
National Guard teachings. There was a video of secret exercises of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Putin clings to power

Correspondent Open Russia became an accidental witness of training battles near Lyubertsy. Hundreds of riot police, soldiers of internal troops and police officers imitated the dispersal of the "Moscow Maidan". How will the newly created National Guard deal with mass protests?

What can you expect when you write a post that there is no explanation of where he got this money.

In the situation of a healthy person, you expect General Zolotov to explain everything, find reasons, point out mistakes in your investigation. Will say that the registries are wrong. That we miscalculated the cost.

But we have a smoker in Russia, so the National Guard Zolotov is silent, but: Navalny and FBK were wrong. They have not found several more properties belonging to the Zolotov family, worth 227 million rubles..

Not found:

The son's plot in Barvikha near Moscow is 88 acres, 3 plots (1.2 hectares) of Zolotov's son-in-law Yuri Chechikhin in the same place, another plot (29 acres) of his son-in-law in Kalchuga, his son-in-law has two apartments in Moscow on Veresaeva street ( total area 400.9 m2). Another apartment (189 m2) of Viktor Zolotov himself is located in Gelendzhik.

According to the USRR data, in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, where the 1.2 hectares of land declared by Viktor Zolotov are located, his full namesake owns another small plot of 277 sq. m adjacent to a larger site. The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs does not include him in the declaration. The guardhouse with an area of ​​1.5 square meters is not indicated there either. m, which, according to the USRR data, is also located in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. Ownership of a plot of 277 sq. m Viktor Zolotov received in August 2008, but the sentry box in the list of his property appeared in June 2002 - earlier than all the lands near Moscow belonging to Zolotov.

In addition, the commander-in-chief of the National Guard incorrectly registered in the declaration the area of ​​the apartment that he owns with his wife. According to the state register, the area of ​​the apartment is 171.6 square meters, while the declaration indicates 178.5 square meters. m of living space.

Thus, minimum cost real estate of the family of the general of the army and the head of the Russian National Guard - 940 million rubles. And in fact, it is even higher, because I assessed my part of the real estate according to the cadastral, not market value.

So here's a fact: Putin's guard is a billionaire.

Another explanation why the authorities hate our fight against illicit enrichment so much. In the beautiful Russia of the future, an official with real estate worth a billion will not be appointed to the National Guard, but sent to the dock.

Over the past two days, I have been asked a hundred thousand times: do we know anything special about Viktor Zolotov, Putin's former personal bodyguard, who headed the creation.

Okay, here are a few things that characterize this person well. (If you need a biography / profile, then the best one is)

1. Everyone who knows him personally told me in the first place “ this is the one who will shoot without any problems and even wants to shoot". This is probably one of the important explanations for the appointment: both the Interior Ministry will start shooting, and the Defense Ministry (they fired for Yeltsin too), but orders and a certain chain of responsibility will be needed everywhere.

And here the distance from the thought “they went out on the street and will take my billions” to the pulled trigger is greatly reduced and there are no weak links.

2. Zolotov is rich. Very rich. He will shoot and to keep his. No ordinary general possesses such property.

List of known assets by evaluating them cadastral(not market) value of 120 million rubles:

  • An apartment of 171 square meters in Spasonalivkovsky lane, which Zolotov privatized in 2003
  • Son's apartment 160 sq.m. on Zvenigorodskaya street
  • Son's cottage 188 sq.m in the village of Estosadok in Sochi
  • Son's house 676 sq. M. In Barvikha
  • Son's house 958.2 sq.m. in Gelendzhik

But this amount is not large (ha-ha) compared to what FBK found. For the first time, we publish information about the apartment owned by Zolotov's daughter Zhanna. The apartment was bought in 2011, it is located in elite house on Lomonosovsky Prospekt and has an area of ​​almost 500 square meters.

A square meter in this house costs more, respectively, the entire apartment today can be estimated at $ 5 million or 343 million rubles.

Feel this, the families of Putin's entourage are buying apartments of 500 square meters. Their apartments are as large as our summer cottages.

We add another asset here - land plot area of ​​11,868 m2, which will be described below. Its approximate cost is 200 million rubles.

Thus, only the known property of the Zolotov family is worth more than 663,000,000 rubles.

The soldier has made good money.

3. Zolotov is vain. For his home, he grabbed nothing more than a dacha. The one who built the entire Soviet industry. He began under Lenin, served and survived under Stalin, outlived Khrushchev and finished under Brezhnev, for which he earned the popular: from Ilyich to Ilyich, without a heart attack and paralysis.

