
Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. For how many percent will increase. According to the staffing positions of contract servicemen

With the budget 2018-2020 in the State Duma, the circumstances of the most important for all military personnel were clear: whether there will be an increase in monetary content of servicemen in 2018

In many sources, now, they write an absolute nonsense, in order to increase the attendance of sites and resources. No informative value reports information is absolutely. It only confuses military personnel and military pensioners, whose pension size also depends on the salary of the monetary content of military personnel.

And the information was correct could not be in principle. All changes in monetable content can be found only in the draft budget. And he just entered the State Duma. Officials apply to only the indexation of civilian pensions, to increase the minimum wage, about increasing salaries to doctors, teachers and "non-noticeable" state employees. Although in these matters they have nothing to praise - but it is considered a huge breakthrough and great achievement. And speech, between us, it goes about a penny increase. But it is necessary to cut and drum on every corner. Under the pipes and drums the event becomes more significant. When the "non-noticeable statement" gets its increase in 150 rubles to the drum fight, then goosebumps on his body will all go.

But back to the military. First we inform military pensioners that in the draft budget, an increase in the downward coefficient 72.23 is not provided for:

The bill is invited to leave the amount of monetary content taken into account when calculating the pension of persons who have held military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, state fire service, organs to control the turnover of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, Federal Service Forces national Guard Russian FederationFrom February 1, 2018, at the same level - 72.23% of the amount of money allowance.

And the saying is - why:

The adoption of the draft law will ensure balance federal budget In 2018 - 2020, taking into account actually incoming income, the need for priority costs and minimizing budget deficit in accordance with the basic principles budget system Of the Russian Federation established by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

Like this. Pensions of military personnel will ensure the balance of the federal budget in 2018 - 2020, taking into account the actually incoming income, the need for priority costs and minimizing the budget deficit.

In short, it is not in priority!

The most important thing is that, although they introduced military pensioners, this degrading - lowering coefficient, but at least a little increased. Yearly. And now, this coefficient is supposed to be left unchanged at all!Just once again "suspending" the action of the law. And they suspend it exactly since 2013!

We are not in vain first about military pensioners. There is hope that the lowering coefficient does not increase, due to the upcoming increase in the monetary content of the servicemen?

There is such an encouraging line at this disposal:

The draft law is invited to suspend the rules of the law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 "On pension provision Persons who held military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, public fire service, organs to control the turnover of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families "(hereinafter - the law) In accordance with which monetary allowance is taken into account when calculating the pension from January 1, 2012, in the amount of 54% and starting from January 1, 2013, it increases annually by 2% to achieve 100% of its size.

At the same time, the bill does not provide for a refusal to increase the monetary allowance taken into account when calculating the pension in accordance with Article 43 of the Law.

Currently, in accordance with the Federal Law of December 19, 2016 No. 430-FZ, this provision of the law was suspended until January 1, 2018. It has been established that the amount of monetary content taken into account when calculating the pension in accordance with Article 43 of the Law, from February 1, 2017 amounts to 72.23% of the amount of monetary content.

Maybe therefore the lowering coefficient is left at the same level, because the pensions of the servicemen will increase due to an increase in salary on military rank and salary in military position?

At least this is the most reasonable explanation of the failure in increasing the downstream coefficient!

Let's hope and follow the development of events, because if our assumptions are incorrect, then just tell us, between us speaking, -Heh!

In 2019, the military will raise salaries by 4.3%, which will allow average income up to 45 370 rubles. Over the past 5 years, the salaries of military personnel have increased only twice: in 2012, 2-3 times and in 2018 by 4%.

Will there be an increase in the wages of the military in 2019

Servicemen are one of the most socially protected categories of Russians. It is this opinion that most officials adhered to for a long time. The basis for such conclusions was the advanced package of benefits, the provision of affordable housing for the military. Definitely, the income of the military is much higher. But few people wondered that the sorry for the defenders of the Fatherland annually without the conduct of indexation is depreciated.

According to deputies of the Defense Committee, the wages of the military "fell" by 46% of the last significant recalculation of payments in 2012, and the purchasing power fell by 60%.

The presidential indication is not observed, which was announced that the salary of military personnel should be no lower than the average wages of employees of the leading sectors of the economy, to which the oil and gas and financial sphere belongs.

To ensure military walkers in late 2017, the Ministry of Defense developed 2 options for conducting a monetary content (specific figures were not advertised).

