
How to get a mortgage from Housing Construction Savings Bank for secondary housing. How to get a mortgage from Zhilstroysberbank for secondary housing The procedure for obtaining a mortgage for an apartment in Zhilstroysberbank

Several of the largest banks in Kazakhstan offer potential clients to obtain a mortgage loan without a down payment. For many families with low incomes, this is practically the only opportunity to resolve the issue of improving their living conditions. Let's take a closer look at how the most popular mortgage product today is issued in one of the country's leading banks, Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan - a mortgage without a down payment.

Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan is the only bank in the country engaged in the implementation of a system of housing construction savings. The essence of such a system is to attract funds from the population into housing construction deposits and issue preferential mortgage loans with a zero down payment.

That is, the client opens a special deposit in the bank intended for the purchase of housing in the future. By concluding an agreement on housing construction savings (HCS), the investor undertakes to make monthly contributions to his account. The minimum amount accumulated on the deposit will be used to pay part of the cost of the purchased property, and the remaining part will be issued to the borrower in the form of a mortgage loan on preferential terms.

The benefit here is obvious: the client receives not only the interest accrued on the accumulated funds, but also an automatic guarantee of the issuance of a mortgage in the near future. The minimum accumulation period is 3 years. To apply for a mortgage, you must accumulate at least 30% of the property price in your account.

Each client is assigned certain evaluation points, depending on the amount of accumulated funds, his financial reputation and other indicators. The final parameters of the mortgage (interest rate, amount and term) will depend on the score received. The higher this score, the more profitable it will be to get a loan to purchase a home.

Obtaining a housing loan today is only possible using the housing insurance system. In other cases, you will need to contribute at least 30-50% of the cost of housing from your own savings.

Standard mortgage terms Zhilstroysberbank

The standard conditions for mortgage lending in HCSB are as follows:

  • loan term – up to 25 years;
  • amount of borrowed funds – no more than 100 million tenge;
  • Loan collateral – purchased real estate (in addition, the bank can take property already owned by the borrower as collateral);
  • interest rate – from 3.5% per annum;
  • repayment of debt under a loan agreement - annuity or differentiated payments at the client’s choice.

The agreement usually specifies a fixed loan rate that is valid for the entire loan period. Floating rates do not apply.

In 2019, potential borrowers can apply for:

  • housing loan;
  • bridging housing loan;
  • preliminary loan;
  • purchase of rental housing using borrowed funds;
  • mortgage under the state program (regional development).

Important! Mortgages with state support are issued only to persons in line to receive housing, with a subsidized interest rate. Issue is carried out in the order of the assigned number.

Basic requirements for the borrower

The bank has the following requirements for potential borrowers submitting a mortgage application:

  1. Citizenship of Kazakhstan or presence of registration in the Republic.
  2. Age limit: from 18 to 65 years.
  3. Full legal capacity.
  4. Confirmed solvency.
  5. Stable employment with at least six months of experience at the current place of work.

Zhilstroy Bank managers carefully check each client and assess his creditworthiness and possible risks.

A borrower submitting an application for a mortgage without a down payment is subject to more thorough analysis compared to standard applications.

Programs without a down payment at Housing Construction Savings Bank and their features

In 2019, the bank presents to its clients the following mortgage products that can be obtained without using personal savings:

Mortgage program

Amount of credit funds Interest rate, % per year Return period
Almaty Zhastary Up to 10 million tenge 5

From 6 months to 8 years

Providing housing for military personnel and employees of special government agencies

Up to 45 million tenge Installed individually

6 months – 7 years

Affordable housing 2020 (regional development program)

7,5 — 10

6 months – 8 years

The Almaty Zhastary program is designed to provide housing for young families and allows you to buy an apartment in a commissioned new building in Almaty.

The mortgage program for military personnel is financed using mixed funds, that is, using funds from the bank, the state budget and third-party injections.

The mortgage program with the participation of the state “Affordable Housing 2020” allows you to purchase comfortable and inexpensive residential real estate in Kazakhstan.

Interest rate

The information presented above allows us to draw a conclusion about the possible difference in interest rates depending on the source of financing of the loan being issued. The logic is simple: if the rate is subsidized by a non-bank source, then it will be minimal for the borrower.

For example, under the regional development program the following mortgage interest rates apply:

  • 7.5% per annum – if funding is provided from the budget;
  • 9.5 – 10% per annum – when financed by the bank.