So, on the former Soviet state dacha Zubalovo-2, where Mikoyan (mainly), Voroshilov, Shaposhnikov lived at different times, and our guardsman, the Cardinal, lives. Next to the old Mikoyan house, a new one was built at 1000 meters. Mikoyan, a goof, he was ashamed to do this and lived at 260 meters.

Archival photo of Mikoyan's dacha

However, it is understandable why Mikoyan was ashamed to build - Stalin's dacha was located in the neighborhood, in Zubalovo-4.

…. the tenant talks about the sauna and the underground passage to it from home. Naturally, he believes that this was done under the old regime. It is not true. No one would even dare to express the idea of ​​spending state money for such purposes to Mikoyan. I remember how for 3 years he was persuaded to liquidate the boiler room in the basement and run a pipe with hot water under the ground from another house. Coal dust in winter prevented passage. The father asked about the estimate, and when he heard the answer, he resolutely said no. The next year, the budget was cut by one third, but he again refused. Only in the third year, after the budget was cut by more than half, he conceded. Since the time of Zubalov, the kitchen has been in a separate brick building 35 meters from the house. There was an ice cellar which we brought by horse from the Moskva River in April, it was melting just in time for the beginning of winter - after all, there were no refrigerators yet! On the way home, the cooked food cooled off somewhat. Therefore, the zealous guard, which had to spend the annual budget of the "repair", many times proposed to make a glazed, covered passage. The father never gave his consent.

This ice cellar is still there. Zolotov even proudly declares it:

Now, probably, Viktor Zolotov keeps his hats there - outside the cold, on the street, they ignite spontaneously.

The Zubalovo estate (it includes both Stalin's Zubalova-4 and Mikoyan's Zubalovo-2) was handed over to the Ministry of Defense, after having previously chopped off a hectare of land for Zolotov.

All for the property mentioned in the post.

Now the land there is sold by. In this case, the cost of the site is at least 200 million rubles. This is even not taking into account the historical value. for 2014 at the same time - 6.5 million rubles.

4. Zolotov personally solves the organizational issues of Putin's corruption. He closely interacts with the people involved in it.

You remember, of course. It was mentioned many times that, constantly arriving at the place.

I would like to remind you of our investigation "". It mentions Lanfranco Cirillo, the Italian architect who built his Gelendzhik palace for Putin.

Lanfranco Cirillo

It was he who either sold or donated his house in Gelendzhik (first line, excellent location) Zolotov's son Roman.

My guess is that the house was simply registered in the name of a rogue Italian, so as not to tease people with such real estate belonging to the family of a “civil servant”.

President Putin signed a decree establishing Federal Service National Guard troops Russian Federation last April. There has never been such a powerful power structure in the history of Russia: it will combine the features of a military formation and special services, and its numerical strength will reach up to 400 thousand people. In addition, it is headed by one of the people very close to Putin, and the Guard itself is directly subordinate to the president. But the Kremlin has decided to go even further, and this indicates that they are increasingly afraid of the revolution.

May decree

On May 24, Putin signed a decree that makes major changes to the military organization of the state. He prescribes to approve a document called "Regulations on the operational-territorial unification of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation." Its key section reads as follows: "By the decision of the President of the Russian Federation, formations and military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other military formations and bodies may be transferred to the operational subordination of the district commander to carry out the tasks assigned to the troops of the National Guard."

V Soviet times and after the collapse of the USSR, the internal troops in some cases could be transferred to the subordination of the Ministry of Defense. The "external enemy" was of paramount importance. To fight it, the Kremlin needed the ability to concentrate all military and security forces in the country. To every major exercise in last years involved subdivisions of internal troops, transferring them to the subordination of the regular army. This tradition was continued after the formation of the National Guard. In 2016, in the Volgograd region, she conducted joint exercises with the Airborne Forces. Until now, the forces of the regular army have not passed under the command of the internal troops. Exceptions occurred only during the Chechen wars, when the operational command was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs several times, but this was done only to demonstrate that the "military phase" of hostilities was over. However, even then, the operation as a whole continued to be controlled by the General Staff of the armed forces.

Last year's decree on the creation of the National Guard also said nothing about the possibility of subordinating the regular army to it. This happened only now, from which it can be concluded that the Kremlin believes internal threats much more dangerous for the state than external ones. So dangerous that Rosgvardia alone (although it was created for this very purpose) will not be enough. Although, as Viktor Zolotov says, the number of personnel of the forces subordinate to him has doubled in comparison with the number of internal troops and is already approaching 400 thousand people! If this is true, then Rosgvardia surpasses the Russian ground forces in this indicator.