However, in the final document approved by the Ministry of Finance, the opinion of the profile committee was not taken into account. But it became known that over 3 years, the wages of the military will increase annually on the size greater than the inflation rate.

In 2018, the monetary content of posts and titles was indexed in January by 4%, for which an additional 67 billion rubles was laid into the budget.

In continuation of the indexation, it will have to increase costs for 83.9 billion rubles. In 2019 and at 148, 4 billion rubles. In 2020, that the raising of salaries in 2019 will still take place, Tatyana Shevtsova also reported - Deputy Minister of Defense, during the Selector Meeting in March 2018

Quote . "Money allowance to military personnel and They will be indexed from January 1, 2018, from October 1, 2019 and from October 1, 2020 each time by 4%. "

How much will increase salary

Based on the statements by the Deputy Minister of Defense on the network, the news was converted to the news that the increase in the sold claim in 2019 will be 4%. However, the resolution says that the annual recalculation will be carried out on the basis of the actual inflationary size.

Therefore, the 4% payment of payments can be called only by a planned floating indicator, conditionally attached to the size of inflation, which usually does not exceed this value.

According to the draft state budget for 2019, the salaries of the servicemen will be increased by 4.3%, in a year this figure will be approximately 3.8%. Final figures will be known after the budget approval for 2019.

The increase will affect, first of all, monetary content in terms of salary for posts and titles. The dimensions of the premises in relative terms will remain unchanged. But if we take into account that all increases for service, secrecy, risk and other are tied to the size of salaries, will automatically increase this part of the monetary content, which in some cases is up to 60% of the soldier's wages.

Terms of enhancement

Since in 2018, the wage indexation was carried out in January, many expected the next increase in the early year.

According to the established schedule, the salary recalculations should be carried out in October. 2018 was an exception. The October increase in payments, including, was transferred to more early deadlines According to the personal decree of the President of Russia.

In 2019, recalculation of S / P will be held traditionally in October. That is, re-indexing will take place not after 1 year, but after 21 months. In fact, for the first 9 months of 2019, the servicemen will receive monetary content on tariffs approved at the beginning of 2018.

What will be the average salary of military personnel

According to Rosstat, people who ensure the security of the country, in 2018, an average earn 43 500 rubles. Accordingly, after increasing the salary, the income of the defenders of the Fatherland will grow to 45 370.5 rubles.

However, the actual amount of monetary satisfaction of the military depends on many factors: driving services, class qualifications, special working conditions. Therefore, absolute growth is calculated individually.

Table 1. Grow out salary in accordance with the assigned title (selectively)

Rank Salary 2018, rub. Increased salary From October 2019, rub. (calculated)
Private 5 200 5 424
Stornish 7 800 8 135
Lieutenant 10 400 10 847
Captain 11 440 11 932
Major 11 960 12 474
Colonel 13 520 14 101
Colonel-General 26 000 27 118
General Army 28 080 29 287

Source: Ministry of Defense

Table 2. Grow out salary by posts (selectively)

The Ministry of Finance revealed the amount of defense costs for the next three years. In the budget for three years on national defense and national SecurityFor law enforcement, it is planned to spend almost 6.8 trillion rubles.

As for the armed forces, on their maintenance (food, transport, infrastructure content) in 2018 will be spent from the budget of 62 billion rubles. Another 14 billion rubles for certain events of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, plus 23 billion rubles - for payment communal services, fuel GSM and food.

However, the main cost of expenses, which will greatly pay for military personnel, will be the indexation of monetary content and military pensions. In the budget for three years, the indexation of wages and pensions of the military by 4% are laid. This was not done for five years.

Indexation of monetary satisfaction Military in 2018: the latest news. Opinion experts

"The last time a serious increase was in 2012. Although the state in the legislative plan took over the obligation to index the monetary allowance in accordance with inflation, "says the military political scientist, the associate professor of the department of political science and sociology of the RAU. Plekhanova Alexander Perenigiyev.

"Today, the profession of military is really linked to the risk for health and life due to participation in hot spots, primarily in Syria. Military threat towards Russia is growing. The government must be confident that the servicemen trust her, especially the conditions of hybrid, geo-economic and military pressure on Russia, "said the expert.

Since the New Year, the state returns to the practice of indexing monetary content to inflation. Earlier, the budget was amended to allocate 53 billion rubles in 2018, 66 billion in 2019 and 122 billion in 2020. As a result, in three years, the budget will spend about 240 billion rubles on the indexation of monetary content.