It is important to understand that only a borrower in dire need of housing who has documentary evidence of being placed on the waiting list can receive the minimum rate.

Under the Astana Zhastary program, a fixed rate of 5% per annum will be established for the entire loan term. And for mortgages for the military, the rate will be announced at the stage of approval of the application, since the issue of financing state support may take some time.

Maximum amount and what income is needed

For a mortgage without a down payment, the maximum value of loan funds issued by the bank cannot exceed 45 million tenge. This figure is not a final value, since it can be increased by attracting a co-borrower/co-borrowers.

Important! Co-borrowers are subject to exactly the same requirements as the borrower in terms of solvency, employment and other parameters. The co-borrower bears joint liability together with the borrower for the proper fulfillment of loan obligations.

As for the required income, you can determine its minimum during a consultation with a bank employee or by using a mortgage calculator on the bank’s website, when the system determines the approximate monthly payment.


On the official website of HCSB, each client can use a convenient mortgage calculator with a clear interface. To receive preliminary calculations for a loan, the user fills in basic information about the desired loan:

  • the cost of the purchased housing;
  • the amount of already accumulated housing construction savings;
  • the amount of monthly payment that the client is ready to transfer to the bank without difficulty.

As a result, the bank will offer the optimal type of mortgage loan and coordinate the borrower’s further actions.

You can also use our standard mortgage calculator with early repayment.

Amount of credit

Payment type

Annuity Differentiated

Interest rate, %

Maternal capital

date of issue

Credit term

0 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 years 23 years 24 years 25 years old 26 years old 27 years old 28 years old 29 years old 30 years old

0 months 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months

Early repayments

Reducing the term Reducing the amount Monthly reducing the term Monthly reducing the amount


How to get a mortgage without a down payment step by step

The step-by-step procedure for obtaining a mortgage at the Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan looks like this:

  1. Submitting a preliminary mortgage application (in a convenient bank branch or remotely on the website) along with a package of documents collected in advance.
  2. Finding a suitable property.
  3. Coordination with the bank of the purchased housing regarding liquidity (after approval of the collateral and loan payments, the parties begin to formalize the transaction).
  4. Concluding a loan agreement and a mortgage agreement, as well as purchasing an insurance policy.
  5. Registration of the transaction.

After this, the borrower becomes the full owner of the purchased living space, which can be moved in and lived.

Submitting a mortgage application to HCSB is accompanied by the collection and submission of the following set of required papers:

  • borrower's passport;
  • application form;
  • a document confirming solvency for at least the last six months;
  • marriage registration certificate (if available);
  • address certificate;
  • documents for the purchased housing.

Additionally, you will need to provide a real estate appraisal report performed by an accredited appraiser company.

Also, at its discretion, the lender has the right to request additional documents from the borrower.

Alternative options for purchasing an apartment without a down payment in Kazakhstan

In addition to Zhilstroysberbank, a mortgage without paying a down payment can be issued at the People's Bank of Kazakhstan and RBK Bank. The terms and conditions are given below.

It is possible to obtain a loan without a down payment only if you provide additional collateral owned by the borrower/co-borrower.

As can be seen from the table, lending conditions are characterized by increased interest rates. Before concluding such an agreement, it is recommended to carefully study the terms of the loan, as well as make preliminary calculations on the calculator at the People's Bank of Kazakhstan and its competitors.

The rest of the credit institutions of the Republic (Sberbank, Kazkom Bank, etc.) refused to issue mortgages without a down payment. This is most likely due to the economic crisis.

A mortgage without a down payment in Housing Construction Savings Bank in 2019 is issued using housing construction savings accumulated in the client’s personal account over a period of 3 years. The accumulated funds are used as payment for part of the cost of the purchased housing, and the rest is issued in the form of a mortgage.

Today, young families, military personnel and people purchasing affordable housing from accredited developers can obtain such a loan. The conditions are extremely favorable compared to other banks: up to 45 million tenge with a repayment period of up to 8 years at 7.5-10% per annum.

Also, you may be interested to know how and under what conditions it is issued with and without a residence permit.

We will be grateful for your rating of the post and remind you that you can ask any questions you are interested in regarding mortgages and obtaining citizenship, residence permits, passports, etc. to our lawyer in a special form.

We are waiting for your questions.

Today, Zhilstroysberbank is the undoubted leader in mortgage lending to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More than half of all housing loans in the country are issued here. And every year this figure is growing. Which is not surprising, since the lending conditions offered by the bank are the most favorable in the country. Mortgage from Housing Construction Savings Bank is affordable housing that the majority of the economically active population of the republic can afford.

Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan

One of the most important vectors of social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the implementation of an active housing policy. To achieve the maximum level of housing affordability, Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC was created in 2003 on the basis of a Government resolution. So far, this is the only bank in the country that implements the housing construction savings system (HCS).

The system is based on the advance, targeted accumulation of money on a deposit placed in Housing Construction Savings Bank, and the guaranteed further provision of a loan by the bank with an interest rate of 3.5% per annum. Not only the program participant is involved in the formation of savings, but also the bank, which annually accrues interest on the deposit. In addition, the depositor receives a reward from the state, the amount of which is 20% on the balance of the deposit at the end of the year.

Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan is becoming increasingly popular in its country. Its services are available today in all major settlements of the republic.

Mortgage programs

Mortgages at Zhilstroysberbank are based on three lending programs. The decision which one to use largely determines the amount of funds available to the borrower. Let's look at existing proposals in more detail.

Housing loan

Due to its very favorable conditions, this loan product is in the highest demand among borrowers. The implementation of the program involves several stages:

  • opening an account in Housing Construction Savings Bank;
  • systematic replenishment of the deposit over a certain period of time (from 3 to 15 years);
  • obtaining a housing loan with the lowest interest rate in Kazakhstan, 3.5 - 5% per annum, subject to other conditions of the lender.

A mandatory condition for lending is the accumulation on deposit of at least half of the amount specified by the terms of the agreement.

The maximum period that you can count on when receiving a mortgage under this Housing Construction Savings Bank program is 25 years. The minimum is 6 years.

Bridging loan

Housing Construction Savings Bank's mortgage under the interim loan program is designed for those who have half the amount of the cost of the loan object and do not need to accumulate funds in the bank in advance. Such a loan is issued at 7.5 - 8.5% per annum. Loan term from 3 to 25 years.

In order to receive a bridge loan, you must place funds on deposit with a bank in the amount of 50% of the cost of the purchased home. The bank, in turn, will provide the remaining 50%. However, it is worth noting that under the terms of the program, this type of loan is issued only for the full cost of the property, as well as the accrual of interest that the borrower will have to pay.

As for the deposit, the remuneration mentioned above will be accrued on it during the term of the interim loan specified in the agreement. The resulting amount will be used to pay off the principal debt, and on the loan balance the interest rate will be reduced to 3.5 - 5%.

Advance loan

This product can only be used within the framework of government programs, as well as special mortgage programs of Housing Construction Savings Bank.

A distinctive feature of the Zhilstroysberbank mortgage in the direction of the preliminary loan is the lower down payment amount compared to the programs described above - 30% of the cost of the property.

By regularly replenishing the deposit, this amount must be increased to 50%. In addition, simultaneously with the accumulation, the borrower must pay interest on the loan. After the time allotted for accumulating funds, they are transferred to the program participant. The preliminary loan is repaid through a housing loan.

The rate under the program is from 5 to 9.5% per annum. Loan term from 3 to 8.5 years. Zhilstroysberbank also offers its clients to refinance a mortgage loan received from another bank.

Features of a mortgage

Housing Construction Savings Bank mortgage has a number of features that cannot be ignored:

  • provided exclusively in national currency;
  • not available to persons who have reached retirement age;
  • does not imply a change of co-borrower (since 2016, this can be not only a relative, but also a third party);
  • the only condition for registration of the assignment is the death of the borrower;
  • The maximum age of the loan object should not exceed 49 years.

If the listed conditions are not an obstacle to obtaining a mortgage from Housing Construction Savings Bank, then after the borrower provides all the necessary documents, a housing cooperative agreement is concluded. In this case, the lender charges a commission of 0.55% of the amount specified in the agreement.

It is worth noting that the Housing Construction Savings Bank mortgage applies to both new buildings and secondary housing. In addition, funds can be used for the construction, repair or modernization of the facility.


Thus, a mortgage from Housing Construction Savings Bank is the best option for purchasing real estate on more than favorable terms. No other lender in the country today can offer its customers such low interest rates.

In Kazakhstan, work has been underway at a high state level since 2003 to qualitatively improve the living conditions of the population. For this purpose, special programs of Housing Construction Savings Bank are being developed to make housing more affordable. In addition, goals are being set to stimulate the development of housing construction.