Enemy inside the country

The May 24 decree means Putin fears an outbreak of large-scale social unrest that could sweep across the country. In such a situation, it will be necessary to involve all units of the National Guard, as well as to involve the armed forces in the performance of "internal functions". Two days after the decree was signed, an article by the former chief of the Russian General Staff, General Yuri Baluevsky, appeared in the press. In it, he writes that the main threats arise not from outside, but from within the country, and "the appearance of the National Guard troops is a response to the threat of the use of technologies of the so-called non-violent resistance."


Putin clings to power

Helsingin Sanomat 05/18/2016

Putin announced the creation of the National Guard

BBC Russian Service 05.04.2016

Putin's guardsmen

Radio Liberty 04/07/2016 The possibility of using the military against their own citizens began to be discussed much earlier. In 2014, at a security conference, Russian generals, wishing to curry favor with the Kremlin, declared "color revolutions" new form war. This idea appeared in a new version of Russia's military doctrine, where modern conflicts are called “ complex application military force, political, economic, informational and other non-military measures, which are implemented with the widespread use of the protest potential of the population and special operations forces. " It is noteworthy that the use of the protest potential of the population is equated with the actions of foreign saboteurs.

In 2015, Defense Minister Shoigu commissioned the General Staff Academy to analyze how the military should respond to the threat of color revolutions. Nothing is known about the results of this work. Apparently, army commanders would prefer not to send an army against their own people. The consent to the re-subordination of the units of the armed forces of the Russian Guard relieves them of responsibility for the use of force against compatriots. But will it help the rank and file that calms the conscience of the officers - after all, it is the rank and file who will have to shoot at the Russians? It doesn't matter to them who exactly gives them such an order.

Kremlin army

The backbone of the Rosgvardia is made up of the former forces of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (187 thousand people). This is a real army with a military structure and equipment that is not inferior to the level of the regular armed forces. It has its own aviation, artillery, tank and naval forces. But this is not just a new incarnation of the internal troops. The National Guard has become much stronger, in part, thanks to the fact that the Special Police Force is now subordinate to it. OMON ("black berets"), whose number is 20 thousand people, are units specializing in suppressing street protests and dispersing demonstrations. In the ranks of the SOBR, an analogue of the American SWAT units, there are 5 thousand fighters. To this should be added about 170 thousand non-departmental security personnel, although their power potential does not look very solid. The main task of the National Guard will be the fight against terrorism and extremism in the country. Among other things, she received powers in the sphere of control over the arms trade and the activities of private security companies.

Taking the riot police and SOBR away from the Interior Ministry means that the National Guard will be even better prepared to break up the demonstrations. This is the task of the new forces: suppress riots and prevent revolutions. They also got the opportunity to engage in counterintelligence activities and cooperate with the special services. As a result, Rosgvardia will become something like a hybrid of special services, special forces and law enforcement services subordinate to the president. The director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops simultaneously acts as the commander-in-chief of the Russian Guard. He, like the heads of the FSB or SVR, has the same status as ministers and reports directly to the president. This is Viktor Zolotov, an old acquaintance of Putin in St. Petersburg, who was his guard for many years, and then headed the Presidential Security Service.

Shield and sword

The National Guard is Putin's personal army. He can use it without looking back at the ministers of defense and internal affairs. The restriction that applies to the actions of the armed forces does not work here: they, even during a war, are directly controlled by the head of the defense department, and the president only controls him. There is one more nuance: in the event of a state of emergency, the army gets freedom of action for a maximum of two days, then it must receive the approval of the Federation Council. For the National Guard, this period has been extended to 72 hours. And during this time, public unrest can be drowned in blood.

The Russian leadership has high hopes for the National Guard, believing that overt brutal force will allow it to stay in power. Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the military-industrial complex, called it "the most belligerent military unit that solves tasks within the country" and added that the Russian Guard should receive the most modern weapons.

The task of Putin's praetorians is also to prevent riots. Rosgvardia will recruit hundreds of IT specialists and monitoring experts social networks... As they say officially, they will be engaged in identifying the activities of terrorists in the network and preventing terrorist attacks. But besides that, they will probably search the Internet for participants in street protests and spy on them.

Rosgvardia should become a tool not only for fighting street riots, but also for intimidating the elites, especially the part of them that is dissatisfied with the wars in Ukraine and Syria, the conflict with the West and sanctions. At the end of March, at a gala banquet marking the anniversary of the establishment of the National Guard, Putin said: “We have new big events ahead of us. All this will require the attraction of large forces and funds. The volume of tasks will be very large, and a significant part of it will be on your shoulders. "

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial board.

