
Benefits for pensioners. Tax benefits for pensioners. Benefits of Pensioners of the Far North

Any state is obliged to take care of their pensioners. However, in view of the established unfavorable financial situation in the Russian Federation, some measures to support this category of citizens may be canceled.

So, for example, in August 2017, free travel by public transport was canceled. But you should not worry. The rest in Moscow in 2018 continue to act to support the cost of living the elderly and provide them with a normal level of existence.

In the benefits of pensioners in Moscow, various changes are constantly made, one of which is the emergence of regional surcharge paid by non-working retirees. Obtaining such allowances is possible only by those persons whose cumulative income is less than the subsistence minimum established in the region.

In Moscow, in 2018, the size of such a surcharge will influence the size of the material support of the citizen, which includes:

  1. Insurance pension;
  2. Additional monetary support that is paid to Muscovites - unemployed pensioners.

The need for such a surcharge is administered only to those citizens whose pension is not sufficient to ensure the normal life of the citizen. In particular, those who receive such a premium, the following state security measures are relying in full:

  1. Using a telephone connection ( measures only payment for using a home phone);
  2. Payment of utility payments for the use of residential premises, apartment or private house.

Tax benefits for pensioners

In early 2017 it became known that in the near future, pensioners will lose interest in the subway, as well as on the trip by other types of public transport. And, unfortunately, in August it happened. However, other tax benefits designed to pensioners in Moscow continue to them.

Property tax

Citizens who have reached the retirement age do not need to pay the real estate tax, but only on condition that they are the only owners of this real estate. The provision of such benefits is allowed in cases where this object is not a source of additional income.

Such tax benefits cannot be provided to expensive property, the value of which exceeds 300 million rubles.

Transport tax

Transport tax can be represented by any pensioners and labor veterans, but only in other regions of the country. In Moscow, such types of benefits of pensioners are not provided.

Land tax

Now, the following categories of citizens can count on obtaining land tax in Moscow.

  1. Disabled;
  2. Participants in the Great Patriotic War;
  3. Persons affected by a nuclear or atomic accident.

To get such a type of benefits, the interested party must provide a statement and documents to the local administration. If a person does not apply to any of the above categories, it cannot count on obtaining such a type of state support.

Other types of social benefits

Preferential categories of citizens give deduction, as compensation for utilities. Such deductions are possible only if the payout data exceeds 20 percent of the total income of the pensioner who has reached the honorable age.

Registration of such deductions and other benefits is engaged in the local compartment of social protection population in Moscow.

Whether free travel will be returned

In August 2017, pensioners lost opportunities to ride for free on the metro. Passage on other public transport was canceled in 2015, so now military retirees have to pay for movement from their wallet.

Most likely, all discounts and free travel were canceled due to the financial crisis, which turned out to be Russia. The Moscow government considered that due to such a measure, they would be able to save about 3 million rubles. After all, funds were transferred for the total number of citizens of the retirement age, and not for those who needed passage in the capital's transport.

Such a cancellation did not cause any enthusiasm from pensioners, since the operation of this legislation is directed not only to Moscow and the Moscow region. At the same time, non-working pensioners often have to enjoy public transport to get to the doctor.

Experts say that such a category of citizens is relying compensation for the abolition of such benefits. At the moment, the cash on the coverage of these expenses is not listed. This is facilitated by minor pension inflation, which, according to the legislator, is enough to compensate for travel.

In the near future, the refund of free travel by public transport in Moscow and the region is not planned.

Housing and communal subsidies

In the benefits of Pensioners in Moscow, the possibility of obtaining compensation for the payment of housing and communal services is included. The procedure for granting subsidies on housing and communal services is determined by the law of the city of Moscow No. 70. According to this legislative act, a citizen who has reached the retirement age can count:

  1. On exemption from making payment for garbage collection;
  2. To receive a monthly compensation of a portion of the payment for the use of the phone.

Other benefits, for example, for electricity, communal, rent and other subsidies, Moscow pensioners are not provided.

But in the event that the amount of payment for utilities is higher than the legislative level of interest from family income ( up to 10 percent, depending on the region), such a preferential category of citizens can count on receiving a subsidy.

