
Discretionary fiscal policy. Multipliers of expenses, transfers, taxes. Public spending multipliers. State and economy What is equal to the value of government spending

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The definitions that I printed you should learn. See the course of solving problems, such tasks and we will decide.

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Open-ended theme: Budget-Tax Policy

Before the solution of each task, I ask basic definitions:

Terms to 1 task:

Budget-tax (fiscal) policy Government Amendments public spending, taxation and status state budgetaimed at ensuring complete employment, balance of balance of payments and economic growth in the production of non-inflationary GDP.

Stimulating fiscal policy ( fiscal expansion) In the short term, it is intended to overcome the cyclic downturn of the economy and involves an increase in government Government, reducing taxes or combining these measures. In a longer term, the decline policy

taxes can lead to the expansion of the proposal of production factors and an increase in economic potential.

Budget-tax policy ( fiscal restriction) Its intends to limit the cyclic rise in the economy and implies a decrease in government speakers G, an increase in taxes or the combination of these measures.

In the short term, budget and tax policy measures are accompanied by the effects of multipliers of government spending, taxes and a balanced budget.

Public spending multiplier formula:

- change of equilibrium production;

- an increase in government spending;

- a multiplier that shows how much the equilibrium level of income in a closed economy as a result of the growth of not only state, but also any of the autonomous expenses per unit. The main factor determining the magnitude of the multiplier is the limiting tendency to consumption (MRC).

Tax multiplier:

- Tax change.

Tax multiplier indicates that when increment occurs total amount Taxes, the income and production of products grows up to the amount that exceeds the increase in taxes. The tax multiplier is always a negative value.

Balanced budget multiplier:

The multiplicative effect of reducing taxes is weaker than from increasing government spending, which algebraically expressed in exceeding the multiplier of expenses over the tax multiplier per unit. This is a consequence of the stronger impact of the government on the magnitude of income and consumption (compared with tax change). This difference is determining when choosing a fiscal policy tool. If it is aimed at the expansion of the public sector of the economy, the spending is increasing to overcome the cyclic decline (which gives a strong stimulating effect), and taxes increase (which is relatively soft limiting measure).

Task number 1.. The economy is described in the following data:

C \u003d 20 + 0.8 (Y - T + F) (consumption);

I \u003d 60 (investments);

T \u003d 40 (taxes);

F \u003d 10 (transfers);

G \u003d 30 (government spending)

Y - production volume

0.8 - Leading a tendency to consumption

a) Calculate the equilibrium income.

b) The government increases costs to 40 in order to stimulate the economy:

What is the magnitude of the government multiplier?

c) The government increases taxes from 40 to 50 (at the level of government G \u003d 30):

What happens to the curve planned costs?

How will the equilibrium income change?

What is the magnitude of the tax multiplier?

How will the state budget balance change?

d) the government at the same time increases government spending from 30 to 40 and taxes from 40 to 50:

What happens to the curve planned costs?

How will the equilibrium income change?

What happens to the multiplier effect?

How will the state budget balance change?


a) for calculating the equilibrium level of income we substitute numerical values \u200b\u200bC, 1, T, F, G into the main macroeconomic identity and solve it relative to Y:

Y \u003d 20 + 0.8 (y 40 + 10) + 60 + 30.

After algebraic transformations, we obtain: y \u003d 430 \u003d\u003e This is an initial balance (point A).

b) With an increase in the government at 10 (from 30 to 40), the curve of the planned costs will be shifted up to 10 (see Fig. 1):

To calculate the change in the equilibrium level of income when moving from point A to the point in use the formula of the multiplier of government spending:

At the point in the equilibrium income, up to 480. The government multiplier is:

Prior to the fiscal expansion, the state budget was balanced:

After the fiscal expansion arose budget deficit In the amount of 10, since the government has increased by 10, and tax revenues have not changed.

c) with increasing taxes by 10 (from 40 to 50), the curve of the planned costs will be shifted down by the value -ΔT * MRC \u003d -10 x 0.8 \u003d -8 (see Fig. 2):

The equilibrium level of release will decrease by:

- tax multiplier formula

The economy moves from point A to a point in, where the equilibrium volume of production will be 390.

