
How to get a loan from Sberbank on favorable terms. Loan products at Sberbank for individuals

Programs Savings Bank cover the financing needs of all categories of citizens, offering affordable and comfortable service conditions, so anyone can get a loan Russian citizen. To take out a loan from Sberbank on optimal terms, you need to carefully study the current offers and loan parameters.

Design features

  • upon personal visit to the department;
  • via online request.

Taking out a loan from Sberbank is not difficult if you follow the established procedure:

  1. Preliminary clarification by phone or in the branch on what conditions it is possible to receive funds, how to correctly fill out a request and whether mandatory registration in the region where the request is submitted is required. Some programs offer loans for temporary registration.
  2. Preparing and sending a request for the issuance of funds according to the specified parameters, with the transfer to the bank of information about yourself, your employment and income, as well as passport data and method of communication.
  3. After receiving approval, a package of documents is prepared according to the list provided by the department employee. Depending on the type of program being drawn up, the list may include various documents, however, a passport and income certificate in form 2-NDFL are among the main documents required for most financing programs.
  4. After collecting the necessary documentation, the client comes to the branch and signs a loan agreement. The branch specialist communicates the terms of repayment and, if necessary, issues a repayment schedule.
  5. Upon completion of the registration procedure, funds are given in cash or transferred to a plastic card.

When applying for a loan from Sberbank with collateral, the list of documentation is supplemented with property certificates, and the main agreement is signed simultaneously with the collateral agreement.

Features of online registration

For Sberbank clients with access to the Sberbank Online program, there is nothing easier than submitting an application from your personal account, following the instructions:

  1. After authorization, find the lending tab.
  2. A calculator with loan terms will appear in the window that opens, which allows you to determine how much money can be received on the loan.
  3. Depending on the category of the client, conditions are chosen for ordinary, salary clients or pensioners.
  4. By selecting parameters (term, amount), the optimal loan option is selected online.
  5. There is no need to enter contact information or other information about yourself.
  6. Next, the Sberbank Online loan program requests a confirmation code, which will be sent via SMS to the linked mobile phone number.
  7. After confirming the request, you just have to wait for the bank employee to call to clarify the details of the registration.

It is impossible to get a loan from Sberbank without visiting the office. To sign the contract, the client will need to visit the selected branch.

The financial institution puts forward its requirements to borrowers. Depending on the type of loan, the parameters of a successful borrower may differ.

The list of standard requirements includes the following parameters:

  1. At least 21 years of age. The maximum age is limited to 65 years.
  2. Official employment and stable income in a state, commercial enterprise or as an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Have about six months of experience at your last place of work.
  4. Total experience of more than one year in the last 5 years.
  5. good credit history.
  6. Income level that allows you to contribute monthly payment without serious deterioration in financial situation.

During a simplified consideration of an application, there are categories who are given priority:

  • salary clients;
  • pensioners receiving stable payments from the state on a card issued by Sberbank.

To become a Sberbank borrower, you need to collect a package of documents consisting of a standard list and additional papers. How many there will be depends on the lender’s requirements for specific types of loans.

A potential Sberbank borrower applies for a loan with the following package presented before signing the agreement:

  1. Application form indicating personal and passport data. You can fill it out yourself using the online service of the bank’s website, or complete and sign it directly at the branch.
  2. Civil passport indicating the registration of the applicant.
  3. Certificate from the employer about employment and earnings. The exception is salary clients; they do not need to submit documents from their place of work.

If, according to some proposals, a 2-NDFL certificate may not be required, then sometimes a certificate of income is mandatory, since you can take out a cash loan from Sberbank only with documents from the employer.

Almost all areas of lending are represented in the portfolio banking services. You can get a loan from Sberbank within the framework of targeted and non-targeted programs:

  1. Targeted programs require an extended package of documents and can only be aimed at specific needs. This list includes student loans, mortgages, car loans, and refinancing.
  2. Non-targeted programs are represented by a consumer loan from Sberbank and various credit cards.

The most popular options include housing programs and mortgage refinancing. Low interest rates and flexible repayment terms attract borrowers from other banks with the opportunity to reduce the debt burden and overpayment of interest. Advantages housing programs are:

  • possibility of selling maternal capital;
  • repayment duration is up to 30 years.

