
Why do the sphere of defense need a military economist financier? Best Army General - Woman Economist

The author justifies the need military and economically reasonable support of national defense and national Security What is needed by the revival and improving the profiled training for these areas.

Why it is necessary to restore public position military Economist Financer? This is not a simple question, not about the pursuit, but about the head.

History knows different ways and forms financial and Economic Defense. In Russia, the responsibility of dachine soldiers " feed and clothing to give", Formerly before the landowners, by the beginning of the XVIII century, the state completely took over, as a result of which his expenses increased dramatically. In 1701, they amounted to 2.5 million rubles, of which 78% took the army and fleet. Peter I attracted troops to charging the pillow, which went to the state treasury. On the money received from it, the shelves "by their care" were blank all the necessary. Economic troubles took away a lot of time and time, distracted troops from the root case, however, it is impossible to avoid them, but can minimize, increasing efficiency. Over time, cultivated military Economic Communications, Military Finance, Military Financiers and Economists, the number and share of which for obvious reasons increased. But now this full-time category decided to abolish, alleged for the sake of savings. According to the department, it seems to be savings, but in the country, even on the budget - there is no it, and the case of ensuring defense worsens. For these reasons, it is necessary to correct the error.

But there is another very important argument that has become new at the present stage, not just an additional, but fateful. To understand the essence of war finance and arising from her role military Financial and Economic Personnel, of course, to properly rely on the historical experience, especially the one who taught the Great Patriotic War, what veterans speak completely rightly. To this, you must certainly add new arguments and push them to the fore. This is due to the changes that happened at the present stage, which are not properly realized and are not taken into account when solving the fundamental issues of ensuring the country's defense capability and the most difficult problems caused by non-mentioned, but just as fateful new, so-called soft threats. national Security. Their overcoming implies a fundamental increase in the role, number and quality of financing economists, if especially in the upper echelons of national defense and security systems.

Purpose and structure military Finance and Finance of National Security They predetermine their strategic role that manifested itself more clearly as the military affairs and the entire national security system and today appeared on the decision of the strategic level. What security systems should be created as they (and allocations for them) should relate, based on the level and degree of threats, which samples of weapons, military and special equipment (IVD) and in what quantity it is necessary to create, how to improve the system for the preparation of profiled frames, What fundamental and applied scientific research should be guided? When solving these and many other issues, a military-economic approach is required, but Military-economic thinking is still alien to many officers, because in the previous stages, it was not yet so acute the need for it, including in the highest units of the military system. Rely on the wisdom of the commander and help him from the General Staff. But the scale and complexity of strategic problems increased to such an extent that, for their timely decision, numerous scientific organizations are needed in the armed forces and in the functional structures of the national security system capable of military economically reasonable solve them. Moreover, committees that make decisions need functional and economic knowledge, and economists in the knowledge of the objective patterns of military affairs.

But instead of raising military-economic training In the last decade, officers in the past decade went to the elimination of the Military Financial and Economic Academy and the Military Financial and Economic School. And the military link deprives him of the military financial and economic personnel, and the highest units of the military system, including the brain of the army, turns out to be without the intellectual military-economic component. What kind of smart military economy and military strategy without a military-economic justification can be dreaming?

Economist financier Everything becomes B. more than Military strategist, and a military figure wants this or not, forced to think not only by military categories, but also by military-economic, penetrating all military affairs and the peculiarities of the military sphere. The main meaning of military-economic thinking and activity is the achievement of the desired functional, ( namely - military) Results with less costs. It is difficult to understand the centuries-old stereotypes that have formed in our brain, stubbornly resist. When it comes to the economy in the conditions of the market, thoughts come to mind about income, about its increase, about savings, as well as about all sorts of tricks. If limited to this, then it will be what we had recently. The situation, as a result, finally accepted smart solutions, began to change for the better, but still slowly. The whole thing in money and frames, in the number of first and quality of the second.

The first, even in difficult crisis conditions, began to be obtained and, if you want and be a military-economically competent and capable, then you can find a complete solution to the problem. But if we talk about the personnel question, then a funny common sense suggests such a compromise solution: in peacetime, in many cases, in the lower links of the armed forces, the issuance of money to military personnel, the fulfillment of settlement functions can be entrusted with civilian financiers, to obtain a seemingly economical savings on military expenditures (as if The civil financier is alive in the Holy Spirit), but during a big war you need military financiers, that is, people who can fulfill their financial responsibilities in the most difficult conditions of war, while at the same time full warriors. Yes, perhaps, everyone will agree that in the conditions of war, they must be servicemen. But the question arises where to take them if suddenly tomorrow again treacherously and without warning will attack us. Now, there is a response to this question - it is not necessary to renounce the bitter experience, quite proven now and other country-victims of American aggression in the second half of the past and at the beginning of this century.

But this is a half-site, this is not enough, everyday thinking is generally quite far from new military-strategic problems. After all, just in peacetime the question is solved, requiring scientifically based strategic Military Economic Approach. It is required to clearly answer such questions: what opposing structures should be created to prevent war, and if it is still encouraged, then, what means of weapons and ways of warfare will be required, therefore, which should be military financing of peacetime, adequate to the foreseen of new wars and their requirements. Solving such issues in the General Staff, chief committees, research institutes and centers are only specialists of the highest military and financial qualifications. There is no mobilization and emergency measures to do. Need early research and casual behavioral military-economic culture. She, without yet developing due measurement, corresponding to the modern stage, began to be lost at all without academic military Economic Financial University and a number of other institutions creating and supporting it. Already formed and all the failure in this regard, the failure of a fraught not only by omissions and disadvantages, but also an inevitable catastrophe.

If you seriously think about it, it becomes clear that it is during the period of the world that a military economist financier is especially needed, a military man not only in form, but also in fact, that is, having military knowledge, and, especially, the knowledge necessary for the development and adoption of strategic strategic knowledge Solutions in the upper control echelons. Why the military economists and financiers are eliminated in the General Staff, headquarters, and other military-economic structures, even the military, the need for whose still three hundred years ago, explained Peter I, which confirmed the entire subsequent military-economic experience? And they went theft, kickbacks, and then dips and, if not to change the provisions, the disaster is inevitable.

By the way, it is useful to learn and not only for the sake of history, which was still recommended by Peter I I.T. Obkov our first military economist. We will more than once again turn to it.

As for the military economy narrow economic Party (After it was solved by her main strategic task - what to count), then it is now a two-way plan. First, it is estimated to calculate the magnitude of the socially necessary costs to achieve the required military result and their minimization paths; secondly - to solve issues of military-economic security, that is, the security itself military economy, the sufficiency of her power and ability to implement military economic potential, which implies its functioning based on the statis of objective laws. Very briefly focus on finding out its key element - the preparation of highly qualified personnel.

The first side is partially more or less understandable as calculation. It was always, there is now, and, from accounting accounts and mechanical calculators switched to more perfect electronic means. They learned a lot faster and more accurately count. But what should be considered - that's the main question. Military History It answers it is not definitely: one kinofa of military affairs chances the number, multiple superiority in the main direction, the other wins not by the number, and the skill of the wonder-heroic, glorifying the eye meter, speed and onslaught. Think about it: with the number of troops an order of magnitude less than that of the enemy - and certainly victory, so taught and did A.V. Suvorov!