Increased money allowing the military in 2018: the latest news

The newspaper glance has a telegram from November 17, 2017 from the Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Shevtsova. She is sent out to all deputy commander of military districts on financial and economic work and managers of financial security management of the Ministry of Defense on subjects.

The telegram states that, according to the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2017, the Ministry of Defense is preparing to increase the salaries of the servicemen from January 1, 2018 by 4%. Due to this, the pensions of the former military personnel will be increased, which depend on the existing salary. Until December 7, 2017, all must be represented in Sberbank required documents The payment of pensions in new sizes in January 2018, the telegram is said.

In other words, the increase in 2018 is solved. In 2019 and 2020, this practice is expected to be continued.

According to the publication, indexing will raise at least 2.7 million people. This includes 1 million, which serve in the armed forces. Plus, employees of the internal affairs bodies, FSIN, Rosgvardia and fire service (according to the law they equate them to the servicemen) - 1.7 million more than 900 thousand civilian personnel work in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. If the indexation affects them, then the increase in salary is waiting for about 3.6 million people. In addition, the indexation is probably waiting for FSB employees, FSO and foreign intelligence services, they are also referred to as a serviceman.

How much is the monetary allowance for the military in 2018?

According to calculators legal company "Strategy", the salary of the commander of the separation of sergeant (with a deduction of VAT) will grow from 18 705 to 19,53 rubles, that is, 748 rubles. And, for example, the salary of the army of the army of the lieutenant army will grow from 51,330 to 53,383 rubles, or 2053 rubles. Without deducting VAT, it is clear, salaries more (they can be viewed in the plate).

But, of course, the "naked" salary of the military never get.

There is a huge surcharge system.

"There are surcharges that are paid in any case, for example, for long service, which depends only on the duration of military service. Other surcharges must be earned, "says the newspaper the leading legal adviser of the Law Company" Strategy "Evgeny Darchchenko.

So, for a service from 15 to 20 years, there is a superstruction of 25%. In this case, the commander of the separation in the rank of sergeant will receive 24,136 rubles from the new year. If our sergeant is well physically prepared and worthy of the surcharge of 80% per fisot, then it will receive 35,174 rubles. And if he also jumps a lot with a parachute, he can get a surcharge in 80% for it, and then his money allowance per month is already 46,031 rubles.

In addition, there are also allowances for effective implementation. official duties, for work with Gostaya, for special conditions Servants, for qualifications and completed tasks, for a hot point. There are regional allowances, for example, for service in areas Far North And for other specific merits that are indicated in the calculator (only individual "exotic" surcharges are not used, for example, for experience in encryption organs). Therefore, in reality, the military receive several times the salary itself.

According to the presidential regulations, the monetary content of the military should be no less than the average salary in the leading sectors of the economy. Rosstat counted such TAK and finances. In general, according to the Ministry of Defense, the average level of monetary satisfaction of the military in 2014 was 62.1 thousand rubles, which was 10% higher than the average level of salaries in oil and gas mining. In 2015 - 62.2 thousand rubles. For example, the army commander, a lieutenant, an average of 117 thousand rubles, and the commander of the platoon in the rank of lieutenant is 50 thousand rubles.

There are no data on the average content of the military for the 2016 and 2017 years. However, the average salary in the oil and gas production sector amounted to 77.6 thousand rubles last year, and in finance - more than 80 thousand rubles (Rosstat data). Probably the average amount of money allowance has already been lagging behind these levels, and due to the indexation by 4% approaches it. Simultaneously from the New Year, retirement retirement will grow, because they are calculated on the basis of military salaries.

However, unfortunately, there is a large spoon of tar in this barrel of honey.

According to the calculator, with the retired commander of the department (5th category of military position) in the rank of sergeant (seniorine article 1) with a total duration of military service in 25 years (without regional allowances, but with a mandatory allowance for service for years of 40%) pension since February 2017 is 14,131.8 rubles, and from January 1, 2018 it will increase to 14,697 rubles.

Meanwhile, according to the calculator, from October 2013 to 2017, pensions did not stand still, and in total increased by 24%. However B. this case It is not entirely true to talk about the growth, indicates the leading legal adviser of the Law Company "Strategy" Evgeny Darchchenko.

He explains that from January 1, 2012, when the monetary allowance was significantly increased, in relation to military pensions, t. N. A downward coefficient that was not previously. In other words, the military began to receive decently, but pensions remained from those times when salaries in military positions and military titles were small.

