
The main purpose of the assessment of the competitiveness of the region is. Fundamental studies. Need help to study what language themes

I.P. Danilov

Competitiveness of the regions of Russia: approaches, content, principles

In the conditions of the rapid development of qualitatively new integration processes and globalization in the framework of the world economy, an analysis of the competitiveness of the national economy is becoming relevant. As practice shows, the economy of the country is competitive, if its regions are stable and dynamically develop. Therefore, the role of the region as the site of basing competitive business entities is significantly increased. In this context, the Russian Federation is a unique phenomenon. Specialists note that the natural-geography, demographic, socio-economic features of the regions of Russia, its federaliary defines the leading role of regional policies in ensuring the development of the country's economy and strengthening Russian statehood. This is due to the following circumstances:

The need to account for the specifics of the regions during the economic reform;

Strengthening centrifugal, separatist sentiments in the regions;

Incompleteness and contradictory transformation of the National State Device of Russia;

Political instability and interethnic tension in a number of regions;

Geopolitical and socio-economic consequences of the collapse of the USSR;

Economic crisis, acute problems in the regions.

During the years of economic reforms, the difference between

regions in terms of socio-economic development. At the same time, the gap between traditionally highly developed and less developed in industrial regions increased. Regions with a severe socio-economic situation included a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which had previously had a high level of development of the industry and the life of the population.

Considering the methodological aspects, it is important to determine the conceptual toolkit. In Russian and foreign scientific literature, there is no clear definition of the concept of "region", which is one of the reasons for the diversity of directions and methodological concepts in modern regional studies.

In economic literature, the two concepts of the region most often appear, and quite often a sign of equality is set between the concepts of the "region" and "district".

Foreign scientists-regional interpretation of the concept of "region" in its own way. Recognizing confusion in determining the concepts of "region" and "district", American professor P. James and J. Martin in the capital study "All

possible worlds "write:" Usually under the word "region" means a holistic area of \u200b\u200bthe territory, characterized by some homogeneity, but not possessing clear boundaries. Moreover, this word is often used to designate very large territories that form the main units of the continents. But in the professional language of geographers used here, the word "region", or the "district", applied in relation to the territories of the most different areas, which are characterized by a certain homogeneity, which is a specific and serving basis in order to allocate these territories. " In the works of American scientists, as in domestic studies, there are various definitions of the concept of "district". So, Professor Harvard University Grare wrote: "We can define the state. It has an organization, borders and name. It has a recorded story. But what is the district? Of course, this is not a political and not an administrative unit. We can only say that this is a territory that is characterized by characteristic features in order to separate it from the neighbors. "

Over the years, the views on the regional process changed abroad. E. Cook Linsky considers the regions as component parts of the spatial economic system, where the competition forces are dominated. "Regions that - thanks to their higher competitiveness - can attract a significant proportion of the domestic and foreign market ... Thus, the regions can in principle be considered as the islands of innovation and the spirit of entrepreneurship in the wider context of the spatial network."

It is believed that in Russia the term "region" (Regio in the lane. From the lat. "Country, region, region") first appeared in the dictionary of foreign words "I.F. Bur-Don and A. D. Michelson In 1877, it was used to designate large physical and geographical and geographical, geopolitical and other territorial taxa and was characterized by a large-scale criterion.

Famous geographer E.B. Alayev in 1983 gave the following definition: "The region is the territory (geotoria), in a combination of saturated elements differing from other territories and possessing the unity, interconnectedness of components of elements, integrity, and this integrity is an objective condition and a legitarious result of the development of this territory."

In 1970-1980 In domestic economic literature, a production approach to the definition of the concept of "region" was dominated. In many monographs and articles of this period, regional issues narrowed to the "territorial organization of production". "Under the region, - wrote Academician N.N. Nekrasov, - It is understood as the large territory of the country with more or less homogeneous natural conditions and the characteristic reference to the development of productive forces based on a combination of a complex of natural resources with an appropriate material and technical base, manufacturing and social infrastructure. " From a production point of view, the concept of "region" can be compared with the concept of "branch". If the industry is one

the curriculum of enterprises (organizations, institutions) of the same type in any respect, then the region is a combination of enterprises of various sectors of the economy and culture, covering the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material and spiritual benefits on a certain territory. The combination of these industries defines both the specialization of the regions (their place in the territorial division of labor) and the complexity of development (the degree of compliance of the production and social infrastructure of the region needs the needs of the population and sectors of the specialization).

I.I. Sigov believes that the regions are specific natural resource, architectural-planning, socio-economic and public-polytic education with their subsystems of power and management, not repeating the appearance of the country as a whole. " He notes that each region is a territorial education, which includes the inseparable triad "Nature - the population - the farm". The main signs that are characterized by the regions are: a) the economy as a whole; b) natural environment; c) population (social environment) and their combinations.

This point of view shares V.I. Roshchin. It comes to the conclusion that "like the state as a whole, each region includes the Triad" Nature -Nature - the farm ".

The definition of the "region" can be considered more sensitive from the scientific point of view. Rezberg: "Region - region, district, territory, part of the country, which are distinguished by a set of natural or historically established, economic and geographical conditions and national composition of the population." According to this definition, the terms "region", "district", "territory", "part of the country" can be used as synonyms, although each of them carries a qualitatively different characteristic.

According to A.I. Gavrilova, region is the territory in the administrative boundaries of the subject of the Federation, characterized by: complexity, integrity, specialization and handling, i.e. The presence of political and administrative governing bodies.

Thus, there is a sufficiently large number of definitions of the region, which differ significantly from each other. At the same time, the various concepts of the region can be combined, allocating in understanding the essence and, accordingly, the boundaries of the region are two approaches:

The first is a geographical geographical (region as a territory);

The second is the region as a social design.

As part of the first approach, traditional regional studies and almost the entire domestic school of the regional economy were developed until the end of the 1990s. He provided that the region is primarily a foreseeable territory. "Regions are homogeneous areas with separate physical and cultural signs, which differ from the territories with which it borders, being an integral part of the national territory with which they are closely related, aware of their customs and system of values, as well as their own individuality."

This approach is presented in the "main provisions of the Regional Policy" of the Russian Federation. In the document, the region is defined as "part of the territory of the Russian Federation, which has the community of natural, socio-economic, national-cultural and other conditions. The region may coincide with the boundaries of the territory of the Russian Federation or to unite the territories of several subjects. "

So, according to the territorial-geographical approach, the essence of the concept of the region is the territory. Additional characteristics arising from this entity are other features caused by territorial community.

The second approach to the definition of the concept of "region" is that the region is considered as a social structure, scientific abstraction, reflecting the availability of general features of objects united by this concept.

It is relatively new and contains an indication of a certain arbitrary boundaries of the region. "Region is a typological concept," says A.G. Grandberg - respectively, various typologies of regions based on different signs are possible. " The national economy can be divided into regions in many different ways. Any region is an element of a certain hierarchical system of regions, where the primary spatial cell is indicated by the term place (Place) or locality (Locale).

The interpretation of the region as a social structure allows us to consider the region as an active business entity. With this approach, the territory is one of the features in the aggregate characteristics of the social structure, which is called the region and the boundaries of which are determined by the research task.

In order to clarify the difference in the region as a social structure from the region as a territory, it is appropriate to draw an analogy with the company. The approach to the company as a social structure is manifested in the fact that the company is considered in different ways depending on the concept - a microeconomic approach to the company, the technological concept of the company, a contractual concept, a strategic approach to the company, a knowledgeable concept of the firm. Each approach points to key factors that ensure the success of the firms existing in the economic reality; Focusing on solving certain problems. Thus, the technological approach is focused on achieving savings from the scale and determining the size of the company, contractual - to solve the problem of specific investment and saving transaction costs, strategic - to identify ways of influence on Wednesday, knowledge - to search for unique resources of the company. Accordingly, if we take as a basis for the statement that the regions behave like firms, the essence of the region as a firm can be considered at different angles of view based on the applied company's concept.

