
Turnovers at the checkout do not match. In what cases the documents do not match the turnovers in the cash book. How to fix this error in cash book

The very form of the cash book No. KO-4 is given in the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 18.08.98 No. 88.

Such an error as “Turnovers according to documents do not match” can be seen in the KO-4 cash book in almost all versions of the 1C program - 7.7, 8.3, 8.2. In the article we will tell you why the problem arises and how to solve it using the example of 1C Accounting 3.0

When the documents do not match the turnover in the cash book

The reason is that the cash book in the 1C program is built on the basis of Documents - incoming and outgoing cash orders. But at the time of generating the report, the program checks the information from the documents with the data accounting entries. In some cases, there may be discrepancies between these data.

To check this and fix it, in 1C Accounting 3.0 you need to find the documents for that day in the cash book and check the postings on them. To do this, just double-click on the document of interest in the list.

The document shows that his postings were adjusted manually. Press the "Dt Kt" button to get into the postings.

The example shows that in the document the amount of payments is 500 euros, and in the transactions we had manual adjustments and the amount became 1000. If we uncheck the "Manual adjustment" checkbox, then the transactions will return to the standard ones and the program will stop issuing this message.

If there are no adjustments, most often the problem is duplication of transactions. Check the following:

When withdrawing money from the bank in programs based on 1C 8, you should not make the document “Debit from the current account”, it is enough to make a credit cash warrant. He immediately makes the wiring 50.01 - 51. This is one of the differences between 7.7 and 8.3.

Not issued by RKO on the payroll.

Some documents, except for RKO and PKO, may fall into circulation on account 50.01.

What documents are filed in the cash book

The following are included in the cash book: cash documents: cash book slip sheet, cashier's report, incoming cash order and outgoing cash order.

In practice, filing is done in order - according to the numbers of the PKO, RKO, corresponding to the cash book.

For example, you have 2 PKOs and 3 RKOs in one day. Attach them to the cash book for the day - here you have a set of documents, also for the next day. Fold on top of each other, hem as you fill, but at least once a year. The second copy of the cash book - the cashier's report can be filed separately - from the bottom up.

Now I will show how to find the cause of a common error in the cash book 1C: Accounting, namely the error " Turnovers on documents and transactions do not match". This error is common, but it is very easy to fix. Let's first see what this error means in the 1C cash book.

The reason for the error "Turnovers for documents and transactions do not match"

Actually, Cash Book 1C has at least two reasons why this error is generated. One of them is not very common and I will point to it later. Now let's look at the most common reason.

Generally speaking, 1C often produces such errors that it is far from always possible to determine from their text what exactly the program asks to fix. Especially often such difficulties are encountered by beginners who do not have any significant experience in accounting in the 1C program. There are many similar "muddy" errors at the end of the month. But the cash book error indicated in the title is not at all complex.

As can be seen from the text of the error, 1C does not like the fact that the amounts of turnover for the postings of the accounting register and the posted documents differ. The difference can be a million rubles or just one penny - there is no difference. Since we are talking about a cash book, then "documents" means receipts and expenditure cash orders. As for postings, all postings on account 50 are taken into account here, which can be not only in the PKO and RKO, which many people forget or do not know at all. Also, do not forget that the cash book, when displaying an error, also indicates the date on which the mismatch between transactions and documents was revealed.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that 1C analyzes the presence of postings on account 50 and looks for PKO and RKO corresponding to these postings. And if, for example, there are postings, but there is no document, then an error is generated about the mismatch of revolutions. It is also possible that both the transaction and the document exist, but the amounts in them do not match. The cash book begins to swear, and the user safely surfs the Internet ...

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All this - the most common reason errors in the formation of the cash book. However, there is also a second reason. An error similar in text is shown if 1C detects that on some days the amount of the cash balance was less than zero. The situation is, frankly, unlikely. However, given that 1C Accounting admits conducting expense transactions, as a result of which the cash balance may become negative, such a possibility should not be ruled out.

The given second reason for issuing an error by the cash book is not found in all versions of 1C. You can easily check if this is in your version - create a cash register with an amount exceeding the cash balance, and then generate a cash book. If 1C does not swear, then it does not react to it.


How to fix this error in cash book

I won’t comment on the negative cash balance here, because everything is clear here. Let's take a look at reason number 1.

To correct the error of turnover mismatch, you need to find all the documents with entries on the 50th account on the date indicated by the cash book and see if these postings correspond to PKO / RKO; also check that the amounts in the transactions and the AFC / CRS are correct and match. If an error occurs for several dates, then check all.

I'll give you an example. Let's say you have completed a Retail Sales Report. By itself, this document ALREADY contains a posting to account 50. Thus, if you post a Retail Sales Report, but do not create a cash receipt order corresponding to it, then there will be cash register posting, but there will be no document (i.e. PKO)! In this case turns for wiring and documents just do not match the amount available in the "Report ..." postings on account 50. Here is the cash book and will report this.

How to avoid accounting errors

It is worthwhile to carefully monitor that each posting at the checkout corresponds to the PKO / RKO. There is nothing complicated here.

By the way, I gave above one example of an operation in which an error occurs in the cash book "Turnovers for documents and transactions do not match." There are also other cases are not so obvious. So don't lose your vigilance!

Consideration of cash book errors is included in the curriculum of the 1C course, which you can find on the website.

How to eliminate the error "Turnovers for documents and transactions for - do not match" in the program 1C 8.3?

Such an error as "Turnover on documents and postings for - do not match" can be seen in the cash book KO-4 in almost all versions of the 1C program - 7.7, 8.3, 8.2. The article explains why the problem arises and how it will be solved using the example of 1C Accounting 3.0.

The reason is that the cash book in the 1C program is built on the basis of Documents - incoming and outgoing cash orders. But at the time of generating the report, the program checks the information from the documents with the data of the accounting entries. In some cases, there may be discrepancies between these data.

To check this and fix it, in 1C Accounting 3.0 you need to find the documents for that day in the cash book and check the transactions on them. To do this, just double-click on the document of interest in the list:

The document shows that his postings were adjusted manually. Press the "Dt Kt" button to get into the postings:

This example clearly shows that in the document the amount of payments is 500 euros, and in the transactions we had manual adjustments and the amount became 1000. If we uncheck the “Manual adjustment” checkbox, the transactions will return to the standard ones and the program will stop issuing this message.

If there are no adjustments, most often the problem is duplication of transactions. Check the following:

  1. When withdrawing money from the bank in programs based on 1C 8, you should not make the document “Debit from the current account”, it is enough to make an incoming cash order. He immediately makes the wiring 50.01 - 51. This is one of the differences between 7.7 and 8.3.
  2. Not issued by RKO on the payroll.
  3. Some documents, except for RKO and PKO, may fall into circulation on account 50.01. A striking example is the document " Accounting operation' or 'Retail Sales Report'. This is easy to check by opening OSV on account 50.

Source: programmer1s.ru

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