Other benefits

Other benefits are put on the pensioners of Moscow, which remained alone. It is believed that such a category of citizens needs to provide additional assistance, therefore, especially for such pensioners who want to obtain additional benefits at the place of registration, the following list of services is envisaged:

  1. The minimum pension for labor veterans is 12,000 rubles;
  2. An additional discount for utility bills;
  3. A visit to the Muscavina, performances in the theaters of Moscow, free museum premises in museum days;
  4. Denthethesising, and other medical benefits;
  5. Moskvich's social card - additional discounts in most city institutions;
  6. Receiving a voucher to spa treatment. Granted no more than 1 time per year.

Obtaining medical benefits and vouchers for treatment is possible only on the recommendation of the doctor.

The most socially unprotected category of citizens - people who cannot work in age living on social benefits. The question of what benefits have lonely retirees in Moscow, whether there are other groups using privileges, causing older people who consider each ruble to retirement. Find out it is not easy, since the legislation changes regularly. To determine the size of social assistance, discounts on the payment of housing and communal services, made by the physicals receiving old-age retirement, one must know which pensioners in Moscow are established in Moscow in 2018.

What benefits are pensioners in Moscow

The country is olden, the number of pensioners increases, the economic crisis, creeping up inflation, depreciate the pension benefits, forcing the elderly to cut the needs to a minimum. Understanding the situation, trying to correct the situation, the state introduces a number of measures aimed at supporting the normal standard of living of forefall persons. All options in due privileges are divided into two types - provided at the federal level and sponsored by the local budget. Preferences are divided into several types:

  • tax benefits for pensioners in Moscow;
  • discounts on payment of utilities;
  • social address assistance provided to those who need citizens;
  • benefits when purchasing medicines, travel on long-distance, urban transport, the provision of treatment, buying vouchers.

At the federal level

An elderly person who receives old-age benefits, regardless of the place of residence, the state guarantees different types of preferences that can be used if necessary. These include:

  • Monetary monthly payments established for individual groups of citizens - the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, the veterans of the defense of Moscow, the fighting.
  • The preferential rights of exemption from paying certain taxes - on property, personal income tax.
  • Compensation of payments for utilities, contributions for overhaul of an apartment building.
  • Tax deductions when buying an apartment.
  • Benefits of disabled pensioners in Moscow and other persons to acquire expensive medicines in accordance with the approved list of drugs subject to compensation.

Local benefits

The federal budget can not carry a load on the complete provision of needing retirees with laid benefits. Some obligations on the payment, discounts and benefits of pensioners in Moscow in 2018 are transferred to local authorities, obliged the following privileges in need of elderly citizens:

  • targeted social, material assistance;
  • benefits on the payment of transport tax, contributions for the land plot;
  • compensation for using a landline phone;
  • the opportunity not to pay for garbage collection;
  • free medical care at home, if health does not allow you to visit the clinic;
  • obtaining dental care for the social program;
  • a trip once a year to the site of the sanatorium-resort holiday in the relevant medical testimony.

Regulatory legal regulation

Pensioners of Moscow, as well as other subjects of the federation, are advantages on the basis of articles of various regulatory documents. Officials are based on the following regulations, in determining the magnitude of the discount and cash payments:

  1. Articles 159-160 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, stipulating receipt of benefits on housing and utilities.
  2. Decree of the Government of Russia dated July 17, 1995 No. 710, stipulating the rules for preferential medical care to pensioners.
  3. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia for № 225 of 11/22/2004, establishing the rules of preferential preparation of medicines.
  4. Letter of the social fund for № 07 44Shs from 09.02.1996, providing for benefits to treat veterans of hostilities.
  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2005. No. 761, providing for benefits to pay utilities and other payments for residential premises.

What benefits from pensioners in Moscow in 2018

Residents of the capital who receive state retirement benefits in old age are used by extensive privileges. These include:

  • tax breaks;
  • delegations of property tax in the acquisition of real estate;
  • monetary monthly and lump-sum payments provided to those in need of individuals who have a minimum income "does not reach" to the level of subsistence minimum in Moscow;
  • compensation of utilities, gasification, overhaul;
  • free or preferential prepared drugs medicines;
  • medical services, including dental services, rehabilitation funds compensation, passing to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment.

Tax preferences

Pensioners are exempt from paying some taxes. Benefits are given in the following types of tax payments:

  • Real estate tax belonging to a pensioner if the cost of housing is not higher than 200 million rubles. Under property, residential and non-residential premises are understood (garages, economic extensions, decorated for this physical).
  • Transport contributions, if the car's power is not higher than 100 drugs, a junior or engine boat - below 5 LS.
  • Land tax. The right not to pay is given to persons with disabilities, participants of the Second World War, Chernobyl accident.
  • NDFL. Pension, other income of an elderly person is not subject to this collection.