Tax multiplier is:

After tax restriction arose budget surplus In the amount of 10, since the amount of government and transfers is still 40, and tax revenues increased to 50.

d) while simultaneously increasing the government from 30 to 40 and taxes from 40 to 50, the curve of the planned expenditures will move up to 2, since the impact of budget expansion into cumulative demand is relatively stronger than tax detection (see Figure 3):

Figure 3.

Equilibrium will move from point A to point B, and the equilibrium income in accordance with the Balanced Budget multiplier will also increase 10 to 440.

This can be checked by calculation:

Y \u003d 20 + 0.8 (y - 50 + 10) + 60 + 40;

The Effect of a Balanced Budget Multiplier effect appeared in the economy, equal to one:

When carrying out such policies, the budget will remain, as initially balanced:

Task number 2. . (Formulas from Problem No. 1).

The country's economy is characterized by the following data:

Actual income (y) \u003d $ 4000

Limit tendency to consumption (b) \u003d 0.8.

Equal income (Y *) \u003d $ 4,200

a) How should government expenses be changed (with other things being equal) in order for the economy to achieve an equilibrium state (Y * \u003d $ 4,200)?

b) How should the amount of tax revenues (with other things being equal) should change in order for the economy to achieve an equilibrium state?

A) δ y \u003d δ g * b, where Δ y is an income increase, Δ g is an increase in government spending.

Δ y \u003d y * - y \u003d $ 4,200 - $ 4000 \u003d 200 dollars.

M \u003d 1 / 1- B \u003d 1 / 1-0.8 \u003d 1 / 0.2 \u003d 5

Δ G \u003d 40, i.e. Government spending should increase by $ 40.

B) Δ y \u003d Δ T * tax multiplier, where T is taxes.

M taxation. \u003d -4.

MPS - Limit Leaning to Saving

200 \u003d Δ T * (-4)

Δ T \u003d -50, i.e. Taxes should be reduced by $ 50.

Definitions of software 3 task:

The main structural instruments of the state budget are: state budget revenues (taxes, fees); State budget expenditures (financing of the economy, socio-cultural programs, defense, management).

The main types of state budget are:

1. Normal - in this case, the consuming part is equal to profitable.

2. Scarce, i.e. The consuming part exceeds income.

The main forms of scarce budget are:

- structural deficit - A deficiency arising from consciously accepted measures to increase government spending and reducing taxes in order to prevent recession. This is the difference between costs (income) and income (costs) of the budget in full-time employment;

- cyclic deficiency - A deficiency arising from the cyclic fall of production and reflecting crisis phenomena in the economy, the inability of the government to keep the financial situation under control. Cyclic deficiency is often evaluated as a difference between the actual value budget deficit and structural deficit.

Task number 3.: Suppose that government purchases are equal to 500, the tax function has the form T \u003d 0.4U, the function of transfers F \u003d 0,2U, the price level P \u003d 1. The federal debt d \u003d 1000 at a percentage rate R \u003d 0.1. The real volume of production (y) is 2000, and the potential is 2500.

a) Is the Salto of the State Budget positive or negative?

b) What is the magnitude of the structural deficit of the state budget?

c) What is the magnitude of the cyclical deficit of the state budget?

a) the balance of the state budget can be calculated by comparing expenditure and income parts:

Budget expenditures \u003d state procurement (G) + transfers (f) + + maintenance costs public debt (DXR) \u003d \u003d 500 + 0.2x2000 + 0.1x1000 \u003d 500 + 400 + 100 \u003d 1000.

Budget revenues \u003d tax revenues (T) \u003d 0.4x2000 \u003d 800.

The actual budget deficit \u003d 1000 - 800 - 200.

b) Structural deficit can be calculated by substitution to calculate the potential volume of output instead of the actual:

Structural deficiency \u003d 500 + 0.2x2500 + 0.1x1000 - 0.4x2500 \u003d 100.

c) Cyclic state budget deficit \u003d actual deficit- Structural deficiency 200 - 100 \u003d 100.

Similar information.

