
How to plan a suburban area of ​​8 acres. Examples of rational planning of a summer cottage and a personal plot. How to choose sculptures and furniture

Imagine that you are the owner of a plot of 8 acres. Of course, you want to make it your dream come true. You have a lot of ideas in your head, but you yourself cannot implement them.

There is nothing wrong with that, because for this there are specialists who will help you turn your ideas into reality. They will create a landscape design taking into account how the plants are located on your site and next to it, and also take into account the features of the relief.


A suburban area of ​​eight acres provides a huge scope for your fantasies. On such a site, you can place everything that is necessary for your family. For grandmother - beds, for mother - a beautiful gazebo, for children - a playground.

Landscaping your suburban area can even decorate an artificial pond. After all, many people want to fish without leaving the yard after hard working days. It should be borne in mind that the pond must be placed below all other objects... Also, do not forget about childhood dreams. After all, every child living in the city wants to run freely, play a variety of games in the fresh air.


However, eight acres is not so much. Therefore, the planning of your site is one of the main tasks. First, you need to place all the plots you need on a large enough area. Secondly, to combine everything into a scheme, the plan of which must be very well thought out.

Thirdly, take into account the sanitary standards. Country toilets and cesspools should be located at least 12 meters from the residential building in order to comply with infectious safety.

Bushes and trees should be no closer than one meter to the boundaries of your property. On the territory of the plot, the main building is a house. There should also be a household block so that the garden supplies are in your hand, but do not interfere with you in the house.

Place your car in a location that does not turn your lounge area into a garage.... And of course, what kind of owner does not want to have a bathhouse on his site, where you can take a steam bath and relax with pleasure. When installing a bath, you should take into account the features of the relief and do not forget about the safety rules.


The most important role in the arrangement land plot zoning plays, because if you correctly distribute the zones, it will be easier for you to decide on the landscaping of your site.

If you do not know how to divide your site into zones, then here are some examples:

  • Visual zoning... This is a division of space without the use of unnecessary details. For example, a terrace for relaxation and a playground for children can be connected to the house, while covering them with a light tarpaulin or plastic covering. The zones are separated from each other only visually.
  • Tracks... The second option for zoning a land plot is the design of neat paths. The paths will also help to divide the area into zones. They can be different, for example, from paving slabs, which will be not only comfortable, but also durable. There are also paths made of stone - a material that is the most durable, and also looks beautiful on any site.

Popular gravel paths that can be laid out even in the form of a river flowing through your site. You can also make a walkway from natural materials, such as wood cuts. This solution is good because this material is environmentally friendly. In addition, walking along such a path, you will feel as if you are on a forest walk.

  • Hedge... Regardless of whether your flower beds are square or round, you can divide them with a hedge. By planting plants that weave, you will not only decorate your site, but also protect it from drafts, curious glances from neighbors, and also make a shade in which you can hide in the heat.

Plants such as wild ivy, grapes, clematis and climbing roses are used to create hedges. Roses and clematis will be fragrant and delight you with their buds for the whole summer. As for the grapes, its ripe, aromatic bunches can be turned into wine or served in the fall.

  • Fence... There may also be a fence on the site. It can be made of wood, metal or concrete. Also, fences are made of vines and corrugated board.
    • Wooden fences are now very popular and in demand. After all, wood is not only inexpensive, but also an environmentally friendly material. In addition, a fence from it can be made of different shapes.
    • A distinctive feature of metal fences is durability. The metal will not only stand for a long time, but will also delight you and your neighbors with its original forging.
    • Concrete fences will close the area from prying eyes and make it mysterious.
    • Vine fences will decorate the site in a rustic style. Talented owners can weave it with their own hands from scrap materials.


Decor plays an important role in the design of the suburban area. After all, with its help you can show all your imagination and bring it to life:

  • Flowers... For example, in a recreation area, you can arrange an artificial garden using vases with curly flowers. Luxurious begonias, violets, pansies, which can be placed on the sides of the veranda or hung in your woven baskets, will look great.