And what are they talking about today, what indicators, relations, objective laws and criteria, techniques and methods should be learned and considered? After all, it is not for income to create armed forces, and for victory in the war, which allows you to achieve the military-political goal, or preventing war, which may be the highest goal. Apparently, it is necessary to consider the military and political result of war, operations, battle - those who have been planned, prevented or necessary to prevent them. And we are talking about the variants of the most acceptable solutions. And solutions can be a variety of and in relation to our armed forces, and to the likely enemy. This kind of task has always stood before the sovereign, a smart military leader and intelligent commanders of different ranks, although they did not always have been realized and formulated into just such a production. Talking about wisdom, about military tricks, about different ways and styles of warfare, fighting, operations ... But the goals of wars, the scale and structure of the armed forces, their combat power, the potentials of states, not to mention the number and quality of warriors in each state and In each military unit, the division is different. Once it was possible to limit the commander to limit the more or less compact headquarters, which helped solve the tasks set with perhaps less loss. But the military case became more complicated, the headquarters were growing, all sorts of research centers appeared.

In the mentioned " Book about poverty and wealth"Peter I has already been offered a calculation, as a relatively small, but armed new weapons and staffed by Military crafts for the previous amount of expenses to achieve significantly higher military and political results. Since then, 290 years have passed. How everything was complicated. Many military sciences were born, including a military economy and military finances. But the meaning of what the first Russian thought about economist financierwho laid the foundations of the military-economic analysis, today it is a matter of many political and military leaders today, although not everyone. There are also those who do not have before that. They are not called wise, but, unfortunately, they do not pay due doubtful "merit" in great matters. True, in the history of Russia was in the beginning of the eyelid court intensdunts. But in the last century there was the greatest world-historical victory and great progress in ensuring military Security In the post-war period, not least, with the successful military-economic and financial policy and management activities. Unfortunately, this will not say about the leaders of the end of the past and the beginning of this century. It is time to make urgent conclusions for the future about the military-economic approach in defense and security affairs and more fully and vigorously implement them.

And again, many advice sovereign recalls again. True, his request is remembered: "Yes, my name for hated and envious people will not appear, the scabs and hinders and fans are wrong, in short ... they will not live in the world to live in the world, I will stop my belly." Unfortunately, it came out. Brutal were times. Almost immediately after Peter I, Peter I was arrested and on February 1, 1726 died in the Petropavlovsk fortress. Reading it now " Book of poverty and wealth"Cannot be kept from reminding at least brief advice of Pososhkov to those who are needed to know about them, but they are all underwriters. Let's help them, and others useful.

The military, like other social groups, has a clear definite place in the system public division labor, it must be provided food, clothing and other types of contentmentHaving a better weapon, masterfully owning them, like all the wisdoms of martial art. Therefore, it is impossible to distract servants from the root case, it should take care that the "soldiers always b from their guns are managed so that they never in the earthwork did not bother and Tomns b were not, but they were always bodras and are dangerous, and they are ready for battle For every hour. "

Of particular value in the Military Heritage has a system of specific measures, orienting defense construction to increase its effectiveness. It includes the provision of an army with high-quality weapons, picking troops of well-trained warriors and skilled commander, as well as differentiated (depending on military mastery) a wage system of warriors.

"The first care is needed about the gun, so that it was good and sharply and reliably, and then it is impossible to be without a skill." How to achieve this? It gives clear recommendations of a technical and organizational and economic nature. For example, it proposes to establish the mandatory branding of the weapon so that the stigma can be found in ten years, which master made a poor-quality rifle, a saber, spear or another type of weapons, and punished the guilty; To establish what is now called military acceptance: "And to take any rifle with experience and for the right testimony. And Koi Pressorker will be visoring, and on that rifle, he put his sentiment stamp, to know, who was what the gunner was honored. And I have a whose dosor of the Javitz, what kind of winery, and for the journey, for the prohibition of wasting.

The author of the need to differentiate the payment of military work was persistently and comprehensively, referring to the incentive of the desire of warriors to mastering military skills, an increase in the social prestige of military service, "an ordinary soldier, a member of a complain of 16 rubles, and those that will be from a comparison with hands in 20 seats On the cap to beat without a burdend, it seems that it seems to give a 20 ruble for a year, so that it looks like that, and others have chosen on such a skill, but by those who have no missed on a mobile purpose, pay 25 rubles. "

Posomov became the forerunner military Economic Analysis. He calculated in detail the cost of the army With the existing procedure for its preparation and content, comparing them with costs and results, which will be associated with the implementation of the recommendations offered to them on the acquisition, preparation and content of troops. Scrupulously calcified money and bread salary, Weapon costs, ammunition and other needs, he made calculations for the maintenance of troops for a month and three months. Comparing the cost of a simple infantry with a number of 50 thousand people with existing supply standards with the cost of troops from only 20 thousand of the most skillful archers paid to higher standards, he led to a professional army, which "replaced the case for 100 thousand. unreasonable. " Here we see, very visual and scientifically substantiated examples of military-economic analysis of specific versions of military construction proposed 300 years ago.

Finally, its work contains deep theoretical arguments and concrete recommendations by the Sovereign on the strengthening of the power of the country, its spiritual, military, economic and social relics, the considerations of the legal structure, the harmonization of the interests of various sectors of society and the national (royal) interest.

So, arguing about foreign trade He believes that foreign competitors "they are kicked by the Russian kingdom to drive themselves. And mocking over us, the linen of material goods will be brought to us different drinks ... Yes, bring glass dishes to us, so that we, buying, bombing and throwing. And we have plants five or six to build, then all their statehood can fill in glass dishwasher. " The ruler should look at the guards, "so that I don't buy anything wrong and deficiently and from abroad in Russia, but they bought such things that they are durable and koi in Russia, we don't have it or without koi."

He claims that "peasant life is boringly anything from anything, Tokmo from their own laziness, and then from the persuasive of rulers and from landlord violence and from negligence." It follows the "royal defeats to establish in accordance with land put on and collect them at a convenient time (in order to landowners did not require anything superfluous from the peasants), about the rational device of the yards in the villages, on the planks, about fish farming. "The peasant wealth is the richness of the royal, and the peasant's poverty is the rational of the royal."

Leitmotive chapter " About royal interest"- Introduction of a reasonable amount of taxes and fees. "Lucky that zbor, whether the king of the treasury collects, and the people ruffles." Arguing about the maternity management of the state economy, the author cites the facts of negligent storage in the cities and in the army of the gathering, bread and other shelf surfacing, mismanagement when the forest harvesting for shipbuilding, the manufacture of low-quality ropes from hemp; Speaks about his mouth, about chasing money, saving money metal.

A lot and other meaningful thoughts can be found in the writings of the original and deep thinker of Russia Ivan Tikhonovich Pososhkov. A representative of a simple people, a true nugget, whose value is not reduced over time, and increases, - he left such a legacy, which in the days of transformations, in the days of thought about the destinies of the Fatherland - the current and future - we arm theoretics and practitioners of military construction by a time-tested coordinate system ways to achieve the goal. But what about it is a highly mentioned ignorant?! They must simply transplant to another place.

