
The impact of corruption on the state economy. Corruption: causes, influences and methods of struggle. The consequences of corruption

There are different points of view on corruption. Many studies confirm that a bribe is analogous to a transfer payment (for a service), which does not entail serious consequences for public welfare. There is even an approach that proves that corruption, on the contrary, increases public welfare, since it allows avoiding excessive regulation and building a system of adequate remuneration for the labor of underpaid civil servants. Some scholars argue that corruption contributes to economic development and the conclusion of more transactions in a shorter time frame by minimizing transaction costs. There is also a perception that corrupt behavior avoids "burdensome and excessive government action."

There is also an opposite point of view, which points to negative impact corruption on public welfare. Civil servants are often interested in artificially creating bureaucratic barriers that generate additional demand for bribes, which leads to limitations in achieving efficiency. At the same time, any bribe creates negative externalities and negatively affects economic development generally.

In order to correctly assess the impact of corruption on economic growth, it is best to use statistics. The international organization Transparency International has published an annual report on the situation with corruption in the world. According to this rating, the minimum corruption is estimated at 10 points, the maximum - 0 points.

In 2009, Russia was able to score 2.2 points, thus taking 146th place out of 180 possible, sharing it with Cameroon, Ecuador, Zimbabwe and Ukraine. The least corrupt countries according to the study were New Zealand, Denmark, Singapore and Sweden. http://rating.rbc.ru/article.shtml?2009/11/18/32622528

The International Monetary Fund provides data on economic development "GDP per capita" in the countries of the world for 2008. Table 1 provides a sample of these ratings for the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Table 1.

Corruption Perceptions Index

Global Competitiveness Index

GDP per capita, USD

Inflation rate,%







In order to determine the existence of the relationship between corruption and the competitiveness of the countries of the world, a graph was built, shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1.

This graph clearly shows the pattern that there are no countries with a high level of corruption and, at the same time, a high level of competitiveness. And it is the competitiveness of enterprises that is the determining factor in economic success.

The correlation coefficient (relationship) between the level of corruption and competitiveness is very high, and equals 0.87 (the maximum possible value is 1).

Thus, corruption stifles the development of competitiveness of enterprises, the absence of corruption in the conditions of civilized market relations stimulates their development. At the same time, kickbacks (a form of bribe) in many countries of the post-Soviet space have become a common norm nowadays. In Russia, for example, in many industries it is practically impossible to receive an order for the supply of goods or the performance of services without a rollback.

Rice. 2. Dependence of GDP per capita of the countries of the world on the corruption perception index, data for 173 countries of the world. The countries of the world with high levels of corruption are poor countries, while countries with low levels of corruption are rich.

The level of corruption directly affects the economic development of the countries of the world (Fig. 2). The graph shows that the higher the corruption perception index, that is, the lower its level, the higher the gross domestic product (GDP), which means the more efficient the economy. Correlation coefficient between the corruption perception index and GDP of countries world is 0.81. In other words, the relationship between the level of corruption and the efficiency of the economy is very high. A decrease in the level of corruption by only 1 point of the perception index is accompanied by an increase in GDP by more than $ 5,000 per year.

In fig. 3 shows the dependence of the inflation rate of the countries of the world on the corruption perception index. It is curious to note that in almost all countries of the world with a low level of corruption, the inflation rate is also very low.

It should be noted that at any level of corruption, a bribe is mainly a deduction from savings as a source of accumulation (except for real estate) of a given country in favor of personal consumption (inside and outside the country), possible reinvestment abroad, to a lesser extent - investing at home, in particular expansion of secondary savings.

Rice. 3.

Within the framework of administrative corruption, the most significant influence on economic growth is exerted by the corruption of "high society", which encompasses the activities of mainly medium and large businesses, as well as the sphere of public investment.

At the grassroots level of administrative corruption, the mass of small bribes forms a significant flow of payments that directly redistributes the incomes of the poor and middle groups of the population within the framework of the existing system of relations.