Tax deduction for working pensioners

If the physical, located on a well-deserved holiday in old age, continues to officially work and acquired real estate, then he has the right to tax deductions when buying an apartment. You can make a benefit for previous three years, if there is evidence of the acquisition of real estate. The deduction is given upon presentation of the certificate of ownership or contract on equity participation in the construction of housing.

Social surcharge to pension to subsistence minimum in the capital

If the non-working resident of the capital places the local authorities with information that the amount of the retired retirement is below the subsistence minimum (PM) in Moscow, then it has monetary monthly compensation payments to the minimum amount established by federal legislation. In Moscow in 2018, the size of PM was 11,560 rubles, in Moscow region - 9160 rubles. When paying funds, address assistance received by the pensioner, all types of subsidies are taken into account.

Housing Subsidies

Payment of utilities lies with an exorbitant burden on the shoulders of an elderly person. The federal authorities provide benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 on housing and utilities payments. If the total amount of municipal payments paid by a citizen who presented a pension certificate is 3-10% of its income, he is provided with a subsidy. The amount of compensatory payments is determined individually, taking into account the magnitude of the pension, paid by the receipts of housing and public utilities, and is subject to revision every six months. You can also compensate for the gasification of the house at your own expense.

Compensation of phone costs

Using stationary telephone citizens of advanced years, permanently residing in Moscow, receiving retirement benefits, use benefits when paying communication services. The size of the discount is 190 rubles. To get it necessary to apply. Benefits are granted to present a pension certificate and applies to payment of intracity telephone lines.

Free and preferential medications

The elderly person who is well-deserved rest may apply for free medicines according to the established list approved by the Moscow Government. If an expensive drug was acquired at his own expense, then a resident of the capital once for the year can compensate for the amount of funds spent by contacting the FSS at the place of residence. You can find out the list of free or in the preferential cost of drugs at the attending physician, obligated to inform information about preferences to the patient.

Medical service

The list of benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 has significantly expanded due to the introduction of privileges to receive medical care. Elderly, the following preferences are laid:

  • Free medical care is out of turn in the clinics at the place of residence of the pensioner.
  • Providing vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment according to the testimony of the doctor.
  • Discounts in pharmacies when purchasing medicines.
  • Full or partial compensation payments for the acquisition of the elderly of technical rehabilitation funds, according to medical prescriptions.
  • Compensation of dental prosthetic prices made in state clinics.
  • Other types of social address medical care provided individually.

Monthly compensatory payments to working retirees

Officially, employed citizens often do not know about due charges. Receive compensation preferential payments can work elderly, whose size of income, including retirement benefits, varies within 12,000-20,000 rubles. You can count on surcharge when working on the approved list of professions, where there are librarians, nurses, faghers, wipers, educators in DDU and other citizens. Monthly compensation payments are assigned to people who have proven health problems, regardless of profession and position.

Luzhkovsky payments

In the list of benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 there is a Luzhkovskaya surcharge. Obtaining it is associated with some difficulties, since the size of the subscription is tied to the magnitude of the social status of Moscow and PM. Pensioners living at least 10 years in the capital, with low income, receive extra charge to the Social Standard adopted for this period, which is 14,500 rubles for 2018. If a pensioner lives less than 10 years in Moscow, then it can only claim to PM, the size of which is less and is 11,560 rubles.

Automatic accruals are not performed. To get a surcharge, contact the MFC or the PF Department at the place of residence with the necessary documents. Required:

  • passport with registration, proving ten-year accommodation in Moscow;
  • Reduss;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • application for surcharge.

Transport benefits in Moscow pensioners

Persons receiving pension payments can ride for free in Moscow, using buses, metro, trolley buses and trams. These benefits of pensioners in Moscow in 2018 are possible upon receipt of a Muscovite social card, or a travel ticket, an outstanding social protection fund. To get it, you need to have a permanent Moscow registration. Pensioners are presented to employees Rusz Moscow The required packet of papers for the right of a preferential passage. There are documents, a complete list of which can be found by calling the hotline of the Social System.