  • Garden sculptures... Garden sculptures are one of the decoration elements of the site. They can be placed both in the garden and near the house. They will look great in your beds, complementing them and serving as a scarecrow for various pests.

Garden sculptures can be bought in shops. But the real pleasure is to make them yourself. Especially if the whole family is involved. Beautiful figures of real animals, birds and insects will emerge from the plaster: hedgehogs, dogs, seals, pigs, storks, butterflies, frogs and other representatives of the animal world.

In the garden, you can put families of honey agarics or bright fly agarics. Even water barrels will serve as an excellent decor if you paint them with patterns.

  • Flower beds... In the summer, you will be delighted with the palette of colors in your flower beds. They can be made rectangular, round, in the shape of a heart, words, a silhouette of an animal or a bird, etc. Flowers are planted so that they replace each other: from early primroses like primroses, snowdrops, hyacinths to late chrysanthemums.

  • Pergola... Not all owners use a pergola on their sites. However, it is not only a beautiful decor, but also a functional exterior detail. The pergola will support climbing plants, and also protect from the scorching rays of the sun.

Beautiful examples

The landscape design of a plot of eight acres can be different. One has only to express your thoughts to the designer, and he will turn your fantasies into reality. Here are some beautiful examples.


If you want to take a break from the urban atmosphere in the countryside, then this option will be the best for you. The centerpiece of this plot is a rustic house. Small windows with low walls and a thatched roof give it an old-fashioned feel. The house is surrounded by bright flowers. There are not only stunted, but also climbing plants.

Fruit trees can be planted near the house. They will delight you at different times of the year: in spring - with their flowering, in summer and autumn - with a rich harvest. And jasmine, stretching out the branches through the window, will wake you up in the morning with its fragrance. In the center of the site, you can place a wooden table and a bench... All this looks beautiful surrounded by colorful flower beds filled with gladioli, ferns, bells.

Comfortable Vacation home will not become an ideal home if you do not properly equip the site on which it is built. In this article, we will tell you how to create a competent landscape design of a plot of 8 acres.

8 acres is not a very large area. But many elements need to be placed on it in order for home ownership to meet modern standards of suburban housing. Therefore, it is so important to think over and plan everything correctly.

Features of the site

A plot of this size can easily accommodate several additional buildings, a spacious recreation area, a garden and everything you need for a full-fledged suburban residence. But much depends on the characteristics of the site. So, if it is of an irregular shape or with a strong bias, its design may be associated with certain difficulties. However, for a qualified designer, this task is quite feasible.

Standards for placing objects on the site

Structures and fences must be located based on certain rules and regulations. The recommended distances between certain elements must be respected:

    From fence to residential building a distance of at least 3 meters must be maintained.

    Non-residential buildings can be located at a distance of 1 meter from the fence.

    If you plan to build on the site bath, it should be located at least 8 meters from the house.

    Summer toilet can be built no closer than 12 meters from the house.

    Compost pit should be located at a distance of 8 meters from the house, and 20 from the water well.

    Between stone buildings for any purpose, a distance of 6 meters should be maintained.

    Between wooden buildings must be at least 15 meters.

List of required objects

The landscape design of the site is created on the basis of the project, which is drawn up taking into account what objects the owners are going to place on their territory. In addition to the house on the site, you can arrange:

    recreation area;


  • well;

  • other household buildings.

Homeowners decide what to include in the list of properties. The number of square meters allocated for a particular zone. Some residents country houses they prefer to have a spacious recreation area on the site and refuse a vegetable garden and a garden. Others leave a maximum of space for the garden. For the third, it is more interesting to fill all the free space with garden trees. The layout of a plot of 8 acres, a variant diagram of which is presented below, includes the most common set of objects.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies that carry out Full construction. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

House location

The main object on the site is a residential building. For him, you need to determine the place first. Provided that the site does not have features that affect the layout, the house is located taking into account the standards, landscape design rules and the wishes of the homeowners.