Of particular note is the impact of top-down administrative corruption on the structure and efficiency of public investment, which determines the potential for economic growth. In the context of soft budget constraints, the choice is made in favor of high-cost investment projects in which a corrupt official is interested, which limits the resources needed to maintain and modernize the existing infrastructure. The result of a decrease in the efficiency of public investments and distortion of the structure of expenditures in favor of expensive projects to the detriment of investments in regions with positive externalities in terms of socio-economic development (education, health care) is a slowdown in economic growth.

Thus, a very important practical conclusion follows from the above analysis. Corruption is one of the main factors that determine the efficiency of the economy. High levels of corruption have a detrimental effect on the economy.

That is why in order to increase the efficiency of the economy in the country, among other things, it is necessary to solve the most important task: the elimination of corruption. The elimination of corruption is one of the key tasks of increasing the efficiency of the economy.

Reducing the level of corruption ensures the development of competitiveness, makes it possible for small, medium and large businesses to develop. A decrease in the level of corruption ensures a decrease in the level of inflation, leads to a decrease in poverty, and an increase in the well-being of the people.

Dedov Anton

Russian State Agrarian University -

Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Faculty of Economics, II course


Gaisin R.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor

Corruption slows down Russia's economic growth. This problem is of a specific nature: it cannot be solved by spending money or improving the legal framework, since the decision depends mainly on the aesthetic concepts of a person, and not just one, but all, yes, namely ALL society as a whole. It is because of corruption in Russia that they do not achieve successful solutions to many of the tasks set for the country.

Corruption has penetrated all spheres of Russian society. The lack of faith that it can be eradicated has become so ingrained among Russians that we are even talking about the "optimal level" of corruption.

The roots of corruption go back to the custom of giving gifts: the more expensive the gift, the more likely it is that you will be singled out from among other supplicants, for example, in primitive societies, paying a priest or a leader was the norm.

Corruption in Russia has become a system of social relations that determines the shortcomings of the country's political, social and economic development.

Before talking about radical measures that can and should be applied to eradicate bribery in Russia, it is necessary to realize the devastating harm that bribery and corruption bring.

Writer Vladimir Voinovich writes : “My friend Boris left me after dinner in a very drunken state. I suggested that he pick up the car tomorrow, but for now call a taxi. He asked: why? I said: "You drank. Aren't you afraid that the police will stop you?" "I'm not afraid, - he said. - I have a piece of paper with a portrait of Benjamin Franklin, it will always help me." “He showed me his driver's license and the one hundred dollar bill enclosed in it. Of course, I knew that the policemen on the road take bribes, but I suggested that some incorruptible one might get caught. “It can't,” objected Boris. “For the place where he stands, the policeman must pay the one standing over him, and from what will he pay if he does not take it? Moscow with the purchased license? And the inspection is carried out in absentia. The eccentrics who are trying to pass the inspection honestly will be tortured with nagging, but you stick a hundred bucks and you can ride even without brakes. "

Would a friend of Vladimir Voinovich get drunk behind the wheel if the Moscow police were incorruptible? Of course not. But the police, who for $ 100 turn a blind eye to drunk drivers, actually give the green light to this evil, posing a threat to the safety of children, the elderly and all other pedestrians and law-abiding drivers who may meet a drunk driver. The question arises "What is more terrible: drunk drivers on the roads or traffic police officers who create an atmosphere of impunity for drunkenness for a bribe and actually encourage it?" It seems that the latter is much more dangerous. Of course, this does not apply to all traffic police officers. We are talking about the flaws in the legal, organizational system, giving rise to such phenomena in other bodies.

Corruption distorts business development, reduces efficiency government controlled, incentives for investment, inhibits economic and political development, generates social inequality, and also introduces a certain instability in the political process.

We need to understand that corruption causes damage to our country hundreds, thousands and millions of times greater than the entire total income, all that sometimes illusory profit that all Russian bribe-takers receive. Corruption, without exaggeration, is a cancerous tumor on the body of the Russian economy.

Corruption is measured using the Corruption Perceptions Index. According to this index, the minimum corruption is estimated at 10 points, the maximum - 0 points. Russia, for example, ranks 147th out of 180 in terms of corruption. The corruption perception index in Russia is 2.1. For comparison, the best countries in this respect are Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, with indices of 9.3. The worst country is Somalia with an index of 1.0 .

