
How much does it cost to restore a Tinkoff credit card? What to do if you lost your Tinkoff credit card. Closing a Tinkoff credit card correctly

Panic is the first reaction of a person who does not know what to do if he has lost his Tinkoff credit card. It’s bad when a card with personal money disappears; it’s even worse when it’s a credit card.

People begin to get nervous when they realize that they may not have discovered the loss right away, and that some time has passed since the disappearance. Knowledge is the main weapon of any person and there is no need to be nervous, you should not panic, you need to clearly know what to do if you have lost your Tinkoff credit card.

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You need to remember the algorithm of simple actions that will help any bank client secure their finances and avoid large losses and associated emotional turmoil.

What to do if you lose your Tinkoff Bank card

  • the card is lost;
  • she was stolen.

In the first case, everything is not so bad. It could have fallen out somewhere and the likelihood that scammers will find it and use it is small. In the second case, there is a greater chance that scammers will use the money of a Tinkoff client. For this reason, the issue of financial safety becomes important and it is necessary to immediately protect money and take active action.

What can happen to a lost (stolen) card?

The scenario, one might say, is classic - especially if a person ignores the bank’s advice and stores the PIN code next to the card, or worse, records important information directly on it. Fraudsters or passers-by who discover it will have no difficulty withdrawing money from the nearest ATM or using plastic in a store. And in the case of contactless technology, a PIN code is not needed at all.

You should not be naive and believe that a fraudster’s ignorance of the PIN code will save a person from possible financial losses. There are services available online that allow you to use cards without the need to use a PIN code. To do this, it is enough to use the data that is on the plastic - the owner’s name, the security code on the back, the number and expiration date.

Many self-respecting organizations do not allow such operations to be carried out without an SMS message with a code confirming payment. But online stores that do not implement such security measures are considered an ideal platform for scammers.

Actions of a bank client in case of loss

First of all, you need to contact the bank to block the card. This needs to be done quickly so that attackers do not have time or chances to take advantage of it. It is necessary to carefully check bags, clothing, stores or places where the person was previously once again to make sure that it is really lost.

To block you need:

  • contact a Tinkoff representative by phone number;
  • block a credit card using your personal account;
  • block using a mobile application.

After this, you should create an application for re-issuance of the card. A new one is usually sent to the client a few days after the application is received. As with the previous one, you will need to carry out the activation procedure.

Bank clients who are confident that their plastic has fallen into the hands of criminals can contact the police with a corresponding statement. It happens that over time lost cards are found, but they can no longer be used. The client will not be able to reactivate the blocked card, and there is no point in storing it in the future.

What to do if money is withdrawn

By the time the client discovers the loss, scammers sometimes manage to withdraw money. In this case, you still need to block the plastic. To get a refund, write a statement about the refusal of the transaction. It is important to immediately contact a Tinkoff employee and tell about what happened. The operator will tell you about the possibility of challenging the procedure and possible steps to return the funds.

Consideration of an application to refuse a transaction takes several weeks or several months. The system to which the card is linked is also involved in the consideration of the issue; it can be VISA or MasterCard. Tinkoff clients should be patient and not exclude the possibility that the money withdrawn by scammers will not be returned to their account.

By the way, a case with one of my friends. In Bali, someone spied on his card details and withdrew about 5 thousand rubles. An acquaintance, a loyal Tinkoff client, immediately contacted the bank and blocked the card. A month later, the transaction was declared invalid, the money was returned and he received a new card directly in Bali. This is a reliable service!

Fraudsters are often caught in transactions such as paying for your mobile phone using a card or for services that are assigned to a specific address.

When using borrowed funds, it is important to understand how to properly terminate a concluded contract so as not to incur sanctions from the creditor. Let's figure out how to close a Tinkoff credit card and its account, do it quickly and painlessly.

