.00. Forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 15.17, a change in December 3.1%.

RUBLED USE Forecast January 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 15.17 euros. Maximum 15.17, minimum 14.65. The course is average for the month 14.97. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 14.87, a change in January -2.0%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on February 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.87 euros. Maximum 14.87, minimum 14.23. The average course for the month is 14.60. Forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 14.44, a change in February -2.9%.

RUBLED USE Forecast March 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.44 euros. Maximum 14.44, minimum of 13.81. The average course for the month 14.18. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 14.02, a change for March -2.9%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on April 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 14.02 euros. Maximum 14.02, minimum 13.41. The average course for the month is 13.77. The forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month is 13.61, a change for April -2.9%.

RUBLED USE Forecast May 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.61 euros. Maximum 13.90, minimum 13.49. The course is average for the month of 13.67. The forecast course of the ruble at the end of the month is 13.69, a change in May 0.6%.

Forecast of the ruble euros on June 2023..
The course at the beginning of the month is 13.69 euros. Maximum 14.33, minimum of 13.69. The average course for the month is 13.96. Forecast of the ruble rate at the end of the month 14.12, a change in June 3.1%.

Here you will always find fresh Euro and Ruble Course Forecast. The forecast is updated and updated by the experts of the Apercon daily, taking into account the latest events and changes in market data.

Updated 05/11/2019 22:00

What is the forecast for euro for tomorrow?

Euro course forecast for tomorrow is 73.24 rub., Minimum course 72.21, and maximum 74.27 rubles. Current euro course 73.23. Today the course has not changed in comparison with yesterday's closing of the day at 73.23.

Euro will grow or fall in a week?

Forecast euro after a week 73.50 Rub., At least 72.47, a maximum of 74.53 rubles. Thus, for the week the euro rate will increase on the 0.27 rub. Regarding the course now in 73.23 r. Read more forecast for weeks for a week Look below in the table.

What is the forecast of the euro for May?

Euro course forecast for May 72.21-76.08, at the end of May 74.47 rub. In early May, the euro rate was 72.48, i.e. Change for the month will be + 2.7%.

What is the euro course forecast for June?

Euro course forecast for June - 75.74 R. At the end of June, the minimum course during the month is 72.33, the maximum 76.80. Change for the month + 1.7%.

Euro course forecast for every day in the table

date Day Min. Course Max
13.05 monday 72.21 73.24 74.27
14.05 tuesday 72.59 73.62 74.65
15.05 wednesday 72.21 73.24 74.27
16.05 thursday 72.29 73.32 74.35
17.05 friday 72.47 73.50 74.53
20.05 monday 72.33 73.36 74.39
21.05 tuesday 72.93 73.97 75.01
22.05 wednesday 72.95 73.99 75.03
23.05 thursday 73.31 74.35 75.39
24.05 friday 73.15 74.19 75.23
27.05 monday 73.50 74.54 75.58
28.05 tuesday 73.59 74.63 75.67
29.05 wednesday 73.98 75.03 76.08
30.05 thursday 73.58 74.62 75.66
31.05 friday 73.43 74.47 75.51
03.06 monday 73.70 74.75 75.80
04.06 tuesday 73.37 74.41 75.45
05.06 wednesday 73.12 74.16 75.20
06.06 thursday 72.70 73.73 74.76
07.06 friday 72.70 73.73 74.76
10.06 monday 72.71 73.74 74.77
11.06 tuesday 72.95 73.99 75.03
12.06 wednesday 72.33 73.36 74.39
13.06 thursday 72.37 73.40 74.43

What is the euro forecast for July?

Euro course forecast for July Located in the range of 73.46-75.74, at the end of July 74.50 rub. Change for month -1.6%.

What is the euro course before the end of 2019?

Euro course forecast for 2019 Year: the course will bargain in the range of 71.09-76.80. Course forecast at the end of December 2019 72.10 rub.

What will be the euro rate in 2020?

Euro course forecast for 2020 Year: Course at the end of December 2020 - 75.40 rub. And during the year, the course will fluctuate in the range of 68.98-76.48.