Features of preferences for some categories of pensioners in 2018

Separate categories of residents of the capital have advantages in accordance with the rules established by federal and regional legislation. Preferences differ from the main privileges of Moscow citizens receiving age-related retirement benefits. Measures on the social protection of such Muscovites are extensive and include a variety of discounts, compensation and cash issues. You can select several groups that are installed individual benefits:

  • lonely people;
  • persons receiving "military pensions";
  • pension disabled people;
  • labor veterans.

Lonely and poor

The weak citizens of old age living alone, without the help of close relatives, can count on the following list of benefits:

  • Discounts for paying utilities, overhaul. Pensioners over 70 years old are provided 100% compensation.
  • Free manufacture and installation of dentures, incl. Of expensive materials.
  • Free medicines or discounts for the purchase of medicines.
  • Extraordinary medical care in hospitals, clinics, at home.
  • Addressible household care for the purchase of products, necessary things and drugs.
  • The help of nursing care sites, devoid of self-service opportunities, citizens.
  • Free or preferential services of housekeeping for apartment cleaning.
  • Ritual services with discounts.

Benefits of military pensioners in Moscow

Citizens who served in the army, the former military, have special prerogatives, even if they have not reached the age necessary for the accrual of social government age benefits. They are given right:

  • Receipt of compensation for housing and utility payments. Persons who have reached retirement age can apply.
  • Do not pay land, road, property tax payments.
  • Arrange a kindergarten or other DTD child within 30 days after submitting an application.
  • Free travel on urban and long-distance transport.
  • Improvements once for the year in the institution of sanatorium-resort type for free according to medical prescriptions and health status.


Regional legislature authorities have established special benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018, having a certificate of the presence of a group of disability. These citizens have such privileges:

  • do not pay taxes on property;
  • receive a special retirement regional allowance;
  • enjoy free travel on any urban transport, except for route taxis;
  • provided by free recreation in the sanatorium based on the instructions of the attending physician.

Labor veterans

The state encourages long-term employment experience and active professional activities, rewarding individuals by special privileges. The following benefits of labor-veterans in Moscow have been established in 2018, if they have confirmed data on work experience more than 40 years:

  • gratuitous travel on all types of urban transport, with the exception of minibuses;
  • compensation up to 50% of utility payments;
  • the right to unpaid two-week additional vacation for working persons;
  • preferential dental services of state clinics;
  • discounts on medicines, medical care services;
  • regional surcharges to PM in Moscow;
  • monetization of discounts, if a person refuses privileges.


In the Moscow region there are various benefits for pensionersSince they are considered the most socially unprotected part of the population. Benefits - full or partial exemption from the conditions of execution of certain duties extending to some categories of citizens. Next will deal with what benefits are laid.

All benefits can be divided into several groups:

  • tax
  • medical
  • for utility payments,
  • social.

Also separately identify such categories of pensioners:

  • lonely living.

Pensioners are exempt from the following taxes:

  • property tax

Not paying from real estate objects owned (apartment, garage, country house or other). Benefit is valid only for one object relating to each type. If a pensioner is owned by several cottages, he will only receive a benefit on some one. To do this, it is necessary to apply to the tax inspectorate and with the presentation of a pension certificate.

  • land tax

Plee the citizen or not, determines the municipality. This tax is local jurisdiction. General benefits in the Moscow region is not provided.

NDFL with some not to pay from such payments as:

  • pension;
  • compensation for the cost of treatment in sanatoriums, the acquisition of drugs;
  • social surcharge;
  • material assistance up to 4000 rubles.

In addition, pensioners have the opportunity to get tax deductions when purchasing housing. It does not matter, it was paid at the expense of personal funds or a mortgage loan was taken. Restrictions on this deduction amount to 2 million rubles, i.e. A citizen can return 260 thousand rubles. When purchasing a mortgage, a restriction increases to 3 million rubles.

Note that in general, pensioners living in the Moscow region should pay transport tax. The exceptions are separate categories, such as disabled, veterans of the Second World War, etc.

This sphere provides a number of benefits:

  • a discount of up to 50% of drugs issued by prescription;
  • free vaccination against influenza virus 1 time per year in the clinic at the place of residence;
  • free service in health facilities state ownership;
  • payment of travel to the place of treatment and recreation once every 2 years;
  • dispensarization once every 3 years over the age of 60 (veterans of the Second World War - 1 per year);
  • veterans with disabilities are free of charge in healthy health care.