The size of the house is also an important factor. The building spot of a residential building should occupy approximately 10% of the area of ​​the entire site. Accordingly, the layout of a plot of 8 acres will be the most rational with a house measuring 8 by 10 or 9 by 9 square meters. In this case, the house can be attic, two-story, with a basement, with an attached garage.

Landing at home can be front, deep or center. In the first version, the house is erected as close as possible to the fence separating the house from the roadway. The territory of the site remains behind the house, which becomes the backyard.

Central planting involves the location of the house in the center of the site. This leaves space for the front and back yard.

When deep planting is applied, the house is positioned against the rear fence and the entire yard is spread out in front of it.

The type of location of the house is determined taking into account such factors as:

    orientation to the cardinal points;

    planning of neighboring plots;

    the shape of the site;

    the composition of buildings that will be erected on the site;

    design solution for the design of the site.

When choosing a place for the location of the cottage, you need to remember that it should be no closer than 5 meters from the border of the plot with the street and 3 meters from the border with the neighboring plot.

Bath location

The bathhouse should be 5 meters away from any border of the site and 8 meters from the house. With a central location of a residential building, it can be problematic to find a place for a bath that will meet all the standards. But with the front or rear landing of the house, the layout of a suburban area of ​​8 acres may well accommodate not only a fairly spacious bath, but also other additional buildings.

Place for communications

When designing a communication scheme, the first step is to determine the location for the well. To do this correctly, you must adhere to important rules:

    On the relief section, the well must be drilled in highest point... Otherwise, it will be constantly flooded with melt and rainwater.

    If the site has big trees, from which the owners do not want to get rid of, the well must be located as far away from them as possible. Tree roots and falling foliage can harm her.

    The well must be located at a distance at least 5 meters from the house... There should be no buildings for keeping animals next to it. The septic tank should be 25 meters away.

    When choosing a place for a well, you need to remember that for its drilling and subsequent maintenance, dimensional equipment is needed, which requires free space Location on.

For a septic tank, it is recommended to choose a place as far as possible from the well. At least 2 meters must separate it from the border with the neighboring area. It is necessary to provide access to the septic tank for sewage equipment. It is important to take into account that the maximum distance must be maintained not only between the septic tank and the well, but also between the lines of water and sewer pipes.

Garage location

The garage can be detached or attached to the house. When developing the layout of a plot of 8 acres with a house standing next to the entrance, it makes sense to build an attached garage. If the house has a deep planting, it is better to build a detached garage in front of the site, as close to the entrance as possible. Otherwise, it will be necessary to equip the entrance to the garage across the entire plot, and there will be no room for other objects.

Often, instead of a garage, it is planned to simply parking space... It is equipped with a canopy and can be designed for 2 or 3 cars. The parking lot is located next to the check-in gate.

Rest zone

Next, a place for a recreation area is determined. It is usually placed in the middle of the front or back yard, depending on the type of planting of the house. But sometimes the owners prefer to install objects of the recreation area near a high fence.

The recreation area may include the following objects:

    gazebo (or terrace),

    barbecue area;

  • playground;

    elements of landscape decoration.

As a decoration, you can use a large flower bed, a sculptural composition or, for example, an alpine slide. However, such elements take up a lot of space on the site. Therefore, it is better to design the landscape design of 8 acres with the help of smaller parts. For example, original street lights, small garden figures, stylish paths, etc.

The gazebo can become a multifunctional object containing a summer kitchen and a compact banquet hall for receiving guests.

For barbecue lovers, there are many options for special garden equipment. All of this can be installed simply on the ground, on a paved area or on a freestanding terrace.

The pool not only increases the level of comfort of spending time in home ownership, but also serves as a real decoration of the site.

The design of the playground is carried out with the help of all kinds of sandboxes, slides, houses, benches, etc. It should be placed so that the children playing on the playground can be watched from the windows of the house or from the recreation area intended for adults. The design of a plot of 8 acres with a house will perfectly complement a compact children's complex of several elements.