The theory of competitiveness of the regions is currently the period of formation. Modern concepts of Western Economic Thought

try the concept of regional competitiveness in different ways. Some scientists offer to abandon the use of this concept, referring to the fact that the main goal of the region's economic policy is to provide its citizens a high standard of living. The ability of the region to do this depends not on the concept of "competitiveness", and on how productively national natural resources, work and capital are used. Other researchers, in particular P. Crochman, belong to the modern "hobby of competitiveness" critical, believing that the competitiveness is the "attribute" of the company.

It seems that the process of developing the problems of the competitiveness of regions should be involved in the process of the so-called classics of the regional economy, including I. Tunen, A. Weber, V. Kristalller, A. Lesh, W. Alonso, W. Isard, N.N . Baransky, N.N. Kolosovsky.

Speaking of regional competitiveness, first of all it is necessary to allocate existing approaches to the definition of the basic concepts of competition of regions.

One approaches is based on porter development.

The second approach to the definition of the basic concepts of competition of regions is to consider territorial competition from the point of view of formation and development in the territory of the region of modern clusters, or concentrated on the geographical basis of groups of interrelated companies and related organizations operating in a certain sphere and characterized by the generality and complementary friend friend. The concentration of modern clusters in certain regions and rivalry between them increases their strength, which contributes to growth and regional competitiveness.

All clusters offer opportunities to improve productivity and support wage growth, even those that do not compete with companies in other regions. Each cluster not only contributes to the performance of the whole country, but also can affect the performance of other clusters in the region.

In addition, clusters provide new opportunities for regional authorities to develop and implement the Economic Development Strategy in the direction of supporting the competitive advantages of the economy as a whole, the introduction of innovation and specialization of the region within a country or wider economic space.

According to scientists from the Evroograd Institute (St. Petersburg), the process of strengthening competition between regions is determined primarily by the globalization of economic development, which has far-reaching consequences. Many researchers note that the political, economic and social systems, civil rights, laws along with national cultures are subject to globalization processes and exacerbating competition. Regions also feel the impact of great impact of globalization. The reason for this is that entrepreneurs and companies together with a variety of interested institutions occupy their place in

those regions where conditions are most conducive to their business. The same is true for the mobility of the population / labor, especially for highly educated people or those who want to effectively attach the existing capital. Thus, competition between regions is intensified. It includes the competition between their political, legislative, economic, social, environmental and cultural systems and strategies. The successes of the regions in these areas determine their strength and competitiveness. At the same time, L.S. Shehovtseva draws attention to the fact that, despite the globalization of industries, the role of the company's basing region has recently intensified, and the success of firms in the competition with competitors depends primarily on the state of affairs in the region. In turn, the regions are developing in a competitive environment. Providing conditions for a civilized and dynamically developing market, the formation of competitiveness is among national and regional priorities in any country, represents the most important function of state regulation of the economy.

Not only the process of globalization is influenced by the competition, but also other processes characteristic of the modern world: Scientific progress, informatization, increasing environmental standards of life, strengthening the mobility of people and capital, increasing the uneven development, strengthening the struggle between the tendencies of the formolar and multipolar world, The exacerbation of the competitive struggle between countries, regions and firms.

Increasing the role of regions in national economies is inherent in many countries. Evidence of increasing the role of regions in the European Community was the development of the European Charter of Regional Autonomy. Charter is an application to the resolution on the regional policy of the European Parliament. In art. 1 Charter contains a provision that: "The region is called a territory, which from a geographical point of view is a distinct whole, or is a homogeneous complex of territories that create a closed whole, which are characterized by common elements, and some of its signs it would like Secure and expand in order to stimulate cultural, social and economic progress. " In the document, the regions are discussed not only as elements of national states, but as the property of Europe as a whole, providing its diversity, uniqueness and promotional prosperity. Among the targets of the Charter, the development of the development of the regions by defining some aspects of their status at the international level, promoting the development of interregional relations of the participating countries. In Charter, it is indicated that: "Protection and strengthening of regional autonomy is an important contribution to the construction of Europe based on the principles of democracy and the centralization of power." According to the participants of the Charter, the region is an adequate level of power, in which citizens can participate in the management of public affairs and international life.

Increasing the role of the region in the context of globalization was the theme of the V International Congress of the Regional Scientific Association "Regional Science in

the process of limitless globalization of the global economy is preparing for the XXI century, "which took place in May 1996 in Tokyo. Its participants concluded that interregional spatial inequality could be higher than interstranne inequality. In the context of the increasing integration of the world, regional economies are becoming more and more critical for national economies and in some cases prevail over the national economy from the point of view of the technological or business perspective.

Post-communist countries have their own characteristics in the treatment. This is due to the lag in the socio-economic progress of society and the presence of transient management forms. The most serious circumstance is that the process of competition of regions is not yet seriously theoretical analysis, the influence of competition for the development of regions is not revealed. At the same time, let the competition for the science and practices that are not entirely recognized by the science and practices of local management and covers new and new spheres.

In Russia, the concept of the competitiveness of the country of Porter received widespread. So, according to I.A. Spiridonova "In this area, it is not worthwhile to the Russian scientists and specialists to" invent a bicycle ", and better, given the" features of Russian roads ", to think about the improvement of the" chassis and a bicycle management system "in specific Russian conditions."

Based on the provisions of Porter, the approach was formulated, according to which the competitiveness of the region is the productivity of the use of regional resources, primarily labor force and capital, compared with other regions. It is reflected in the magnitude of the gross regional product (VRP) per capita, as well as in its dynamics. By analogy with the World Bank methodology, the welfare of the region can be appreciated in four main indicators per capita: the size of the GRP; the magnitude of production resources (fixed assets, etc.); the magnitude of natural resources; The magnitude of human resources (level of education).

Taking into account the current situation in the economy of Russian regions (a high degree of wear of the main production assets), the problem of ensuring the reproduction process on a modern technological and innovative basis, which requires investment. Therefore, it should be added to the above indicators such a characteristic as the level of direct investment in the region's economy.

In addition, the competitiveness of the region can be determined by the level of life support based on international and other standards, as well as on the basis of other indicators and indicators.

The generalized determination of the competitiveness of the region can be formulated on the basis of the concept proposed by A. Seleznev: "The competitiveness of the region is due to economic, social, political and other factors. The position of the region and its individual

producers in the domestic and foreign markets, reflected through indicators (indicators), adequately characterizing this state and its dynamics. "

A. Collars considers a logical twofold criterion for the competitiveness of the region under which he understands the role and place of the region among other regions of Russia in relation to the ability:

Provide a high level of well-being of the population;

Implement the existing economic potential (in its production, financial, labor, investment, innovation, resource and other components).

Making an emphasis on the second of the allocated aspects, A. Collars emphasizes that the competitiveness of the regions in a decisive extent depends on the measure of incarnation in the life of their competitive advantages related to the objective manifold and the differences in regional national economic complexes.

Competitive struggle between Russian regions has its own specifics. Representatives of regional authorities are fighting at the federal level for providing the region of more favorable economic conditions compared to others, defend the interests of large structure-forming enterprises in the region, are looking for an opportunity for independently establishing international relations, they are trying to protect the local manufacturer to administrative measures, etc. .

