
Basic regulatory acts in banking. Basic regulatory acts in banking Indication of the Central Bank

(Meeting of legislation Russian Federation, 2002, № 28, st.2790; 2003, No. 2, Art 157; No. 52, Article.5032; 2004, No. 27, Article 2711; № 31, ST.3233; 2005, No. 25, Article 2426; № 30, st.3101; 2006, No. 19, Article 2061; № 25, st.2648; 2007, No. 1, Article 9, Art 10; № 10, Art.1151; № 18, st.2117; 2008, No. 42, Article 4696, Article 4699; № 44, st.4982; No. 52, Article 6229, Article.6231; 2009, No. 1, Art.25; № 29, ST.3629; № 48, st.5731; 2010, number 45, Art. 5756; 2011, No. 7, Article 907; № 27, st.3873; No. 43, Art. 5973; № 48, st.6728; 2012, No. 50, Article.6954; № 53, Article 7591, Article 7607; 2013, No. 11, Article 1076; Number 14, Article 1649; № 19, st.2329; № 27, Article.3438, Article 3476, Article.3477; No. 30, Article 4084; № 49, st.6336; No. 52, Article 6975) Determines the procedure for cash operations With banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia (hereinafter - cash) in the territory of the Russian Federation with legal entities (with the exception of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, credit organizations (hereinafter - the Bank), as well as the simplified procedure for conducting cash transactions individual entrepreneurs and small business entities. For the purposes of this indication, under the subjects of small business, legal entities are referred to in accordance with the conditions established by the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 31, Article 4006; No. 43, Article.5084; 2008, No. 30, Article 3615, Article 3616; 2009, No. 31, Article 3923; No. 52, Article 6441; 2010, No. 28, Art.3553 ; 2011, № 27, Article.3880; No. 50, Article.7343; 2013, No. 27, Article 3436, Article 3477; No. 30, Article 4071; No. 52, Article 6961), to small enterprises, in including microenterprises. Recipients of budget funds in cash transactions are guided by this indication, unless otherwise determined by the regulatory legal act regulating the procedure for conducting cash transactions by recipients of budget funds.

6.4. Issuance from the register of a legal entity to a separate division of cash required for cash operations is carried out in the manner prescribed legal entity, According to the consumable cash order 0310002.

6.5. Defective wages, scholarships and other payments The amount of cash is established according to the estimated payment statement 0301009 (payment statement 0301011). The deadline for issuing cash for these payments is determined by the leader and is indicated in the settlement and payment statement 0301009 (payment statement 0301011). The duration of cash payments for salary payments, scholarships and other payments cannot exceed five working days (including the day of receiving cash with bank account on the specified payments).

which bank specialists often use in their speech

publication date: 04/26/2013

date of actualization: 04/10/2019

Bankers know very well regulationswho regulate their activities. These documents are reread in the bank to remember once depending on the complexity of the operations and the emergence of new ones. Moreover, in Russia, laws, instructions and positions constantly undergo changes, often very significant, and have to reread documents. And the numbers of these documents are quickly remembered. At these numbers there is a whole era of the development of banking in Russia and a huge amount of knowledge regulating the whole spectrum banking operations.

In this regard, to reduce in their speech, mention of any regulatory act bank employees only call the number of the document without using his name, nothing he. It is absolutely clear and why it is, and what it is, and why is mentioned.

To enter into the banking of the uninitiated, Profnanking places a list of key documents governing banking activities, and gives a brief annotation to each regulatory act.

If you want to see all documents in banking activities and their texts Go to the bank library.

Main regulatory acts regulating banking activities:

395-1 - The chief federal law on banks and banking activities, gives the concept of "credit organization", "bank", "non-bank credit organization", "Banking Group", "Banking Holding", "Banking operations", "Contribution", "Depositor", Sets the magnitude of the minimum authorized capital bank, qualification requirements Bank leaders, contains norms on the registration of credit institutions and their licensing, as well as grounds for recalling the license from the bank, the features of the reorganization and liquidation of banks. This law is definitely every bank worker should know.