Forecast euro for 2019, 2020 and 2021

Month Start Min-Max the end Total,%
May 72.48 72.21-76.08 74.47 +2.7%
Jun. 74.47 72.33-76.80 75.74 +4.5%
Jul 75.74 73.46-75.74 74.50 +2.8%
Aug. 74.50 72.22-74.50 73.25 +1.1%
Sen. 73.25 72.23-74.29 73.26 +1.1%
Oct. 73.26 71.29-73.31 72.30 -0.2%
But I 72.30 72.30-74.81 73.78 +1.8%
Dec 73.78 71.09-73.78 72.10 -0.5%
Jan. 72.10 69.05-72.10 70.03 -3.4%
Feb. 70.03 70.03-73.85 72.83 +0.5%
Mar. 72.83 71.38-73.40 72.39 -0.1%
Apr. 72.39 71.85-73.89 72.87 +0.5%
May 72.87 68.98-72.87 69.96 -3.5%
Jun. 69.96 69.96-73.78 72.76 +0.4%
Jul 72.76 72.76-75.60 74.56 +2.9%
Aug. 74.56 72.37-74.56 73.40 +1.3%
Sen. 73.40 73.00-75.08 74.04 +2.2%
Oct. 74.04 72.59-74.65 73.62 +1.6%
But I 73.62 73.62-76.48 75.42 +4.1%
Dec 75.42 74.34-76.46 75.40 +4.0%
Jan. 75.40 73.08-75.40 74.12 +2.3%
Feb. 74.12 71.33-74.12 72.34 -0.2%
Mar. 72.34 72.34-76.28 75.23 +3.8%
Apr. 75.23 75.23-79.34 78.24 +7.9%
May 78.24 78.24-81.25 80.13 +10.6%

2015-2019 Foreign exchange resource - Expert Center. Copying information and materials from the site is prohibited. The expert center places information here for familiarization and does not assume any responsibility for using this information by visitors to the site and adopted or disassembled solutions.

Analysts of investment companies and banks expect to increase Russian stock indexes in December, strengthening the ruble to the dollar and euros, testify the survey data conducted by the Prime Agency.

In accordance with the consensus forecast prepared on the basis of analysts expectations, MICEX and RTS indices for December will increase by about 3% and 4%, respectively. The price of Brent oil will fall within $ 2 to 109 dollars per barrel, and gold will remain near $ 1250 per ounce.

The euro rate to the dollar is estimated to retreat 1.35 dollars from the current almost 1.36. The ruble relative to the dollar will strengthen 18 kopecks, and against the euro - by 62 kopecks.

The local market decline at the end of November has limited potential, and the New Year's rally has every chance to take place. Historically, there was extremely few situations when the Russian stock market fell in December. A severe situation with ruble liquidity, oppressed markets in November, will improve in early December.

The main event of December will be the meeting of the Fed of the United States on December 17-18. December 13 will be a meeting of the Central Bank of Russia. On December 19, a press conference of President Vladimir Putin will be held.

Consensus forecast at the end of December


Forecast at the end of December 2013

MICEX index

RTS index

Index Dow Jones

Oil Brent, $ / barrel

Gold ("London Fixing"), $ / oz

Inflation in the Russian Federation,% for the previous month

Euro euro for dollar, $

Dollar rate to ruble, rub

Euro rate to ruble, rub

Forecasts of companies at the end of December 2013

Ariel Black, analyst of the Alliance Investment Company:

November could not be called a good month for investment in Russian assets. Russian stocks rested into the ceiling already almost a two-year range and adjusted down in the absence of growth drivers inside the country, the ruble rapidly cheaper, putting the next "anti-record" since 2009. Especially alarming the rapid drop in the ruble even at the end of the month, despite the rise in oil prices and liquidity deficit in the market during the payment of taxes in the budget and after the license is revoked by the Master Bank.

In current conditions, more doubtful than usual is the bet on the traditional winter rally on the Russian stock market: the last 2 years in the fall-in winter there were some significant demands for the growth of demand for risky assets in the world as a whole: Ltro ECB in 2011, the start of shopping Fed State Blits in 2012. Now the presence of such a driver is less obvious: unless the ECB can go to any still stimulating measures due to the low rate of inflation.

Vladimir Evstipheev, analyst Bank "Zenit":

The mood of global markets in December is likely to continue to be determined by the US economy assessment through the prism of possible actions by the Fed. If flow economic statistics It will remain mixed and uncertain, the demand for risky assets should be preserved. Taking into account only the deferred issues on the budget and the limit of the US public debt, the Fed will hardly go to the tightening of monetary factors in the face of potential political problems. For the foreign exchange market, this will mean that the main pair on Forex will hold around 1.35 dollars per euro.