But still the main subject of the region is the population, since it is here that people implement their economic interests and satisfy the needs. As the successes of the enterprise in competition and the position of regional authorities are largely determined by the socio-political situation in the region.

In this regard, it seems appropriate in determining the competitiveness of the region to take into account the criteria characterizing the level and quality of life of the population (such an approach is widespread in world practice). Of course, the standard of living of the population is inextricably linked with the functioning of the regional economy, the active and professional activities of regional authorities, other institutional structures expressing the interests of citizens. The potential of the region is implemented as a result of the functioning of the regional market involving the resources available in the region and effectively using them in the regional proof.

I.E. Medushevskaya treats the competitiveness of the region as "the ability of local authorities with the function of management and regulation to create the conditions for the rational use of the economic potential of the territory to fully satisfy the increasing needs of society." It considers the competitiveness of the region as a system consisting of the following elements: the competitive potential of the region; Factors and conditions for the formation of a competitive environment; resource efficiency; competitive advantages; Competitive strategies of economic entities; State and market mechanisms for managing the economic potential of the region for more complete satisfaction of human needs.

An other determination of the competitiveness of the region gives K. Kropropants: "The competitiveness of the region is expressed in its ability to meet the requirements and demands of residents, as well as domestic and foreign investors who invest their capital into the economy of this region. Signs of the competitiveness of the region may be:

1) the best standard of living compared to the surrounding regions, which is expressed in the influx of immigrants and the unwillingness of the inhabitants to migrate from this region (this may be due to an acceptable standard of living, in particular, by job satisfaction);

2) the presence of a large number of firms producing competitive products;

3) the desire of investors to invest their capital in the development of enterprises in the region. "

In 2003, a collective monograph "Competitiveness of the Regions: Theoretical Applied Aspects" was published, prepared by the staff of the Department of Economic Theory and World Economy of the Perm State University and the Laboratory of Socio-Economic Research of the Irkutsk State University. The subject of analysis in the work is the competitive interactions of the regions of Russia, which on the macro levels are expressed in the process of differentiation of regions, the distribution of political and economic activity between the regions. On micro level

These are processes reflecting the impact of space and the distance on economic activity in the regions; These are political and economic initiatives of regions and representing them subjects in ensuring competitive advantages of territories.

Scientists noted that "the term" competitiveness "in relation to the region is often used as a synonym for an integral assessment of the socio-economic position of the region when comparing with other regions, without communication with competition. At the same time, definitely, the concept of competitiveness has its own certain meaning, and the simplest determination of competitiveness is the ability to achieve success in economic rivalry. "

As a characteristic of the potential and realized competitive opportunities of the region in the spheres of competitive relations between the regions, the term competitiveness of the region is certainly entitled to exist as an economic category reflecting the position of the region as a subject of competition. "

This scientific work can be described as one of the first attempts to systemic consideration of the problem of interregional competition of Russian regions, research of the processes in which it is carried out.

Thus, the competitiveness of the regions is one of the least studied areas of economic science. The concept of "competitive

the props of the region "appeared in scientifically practical turnover relatively recently, and there is no single definition of it, there are no quantitative methods for its assessment.

In general, we can talk about the existence of two types of interregional competition:

1) Vertical competition is competition between different levels of power - the central and regional - for the volume of powerful powers and the distribution of financial resources. It is carried out on the volume of powerful powers of the center and regions, the distinction of property objects and the distribution of financial resources between the center and regions. Allocate two sides of vertical competition. Its positive side consists in the development of competitive principles, the implementation of the possibilities of experimentation and benchmarking, restricting the monopoly position of the Center in determining economic policies. The negative side of the vertical competition is to form a tendency to displacing the constitutional standards by contractual law, approval of the model of negotiation federalism, infringement of the interests of some regions by providing special conditions or preferential conditions to other regions, creating market barriers in a number of regions, etc.

2) Horizontal competition is competition between regions for mobile resources. The object of competition is all what can be used as a real or potential source of income: economic and natural resources, sales markets, consumers, labor, capital, knowledge, technology, property objects, investments. The positive horizontal competition is to search for internal sources and the creation of incentives for the development of regions, expansion and improvement of the infrastructure of the regions, stimulating investment. The negative of horizontal competition is the creation of special conditions in some regions to the detriment of the conditions for others.

In the complex and diverse process of interregional competition, it is possible to allocate the main directions for which the regions can compete with each other. The direction of competition characterizes a certain parameter of the development and action of regional authorities in this area. In the center of each direction you can allocate the subject of competition in the broad sense of this concept.

The most important areas for which the competition is carried out are:

Preservation and attraction of the population, especially in working age and highly qualified;

Placement and preservation of enterprises, attracting new firms, especially forming high-tech modern clusters, having a steady sale of their products working on the principles of a benevolent environmental relationship;

Attracting new investments in the development of applicable or creating new enterprises, in communal infrastructure, housing and social complex;

Implementation and development of transport and transit functions;

Strengthening the trade specialization of the region and major cities in its composition;

Development of a system of vocational education and health care specialization, especially universities, medical centers and clinics;

Attraction and development of information centers, media, film and television studios, etc.;

Attracting tourist flows of all types;

Conducting large cultural, political, scientific, sports and other events in the region to which many people come, who strengthen the positive image of the region;

The increment of cultural and historical potential that increases the attractiveness of the region for residents and visitors;

Accommodation in the region of administrative and public institutions, organs, funds of state, international, world importance.

In the center of each destination, it is possible to allocate the subject of competition to which the attention of regional authorities, stakeholders and organizations should be directed to attract target groups (those whom the region wants to "sell"). "Consumer" gives the region an additional income, promotes development, with efficient management improves the quality of life and attractiveness of the region.


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14. Spiridonov I.A. International competition and ways to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy: Tutorial. M.: Infra-M, 1997. C.10.

15. Shehovtseva L.S. Methodology for developing a strategy for the development of the country's damp region in the Conditions of the SEZ // Forecasting and Strategies for the Development of the Special Economic Zone of Russia: intersmeys. Sat Scientific Labor / Kaliningr. un-t. Kaliningrad, 2000. C.20-32.

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Danilov Ivan Petrovich was born in 1940. He graduated from the Leningrad Military Artillery Academy, the Faculty of Steering Engineering of the same Academy. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of Certification and Management of the Chuvash State University.

The world economy occurs qualitative changes related to globalization, uneven development, strengthening the struggle between the tendencies of the formation of a unipolar and multipolar world, the exacerbation of the competition between countries, regions and firms. Under these conditions, when the market receives recognition as a generalization value, the strength and power of any state is increasingly determined by the competitiveness of its manufacturers. It is the provision of competitiveness that underlies the development of a country development strategy, region, firm. The development of the country and its regions depends on all elements of the market and, first of all, from competition of firms. But the competitive advantage of firms is created and maintained in close connection with local conditions. Despite the globalization of the industries, the role of the country and the region's basing region has recently intensified and the success of firms in the competition with competitors depends primarily on the state of affairs in the country and the region. In turn, countries and regions are developing in a competitive environment. Providing conditions for a civilized and dynamically developing market, the creation (formation) of competitiveness is a key element among national and regional priorities in any country, the most important function of state regulation of the economy. However, many problems of determining and forming the competitiveness of the region and the role of the state in this process remain unresolved.

Competitiveness is formed at various levels: goods (services), companies, industries (markets), region, countries. In this regard, it should be distinguished by the competitiveness of goods, firms, industries, region, countries. In general, competitiveness means the ability to fulfill its functions (purpose, mission) with the required quality and cost in a competitive market. Competitiveness can be determined in comparison with other similar objects, often the best.