For the garden and vegetable garden, in most cases, land is allocated along the fences. This takes into account the need of plants for sunlight. So, if it is possible to allocate only a place in the shade of the house for a garden, then barren plants are grown in it, which can do with a small amount of light.

The efficiency of the vegetable garden is now often improved by modern greenhouses. To make it more convenient to grow vegetables and herbs, you need to bring water to the garden.

Landscape decor

The landscape design of the site will not be complete if it is not supplemented with decorative and functional elements, such as paths, hedges, street lighting, garden figures.

Beautiful paths can make the design of the site very attractive. They connect all zones to each other. adjoining territory, combine them into a single composition.

Hedges look very impressive. Their advantage is that they are functional, aesthetic and take up a minimum of space. But at the same time, they require constant care.

Lanterns and lamps at night provide the area with illumination, and during the day they simply serve as design elements. They can be very stylish and original.

Modern landscape design involves the use of beautiful garden figures that often look like real works of art.

Video description

Garden figures to decorate the site


The arrangement of a suburban area of ​​8 acres requires a serious approach. If all the space is used competently and rationally, the site will accommodate everything that is needed for a full-fledged suburban life, and at the same time it will have an excellent appearance.

Planning your summer cottage is very interesting, because you can come up with a bunch of all sorts of interesting solutions.

In order to beautifully and efficiently ennoble the territory, you need to have some knowledge.

Our article will help you complete the basic work step by step and decorate your site.

Where to begin?

Before starting work, you need to draw up a plan. Reflect your site on it, sketch its shape, display all buildings and be sure to take into account the terrain, streams can flow in such areas.

Consider also the location of your territory, in the lowland or on the hill is your house. If the cottage is built under the mountain and streams fall on the site, then its arrangement will take a lot of time and effort.

The planning of the territory implies its division into zones, this is a residential area, a recreation area, a vegetable garden and outbuildings. For each building, you need to allocate a specific place and set the area.

The living area, that is, your house, should take about 25% of the space of the entire territory, a toilet, a bathhouse and a barn should fit into 15-17% of the area.

The largest place on the site, as always, is reserved for the garden and vegetable garden, which means that you can plant and grow berries, fruit trees, favorite flowers, build an artificial reservoir, build a gazebo, in general, make the territory beautiful and ennobled.

The first thing that is built on the site is, of course, a house. Everyone builds it in a different place, someone is in the center, someone likes the house to occupy the first line, right after the gate.

A gazebo or a terrace is erected not far from the house, closer to the garden, in order to enjoy the fresh air and the scent of trees while relaxing. The playground is also placed closer to the gazebo, it can be at its level or behind it.

Toilet, bath and shed should take place closer to the fence. In this case, they will remain invisible on the site and will not take up space.

There is no single type of landscaping for a summer cottage, since everyone's territories are different both in size and shape. The standard parcel type is a square or rectangle.

On their territory, summer residents are very fond of creating rockeries from stones, plants and a reservoir.

Site planning is a creative and interesting process, but in order to make the cottage cozy and beautiful, it will not be superfluous to look at some of the work of landscape designers.

Draw a diagram

After you have decided on the place of buildings on the territory, mark them on paper and sketch. So, you will visually facilitate your work, and you will surely imagine what to place where, namely:

  • Where will the house stand, which side of the plot will be the entrance.
  • A place for outbuildings.
  • Where will you put the gazebo and playground.
  • The direction of the tracks.
  • Place for flower beds and a pond.
  • Communications.

Strictly observing the sequence of buildings, the main place on the site belongs to the house, then we build a garage, sheds, a bathhouse and a toilet.

Finally, we choose a place for a gazebo, barbecue area, summer shower, etc. The garden and vegetable garden have enough space, depending on what you plan to plant there.

Site planning according to size

Depending on how many acres the summer cottage occupies and the location of the buildings should be designed.

If the plot is not more than 6 acres, then with competent zoning of the territory, you can build everything you need. A house on such a plot will turn out to be no more than 20-25 sq. m., parking - about 7 sq. m., vegetable garden - no more than 100 sq. m.