According to experts, the size of bribes is almost equal to Russia's GDP. Every year we give 40% of our income to corrupt officials as an additional “tax”.

Figure 1 - Dependence of competitiveness on the corruption perception index (the higher the index, the lower the level of corruption), 132 countries of the world.

A source:http://www.corrupzia.ru

Each point in the figure corresponds to one country. The line in the figure - a trend, shows the tendency of changes in the competitiveness index depending on the corruption perception index, calculated according to statistical data.

The picture shows: in the worldthere is no country with a very high level of corruption and at the same time with a high level of competitiveness ... it general rule from which there are no exceptions. There are also no countries in the world with a low level of corruption and a low level of competitiveness. This is also a general rule from which there are no exceptions. But it is the competitiveness of enterprises that is the determining factor for economic success on the world stage! So, by eliminating corruption in our country, we will spur the development of its competitiveness and enable small, medium and large businesses to develop, thereby ensuring a rapid growth in competitiveness. Russian enterprises and the economy as a whole.

Figure 2 - Dependence of the inflation rate of the countries of the world in% from the corruption perception index.

A source:http://rating.rbc.ru .

Statistical studies show that corruption in the world is higher where per capita income is lower, but corruption is very much dependent on such an indicator as the inflation rate in the country. The higher the inflation rate, the higher the level of corruption, as a rule. The conclusion suggests itself: if we want the inflation rate in Russia to be low, corruption must be eliminated!

Corruption poses a particular danger in the areas on which the daily life of Russians depends - health care, security, housing and communal services, education, etc.

The desire to speed up the process of solving a problem is the most common reason for giving a bribe. If you don’t give a bribe, you will have to come to terms with the fact that your documents will take months to complete, and the issue will take years to resolve.

To effectively fight corruption, we must realize that corruption leads to an increase in crime, drug addiction, and has a detrimental effect on the economy of our country. In a sensecorruption is the root, the source of many problems and vices of society ... And without the elimination of corruption, it is impossible to reduce the crime rate, effectively fight drug addiction and terrorism, build an efficient economy, and reduce inflation. Fighting many of the evils of society without destroying corruption is like fighting windmills.

We also need to realize:corruption can and must be eliminated ... I will give several examples of foreign awareness of the elimination of corruption from the article by Alexander Plyasovskikh (he is the President of the public organization "Russia without Corruption", Doctor of Technical Sciences):

“Several years ago I was visiting a friend in Tashkent, who is far from being a poor man. He brought me home in his new Ford car. I was surprised that the car was without an alarm and asked: "Why don't you set the alarm?" His answer just amazed me. He said: “Why? We have introduced a law according to which they are sentenced to 15 years in prison for stealing a car, and now they do not steal cars. "

I recently traveled from Russia to Finland by car, where there are quite large fines for traffic violations. Surprisingly, but those people who in Russia do not follow the rules of the road, crossing the border with Finland, instantly become law-abiding! "

These examples indicate that if an effective system of legislative measures was introduced in our country, under which it would be profitable to live honestly, and it would be very unprofitable to take and give bribes, then corruption in society would decrease significantly!

Now about the radical measures that need to be used in Russia.

How to get rid of large-scale bribery and corruption? First, it is necessary to introduce a powerful economic counterbalance to the selfish interest in a bribe.The bribe must be very unprofitable economically !

Dear defenders of the rights of bribe-takers: remember the terrorist act in the theater on Dubrovka and the exploded Tu-134 and Tu-154 planes. These events would never have happened if not for the corruption of law enforcement agencies. By introducing a severe punishment for bribery on an especially large scale, we will introduce a non-cruel punishment, we will ensure the elimination of corruption and, along with it, the elimination of many of the vices of society, the source of which is corruption. We will cut one of the powerful roots of crime, drug addiction, sexual slavery, the slave trade and other vices in society.

And if some of the officials are not stopped by the introduction of such a harsh measure, then there is no need to feel sorry for them, because for money such a person will sell his own mother and all the Russians taken together. We need to get rid of such officials without regret, as from a cancerous tumor, plague and leprosy.