Federal Law No. 395-1 of 02.12.1990 "On Banks and Banking"

86-ФЗ. - Law O. Central Bank The Russian Federation establishes the functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, describes the bodies of the Bank of Russia, the requirements for the reporting of the Bank of Russia, determines monetary unit Russia, basic tools and methods monetary policy, the rights of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to carry out individual operations, and also concerns the norms of banking regulation and banking supervision. This law should know every bank employee.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Federal Law No. 86-ФЗ dated 10.07.2002 "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)"

579-P. - Plan accounts accounting In the bank and the rules of reflection of operations in bank accounting of the Bank (until April 3, 2017, provision No. 385-P was used, but it was canceled).

Official details of the regulatory act:

Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation № 579-p from 02.27.2017 "On Accounting accounts plan for credit institutions and procedure for its application »

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153-I. - The most important document on the rules for opening and closing all types of bank accounts discovered by individuals, legal entities, entrepreneurs: current, settlement, correspondent and other accounts. The instruction also concerns accounts for accounting deposits (deposits) and deposit accounts of ships, service units bailiffs, law enforcement agencies and notaries. The instruction contains a list of documents required to open each account, the requirements for maintaining the legal entity of the client, the registration of the card with samples of signatures and print printing.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Instructions for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 153-and dated May 30, 2014 "On the opening and closing of bank accounts, accounts for deposits (deposits), deposit accounts"

161-FZ. - Law on National payment system. This law is a new round in the development of the settlement system in the Russian Federation. It establishes the legal and organizational foundations of the national payment system, regulates the procedure for providing payment services, including translating moneyUse. electronic means Payment, activities of the subjects of the National Payment System, and also defines the requirements for the organization and functioning of payment systems, the procedure for the implementation of supervision and observation in the national payment system.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Federal Law No. 161-FZ dated 27.06.2011 "On the National Payment System"

383-P. - The position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which establishes the rules for the transfer of funds by credit institutions in the RF rubles on bank accounts and without opening bank accounts. Regulations No. 383-P developed on the basis of the Law 161-FZ "On the National Payment System" and establishes the following forms of non-cash settlements: calculations of payment orders; in credit; collection orders; checks; Direct debit; in the form of translating electronic money.

Cash transfers can be decorated in the form of: payment order, collection order, payment request, payment order. Forms specified documents Led in applications to position 383-P.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 383-P dated 19.06.2012 "On the rules for carrying out the transfer of funds"

180-I. - One of the most important instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which establishes the methodology for calculating the required standards of banks. The instruction sets 12 mandatory standards, each of which must be respected by the bank daily (until July 28, 2017, instructions No. 139-and, but it is canceled).

Official details of the regulatory act:

Instructions for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation № 180-and dated 28.06.2017 "On mandatory regulations of banks"

595-P. - The situation that regulates the rules for the participants of the Bank of Russia's payment system (PSR). In addition, the position of 595-P introduced the new bik structure and the order of its assignment, but for the current banks, the BIC remains the same.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation № 595-P dated 06/06/2017 "On the payment system of the Bank of Russia"

507-P. - Regulations on the fora (forms - fund of mandatory reserves): how to calculate the amount of mandatory reserves, the procedure for regulating the Fora, the procedure for compiling and submitting a calculation to the Bank of Russia for mandatory reserves.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 507-P dated December 1, 2015 "On mandatory reserves of credit institutions"

590-P. - one of the most important and complex regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia; Sets the procedure for the classification of loans to quality categories, taking into account the financial situation of the borrower and the quality of service of debt, determines the boundaries of the amount of the estimated reserve as a percentage of the amount of the principal debt, the features of the formation of a reserve for loans for homogeneous loans, the procedure for debiting by the Bank lightweight debt on loans. Required document To work with loans, credentials, securities for transactions with a delay of payment or delivery, factoring requirements (until July 14, 2017, provision No. 254-p was applied, but it was canceled)

Official details of the regulatory act:

Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation № 590-P of 06/28/2017 "Regulations on the procedure for the formation of credit organizations of reserves for possible losses on loans, on loan and equivalent debt"

611-P. - a document on the classification of other (not related to 490-P loans) elements of the settlement base in order to form a reserve for possible losses.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 611-P of 10/23/2017 "On the procedure for the formation of credit organizations of reserves for possible losses"

4927-U. - Do you know that everyone commercial Bank Provides several dozen different reports on their activities quarterly, monthly, permanently, daily, daily? This document establishes reporting forms for credit institutions. Very voluminous regulatory act. Contains not only reports, but also the procedure for compiling and submitting each report.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Indication of the Bank of Russia No. 4927-from 08.10.2018 "On the list, forms and procedure for compiling and submitting forms of reporting of credit institutions to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation"

646-P.- establishes a methodology for determining the amount of capital of the Bank, taking into account international approaches to increasing sustainability banking sector ("Basel III"). Value own funds (Capital), determined in accordance with the provision of 646-P, is used to determine the values \u200b\u200bof mandatory standards, as well as in other cases where, in order to determine the value of prudential activities, an indicator of own funds of the credit institution is used.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 646-P of 04.07.2018 "On the method of determining its own funds (capital) of credit institutions (" Basel III ")"

178-I. - Sets the dimensions (limits) of open currency positions, the methodology for their calculation and the features of supervision of their observance.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Instructions of the Bank of Russia No. 178-and dated 12.28.2016 "On the establishment of dimensions (limits) of open currency positions, methods of their calculation and the peculiarities of supervision of their compliance with credit institutions"

148-I. - Regulatory act concerning issues of issuing stocks and bonds commercial banks, preparation of securities prospectus, registration of the issue of securities by banks.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation № 148-and dated 27.12.2013 "On the procedure for the implementation of the procedure for issuing securities of credit institutions in the territory of the Russian Federation"

135-I. - Big and complex regulatory act concerning issues state registration banks and issuing licenses. This document is well acquainted legal service Bank and bank management. Describes all types of bank licenses, general requirements for the founders of the Bank, to the list of documents submitted to the Central Bank for obtaining licenses, to the opening and closure of branches, to the reorganization of the bank.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation № 135-and dated 04/02/2010 "On the procedure for admitting the Bank of Russia decisions on state registration of credit institutions and issuing licenses for banking operations"

242-P. - Document on internal control in the bank, for which the system of internal control in the bank is needed, how to organize it.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 242-P dated December 16, 2003 "Regulation on the organization of internal control in credit institutions and banking groups"

115-FZ. - Federal law, aimed at creating a mechanism to counter the legalization of income obtained by criminal, and financing terrorism. For banks available from banks, this law added another one - the function of compulsory control over dubious operations with the obligation to submit information about them to Rosfinmonitoring. Since the adoption of the law in 2001, a lot has changed in the work: there were full-fledged internal servicesengaged only by the issues of countering legalization, written volume internal documents Bank on countering legalization issues, have been developed for customers, for beneficiaries, special software complexes and communication channels.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated 07.08.2001 "On countering legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means and financing terrorism"

499-P. - This is the procedure for identifying customers in order to execute the norms of the Law 115-FZ.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 499-p 15.10.2015 "On identification by credit institutions of customers, representatives of customers, beneficiaries and beneficial owners to counter the legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal, and financing terrorism"

39-FZ. - the main regulatory act on the market of securities and activities professional participants securities market; The law enshrines the concepts of "Emisy Securities", "Action", "Bond", "Option of the Issuer", "Issuer", "Personal Emissions securities"," Documentary Form "," Defidential Form "," State Release Registration Number "," public accommodation Securities "," Listing Securities "," Brokerage Activities "," Dealer activities "," Securities Management Activities "," Depository Activities "and others.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Federal Law No. 39-FZ dated 22.04.1996 "On the securities market"

Geneva Convention or (Bill Convention) - International regulatory act concluded in Geneva in 1930, which entered into force for the USSR in 1937 and is applied to Russia for succession. Refers to special bill legislation and establishes single standards and requirements for issuing bills and bills for states who have joined the Convention. Despite the fact that not so much the Geneva Conventions in Russia is regulated in Russia, how much by the decision of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on August 07, 1937 No. 104/1341 "On the introduction of the provision on the transfer and simple bill", Practically repeating the norms of the Geneva Convention, to work with bills, it is necessary to know both documents very well.