"The specified coefficient in 2012 was established in the amount of 54%, that is, reduced the pension to the specified value, therefore began to be called a" downward "," explains the military lawyer.

For comparison, it gives an example. If the retired commander of the separation in the rank of sergeant initially did not reduce the retirement to this coefficient, now it would have received a pension not 14 131 rubles, and 19 565 rubles, that is, 5.4 thousand more. And taking into account the indexing of salaries by 4% from January 2018 - 20 347.6 rubles.

Why is it done - understandable. The state would not pull. But according to the federal law, this reducing pension coefficient annually since January 2013 increases by 2% until it reaches 100%.

"It was assumed that pensions paid on this law would have achieved its specified value in 2035," says Evgeny Darchchenko.

In the period from 2013 to 2017, this coefficient increased a little faster than was scheduled.

"Since January 2013, excluding the current increase from January 1, 2018, pensions grew solely by changing the specified coefficient. Most military pensioners will receive their retirement in full in full in 2035, and this is no matter how much they are currently. Some of them will not see their "real pension," because they will not live to this point. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that the pensions of military pensioners grew in 2013-2017, during this period they only approached the meanings what they should be, "says a military lawyer.

Moreover, he reminds that in Maysee, the president requested annually index pensions with a military at least 2% over the level of inflation. But the presidential decree was not fulfilled. In any case, the lowering coefficient in six years has grown from 54% to 72%, that is, by 18%, while official inflation was 42.68% over the years, said Darchenko.

"Thus, the underlying pension, not counting the alleged annual increase of 2% over the inflation rate, was 24.68%," he said.

But the military themselves are even more dissatisfied with the fact that individual citizens receive their military pensions are already in full size without a reducing coefficient, and they do not need to wait 2035. These include judges of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court and military courts, prosecutor's employees (including military personnel of the military prosecutor's office) and employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (including military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation).

"What is the former investigator of military-investigative bodies or a judge of any garrison military court deserved such a special relationship? Why a retire in military rank Colonel should receive a pension less than, for example, a margin of a margin, a former military investigator? We personally do not see any objective excuses of such differences, "the military lawyer will summarize.

He believes that there should be no unfair division of military retirements on those whom the pension is paid immediately in full, and those who need to wait until 2035. In addition, adds legal advisers, it is necessary to reduce the gap of several times between monetary content and military pensions. And one of the problems is that there are no salaries of the military, from which the pension is considered, and the premiums and premiums that do not affect the size of pensions.

A source

The monetary content of the serviceman depends on the duration of the service. In 2017, contract soldiers served from 2 to 5 years have the right to surcharge in the amount of 10% of the salary. People are interested in the question of what additional payments will receive servicemen in 2019. Lit is planned increased service allowance?

Categories of people who have the right to receive surcharges for monetary content

The size of the surcharge affects the duration of the service in the armed forces. Advanced recipients include:

  • contract soldiers who are serviced by officer, ensign or sergeant;
  • sailors, divers and pilots;
  • people exercising labor activity In the MO of the Russian Federation in civil positions.

The allowance is paid, provided that the soldier served at least 2 years. When calculating the pension, the service is taken into account in the border, domestic and railway troops

FSB staff and foreign intelligence bodies can be calculated for payments from the budget. Sailing years is used to determine the pensions of the fire service personnel. The monetary allowance of employees working in the ITC depends on the service life.

How much do you need to serve in the armed forces to make a pension?

Man applying to payments must serve at least 20 le t. In the next year, officials plan increase the minimum experience of up to 25 years . In this way, the state gets rid of the need to finance people issuing early retirement.

The employee's work experience includes the following periods:

  • service in the armed forces;
  • work in government agencies;
  • the accrual of the experience is not interrupted in the case of captured (provided that the person did not commit unlawful actions against his homeland);
  • the time of finding in custody due to unreasonable accusations is included in the service life;
  • when calculating driers, experts take into account periods of training before serving (no more than 5 years).

Important! When additional payments for sailors undergoing submarines are used, an increased coefficient of 1.5 is used. The same procedure for calculating the allowance concerns pilots and divers. The use of increased coefficients is associated with hazardous working conditions.

The size of additional payments

The amount of the allowance depends on the duration of the service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The applicant served 2 to 5 years can count on additional payments in the amount of 10%. To get a premium in the amount of 15%, it is necessary to stop from 5 to 10 years. More serious amounts are intended for people who gave birth to 10 to 15 years. The state pays this category of servicemen in an additional 20%.

