
To which countries can you transfer hummingbirds. Urgent transfers of hummingbirds in Sberbank. Is it possible to transfer "Hummingbird" without a Sberbank card

The convenience of instant transfers has been appreciated by many people for a long time. Indeed, it is so simple - to send money within Russia and receive it abroad with the help of simple banking operations. And all this will take you no more than 10 minutes. One of these services is the Hummingbird transfer (Sberbank). We will tell you more about it, its features, percentages and reviews below.

International translation in a nutshell

Hummingbird is an international transfer system that operates with the direct participation of Sberbank on the one hand and an individual on the other. The service is provided to everyone, including citizens and non-residents of the country. The payment transactions themselves are available both in the Russian Federation and abroad. You can understand in which branch the Hummingbird transfer is carried out (Sberbank previously provided a similar Blitz service) by looking at the beautiful emblem in the form of a cute bird.

Do I need to open an account?

Transfers are made without the need to open an account. And this applies not only to the sender, but also to the recipient. This approach greatly simplifies the sending of money, which is beneficial for both parties and eliminates unnecessary paperwork. The process of transferring commissions to a financial institution has also been greatly simplified. It, like the Hummingbird money transfer (Sberbank is the most famous Russian bank), is carried out in cash.

In what currency is it carried out?

Previously, Sberbank of Russia carried out Hummingbird transfers not only in national, but also in foreign currency. At the moment, only transactions in ruble equivalent are allowed. Moreover, the maximum amount of such an operation should not exceed 500,000 rubles at a time. The transfer itself is carried out at the bank branch. It is sent by one person and completed within a working day.

Where can you send?

Sberbank transfers Hummingbird money within the country. In this case, all transactions take place between the operating branches, subdivisions or representative offices of a financial institution located in the Russian Federation. The same applies to operations abroad. In this case, a subsidiary of Sberbank is listed as the recipient. For example, when making transfers to the Republic of Belarus, JSC BPS-Sberbank of Belarus acts as the respondent organization.

In which countries can you get it?

Sberbank allows you to send and receive a Hummingbird money transfer exclusively in its branches and representative offices. For example, in Russia there are more than 10,000 of them. In Kazakhstan, the interests of a financial institution are represented by SB Sberbank JSC, which has only 33 branches. In Ukraine, until recently, there were about 160 branches of Sberbank JSC, and in Belarus - over 50 branches.

How it works: the submission process

In order to send a Hummingbird transfer (Sberbank - the only representative of this electronic system), an individual must come with a passport to the nearest branch or branch of the organization. When communicating with the bank manager, the client should indicate the amount and full name of the person to whom the transfer is addressed. Additionally, the sender can specify the contact phone number of the recipient and use the free SMS-informing service. In this case, a message about the completed transaction will be sent to your respondent's mobile.

In addition, for additional security, the sender can specify a security question. However, do not forget that the recipient must know the answer to it. After specifying all the necessary data, the bank operator receives a commission and the transfer amount from the sender, and then informs him of a unique control number. It is for him that the recipient will be able to pick up the money due to him. It is noteworthy that Sberbank does not take money from the recipient for the Hummingbird transfer (meaning operations within the country). This rule does not apply to international transfers.

What is the bank commission?

The size of the commission of a financial institution directly depends on the purpose of the payment and its amount. For example, when sending to another individual located outside the ETZ (single tariff zone of the bank), it is about 1.75% of the transaction amount. The minimum it can be 50, and the maximum - 2000 rubles.

When transferring to a loan account of an individual previously opened with a third-party financial institution, the fee is 2% of the amount. In this situation, the transfer of Hummingbird (Sberbank), no matter how much money is sent, will be carried out in accordance with the current tariffs for legal entities. The cash grid for individuals in this case does not work.

When making a transfer in favor of an individual, the bank's commission will be 1% of the amount (but not more than 3,000 rubles). It is noteworthy that such a transaction cannot be associated with the entrepreneurial activity of an individual acting as a sender.