Communal payments

Residence in the Moscow region citizens of retirement age can:

  • do not pay for garbage collection,
  • count on help in housing gasification;
  • get compensation for a part of the payment of urban telephone (up to 190 rubles per month).

Subsidies can only be issued by those pensioners who have more than 10% of income amounts of utility bills.

Military retirees with the status of labor veteran have a 50% discount on payment:

  • broadcasting
  • utilities,
  • collective television antenna.

Social support

The poor retirees can count on various assistance from USN. It is provided with both money and in the form of food, essential items, clothes.

As a measure of social support for residents of the Moscow region of the retirement age, the project "Social card" was launched.

It is a plastic card with a large functionality that provides some additional social assistance measures. It can get all pensioners with permanent registration in the area.

The presence of a social card of a pensioner in the Moscow region helps to receive the following benefits in 2017:

  • discounts in program partner stores,
  • discount from 3 to 5% on any drugs in pharmacies,
  • free travel on passenger transport in the cities of the Moscow region, as well as on suburban railway transport.

Among other things, the social card is also a full-fledged bank card. It allows you to:

  • pay for services and goods;
  • follow the movement of finance on the account;
  • participate in various bonus programs from MasterCard or Visa;
  • register loans for up to 8 days in the form of overdraft.

When making a pensioner of a social card, such documents will be required:

  • passport;
  • photos in size 4x6;
  • insurance certificate of pension insurance;
  • pensioner certificate;
  • medical policy (with the exception of war veterans);
  • all available certificates (rehabilitated, disabled, war or labor veteran, etc.).

Pensioners of power departments that have not reached retirement age will also require income data over the past 3 months. If such citizens do not work, then provide an employment record as a confirmation of the absence of labor relations. If their monthly income is lower than the dual size of the subsistence minimum, then on a social map you can make free travel in public transport in the Moscow region.

The design of the social card of the pensioner in the Moscow region can be in the center of public services or in the territorial division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It can also be done on a special portal.

Together with the map, an envelope is issued containing PIN -Code. It makes it possible to safely access your account. It can not be reported to anyone and better store separately from the card. This is a secret information. If you forget the PIN -Kod and lose the envelope, you will have to change the map. With a three-time erroneous introduction of the PIN -Code, the card is automatically blocked. All this is done to maximize protection.

In the issuance of the cards may refuse the following cases:

  • provided an incomplete package of documents,
  • the representative of the citizen has a power of attorney for registration,
  • in the absence of rights to receive state social assistance.

Benefits working pensioners

They should be:

  • additional unpaid vacation (14 days) once a year,
  • exemption from working out for 2 weeks at dismissal
  • free manufacture of dentures of teeth (with the exception of metal-ceramic and precious metals), as well as their repair;
  • an increase in size taking into account the deductions of the employer, which he produces for it during the work period.

Working retirees should:

  • work on the conditions as citizens who have not reached retirement age;
  • pay personal income tax on wages on general reasons.
  • Payment compensation to the place of treatment and recreation does not rely.

Citizens who live alone is a separate category. If their income is less than the subsistence minimum, then state social support in monetary terms is provided. Its size per month is ranging from 600 to 1000 rubles. Also, the total amount of funds received by the citizen for the year should not exceed 6,000 rubles. The exceptions are lonely living veterans of the Great Body for them 7,000 rubles. in year.

What benefits are provided for pensioners after 80 years?

Persons of such a reverence are additional benefits:

  • free psychological and medical care,
  • increases 2 times the insurance part of the pension,
  • home accommodation for free,
  • help on legal issues without charge charges,
  • if necessary, providing social housing from the state.

In addition, citizens who have overshadowed the 80-year-old frontier should receive permanent assistance from the social protection bodies in the form of certain foods.

If such a citizen cannot serve himself independently, he is prescribed guardian. It may be a close relative or an extraneous person. The guardian will be paid wages. And the care period of the intimid old man will be credited to the insurance experience and will be taken into account when the pension is accrued.

Hello! My name is Irina Alekseeva. I carry out activities in the field of jurisprudence since 2013. I specialize mainly in civil law. He studied at the Moscow Humanitarian and Economics Institute (NWF) jurisprudence (civilian legal specialization).

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this article discusses only the measures of social support for the pensioners of Moscow, which include natural assistance, cash payments and benefits of Moscow retirees and elderly citizens within and sizes established by law.