IN Lately The supply of financing for car purchases is limited. However, some partnership programs for car loans, allowing you to purchase a new modern vehicle for favorable conditions with a repayment period of up to 60 months.

Valid for university students target program, which finances up to 90% of the total cost of training. Preferential conditions educational loan and the amount that can be received under this program are determined based on the following parameters:

  • repayment duration up to 11 years;
  • under standard conditions, clients will take out a loan at 12% per annum;
  • the possibility of subsidies from the state when included in the number of participants in the state program with an extended loan period - the period of study at the university and the next 10 years with an interest payment of 5.06%.

There is an extremely wide variety in the consumer finance sector. Almost any citizen can receive such a loan by choosing the optimal financing conditions:

  • without additional security;
  • with security in the form of a guarantee;
  • secured by real estate;
  • consumer loan for refinancing.

In addition, the bank’s portfolio contains programs that allow it to provide preferential conditions:

  • for pensioners;
  • military personnel;
  • owners of subsidiary farms.

Credit cards that are issued in record time and offer favorable conditions for all categories of borrowers deserve special consideration.

The consumer lending sector is represented by programs in which the amount of borrowed funds that can be borrowed is determined based on information about income. Depending on size line of credit, the creditor has the right to demand security in the form of collateral, a guarantor, or the involvement of a co-borrower. There are many options for getting a consumer loan from Sberbank for a variety of situations.

Currently, you can get a consumer loan from Sberbank using the following programs:

  • a loan with collateral in the form of real estate in any major currency with a repayment period of up to 7 years and a rate of 12.85% in rubles. The maximum amount is limited to 70% of the assessed value of the property, within 10 million rubles;
  • quick loan from Sberbank with cash withdrawal under express programs - involves urgent processing within 1 hour with a loan limit of 750 thousand rubles at 18.45% per annum. The decision that the borrower can take out a loan is made on the basis of a salary certificate and confirmation of employment;
  • a classic loan at 12.5% ​​with a repayment period of up to 60 months - you can get up to 3 million rubles, subject to meeting the borrower’s income requirements, and attracting a guarantor increases the issuance limit to 5 million rubles;
  • refinancing loans from other banks will reduce the interest overpayment to 12.5% ​​with the possibility of receiving up to 3 million rubles.

Since you can take out a consumer loan from Sberbank for amounts depending on the client’s income, it is possible to attract co-borrowers and guarantors.

Certain categories of citizens can take out a loan using a simplified scheme, without collateral requirements or proof of income.

Time to consider an application from a client who is a pensioner or participant salary project, reduced to 2 hours.

For persons with pension contributions, there is no connection to a specific region - you can get a loan quickly in any corner of the country, in the coverage area of ​​any of the branches financial institution.

Loans to pensioners offer favorable conditions for receiving 300,000-3,000,000 rubles at 12.9-13.9% with further repayment over 5 years.

Loans are provided to individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation over the age of 21, provided that the loan repayment period under the agreement is:

For differentiated payments - occurs before the Borrower turns 75 years old;

For annuity payments - limited to the working age of the Borrower.

Credits are provided unless otherwise stated by others regulatory documents Sberbank of Russia for lending individuals:

At the place of registration of the Borrowers;

At the location of the enterprise - the Borrower's employer, the Bank's client, if there is a concluded employment contract for an indefinite period between him and the Borrower.

The provision of a loan not at the place of registration of the Borrower is carried out after receiving from the Bank at the place of registration of the Borrower information about the presence (or absence) of debt on loans, credit history, followed by notification of the fact of issuing the loan.

Lending to the Borrower is carried out on the basis of:

A loan agreement providing for a one-time loan;

Agreement on opening a non-revolving credit line with the establishment of a maximum loan amount (disbursement limit) that the Borrower can receive within a specified period and subject to certain conditions (established by other regulatory documents on lending to individuals). The loan is issued within the issuance limit, while the repaid part of the loan does not increase the free issuance limit.

General agreement on the opening of a framework credit line with the establishment of a debt limit, on the basis of which individual loan agreements are concluded.

The issuance and repayment of loans is carried out within the established debt limit during the entire period of validity of the General Agreement on the opening of a framework credit line, while repayment of a previously provided loan increases the free balance of the debt limit to the one originally established under the General Agreement.