This characteristic refers to the estimated indicators, therefore assumes the presence of a subject (who evaluates), the object (which is estimated), the purpose (criterion) of the assessment. The subjects of the assessment may be government bodies, organizations, investors, buyers, etc. Assessment objects are the goods, a company, organization, region, country. The criteria (objectives) of the assessment may be the market position, development pace, the ability to pay for the received borrowed funds, consumer properties relative to the price of goods, etc. Therefore, this multifaceted concept can be determined in various aspects depending on the tasks being solved. Various methods for assessing competitiveness, built on the basis of statistical indicators, expert estimates, ranks are also possible.

The general determination of the competitiveness of the region can be formulated on the basis of the concept proposed by A. Seleznev: The competitiveness of the region is due to economic, social, political and other factors, the position of the region and its individual producers in the domestic and foreign markets, reflected through indicators (indicators), adequately characterizing such a state and its dynamics.

The approach to the assessment of the competitiveness of the region can be formulated by relying on the concept of the competitiveness of the country proposed by M. Porter. The competitiveness of the region is the productivity (performance) of the use of regional resources, and primarily labor and capital, compared with other regions, which is resurrected in the value of the gross regional product (VRP) per capita, as well as in its dynamics. As a result of great complexity, it can be assessed by the system of indicators and indicators. By analogy with the World Bank methodology, the welfare of the region can be appreciated in four main indicators per capita: in terms of GRP, the magnitude of production resources (fixed assets, etc.), by the magnitude of natural resources, the largest human resources (level Education). Given the current economic situation in Russia, great depreciation of fixed assets (physical and moral), it is important to ensure the provision in the national economy of the reproductive process on a modern technological and innovative basis, which requires investment. Therefore, it should be added to the above such characteristic as the level of direct investment in the regional economy, taking into account the volume necessary for the reproduction, including in high-tech production. The competitiveness of the region can be determined by the level of life support of the population on the basis of international and other standards, as well as on the basis of other indicators and indicators.

As part of the task of forming the competitiveness of the region, this concept can be defined as the ability to create conditions for the sustainable development of the region.

To assess the factors of the formation of the competitive ability of the region as a whole and the possibility of the impact of regional authorities on its components, it is advisable to use the "National Rhombus" model proposed by M. Porter for the country. The role of the region in the creation of competitive advantages of firms can be explored in four interconnected areas (determinants), forming "Regional Rhombus": Parameters of factors (natural resources, qualified personnel, capital, infrastructure, etc.); The conditions of demand (the level of income, the elasticity of the demand, the demanding of buyers to the quality of goods and services, etc.); related and supporting industries (provide a firm with the necessary resources, components, information, banking, insurance and other services); Strategies of firms, their structure and rivalry (create a competitive environment and develop competitive advantages). In turn, each of the determinants is analyzed on the components, the degrees of their impact on the competitive advantage of the region, as well as the need for their development.

The development of the competitiveness of the region, as well as the country as a whole (by M. Porter), is carried out in the following four stages (levels): competition based on production factors - competition based on investment - competition based on innovations - competition based on wealth. The first three stages provide economic growth, the latter causes stagnation and decline.

The competitive advantage of the region is provided (see Table 1):

  • in the first stage, due to the factors of production: natural resources, favorable conditions for the production of goods, qualified working force (provided by one determinant);
  • in the second stage - on the basis of aggressive investment (mainly national firms) in education, technology, licenses (provided by three determinants);
  • on the third stage - by creating new types of products, production processes, organizational solutions and other innovations by action of all components of "Roma";
  • at the fourth stage, due to already created wealth and relies on all the determinants, which are not fully used.

Table 1
Formation of the competitive advantage of the region at different stages of economic development

In modern conditions, it is advisable to focus on the stage of investment, followed by the transition to innovative development. But today there is an objective need for innovative "fullness" of attracted investments. In the creation of a competitive advantage of the region, scientific knowledge, education - and as factors of production development have, and as factors for the formation of the innovative potential of the region.

To form the competitiveness of the region, you can use a software target approach (PCP). When solving the problem of creating and increasing the competitiveness of the PCP region can be represented as follows. Initially, the problem of the problem of the formation of the competitiveness of the region is structuring and the "tree of goals" is being developed for two levels (in the integrated form is presented in the figure).

For managerial tasks, the formation of goals in the quantitative and temporary measurement is necessary. For example, a global goal may be represented as follows: "Increase the competitiveness of the region due to the growth of GRP per capita in the amount of 20% by 2005 by ensuring the increase in production volumes in priority scientific industries by 30%, transport - by 25%, agriculture - 20%, etc. " The objectives of the second level can be formulated as follows: "Increase the training of qualified personnel for priority sectors of the region by 20% per capita," "ensure the increase in direct investment by 40% per capita", etc.

Fragment of the model ("Tree of goals") formation of competitiveness of the region

The tree of targets presented in the figure may be the basis for building a hierarchy of goals for each specific region (or groups of regions), taking into account its specifics.

The problem of forming and improving competitiveness is particularly relevant for such an inhabited and excavarist region of Russia as the Kaliningrad region. Its position in the center of the existing and future EU member countries and convergence from Russia predetermine the greater dependence of the business and the vital activity of the population from the external foreign environment. This is due to the need to transit cargo and energy resources through the territories of foreign countries, the possibilities of expansion of imported goods, the functioning of a special economic zone (SEZ) in the Kaliningrad region in the mode of free customs zone, with a visa-free regime of the area of \u200b\u200bcitizens of the region in Lithuania and Poland and other factors. In this regard, the main goal for such a region is transformed as follows: the formation and increasing competitiveness of the incense region in the SEZ. Features of the region determine the need to supplement the goals of the first level indicated in the figure, two goals: S5 "Formation of favorable international conditions of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region" (provision of transit of goods and energy resources through the territories of foreign countries in the exclusive region of Russia, the possibilities of visa-free regime of citizens, etc.) and S6 "Improvement and development of the SEZ mechanism." Thus, the National Rhombus is transformed into a regional hexagon. Further differentiation of objectives and the calculation of their estimated indicators is carried out according to the following procedure.

To assess the importance of determinants and development factors, their influence on the formation of the competitiveness of the region based on wood is developed two matrices: the matrix of estimating the first level objectives and the matrix of the estimation of the goals of the second level. Then the questionnaires are prepared and experts are being surveyed, the parameters of the tree of target are calculated and matrices are filled. The fragment of the matrix of estimating the objectives of the second level is presented in Table 2. The definition of a common factor of the importance of each goal of the second level to achieve the main goal is carried out by multiplying the relevant factors of relative importance: r ij \u003d r ij * R i. For example, the general coefficient of the importance of education will be equal to: R 1.1 \u003d R 1.1 * R 1 \u003d 0.128 * 0.275 \u003d 0.0352. Calculated thus calculated general factors of importance will characterize the assessment of the impact of each factor on the competitiveness of the region.

table 2
Matrix estimates of goals (fragment)

The estimates obtained can be used to distribute resources, the development of factors and conditions of production, assessing the influence of various factors and determinants for the competitiveness of the region, the structural policy, the development of programs for improving the competitiveness of the region and its manufacturers, ranking strategic objectives. In a wider plan, PCP can serve as a basis for managing the formation of the competitiveness of the region.

The final stage of the program-target approach is to form a system of programs based on the target tree. At the highest level, the creation of the competitiveness of the region can provide the following programs: "Formation of factors of production", "incentive demand", "development of complexes of related industries", "Formation of favorable international conditions of life", "Improving the SEZ Mechanism" and others. These programs can be detailed in lower-level programs - for example, "development of education", "attracting investments", "infrastructure development", etc.

