
Profession banker. Bank employee: Disadvantages and advantages of the profession. Work in the bank

In the framework of one profession it is impossible to fit all the diversity of banking. Because the banker is rather a profile or vocation, direction of professional movement than a separate specification. To say what the banker is engaged, it is possible only in the context of the departments.

A specialist can be engaged in accompanies of credit programs (inspector, expert, consultant, analyst), cashiable service, checking the legal purity of transactions. The employer may take a specialist with an average professional formation (position of the cashier, operating officer, sales manager). It can also nominate the highest demands on professionalism if the manager is closed by a manager (department manager, separating department).

What requirements exist to bankers

Requirements for a specialist banking organization directly depend on the department and the essence of the upcoming work. The most important personal qualities:

  • a responsibility,
  • punctuality,
  • mathematical abilities
  • analytical skills
  • initiative
  • desire to learn.

Much depends on what position a specialist is claiming. The corporate department requires experienced "sophisticated money" people who can communicate with the participants of the big business. In the Credit Department, heaviness is more important, the willingness to attract customers, the speaker's deputy chambers (advertising). A competent purposeful banker is always asked what he can improve the result of his department.

Education and necessary banker skills

The efficiency of work in the bank depends on the quality of communication, the ability is politely, but firmly refuse or clearly explain to the client the situation. It is important to deal with people in public, to own a financial analysis tool, understand the essence / principles of the development of the financial market.

How to learn on a banker? All listed qualities are rarely congenital. Successful representatives of the banker's profession are becoming, and not born. Our training programs worked exactly to give students clear theoretical knowledge and raise the right skills in them.

Where you can learn to banking

We have a separate program for colleges and students - future banking industry employees. If you choose where to study on the banker, it is worth starting with highly specialized directions:

  • Banking (College, Bachelor, Master).
  • Finance and credit (Economic Faculty).

Banking activities are available and graduates of other programs - the faculty of management, entrepreneurship, economics. It is important to understand: where to learn, the specialist himself determines, but the banking position will depend on the selected profile, which he will be able to settle.

How much to study on banker

How much to study on the banker? If the future specialist intends to beat rivals on this highly competitive field of employment, for starting it is enough for 2 years 10 months in college. Undergraduate will have to devote from 4 years to 4 years 6 months. Master who can immediately qualify for the position of the head, 2 years learn (4 years old undergraduate + 2 magistracy).

Most of the serious banks increase this period with a period of mandatory internship. The latter will be able to last from month to six months. To pass internship in a large bank of Moscow, our students can still while studying.

What is included in the duties and objectives of the banker

No matter how much romantic welfare us is that not in money, happiness, without pleasantly rustling banknotes and ringing coins, it is impossible to live in modern society. That is why people seek not only to earn a "despicable metal" on current needs, but to postpone the "tight" penny. For these purposes, most people prefer to use the services of banks in which the accumulations are not just lying, but "work" and sometimes bring good income in the form of interest.

No matter how much romantic welfare us is that not in money, happiness, without pleasantly rustling banknotes and ringing coins, it is impossible to live in modern society. That is why people seek not only to earn a "despicable metal" on current needs, but to postpone the "tight" penny. Some still uses the Old Dedovsky method to save the post-free money - the usual glass jar. But most people are still preferred to use the services of banks in which the accumulations are not just lying, but "work" and sometimes bring good income in the form of interest.

Well, since those who want to use the services of banking institutions every day is becoming more and more popularity professions banker Among the applicants increases in geometric progression. A significant role in the growing popularity of this profession is played by the eternal desire of people is closer to the money, as well as the benefits of working in a bank, which we will tell today and tell.

Who is a banker?

Banker is a bank employee who participates with the clients of the financial institution, the manager participating in the banking business or the owner of banking capital. In other words, a banker can be called any key specialist of the institution associated with the financial sphere.

The name of the profession (as well as the financial institution itself) happened from the Italian "Banco" (the table on which the changes unfolded coins). Accordingly, in initially bankers called those who worked at the table. And the usual for us today, the banker's function was carried out by the usurists, who for a long time carried out the most popular operation in modern banks - lending.