Non-working pensioners of Moscow and individual categories working pensioners in Moscow and disabled independently of the type of retirement to be subject to regional Social Supplement to Pension to the Municipal Social Standard.

At the same time, the urban social standard of minimum revenues of pensioners is a pension plus a surcharge, for example, in 2011, the above-mentioned urban social standard was eleven thousand rubles, and in 2012 will be twelve thousand rubles.

Lonely pensioners and families consisting of pensioners at the age of women older than 55 years old and men older than 60 years of non-working pensioners, on whose dependents are children under the age of eighteen, is provided monthly compensation for local telephone services. Currently, compensation size is 230 rubles.

Currently provided benefits of Moscow pensioners Multifungal and multilateral, which allows you to cover various spheres of life. Consider more benefits in Moscow pensioners to which include:

Free travel on all types of urban passenger transport (it is necessary to keep in mind that a taxi and a route taxi is an exception) in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region on the basis of a Muscovite social card, provided that the monthly monetary compensation is not paid to free travel on city passenger transport. Thus, pensioners of Moscow have the right to choose between free travel and monetary compensation for the specified passage.

Free spa voucher to non-working pensioners at the age of women older than 55 years old and men older than 60 years old in the presence of medical testimony and in order of priority, as well as reimbursement of transportation costs related to the passage to the treatment site and back in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Russia. At the same time, to implement this right no more than once within the calendar year.

The right to receive a subsidy for paying housing and communal servicesprovided if housing and communal services exceed ten percent of the monthly cumulative income of all family members.

Payment in the amount of fifty percent of the current tariff for distribution services, namely, broadcast, television programs in city-wide cable television networks. This benefit is provided by lonely residing pensioners and families, which consist of pensioners receiving subsidy for housing and utilities. Compliance with the above conditions necessarily.

Free manufacture and repair of dentures(except expenses for the cost of the cost of precious metals and metal ceramics).

The above benefits of Moscow pensioners are complemented by natural help in the form:

Dubbed and food assistance to pensionerswho fell into a difficult life situation, which are in dire need of social support, and to get out of the established difficult life situation can not independently.

Inpatient social services, sanitary and hygienic services, services for complex cleaning of apartments, the patronage of lonely or lonely living citizens of elderly at the age of women older than 55 years old and men over 60 years old who are completely or partially lost their self-service ability.

Lonely or lonely living citizens of elderly, namely women aged 55 years and men over 60 years old who need permanent or temporary social assistance due to partial loss of the possibility of independent satisfaction of the main life needs (restriction of the ability to self-service and movement), provided community Social and Social Medical Services in Social Services Centers.

It is necessary to pay attention to the pensioners of Moscow from among war and labor veterans, disabled social support measures specified in the respective articles of the site are provided.

Citizens recognized as needing, military pensioners and other privileged categories of individuals claim to receive a subsidy for paying utilities. When organizing the major repairs of an apartment building, where such a citizen lives, half the amount of the funds spent will be reimbursed. If the pensioner has the title of the Hero of the USSR or Russia, the magnitude of compensation is 100% .

The possibility of obtaining a subsidy is regulated. At the same time, the right to use data of social support measures for each category of citizens is determined by their own law or order. For example, . The procedure for granting the benefit and the list of necessary documentation is enshrined in .

The amount of benefits is estimated depending on the size and sum of the total income. As a general rule, the amount of compensation is equal 50% Communal costs. According to housing legislation ( art. 169 LCD RF) When organizing a winmont of real estate, the pensioner also receives a certain compensation:

  1. Veterans, disabled, low-income - 50% .
  2. All citizens after 70 years - 50% .
  3. After 80 years - 100% .

The provision of this type of benefits should be applied to the Regional Center for Society or MFC (Multifunctional Center), FSS or Local Self-Government. At the place of treatment, an appropriate statement is issued to which the necessary documents are attached.

List of documentation:

  1. Property Property Property Documents. In the case of its lease - a contract of social, service or other hiring.
  2. Settlement papers (receipts and checks) confirming the facts of previous payments for utility payments.
  3. A copy of the document certifying the right to receive social support measures (for example, a veteran certificate).
  4. Information about the income of the applicant and members of his family.

The required application and documents can be sent by registered mail through the mail or through the Internet network on a single portal of the State Service.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of pensioners

Sanatorium-resort treatment of pensioners is included in the medical care of individual categories of persons, but funded from the funds of the federal budget. In the list of recreational social benefits:

  • discount when buying medicines at their retail items. Its size - 50% . This right is implemented upon presentation of a prescription doctor. The document is valid for 10 days;
  • to the place of treatment within the region of residence in the direction of Polyclinics, where the pensioner was examined;
  • preferential sanatorium-resort treatment.