The PCP mechanisms contribute to the integration and coordination of all levels, branches and branches, commercial and non-commercial organizations, their resources, create conditions for obtaining quantitatively measurable management results, i.e. Contribute to improving the efficiency of managing the creation of the competitiveness of the region.

The competitiveness of the region provides an increase in the economy along the path of innovative development. Therefore, in modern conditions, the increase in competitiveness becomes one of the main strategic goals of the economic development of regions and the country as a whole.


1. Seleznev A.Z. Competitive position and infrastructure of the Russian market. - M.: Lawyer, 1999. - 384 p.

2. Porter M. International Competition - M.: International Relations, 1993.

3. L.S. Shehovtseva. Methodology for developing a strategy for the development of the country's damp region in the Conditions of the SEZ // Forecasting and Strategies for the Development of the Special Economic Zone of Russia: intersmeys. Sat Scientific Labor / Kaliningr. un-t. - Kaliningrad, 2000. - P. 20-32.

4. Pancruchin A.P. Territorial marketing // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 1999. - № 5. - P. 99-122.

5. Taylor S. Regional Economic Development on the basis of a programmatically target approach: Experience in Western Europe // Region: Economics and Sociology. - 2000. - № 1. - P. 3-36.

6. Ishaev V.I. Economic reform in the region: development trends and regulation. - Vladivostok: Dalnawka, 1998.

7. Shehovtseva L.S., Breastov O.V. Assessment of investment areas in designing SEZ development programs: Interunion. Sat Scientific Labor / Kaliningr. un-t. - Kaliningrad, 2000. - P. 75-88.


1. Competitiveness of the regions

13. Export to country

outside the CIS, million dollars

14. Exports from Country

mi CIS, million dollars

15. Exports, million dollars.

Table 5 - Consolidated table of single indicators for assessing the competitiveness of the region, 2007


Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Republic of Tatarstan

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Samara Region

Perm region

1. Fisher per capita den. Income population, thousand rubles

3. UD. weight of unprofitable organizations,%

4. Ud. Investment weight in the Osn. Capital in VRP,%

6. UD. Weight of innovation -active organizations in the total number of Org.,%

7. Transported service products, from the total volume of shipped products,%

8. Exports, million dollars.

9. UD Weight of Transport Services and Communications in VRP,%

10. UD Weight of small enterprises in the total number of registers. enterprises,%

Table 6 - Changes in single indicators of the assessment of the competitiveness of the region for 2006-2007.


Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Republic of Tatarstan

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Samara Region

Perm region

1. The average hail Den. Revenue is populated., thousand rubles

2. Rentab. Gross Products Region,%

3. UD. weight loss of accurate arrangements,%

4. Ud. The weight of Invest is styles in the OSN. Capital in VRP,%

5. Consolidated expenses. Budget per capita, thousand rubles.

6. UD. Weight of foreign-acting organizations in the total number of Org.,%

7. Unguarded service products, from total shipment of products,%

8. Exports, million dollars.

9. Ud. Weight tractory services and communications in VRP,%

10. Ud. Weight of small preds. In the total register. Predr.,%

Table 6 shows the absolute and relative changes in single indicators, calculated based on matching data tables 3 and 5.

Analyzing Table 6 data, it is necessary to note the following trends. The indicator of the average foreign monetary incomes of the population in all under investigation regions increased significantly. The maximum increase is noted in the Perm region (+33.89%). Analysis of the profitability of gross production (works, services) of the region showed that in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan marked the growth of this indicator, and the leader is the Nizhny Novgorod region (+29.05%). However, in the Samara region and the Perm region, a decrease in the level of profitability of products is noted.

The increase in the cost of consolidated budget per capita is evidenced not only to increase the competitiveness of the region, but also on improving the quality of life. The title indicator has a positive trend in all regions of the Volga Federal District. The greatest growth was marked in the Republic of Tatarstan (+63.08%).

The proportion of innovative and active organizations in the total number of organizations has increased by the Republic of Tatarstan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara regime, Perm region. A significant increase is observed in the Nizhny Novgorod region (+148%). In the Republic of Bashkortostan, this indicator has decreased significantly (10.29%), which negatively affects the competitiveness of these regions. Analysis of this indicator should be supplemented with an analysis of the share of shipped innovative products from the total volume of shipped products, since the seeding indicator also characterizes the innovative potential of the region. According to Table 6, in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Samara region and the Perm region there is a decrease in the share of shipped innovative products. From the comparison of this indicator with the specific weighing of innovative-active enterprises, it follows that an increase in the number of innovative enterprises under the Samara region and the Perm region did not lead to an increase in the share of shipped products, and on the contrary, a decrease occurred. In the Republic of Bashkortostan, the situation is reverse, that is, with a reduction in the proportion of innovative enterprises, a significant increase in the share of shipped innovative products has been marked (+32.73%), which indicates an increase in the effectiveness of this enterprise. According to the unit indicator, which characterizes exports, in the Republic of Tatarstan, a decline was noted, and in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara regime, the Perm region - an increase. It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the numerical values \u200b\u200bof this indicator in various regions differ significantly.

Analysis of the specific gravity of transport services and communications in the VRP has shown that negative trends are characteristic of the Republic of Tatarstan. Analysis of the share of small enterprises in the total number of registered enterprises has shown that in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Samara region and the Perm region there are negative trends, and in the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Republic of Tatarstan, this indicator has not changed.

The results of the dependency analysis to assess the level of regional competitiveness show that their practical use causes a number of difficulties associated with the assignment of numerical values \u200b\u200bof the factories of the unit indicators, which are determined by the expert method.

On the sixth stage, the weighting coefficients of single indicators are determined by the formula:

Using formula (1), we obtain simulated in the order of reduction from MAX to MIN within (0 ... 1) a numerical series, the values \u200b\u200bof which are then assigned to a row of a number of single indicators of weigherness coefficients. Thus, the first number of a rank series is the maximum numerical value of the simulated numerical series, and then in descending order.

Table 7 presents the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the functionability of single indicators calculated by formula (1) and located in descending order.

Table 7 - Numerical values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients of the fear of single indicators

At the seventh stage of the algorithm for assessing the competitiveness of the region after determining the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the feasibility coefficients (XI), we reduce them into the integral indicator of the competitiveness of the region (PC), according to the formula:

where - the reduced one indicator, calculated as follows:

where Qi is the current value of a single indicator; Qmax is the maximum value of a single indicator selected among similar indicators of the area under study. The maximum value is selected if the single indicator increases the competitiveness of the region.

In this case, the value of a single indicator of the proportion of unprofitable enterprises among the studied series is minimal, since this indicator reduces the competitiveness of the region.

Tables 8 and 9 reflect the results of calculations of the integral indicators of the competitiveness of regions, respectively, for 2006 and 2007, according to formula (2).

Table 8 - Calculation of integral indicators of the competitiveness of the regions, 2006


Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Republic of Tatarstan

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Samara Region

Perm region

Table 9 - Calculation of integral indicators of the competitiveness of the regions, 2007


Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Republic of Tatarstan

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Samara Region

Perm region

31. INTEGR. Indicator (p.3 + p.6 + p. 9 + p.12 + p.15 + p.18 + p.21 + p.24 + p.27 + pp .30)

At the eighth stage, we define the level of competitiveness of the region from the ratio:

where PK.R. - an integral indicator of the competitiveness of the conventional region adopted for the standard and equal to 1.0.

Table 10 shows the values \u200b\u200bof the level of competitiveness of the regions according to formula (4) and their ranking.

Table 10 - Ranking of PFO regions in terms of competitiveness in 2006-2007.