Ultimately, the expectation is that large investments from private investors will be attracted to construction, which, along with state contributions, will help not only bring housing closer to the population, that is, make it possible to purchase apartments on a mortgage at minimal interest rates, but will also improve the infrastructure of cities, They will raise engineering and communication systems to a new level, make it possible to demolish all old buildings, etc.

It is important for ordinary citizens of Kazakhstan to understand how they can take advantage of the promised benefits that have entered into and continue to come into force. The most relevant project at the moment is the “Affordable Housing 2020” project.

You can participate in the now popular program both without savings and with savings. The bottom line is that mortgages are issued to people who already have 50% of the required amount to purchase an apartment.

Those who have money fall into the category of buyers, those who do not have money fall into the category of renters.

To enter the program, you must:

  • Step 1: It’s worth deciding on an apartment. Both primary and secondary housing of the 3rd and 4th level of comfort should be considered. The average price in the country for 1 square meter is from 80,000 to 143,000 tenge;
  • Step 2: At this stage, those who have 50% of the total cost of the apartment deposit the amount into the account and enter into a contract with the bank as buyers. This category pays 6% per annum for the loan.

If there is no money, Housing Construction Savings Bank provides four tariff directions for those who decide to open an account. The difference between the directions is only in the terms of savings and terms of lending. Thus, the accumulation days fall within the framework of 3 to 8 years and 6 months. Loan terms range from 6 to 15 years.

Participants who join the program need to know that the shorter the terms, the greater the reward awaits them.

So, at the first stage, deposits are opened, the purpose of which is to accumulate 50% of the amount of the requested cost of the selected apartment. This makes sense, since participation in the HCSB allows you to reduce the interest rate by half, which is carried out due to bonuses accrued during the accumulation of money.

In order to get a mortgage from Housing Construction Savings Bank, you should consider all the options and decide. Participants have the opportunity to simultaneously accumulate money and rent an apartment with subsequent purchase. Moreover, when the accumulation date is completed, the material burdens that the family had to bear will sharply decrease.

  • Step 3: The next step for participation is the conclusion of an agreement with the housing and construction savings association on housing construction savings;
  • Step 4: Next, you must strictly follow the requirements of the contract, that is, make the required payment on time. In this case, you can count on a reward of 2% per annum;
  • Step 5: At the end of the term, depending on how timely payments were made, you can take out a mortgage from 4% per annum. The accumulated amount is the initial contribution of the account owner, who switches to the status of a buyer and no longer pays rent for the apartment. In this case, you need to confirm your solvency.

The proposals are divided into two broad areas:

  1. For all categories (that is, those who are not a young couple, including civil servants);
  2. For young families.

Housing for all categories

Those wishing to become participants in the Affordable Housing program for all categories must meet the following conditions:

  • Have sufficient income to replenish your account monthly, according to the agreement, and at the same time pay rent;
  • Not being solvent enough to take part in regular mortgage offers;
  • Be citizens of Kazakhstan;
  • live for at least 2 years (official registration) in the locality in which they intend to conclude an agreement;
  • Absence of evidence of a deliberate reduction in the level of living conditions over the past five years;
  • Lack of living space in this locality.

To participate in the pool, you must make a first contribution corresponding to the size of six amounts that will be paid each month for savings and prove that the total family income does not exceed 15 times the subsistence level. Income tax, pension and other deductions are not taken into account.

What is the difference between a mortgage for a young family?

Most of the requirements stipulated for the “Housing for All” direction are also present in the savings program for young families. The couple will not have to pay rent for the apartment. The only thing required is to honestly pay incoming utility bills.

A young family must meet the following requirements (incomplete families are also considered young, for example, when a single young mother or father is raising a child):

  • age up to 29 years;
  • if we are talking about married people, its duration must be at least 2 years;
  • Kazakh citizenship;
  • lack of own housing;
  • registration in the locality where the application is submitted;
  • absence of evidence among family members of deliberate deterioration of living conditions over the past 5 years.

In this case, the total income for the last 6 months is also calculated. For all cities of Kazakhstan, except Astana and Almaty, it should be equal to three times the subsistence level. For Astana and Almaty four times. The maximum income should not exceed twelve times the current subsistence minimum. The lease term does not exceed 8 years. The contract is concluded with an initial deposit into the account equal to six times the monthly installment.

Housing Construction Savings Bank members can open a personal account and use a calculator to calculate all the required interest.