Today banker It is a multifaceted specialist who can properly operate with financial flows, manage loans and loans. In fact, it is representatives of this profession that are intermediaries and operators of the credit system of the whole country.

The scope of activities of any banker covers not only the provision of financial services to individuals and legal entities, but also the purchase / sale of state funds and interest rates of private enterprises, monetary and bill operations, etc. In professional duties bank employee Consulting, customer service of financial institution, analytical activities, forecasting and planning.

What personal qualities should the banker have?

Since all banker's job responsibilities are somehow related to money (and mainly the money of the Bank's customers), such a specialist, first of all, should have such qualities as responsible, honesty and decency. In addition, the banker must be:

  • attentive;
  • patient;
  • purposeful;
  • initiative;
  • sociable;
  • disciplined;
  • leisure.

Also banking specialist It will never be able to succeed on a professional field, if he does not have the ability to analytical thinking, rapid response to unforeseen situations and finding the most optimal solutions, desire for self-education and a clear fulfillment of its professional duties.

Benefits of the banker profession

The banker's profession has a lot of advantages, listed which within the framework of only one article is practically not possible. Therefore, we will dwell solely on those that, as they say, are "lying on the surface."

  • Prestige - banker refers to elite professions, especially if we are talking about bank employee top link.
  • Stability - compared to other commercial enterprises that appear, they disappear, banks are considered to be a stronghold of stability.
  • Huge prospects for career growth - if desired, a young specialist has a real opportunity in a short time to overcome the way from a simple cashier to a middle or senior specialist.
  • Universality - Experience in the banking institution allows a specialist to work not only in a commercial bank, but also on stock exchanges, insurance organizations, investment design departments, etc.

Disadvantages of the banker's profession

Like any other profession work banker It has not only advantages, but also obvious disadvantages. And, above all, it is an abnormal working schedule, which most negatively affects the construction of personal relationships. In addition, applicants who want to get this profession must be borne in mind that the work of the banking worker has such disadvantages as:

  • monotonicity - the main banking operations are routine and monotonous work requiring to the same high concentration and maximum care;
  • responsibility - banker, like a sapper, has no right to make a mistake. And, the higher the position, the greater responsibility;
  • confidentality of posts - In order to take the post of senior, it is necessary to successively work in all divisions of the bank.

Where can I get a banker profession?

Get a banker profession It is possible in one of the profile universities of Russia in the financial or economic faculty. Such a university is available in almost every region and the city of Russia, so there should be no problems with the choice of educational institution.

Banker They call the owner of banking capital and the participant manager of the banking business. Despite the fact that gradually the interest in the banking profession falls, it is still quite widespread and popular in the current period of time. Banking specialists are called bank employees. The obligations of the banker depend on what position he takes. The main responsibilities are related to the service, customer consulting. Also, bankers are engaged in analytical activities, planning, forecasting.

Nuances of the banker profession

Lending is a classic banking operation. But, besides him, there are other scope of banking. In many banking organizations, various operations are performed, the maintenance of different clientele segments is carried out.

The banker can work in the following departments:

  • stock department;
  • operational;
  • legal;
  • reporting department;
  • marketing and so on.

This is not a complete list. Each department performs its specific functions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the banker's profession

The advantages of this profession are:

  1. Stability factor.

Compared to a rapid and unpredictable market, with emerging and disappearing commercial enterprises, commercial banks are the key to stability.

  1. Possible fast career takeoff.

When working in a banking organization, a specialist is selected by the right path of development. If the manager has a desire to achieve great success - it will use any opportunity: to perform tasks in specific time, linger at work off-hours.

The disadvantages of the profession are:

  1. Highest responsibility.
  2. No error right.
  3. Undorrible working schedule

Where bankers work

Banking specialists can work not only in banking organizations, but also in various enterprises, departments, insurance companies, credit firms.