To ensure an effective fight against bribery, law enforcement officers should be encouraged in the amount of 50% of the amount of the fine for bribery. If, say, law enforcement agencies catch a bribe taker taking $ 100,000 by the hand, they should receive $ 200,000 as a reward, but not from the state pocket, but from a fine that the bribe taker must pay. This will make it possible to defeat corruption not at the expense of taxpayers, for whom corruption is already very expensive, butat the expense of the bribe-takers themselves .

Now about the execution of the bribe-takers. In Russia, for a bribe in the amount of $ 50,000 or more, not a physical, but a public political execution with wide media coverage should be provided. A bribe-taker must be publicly and for life deprived of the right to hold any government office and any “bribe-intensive” position, that is, positions where there is an opportunity to take bribes. He should be deprived of all privileges and titles for life. He should be deprived of all pension supplements and receive only the minimum pension. It would be nice to organize a "site of shame", where the details of the cases and the political execution of corrupt officials would be presented. It seems that this site would become one of the most visited Russian sites. The political execution of corrupt officials should be carried out without the right to rehabilitation. The term of imprisonment for bribery should not be reduced under any circumstances.

As soon as it becomes unprofitable to take bribes in Russia, they will immediately stop taking them!

We propose not increasing the punishment for bribery. We propose the complete elimination of corruption in our country by creating powerful economic levers to combat corruption, by creating powerful counterbalances to the selfish interests of corrupt officials, as well as by political execution of bribe-takers. In doing so, people will naturally stop taking and giving bribes, just as our drivers obey the traffic rules in Finland. Corruption in our country will be destroyed at the expense of the corrupt officials themselves. The cancerous tumor of corruption on the body of our country's economy will be cut out. Eliminating corruption in Russia is impossible without introducing such radical measures.

At the same time, all law enforcement officers, traffic police, all government officials, all teachers and doctors who worked in their posts because of the possibility of receiving bribes will be dismissed. But that's good! This will make our society safer, the level of drug addiction and crime in Russia will begin to decline, and road safety will become higher. The elimination of corruption will give a positive impetus to the development of the economy, to the improvement of legislation, and ultimately to the prosperity of our country.

Next, we will briefly consider the main measures proposed by the National Anti-Corruption Council. Russian Federation... The "Verbatim Report on the Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Council" will help us in this. dated April 6, 2010.

Almost two years have passed since the creation of the Council (this was in May 2008) and the approval of the National Anti-Corruption Plan, which was July 2008. What have we done with you? At least one thing we were able to do: we created regulatory framework, the formation of the regulatory framework, which should be the basis for combating corruption in the near future, has practically been completed.

An anti-corruption examination of regulatory legal acts has also been established. To date, about 800 thousand different laws and their projects have passed such an examination.

Another area of ​​implementation of the National Plan was the improvement of the organizational framework for combating corruption. All state bodies have created divisions of personnel services for the prevention of corruption and other offenses. The Presidium of the Council monitors their work.

Due to the concentration of efforts of law enforcement agencies on the fight against corruption in 2009, compared to 2008, the number of registered crimes against the interests of the civil service and service in local self-government bodies increased by 6.5 percent, and the number of revealed facts of bribery - by 5 percent. In total, 13 thousand facts of bribery were revealed last year.

The number of heads of state authorities and local self-government bodies held accountable has also increased. Thus, the facts of criminal activity of the Acting Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Karelia, the Deputy Governor of the Kurgan Region, the Deputy Governors of the Bryansk, Volgograd, Oryol Regions, government officials of the Amur and Novosibirsk Regions, the Chairman of the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory were suppressed.

All this is the result of a more purposeful and effective work of law enforcement agencies to identify and suppress corruption-related crimes.

The key task of the National Plan is to increase the transparency of the work of the courts. Each court must have an official website on which decisions will be posted. Such sites have already been created in all commercial courts and federal courts of general jurisdiction. Since 2008, a specialized database of decisions has been operating, which contains decisions of all 112 arbitration courts. All judicial acts are published on the portal within five days. From July of this year, all courts, including magistrates, must publish information about decisions in the public domain.

From the very beginning of its work, the Presidium of the Council organized monitoring of the implementation of the provisions of the National Plan in federal districts... Let us name its main results. In 76 constituent entities of the Federation, laws have been adopted that regulate anti-corruption issues.