Official details of the regulatory act:

645-P.- Rules of issuance and design by banks of deposit and savings certificates, also includes the requirement for the mandatory registration of the conditions for issuing savings and deposit certificates of credit institutions in the Bank of Russia.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Regulation of the Bank of Russia from 03.07.2018 No. 645-P "On Savings and Deposit Certificates of Credit Organizations"

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173-FZ. - Law O. monetary policy Russia introduces the concepts of "domestic securities", "external securities", "residents", "non-residents", " currency operations"And enshrines the basic principle of currency legislation:" Everything is prohibited, besides what is directly allowed. " Very important for banks law, since the banks are entrusted with the function of currency control agents.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Federal Law No. 173-FZ dated 10.12.2003 "On currency regulation and currency control"

177-FZ. - The law on insurance of deposits in banks, determines the basic principles of deposit insurance, insurance system participants, which contributions are insured, an insured case, the amount of compensation on deposits in the bank, the competence of the Deposit Insurance Agency, the requirements for banks involved in the deposit insurance system, the procedure for calculating and paying by banks by insurance premiums to the account of the Agency in the Bank of Russia.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Federal Law No. 177-FZ dated 23.12.2003 "On insurance of deposits in banks of the Russian Federation"

630-P. - determines the procedure for conducting cash transactions with cash with cash banks in the implementation of banking operations and other transactions, the procedure for working with doubt in solvency monetary signs Bank of Russia, insolvent, banknotes of the Bank of Russia, the presence of signs of the fakes of which are not doubt about the cash worker of the credit institution, and also establishes the rules for the storage, transportation and collection of cash in credit institutions in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 630-P dated January 29, 2018 "On the procedure for maintaining cash transactions and regulations of storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions in the Russian Federation"

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2054-U. - establishes the procedure for maintaining cash transactions in authorized banks with monetary signs of foreign countries.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Specification of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 2054-from 14.08.2008 "On the procedure for maintaining cash transactions with foreign currency in authorized banks in the Russian Federation"

266-P. - Sets the procedure for issuing in the territory of the Russian Federation bank cards credit institutions and features of the implementation of transactions with payment cards, whose issuer may be a credit organization, foreign bank or foreign organization.

Official details of the regulatory act:

Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 266-P dated December 24, 2004 "On the emission of payment cards and on operations performed with their use"

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Like any other body of the Special Competence, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has the right to publish the registered acts of two types:

    regulatory legal acts that are sources of banking law;

    undormatical legal acts, the sources of law are not.

The rules for the preparation of legal acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are established by the Regulations "On the procedure for the preparation and entry into force of the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia" (as amended from 18.04.2002), approved by the Order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of September 15, 1997 No. 02-395.

On issues related to his competence, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issues the following types of state power bodies for federal authorities, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities, all legal entities and individuals of regulatory legal acts:




All these forms are mandatory for federal state authorities, the bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government, as well as all JUR. and Piz. Persons. The rules for the preparation of regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation independently. The regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation come into force on the expiration of 10 days after the day of their official publication in the official publication of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - the Vestnik of the Bank of Russia. Regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation do not have inverse force, i.e. Do not apply to legal relations that existed before the entry into force of the regulatory act into force. Regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation must be registered by the Ministry of Justice in the prescribed manner.