Since government procures of goods and services have a direct direct impact on the value of national income and since they are exogenous and autonomous value, i.e. independent of income level (G \u003d G.), adding them to the amount of consumer and investment costs on the graph is displayed by a parallel shift up curve of cumulative expenses.

The change in the magnitude of government purchases DG as well as the change in other types of autonomous expenses (consumer spending DC or investment costs DI) has a multiplier effect in the Keynesian model. If the state purchases goods or services in addition to $ 100 (hires an official or teacher and pays him wages, or buys equipment for their company, or began to build a motorway, etc.), i.e. DG \u003d $ 100, then the disposable income of the seller of this product or service increases for this amount and is divided into consumption (C) and savings (s). If the limiting tendency to consumption ( mPC.) Equal to 0.8, as a result, we obtain the pyramid and the effect of the multiplier already familiar to us.

The overall increase in total income (DY) as a result of the growth of government procurement will be: DY \u003d DG × MULT \u003d DG × (1/1 - MPC) \u003d 100 × 5 \u003d 500. Thus, as a result of the growth of public procurement per 100 cumulative income, it has grown five times . The value of 1 / (1 - Mrc) is called a multiplier of public procurement. The government procurement multiplier is a coefficient that shows how many times increased (decreased) total income with an increase in (reduction) of public procurement per unit. For the algebraic conclusion of the public procurement multiplier, we add them to the value of the cumulative income (release) y, also G. We get: Y \u003d C + I.+ G. . Since the consumption function has the form: C \u003d. FROM + Mrc Y. , We substitute it in our equation:, regroup and get:


Thus, it is a multiplier of any kind of autonomous expenses: consumer, investment and government. Denote it to A - multiplier of autonomous expenses K a \u003d kc \u003d to i \u003d to g, where the COP is a multiplier of autonomous consumer spending, to the i - multiplier of autonomous investment costs, to G - multiplier of public procurement (it is sometimes called the multiplier of government spending, which is not entirely correct, since the amount of government spending, as we know, also transfers, The multiplier of which has a different formula and magnitude, which will be considered later.) The more Mrc, the more cool curve of the planned EP expenses and the greater the value of the expense multiplier.

It should be borne in mind that the multiplier acts in both directions. With an increase in costs, the cumulative (national) income multiply increases, and with reducing costs, the cumulative (national) income is multiplicatively decreased. This principle is applicable not only to the expense multiplier, but also to all other types of multipliers.

Taxes and their types

As Benjamin Franklin wrote: "There is nothing inevitable in life, except for death and taxes." Tax - This is a compulsory withdrawal by the state from households and firms a certain amount of money not in exchange for goods and services. Taxes appear with the emergence of the state because they are the main source of state revenues. Fulfilling its numerous functions, the state (government) carries the costs that are paid from its income, so taxes are speaking the source of payment costs of the government.

Since the services of the state (which, of course, cannot be provided free of charge) all members of society are used, the state collects fee for these services from all citizens of the country. Thus, taxes are the main tool for redistribution of income between members of society.

The tax system includes: 1) the subject of taxation (who should pay tax); 2) the object of taxation (which is taxed); 3) Tax rates (the percentage in which the tax amount is calculated).

The value with which the tax is paid is called a taxable base. To calculate the amount of tax (t), the value of the taxable base (B t) is multiplied by a tax rate (T): T \u003d B T x T

The principles of taxation were formulated by A. Smita in his great work "Research on the nature and causes of the wealth of peoples", published in 1776. According to Smith, the tax system should be: fair (it should not enrich the rich and making poor); understandable (the taxpayer should know why he pays for one or another tax and why it is); comfortable (taxes should be charged then and thus, when and how it is convenient to the taxpayer, not a tax collector); inexpensive(The amount of tax revenues should significantly exceed tax collection costs).

The basis of the current tax system is based on the principles of justice and efficiency.