Today, the problem under consideration was significantly complicated especially in connection with the need to optimize the national security system in which military security acts only as one of its many subsystems, although the most important and large. But it is necessary to understand that, for example, the threat of drug agencies is an equally fateful threat, as well as nuclear winter, only stretched in time. The demographic, raw material, energy, finally, cosmic and financial and Economic Threats of National and Global Security. But mankind lives in the conditions of limited resources, which makes such an acute economic problem at all. Especially acute the problem of optimizing the structure of national security. This is very convincingly stated in, and other scientists, there are numerous examples of how old and many new fateful threats to national security appeared, and new types of combating them were developed, which individual researchers are called wars: economic, currency, ideological, information, psychological, etc.

We note in this regard, that in military literature there is a controversy on the issue about non-military warsSometimes with a hint on a new paradigm of science. In our opinion, the legal desire to draw attention to the issues of countering many very relevant security threats leads some authors to the mixture of fundamental concepts, for example, about war and non-unauthorized forms of struggle, about the essence of war and other forms of struggle, on their relationship, in particular the ratio of war and politicians. It would seem to be a long-decided question - whether war is a continuation of politics and, to weaken the shock, is always. Without going far from the topic of this article, let us touch some related moments.

It should be accepted with those who believe that it is not advisable to identify the various non-military forms of confrontation with the war. In my opinion, this prematurely violates the methodology for the formation of categorical apparatuses of existing paradigms of social sciences. Currently, the working categorical apparatus absorbs the category of a long time has already ever been a real-established process of splitting the economy on a functional basis for the economics of welfare and security economy. The latter includes subsystems of economic, political, military, border, environmental, cosmic and other security, adequately real threats. Each subsystem is originally in many respects and is unlikely to be suitable for some of them according to some indicator, for example, by the degree of threat, somehow bring to the military subsystem and the activities of the relevant confrontation subsystem to call war, for example, war Economy, ideologies, politician, etc. This is not enough to deepen knowledge, specify the assessment, achieve adequacy and increase the efficiency of the threat neutralization of the neutralization. All these subsystems are characterized by their goals, ways and means of confrontation, but only the military subsystem inherent in war with its laws, and not military subsystems - their special types of combating their special laws: economic, political, ideological, etc. Which threat is most dangerous? We must solve this question. The answer can be only one, which is not surprised, is underestimated and it is not opposed to adequate and sufficient to counter the security subsystem. Since all these subsystems are peculiar and suggest the corresponding essence of knowledge, organization, financing, resource support, etc., it acquires a special acute problem of the sufficiency of each of them, optimizing the overall structure of the national security economy, the priority in it or others from numerous substructures . The solution to these problems is rooted in the knowledge of the general and specific laws of each subsystem, including military, and not in identifying with it.

At the same time, we emphasize: a qualified decision of the strategic and tactical problems of the safety of all species is possible only with a widely profiled system of training, including fundamental economists, for all functional areas of national security. By the way, for many functional areas, training of such personnel was carried out in military and civil universities and is conducted, despite the elimination of it in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It is time to correct the mistakes made in this regard and develop the existing personnel training system in relation to the courses of modernity for all areas of functional economic security. It is this approach that corresponds to the spirit of movement to new paradigms of sciences, to high efficiency in all spheres of vital activity to ensure welfare, defense and security. Fully share the opinion of the President of AVN General of the Army Army, MA: "It is completely abnormal that in the Russian Academy of Sciences there is no special department for defense issues. The interests of the case require that such a department be created and systematically engaged in the study of the modern nature of wars and ways to more economical and efficient organization of the country's defense, taking into account the multi-vector and more complex nature of the security of the country, establishing closer cooperation with the Academy of Military Sciences and Raran.

Fires Alexander Ivanovich D.E., Professor. Activated member of the Academy of Military Sciences and the Academy of Military Economy and Finance, Captain 1 Rank in resignation. website

1. I.T. Posochekov. Book about poverty and wealth. - C-PB "Science" 2004, pp 9
2. See, for example, S.F.Vikulov. War Economy and War Economics: Maintaining in the problem. // Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences No. 3 2015. By the way, we will notice the fuzziness of the author's position: "We can assume that it is currently being conducted ... War, which can and be called financial and economic. As a synonym, the term "economic confrontation" can be used. Such a point of view adheres to a number of political scientists, incl. A.Dugin, who believes that "we are dealing with new forms of war." from. 29. And what is the opinion of the author on this methodological question?
3. Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences No. 3.2013, P.7.

On September 20, the Military Financial and Economic University would be 70 years old. Unfortunately, it is no longer. He fell under merciless reforms, covered armed forces in the 2000s. But the experience of training military financiers was accumulated unique. He did not lose imports today, as, however, are relevant and full of bright pages of birth and life of this educational institution.

After the Great Patriotic War, the task of preparing financial and economic personnel for the armed forces, especially the guideline. At the proposal of the head of the Finnishing Department of the Military Office, General Yakov Khanyenko, with the support of the leadership of the Ministry of Finance on September 20, 1947, Deputy Minister of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union Alexander Vasilevsky and Minister of Higher Education Sergey Kaftanov signed a joint order for the organization of the Military Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute.


In July 1948, the head of the faculty was appointed an experienced Financier General Major Sergey Spiridonov. The participant of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, he became the first of the Pleiads of Frontovikov's leaders who have invested military experience in organizing the educational process.

The staff of the faculty entered the management, four courses of listeners, three departments and service units. In 1949, commissioned courses of improving officer composition, and in the 1950s - a special department for the preparation of military personnel of foreign armies and adjuncture. By 1960, a slender system of training of military financiers was formed.

In the period from 1955 to 1963, scientists departed a number of monographs, released six collections of scientific notes. In these works, there were reflected questions of the theory and practice of finance of the USSR SCSR, cash security troops. B. Rivkin, N. Verba, B. Kein, N. Gritsynin, I. Lakhmetkin, V. Pyusenik, B. Savchenko, V. Shcherbak, Yu. Chernov, V. Schcherbak, Yu. Chernov, V. Tivanov, contributed to the development of science on finance Korolev and others.

In January 1963, at the Department of Finance, two research laboratories were formed - "automation" and "financial service problems". Their activities contributed to strengthening the regime of savings in the use of public funds in the army and on the fleet, improving the quality of the fink distance, the fight against loss material values and money.

A characteristic feature of the development of the faculty in 1963-1972 was the increase in the level of military-economic training of listeners. New disciplines introduced, developed courses for the study of the economy, organization and planning of industrial production and caption in the USSR MO, analysis of economic activities of enterprises and construction organizations.

In 1967, at the faculty began to prepare executive officers in the system field agencies State Bank of the USSR to ensure financing new types of armed forces, primarily RVSN.

The faculty professorship took an active part in preparing for the introduction of annual financial planning in troops from January 1, 1970, as well as the use of impersonal financing that allowed commander to send funds to the solution of priority tasks. This step, supported by the Ministry of Finance, was revolutionary for that time. It is noteworthy that in the public sector of the country to such financing only in the twentieth century.