If your plot is large, from 12 to 15 acres, then this is conducive to a serious project on which you will have to work hard.

According to the standard plan, it will be possible to build everything here, and even objects of large area, for example, a house here will be simply huge, with a summer terrace and a spacious parking lot.

When developing a plan for building your site on your own, take into account all the nuances with regards to the construction and placement of summer cottages. Use a clear work plan and follow the advice of experienced craftsmen.

Photo of a successful layout of the suburban area

When we have at our disposal even a small amount of land, we immediately try to implement the existing ideas to the maximum. And use the beds to achieve results. Only an understanding of all factors, including natural ones, will make it possible to turn the existing land into a cozy corner where the whole family can relax. And where landscaping is a real pleasure.

What do the professionals advise? What principles to use?

Shrubs will help hide unpleasant moments and elements that distract from the rest, or greatly interfere with it.

There should be several objects on the dacha territory, regardless of the area, 6 acres is no exception:

  1. Part with a gardening purpose.
  2. The corner where the rest takes place.
  3. A utility block, which often includes a well and a kitchen, a garage and a cellar.
  4. Residential buildings.

There is nothing difficult in drawing up drawings. The scale unit is 1 centimeter. In reality, it corresponds to 5 meters. When buying plots, a package of documentation is drawn up. One of the important items on this list is separate act issued to the ground. This act provides data on the proportions of the site. They are transferred to the created schema plans.

Next step - selection of suitable dimensions, what photos of plots, country houses help to understand. And where exactly they will be located. The following information helps to solve the problem correctly:

  • The street is taken as a conditional red line. Any buildings should be at a distance at least 5 meters from it.
  • The house should be at least three meters away.
  • Depending on the type of buildings, the distance is chosen, which is maintained between residential buildings along the street.
  • Household objects and neighboring plots must be separated at least 1 meter.
  • It is not necessary to do so that the windows in the house rest against the utility block on the neighbors' plot. V this case minimum distance is equal to 6 meters.
  • If the building is used for keeping animals, then it must be located at least 15 meters from residential buildings.

If the territory allows you to move the house to the side without violating the established standards, it is recommended to do so.

Design and layout: examples of schemes and solutions

Here is a great example of a plot where there is not only a house, but also a two-car garage. We place the bathhouse, the recreation area, including c, in the upper right corner. A small garden with a round shape will frame the bottom. It will not disturb the overall composition. In the same part, it is permissible to plant ornamental trees, as the photos of summer cottages show, this is more than appropriate.

The parade area with a flower garden goes from the side of the main entrance. In the same part there is a landing. Fruit trees are placed at the top left. On the back side of the house, we are building a platform where an umbrella is put together in the summer with.

Another scheme. This time the section is pulled up. The house is on the left, in the foreground. In front of it we have a platform where decorative landscaping and a lawn are located. It leads to the outbuildings and the garden itself, decorated with modern finishing materials. Growing shrubs is permissible between buildings, and raspberries with blackberries are planted on the left.

Geometric style - good layout options for summer cottages. Certain forms are formed by all buildings.

The closer the recreation area is to the house, the better. For a do-it-yourself fence, you can use the plants themselves. Or decorative varieties.

In general, the layout of plots with different areas is not much different.

This diagram shows how the requirements of SNiP must be observed. Landscaping projects allow you to fulfill all the requirements.

This design project will help you figure out which arrangement of buildings will be better depending on the influence of light.

Even a small area can be arranged so that absolutely all the elements fit.

Diagonals and smoothly curved lines are actively used - this allows you to visually expand the space.

Trees can become not only decorative element, they serve as a fence. This significantly saves space, plus provides additional protection for the site.

It is not necessary to elaborate the place for each culture in such detail. But it helps to immediately understand the purpose of each plant. And choose the best place.