Justice must be vertical (This means that people who receive different income must pay unequal taxes) and horizontal(implied that people with equal dohas should pay equal taxes). Through two main types of taxes: straight and indirect. Direct tax - this is a tax on a certain monetary sumobtained by an economic agent (income, profit, inheritance, monetary evaluation Property). Therefore, direct taxes include: income tax; income tax; inheritance tax; property tax; Tax with vehicle owners.Feature direct tax It is the fact that the taxpayer (the one who pays for the tax) and the Tax Player (one who pays the tax to the state) is the same agent. Indirect tax - This is part of the price of goods or services. Since this tax is included in the purchase price, it is implicit. Indirect tax may be included in the price of goods or as fixed amountor as a percentage of price. Indirect taxes include: value added tax (VAT) (this tax is the greatest weight in tax system Russia); sales tax; sales tax; excise tax (excisable goods are cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, gasoline, oil, cars, jewelry); customs duty. A peculiarity of indirect tax is that the taxpayer and the tax differ are different agents. The taxpayer is a buyer of goods or services (it is he pays for the tax when buying), and the taxier is a firm that produced this product or service (it pays tax to the state).

IN developed countries 2/3 of tax revenues make up direct taxes, and in developing countries and C. transition economy 2/3 of tax revenues make up indirect taxes, since they are easier to collect and the volume of income depends on prices, and not from income. For the same reason, the state is more profitable to use indirectly, and not direct taxes in the period of inflation. This allows you to minimize the loss. real value tax revenues.

Depending on how it is established tax rate, distinguish three types of taxation: proportional tax, progressive tax and regressive tax

For proportional tax The tax rate does not depend on the amount of income. Therefore, the amount of tax is proportional to the magnitude of the income.

Direct taxes (with the exception of income tax and in some countries of income tax) and almost all indirect taxes are proportional.

For progressive tax The tax rate increases as the amount of income increases and decreases as the income is reduced.

For regressive tax The tax rate increases as income reduction and decreases as income grow.

Explicitly the regressive system of taxation in modern conditions Not observed, i.e. No direct regressive taxes. However, all indirect taxes are regressive, and the higher the tax rate, the more than Regressive it is. The most regressive are excise taxes. Insofar as indirect tax - This is part of the price of the goods, then, depending on the magnitude of the buyer's income, the share of this amount in its income will be the greater the less income, and the less than income. For example, if the excise tax on a cigarette pack is 10 rubles, then the share of this amount in the budget of the buyer, which has an income of 1000 rubles, is 0.1%, and in the buyer's budget that has an income of 5000 rubles. - only 0.05%.

In macroeconomics, taxes are also divided into: autonomous(or chord), which do not depend on the level of income and are indicated by T and incomewhich depend on the level of income and the magnitude of which are determined by the formula: TY, where T is the tax rate, Y is the total income ( national income or gross national product)

The amount of tax revenues (tax function) is equal to: T \u003d T + TY

Distinguish between the average and maximum tax rate. Middle rate Tax is the attitude of the tax amount to the magnitude of income: t cf \u003d t / y. Limit rate The tax is the magnitude of the income of the tax amount per additional unit of income increase. (It shows how much the tax amount increases with income per unit): t Pre \u003d DT / DY. Suppose that the economy has a progressive tax system, and income up to 50 thousand dollars. It is taxed at a rate of 20%, but over 50 thousand dollars. - at a rate of 50%. If a person gets 60 thousand dollars. income, then it pays the amount of tax equal to 15 thousand dollars. (50 x 0.2 + 10 x 0.5 \u003d 10 + 5 \u003d 15), i.e. 10 thousand dollars. With the amount of 50 thousand dollars. and 5 thousand dollars. With the amount exceeding 50 thousand dollars., i.e. from 10 thousand dollars. The average tax rate will be equal to 15:60 \u003d 0.25 or 25%, and the maximum tax rate is 5:10 \u003d 0.5 or 50%. With a proportional taxation system, the average and maximum tax rate are equal.

Taxes affect both aggregate demand and a cumulative supply. However, in the framework of our model "Expenses-income", since this is a Keynesian model, the impact of taxes only on aggregate demand.

As part of the "Expense-revenues" model, taxes, as well as public procurement, act on the national income (cumulative release) y multiplicative effect.

Two types of tax multiplier distinguish: 1) Autonomous (chord) tax multipliers and 2) income tax multiplier

Public spending - These are the expenses of the state to fulfill their functions, as well as the acquisition of goods and services for their own consumption or regulation of demand in the markets of goods.