Areas (republics)

The value of UK. In 2006

The value of UK. In 2007

Changes of UK.



Nizhny Novgorod


Perm region

According to the calculated data given in Table 10, the leaders in terms of competitiveness in 2006-2007. The Samara region and the Perm region were (respectively 1 and 2 places in the ranking). At the same time, a slight decrease in absolute and relative indicators has occurred for the period under study (, respectively, by 2.51 and 1.02%). The Republic of Tatarstan in 2007 increased its competitiveness by 9.97%, which allowed her to move in the ranking of 4 to 3 place. The Republic of Bashkortostan, despite the increase in the level of competitiveness by 3.11%, failed to keep its position in the ranking, and it shifted from 3 places to 4. The Nizhny Novgorod region in 2007 ranks 5th. It should be noted that the Nizhny Novgorod region managed to rise in the ranking at a higher place due to the fact that the competitiveness level of this area increased (by 5.85%).

Table 11 shows the changes of the presented single indicators for the analyzed period, which allow to identify the factors that influence the dynamics of the competitiveness level given in Table 10.

Table 11 - Changes in the submitted indicators for 2006-2007


Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Republic of Tatarstan

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Samara Region

Perm region

Mistarily Den. Income populated Q1.

Rentab. shafts. Products of the region Q2.

UD. Weight free of charge

UD. Investment weight in the Osn. Cap in VRP Q4.

Cost Solidir. budgets per capita Q5

UD. The weight of innovative-active org in total number of Org Q6

Unguarded in the concentration of the CDA, from the total volume of shipments of the product Q7

Export Q8.

UD. Weight trance port. services and communications in VRP Q9

UD. Weight of small preds. In total, regron regulations. Q10

According to the data shown in Table 11, a negative impact of the competitiveness of the Samara region had a negative impact of the following factors: the growth of the specific gravity of unprofitable organizations (-3%); Reducing the share of shipped innovative products (-13.46%), the specific gravity of transport services and communication (-18.75%), the specific weighing of small enterprises (-9.64%). However, such single indicators, as secondary money income, the profitability of gross products, the proportion of investment in fixed assets, the export value for 2006-2007. We were maximum in the Volga Federal District, which allowed the Samara region to keep leadership in terms of competitiveness, despite some decline.

Analyzing the dynamics of the competitiveness level, it is necessary to note the following positive factors in the Perm region: the increase in the profitability of the gross production of the region (+20%); Increase exports (+38.3%). At the same time, the proportion of innovative organizations and the share of shipped innovative products during the period under review remained maximum among the analyzed regions. In addition to the positive factors provided by the Perm region, 2nd place among regions in terms of competitiveness, the following factors had a negative impact on the indicator under consideration: a decrease in the average per capita cash incomes of the population; reduction in the share of investment in fixed assets; Increased costs of consolidated budget per capita.

Positive dynamics of the competitiveness level in the Republic of Tatarstan and moving it to a higher place in the ranking is due to the significant influence of the following factors: the increase in the profitability of the gross production of the region (+65.1%), the share of investment in fixed assets (+22.39%) exports (+64.52%); Reducing the share of the specific gravity of unprofitable organizations (+23.46%). In addition to positive factors, the level of competitiveness was influenced and negative factors, to the number of which include: reducing the specific gravity of innovative and active organizations (-6.38%); Reducing the share of shipped innovative products (-16.67%), as well as a decrease in the specific gravity of transport services and communications (-25.58%). The Republic of Bashkortostan opposite a few lost its position and moved in ranking from 3 to 4th place. The Republic of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan in the ranking is due to the fact that the competitiveness level of the Republic Tatarstan increased for the period under consideration by 9.97%, and the Republic of Bashkortostan, respectively, by 3.11%. According to Table 11, the following factors ensured the increase in the relative change in the competitiveness of the Republic of Bashkortostan: an increase in gross production profitability (+55.56%), exports (+69.23%); reduction of the specific gravity of unprofitable enterprises (-10.34%); The increase in the share of shipped innovative products (+47.06%).

Analyzing the competitiveness level of the Nizhny Novgorod region, it should be noted that under this area there is the highest growth in the following relative indicators among the regions under consideration: an increase in the profitability of gross production (+72.73%), the share of shipped innovative products (+90.9%); The growth in the specific gravity of innovative and active organizations (+126.7%), exports (+140%).


As a result of the work, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The competitiveness of the regional economy is the ability to implement the main target objective of its functioning - the sustainable socio-economic development of the region with the provision of high quality of its life of its population. Competitiveness is implemented through competitive advantages that are grouped into basic and providing (or depth) and surface signs of the competitiveness of the region. However, the essence of their one and the same. The first (basic) includes natural and commodity resources, labor resources and their qualifications, scientific, managerial potential, production base; The second (providing) is the entrepreneurial climate, the quality of management capacity, the cost of labor, infrastructure.

It should also be noted that in the domestic economic conceptual toolkit several years ago there was no term "competitiveness of the region", therefore, in the literature devoted to the problems of the regional economy, the question of the competitiveness of the regions as an economic category is still not well developed.

Competitive factors are all that can provide and affect the best use of available resources, the actualization of potential resources and the creation of new resources, that is, everything that affects the transformation of resources into specific advantages. The following factors are distinguished: the role of the state, the economic and geographical location of the region, the recreational value of the region, the image of the region, the formation of a competitive image of thinking, product quality.

The development of the methodology for assessing the competitiveness of the region is a complex task that consists not only in the choice of single indicators, but also the need to find theoretical approaches that would be a methodological basis and ensure the objectivity and accuracy of the assessment.

The most common method of assessing the competitiveness of the region is the expert method. This is a method of organizing work with expert specialists and processing expert opinions expressed in quantitative and / or high-quality form in order to prepare information for decision making. Expert research is based on the use of modern methods of applied mathematical statistics, especially objects of non-Nature.

Another method that has received widespread is statistical scores. It is often used using the lifting of numerical values \u200b\u200bof statistical indicators to scoring estimates on any scale and can also not fully reflect the degree of differentiation of statistical indicators by region due to the inevitably limited number of the "breakdown" intervals of the data or a predetermined battle range .

Analyzing changes in the unit indicators for assessing the competitiveness of the region for 2006-2007. The following trends can be noted. The indicator of the average foreign monetary incomes of the population in all under investigation regions increased significantly. The maximum increase is noted in the Perm region (+33.89%). Analysis of the profitability of gross production (works, services) of the region showed that in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan marked the growth of this indicator, and the leader is the Nizhny Novgorod region (+29.05%). However, in the Samara region and the Perm region, a decrease in the level of profitability of products is noted.

A single specific weight indicator of unprofitable organizations adversely affects the competitiveness of the region. Consequently, the negative values \u200b\u200bof absolute and relative changes indicate a positive impact on the competitiveness of the region. A significant reduction in unprofitable enterprises occurred in the Republic of Tatarstan (-16.67%). However, in the Samara region, the number of such enterprises opposite increased by 5.26%. A single indicator of the share of investment in fixed assets in the GRP in all analyzed regions during the period under consideration increased, which positively affects the competitiveness of the regions. The greatest growth of this indicator was noted in the Republic of Tatarstan (+18.71%).

According to settlement data in terms of competitiveness in 2006-2007. The Samara region and the Perm region were (respectively 1 and 2 places in the ranking). At the same time, a slight decrease in absolute and relative indicators has occurred for the period under study (, respectively, by 2.51 and 1.02%). The Republic of Tatarstan in 2007 increased its competitiveness by 9.97%, which allowed her to move in the ranking of 4 to 3 place. The Republic of Bashkortostan, despite the increase in the level of competitiveness by 3.11%, failed to keep its position in the ranking, and it shifted from 3 places to 4. The Nizhny Novgorod region in 2007 ranks 5th. It should be noted that the Nizhny Novgorod region managed to rise in the ranking at a higher place due to the fact that the competitiveness level of this area increased (by 5.85%).