The logical completion of the restructuring of the educational process with a bias on the economy was the creation of an independent department of military-economic disciplines in 1971, the first head of which was colonel A. Grishin.

The confrontation and rivalry between the NATO block and the Warsaw contract was accompanied by the development, production and adoption of increasingly complex complexes and systems. This resulted in strengthening the bonds of the Economy of the Armed Forces with the Defense and Industrial Complex, the growth of military expenses. To optimize them, it was decided to improve the qualifications of the management team of military missions (VP): the department of the economy and the organization of the production of defense industries was created, the head of the Colonel-Engineer V. Zhikharev is appointed. The country's leading specialists, scientists, practitioners, financiers, economists were selected. From October 1974, the Department began training officers of the VP, and in the future and ordered offices, NIO, industrial enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense.

In 1976, specialists with higher military education were already preparing at the faculty. Graduates got the opportunity to study economic analysis Theaters of hostilities, the choice of rational options for ensuring the needs of troops. The main efforts were sent to the practical side of the training and the achievement of a logical connection between the educational processes of the Yaroslavl Higher Military and Financial School named after the General A. V. Khrulev and the Military Faculty, the creation of a slender system for the training of finservice professionals with higher military education.

Military special training has become provided by two groups of disciplines: financial and economic, the number of which has increased significantly. In 1979, the first edition of officers with higher military education was held, which were almost completely directed to the central bodies of the aircraft. And from the 1981st, higher military education began to receive graduates of the branch of absentee training.
The arrival of such specialists was accompanied by the expansion of the rights of managers of loans of all degrees in the use of budgetary funds. In the army and on the fleet began to be implemented standards of expenses, the remains were allowed to use next year. This led to a significant budget economy of the Ministry of Defense.

Financial Guardian

When creating the Armed Forces new Russia And the reduction in their numbers appeared proposals for the preparation of military financiers in civil universities, although such attempts rejected life itself in the 20s of the last century. They tended, as a rule, from some reformers, which, apparently, it was not clear that the armed forces are a specific state body designed to ensure the security of the country. And the Military Faculty has always been prepared for the organization of the financial security of the troops and the fleet forces not only in the conditions of their real dislocation, but also applications, and if necessary, and personal participation in hostilities, where the use of civilian specialists is in fact impossible.

In the era of "privatization", and simply - the population of state, including the Army Property, the Military Financial and Economic Faculty turned out to be a lounge piece for some representatives of the new Russian elite, which were alien to the training of specialists of such a profile, they were interested in personal mercenary goals. From attempting by property under the guise of various controversial reorganizations, the employees of the Military Faculty were repelled repeatedly.

When reforming the military education system in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 1998, a military financial and economic university was established as part of the Military Financial and Economic Faculty and Yaroslavl Supreme Military Financial School on the Rights of the Branch. This decision was to create a multi-level learning and scientific complex, form a single systems approach to the preparation of personnel of financial and economic service. Such an association marked the beginning of one of the most productive periods of activity. In the short period there were serious changes in the educational process. New technologies have been introduced, the quality of scientific works has increased, the qualifications and potential of the teaching staff increased, which had a positive impact on the professional level of graduates.

One of the mains remained the Department of Finance and Management banking activities In the sun. Her representatives were attracted to conducting classes even in other universities. At the Academy of General Staff, lectures on the problems of the defense budget were read annually. Textbooks and monographs were prepared here, dozens of benefits, more than 70 dissertations were protected, various NIR and operational tasks were carried out.

Back in 1977, the Department of Financial and Economic Activities and Control (Organization of Financial Services and Control) was issued from the Department of the Russian Federation to strengthen the practical orientation of listeners (organizing financial services and controls), the first head of which was appointed Colonel Y. Chernov. The disciplines of an applied nature were taught on it - they were preparing listeners to work by the heads of the financial service of the compounds and structural divisions of the district and army link. Under the direction of financial Inspection The CFU of the Russian Federation here was prepared by the first textbook on financial control.

The department of economic management and accounting and analytical activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (the economy of the Armed Forces) appeared in its kind, which, being relatively young, under the leadership of the First Chief of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G. Zhukov, brightly announced itself. The country's first military-economic analysis textbook was published here, which immediately began to enjoy high demand in both universities and research institutions of the Ministry of Defense. Disciplines appeared for the first time: Military-economic analysis, military financial informatics. From the 2000th, by decision of the Minister of Defense, EC engineers with higher military education are prepared here. Her graduates of 2002-2006 had a significant impact on the development of the industry and the current state of the state defense order management system. To date, the textbook "Prices and pricing" published by the Department in 1985 is the only one in the country.

In the development of the scientific foundations of the military economy, scientists of the University of University were invested: R. Pharmal, A. Firov, N. Abrosimov, S. Yermakov, V. Zhikharev, Zhukov, S. Viculov, etc.

The university during these years has become an intellectual center of key competencies on the planning and financing of the GOZ, the economy of R & D, the management of pricing products of defense appointment, accounting and analysis of costs, intellectual property management. All these most important directions were studied at the Department.

Today, the problems accumulated over the past ten years in the areas listed above may be a very serious threat to the implementation of the GOZ 2017-2019. But preparing profile specialists with no one and now.

An instructive example: to strengthen the IER in the field of economics and finance of the Armed Forces at the University under the leadership of Colonel A. Batkovsky, the Research Center for Military Economic Justles was worked. It has been completed about 50 research work, more than 170 operational tasks, eight monographs and methodological benefits on a wide range of financial and economic problems have been prepared. We began to regularly release the scientific journal "Bulletin of the Military Financial and Economic University", which published articles on the most topical issues of the economy and finance.

In 2002, a museum was built, equipped with advanced storage technologies and demonstration of historical information and archival materials. There were planned classes with listeners, excursions for families of military personnel, students of civil universities and schoolchildren, significant dates and days of military glory were noted. The Museum and Labor "Military Financial and Economic Service of Russia" were noted by the State Prize of the Russian Federation of the Marshal Soviet Union Zhukov.

The team of the Military Financial and Economic Faculty always walked up with the times. Performed the tasks of the financial service based on the geopolitical situation, was preparing and brought up officers devoted to the interests. Over the years of work for the Ministry of Defense, internal troops, the federal border service, other security agencies produced about 7,500 military specialists, retrained and advanced training of more than 10 thousand officers.

An objective evaluation of work has become its accreditation. According to the results conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2005, the external examination of the Military Financial and Economic University was among the best 10 percent of Russian universities (including civil) in all major indicators. Graduates successfully performed tasks of financial support for the Soviet troops temporarily stationed in Germany, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, in Cuba, in other regions. Many participated in hostilities and peacekeeping operations in Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Chechen Republic, Yugoslavia, Abkhazia, Transnistria. Often, in the service in hot spots, they had to join armed clashes, protecting finances, other values \u200b\u200bfrom capturing by militants. To perform along with the professional responsibilities of the task of maintaining and guarding the military columns, to take together with other servicemen personal participation In combat actions, showing courage and heroism. For the management of financial support for military operations in Dagestan and Chechnya, Lieutenant General V. Zastnoyuk, Colonels E. Polobyov and Y. Efimov were awarded the Order "For military merit". Colonel Efimov, besides, marked and the Order of Courage. For coarse labor awards were awarded awards participants in combat operations: A. Ullianchuk, I. Semenihin, V. Kirillov, B. Belotserkovsky, O. Belenko, A. Borisov and many others.