Government spending is direct impact on national production and employment, along with consumer household expenditures and investments.

Government spending have a multiplicating effect, which is determined through the indicator I am a multiplier of government spending.

Public spending multiplier - This is the ratio of the increment of gross domestic (or national) product by increasing government spending:

where M G is a multiplier of government spending;

Δy is the absolute increase in gross national product;

ΔG is an absolute increase in government spending;

MPC is a limiting leaning to consumption.

The action of the government spending multiplier is displayed on the schedule of the Keynesian Cross (Fig. 15.3). If government spending increases by ΔG, the curve of the planned costs is shifted up to the same value, the equilibrium point moves from the position A to the position B, and the equilibrium production increases from Y 1 to y 2 by ΔY.

Fig. 15.3. The impact of public spending on national income

If the state increases its costs and does not change the amount of tax revenues, then the increase in GDP (VNV) increases several times, since government spending gives rise to new consumer expenses, which in turn will lead to a multiplinary increase in investment.

Also, this multiplier is defined as the inverse value of the limit propensity to the savings, namely due to increased consumption by households.

The revenues and expenses of the state have a constant trend towards changes and adjustments, and, therefore, are directly regulated and controlled by the state. The primary factors of influence on this process are the rise in prices, a change in currency exchange rate and a loan percentage.

In this case, the mechanism state influence The cyclic fluctuations in the economy allows: during the recession - to increase government spending and thereby increase the production of products, and during the boom - reduce costs, protecting the economy from "overheating".

The state fiscal policy reflects not only the impact on the national economy (national production) changes in the amount of government spending, but also the effectiveness of the system of forming a budgeting revenue primarily through the tax mechanism.

GDP growth in a private economy depends not only on consumer and government spending, investment, as well as on tax revenues to the state budget.

An increase in tax revenues in a market economy leads to an increase in national income, and the value is greater than the initial increase in taxes. This phenomenon is characterized by the action of a tax multiplier:

where m t is a tax multiplier; ΔT - change of tax revenues.

The tax multiplier is reflected in Fig. 15.4.

Fig. 15.4. The impact of tax reducing the national income

The influence of the state on the cyclic fluctuations of the national economy is also manifested in increasing or decreasing the tax burden on households and business. Reducing taxes for individuals He leads to an increase in personal disposable income and, therefore, to increase consumption, which in turn will increase the cumulative demand and the proposal accordingly. A decrease in taxes for enterprises is also a stimulating measure, since most of the profit remains at the disposal of companies, and the ability to increase investment is growing (the demand for investment goods is growing).

Analyzing the formula for the multiplier of government spending and the tax multiplier can be concluded that the first will always be greater than the second one. Therefore, the animated effect on the increase in government spending will always be more than from tax reducing. This action must be considered when choosing a fiscal policy tool.

If government spending and tax deductions increase on the same magnitude, then the equilibrium volume of production increases. In this case, talk about balanced budget multiplier which is always equal to or less than one.

The Balanced Budget multiplier does not imply an absolute elimination of any budget deficits or excess. We are talking about a balance of changes in the revenue and consumables of the budget, that is, the preservation of the equality Δt \u003d ΔG.

Questions for self-control

1. Describe functions budget system societies.

2. Name the main groups and subgroups of budget revenues of the Russian Federation.

3. Name the sections and subsections of the classification of budget expenditures in Russia.

4. Explain the income structure consolidated budget Russian Federation In 2008 and 2011.

5. What is tax, and what types of taxes on the current legislation of the Russian Federation relate to federal taxes?

6. What types of taxes on the current legislation of the Russian Federation refer to regional and local taxes?

7. What dependence is reflected on the Laffer curve?

8. Spend an intercountable comparison of tax rates.

9. What is a budget deficit? Name its main types.

10. Describe a budget deficit financing mechanism. Name the internal and external sources of its financing.

11. Name and explain the problems facing the state associated with monetary and debt financing of the budget deficit.

12. Give the definition of fiscal (budgetary) policies. Name its main species.

13. What is the main goals and tasks of fiscal policy?

14. Explain the impact of government spending on the national income.

15. Explain the mechanism of the tax multiplier.

16. What does the Balanced Budget multiplier show?

In the following, we will try to consider the multiplicative theory of government spending, which during the popularity of Keynesian teachings caused a lot of resonances and disputes. The topic will be interesting to everyone who is not indifferent to modern economySince in the conditions of a pate policy of various powers is more important.