On commodity markets, it is likely that the situation will not change significantly. The recent decision of the "six" countries with Iran is still temporary, it is possible that the United States only toughen sanctions against the country. Thus, we still do not observe the fundamental reasons for reducing the spread between the WTI and Brent oil quotes. Oil still remains rather financial assets And along with stock markets, its prices will be protected from possible certificates. Preservation of super-reform conditions on the global monetary market.

Elena Shishkin analyst IR "Cerich Capital Management"

We expect that in December, prices for shares will be higher than they were in November. IN this moment The market ignores the positive background due to the poor situation with the monetary liquidity and the concerns of a sharp decline in oil prices after the agreements concluded in Geneva on the Iranian nuclear program. The situation with liquidity in early December will improve. As for a sharp decline in oil prices, it is unlikely: according to the terms of the agreements concluded in Geneva, Iran's oil will go to world markets not earlier than six months. There is another factor that will support oil prices in the near future: the second round of negotiations on a peaceful settlement in Syria, which will be held in Geneva on January 22, 2014, is unlikely to be successful. One of the powerful combat groups stated that he would continue armed struggle against the regime of President Bashar Assad in order to achieve his departure from the post.

The attitude of global investors to developing markets is gradually changing for the better. They clearly behind the growth from developed. Over the past weather, the MSCI Emerging Markets emerging market index fell by 2%, and the main American indices at the same time increased by 4% - 8%. According to the experts of the Goldman Sachs experts, the MSCI Emerging Markets index will be able to grow by 18% in the next 12 months.

Separate funds will begin to form portfolios for the next year the end of this year and there are attractive assets for them. First of all, these are shares of the Gazprom Neft company, which can receive benefits for paying mineral mining (NDPI) for oil production in Eastern Siberia to 2021. It is not by chance that the quotations of this action are almost not subject to correction. Also interesting shares of the company "RusHydro" - their dynamics in December may be most convincing.

Anna Lineneskaya, analyst MFC:

December will be a very difficult month for capital markets. First, this is the final month of the year, when investors close their positions, summarize and form a strategy for the next year. Secondly, too many bets on the United States, which should clarify their position and in the QE3 question (rolled / do not roll), and sign federal budget, and report on the Labor Market for November to have a base for conclusions in the future.

Now the players are very involved in the question - will there be a traditional Christmas-Rally this year? For the Russian market, this will largely depend on the well-being of "giants" - Gazprom shares, for example, are now on their local minima, and if the factor of tension due to relations with Ukraine will be leveled, a gas monopolist forces "pull out" the domestic market For annual peaks.

Oil prices have not yet demonstrate clearly directed trends. In a situation with the Russian ruble, the theory of weak currency continues to work, since the "Russian" there are no strong factors of support or within the economy, nor outside of its limits.

Alexander Headov, Head of the Department of Analytical Studies of the URALSIB UK:

Seasonal tide of greed can extend a speculative orgy in world markets - until the end of the year. In December, stock indexes grow much more often than falling (RTS - twice as often, and S & P500 is tripled). During this period, brokers in vain telling fairy tales clients, about how everything will be wonderful in the coming year. And many investors are amenable to festive mood, and some are also engaged in sketching quotes to show a higher yield for the year.

Another pre-New Year effect is called Window Dressing - "Decoration of Showcases". IN annual reports The composition of the portfolios most of the funds prefers to show growing assets, and those who have retired since the beginning of the year - to reduce or eliminate themselves. As a result, at the end of the year, we are seeing the strongest attack of cow's rabies on the Japanese Stock Exchange, which was leading on January-October. A little less hysterical, but very persistent purchases continue in other developed markets. So by the end of the year their stock indexes are likely to have even more overheated.

Developing markets in January-October are very far behind profitability, and the effect of Window Dressing is now working against them. Russia looks even weaker than most Emerging Markets colleagues due to chronic corporate governance and crisis concerns banking system. In January, speculators love to buy outsiders in the hope of rebound, so the beginning of 2014 can bring to our market temporary relief. Until now, we can hardly expect significant growth.