Learning the basics of botany becomes a must, regardless of the area. Before designing, you should clearly familiarize yourself with the requirements of all crops of interest to you.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is recommended to contact a specialist to draw up a rough plan. But their services can be quite expensive. The approximate price of the simplest plan is 3-4 thousand rubles. There are also more expensive offers, depending on the characteristics of the site itself and the complexity of the landscape.

An area of ​​8 acres or more allows you to turn around when arranging. But the principles remain the same.

Taking into account the movement of the sun also helps to choose the place that is considered the most optimal. It doesn't matter what type of building we are talking about.

Practical approach in everything

The most important rule: straight and regular lines of the paths should not cut the area, if it is small. That is, it is better to forget about straight paths on a plot of 6 acres or less.

There are additional tips:

  • 6 acres - the area is small. Any part of it will be clearly visible. The main task is to soften the protective contours. For this they are used. Application is acceptable.
  • If the above solutions do not suit you, you can create and. But for him, use a neutral shade, in a light tone. Or the texture will be combined, using several different materials. It is important that the fence is not monotonous. Otherwise, the visual space will not expand.
  • Several, entwined with vines, also create the desired effect. They seem to slow down the gaze of the one who is watching the site.
  • Row landings are recommended to be completely excluded. Optimal solution - chaotic tree planting when they are scattered throughout the area.
  • Free territory given for arrangement contributes to the expansion of space. This zone can become a kind of center of the site if you sow it with grass and frame it with ornamental plants.
  • The beds are best done in free-form, moon-shaped or spiral-shaped... This form is not only beautiful, the solution is also practical. Especially when there is little space.

Ideas in the design of individual elements

Beautiful fit in any area, even with small sizes. However, keep in mind that such a structure will become the central decorative element of the site.

It is not necessary to give them space on the side, the element is often placed in the center, as shown in the example in the photo above.

Regular style is ideal for square or rectangular areas. Trees are placed along the boundaries of the plot. The main thing is to retreat from the neighbors by at least 3-4 meters. Plants that are undemanding to care can be planted between trees so that not a single piece of free space is wasted.

A natural or landscape look is often given to the other half at such sites. For example, it is used for arranging recreation areas. It is recommended to put the house, and leave some free space in front of it.

Thuja and are the best choice for owners of a modest area. Don't make your garden a collector's dream. In any case, there is not enough space to fit all cultures at once.

In small summer cottages, it is easy to equip the so-called mini-vegetable gardens. They can be organized in a two-tiered form, in the form of a staircase or cascade... Even from such structures, very decent yields are harvested.

As you can see, even small spaces can be arranged so that the whole family can enjoy their vacation. If you approach the issues of organizing a garden plot correctly, then even derelict land will become a paradise. It is important not to forget about regular grooming. It is required by all types of plants, edible and decorative. They need fertilizers of organic and mineral origin. Separate checks are carried out for the presence of pests. The soil requires processing once or twice a week.

The FORUMHOUSE video channel invites you to get acquainted with the opinion of experts on the first steps in the difficult task of planning your own site.

Any landowner wants to quickly put his own territory in order - to erect all the necessary buildings, uproot interfering shrubs, plant the necessary fruit and berry crops, and break the beds. But the layout of the suburban area must be thought out. Any flaws in this matter can turn into significant inconveniences in the future.

Drawing up a plan diagram

Do not forget to indicate the cardinal points - in the case of a garden plot, this factor will be important.

After all, the choice of the location of buildings and landings in to a greater extent depends on the degree of illumination of a particular place. If, not only in your territory, but also in the neighboring area, there are trees or any structures that can give shade, you should also designate them.

To obtain a large-scale image, you can use a sheet of notebook paper in a cage. A scale of 1: 100 is most convenient. In this case, 2 cells (1 cm) will equal 10 m of territory. For clarity, it is better to use colored pencils.

List the zones you want that you would like to see on your territory: a recreation area (gazebo or shed), flower beds, a pool or an artificial pond, irrigation tanks, a septic tank, etc. Determine the places that you would like to highlight or, on the contrary, hide.