Regulatory legal acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    we are concurred and cannot contradict the acts of greater legal force (laws);

    regulate the features of the procedure for the implementation by credit institutions of banking activities in the framework of the management of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation by the banking system;

    mandatory for execution by a wide range of persons (federal state authorities, state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments, all legal entities and individuals). Fully sent in the necessary cases to all registered credit organizations;

    take effect on the expiration of 10 days after the day of their official publication in the official publication of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia, except for the cases established by the Board of Directors;

    do not have inverse strength;

    for the most part, they must be registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed for the state registration of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies;

    non-state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation regulatory legal acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, establishing:

    changes in interest rates;

    the amount of reserve requirements;

    direct quantitative restrictions;

    accounting and reporting rules for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

    the procedure for ensuring the functioning of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

    other regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which, in accordance with the procedure established for the federal executive bodies, are not subject to registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. By general rule The regulatory legal acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation may be appealed to the court in the manner prescribed for challenging the regulatory legal acts of federal state bodies.

In addition, in accordance with the provision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 18.07.2000 No. 115-GT "On the procedure for the preparation and entry into force of the official clarification of the Bank of Russia", the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is also entitled to take official explanations on the application of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts . Such explanations are not regulatory legal acts, however, "the regulatory legal acts extends to the use of the subjects, on the application of which official explanation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been published.

Non-state registration regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Installing:

    courses foreign currencies in relation to the ruble;

    changes in interest rates;

    the amount of reserve requirements;

    sizes of mandatory standards for credit institutions and banking groups;

    accounting and reporting rules for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

    the procedure for ensuring the functioning of the system of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as other acts.

The regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are sent in full within the necessary cases to all registered credit organizations.

Regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation can be appealed in court in the prescribed manner.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is possible to adopt sub-banner abnormative legal acts in other forms. Currently abnormative legal acts published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are :


  • telegrams.

Thus, the abnormative legal acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are characterized by the following distinctive features:

    they are usually obligatory for execution only for those persons who are directly addressed;

    are not regulatory, therefore, do not create new rules of law and cannot change or supplement the provisions of regulatory legal acts;

    aims to permit and clarify specific aspects of banking activities.

From 01.06.2014, the indication of the Bank of Russia dated 11.03.2014 N 3210-y "on the procedure for maintaining cash transactions with legal entities and the simplified procedure for conducting cash transactions with individual entrepreneurs and small businesses" (hereinafter referred to as the order), with the exception of individual provisions that enter By virtue of another time. Consider the main innovations.
At first, we note that according to paragraph 8.2 of the order from the day the entry into force of these indications is recognized as invalid the provision of the Bank of Russia from 12.10.2011 N 373-P "On the procedure for maintaining cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in the Russian Federation".
We note that according to paragraph 1 of the order, the recipients of budget funds under the conduct of cash transactions should be guided by these instructions, unless otherwise determined by the regulatory legal act regulating the procedure for conducting cash transactions by recipients of budget funds.

Cash balance limit

As before, the legal entity independently determines the limit of cash balance. This limit is established in accordance with the annex to this indication on the basis of the nature of the institution, taking into account the volumes of income or volumes of cash issuing. The procedure for calculating the limit of cash balance remained the same.
With regard to the establishment of the limit of cash balance for separate divisions, if:
- separed division has a bank account, the limit of cash balance is determined in the manner prescribed by this indication for a legal entity;
- A separate division pays cash in the cashier of a legal entity, the limit of cash balance in a legal entity is determined taking into account the limits of the cash balance provided for in these separate divisions.
It should be noted that the accumulation of cash with a legal entity in the checkout above the established limit of cash balance is allowed in the days of payments of wages, scholarships, payments included in accordance with the methodology adopted to fill out the forms of federal statistical observation, in the payroll fund, and social payments Character, including the day of receiving cash from a bank account on these payments, as well as on weekends, non-working holidays in the event of a legal entity on these days of cash transactions.
In other cases, the accumulation of cash with a legal entity at the box office over the established limit of cash balance is not allowed.