Often performing tasks in hot spots, graduates had to organize social Security civilians participate in the stabilization of the financial and economic system of the regions. A vivid example: In 2014, after the state version in Ukraine, an economic terror organized in Crimea, the blockade of banking and treasury systems, deprivation of the population to the existence of the financial service of the Black Sea Fleet was able to quickly and in combat, without exaggeration to say a rescue financial and economic operation. As a result, for the fleet and state, more than two billion rubles, which were in the bank's accounts of Ukraine, are secretly collected from the garrisons of hundreds of millions of hryvnia and converted to rubles. Together with officers of the field departments of the bank with the mainland, a huge amount of cash for Pension Fund, "Russian Post", credit and financial and other organizations of the Crimea. If it is impossible to pay money allowance and wages in non-cash plastic cards With a significant increase in the number of fleets, in a timelyworthy in cash. Thanks to primarily the financial service officers managed to bring to a working state as soon as possible. salary project through a new servicing banking institution. All this largely contributed to the economic stabilization of the Crimea and the social protection of its population.

There are someone proud

Among our graduates - 124 General, 27 doctors of science and professors, three deserved figures of the science of the Russian Federation, seven winners of the State Prize. Marshal Soviet Union Zhukova, 59 of the well-deserved economists of the Russian Federation, 13 officers awarded the sign "For excellent successes in the field of higher education of the USSR", three honorary workers of the country's higher professional education of the country.

Life showed that university graduates are very in demand and after dismissal from military service. They occupied and occupy decent positions in the administration and control administration of the president, the governments of Russia and Moscow, the Accounts Chamber, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, other authorities. Graduate of the University of 2005, Golden Medist Colonel Reserve D. Aristov Today as director Federal Service bailiffs. Graduate 2002 Colonel of the stock of S. Emelyanov - Director of the Department of Aviation Industry of the Ministry of Industry. Position of the first deputy head of the Department of Finance of Moscow, the head of the urban treasury occupies a colonel of E. Menshov stock. Colonels of the reserve V. Pavlov and O. Yakovlev are directed by the financial and economic bodies of the Department of Health and Education of Moscow. In the control administration, the president was previously held public service Officers S. Averichev and Y. Fedorov. Military financiers, A. Matyunin, A. Skobeliev, I. Oshchipkov and P. Romashkan are successfully working here. In the Department of Control of Defense Expenditures of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, which was headed by Auditor A. Piskunov, more than 85 percent of the inspection composition were graduates of the university. Many have become major leaders in banking system states. Thus, the head of the Far Eastern General Directorate of the Bank of Russia is S. Belov, First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia on the Central Federal District - V. Knosh. The Department of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia is headed by O. Belenko. Managing branch Belgorod of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District - A. Belenko. Our graduates lead almost all the financial bodies of the armed forces of the post-Soviet states. Many remain faithful to the chosen path, continuing to work in the defense structures of the state, the OPK, heading the Research Institute, plants, financial departments, pricing management.

With great respect and pride, today we remember the heads of the Military Faculty - participants of the Great Patriotic War, Generals N. Foundaova, V. Krishkevich, I. Ryzhkov, V. Selikha, V. Bursa, V. Semenikova, M. Polishchuk, which made a significant contribution In the development and improvement of the activities of the educational institution, preparation of decent personnel for the financial service.

On the authority of the Military University and Military School, they testify to the visit of them by the President of the country, twice - the chairmen of the Russian government and the Minister of Defense. Of such attention and honor were not awarded more elite educational institutions.

Unfortunately, in 2009 and 2010, the Military Financial and Economic Academy in Yaroslavl and the Military Financial and Economic Institute, repeat, were disbanded. This step by many veterans of the army and fleet, especially graduates of the university, is regarded as an anti-state, aimed at undermining the economy and the combat readiness of the Armed Forces, the country's defense capability. It seems that the current leadership of the two ministries - defense and finance will come to the conclusion that without such a unique educational institution, it is impossible to effectively solve the use of budget funds for the country's defense.

All those who are the roads of the Military Financial and Economic University (Military Financial and Economic Faculty at MFI), congratulations on the holiday, I wish you health, well-being and success in life. I am convinced that we have done work for the benefit of the armed forces, we have the right to be proud of.

Military finances are included in a single military-economic system, which is formed in the formation, distribution and application of the price of military products, creating relevant activities in individual entities, which ultimately ensures the security of the country. Activities in this area carry out military financiers.

Recent History

When A. Serdyukov was appointed to the post of Minister of Defense, he called one of the main priorities of the work reform in the management of finances and the economy, in which military financial services were abolished. It was believed that due to non-cash calculations and the absence of corruption accounting in HF, it will be minimized.

At that time, criminal cases began to start at those who held the highest positions in the army. The resonant was the case with General George Oleinik, who was accused of embezzlement 323 million dollars. This "golden residential" for financiers began both the war in Chechnya, where they had up to 50% of cash from officer payments. Resonant cases appeared in different districts of the country.

Thus, at that time, reform was considered forced and necessary measure, however, the proper effect was not achieved. The central apparatus for civil servants was allocated premiums, the size of which reached several hundred thousand rubles, which sometimes exceeded the annual officer salary. After the former minister changed S. Shoigu, it was decided to phased financial services, which was planned to return to 800 posts with financial VUS.

Preparation of military financiers

Unlike VFEU, which was abolished in zero years, the Yaroslavl Military Financial and Economic Academy continues its activities to this day. It is here who wishes can receive a VUS to implement the financial and economic service in the Russian Federation in the future. The Academy prepares officers to work in the Ministry of Defense, other powerful structures, where military service, the department of field agencies of the Central Bank, construction and industrial organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The standard training period is 5 years in full-time, but in some specialties can be studied in absentia and less period. To enroll in a military university, and get a specialty "military economist", you need to meet certain criteria, namely:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • age should be from 16 to 22 years (with not passing an urgent service);
  • up to 24 years (for contract soldiers with the exception of officers);
  • have a document on full, professional or primary vocational education.

Candidates will not be considered, which are indicated in the paragraph 4 and 5 of Article 34 of the Federal Law "O", that is, the following persons:

  • not comply with the requirements according to the Federal Law
  • convicted and serving punishment in correctional institutions;
  • having a criminal record;
  • being suspected of committing a crime at the stage of investigative actions.

Features of the future profession

In connection with the reforms of past years, hundreds of officers were derived for the states. Many specialists believe that it is not easy to revive the system. At the same time, most likely, the experience of past years will be taken into account, and institutions to prevent the prevention of state-owned waste, and the work of the control bodies will increase.

The giant liner, roaring the engines, is breaking away from the strip of the military base near the Dutch town of Eindhoven. In the belly of the air truck - three apache helicopters. After eight hours, the aircraft chassis will touch the airfield concrete in Kabul. But the pilots communicate in Russian, and on the tail of the aircraft - the Russian Tricolor: NATO's Afghan contingent, Volga-Dnepr's airline with headquarters in Ulyanovsk, is being brought by NATO's Afghan contingent.