For example, a soldier quit from the Armed Forces. Its salary was 11 thousand rubles. It receives a monthly payment in the amount of 9 thousand rubles. The person served in the army of 21 and 2 months. In 2017, the serviceman was put on an additional payment of 30%.

Hence monthly allowance for service will be:

(11 000 + 9,000) x 30% \u003d 6 000 rubles.

Table of calculation of the allowance for service for years by year

How to accrue the allowances to people working in the Ministry of Defense in civil positions

The state pays additional amounts monthly to such citizens. Moreover, the size of the allowance depends on the employee's employment experience, which works in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Features of the design and accrual of allowances

The amount of monetary content of the contractor increases in accordance with the duration of the service. It concerns not only servicemen. There may be expensive people working in civil positions to increase payments.

The procedure for making an extra charge is carried out on the basis of the order of the commander of the part. For each group of military personnel, the state establishes a certain amount of retirement.

Women have the right to arrange documents at the age of 45. The servicemen who received the rank of captain, retire at the age of 55. Private ordinary should serve in the army of 50 years. Higher command may resign aged 65 years.

Money allowance consists of several parts:

  1. The savings of the salary that is established in accordance with the title and post.
  2. Different premiums that are paid monthly to a military personnel.

Additional sales payments are charged taking into account the duration of the service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. When calculating the surcharge, specialists are guided by Art. 13 of the law on the status of a serviceman. To calculate the size of the allowance, you can use the calculator. It has already laid the coefficients that concern the monetary content of the servicemen.

The feature of the allowance for long service is that they are not expressed in certain amounts. An increase in the monetary content of the serviceman occurs due to changes in interest rates. Their value depends on the duration of the service in the Armed Forces.

The maximum allowance is put on contract soldiers who served over 25 years. Moreover, for some categories, the size of additional payments is calculated taking into account the increased coefficient. People who serve on the warships can be calculated to increase the monetary allowance.

Important! The amount of benefits of the former military depends on the length of the years. However, they have the right to receive a surcharge only if the service reaches 20 years. Next year, the state intends to tighten the requirements for pensioners. The minimum length of service will be 25 years old.

Increased service allowers in 2019

The budget deficit caused a sharp reduction in the amount of financing former military. The indexation of salary was frozen for 5 years. In the coming year, military pensioners are waiting for pleasant news. Officials decided to renew the procedure for increasing salaries by 4%. In 2017, the salary of Sergeant is 30 thousand rubles. Lieutenant gets 2 times more. The income of the lieutenant colonel reaches 90 thousand rubles.

Increased service surveillance It is made in accordance with FZ No. 306, in which the procedure for calculating the monetary content is painted. The size of the salary depends on the title and the position that the contractor occupies. It is carried out taking into account the duration of the service in the Armed Forces. The planned increase in pension will affect not all applicants.

Next year, the regulatory service life will be increased. The government is making measures to reduce the costs of early payments. In 2017, the minimum service duration for retirement is 20 years. To receive a military retirement in 2019 will have to serve at least 25 years. The essence of pension reform is to reduce the budget deficit.

What will be saving allowed service to servicemen in 2019year? because of economic crisis In the country, the level of inflation is high, and fluctuations in the currency market cause citizens of Russia to think about whether it is worth waiting for raising contentment next year. Applicants will have to serve at least 2 years. After that, the soldier will be able to receive an additional up to 10% of the base salary. Thanks to the change in interest rates, the state will achieve an increase in payments for military personnel.

To raise the standard of living of people, the state pays for funds for good physical training. The servicemen is allowed for the admissions and for secrecy. In 2017, it is 65% of the salary. The project to increase the allowance for long service is at the consideration of the government.

Important! Amendments to Law No. 306-FZ will be made during 2017. Already in January, new rules on the procedure for calculating additional payments for long service will begin to operate.

Information from the Project Law regarding the increase in allowance for long service

The government plans to change interest ratesthat are used when calculating the allowance for long service. Persons who served from 6 months to 1 year will be able to receive an additional 5% of the salary. When serving from 1 to 2 years, the contractor will receive a surcharge of 10%. People who served 2 to 5 years will take additional payments in the amount of 25% next year.

Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from 5 to 10 years gives the right to receive a surcharge, which is 40%. To achieve a surcharge of 45%, it is necessary to serve from 10 to 15 years. Servicemen will receive the right to receive 50% of the salary if they serve from 15 to 20 years. The state will pay an additional 55% of people who have an employment experience of 20 to 22 years.