For your information. According to Part 1 of Art. 15.1 Administrative Code for violation of the procedure for working with cash cash and the procedure for conducting cash transactions, expressed, in particular, in the accumulation of cash in cash over the established limits, is threatened by imposition administrative fine on officials in the amount of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles; on legal entities - from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Cash operations

According to paragraph 4, the order of cash transactions are carried out at the ticket office by a cash register or other employee, a certain head of the legal entity or other authorized person from among its employees (hereinafter referred to as the cashier), with the establishment of relevant officials and responsibilities with which the cashier must familiarize themselves under receipt. If a legal entity has several cashiers, one of them serves as a senior cashier (hereinafter - a senior cashier). In addition, cash transactions can be conducted by the head.
A legal entity can conduct cash transactions using software and hardware.

Note! From 01/01/2015 will come into force by para. 5 p. 4 of the procedure that establishes the requirements for software and technical means. These claims are that the design of software and technical means, which provides for the reception of banknotes of the Bank of Russia, should have a function of recognizing at least four computer-readable protective signs of banknotes of the Bank of Russia, the list of which is determined by the Bank of Russia's regulatory act.

Cash operations are drawn up arrival (f. 03010001) and consumables (f. 0310002) cash orders, and also reflected in cash book (f. 0301004).

For your information. The forms of these documents are established by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia of 18.08.1998 N 88 "On Approval unified form Primary accounting documentation According to the accounting of cash transactions, according to the inventory results. "

Who should issue cash documents? According to clause 4.2, the Cash Documents Procedure is issued:
- chief accountant;
- accountant or other official (including a cashier) defined in regulatory document, or by a legal entity official individualwith which agreements on the provision of accounting services are concluded;
- leader (in the absence of the chief accountant and accountant).
Who should sign cash documents? Cash documents are signed by the chief accountant or accountant (with their absence, the head), as well as the cashier. In the case of cash operations and registration cash documents The head of the cash documents are signed by the head (clause 4.3 of the Procedure).


According to clause 6.5 of the order, the amount of cash intended for the payment of wages, scholarships and other payments is established according to the settlement and payment statement (F. 0301009) (payment statement (F. 0301011)). The deadline for issuing cash for these payments is determined by the leader and is indicated in the settlement and payment statement (F. 0301009) (payment statement (F. 0301011)). The duration of cash payments for payments, scholarships and other payments cannot exceed five working days (including the day of receiving cash from a bank account on these payments).
On the last day of cash, intended for payments of wages, scholarships and other payments, cashier in the payment statement (F. 0301009) (payment statement (f. 0301011)) stipulates printing (stamp) or record "deposited" Opposite the names and initials of workers who have not been issued in cash, counts and records in the final line of actually issued cash and the amount to be deposit, the specified amounts with the total amount in the payment statement (F. 0301009) (F.301009) (F. 0301009) F. 0301011)), puts its signature on the payment statement (f. 0301009) (payment statement (F. 030101011)) and transfers it to the signing of the Chief Accountant or Accountant (in their absence - to the head).
On actually issued amounts of cash on the settlement payroll (F. 0301009) (payment statement (F. 0301011)) is drawn up cash Order (f. 0310002).

Note! From the new order the responsibility of the register of deposited amount is excluded.

Nuances associated with registration of cash documents

In accordance with paragraph 4.7, the procedures provided for by this procedure may be issued on paper or in in electronic format. Storage of documents decorated on paper or electronically organized by the head.
Documents on paper. They can be arranged by hand or using technical means designed to handle information, including a personal computer and software, and signed by their own signatures.

Note! In the documents decorated on paper, with the exception of cash documents, it is allowed to make corrections containing the dates of corrections, surnames and initials, as well as signatures of persons issued documents in which corrections are made.

Documents in electronic form. They are issued with the use of technical means, taking into account ensuring their protection against unauthorized access, distortion and loss of information. Documents decorated in electronic form are signed electronic signatures in accordance with the requirements Federal Law from 06.04.2011 N 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature".

Note! In the documents decorated in electronic form, the introduction of corrections after the signing of these documents is not allowed.

In conclusion, we note that measures to ensure the safety of cash when conducting cash transactions, storage, transportation, the procedure and timing of inspections of the actual cash availability are determined by the legal entity on their own.

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