In order to increase the competitiveness of the regions, it is necessary to develop a program for increasing the competitiveness of regions, the basis of which should be a program for improving the quality of regional products.

List of references:

1. Gavrilov A.I. Regional Economics and Management: studies. Handbook for universities. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2002. - 239 p.

2. Granberg A.G. Fundamentals of the regional economy. - Textbook / Tacis, Higher School of Economics. - M.: 2003.

3. Kaclikina L.N. Competitive Management / L.N. Kacrykina. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 464 p.

4. Competitiveness of the regions: applied aspects / ed. Yu.K. Persian, N.Ya. Kalyuzhnova. - M.: Theis, 2003.

5. Mishchenko V.V. Economy of the regions. - Altai: Publishing House of Altai State University, 2002. - 160 p.

6. Morozova T.G., Win M.P., Pole G. B. Regional Economics: Textbook for universities. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Uniti, 2001. - 472 p.

7. Regional Economics: Textbook / Ed. IN AND. Viyapina and M.V. Stepanova. - M.: Infra-M, 2007. - 666 p.

8. Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2007: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2007. - 991 p.

9. Fetisov G.G., Oreshin V.P. Regional Economics and Management: Tutorial. - M.: Infra-M, 2006. - 416 p.

10. Tearnova L.N. Methodological and practical aspects of the assessment of the competitiveness of the region: monograph / L.N. Teanelova. - Tambov: Publishing House Tamb. State tehn University, 2008. - 148 p.

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Under the competitiveness of the region, it is necessary to understand its role and place in the economic space of the Russian Federation, the ability to ensure a high standard of living of the population and the ability to implement the potential (production, labor, innovative, resource-raw material, labor, innovative, resource-raw material).

Competitive advantages of the region are determined by the following groups of factors:

1) the competitiveness of the country;

2) the natural climatic, geographical, environmental and socio-economic parameters of the region;

3) entrepreneurial and innovative activity in the region;

4) the level of compliance of the parameters of the infrastructure of the region by international and federal regulations;

5) the level of international integration and cooperation of the region. Based on the listed groups of factors, each region can form its competitive advantages to attract investment in the region.

In accordance with the resource concept of J.-B. SEA, the competitiveness of the territory is based on the comparative advantages provided at the expense of such sources as labor resources, natural raw materials and capital possessing certain characteristics. The discussions do not subscribe between the supporters of the resource approach that the resource must have a sustainable competitive advantage that will not immediately be able to duplicate competitors.

M. Porter considers competitiveness associated with a location mainly from the positions of the industrial environment. In his opinion, the availability of labor, capital or raw materials does not determine the success of the company, since the specified resources became widely available. Competitiveness is due to the efficiency of which organizations in the field use the possibilities for the production of products. Moreover, performance and success in concrete area is determined not in what industries participants compete, and how they lead this struggle. According to M. Porter's theory, competitive advantages are achieved with the help of a certain combination of five competitive factors in their industry (competition between participants currently operating in the market, threats to the emergence of new competitors and goods-substitutes, market position of suppliers and buyers). The location greatly affects a competitive advantage, and the choice of types of strategies that have to be implemented. The state of local infrastructure, the qualifications of local workers and other parameters directly affect operational efficiency.

The use of a program-target approach in the formation of the competitiveness of the region based on existing competitive advantages, offers L.S. Shehovtseva. In the Concept proposed by the author, the main goal is the formation of the competitiveness of the region. The objectives of the first level include:

- the formation of production factors (training of qualified personnel and development of higher education, providing natural resources, attracting investments);

- stimulating demand (increasing income, increase the competitiveness of domestic products);

- the development of complexes of related industries (support for the competitiveness of priority industries, ensuring progressive forms of organizational development);

- the formation of enterprise strategies (carrying out the reform of enterprises, raising the level of management of enterprises, improving the enterprise competitive strategies).

However, as the experience of recent years shows, the transition to the sustainable development of the regional economy is impossible without the general use of advanced achievements of science and technology. Territorial aspects of the development of science and technology are traditionally important for countries with a large territory. In this regard, the solution to the Russian regions, the task of transition to economic growth and stable socio-economic development in market conditions simultaneously requires them to form the formation of the relevant innovative potential.

The innovation rate in competition is presented today more promising, rather than the concentration of attention on solving other strategically significant business issues. Ultimately, those who occupy an attacking position will win. No matter how high the risk of innovations, the inability to their implementation generates even greater danger.

Determine the qualitative composition of the innovative potential of the region, on the basis of several indicators:

1. Research Indicator - the number of organizations performing research and development; The number of scientific workers who perform scientific research and development; The volume of scientific and technical works, including the research and development, rendered scientific and technical services.

2. Production Indicator - the volume of developments implemented in production; number of innovative active enterprises; The cost of products produced by innovatively active enterprises.

3. Technological indicator - the number of industries, spheres and enterprises that have introduced new technologies; the cost of acquiring licenses, patent rights; volume (cost) of products removed due to outdated technology; volume (cost) of products manufactured using fundamentally new technologies; The cost of the technological equipment acquired and established on innovative enterprises.

4. Investment indicator - investments in the science and scientific service; investments in the technological preparation of the production of new products, trial production and testing; Investments on the introduction of product-innovation and innovation processes.

5. Personnel indicator - the number of scientific and technical workers having academic degrees and titles; costs for training personnel employed in scientific organizations; The costs of improving the qualifications of workers of innovative active enterprises.

An essential element of increased efficiency can be considered an organizational factor associated with the regional association of manufacturers. In this case, not a separate economic entity competes in the market, and the regional industrial complex, which reduces its transaction costs due to the joint technological cooperation of companies.

In his article N.A. Nikolaeva draws attention to increasing the interest of foreign scientists to the problem of improving the competitiveness of cities. Large cities play an important role in the life of the country. In this regard, the study of the views of foreign researchers in the field of competitiveness of cities is of interest. Scientists celebrate the main trends in the development of European cities, which are also reflected in the development of Russian cities: on the one hand, decentralization, the growth of economic opportunities, on the other - the globalization of the economy, increasing the role of interstate level in decision-making.

The competitiveness of the city depends on the competitiveness of enterprises and organizations located in it. But in order to attract and keep them in the city, it is necessary to provide firms to the conditions contributing to their competitiveness. Therefore, the attractiveness of the city is synonymous with its competitiveness as a place where the placement of various activities. Moreover, the city must be attractive not only for enterprises, but, in the context of increasing the role of qualified personnel and innovation, and for the population, which is one of the most important resources that the city can offer enterprises.

Many scientists emphasize that the city cannot be competitive in all sectors of the economy. His wealth depends on the ability to attract or create enough profitable activities. No city may not be most attractive for all types of economic activity, and success in competition is associated with the development of those in which the competitive city has a competitive advantage. This indicates the need for a certain specialization of cities on some economic functions and their complementarity.

Among scientists there are also different points of view regarding the characteristics of competitive cities.

The detailed description of the characteristics of the processes occurring in a competitive city, both positive and negative, is given by S. Jansen-Butler. He considered such indicators as: sectoral structure (predominance of the share of services compared to industry); innovation; The significance of the city as a decision-making center; high-tech production and concentration of highly qualified labor; class structure; Conflict Management; Increasing the importance of recreation sites, culture and attractions, high-level services; reducing the impact of negative external effects; development of communications and transport; High income of the population and level of employment.