Personal qualities of a successful banker

A successful banker must possess:

  • attentive;
  • responsibility;
  • dedication;
  • initiative;
  • efficiency and ability to quickly find faithful solutions;
  • thrift and sociability;
  • the ability to carry out a weighted policy.

Which universities teach this profession

Basically, these are profile Russian universities (economic or financial faculties).

There are a five known universities with classic education for bankers. It is easier way to get it easy to go to banking organization:

  1. Training at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University).
  2. Training at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
  3. Training in the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  4. Training at the Higher School of Economics and the Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plakhanova (REA).

This specialty involves knowing what:

  1. Bank operations
  2. Finance and money circulation
  3. Accounting bank account
  4. Economic analysis
  5. Accounting and Economic Components Organizations (Enterprises)

Through the study of the educational program of the specialty "Banking", specialists study in detail the legal and organizational basis for the activities of credit firms, the essence and technology of the commission of bank transactions, the rules of accounting and the legal framework for auditing.

Special attention is paid to learning the following functions:

  1. Reporting on the activities of the credit company.
  2. The use of methods and means of protection of banking information.
  3. Registration of primary accounting documents.
  4. How to carry out synthetic and analytical accounting of banking operations in specific accounting registers.

Average special educational institutions for this specialty are referred to:

  1. Moscow Commercial Banking College.
  2. Moscow Credit College.

How to pay banker

Banking organizations are leading for salaries. The salary amount depends on the position being held and on what the amount of banking organization. As the data of the survey of the portal Bankir.ru says, Russian banking employees (ordinary workers) receive payments of approximately 100 and more than thousand rubles. The same portal was reported rapid growth of salaries of banking workers.

Career and career perspective

The prerequisite for a successful career is the presence of higher profile education. This is the starting area to professional growth.

Bank career can begin with a service officer position (customer support), one can be an assistant accountant. A novice specialist, as a rule, receives a low salary. But it is possible excellent career growth.

If the employee is applied to certain efforts - it will definitely move up the service staircase. For the year you can become a middle manager (a different position is called "Head of Department"). If there are certain abilities and the desire - one can achieve the position of the head of the banking organization, the Deputy Head of the Bank, the director of the banking organization.

Good day.

Today we will talk about banking. Why is this topic? In our modern world, we can no longer submit our lives without this structure. All your capital, if you do not store in some bank, one way or another, we spend through it. And in a different way, and how.

Now banks are an important economic component of any state, and without its services, we can not do without any.

- But for a start, we will understand what is the bank in general and where did he come from?

The bank (from Ital. Banco - Bench, a shop, the table on which changed coins) is a financial and credit institution that produces a variety of transactions with money and securities and providing financial services to government, legal entities and individuals. (from Wikipedia)

Banking can be called with confidence of one of the most ancient professions. Back in the VIII century BC, there were people in Babylon who gave money to interest during interest. Such people were called the usurists. In the go, they even had banking tickets called the buzz.

In ancient Greece went further. There began to be stored by deposits, with the help of which then made payments at the expense of these most depositors. People who were engaged in deposits were called the trapezitis (from the Greek meal - the table). By the way, this word has been preserved in our church. Probably heard such a concept as refectory in churches and monasteries.

In the II century BC, the so-called "royal banks" were already in the phi resounds. They managed the above-mentioned trapesites. They collected all government revenues and distributed them further.

In the Middle Ages, financial activities developed more largely. Since in the go there was a lot of various coins, then the greatest demand, so to speak, was used by the profession of change. The changes were sitting on the crowd and shopping areas at the table covered with green cloth. In addition to the exchange of money, they wrote off their bills in their books with some individuals, and translated them to others. Also they began to give a loan for interest. These people subsequently began to call bankers - Bancherii, from the Italian Banco-table, Counter.

However, the first real bank appeared in England in the XVI century. Many European banks based on 16-17 centuries continue to work to this day.

What is the bank?

Useful point of view suggests that it is just a money storage. First of all, the Bank is a commercial institution created for profit. For this, the Bank performs the most different financial transactions, attracting funds, both individuals and legal entities. Banks operate only on the basis of a license derived from the state.