The process of adopting regional targeted anti-corruption programs is nearing completion. True, in a number of regions: in the Amur, Bryansk, Saratov, Yaroslavl regions, their funding is clearly insufficient.

Analysis of the implementation of the National Plan helps to develop vectors for the further development of the state anti-corruption policy. For this purpose, a draft National Anti-Corruption Strategy has been prepared. Its adoption is in line with the international obligations of our country and will make it possible to determine the basic directions of work for the future.

The unconditional priority of the strategy is to eradicate the causes and conditions that give rise to corruption in Russian society, and the key principles are prevention and prevention of corruption, criminal prosecution of persons who have committed corruption crimes and minimization of their consequences. A new version of the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2010–2011 has also been prepared. It systematizes a list of tasks for public authorities at all levels.

The elimination of corruption will contribute to the fact that our country will become a powerful, economically strong power, will occupy a leading position in the world arena. We will not depend on the US dollar and the euro, we will not be afraid of various kinds of world crises.

Verbatim report on the meeting of the Council for Combating Corruption [Electronic resource] http://www.korupcii.net/

Whatever Russia does to develop its economy and to increase the competitiveness of its enterprises, nothing comes of it. Why? One of the key factors preventing our country from developing is corruption. How can such a trifle so strongly influence the life of an entire state? Let's figure it out.

We all imagine corruption as a bribe to a traffic cop or a teacher at an institute. And it is not clear how such "innocent" actions can slow down the entire economy? The fact is that corruption is not limited to these everyday little things. This is just the beginning. The most pernicious thing begins in the upper echelon of power. Starting from the mayor's office, when budget orders are placed not with the most efficient contractors, but with those where the owners are relatives of members of the administration, or just good acquaintances who share profits with officials. We are talking about the notorious "kickback". Due to the colossal amounts of kickbacks, instead of 100 km of the road, only 10 km are being built. Instead of 4 stadiums - only one. Infrastructure suffers - the entire economy suffers.

Bribes in tax authorities reduce budget revenues. There is less money in the budget. Who is suffering? Everything. In addition to direct bribes, there is also the so-called lobbying of interests. This is when laws are passed that make life easier for any industry or specific enterprises... Due to such indulgences, the state loses huge sums, because at this level, "tax optimization" means amounts from hundreds of millions of dollars.

Due to the fact that people in power are co-owners oil companies, it is profitable for them to keep high prices for fuel within the country in order to get more profit. In turn, fuel is included in the cost of any product that will be produced in our country. This also reduces the competitiveness of our products. Who will buy our products abroad if they are more expensive? The same is true for electricity. There are basic types of raw materials, such as fuel and electricity, which affect the cost of everything that will be produced in the country. The higher the cost of these basic raw materials, the lower the profitability of the entire production. As long as people at the top of the bureaucratic hierarchy receive income from fuel and generating companies, we will not wait for low prices. And accordingly, our production will produce expensive products.

Due to corrupt actions of all levels of government, the overall level of investment attractiveness country. The first attempts of IKEA to build stores in Moscow became the talk of the town. The book about how various authorities demanded bribes from IKEA managers has been read by many company leaders. how many international companies did not want to invest in the development of their business in Russia, one can only guess. But these are additional jobs and budget revenues. The country was deprived of all this by rabid officials who care not about the country's prospects, but about the momentary filling of their pockets.

All sorts of schemes for violent raider seizure of an operating business undermine faith in our country, in its judicial system and the possibility of honest business. There are a lot of examples: from Yukos to Euroset. And these are only sensational ones. How many of these events are there? Who would think of building a big business here, where the security forces can take away any business they like with impunity. So the Chichvarkins and other enterprising smart businessmen are leaving to build their new enterprises abroad.