Translation "Hummingbird" (Sberbank): how to get

To receive a transfer, the receiving party must come to the nearest representative office of Sberbank with a passport. Next, he needs to fill out the appropriate application form, indicate the control number and the answer to the question (if necessary).

And then, he will only have to receive the amount of the transfer sent to him by the respondent. As a rule, the commission for the completed transaction is charged exclusively from the sender. In rare cases (most often when sending money to a third-party organization or abroad), a commission within 1.5% of the transaction amount is paid by the recipient. However, the maximum amount of such bank remuneration may not exceed 1,000 rubles. This is how the Hummingbird transfer (Sberbank) is performed. How to get it in case of loss of the control number, we will tell further.

Is it possible to get money if the secret number is lost?

The main condition for the execution of the transaction is the presence of a secret number, which must be reported to the recipient. As a rule, it is he who is indicated on the receipt or credit note (it is usually issued by the cashier after all the formalities have been settled). But there are times when this document is simply lost. According to representatives of the bank, the system does not provide for issuing a duplicate receipt in such cases.

However, the sender may well demand a refund by writing about the problem in a statement addressed to the bank's management (meaning the branch where the transaction was performed). Refunds in this case are made only with the approval of the head of the department. This procedure involves a number of verification steps, so it can take up to 7 days.

Can I cancel a transfer?

If for some reason the sender changes his mind about performing the transaction, he always has the right to cancel it. But only until the moment when the transfer amount is claimed by the recipient. When canceling an action, the sender is usually charged a fee of 150 rubles.

What can you hear about the Hummingbird system?

Many people talk about this method of sending money. Mostly those who have used it at least once. For example, some users are completely satisfied with the high speed of transferring money, since you can receive funds after sending them in just 5-10 minutes. Others are completely satisfied with the service, but they do not like the high commission of the bank. According to them, if the transfer amounts were large, then this fee can simply be ignored (not felt). And since the size of the transaction is small, the commission was quite tangible.

Some users have encountered the inattention of Sberbank cashiers, who misspelled their names. However, they still managed to get the translation. Other citizens, especially when it comes to transfers abroad, did not like the presence of a commission. In their opinion, the receiving party should not pay for receiving.

In which offices of Sberbank can I issue Hummingbird transfers?

You can find Sberbank offices where Hummingbird transfers can be made on the Branches and ATMs page (Select services → Hummingbird internal).

Can I receive a Hummingbird transfer through an ATM or in my Sberbank Online account?

At the moment, receiving and sending Hummingbird transfers is carried out only at the offices of Sberbank. We are working on adding more ways to design.

How to check the status of a transfer?

To clarify the status of the transfer, contact the Sberbank office.

What should I do if the recipient cannot receive the transfer?

Make sure that when making the transfer, the details of the recipient were correctly indicated - his full name. If you find an error, correct the details. This can be done at any Sberbank office where Hummingbird transfers are sent.

How long is the Hummingbird transfer stored in Sberbank?

The translation can be received within three years from the date of its sending.

I forgot or lost the control number and/or transfer receipts. What should I do?

If you are the sender, to cancel the transfer, contact the office of the bank from which it was sent. Don't forget your passport.

If you are the recipient of the transfer, contact the sender to re-message the control number. Unfortunately, the bank cannot provide such information.

I want to cancel the transfer, where can I do it?

The sender can cancel a transfer unclaimed by the recipient at any bank office that works with Hummingbird transfers. To cancel the transfer, tell the bank employee the control number of the transfer assigned to him when sending (8 digits), provide a passport.

What should I do if I find an error in the recipient's data for a sent transfer?

The transfer will be paid out only if the recipient provides the bank employee with a control number and an identity document with a full name that matches the recipient's data specified in the transfer. If a mistake is made in the name of the recipient ─ it's okay, contact the bank office at the place where the transfer was sent and ask the employee to make a correction. You will be provided with an application form for correcting the translation. The operation is free.