Health events are governed by relevant subtitle acts and departmental standards. For example, preferential treatment for veterans of the Second World War is enshrined. According to the procedure, the procedure is provided with a 10% discount from October 1 to April 30.

To obtain a ticket, it is necessary to contact the regional department of the social insurance fund or FIU and make an application. Application must be applied:

  1. Documents on medical examination.
  2. A copy of the passport.
  3. A guide document confirming the right to benefit.

Sometimes there is a practice of reimbursement for non-use of the sanatorium-resort voucher. At the same time, cash is listed from the FSS budget.

Medical benefits of pensioners

Medical Benefits for Pensioners They are in preferential and free provision of drugs, preferential service law and providing the opportunity to pass a wellness course on a ticket once within one or two years.

Features of the provision of drugs are governed by government resolutions, orders of the Ministry of Health and its individual departments. For instance:

Medical benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 In the sphere of preferential leave of drugs are regulated.

Pensioners have the right to preferential prosthetics of missing limbs. For veterans, this feature is provided free of charge.

Get medical benefits can be obtained directly in the polyclinic itself upon presentation of the appropriate certificate. The drug discount is valid in any private or government pharmacies. For registration it is necessary to visit the compartment of social protection (this feature is provided once every two years, if the pensioner is not a veteran).

Transport benefits

Pensioners to the main manual receive a set of social services (NSA). It includes compensation for passing public transport. Its value is different depending on the region of the residence of the pensioner and is established by local authorities. If the applicant refuses the preferential pass, the amount of compensation will be included in the amount of additional increase in the pension benefit. For example, for monthly cash payments (EVER).

Defined travel benefits to pensioners Act:

  • (the discount value is set by the carrier company);
  • when driving in the train;
  • on Russian Railways tickets.

Obtaining benefits on travel takes place at the time of purchase of the relevant ticket upon presentation of a pension certificate, which, in turn, is issued in the local compartment of social protection.

Tax breaks

Citizens who have reached old age or possessing certain privileges that allow them to receive material content to the end of life, also have the right to tax Benefits and paying state fees. For pensioners:

  1. Exemption from income tax.
  2. Cancellation of real estate tax and other property registered for a pensioner.
  3. Exemption from vehicle tax charges per unit of equipment, power not higher than 100 hp (Really for most regions of Russia).
  4. Discount when paying land tax. Since 2018, the benefits will act on the plots of not more than 6 acres. The specified value is subtracted from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe site, larger in size.
  5. Exemption from the state fee paid when submitting a claim in the judiciary. If the claim concerns property worth more than 1 million rubles - The amount of tax is held.
  6. The right to tax deduction when buying residential real estate.

Responsibilities of employers


Citizens who have reached old age or have other reasons for retirement, a number of measures are provided. social support. What benefits are laid pensioners in old age?

  1. The right to improve housing conditions if necessary.
  2. Right to pay housing and communal services in the amount of half of their cost.
  3. Reimbursement of overhaul after 70 years old (Pensioner's age) quantity 50% , after 80 – 100% .
  4. A set of specific social services or payment for it for monetary compensation.
  5. Free and preferential medical care.
  6. Providing sanatorium resort vouchers.
  7. Exemption from some taxes and use of deduction when calculating the amount of NDFL.
  8. Additional unpaid work vacation if the pensioner continues to work.
  9. Preferential vacation of medicines in the wholesale-retail pharmacy network upon presentation of a pension certificate and recipe from the attending physician.

The most popular questions and answers to them on the benefits of pensioners

Question:Good day. My name is Antonina Sergeyevna. I am 70 years old. I am labor veteran. What are the latest news about pension benefits in 2018? Will the long-awaited indexation of old-age benefits in the current year?

Answer: Hello, Antonina Sergeevna. It is worth knowing every pensioner that benefits are provided in two directions: federal and regional. The list of state concessions has not changed significantly. The list of regional is periodically updated depending on the place of residence of the applicant. For example, in Moscow,having a social card on her hands, labor veteran has the right to use railway free.

As for the indexation, according to the statement of government representatives, the revision of payments will be carried out twice during the year - in February and April.

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