Company owner - Russian entrepreneur Alexey Isaikin. The flight to Kabul cost the customer at least $ 200,000. The flight of a cargo Boeing 747 at the same distance would bring two times lower income. The fact is that the An-124 Ruslan, the largest from ever serially produced trucks fly in Isaicina's airline. In total, Isaikina are ten. They constitute the backbone of the Volga-Dnipro fleet, the third in Russia on the revenue of the airline. Its turnover in 2008 exceeded $ 1.4 billion. And this is despite the crisis in the Russian air strike. What's the secret?

* Looking at the huge white An-124 who belbs escaping from the ground, it is difficult to believe that the work on this machine began more than half a century ago. The Soviet military was needed a military transport aircraft capable of raising any of the Soviet army of samples of land military equipment into the air. After 15 years from the gate of the Kiev Aviation Plant OKB O. K. Antonova for the first time, Makhina An-124 "Ruslan" was revealed.

The plane was collected in Kiev and at the aircraft plant in Ulyanovsk - four to five pieces per year. The liner established several world records: for carrying capacity, height and range of cargo. But for the sealing economy of the USSR, the price of 70 million rubles for an aircraft (Tu-154 accounted for 4.5 million rubles) was beware. Already in 1989, it was decided to terminate the production of Ruslanov. In the armies of the heirs of the USSR, Russia and Ukraine, there were no tasks for air giants, no money for maintaining flights. If anyone bothered the disappearance of the demand for the plane, then the leaders of the Ulyanovsky aircraft plant, at the most hungry time of the 1990s remaining without orders. Coagulation of the production of An-124 - "An example of a Campanis approach to conversion," the deputy head of the military acceptance of the plant, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Isaikin, thundered on the factory partner.

* Isaikin arrived in Ulyanovsk in 1984 by a young specialist. His duty at the factory included blood pricing in the production of An-124. "All that measured money was passing through me," he remembers. PartsProduction by steps, and in 1990, he, like other factory leaders, perfectly understood that there are no shoppers in the domestic market for aircraft, even more so. The idea was born to create a buyer of these military cars - a civil airline for the carriage of heavy loads. "It was an understanding that the plane created by the legend, for the transport of people's business goods to the districts Far North, it can really work according to this legend, "recalls Isaikin, setting around at the back seat of his Mercedes S-class, which is lucky to the Moscow office of the company with a meeting with the head of the International Transport Association IATA.

* In 1991, the USSR Prime Minister Nikolay Ryzhkov put a visa at the decision on the creation of Volga-Dnepr's airline, Alexey Isaikin was appointed Chairman of the Board. Why he is he? "I think it was like in a cooperative - everyone was engaged in everything," says Sergey Nadorosv, the head of the Cascol Group of Companies, which has long residents of Volga-Dnipro shares for a long time. - And, as in every cooperative, there was soon a person who can administer. Isaikin gradually pulled his leadership. " Isaikin himself argues that he was embarrassed upstairs because he was able to decide on departure from stable work, while others were not. The working group on the creation of the airline was, for example, the head of Isaikina Nikolay Kachalov, the head of the plant's military acceptance. However, he did not decreased for a long time to remove the epaulets, and when I was resigned, Issaikin had already stood at the head of the company. I did not take a chance to quit the "main" job and the other "Father-founder" "Volga-Dnipro" - Chief Engineer of the plant Valery Savotchenko.

The founders of the airline were the Ulyanovsky aircraft facility, Kiev KB them. O. K. Antonova (in the name of the company, its Ulyanovsk and Kiev origin, the Ministry of Defense, Aeroflot and AvtoVAZBANK be played. The Ministry of Defense gave a rent of several Turbist trucks An-12 with crews so that Volga-Dnepr could start flights immediately. And in June 1991, the first "Ruslan" came to the airline fleet from among the factory cars.

However, the appropriate plane is still not a guarantee of success. Meanwhile, in 1991, Volga-Dnepr transported, for example, the American anti-aircraft missile complex Patriot from Chatero (France) to Dubai (UAE). How did the company just created from Provincial Ulyanovsk have been allowed to transport American military equipment?

In 1985, An-124 presented to the general public at the Le Bourget air show. "High-quality work", "Exceptionally simple plane," wrote Flight International, the number one air magazine in the world. For the British cargo airline Heavy Lift The appearance of the Russian giant has become an unpleasant surprise. Until now, the Tsushka of the four-dimensional British transport worker Belfast with a gigantic letter H at Kiel guaranteed her all the attention. Now Michael Hasel and Grahem Pierce, Managing Heavy Lift, remained only, Tsoky languages, inspect the Soviet Giant. Belfast could carry out 40 tons of cargo, An-124 - all 120 tons. About such a car, like An-124, the British could only dream.

It is not surprising that soon after the fall of the Iron Curtain, in the fall of 1990, Hazel and Pierce went alongside the plane in the distant Ulyanovsk. Missed their delegation led by the first secretary of the city. The British spent several days at the factory, communicating with Kachalov, Isaikin and other organizers of Volga-Dnipro. Negotiations ended with the creation of HEAVY LIFT - Volga DNEPR.

The parties contributed B. authorized capital JV on £ 1. HeavyLift from each flight received a fixed commission, Volga-Dnepr - compensation for the planes provided. In the city of Stansteda, near London, the transportation center and sales service was organized. If, according to the results of the 1992th, the first year of the full functioning of Volga-Dnepr, the company's revenue was $ 31 million, then by the 1999 it reached $ 102 million. However, next year, partners broke up.

Isaikin all the time they needed money: Military in its origin, An-124 demanded constant investments in adaptation to civil requirements. The flight resource, one of the key operational characteristics of the aircraft, was laid during its creation in the amount of 2000 hours. When commercial, and not military operation of the An-124 uses this resource in two years. Each permission to extend the resource from the developer, Kiev KB. Antonova accounted for several million dollars. Large tools went on an increase in the park, which by 2000 grew up to eight Ruslanov. average price The last cars, according to Forbes, was about $ 15 million.

Pay $ 5-6 million in the year Heavy Lift Isaikin was sorry. He wanted partners not only to receive money, but also invested in business development. The British were not against, but they demanded a share of not in the joint venture, but in the airline itself. As a result, Isaikin decided to take a break.

He seriously risked. Graham Pierce was personally familiar with the heading chapters, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and other corporations that made orders for the carriage of goods. "They will have problems. Our name means a lot for military and other major corporations ", - Pierced pier after news on the closure of the joint venture with Volga-Dnipro.

But And Isaikina had trumps. By the end of the 1990s, the Flight Management Center in Stanstede was equipped with Russian dispatchers and sails managers, and the latter could already have mastered the market and establish connections with customers. Back in the mid-1990, the company hired an Englishman with experience in Flight International. "It was a serious step, which allowed the company to immediately increase the presence in sectoral and specialized media," says one of the former top managers Volga-Dnepr. The following elegant scheme was developed. The crews distributed cameras and told to remove loading and unloading. Leading aviation editions gladly published photos of the loading of oversized cargo by a giant Russian aircraft. Most of them were performed through the front hatch, and then the photo of the Volga-DNEPR was visible in the photo, derived at the bottom of the nasal fairing of all the company's aircraft.