Probably my answer will provoke indignation and they will throw stones at me, but I will say that the existence of corruption in one way or another has practically no effect on economic development. Yes, you heard right. There is no such correlation and will never be in the link between "the level of corruption and the development of the economy." The presence of corruption has more to do with other concepts like justice and legality, but little with the economy.
Corrupt acts are more related to illegal redistribution Money, but in no way with the withdrawal of them from the country or financial turnover. Corruption as a negative phenomenon for the economy is dangerous only as with the withdrawal of capital abroad, to offshore for example. The second negative is the waste of state funds for the purchase at inflated prices in conjunction with the supplier. But such transactions can be easily verified and, in principle, they are quite transparent, since auditors can easily examine market prices and detect overpricing. Scandals on these topics - darkness is dark.
The classics of the genre are kickbacks. But what is actually going on here? The companies need to win tenders for some monetary reward organizers. In terms of economics, it is a contracting firm that receives financing and performs work within the framework of the order. From the point of view of finance, the money remains in the country, the salary is paid, the general contractor pays money to his contractors for the work and the supply of materials. In terms of taxes - taxes are paid by the winning firm. From the point of view of other participants - perhaps the winner is not quite rightly chosen, but this is a matter of moral relations, but not economic ones. From the point of view of the state, it receives its order from this firm. In principle, the state obtained the result for the money allocated for this. From the point of view of the illegality of the proceeds received during the rollback by the organizers of the tender, it is a violation of the law, this is a criminal act, but here again, it has almost nothing to do with the economy. The money that is received illegally and remains in the country, in principle, continues to work for the economy: the owners buy assets in the country, thereby stimulating other firms that have nothing to do with this illegal origin of money. And who has overstayed? And just that firm that was ready to give a kickback for winning the tender. That is, in fact, she is ready to part with a part of the profit in order to get a contract. As a result, we clearly see that kickbacks are just a redistribution of future profits between the participants in the transaction.
Yes, it is illegal because such acts are prohibited by law, as a result of which officials receive income and, of course, do not pay taxes on it, since such income is not exposed. But the winner has already paid taxes on these revenues, which means that the state does not lose its revenues. And here the question is how do we see more legitimacy than economics. And the officials who were especially sniffed can be easily calculated by the presence of assets by comparing them with his income, which is why Al-Capone burned out at one time, who could not tax authorities explain the origin of his huge capital.
In our example, this is just an illegal redistribution. cash flows, but this redistribution does not affect economic development as such. In this process, they do not give nightmares to anyone, enterprises do not squeeze out, show masks at firms do not straighten. There is no money for kickback or it is not profitable for you - just do not participate in the tender, that's all.
What am I for? The fact is that the very presentation of the issue of corruption as a pernicious phenomenon in the economy is nothing more than cheap populism. The problem of gray salaries, from which taxes are not paid, is a hundred times more acute.
In Europe, it is officially recognized that corruption in the EU countries is about 120-130 billion euros. And this is given the very budget of the European Union in about the same amount. And it seems that unofficial corruption is twice as much higher, that is, about 250 billion euros. We admit that this is a solid amount that could more than cover everything Negative consequences from the Russian embargo. As you can see, this has almost no effect on the EU economy. Well, there is no such dependence that corruption hinders the development of the economy by some percentage or their share.
In Russia, corruption is estimated at about $ 250 billion. Nevertheless, the country has, in principle, been actively developing over the past 10 years, and problems appeared only with sanctions and the fall in oil prices.
All the demagogy and fears that we have high corruption, and it affects the standard of living is complete nonsense. It's just that some are getting richer, but others are not getting poorer.
In no way am I trying to justify this phenomenon. But you cannot associate it with the troubles in the economy.
Corruption is in some way oil for doing business, but not for destroying it, and therefore for economic activity.
Corruption is terrible in jurisprudence, but not in economics.
There is only one negative point in corruption for financial stability- the withdrawal of capital abroad, but tracking them is not difficult for financial intelligence, if you take it seriously, of course. By the way, this is what the main attention of the authorities is focused on now: the money should remain in the country, and whoever has this capital is illegal - this is the business of the competent authorities.
Therefore, if, as an argument for Russia's troubles, they talk about corruption and low international ratings in this matter, do not enter. Here they just want to evoke emotions that are overshadowed by logic among the most impressionable.
I do not belong either to officials or to corrupt officials. Everything was considered from an economic point of view.
The garden is ready, I'm waiting for the stones.