I need to get confirmation from the bank that I have sent Hummingbird transfers for the required period. How to do it?

A confirmation can be submitted by a bank employee at any Hummingbird money transfer office. The confirmation is certified by the marks of the bank (round seal and signature of the bank employee), which are necessary for submission upon request.

How can I find out if the transfer has been received?

If, when making a transfer, you provided your mobile phone, the bank will inform you about the receipt of the transfer via SMS. In another case, we recommend that you contact the bank office at the place where the transfer was sent. The employee will clarify the current status, and, if necessary, issue a confirmation of payment of the transfer indicating the date of payment. When contacting the bank office, please do not forget your passport and transfer control number.

Can I send money to the Republic of Crimea?

Unfortunately, there are no Sberbank offices in the Republic of Crimea.

I suspect that I sent a transfer to a scammer by mistake, how can I get information about the recipient of the transfer?

The Bank is not entitled to disclose the personal data of its customers. You can withdraw an unclaimed transfer, or immediately contact law enforcement authorities with a statement about suspected fraudulent activities against you.

I want to receive a transfer, but bank employees say that there is no money in the bank office. How to be?

If at the time of your application for receiving a transfer at the bank office there was no necessary amount of money, we suggest ordering funds at the bank office. As a rule, the ordered amount can be received the next day.

I want to receive a transfer, but the bank office cannot issue the entire amount of the transfer. Can I receive cash in installments?

Unfortunately, cash withdrawal is carried out for the entire amount of the transfer. If the office of the bank you contacted does not have the required amount, fill out an application for ordering cash. The application is made free of charge.

One of the direct functions of banking organizations is to transfer funds. Thanks to banks, individuals and legal entities can send money around the world to bank offices convenient for the recipient. The Hummingbird system is a Sberbank payment system that allows you to transfer funds within the bank and subsidiaries in a matter of minutes. In this article, we will consider how Sberbank Hummingbird transfers are carried out in 2018, how much it costs and how to get money.

What is the translation of Hummingbird

Banking companies use various payment systems to make money transfers. The most popular of them is Contact, there is the Golden Crown system, or Western Union, which carries out international operations.

The Hummingbird service is an internal system of Sberbank that allows you to make instant transfers within a banking company, as well as in favor of subsidiaries of the group, with and without opening an account, as well as using a bank card.

Payment systems act as a guarantee that money in electronic form will be transported from one point to another. At the same time, such a system must be reliable so that attackers cannot use it for their own purposes.

Money transfers through specialized systems simplify and speed up the process of distributing funds. Hummingbird allows you to make deposits in a matter of minutes, while an interbank transfer, even to a subsidiary located in another country, can take up to 5 days.

The operation to transfer money through Hummingbird is not free, it costs a certain commission. The conditions for what percentage Sberbank holds depends on the direction in which the transaction will be carried out.

You can transfer money both within the country, to all regions of the bank's presence, and abroad. At the same time, the transfer term does not change, funds are transferred equally quickly in all directions.

Inside Russia, the company can conduct transactions in rubles, while foreign transactions can additionally be in dollars or euros. The maximum amount for residents can be no more than $5,000 or the equivalent in another currency.

Residents are all citizens of the Russian Federation. Non-residents are persons who have lived in another country for more than 1 year or are foreign citizens or do not have citizenship. For them, the maximum amount is $10,000 (and equivalent currency).

Such a transfer is possible to countries where Sberbank is present or companies that have partnerships. A list of branches can be found on the bank's website. For this you need:

  • on the main page, select the "Pay and transfer" section;
  • click on "Transfers abroad";
  • select "All options";
  • then click "Urgent Hummingbird Translation".

On the right, in Excel format, there will be a list of offices where international transfers of Hummingbird are possible. Since 2016, due to sanctions, transactions have not been made to the territory of Ukraine.