In times of crisis, many events are perceived by the society as aggravated. People are trying to see signs of change in what is happening, to understand what will happen next. That is why the exercises of the recently created National Guard that took place in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk Region, alerted many. This is due to the "legend" under which the training was conducted. It was about crossing a protest rally of factory workers who had not been paid their wages for several months. Despite the sincere bewilderment of the security officials - they say, we are obliged to do this by law - the concern of the society is understandable. In the face of falling living standards, especially in small industrial cities, such an irresponsible "theoretical justification" only provokes social tension.

The story about the exercises of the National Guard was released on May 23, but the corresponding video posted on YouTube was noticed and widely distributed on the Web only a week later. The training was carried out in real conditions - on the territory of the operating plant PA "Bulat". It was once a large enterprise. Now only a small arms production remains here. According to legend, the workers went on strike demanding payment of wages, which escalated into riots "causing property damage to the enterprise." During the special operation, "the police ... assisted the management of the enterprise in evacuating ordinary citizens", tried to negotiate, and after the workers erected barricades, set fire to tires and took a police officer hostage, they proceeded to storm the building, which ended successfully.

The security officials assessed the results of the exercises as satisfactory. As stated in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they were needed "to rally all the power structures of the city." Indeed, both "ordinary" police officers and riot police, which is now part of a separate structure - the Russian National Guard, trained to suppress the workers' protests. Units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations also acted on their side. Cohesion is obviously necessary due to the high protest potential of the city. Two years ago, the local metal plant became famous throughout the country due to the collapse of production and chronic non-payment of wages. During the protests, there were even calls to block the Trans-Siberian Railway. Then the current governor of the region, Boris Dubrovsky, was entrusted with the salvation of the plant. Perhaps the memories of those difficult days make him mobilize the security forces in this way.

An integrated approach is justified in the case of solving complex problems that are really related to the safety of citizens. However, viewers of the story about the exercises in Zlatoust perceived what happened as a rehearsal of a punitive operation. The comments under the video are replete with reproaches and ironic remarks: “This is not an exercise, but a planned intimidation through the media of our own citizens”, “There is no money, but we have the National Guard! You keep here, all the best to you ... "," Teachings to protect people from wages ", etc. There are practically no approving comments among them. And this despite the fact that over three hundred users expressed their attitude to what they saw. Not a poll, of course, but the result is indicative.

According to Police Major Olga Aristova, the local Interior Ministry did not expect such a negative assessment of the exercise. " In some media, the information was presented as if the police were ready to disperse workers demanding wages. This is not so, according to legend, the strikers took a policeman hostage. We wanted to cover this event positively, but it turned out that, on the contrary, it played a negative role for us, ”-justified Aristova... Such training takes place on a quarterly basis and is nothing special, she added. For example, during the previous special operation, the situation with the taking of hostages in the Zlatoust tram depot was simulated, and this did not cause a sharp reaction from the public, the police representative was surprised.

Meanwhile, it is easy to guess that the terrorists who have proliferated in our time are seen by people as absolute evil. No one associates himself with them and therefore does not react so painfully. While the difficult situation in factories, non-payment of wages are absolutely real, everyday things, and in the same Chrysostom concern many. The mass TV viewer, watching the riot police ramming the workers, who only demanded to pay them their earnings, tries the situation on themselves. He reasonably assumes that the security forces train in order to one day repress exactly him - an honest worker, and the "hostage-taking" invented for the strike scenario is just an excuse.

Social justice for all

By the way, it is for the same reason that a similar reaction was caused by the previous large-scale exercises of law enforcement officers in the Smolensk region. Recall that in April of this year, OMON and SOBR detachments trained to suppress riots of citizens dissatisfied with a sharp increase in housing and communal services tariffs. It happened in a region that is considered the worst (!) In the country in terms of accidents and heat supply to the population. That is, the "legends" - now in Zlatoust, then in Smolensk - were developed taking into account the real social situation. This means that the security officials were trained not only from a technical point of view. The ability to cut through the crowd and storm buildings can be trained without any "legend". Apparently, one of the tasks is to psychologically teach law enforcement officers to act harshly in the event of social protests. Even if they are justified. The problem thus becomes political.

All this looks especially ambiguous against the background of the separation of power units - OMON, SOBR and others - from the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the formation of the National Guard. It has just become known: the new power structure will have its own banner and emblem with a two-headed eagle, and the commander-in-chief will have a personal standard. The imperial signs are welcome, but the goals for which it was created are also important. Initially, many thought that. The main scenario for opposition was the conditional Maidan. However, it is now becoming clear that power units can be used against the people in its broadest sense.