The first months of the "autonomous diving" are nevertheless failed, sales fell more than twice. However, then things went uphill. First of all, the situation in the market has changed. The United States and their allies began military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Heavy cargo aircraft were shortage. "British and American C-17 (the nearest Western An-124 analogue, but with less lifting capacity. - Forbes) are operated with record voltage, the US Air Force Command is constantly complaining about the lack of military transport aviation," says Mikhail Barabanov, MOSCOW Defense Edition Editor Brief.

Isaikin fully took advantage of the opportunities. Volga-Dnipro became the first private companyStarting flights to Afghanistan after the overthrow of the Taliban in 2001. It was possible to keep civilian customers with whom Volga-Dnepr began to work with Heavy Lift mediation. In 2008, charter freight transports brought "Volga-Dnepr" about $ 1 billion. Heavy Lift survived bankruptcy, a change of owners, and then together with his fleet of several stroke aircraft and moved to Australia at all.

* Now Volga-Dnepr is more than 2500 personnel, offices in dozens of cities around the world. Last year, the company transported more than 250,000 tons of cargo and fulfilled about 10,000 flights. Niche An-124 in the global market - transportation of everything that smaller aircraft simply does not fit. Examples? 125-ton chemical reactor. Coca-COLA spilling line weighing 81 tons. Space ship layout for filming "Star Wars" with a common weight of 100 tons. Each such transportation is a complex technical operation and requires scrupulous calculations. "It's like an iron to carry in paper," describes Isaikin the carriage of goods on the An-124.Often there is simply no alternative to heavenly heavy trucks. British Petroleum started oil production in the mountainous area of \u200b\u200bColombia, 500 km from the nearest seaport? Volga-Dnipro is ready to transfer the necessary equipment through the local airport. As part of this contract, Isaikina fulfilled 128 flights and transported more than 10,000 tons of equipment. An-124 formed a new segment of the aviation market, loves to repeat Isaikin.

About 90% of revenue company receives from servicing foreign customers. Two thirds of transportation ordered state organizationsFirst of all, the military. The rest are loads for aircraft manufacturing and oil-producing corporations, industrial equipment.

One of the main sources of receipt of contracts - Tenders for air transportation, which are carried out by the UN and military departments different countries. Isaicina has several own sales centers in England, USA, China and Russia. In addition, Volga-Dnipro concluded general agency agreements with several companies that sell the An-124 flight hours in various regions of the world and for customers from different industries. Finally, the sales service "Volga-Dnipro" is constantly in contact with cargo brokers around the world, which, knowing the possibilities of An-124, expose companies to the transportation of goods.

But what is curious: if the Park An-124 "Volga-Dnepr" has grown from 2000 to 2010, only two units, up to ten pieces, then the revenue they bring companies - more than seven times. How was it possible?

Of course, in the last decade, the freight transport market was heated by the operations of the United States and their allies in Iraq and Afghanistan. An-124 began to fly much more. The rapid increase in fuel prices was played. But there is another explanation: market monopolization. Now all over the world in operation 46 "Ruslanov", 22 of them - Russian Air Force. Two aircraft owns Libya, one - the Government of the United Arab Emirates. Kommersant has 21 cars. Of these, 10 aircraft at Volga-Dnipro and 7 - At Antonov Airlines, structural unit Kiev KB. Antonova. Until recently, the Kiev residents were competitors of Isaikin. However, five years ago, "Antonovtsy" and "Volga-Dnepr" created two joint ventures. One for the sale of services for transportation of cargo An-124 in military contracts, the other is in civil. And now a significant part of the transportation by air supergrowers is carried out from the "one window" (from $ 1.4 billion Volga-Dnipro revenue for 2008, $ 180 million had to be at the Ukrainian An-124).

Result? Ten years ago, the An-124 flight hour did the customer on average at $ 14,000, and in 2008 - already at $ 24,000-44,000. The rates of truck aviation freight in the world during this time increased by only 30%.

* Business "Volga-Dnipro" is built on the operation of the aircraft with unique characteristics, which allowed her to practically monopolize the market for the air transportation of large loads. But the calm life of this airline is not so much from me. The maximum possible lifetime of the aircraft is 40 years old, then it will be impossible to extend the resource. But it is worth taking point that Volga-Dnepr - "Company of one aircraft", Isaikin protests sharply.

The last few years, keeping the position of President of Volga-Dnipro, he heads and directly leads it to the AIR Bridge Cargo subsidiary (ABC). ABC belongs to eight cargo Boeing 747 - these are aircraft with a characteristic "humpback" profile, refurbished from passenger liners. Their load capacity is more than 100 tons, but unlike the An-124, load loads in Boeing can only be through the side hatch. Typically, such aircraft use regular flights and loads are carried in standard containers. Creating ABC and buying Boeing is an attempt by Alexei Isaikin to give "Volga-Dnipro" features a classic cargo airline. Did she succeed?

To make money on Boeing turned out to be much more complicated than "Ruslans," recognizes Isaikin. If the "Volga-Dnipro" in the transportation market, the Volga-Dnipro has almost no competitors, then regular transport on Boeing 747 is performed tens of airlines. The recipe for success here is to find the optimal ratio between the price of transportation, the route and the type of aircraft operated and wedged into one of the powerful cargo flows, for example, between China and Europe. An-124 Volga-Dnipro fly on average about 1000 hours a year, and Boeing brings profit, only if it spends 5,000 and more hours in the air, that is, aircraft must constantly hang in the air. In 2008, ABC revenue amounted to $ 450 million.

"This is a business with a very low margin and very large turns. And it is dangerous. Turns may fall, for example because of the crisis, and you have very large constant costs. We [with Isaikin] had big discussions on this issue, "says Sergey inexpressible. So far, the Isaikin manages to cope. In the crisis 2009, ABC opened several flights from China to Europe. Isaikin has reduced states and reduced the number of services provided to customers. As a result, it was possible to reduce prices and sharply increase the volume of traffic - by 20% in 2009. Isaikin even took another Boeing in November into lease. And since the summer of last year, says Isaikin, ABC began working with profit.

Nevertheless, the owner of Volga-Dnipro spends a mass of time to lobby the renewal of the An-124 production. In November last year, Dmitry Medvedev, being at a meeting in Ulyanovsk, announced that this decision was made. In December 2009, the President instructed the government to ensure the deployment of the production of an upgraded version of An-124 in Ulyanovsk and the purchase of 20 cars for the Russian army. Along with the military will be built and cars for Volga-Dnipro. If the price, says Isaikin, will be $ 150-160 million, then at the current cost of freight and the service life of 40 years, the purchase of such an aircraft will pay off. However, there is another look at the situation.

"The possibilities of this aircraft are unnecessary for internal military transportation, and large-scale military operations at the other end of the world Russia does not lead and, apparently, will not lead," says Milkhail Mikhail Barabanov. From his point of view, the decision on the production of An-124 for the Air Force is "purely political" and is only accepted in order for the foundations for state subsidies of the production of An-124 in the interests of commercial carriers, that is, Volga-Dnepr. Act this decision will be only until the lobbying potential of Isaikina does not run.