The commission for the sender will be 1% of the amount. At the same time, the minimum is 150 rubles. The maximum limit is 3,000 rubles. If the transaction is in foreign currency, then also 1%, but at the same time 5 dollars or euros is a minimum and, similarly, 10 dollars or euros is a maximum.

In addition, the recipient pays for the operation. In both cases, 1% of the amount of the payment will be withheld from him.

The action is performed without opening an account. Money is transferred to the full name of the recipient between two individuals, indicating that entrepreneurial activity is not applied. On the fulfillment of obligations, Sberbank issues receipts with a unique number.

It is possible to order an SMS alert service so that the recipient is informed that the money has been received. If a mistake is made in the full name, which does not correspond to the passport data, then the money will not be able to be issued to the addressee.

Transfers within the Russian Federation are made according to an identical scheme. Only the commission is 1.5% of the payment amount. The sender pays for it. The minimum threshold is set at 150 rubles. The maximum limit does not exceed 3,000 rubles.

The recipient will be charged 1%. The parties may agree on a code word. In this case, in order to pass identification in addition to the passport, you will need to give a password when applying for money.

Until the formation of the Hummingbird payment system, such operations were carried out using the blitz system. The sending party, without opening an account, indicated the amount of the payment and the full name of the recipient. Such a system had shortcomings in terms of crediting, since funds could arrive to the addressee within 3 days.

Hummingbird allows you to speed up transfers. This does not require additional actions in the form of opening an account or opening a bank card. To make a payment, you must:

  • clarify the branch that supports the Hummingbird payment system;
  • apply to the office with a passport;
  • fill out a receipt from a specialist and transfer money, taking into account the commission;
  • you can specify the recipient's phone number and code word.

The disadvantage of such a service is that the transfer of Hummingbird is not possible to Sberbank Online. The transaction is performed with the direct presence of the parties in the branch. The savings bank for transfers on the Internet has provided the functions of payments through bank cards.

To send money through your personal account, it is necessary that the sender and recipient have bank cards from Sberbank.

Additionally, the transfer operation can be performed through ATMs. To do this, you need to have a bank card directly to the sender. In the technical device for self-service, select the section "Payment through Hummingbird"

It is located in the main menu. In this case, funds are debited from the card account. The commission remains the same. You will need to indicate the amount of crediting and the full name of the recipient. The recipient will be able to pick up the money at the branch of the company.

To receive funds, you need to go to a bank branch that supports the payment system. You need to have your passport with you. When sending, an identification number is generated, which is indicated in the receipt for the sender.

The receiving party must present a passport and name the number; an additional code word may be requested. You can withdraw cash directly from the cashier. At the same time, there is no way to get it at an ATM.

You can track the payment to the recipient via SMS. An SMS message will be sent to the phone number that is specified when sending, where information about the transfer of money to the branch will be indicated.

Hummingbird transfers are possible only within this payment system. Therefore, you can receive an urgent transfer only in those branches of Sberbank and subsidiaries where the program is installed.

The list of offices is presented on the bank's website; such information can also be requested by calling the hotline number in Russia or abroad. Funds are issued at the request of the receiving party without opening an account in the form of cash. The maximum transfer amount cannot exceed 500,000 rubles.

International transfers through the Hummingbird money transfer system are a fast, reliable, convenient and secure way to transfer money between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. The operator of the system in the republic is BPS-Sberbank, whose branches are located in Minsk, Mogilev, Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest, Orsha, Soligorsk and other cities - about 90 banking service centers in total. Translation "Hummingbird" from the Republic of Belarus can only be sent to. In order to send money to other countries, you can use the services of the MoneyGram money transfer system, which is also available at BPS-Sberbank branches. Express transfers have the following advantages:

  • a wide service network of Sberbank of Russia allows you to receive a sent transfer in almost any city;
  • transfers are sent without opening a bank account;
  • you can choose the transfer currency - Russian rubles, US dollars or euros;
  • high speed of delivery - transfers are available for receipt within a few minutes after sending.