How many years a serviceman served, yearsInterest rate, which is used when calculating the allowance,%
Until a year5
From 1 to 2 years10
From 2 to 5 years25
From 5 to 1040
From 10 to 1545
From 15 to 2050
From 20 to 2255
From 22 to 2565
Over 25 years old70


Next year, officials plan to tighten the requirements for the duration of the service. Contract soldiers will have to serve 25 years to get a pension. The government plans to change the procedure for calculating the allowance. The new version of Law No. 306- FZ will begin to operate on January 1, 2019. An increase in additional payments will affect all categories of military personnel.

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Already four years, wages are not increasing and not indexed. Increased money allowing the military in 2018, the rise in prices for the country rose by 46%, the cost of a set of minimal food jumped to 60%, costs increased, therefore financial content The servicemen should be indexed by increasing.

What is the monetary content of military personnel

total amount Income on monetary content (DD) consists of monthly salary: military rank, military post and accrued additional cash payments. The magnitude of the military personnel and military pensions is established by federal bodies, should increase annually at the rate of inflation rate. Average level The wages of the military real estate is presented in the table:

What factors affect its size

New system The material support, launched since 2011, had a goal of improving the prestige of the industry and the incomes of people performing combat debt. According to the norms of legislation, the following factors affect the increase in monetary content of servicemen:

  • Salary. Depends on the title and position.
  • Territorial location of the military unit. For regions there are surcharges.
  • Secrecy. The allowance for this item may exceed half of the salary.
  • Qualification certification. Successful exam surrender increases with one third salary.
  • Risk conditions. The surcharge can achieve the size of the salary.
  • Prizes for personal progress.
  • Remuneration for excellent service.
  • Payment compensation for accommodation, one-time payments of starting assistance for living in a new place.

Until 2012, each of the listed factors relied the additive of the established size. After the reform, these factors began to determine the size of the worst of servicemen. The mechanism for calculating wages has become more transparent, revenues were measured with the tempo of inflation. The system played a role for the prestigiousness of the service in the army and attracted new people to the profession.

When there is a monetary content of military personnel in 2018

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation recently stated that the state budget was laid for the next three years indexation for military personnel. Payment is planned to be indexed annually on inflation forecasts. It remains to wait for January, the adoption by the legislative authorities of the relevant ruling, to hope for the increase in the monetary allowance of the military in 2018.

How much percent will increase

The official document indicates that the government indexes the amount of payments by 4 percent. The State Duma Committee on the defense of the country is confident in the opposite and make focus on the stability of accrual wages For the military. There is information that the change in 2018 will be resolved at the inflation level, will be the same percentage with other state employees of the country.

How will the salary size change in accordance with the military titles

The amount of payments for military rank positions are established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the grounds provided by the executive managers, in some federal law Assigned military service.

Posted by comparative analysis on separate titles where you can track changes medium salary And conclude that the indexation of the money allowance for the military in 2018 is to increase:

Military rank Monthly sum For 2018, thousand rubles
Sailor / Private 5 5,2
Senior Sailor / Efreitor 5,5 5,72
Starmin Second Article / Junior Sergeant 6 6,24
Farm first article / sergeant 6,5 6,76
Main Storn / Senior Sergeant 7 7,28
Chief Ship Storn / Starshina 7,5 7,8
Michman / Envigator 8 8,32
Senior Michman / Senior Ensign 8,5 8,84
Ensign 9,5 9,88
Lieutenant 10 10,4
Senior lieutenant 10,5 10,92
Lieutenant Captain / Captain 11 11,44
Third Rank Captain / Major 11,5 11,96
Second Rank Captain / Lieutenant Colonel 12 12,48
First Rank Captain / Colonel 13 13,52
Major General / Council Admiral 20 20,8
Vice Admiral / Lieutenant-General 22 22,88
Colonel / Admiral 25 26
Admiral Fleet / General Army 27 28,08
Marshal of the Russian Federation 30 31,2

Salary of cash maintenance of military in military positions

The size of the DD of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in military posts will increase. On the example of some public service:

  • Primary positions of military soldiers, sailors from 10 thousand. An increase to the salary of 10.4 thousand rubles.
  • The foreman 18 thousand - 18.72 thousand rubles.

Increased monetary maintenance of the military in 2018 by positions suitable for the replacement officers.

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