Anomalous speculative purchase of oil futures continues surprisingly for a long time, helping the barrel to stay much higher than 100 dollars. It has a little Russian actions, since serious investors are clear that futures quotes are artificially. Nevertheless, oil speculations significantly support the ruble exchange rate, not allowing it to reduce it to the collapse.

The total elevated greed degree before the new year is likely to keep oil near the level of November, and the movement in the fundamentally justified range of $ 90-100 per barrel will be held in 2014. Anticipating the January buying "garbage", some speculators may begin warming up stocks of cyclic sectors in the near month. As a result, metallurgy may be briefly a leader in profitability, and "protective" telecoms and the needs will slightly retain from the RTS index.

Gold continues to be under pressure due to low inflation in developed countriesoh. In addition, traditional buyers of the precious metallol in India and other developing countries still have monetary difficulties. As a result, gold quotes are likely to test the level of 1200 dollars per ounce.

The seasonal attack of greed will help and the euro's course to linger at the overestimated level for another month. Fundamental factors will again remind themselves by the end of January, giving the start to the mark to the mark of $ 1.20 per euro. Thanks to the oil speculation and support of the Central Bank, the ruble is likely to also stay at 33 per dollar, before renewing a decline in the new year.

Inflation, as in November, apparently will remain at about last year's level - 0.6% per month.

Sergey Murafer, Asset Managing UK "Agan":

The main trends of December: growth stock markets after November consolidation; Weakening of the US dollar to major currencies (euro, yen, pound); Commodity prices will continue consolidation at current levels.

The main factor that will continue to unrigner financial markets - the risk of reducing the program of quantitative easing of the US Federal FRAS.

From Russian shares in December, metallurgical companies should be allocated - MMC Norilsk Nickel, Severstal, as well as banks: VTB, Sberbank. Outsiders will continue to be the electric power industry.

If at the December meeting of the Fed, a decision will not be made to reduce the quantitative mitigation program - and this is very likely due to the controversial data on the state of the American economy - the American dollar will continue to decline to the main world currencies.

Due to the persistent wall of investors to developing markets, the advantage will continue for US stock indices, Europe and Japan.

Dmitry Demidenko, analyst of the company "Investkafe":

The latest meetings of the Fed and the ECB will be the key events of December, which will discuss issues of folding the American QE and further monetary stimulation of the eurozone economy. The first European regulator starts, which is quite capable of reporting the LTRO launch (credit auction), the OMT start (Outright Monetary Transactions - direct monetary operations), or about change interest rates. For this we need good groundsWhich should be, first of all, consider the dynamics of inflation.

Whether the ECB will be given by the Fed road, limiting himself with loud slogans, or will not postpone the case in a long box - the question that concerns the markets is no less than the probability of speeding QE. Here the main driver is the state of the American labor market. If employment releases outside the agricultural sector and unemployment level will disappoint, then investors will continue to continue the bond shopping program in the same amount until March 2014.

In my opinion, all that will happen. The ECB will weaken the monetary policy, and the Fed will not change it. This will promote some weakening of the EUR / USD course, although at the end of the month the dollar may be under pressure due to the aggravation of public debt problems.

Elena Lysenkov, Senior Globaxbank analyst:

In December, the Fed meeting will be an important event, following which it will become clear whether a program will be launched to fold the quantitative mitigation program. Follow the monetary policy of the ECB also. The question remains: whether the European Central Bank will be held in a stimulating program for the redemption of assets from the open market. Against this background, we expect the dollar to have chances to strengthen in relation to the euro, and the yield on the US long bonds - grow.

Gleb Mordvinov, analyst of the Brokerage House "Opening":

In early December, the Moscow Exchange will hold a quarterly revision of the structures of its MICEX and RTS indices, which can be a very short-term driver for stock companies whose weight will be revised on the major parties.

On December 4, the OPEC summit of a key milestone for oil will be held in Vienna lately became preliminary Agreement According to the Iranian nuclear program. Such an agreement is positive for global markets in general and should lead to a decrease in geopolitical risk and the positive advantage of participants in leading stock markets at the end of this year. But for oil-producing countries depending on the high prices for oil, including for Russia, such an agreement may be negative.

On December 17, the latest meeting of the Fed will be held this year, which is also likely to become the last meeting under the leadership of Ben Bernanke. He noted that the US Fedrene would like to depart from buying assets and concentrate efforts on the preservation of interest rates on a low level for a long time and targeting. However, the question of the timing of such changes is still open. The timing of the coagulation of monetary stimuli is still dependent on the pace of further improvement of data on employment and the restoration of inflation to a level close to the target level (2% per annum). In the meantime, many investors are ready for the fact that the Fed earlier than expected to start turning the program of quantitative easing.