The fee for sending a transfer is 1% of the amount. Unlike many other money transfer systems, Hummingbird also charges a fee from the recipient of the transfer in the amount of 1% of the amount. The cost of canceling a transfer is 150 Russian rubles.

How to send and receive Hummingbird money transfer

To send a transfer, follow these steps:

  • visit a bank branch. You should first clarify in the contact center the availability of this service in a particular branch of the bank, since not all branches can send a transfer;
  • present an identity document to the operator;
  • inform the operator of the full name of the recipient of the transfer, the amount and currency of the operation, as well as the locality where the transfer was received;
  • pay the transfer and the corresponding commission at the bank's cash desk;
  • receive an application for sending a transfer with a control number and an incoming currency order
  • tell the recipient of the transfer the control number and the amount of the transfer.

When sending a transfer, you should remember that the control number of the transfer is confidential information that in no case should be disclosed to anyone other than the recipient of the transfer.

The sender of the transfer can use an additional service by specifying a security question and an answer. In this case, the recipient's knowledge of the answer to the security question will be a prerequisite for receiving the transfer. The sender also has the right to make changes to the full name of the recipient in a previously sent transfer.

You can receive a transfer in the foreign currency in which it was sent. You can find out the transfer status at the contact centers of BPS-Sberbank and PJSC Sberbank. To receive a translation, you must:

  • visit a bank branch
  • provide an identity document;
  • inform the operator of the full name of the sender of the transfer, control number, amount, currency and place of sending the transfer.

Restrictions on sending money transfer "Hummingbird" from Belarus

  • The total amount of all transfers made by one sender must not exceed 10,000 USD per day;
  • Transfers for the purposes of business or investment activities of clients are not allowed;
  • Payment for transfers is made only in cash.

Safety regulations

To protect against fraudulent activities, the following security rules should be observed:

  • do not disclose the details of the transfer to anyone other than the recipient;
  • do not send money to strangers;
  • if you are asked to send money to a relative in need, make sure they really need help.

Following these simple rules will help you avoid losing your money.

Citizens have the opportunity to transfer money to Hummingbird Sberbank. This service allows you to transfer funds through bank branches.

How the Hummingbird system works

The banking institution provides several options for transferring cash, including at the international level. The Hummingbird payment system at Sberbank is distinguished by the fastest possible time. In addition, it has the following features:

  1. You can send funds only through bank branches.
  2. It is allowed to receive cash in any of its branches.
  3. With international transfers, you can receive money at the branches of a credit institution in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus.
  4. Duration: within an hour, in Russia - 10 minutes.
  5. There is no need to open an account.
  6. Currency: ruble. For international transactions: ruble, dollar, euro.

Hummingbird transfer to Sberbank

Previously, the service was called Blitz Translation, but now the procedure is carried out on improved terms. In particular, this affected the speed of movement of funds. It is also worth noting that in order to receive them, there is no need to visit a specific branch or branches, you can use almost any one.

To transfer Hummingbird through Sberbank, there is no need to be a client of the institution. Any citizen, foreigner or stateless person can use this service. At the same time, he can act as a resident or non-resident of Russia. According to the law and banking regulations, the service works only between individuals and cannot relate to any aspects of entrepreneurial activity.

The most important advantage of Hummingbird transfers is their speed and service

Hummingbird service within the Russian Federation

Consider how the system works for domestic and international transfers.