P. Chairs and B. Singh use a group of indicators, the summation of which they determine the level of competitiveness of the city, namely: a change in the total value added in industry, retail turnover and the aggregate value of business services.

I. Begg notes that competitiveness can be achieved by productivity growth, as well as through the ability to activate otherwise unused resources. Thus, performance and employment can be considered indicators of the competitiveness of the city.

It seems that the most acceptable to measure the competitiveness of Russian cities can be considered the following indicators: labor productivity, level of employment and level (quality) of life (Fig. 5.).

Fig. 5. The level of competitiveness and city

To factors attractiveness and competitiveness of the city J. Van der Borg and I. Bramezza propose to attribute structural (effective infrastructure, sufficient offer of major urban services, high quality environment and effective urban policies) and functional (can the city become an international business center, the center of innovation, an important node in information network, international cultural center).

P. Chair highlights two types of factors competitiveness of the city economic determinants (location, production factors, infrastructure, economic structure, urban attractions and recreation sites) and strategic determinants (Efficiency of management bodies, urban strategy, social partnership and institutional flexibility).

This theory is particularly relevant in connection with the increase in the role of urban management, which is more manifested in developed countries, but also, it also receives distribution in the countries of the transition economy and developing countries.

Urban Development Policy should create conditions in which organizations and enterprises may exceed their competitiveness, to increase the competitive advantage of the city by manipulating individual attributes that increase the value of the territory to accommodate a variety of activities. In this regard, the need to develop a strategy to improve the competitiveness of the city is increasing. These processes led to the appearance of the concepts of the "City-Entrepreneur" and "City Marketing".


The ultimate goal of any economic system is to increase the level and quality of life of the population. In this regard, the significance of not only economic and social factors increases, but also the competitive aspects of the regions. In the conditions of unstable economic development, which is complicated by the consequences of the global financial crisis, it is competitiveness that becomes a decisive factor that is able to ensure the innovative development of Russia as a whole and the strategic development of the regions.

At present, the increase in the competitiveness of the regions was delivered to the center of the concept of long-term socio-economic development of Russia until 2020. The transition of Russia to the concept of sustainable development in the context of strengthening the processes of globalization of the world economy causes the need to further improve the methods of assessing and managing competitiveness, primarily in regional economic systems . Strengthening competition between the territories is becoming increasingly important, becoming the leading principle that determines the future territorial system in Russia, Europe and the world.

The object of the study is to ensure the competitiveness of the regions on the example of the Irkutsk region. The work was used by Rosstat on the socio-economic indicators of the regions of Russia for 2014 for the conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of the economy of the region and the paths of its development used data of the program of socio-economic development of the Irkutsk region for 2011-2015.

The purpose of this work is to study modern factors and forms of increasing the competitiveness of the region. To implement the set goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to study the assessment methodology and investigate the factors of socio-economic development and competitiveness of the regions, to analyze competitiveness on the example of the Irkutsk region, analyze the problems of increasing the competitiveness of this area.

The concept of the competitiveness of the regions

Definition of competitiveness

There are many definitions of the competitiveness of the region. Let us give the most common:

Under the competitiveness of the region, it is necessary to understand its role and place in the economic space of the country, the ability to ensure a high standard of living of the population and the ability to implement the potential existing in the region (production, labor, innovative, resource-raw material, etc.)

Under the competitiveness of the region, it is necessary to understand the position of the region in the domestic and foreign markets due to the economic, social, political and other factors, reflected through indicators, adequately characterizing its condition and dynamics.

Under the competitiveness of the region is understood, first of all, the availability and implementation of the competitive potential of this region. At the same time, competitive potential is multifaceted and formed as a diverse characteristics of the possibility of the participation of the region in competitive relations, both between the regions and in national competitive relations, interacting with other countries of the world. The competitiveness of the region in the word called above is described by such characteristics as the competitive advantages of the region in a wide variety of areas and sectors of the economy and the social sphere, the conditions for the existence of the region (climate, geographical position), the availability of natural wealth, the intellectual level of development of the population.

Competitiveness, as well as competitive potential, has a number of signs, in particular basic and providing. The basic signs of competitiveness include the presence of a developed system of productive forces, which includes natural wealth, scientific potential, the level of application of technical progress at the enterprises of the region, the degree of development of the intellect of residents of a certain territory, etc. Providing signs of the competitiveness of the region - this is a management system in it : Efficiency of economic management, speed and simplicity of economic processes, including financial, commodity and others. Supporting signs of competitiveness also include the presence of various types of infrastructures of the region, from production to market. It is the full security of the region in infrastructures that means that the potential possibilities of the region can turn into its real competitiveness and then implement in the competitive advantages of this region to other regions.

The basic and providing competitiveness characteristics are constantly interacting, creating a synergistic effect of these characteristics in real validity. The institutional characteristic of the competitiveness of the region issues the above interaction of its basic and providing signs. At the same time, the excessive development of the institutional component of the competitiveness of the region carries the threat of self-sufficiency of functioning, independence on whether the competitiveness of the region is being implemented or not. In other words, the institutional component of the competitiveness of the region is the form of interaction mentioned above the signs of competitiveness.

The competitiveness of the region includes the concept of risk as the most important characterization of the economic processes of the region. Therefore, the competitive position and characteristics of competitiveness as a totality of potentials makes an rationale for the risk inherent in this region. The risk is poured in the entire potential system characterizing competitiveness, and in the competitive position of the region, since this position may carry a different degree of risk of economic, political and social behavior of the region.

The competitiveness of the region is an economic category that expresses the relations of the interaction of the system of productive forces of a certain territory, economic relations and the institutional form of these processes that are carried out as a synergistic effect of such interaction.

In the economic literature of recent years, the use of the theory of M. Porter has been widespread, which characterized the competitive advantages of countries.

Ensuring the competitiveness of specific countries is carried out, according to Porter, on the basis of the so-called "Ruomb rule" (Fig. 1), i.e. Creation of four main prerequisites that the state is trying to maintain for its economy:

1. Conditions for factors. The position of the country in the factors of production, such as the availability of qualified labor or infrastructure necessary for competing competition in this industry. For example, an effective system of state education, roads, power grids, etc.

2. State of demand. The nature and volume of demand in the domestic market for its product or services. For example, the formation of solvent demand for new housing or insurance.

3. Related and supporting industries. The presence or absence of industry suppliers or other related industries competitive internationally in this country. For example, modern control systems or engines for aircraft in Russia.

4. Sustainable strategy, structure and rivalry. Existing conditions for the creation, organization and management of companies, as well as the nature of internal competition. For example, strong legal protection of property and shareholders.

These elements are closely interrelated, and the action of one of the components is often depends on the state of the other remaining.

Actually, Porter's speech is not about competitiveness, but about competition and its characteristics. However, in the domestic economic literature, this is issued for the characteristics of the competitiveness of the porter. If you take this parcel, then the competitiveness of the region (understanding under the region of the country), according to the porter, is characterized by the degree of development of technology, mastering the factors of production and sales, globalization of strategies as ahead of the actions of its competitors. All named characteristics really determine the realization of the competitiveness of the region, but do not give the characteristic of the content of the most competitiveness of the region.

Figure 1. Country's competitive advantages

Analyzing the opinions expressed by different authors can be conclusted that under the competitiveness of the region it is understood primarily, the presence and implementation of the competitive potential of this region. At the same time, competitive potential is multifaceted and formed as a diverse characteristics of the possibility of the participation of the region in competitive relations both between the regions and in the national competitive relations, interacting with other countries of the world.

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