Naturally, only the person who has an economic and financial and credit education can be an employee of the bank. In addition, it is necessary to have the ability to competently analyze financial information, as well as correctly distribute the funds of your company as a whole.

What is the meaning of banking?

This is marketing, and management, innovative technologies, obtaining and processing various statistical data, and, of course, logistics. The bank is designed to accumulate funds, their reliable storage, of course, increases, i.e., receiving income from the funds that are invested in the bank. All this is due to management and assets, and liabilities, providing such services as savings, credit, investment. In addition, the Bank manufactures currency exchange operations, the application of securities, etc.

Today, banks carry out the most diverse activities. Depending on this, they are commercial, i.e. They are engaged in entrepreneurial activities, investment - specialize in various kinds of investments, savings - attract the funds of the population, specialized - are engaged in several types of activities, universal - perform almost all types of financial transactions. Well, there is a central bank over them (we have a centterobank of Russia), which is engaged in government regulation of the entire banking sector and activities.

What resources or means is the bank?

Since the bank is neither production, nor a trading enterprise, then where does he come from money? The main activity of the bank is to attract free finance of both legal and individuals. All resources from where the bank receives funds to work, are:

- equity

It is a guarantee for depositors or creditors in obtaining compensation in the event of the Bank's elimination. This, the so-called authorized capital and funds from profits for past periods of the Bank

- involved funds

This is what the bank works with. This includes deposits of bank customers, interbank loans, bonds and bills.

- Bank assets

They reflect the placement and use of its resources. Cash assets are presented in the form of cash, which is located at the checkout. In addition, these are precious metals and stones, correspondent accounts in different banks. There are still placed assets. These are assets that "work", they may be loans and investments in securities. Investment assets are various kinds of investments.

As already mentioned, the Bank receives a profit from working with the cash and individuals. It means from the profit from these investments and the Bank's income is obtained. This income is percentage and non-interest. Interest income is represented by interest from loans, from operations with securities and commission rewards for the maintenance and services of the bank. Non-profit is mostly income from currency operations or received from the equity participation of various legal entities.

What operations do the bank?

Another question that directly affects the activities of any bank is to hold them a different kind of financial operations. What kind of operations are held in the bank?

First, it is of course the attraction of cash that go into deposits and deposits. By the way, not only cash, but also precious metals are attracted to deposits and deposits. Opening an account on any person physical or legal. Almost all banks are engaged in buying and selling foreign currency. One of the popular offers of banks is the rental of premises or safes (cells) for storing personal valuables, papers, etc. Well, of course, this is the provision of consulting and various information services to both individual citizens and companies.

True, all those who want to become an employee of the bank should not forget that there is such a concept as a bank secrecy.

Banking mystery - legal principle in the legislation of the states of the world, in accordance with which banks and other credit organizations protect information on deposits and accounts of their customers and correspondents, banking operations on accounts and transactions in the interests of the client, as well as customer information, the disclosure of which can disrupt the recent Privacy.

Bank professions:

Banking professions or specialties, quite a lot. This is understandable, because, the structure of the banking is now so developed that, as in ancient times, one changes or trapezites can no longer do.

All specialties are quite difficult to consider, let's talk about the most significant or in demand.

One of the common professions is specialist. With this employee we are constantly faced when we go to the bank. The specialist works with our cash, conducts financial transactions, issues or exchange plastic cards.

There is still such a specialty as cashier-operating system and currency cashier. They are engaged in the reception and recalculation of cash, work with cash documents, as well as active attracting customers.

If you need to get a loan, then you go to the credit consultant. This specialist should be well able to deal with all the conditions of credit products of the bank, analyze the financial capabilities of the borrower.

Also in banks work analystsThese are calculated by the bank's assets, follow the status of shares, make reports to the tax authorities. To invest, this specialist checks the company's condition in which the bank will invest its funds.

Without economist, the bank is also not to do. He monitors the state of the bank's assets, issuing a salary to employees, as well as the cost of funds for the company itself.