The role of the theory of the multiplier in the modern economy

Often, in order for the country to justify its policy in an economic aspect, a number of macroeconomic instruments are used. Public spending multipliers are one of the components of this wide list, therefore, they have an impressive theoretical background. For several centuries, many scientists have tried to reveal the meaning of this concept and use it within practical application.

IN wide understanding your multiplier shows the increase economic indicators. And Russia is no exception. The representatives of Keynesian macroeconomic teaching approached more deeply to this concept, and they reached the conclusion that this tool shows the direct relationship between the dynamics of national wealth and the well-being of the country's population, regardless of the direction of fiscal policy of the latter.

Autonomous expenses and multiplier

The state and economy are closely interrelated, so it's no secret to anyone that any changes in one institute will always attain a certain dynamics of individual values \u200b\u200bof the other. This process can be called induction, since only a small push of some of financial instruments It gives rise to a number of processes in a whole country.

For example, the autonomous state expenses in multiplicative theory are explained by interconnection with changes in the dynamics of the labor market. In other words, it is worth the government to incur certain costs in the context of some places of their occurrence, how immediately the characteristic growth of the incomes of citizens can be supplied. And, accordingly, an increase in the employment of the population. To obtain a quantitatively reasonable picture, it suffices to relate the dynamics of these indicators among themselves.

Investment costs

The structure of government spending is quite extensive, so it is worth paying due attention and investment activity Countries that are the basis of a healthy competitive economy.

An investment cost multiplier shows the ratio of the dynamics of the level of investments in this or that innovative business to the level of variable operating costs. At the same time, it is considered correct to take note only excluded from financial flows.

In other words, according to such a technique, we will be able to track the level of costs incurred by the state in order to improve technological and scientific processes in the country, as well as their share in common economic flows. In general, there is nothing complicated in this dynamics - in the absence of investments, the flow rate will be equal to the zero mark, but with the growth of investments it will increase.

Employment market expenses

The government spending multiplier in the labor market aspect is a separate neoquinsian teaching, which is difficult to compare with any other direction. Because if we previously positioned as a secondary phenomenon, the cumulative costs of the state, now let's see what causes us the results in addition to us.

Primary, but few manage to track the following relationship. Employment market expenses are significantly reduced at a time when investment costs are growing. It follows that the well-being of the population increases, and accordingly, the demand for goods of the second necessity (technique, clothing, furniture), generating a positive trend in changing the income of their manufacturers. In other words, investments in one sphere of the economy entail an increase in profits in another.

Fiscal costs of the country

Multiplier state taxes And the costs in the fiscal aspect indicates the dynamics of changes in the production level of products in the manufacturing sector, depending on the growth rate as a rule, this ratio is negative, since there is little to some business representative to give part of its net profit in favor of budget benefits.

Another thing is, if it comes, for example, a differentiated tax on emergency or income of individuals. In this case, the burden is imposed in stages - depending on the financial level of the object: the higher the well-being - the lower the rate. But, as modern practice shows, in conditions market economy This theory is just utopia, and has nothing to do with modern realities.

Balanced budget in nationwide expenses

Public spending multipliers in their pure form show the dynamics of changes in the magnitude of the gross national product, depending on which part of the state treasury was spent in order to procure various types of products. Also, this indicator is inversely proportional to the maximum consumer addiction of the population. This can be explained by such an increase in budget income, when, with reduction in its expenses, part of its profit is limited to the same number of articles.

Thus, it can be derived to the formula of a balanced budget: the national consumption can grow by a certain amount (let's call it a), which is caused by a cumulative decrease in the tax burden for entrepreneurs, and this, in turn, is fraught with the growth of net profit of entrepreneurs on a and units.