Since the 1990s, the economic and legal term "corruption" is increasingly referred to in the media not only as an international problem, but also as a private internal problem of each state separately, affecting economic system within the country and in general on the competitiveness of the state in the international arena. Corruption is an ambiguous complex socio-economic manifestation of a negative factor in the public.

The phenomenon of corruption must be viewed as a social, political and economic system of public relations that affect the general level and development of the country as a whole. As a social phenomenon, corruption generates inequality among the population, dissatisfaction with the existing government, lowering of public morality. As political - the loss of the legitimacy of the authorities, mistrust of the judicial and law enforcement system of the state, understatement of the authority of the role of the state and government, political nihilism.

G. Myrdal was the founder of the study of corruption as an economically negative phenomenon. Back in the 1960s, Myrdal, studying the experience of the Third World countries, he brought out negative economic consequences corruption, relevant to the modern world.

To conduct research on corruption and determine its level, the international organization "Transparency International" uses the Corruption Perceptions Index, which shows the assessment by entrepreneurs and analysts of the level of corruption in the country. A 10-point scale is used for the assessment. Accordingly, the higher the scores to 10 points, the lower the level of perceived corruption.

According to research and statistical data, the dependence of competitiveness on the corruption perception index is highlighted. Countries with high levels of corruption have low level competitiveness and, conversely, with a low level of competitiveness, the level of corruption is higher. Research by the World Economic Forum shows that a country's competitiveness index reflects the level of social welfare of the country, labor productivity, market position of fair competition, the dynamics of enterprise development and the level of freedom to enter / exit the economic market.

According to statistics, the indicators of corruption across countries also depend on the percentage of inflation. Thus, the Corruption Perceptions Index has the highest indicators in countries where inflation is high. Hence, it can be concluded about the existence and feedback. As the inflation rate affects the corruption perception index, so the decrease in the inflation rate can affect the decrease in the level of corruption in the country as a whole.

It should be noted that when assessing the level and scale of corruption, there is no single and correct formula. Most of the facts of bribery, misappropriation and embezzlement of budget funds remain undisclosed. Consequently, corruption has to be assessed through subjective perception, interviews with respondents and on the basis of only revealed facts, and formally - accusatory decisions of courts in which there is a fixed amount of bribe.

There are also problems of calculating the level of the international coefficient, which are associated with the fact that, firstly, legislative framework different countries can give different definitions of corruption, and, secondly, the presented data of statistical studies are related to the anti-corruption policy of the state. So, the tougher the policy, the more facts are revealed, but the softer the policy, the greater the unknown is the latent level of corruption.

In the long term, with the establishment of mechanisms to combat, the introduction of anti-corruption legislation into force, the change in the functioning of law enforcement agencies, the maintenance of numerous anti-corruption committees can recoup their costs. In the short term, such policy costs may seem inappropriate.

As a solution to the problem of recoupment of anti-corruption measures in the short term, it is possible to propose an increase in fines for bribery, the targeted direction of fines for the development of the sector of the economy, which was damaged, and replenishment of state budget funds spent on anti-corruption policy.

Referring to the data of the studies carried out by Transparency International on the indicators of the Russian Federation, from 1996 to 2014, we can conclude that in terms of corruption, Russia is on a par with the underdeveloped countries of the Third World. Russia's indicators have varied since 1997 from a coefficient of 2.1 to 2.8, the average for Russia is 2.45, if we calculate the average number of countries participating in research over 18 years and the average place that Russia occupied in this list, then it can be concluded that the Russian Federation is one of the most corrupt states in the world. On average, out of 139 countries in which the analysis of corruption indicators was carried out, Russia ranks 109th.

It is known that in Russia the problem of corruption is on this moment one of the main ones. The causes of corruption can be completely different. These include the peculiarities of the national mentality, the low level of development of the legal consciousness of citizens, the absence of a formed civil society... Currently, researchers note an improvement in economic performance compared to 1990, but Russia is still included in the group of countries with a high corruption perception index, with high inflation rates and low GDP and competitiveness indicators.

The development of anti-corruption policy for any country brings certain results when taking into account the proportionality of the costs of its implementation and the results of activities for its implementation. However, the eradication of corruption is completely impossible; it is only possible to minimize its level and the losses caused by bribery.

Bibliographic list

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