The eurozone is still relevant the problem of deflation pressure on prices against the background of weak economic growth. Meanwhile, close to zero rates mean that the ECB has less opportunities for further maneuvers.

As for the Russian market, despite the undertaking indicators by the end of the year you can still see a relatively small ascending movement. In addition to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe traditional New Year's rally, it may also be of interest to the unquidic papers that are included in the MICEX and RTS indices, which at the end of the year may demonstrate significant growth due to low liquidity, due to the desire of some funds to present good results in the year of the year.

Ivan Fomenko, Head of Department trust management Absolut Bank:

It becomes obvious that external factors have only a short-term impact on the dynamics of the Russian market. Nevertheless, we note some significant events that will take place in December. First of all, this unemployment data in the United States, which will have an impact on the prospects for reducing the redemption program from the Fed. Also in early December, updated data on American GDP will come out. Most likely, American investors will completely dispel doubt that the American economy is gaining momentum, and growth even 2 percent is a good result. Europe led by France and Germany will continue to gradually leave the recession, which can also serve as a positive signal to investors in Russian assets.

In general, I do not expect changes in the index values \u200b\u200bduring December. The positive on us is no longer valid, there is nowhere to put it on the negative. Volatility will be present, but will decrease by the middle of the month, and in the second half of the month we will not see any trade or volatility - a traditional decline in activity for holidays. Among the papers allocate "Severstal", NLMK, MMC, "RUSAL".

American indices in the first half of December will continue to grow, they really are waiting for Christmas rally. If data on GDP and unemployment will be positive, then growth will only increase.

The yield of Russian bonds can grow, due to the strengthening of tension in banking sector. This, of course, is negative, but on the other hand, it can submit a number interesting opportunities To increase positions in long-term Russian bonds at a more attractive price.

The same reason, the growth of tension, causes investors to shift in the dollar. We expect to continue the growth of dollar courses and the euro to the ruble. We do not expect a strong change in a pair of the dollar / euro, since short-term fluctuations observed after the performance of representatives of the Fed are gradually going to no. Negative dynamics that gold shows may continue. Investors do not believe that the Fed actions even on preserving a soft policy can at least somehow support the cost of the metal. Moreover, I believe that aggressively configured investors have already connected to a downgrade game. Such a set in conjunction with the lack of income from investment in gold and alternative possible income on the stock market will aggravate the decline in gold prices, especially in the first half of the month.

Anton Sorok, analyst investment holding "Finam":

By the end of the year, neutral dynamics may continue on the Russian market against the background of traditional demand for risky assets and local weakness of domestic indices. In recent days, this has become clearly noticeable in conditions when Western platforms update their historical maxima, and domestic indices continue to be stump.

Investors around the world follow the actions of the Fed, which at the beginning of next year the chapter will change. But the rhetoric of the regulator, apparently, will remain unchanged, so the implementation of the policy of "cheap money" in the United States will continue.

The cost of oil has recently been stable, and price fluctuations, in general, are determined by the promotion of negotiations on Iran's nuclear program and an increase in the stocks of "black gold" in the United States.

From corporate ideas, probably, it is worth noting the paper of the consumer sector companies in general, and the shares of the magnet in particular. I do not exclude that at the end of 2013 they will be able to overcome the mark of 10 thousand rubles, thereby showing the impressive, almost negotiable movement up throughout the current year.

Roman Tkachuk, senior analyst ig "Nord-Capital":

December will be a difficult month for stock markets. Since the beginning of the year, Western indexes (American S & P, Dowjones, Nasdaq and German Dax) have updated the absolute maxima tens of times, since January their growth is 25-30%. Due to cheap liquidity from the US Federal Reserve, the year was extremely positive. And although buying current prices Risky, the management funds are greatly tempted to pull out the stock markets even higher (and arrange a "New Year's rally"), so that the portfolios received a higher revaluation and there was more bonus based on the results of the year.

At the same time, many understand that "bubble" will be separated in Western markets at the expense of cheap liquidity. It is possible that at the beginning of next year it will begin to be blown away (this may contribute to the next discussion of the Ceiling of the State debt in the United States and the beginning of QE EXIT). Correction down in the markets can begin at any time. In such conditions, buyers need to be very careful.