If it is necessary to send cash to relatives or friends through a bank branch, a citizen only needs a certificate. The procedure goes like this if you have a passport:

  • Contact the employee, fill out an application for the operation.
  • Enter your data, last name, name of a friend / acquaintance, fill in the column amount, currency, phone numbers (optional).
  • The amount cannot exceed 500 thousand rubles.
  • To receive information about the status of the operation, you can leave your phone number. It will receive information about the time of receipt or about the refusal / cancellation of the procedure.
  • In order for a friend/relative to be able to collect the funds redirected to him, he must have confirmation. It can be a security question, which the sender himself will indicate in the application, and the answer to it will be given to the recipient. The second option is SMS, which the bank will send to the recipient. In this case, you will need to provide his phone number.
  • You will need to deposit the specified amount and pay a commission to the operating cash desk of the branch.
  • Get a receipt. It will contain a secret number that you need to indicate to your friend to whom the money is intended

After the money has been sent, you will need to tell the recipient the necessary information to receive it - give him a control answer or inform him about waiting for SMS with a password to receive it.

Transfer including commission

Messages to these phones are received as part of a free service, but for the operation itself, a commission is charged in the following amounts:

  • 1.5% - paid by the sender;
  • 1.5% - charged from the recipient, the minimum amount is 150 rubles and exceeds 1000 rubles;
  • 150 rubles - upon cancellation.

A Hummingbird client at Sberbank of Russia has the right to cancel the operation, for this you should present a receipt and announce to the manager all the parameters of the application. You can exercise this right until the cash is issued to the recipient. There is a penalty for this action.

The total amount of transfers is limited by a limit of 500 thousand rubles

The principle of operation outside the country

Consider the process and conditions of transfers from our country to others, using the example of neighboring countries.

Transfer to Ukraine

Wanting to transfer money to Ukraine, the principle of operation is similar to the previous one, but has a number of significant differences:

  • Visit branch. State your needs to the manager.
  • Enter passport data (your own and the recipient), the amount of the transfer and the currency.
  • The operation has a daily limit of $10,000. For the category of residents, the limit is 5 thousand dollars. For operations performed in other currencies, the amount is the same according to the current exchange rate.
  • You can specify a security question if you wish. In this case, you will need to transfer the answer to it to your relative or friend to whom the money was sent.
  • Transfer cash to the cashier along with the commission fee.
  • Get a receipt.
  • Inform the recipient of the number indicated on the receipt. It will be required to obtain in order to confirm their authority.

The operation to send money to another country is similar to a transfer within Russia, with slight differences

Transfer of funds to Kazakhstan and Belarus

Similarly, a transaction occurs for other countries: Kazakhstan and Belarus. A citizen in another state can receive money at will in the currency indicated by the sender, or in his own national currency (the exchange takes place according to the exchange rate at the moment).

Sending money to Hummingbird (Sberbank) in the international format also takes into account the commission:

  • 1% - paid by the citizen when sending;
  • 1% - given by his friend / relative upon receipt. The minimum payment required is 150 rubles, or 5 dollars/euro, and the maximum possible amount is 3,000 rubles, 100 dollars, or euros.

For the operation, the possibility of marking "on demand" is provided. In this case, the client will need to pay an additional 150 rubles, since the service is paid.

Features of sending money

When transferring funds using the specified service, you should also be aware of some details and additional features:

  1. The Bank has the right not to perform a transaction if the client does not meet the requirements or other conditions are not met.
  2. Sending money via Hummingbird through Sberbank Online is not available.
  3. When the procedure is canceled, the sender receives his money, but the commission is not returned to him.
  4. If the sender wants to return the funds, but has lost the receipt, the institution does not issue a duplicate. In this case, you need to submit an application, indicating all the parameters of the operation, addressed to the director of the branch. Having compared all the data, the director makes a decision.
  5. The sender can make changes before the recipient collects the funds. For example, it is allowed to change the surname and initials so that another person could take the money. In this case, the client must present a receipt with the assigned secret number.
  6. Citizens and customers have the right to demand at the branch a list of addresses of bank offices that send money in this way.


Today, there are many options for transferring funds to recipients located abroad. At the same time, the financial institution guarantees the timeliness and safety of the receipt of money.

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