On the layout diagram of the suburban area, it is necessary to indicate not only the location of all zones and buildings, but also the sources of water, and when laying the water supply, the place of its passage. Sewer pits, septic tanks, compost heaps are placed as far as possible from wells and wells. In this case, you should retreat 2 m from the fence.

For convenience, the most large elements pattern can be cut out of paper. They can be moved according to the scheme, trying to find the most optimal place for placement. For example, several small squares can represent buildings, circles - trees, shrubs, curvilinear figures - alpine hills, flower beds.

Naturally, there are no strict rules in the zoning of garden areas. Most summer residents allocate about 2/3 of the territory for planting.

When drawing up a plan, keep in mind that according to SNiP, on garden plots of 6-12 acres for all types of buildings, you have the right to borrow no more than 25-30%.

In this case, it is necessary to take not only the area of ​​a residential building (no more than 10% is allocated to it), but also household buildings, as well as covered areas, paths. For example, when planning a summer cottage of 6 acres for buildings, you can allocate 1.8 acres.

Even in a small area, it is worthwhile to provide separate recreation areas, a playground and landing. In order for them all to look like a single whole, use uniform forms designs. You can visually connect the zones with the help of bridges, lighting, decorative figures, green spaces, made in the same color scheme.

Choosing a place for buildings

Planning a suburban area (photo) begins with the placement of a residential building:

  • if the carriageway is located close, it makes sense to move to the opposite side, the courtyard located between it and the road will become a natural protection from noise and dust; if the roadway is far away, the dwelling house is located at the very fence - the delivery of building materials, furniture and products in this case will be facilitated
  • on areas of a rectangular shape, buildings are always located on its short part; this will help to more compactly arrange the rest of the zones and visually increase the space
  • place a dwelling house and other buildings only on the north side; otherwise, the shadow from them will cover the green spaces; it will be impossible to grow a good harvest in such conditions
  • do not ignore the direction of the prevailing winds; buildings are best positioned in such a way that they partially cover the landings from its gusts
  • windows should be positioned so that they have a minimum wind load; try to place them on the west or east side, when going to the south side in the heat, the building will overheat too much, in winter the north winds will chill it
  • naturally, it is necessary to think over the convenience of the entrance to the house; otherwise loading and unloading will one day become a serious problem

When planning a summer cottage, keep in mind that you have the right to build a house only at a distance of 3 m to the border of a neighboring plot and 8 m if there is a residential building in the neighborhood.


The outbuildings are not very aesthetically pleasing, so it is better to remove them deep into the yard or behind the house. In small areas, they are masked with trees or shrubs. Climbing plants can be used for these purposes. A garage or parking space takes up a lot of space, so they are placed at the very entrance.

For the convenience of laying sewer and water supply lines, it is better to place a bath or sauna next to the house. In this case, it will be necessary to retreat 8 m from neighboring buildings.

The distance from any outbuildings, except for the barn and the poultry house, to the neighboring fence should be 1 m... The premises for animals will need to be moved 4 m away.In addition to sanitary standards, it is necessary to take into account the requirements fire safety... So, when erecting buildings from non-combustible bricks, concrete blocks, a distance of 10 m is maintained between neighboring buildings. Wooden buildings are located 15 m from each other.

For planning a summer cottage and drawing up diagrams (see photo), you can use special programs for example the free Garden Planner.

The larger the territory, the more area you can afford to construct recreational areas. The place for them is chosen in the most convenient and comfortable place.

If you like to soak up the sun, equip a place for sun loungers near the water in the sunniest area. Install an outdoor shower away from prying eyes. A terrace or gazebo is placed near large trees, in a place protected from strong winds. Consider several layouts at once to choose the best one.

It is better to decorate semi-covered areas under awnings with climbing plants - in the heat they will not only protect from the rays of the sun, but also saturate the air with moisture.

Decorate the recreation area with various decorative structures: fountains, sculptures, artificial reservoirs, wooden bridges, plant greenery with decorative plants.

When planning a summer cottage, be sure to consider street lighting not only in the residential area, at the entrance, but also in the recreation area.