Foreign trade costs of the country

Public spending multiplier (measurement formula varies depending on the key component, the dynamics of which we are trying to determine)) a considerable role also takes in the formation of open economic Policy. The latter is implemented only by using export-import operations in practice. Therefore, it is safe to say that foreign trade takes not the last, but rather a key role in the formation cost articles State Economic Policy.

In the multiplicative theory, it is worth noting that the costs incurred by the country to implement export-import operations, aimed at indirect interference in the balance of another country, directly affect the value of the gross national product, which is a purely internal instrument.

Thus, the magnitude of the multiplier in the aspect foreign trade Determined as the ratio between the quantitative changes in the GNP and the costs of open operations carried out outside the country.


Based on the foregoing, one very entertaining conclusion is suggested. We tried to prove that government spending multipliers fully reflect the relationship in changes in key financial instruments of state economic policy. And, probably, we succeeded quite successfully.

We were able to see that the budget balance is so row and susceptible to various elements both internal and countries that can be said with complete confidence: no process passes without a trace, and even more so autonomously. Public spending multipliers will always be able to help us withdraw the amount of income growth, national product and many other indicators pointing to the economic health of the state.

Budget revenues - cashentering free and irrevocable order in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the disposal of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government. Revenues are divided into groups, subgroups, articles and stores (four levels). In Russia, the income group of income is used:



gratuitous arrivals;

revenues of target extrabudgetary funds.

Tax revenues Details are considered in the first paragraphs of this chapter.

Group non-tax revenues Includes a number of subgroups. These subgroups include, for example, revenues from property in state and municipal property, income from land sale and intangible assetsRevenues OT. foreign economic activity etc.

Gratuitous receipts include transfer from non-residents, budgets of other levels, state extrabudgetary funds, state organizations and etc.

Target extrabudgetary funds We are divided into social and economic. TO social Funds belong Pension Fund RF State Fund Employment of the Russian Federation, federal and territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance, Foundation social insurance RF. Economic funds are the Foundation for the Development of the Customs System of the Russian Federation, road funds, etc.

In turn, subgroups are divided into articles and stones. For example, a subgroup "Income tax (income), capital gains" is divided into two articles: the income tax (income) of enterprises and organizations and income tax with individuals. The article "Income tax with individuals" is divided into three faces: income tax held by enterprises, institutions and organizations, income tax, held tax authorities, and a tax on gambling business.

State budget expenditures - cash directed to the financial support of the tasks and functions of state and local self-government. The classification of government budget expenditures is a group of budget expenditures of all levels, reflecting the direction of budgetary funds for the implementation of the basic functions of the state. The grouping has a four-level structure: sections and subsections, target articles and types of expenses. Sections include national issues, national defense, national security and law enforcement, national economy, housing and communal services, security ambient, education, culture, cinematography and media, healthcare and sports, social policy, intergovernmental transfers, etc.

Budget allocations of the federal budget expenditures approved Federal law "On the federal budget for 2006," 4445 billion rubles were equal. It was 4281 billion rubles. Thus, the actual execution was 96.31 \\% of the plan. The execution of the main sections and subsections was as follows:

nationwide issues - 530 billion rubles, i.e. 12.38 \\% of the budget executed;

functioning of the President of the Russian Federation - 6.9 billion rubles, i.e. 0.16 \\%;

national defense - 682 billion rubles, i.e. 15.93 \\%;

national Security and Law Enforcement - 550 billion rubles, i.e. 12.85 \\%;

national Economics - 345 billion rubles, i.e. 8.06 \\%;

housing and communal services - 53 billion rubles, i.e. 1.24 \\%;

education - 212 billion rubles, i.e. 4.95 \\%;

Pension provision - 141 billion rubles, i.e. 3.29 \\%, etc. According to a promising financial plan approved

The Government of the Russian Federation, the federal budget revenues in 2008 will amount to 7112 billion rubles, in 2009 - 7797 billion rubles. General expenses in 2008 will amount to 6093 billion rubles, in 2009 - 6716 billion rubles.

The volume of the Stabilization Fund at the beginning of 2008 - 4194 billion rubles, at the beginning of 2009 - 5463 billion rubles.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state