What will happen if the construction of An-124 does not start? "Our expertise is known to the whole world. We can make money on trucks. If there is no An-124, then we will attract something else. Airships will appear - we will fly on them, "says the owner of Volga-Dnipro. His time in bulk: built in last years The USSR An-124 is able to fly for another 15-20 years. And it is unlikely during this time someone will come to his monopoly.

Created in 1918 Financial Department under the Revivation of the Republic along with the implementation of such issues important for the young state as financing fronts, control over the use of the allocations of the Red Army, the organization of the work of field treasury, also ensured the formation of a system for the preparation of military financiers.

"Over the years of its activities, the Military Financial and Economic Faculty has released 7,500 officers"

The Higher Military Financial and Economic School in the Revivsoveta of the Republic became the first military-educational institution, which was faced with the task of giving listeners the financial and economic education necessary for work on the financing of troops, as well as to prepare specialists who could lead scientific work According to financial and economic and economic and administrative issues in the army and on the fleet.

In October 1938, two companies of the cadets of the Yaroslavl Military School were transferred to training programs for the preparation of the head of the Financial Part of the Regiment, which became the foundation of the formation in 1941 of the Red Army Military and Financial School (from September 1, 1974, Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named General Army A. V. Khrulev).

The replenishment of the financial service personnel during the Great Patriotic War was carried out in various directions: preparation continued in military schools created before the war; A whole network was created short-term courses on the preparation of the superior composition of financial authorities; Due to civilian specialists who had experience in financial and accounting.

Among specialists from national economy, designed and directed during the Great Patriotic War in the Financial Bodies of the Army and Fleet, there were graduates of financial and economic educational institutions - As a rule, experienced specialists who also contributed huge contribution In solving financial and economic tasks. Many of them remained on military service And after the war.

Among civilian universities, whose graduates served in the financial bodies of the Army and Fleet, - Moscow Credit and Economic Institute, Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute and others.

The war was tightly checking the readiness of the armed forces to any atmosphere, the suitability of all systems of the military economy and finance. The activities of military financiers during the Great Patriotic War was highly appreciated by the Soviet government. 95 percent of the officers of the Financial Service of the Army and Fleet were awarded orders and medals.

When solving the most complex economic problems of the post-war period, it was very important to develop the most effective and economically acquitted methods of economic management and intensify the influence of financial and economic and credit and economic levers to accelerate the pace of recovery of the national economy.

In connection with the increase in the requirements for financing personnel in the new conditions, about a dozen financial, financial and economic and economic universities, a whole network of special technical schools, was opened in the country.

In the context of the reorganization and re-equipment of the army and the fleet in peacetime, it was necessary to use at full capacity not only the control levers of finance, but also their creative opportunities, strengthen their influence on all economic and military-economic processes. It turned out to be very important, since the economy of the armed forces at that time was represented by a powerful manufacturing sphere ( capital construction, Industrial and Agricultural Production, Military Trade), the large number of armed forces with new combat readiness tasks.

The result of a thorough analysis of the current situation and new tasks before the management team was the decision to establish on the basis of the Moscow Financial Institute (now the financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation) of the Military Faculty, which was adopted on September 20, 1947 by the joint order of the Ministry of Armed Forces and the Ministry of Higher Education .

The Military Faculty was tasked with the preparation of officer personnel with appropriate education for the acquisition of financial bodies of compounds, military districts, groups of troops and fleets, the main and central offices, which at that time were not cracked. Military and special training of listeners was entrusted to the Department of Faculty, and the management of all types of training classes on public, socio-economic and financial disciplines - to the Moscow Financial Institute.

In 1976, the Military Financial and Economic Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute began to prepare specialists with higher military education. When developing new curricula and programs, already accumulated experience was used, the main efforts were directed to the practical side of training and achieving continuity between the educational processes of the Yaroslavl Supreme Military Financial School named after the Army General A. V. Khrulev and the Faculty.

A slim two-level system of preparation of financial service specialists with higher military education was built.

Over the years of its activities, the Military Financial and Economic Faculty has released 7,500 officers, over 10 thousand officers based on the faculty have passed various courses for improving financial and economic knowledge.

As a result of transformations in the system of military financial and economic education in 1999-2010, the preparation of military financiers was entrusted to the Military University.

Today, officers, cadets and the faculty of the Financial and Economic Faculty of the Military University are holy than the glorious traditions of cadets and students of the universities of predecessors: the Yaroslavl financial school and the Military Financial and Economic Faculty.

The modern financial and economic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is represented by graduates of almost all financial and economic universities of the USSR and Russia, among which a special place belongs to the financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg State Economic University and Military University.

In the ranks of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, high-level specialists, which not only have purely financial and broad economic knowledge, allowing more deeply to delve into the system of financing forces and in the entire system economic connections In the supply of weapons and military equipment and their operation, but also possess knowledge of the structure of the armed forces, they know their purpose, the system of the acquisition, comprehensively providing all types of contentment. Modern specialists of financial and economic services are rightfully carrying a high rank of military financiers - "time state treasury".

With confidence it can be said that the Military Financial and Economic Faculty made an invaluable contribution to the formation human capital Military Financial and Economic Service. University graduates Along with other military financiers played a significant military-economic role in addressing the tasks of financial support for post-war restructuring of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and its economy in accordance with the new challenges of the international situation, ensure the rocket and nuclear rearness of the army and the fleet, the formation of a worthy answer to our opponents, solutions to social protection of military personnel and members of their families.

The scientific and pedagogical team of the Military Financial and Economic Faculty has developed scientific substantiations of the problems that we decide now, and the published literature is for us working on the decision of the financial support of the army and the fleet in the new conditions, the basis of which we draw ideas and practical advice.

Currently, the Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation successfully solves the tasks of the tasks in timely and complete financial support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in a different environment, taking into account the requirements of the Russian Federation on the rational use of the allocated allocations.

To this end, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation as the chief managers of budget funds ensures the execution of the budget based on treasury technologies, as well as new management decisions on monitoring the implementation of the state defense order in cooperation with banking sector Economy.

The appearance in 2015 in the calendar of the commemorative dates of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can be rightfully considered by state recognition of the contribution of military financiers to strengthen the country's defense capability, evidence of a high state assessment of the merit of specialists of the financial and economic service, as well as the tribute to our veterans .

Conservation of personnel potential for us is very important.

Knowledge of military financiers, including graduates of the Military Faculty, are for us in demand in important areas and areas of financial and economic activities, and today we adopted this experience.

As not known, no Institute of Society or Military Organization of the State can develop without continuity, and we are grateful to the veteran teams of our service, which are held with us strong links and make our work so necessary today for the preceding generations, patriotism and love for our profession.

And today, using all the valuable accumulated predecessors, military financiers honestly and conscientiously fulfill their official debt.

On this commemorative day, we sincerely congratulate on the 70th anniversary of the Military Finance and Economic Faculty of All Veterans from among the command, faculty, faculty and scientific composition of the faculty, military financing and all graduates of the Military Financial and Economic Faculty.

I wish all good health, happiness, joy and well-being.

New successes and accomplishments for our homeland!

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