On the Russian stock market, the situation is different - currently growth over the year is a symbolic 3%. Almost all year MICEX index spent 1470-1520 points in a narrow sidewall. At the same time, to achieve an annual maximum (1540 points), you need to grow by another 3%. We do not expect a New Year's rally in the domestic market, but perhaps a rally in separate papers. In the event of the fall of Western markets, the decline will not bypass and Russia.

Current assets (gold, silver, oil) continue under pressure. They gives the likely folding of the US Fed quantitative mitigation next year and reducing the liquidity of the global financial system. An additional negative for oil quotations is a high level of "black gold" supply in the world market (production in Saudi Arabia and the United States is at record levels, and Iran began negotiations on the return of its oil to world markets).

The main event of December will be the meeting of the Fed of the United States on December 17-18. Market participants will carefully listen to the comments of officials, hoping to understand when QE EXIT starts in and in what volumes. The meeting of the Central Bank of Russia will also be held on December 13 (in current rates, the rates are unlikely to be changed), and on December 19, a press conference of President Vladimir Putin (once such events caused a high interest among market participants, but in recent years there have been no important statements on them Not done).

The lateral movement of Russian stock indices, observed for most of 2013, will continue in the first half of December. However, in front of the Catholic Merry Christmas and the New Year, the traditional Christmas Rally will begin on world sites, and Russian stock indexes will go beyond foreign.

The greatest demand among investors will use the shares of companies in the retail sector and the banking industry. They will become the flagships of the pre-New Year market. Negative dynamics will demonstrate the shares of metallurgical companies.

Add pessimism to the Russian market the main product of Russian exports - oil. December is traditionally not the best time for bulls on the oil market, and this year, in addition, an Iranian factor will influence the decline in oil prices.

The Russian ruble will be able to play a bit of the losses of the previous months and, accordingly, will strengthen both the dollar and the euro. In this case, the EUR / USD ratio will remain about current levels.

Dmitry Savchenko, Chief Analyst Nordea Bank:

The trend dominant in the US stock market for almost non-stop growth has a chance to continue in December. Investors who have previously doubtedly in the sustainability of the market growth will rise before choosing: or take advantage of the chance and make entrance to the market, or get low yield on the results of successful for the year. Moreover, the new Possible Chairman of the US Federal Reserve has already spoken in favor of continuing the market stimulation and economy. From a technical point of view, the Dow Jones 30 index at the end of December can reach 16400 points.

In the Russian stock market, the situation more contradictory. On the one hand, it is weak macroeconomic indicatorsreflecting the weakening of the business in such basic industrieslike metallurgy and electric power industry. On the other hand, some revival of economic activity in Europe and the United States and the offensive of winter, which will support oil and gas industry. Even within the industries, the situation for individual companies is uneven now. Therefore, the most likely scenario on the Russian stock market consolidation on basic indexes with increased volatility in individual shares is seen.

Among the possible growth leaders can be the stock: "Acron", "Dixy", "Rosneft", VTB. Special attention should be paid for VTB shares, in which at the beginning of October there was a change in the medium-term trend with a pronounced decline on noticeable growth against the background of growing trade turnover.

Among the possible leaders of the decline may be a promotion: "AFC system", "VSMPO-AVISMA". For these shares, recently there was a specific growth driver, which is probably already reflected in price and can reduce its relevance for investors.

The end of the year is always not a simple and very volatile period. The ruble will remain under pressure in connection with the weak increase in the economy. However, by the end of the year, the growth of the Russian GDP should somewhat accelerate against the background of the growth of budget expenditures and the execution of investment reports of companies. But this has a reverse side - a little more than usual rubles may appear on the market, which will partially convert into currency. But if we talk about the global balance of feet of capital on the local currency market, then the situation will change weakly.

Oil is not yet cheap, and exporters will continue to maintain the ruble. In this light russian currency As will usually have immunity before what is happening outside the country. The dollar is likely to stay not far from 33 rubles. The euro can be adjusted, because market participants may overestimate the likelihood of QE3 folding in the United States and the introduction of the negative deposit rate of the ECB. As a result, we are waiting for the euro below 44 rubles.