All this painfully resembles the gendarmerie. Historical tragedies with her participation once already put the country on the brink of disaster. "Bloody Sunday", the Lena shooting, and the shooting of workers in Novocherkassk in the Soviet period - all this is a consequence of the thoughtless use of force.

A particularly acute situation can develop in numerous Russian monotowns - relatively small settlements, in which life entirely depends on the successful work of the only large enterprise, around which the city was once built. The names of many of them are well-known: Pikalevo, Kondopoga, Baikalsk, etc. There are 342 of them in the country. 75 of them have a “difficult socio-economic situation”, and another 149 are classified as risky. Thus, there are serious problems in 224 points on the map of Russia. If salaries are not paid there tomorrow, the National Guard units will have to be deployed. So, what is next? Common sense dictates that this is not a solution to the problem.

What then is the solution? The answer, oddly enough, can be found on the example of the same Chelyabinsk region. Recall that a resident of this particular region complained about non-payment of salaries during the last direct line with the President of the Russian Federation. As a result, Dmitry Dudkin, a worker at the Chelyabinsk machine-building plant of trailers, received his earnings within a few hours, and the local authorities promised to take control of the situation with delays. So maybe it is in this direction that the authorities should act? Not to drive people to extremes, and then suppress the legitimate dissatisfaction with the units of the National Guard, but to create conditions in the country when a working person receives his earnings on time and in full? This is called social justice.

Since March 13, 2017, a sudden check of combat readiness has been carried out in the troops of the National Guard, according to the official statement of the department. It is held for the first time since the creation of the National Guard.

As specified in a press release, the decision on the inspection was made by the Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops - Commander-in-Chief of the Rosgvardia troops, Army General Viktor ym.

The Rosgvardia, created in the spring of last year, has concentrated in its hands full control over the sphere of security services, including state protection of especially important facilities, communications and facilities of the fuel and energy industry, as well as over the circulation of civilian weapons.

Now Rosgvardia includes troops (former units and formations of internal troops), as well as regional detachments of SOBR and OMON. In addition, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Okhrana" and the non-departmental security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Special Forces Center of the Rapid Response Force and Aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were transferred to the department.

The surprise check started in the Central Federal District and will continue in other federal districts, according to the message published on Monday. Control bodies, formations, military units and divisions of the Rosgvardia are put on alert.

"The issues of checking readiness to fight against sabotage and reconnaissance groups, terrorist and extremist groups are being worked out," the message says.

In addition, during the inspection, the Russian Guard intends to work out mechanisms to strengthen the protection of especially important public facilities energy, industry and transport. In accordance with the plans, in order to strengthen their protection, reserves have been created from the composition of special-purpose units, ready for immediate action.

“A set of measures has been taken to counter terrorist threats near the facilities guarded by the Russian National Guard troops, with military units tactical and special exercises have been planned with access to training grounds and training centers, ”added the Rosgvardia.

During the exercises, "operational units, special forces and intelligence units of the Russian Guard, using special and armored equipment, are practicing practical actions to neutralize conventional terrorists."

A special control system has been deployed to manage the forces and assets of the National Guard. At the central command post of the National Guard troops "round-the-clock collection, generalization, analysis of the current situation and control over the actions of formations and military units are carried out."

In connection with the sudden inspection, the leadership of the Rosgvardia also appealed to the owners of motor vehicles to be careful when moving along the routes of military convoys marching to training centers and training grounds.

In February, it became known that the Russian Guard was preparing a bill to toughen the liability for non-compliance with the rules of anti-terrorist protection of objects of state importance. This was announced to reporters by the head of the contractual and legal department of the Russian Guard, Alexander Shkolnikov.

“We are working to tighten the liability. There is a list of objects that are subject to anti-terrorist protection, taking into account their features. We are working out requirements, ”said Shkolnikov.

The service, headed by the former bodyguard of Vladimir Putin, Viktor Zolotov, is personally subordinate. The order of interaction with colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the leadership of the National Guardsmen will discuss with them independently.

At a meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in March, Putin said that the capabilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should increase through deepening coordination with the Russian Guard, and not through "the growth of [our own] power component."

“We do not need the creation of the second internal troops, the creation of the second National Guard. You need good interaction, which has always been. I see no reason for any glitches. As far as I understand, they do not exist, I hope that this will continue to be so, ”Putin said.

According to the president, the ministry retained its own power units, but the task is to maintain and improve their interaction with the Russian Guard.

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