Closing a Tinkoff credit card correctly

The step by step algorithm looks like this:

  • View debt in your personal Internet banking account or through;
  • Repaying debt by transfer from your accounts or other available means;
  • Refusal of additional services and information on transactions;
  • Declaration of initiative - in chat or by calling the hotline. At the same time, you can block the card yourself.
  • Waiting for account closure and contract cancellation.

If you do everything correctly, you will close your credit card as quickly as possible.

Pay off the debt in full

There should be no pitfalls at this stage if you have no debts (i.e. there is still a grace period). Otherwise, you should act quickly, because... interest and penalties are calculated daily.

The truism says that it is impossible to close a Tinkoff card with debts; the only way out is to give the bank everything you owe.

On day X, find out the full amount of the debt from the operator, so as not to make a mistake - repayment should be done penny by penny.

If the interest-free period is valid, choose any convenient way to repay your Tinkoff credit card:

  • In cash through terminals or cash desks of any financial institutions - no commission;
  • Transfer from any financial institution, or other bank, third-party online resource;
  • Cash through intermediaries.

And do not forget, in order to quickly terminate the Tinkoff credit card agreement, from this moment on, of course, it is not worth spending money from it.

Opt out of SMS notifications and additional services

After you have dealt with your debts, disable all services that lead to movements in your account in order to completely block it and close your obligations:

  • Insurance;
  • Autopayments and Autotop-ups;
  • Subscriptions for fines, housing and communal services, etc.;
  • SMS notification.

Termination of an agreement according to the rules takes time, and any financial transaction on the account will be regarded as a new acceptance, and your order to cancel the Tinkoff credit card will lose force.

To disable SMS notifications, just call the hotline and ask the operator to deactivate it or do it yourself in your personal account in the settings of a specific card:

Underwater rocks:

  • The fee for using the SMS notification service in the current month is debited in full only in the next month, even if you turned it off on the first day!
  • In addition, if you did not have enough balance and all 59 rubles were not debited at once, the missing funds will be taken from the first sufficient replenishment of the card account. This also applies to insurance.

Using the example of the Tinkoff settlement account, information was turned off at the beginning of March (!):

Check carefully whether you have fulfilled all obligations to the bank to pay regular contributions.

Block the Tinkoff card yourself

If you successfully managed to pay off your Tinkoff credit card in full, the next step is to block it out of harm’s way.

This will save you from the temptation to spend money, from headaches in case of loss or theft, and will allow you to terminate the contract and close your Tinkoff credit card as quickly as possible.

How to block access:

  • Internet banking - in the card menu through the Actions tab;
  • Mobile application - according to the same algorithm:

  • Hotline - 8-800-333-777-3.
  • Block a Tinkoff card via SMS:

Do not confuse blocking and completely closing the card. In the first case, you can unblock it and continue to use it (which is undesirable), but in the second, the account is completely closed, the contract is terminated, and the obligations are canceled.


The easiest way to do this is in the mobile application - this way you can close your Tinkoff credit card quickly and correctly.

Just open the chat and write your wishes regarding the refusal of the product, the operator will accept the application and answer something like this:

As you can see, contacting a specialist is not the end of the road.

Wait for a call or SMS for some time after the order to close the contract (about a week). If the bank is interested in you, most likely it will call.

It is curious that in this case Tinkoff can offer you more favorable terms of service by making changes to the contract (!) that you want to terminate, for example:

  • Reduction of the current interest rate;
  • Reduced interest on cash withdrawals;
  • Compensation for the cost of annual maintenance.

If you neglect your obligations under the contract and regularly make delays, they will not offer you such goodies again - you will receive a simple SMS notification that the application has been accepted - wait, and after 30 days - the contract is terminated, thank you.

By the way, in this case, there is no need to send a written statement with a desire to refuse the credit card, and you can also keep the card or dispose of it, but just in case, ask whether it needs to be returned to the bank (this is provided for by the terms of the agreement).