Have you decided to open a deposit in Housing Construction Savings Bank, but are not sure that you can place funds in the bank for a long term? When completing a transaction, it should be taken into account that if the contract is terminated with savings of less than 3 years, the accrued remuneration will be canceled.

Features of opening residential construction deposits

By signing an agreement with the bank, the depositor undertakes to systematically deposit money into a special personal account opened specifically for these purposes. The savings deposit is opened in the national currency of Kazakhstan - tenge. The deposit can be disposed of not only by its owner, but also by an authorized representative.

In accordance with the terms of the banking program, you can replenish your deposit either in cash or by bank transfer. Savings of individuals are kept in deposit accounts of a financial company for 3-15 years, housing loan agreements are concluded for a period of 6 to 25 years.

Information for investors: If the borrowed funds received are spent for purposes not related to improving housing conditions, the issued bonus will have to be returned to the country's budget. However, if the contract is terminated after three years of savings, the previously paid amount will not have to be reimbursed.

Before open a deposit in Housing Construction Savings Bank Kazakhstan, a commission must be paid. If the client has not paid the accrued amount when making a deposit, the commission fee will be repaid from the funds transferred by the depositor when the deposit was first replenished. If payment is delayed within 3 months, the contract is automatically terminated.

The bank's remuneration is accrued annually throughout the entire period of placement of funds in the deposit account. The amount of payments is indicated in the deposit agreement. The total number of days in a year is equal to 360, and the number of days in a month is equal to 30. When calculating remuneration, the actual period of savings in the deposit account is taken into account.

The grounds for suspension of accrual are:

  • conclusion of a housing loan agreement;
  • the fact of receipt of the client’s application to switch to a housing loan.

The accumulation process will continue if the investor refuses to return the funds. will be restored from the day the bank receives a written application from the client. The depositor has no right to early withdrawal of accumulated funds. Withdrawal of savings is possible only in case of early termination of the contract.

For each agreement, an evaluation indicator is calculated - a value used in determining the order of payment of funds based on the terms of the concluded agreement and the bank’s tariffs. When issuing housing loans, priority is given to investors with a higher ratio.

The evaluation indicator characterizes the regularity and completeness of receipt of payments. If you make timely payments in sufficient quantities, the coefficient will be consistently high. And if the investor transfers additional amounts to the deposit account during the period of initial savings, the estimated indicator will be much more solid. This figure is directly dependent on the period of placement of savings: the longer the contract period, the higher the coefficient.

In case of refusal of a housing loan, subject to compliance with all conditions of the program, the investor has the right to receive additional remuneration:

  • if the actual period of placement of funds is 3-5 years - in the amount of 0.7% per annum;
  • when accumulating capital over 5 years - at the rate of 1.0% per annum.

Additional remuneration is accrued on the total amount of the deposit for the entire period of validity of the banking agreement. In the event of a change in life circumstances, the owner of a housing insurance deposit account has the opportunity to assign his deposit to another individual. “I will sell a deposit of Housing Construction Savings Bank”, “I will buy a housing construction deposit with an accumulation period of at least three years” - there are many such advertisements on the Internet today.

Main deposit programs of Zhilstroysberbank JSC

Main parameters of housing construction deposits of JSC Zhilstroysberbank

Name of housing construction deposit

Period of the program, years

Remuneration rate, %

Minimum amount of savings required to obtain a housing loan (as a percentage of the contract amount)



Today the bank has four savings deposits with different terms and conditions for providing loans. To determine the profitability of housing programs, it is recommended to use the Housing Construction Savings Bank deposit calculator, which will allow the depositor to create a schedule of future accruals and calculate the effective interest rate for any of the banking products. This indicator is determined taking into account the amount of commission charged by the bank when concluding an agreement. The deposit calculator is available to site visitors around the clock.

The maximum effective interest rate is guaranteed to clients participating in the Bastau housing savings program. If all conditions are met, the amount of remuneration will be 12.6% per year. Effective rates for other banking programs are lower. Using the Orken housing savings program, you can get up to 8.1% per annum. The maximum effective interest rate under the Bolashak housing insurance program will be 4.6%. The Kemel deposit gives you the opportunity to receive an annual income of up to 6.1%.

JSC Housing Construction Savings Bank systematically holds interesting events aimed at attracting new depositors. Thanks to participation in the “Growing Together” campaign, each bank client had the opportunity to open a children’s deposit to accumulate funds to purchase housing for their children. Visitors who entered into deposit agreements with the bank on the Open Day became the owners of guaranteed gifts.

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