Try to arrange the lamps in such a way that there are as few shaded corners as possible, but at the same time the light does not cut your eyes, and you still have a feeling of complete unity with nature. For this, you can use not only lights or LED strips, but also spot lighting. Lamps can be mounted in steps, placed along the paths or placed along the perimeter of the fence.

Green space

When planning a garden plot, one should take into account not only its shape, but also the characteristics of the soil. If necessary, it is leveled, the slopes are strengthened, fertile soil is brought in or fertilizers are applied. In wetlands, drainage should be provided immediately.

If the annual plowing of the land will be carried out using a mini-tractor or cultivator, it is necessary to think over the place of their passage along the entire perimeter of the site. It is not worth placing perennial crops, shrubs, trees in these places.

Plantings are always placed on the south side so that the plants are well lit. It is better to place large fruit or ornamental trees and shrubs at the farthest end of the garden so that they do not obscure the plantings. Just like a residential building, it is advisable to place them on the north side. This will help protect the area from strong winds. According to SNiP, you have the right to plant shrubs 1 m from the neighboring fence, trees of medium height - 2 m, and tall trees - 4 m.

The roots of trees, large shrubs can destroy even the strongest foundation, so they should not be placed near buildings. It is necessary to retreat 5 m from them.

The close location of large plantations near buildings and due to strong shading is undesirable. Due to the slow drying of the soil in these places, the formation of dampness is inevitable. For the convenience of passage between trees and paths, a distance of 0.5 m is left.

Approximate layouts

On 5-6 acres

Despite the compactness of such a territory, in addition to a residential building, it can accommodate a couple of outbuildings, a bathhouse and even a mini-pool. If there is not enough space, a gazebo for resting on a plot of 5 acres is replaced with a small canopy. A compact area for 1-2 sun loungers can be placed next to it.

In a small area, it is not very rational to use a large number of winding paths and structures of curved or irregular shapes. After all, they are able to "eat" a significant part of the space.

When planning a summer cottage of 6 acres, you should not be limited only to straight paths. One or two paths of complex shape will make the area visually wider.

Green hedges made of climbing plants, bright flower gardens, small, eye-catching objects, for example, an unusual shape of a bench, an arch, will help to make the territory more comfortable and visually expand the space. Neat sculptures can also be placed near winding paths.

These techniques work well in the presence of elongated sections.... For their visual expansion, you can use branched paths, as well as shrubs, large flowers, planted along them. Spacious lawns, on the other hand, will only emphasize the elongated shape of the site.

For planting for a family of 3-4 people, 50-60 sq. m. It is more convenient to make beds with a width of 0.5 m with fairly wide aisles. To save space, flowers and greens can be planted in vertical or multi-level beds.

Small outdoor pool, etc.

Try to arrange large and small items evenly so that they look balanced... When planning them, try to adhere to proportions: a small patio in the background two-storey house can just get lost, just like a small flower garden on a huge lawn.

In a narrow area, it is better to place a residential building on the short side. In this case, the territory will be used more rationally, plus it will not seem dismembered.

On 12 acres

On such a territory, there is quite enough space for a house with a veranda, a garage, outbuildings, a bathhouse, a summer kitchen, a gazebo or a terrace, a bathing area with a sufficiently large pool and an alpine slide. When planning a summer cottage on 12 acres for children, you can allocate more space and equip a playground with a sandbox, swings, slides, and a small children's house. We emphasize once again that such a zone should be located near the house, so that parents are always aware of what their child is doing.

In large areas, you will have the opportunity to plant more not only fruit, but also ornamental shrubs. They are placed evenly in the most significant places and along the paths.

The rest of the territory can be planted with potatoes, beds, or made from it a garden with fruit trees, berry bushes. In order not to run through the entire garden for greens or radishes, it is better to arrange the beds for them closer to the house or next to the summer kitchen. Bulky greenhouses are set up at the end of the garden. Ornamental plantings are placed closer to the entrance.

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