If you want to notify Tinkoff about closing your credit card with an application, download

Using it, by hand or on a computer, create an application on your behalf:

  • Save the wording;
  • Use the word "credit card" instead of "deposit";
  • Enter your data from the documents you prepared with the bank;
  • Please indicate how you would like to receive the excess funds. If there are none left, you don’t have to copy this block of the statement;
  • Add that at the same time you want to block the payment instrument (just in case).

Please note the rules for sending documents:

Check card account closure

There is no need to panic ahead of time. If after 30 days the bank does not notify that the card was successfully closed, contact the operator or employee in the chat and find out how things are going. After a clear consultation, act according to the situation.

Usually, when the contract is terminated and the account is closed, the card information is completely canceled and no longer reflected in your personal account. If you need transaction statements, save them in advance.

Order a certificate of no debt

To be sure that the account is closed, the agreement is terminated correctly, there are no debts, and the refusal is accepted, it is recommended to request a certificate of no monetary obligations to Tinkoff.

The application is conveyed to the representatives in any convenient way, but be sure to indicate that you want to receive a certified sample - i.e. with signatures and seals on paper, and in addition - a copy by email.

Please note that the delivery time for the certificate can take up to 30 days; it is better to order documents through the chat of the mobile application, where the correspondence history is saved in order to resolve issues quickly.

How quickly can a credit card agreement be terminated?

You won’t be able to close a Tinkoff credit card in a day, just block it (this happens almost instantly).

According to the rules, 30 calendar days are allotted for the procedure (excerpt from the general conditions of banking services - pay attention to the disposal of your funds):

Is it possible to cancel a credit card before it is activated?

It is not uncommon for a user to order and receive a credit card and no longer see the need for it.

The easiest way is to refuse it at a meeting with the courier and close it immediately.

If you change your mind after signing the contract, it is terminated according to the algorithm given above (starting with the application).

If the card has not yet been activated, the refusal is accepted much faster, but the waiting period according to the rules is still 30 days.


Any client who decides to refuse the service has the right to close a Tinkoff credit card. The reason doesn't matter. From the moment the application is accepted, the bank allows 30 days for the procedure. Be sure to make sure that at the time of your request your credit limit is fully renewed, paid services are disabled, and your payment instrument is blocked.

Life, as is often said, is far from predictable, which means that not everything always goes according to plan. For example, one day you decided to apply for a credit card at Tinkoff Bank, and then decided to close it, or some unfortunate situation occurred: you lost your card, it was stolen from you, etc. In general, there are a great many variations in the development of life events. So, as a consequence of the circumstances that have occurred, you may need an answer to the question: how to restore a Tinkoff Bank credit card. And we will help you find a clear and comprehensive answer to it.

Let’s not get distracted by various kinds of lyrical digressions and go straight to the essence of the task set for our article, or simply put, we’ll tell you about the sequence of your actions that need to be taken to restore your credit card.

How to restore a Tinkoff Bank credit card: instructions for action

So, if you need to restore your Tinkoff credit card, then you need to first contact an employee of the banking institution by phone and tell him the essence of the problem or the background of your desire.

The fact is that, depending on the reasons why your previous card stopped functioning, you will have to take additional preliminary steps before restoration. For example, you want to restore your card because you changed your passport data, or because it was lost or stolen. If you have not previously filled out the relevant applications and not reported the circumstances to the bank, then this gap must be restored.

Restoring a stolen Tinkoff Bank card

Next, you will need to fill out an application for card restoration. You can also request a sample from a bank employee by phone, and it will be sent by email or by regular mail.

After studying the sample application, if you have additional questions about filling out individual fields, you can also clarify them for yourself by calling. If no questions arise, fill out the application, sign it and send it to the bank.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the application must be sent to the bank by mail. Only in exceptional cases, after prior agreement with a bank employee, can an application be accepted by email. But, in this case, you will have to send the original by mail.

Next, you should wait for a response from the bank, where they will decide to restore the credit card. You can get a negative result only if you have outstanding debts to a banking institution.

Well, the question of how to restore a credit card is now transparent to you. The procedure is quite simple, so we dare to hope that it will not cause you any particular difficulties.

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