Yuri Timoshchenko, Asset Managing UK "Veles Management":

We believe that the local market decline in late November has limited potential, and the New Year's rally has every chance to take place. Historically, there was extremely few situations when the Russian stock market fell in December. Probably, the RTS and MICEX indices can end the year in close proximity to their annual maxima.
Budget problems in the United States, the weakness of stock markets of BRIC countries - negative factors. Dear oil, more or less steady ruble, low yield of state-owned countries of developed countries - positive factors. The most attractive will be primarily the "heavy" index papers from the MICEX index list, in the second-paper of the metallurgical sector, with the exception of "Mechel". The least attractive - electric power industry.

Growth leaders will be dividend privileged secrets of Sberbank, "Surgutneftegaz", "Tatneft", the shares of Nickel. Outsiders - electric power industry in almost full, led by Inter RAO.

On the time interval, one month can be expected to continue to strengthen the English pound regarding the US dollar for the purpose of about 1.64 - 1.65 and the continuation of weakening japanese yen. to the minimum levels of the current year.

The most attractive will be the long position in the "index" shares (the most "weighty" blue chips from the MICEX index list).

Alexey Evsenutin, Senior Vice President FG BKS:

December can be a very calm month for financial marketsLiquidity will decline, investors will increasingly think about New Year holidays than on investments. The only thing that can make its own adjustments in the Russian market is a further complication of the situation in the financial sector of the country. The active actions of the Central Bank have already led to unrest among investors and further injection of the situation can provoke a panic among "depositers". In this case, we can expect a hot month.

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In the section "Opinions" of the site of the agency economic information PRIME published materials provided by analysts, traders and experts of Russian and foreign companies, banks, and the opinions of their own experts of the Prime Agency are published. The opinions of the authors on this or that matter reflected in the materials published by the Agency may not coincide with the opinion of the editorial board "Prime". More details

The presented opinions are expressed in view of the situation at the time of the output of the material and are exceptionally introductory nature; They are not a proposal or advice to commit any actions and / or transactions, including purchasing or selling valuable papers. For all issues of posting information in the section "Opinions" you can apply to the Agency's editor :.

Unlike the dollar, it is rather difficult to give accurate forecasts regarding the European currency. The euro for the coming day can be predicted with high accuracy in just a few hours before the opening of Moscow currency exchange. It is even more difficult to give a forecast for Euroovali in the long term, since in this case the currency value will depend not only on the situation in Russia, but also on the course of the European monetary unit with respect to the dollar. However, the forecasts of most professionals come true by 60-80%.

In addition to sanctions, the dynamics of the ruble will be determined by the pace of economic recovery, and the situation in the oil market.

The weakening of oil quotations and the strengthening of the vector of anti-Russian sanctions may result in the further devaluation of the ruble, the dollar can strengthen up to 68 - 73 rubles.

What will be the euro rate in December 2018

According to international experts in the field of finance and economy, it is very soon Donald Trump to be solved by the issue of excessive strengthening of the dollar. This phenomenon is considered problematic because the strong national currency unit It cannot reveal all the economic abilities of the state, in other words - to realize its potential.

At the moment, representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the United States of America believe that direct market investments will be the most efficient and real measure of the course stabilization.

It is worth noting that at the end of last week the euro fell a little, because the US dollar strengthened even more. On this occasion, analysts expressed the following assumption: the troubled situation in the UK arose precisely because of the oscillations in the foreign exchange market.

Accurately predicted the official euro rate even on the next day more difficult than the US dollar. The dollar forecast is based on the preliminary data exchanges, which are known a few hours before the Central Bank of Russia establishes this course as official the next day. It is not even a forecast, but an accurate value. With the euro, it is difficult, at the same time you can only get an approximate (calculated) course, and not accurate until the 4th sign.

Forecast euro rate as of 02:00 (MSK) 05/11/2019

The last official euro rate on 09.05.2019 make up 73.0888 rub. If the Central Bank had identified the official rate at the moment (05/11/2019 02:00 MSK), he would have amounted to 73.16 rub. But in fact, the next official course will be installed on 05/13/19 11:44 (MSK).

Long-term forecast for Euro

Unfortunately, for a long term, the forecast is practically impossible. The euro rate to the ruble depends simultaneously from the situation in Russia, and on the situation on the world stock exchanges (that is, from the euro / dollar). In any case, you should not guess, do not guess, it is better to use

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