Manager-consultant to the bank branch. This specialist is engaged in attracting and advising the Bank's customers on various financial issues related to deposits, loans. The manager must fulfill a specific sales plan.

One of the main specialties in the bank - manager operating office. This specialist is already a leader. He carries out the overall management of its division.

Who can become a bank employee?

This question can be answered unequivocally. This is a person who has an analytical warehouse of the mind, loving "dig" in numbers. In general, it is essentially mathematician, economist. A bank employee should have a good memory, he must be able to finish everything. You will say: "So it is necessary in any profession."

Yes, this is certainly so, but in the financial sphere, quality data is needed more than ever. After all, here the person deals with money, and with very large. Imagine how it is unpleasant to us if we lose our little money, and if the financier is calculated, it is calculated in a much big scale

Of course, the payment of the work of the banking worker is high, which is an undoubted plus of this profession. But for this, too, you need to work hard. Do not think that if you just came to this sphere, you immediately get big money. It is strong here therefore competition. Therefore, people who seek to make a career in banking, never stop on a diploma of some kind of specialty, and try to get even one even one.

So we came to where the banking specialists are preparing.

Where are the banking?

So, what to do banking, you need to get an education in such specialties as the economy, banking, finance and credit. In the future, students can choose a specific direction of activity or financial and credit, or accounting and operating room.

Universities preparing future financiers a lot. These are specialized educational institutions and faculties with various institutes and universities. However, there are only a few large state universities in which it is best to act if you decide to master bank specialties:

- Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU)
- Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Foreign Ministry (MGIMO),
- Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation,
- Higher School of Economics (HSE) and the Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanova (Rea)

If you decide to devote yourself to a banking, and you are not afraid of the volume of numbers, papers, then boldly act on any financial department and your dream to become a banker will be.

Today there is a very fashionable and prestigious specialty - banking. What is this profession? Let's try to figure out the up-to-date question.

Description of the profession

The meaning of the word has Italian roots. "Banker" from the word Banco - "table", respectively, banker is a person who works at the table. But today it is a multifaceted specialist, it is distinguished by a tendency to forecasting. He also has an analytical warehouse of the mind.

Currently, specialists in banking are incredibly in demand. Therefore, they are relatively easy to find it. They are waiting for investment organizations, financial institutions, credit institutions, stock exchanges, insurance companies, etc.

Work in the bank depends on what position the employee occupies. For example, a financial institution specialist will be engaged in consulting customers, analyze indicators, predict, etc.

Many large banks in their structure can have up to 10 divisions that have certain functions. The key directions are:

  • lending;
  • investment activities;
  • treasury Department.

Having finished training in the specialty "banking", you get a complex of knowledge in the field of financial treatment, standard operations, economic forecast, accounting. The obligatory program also includes the study of the essence and functioning of credit operations, etc.

Who is ready to become a banking specialist

A specialist of banking can be people with good mathematical abilities and analytical warehouse of the mind. A person engaged in this case can decompose everything on the shelves, then analyze and systematize the information received. It is necessary to be concentrated all the time and pay a lot of attention to details. Of course, economic disciplines must love a person who knows the banking. What is this profession without interest in the economy? In addition, the banker usually has a good memory and has the desire to bring all the end.

Also, a person who gets ready to become a banking specialist must be a professional and have healthy ambitions. Often, these qualities are the main trump card when taking a job. The purposefulness is also greatly welcome, because every day difficulties will occur. The employee must be able to overcome them and want to go further.

When a young specialist take to work, almost always he passes a small course of study. Therefore, it is necessary to be trained, strive for new knowledge. Some banks, by the way, after training, spend an exam and only after that decide, to take or not take a specialist in the bank.

Career growth

The starting platform for successful professional growth is the highest profile

Bank career most often begins with such posts as:

  • employee of the client service;
  • assistant accountant;
  • doctor producer, etc.

As a rule, at a novice specialist is low at the same time it is possible to go up the career ladder. But for this you need to apply certain efforts. To become a middle manager manager, you may need only one year. If an employee has certain abilities and desires, he may receive the position of head of the branch, Deputy Head, Director of the Bank.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state