The maximum loan size for each Borrower is determined based on an assessment of his solvency and the provided loan repayment security at the time of his application to the Bank (the day of registration of the loan application with the Bank), as well as taking into account his reliability.

The Bank accepts as collateral:

Citizens' guarantees Russian Federation having a permanent source of income;

Guarantees of legal entities;

Pledge of real estate (not accepted as the only security, unless otherwise established by other regulatory documents of Sberbank of Russia on lending to individuals);

Pledge of unfinished real estate (not accepted as the only security, unless otherwise established by other regulatory documents of Sberbank of Russia on lending to individuals);

Pledge of vehicles and other property (not accepted as the only security, unless otherwise established by other regulatory documents of Sberbank of Russia on lending to individuals);

Pledge of measured ingots precious metals with mandatory storage of the pledged property in the Bank;

Pledge of emission and non-equity securities;

Guarantees of subjects of the Russian Federation or municipalities.

The Bank has the right to enter into cooperation agreements with third parties - solvent enterprises provided with settlement and cash services by the Bank, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities for the purpose of lending to certain categories of Borrowers (employees of these enterprises, citizens in need of improvement living conditions) on conditions that comply with the requirements of this Procedure and other regulatory documents of Sberbank of Russia on lending to individuals.

The Borrower (Co-borrowers) sign to receive information about the terms of the loan, loan costs and an approximate payment schedule.

A loan from Sberbank for individuals is a unique opportunity not to put off a long-awaited purchase until tomorrow, purchase equipment, a car or a trip and please your loved ones. This is one of the most affordable and simple methods receive the missing amount if there are a few days left until payday.

In 2016, Sberbank of Russia developed a wide range of loan products with flexible terms. Every borrower can choose a convenient option for themselves.

Sberbank consumer loan: interest rates in 2016

Today the bank offers to apply for a loan for any purpose: from Sberbank, car loans, purchasing housing on the primary and secondary market.

Favorable conditions and promotions also apply to consumer loans. Let's consider their features and advantages in 2016 for individuals:

  • possibility of registration without guarantors or collateral;
  • permissible amount – up to 1.5 million rubles. or 10 million rubles. with collateral;
  • no hidden fees or fees for processing an application;
  • the opportunity to issue a personalized credit card with a limit of 200 thousand rubles. or MasterCard card Credit/Visa Credit Momentum with a permissible limit of 150 thousand rubles. if the application is approved.

Today on special conditions and shares can be calculated by salary clients and individuals who receive a pension from Sberbank:

Today, Sberbank of Russia has developed four types of consumer loans:

The name of the program

Maximum allowable period of provision Minimum interest rate

Maximum amount (rubles)

Consumer without security 5 years 15,9% 1500000
Secured by a non-purpose real estate property 20 years 15,5% 10000000
Consumer guaranteed 5 years 14,9% 3000000
Loan for military personnel who are members of the NIS 5 years 16,5% 500,000 – without collateral

1,000,000 – when attracting guarantors

What is the interest rate on a loan from Sberbank today?

In 2016, Sberbank consumer loans became very popular. A relatively low percentage, prompt processing of applications, the availability of shares and the absence of hidden fees make these programs in demand among the Russian population. Also today Sberbank positions itself as.

Conditions and interest rates of a consumer loan without collateral

A consumer loan without collateral will be the best option for those who require borrowed funds in as soon as possible. Conditions of this banking product:

  • The purpose is not intended.
  • Currency – ruble.
  • The minimum loan amount is 15,000 rubles, for territorial branches of Moscow this limit is 45,000 rubles.
  • The maximum allowable amount is 1,500,000 rubles.
  • The term for which borrowed funds are provided is from 3 months to 5 years.
  • Interest rates depend on the characteristics of the potential borrower. For example, an individual receiving a pension or wages in this organization, can count on a rate of 15.9 percent, and a person who is not a client of the bank can apply for a loan at 16.9 - 23.9 percent.
  • The time for consideration of the application after submitting the full package of documents is 2 business days (but it can be increased individually for a more detailed study of the credit history and other indicators).
  • Possibility to apply for individuals in 2016 online. To do this, you need to register in the Sberbank-online Internet bank.

Having registration in your passport is an important requirement today. If the registration is temporary, a loan for individuals can be issued for a period that does not exceed the duration of this registration. But if the client receives a pension or salary in 2016 from this bank, this requirement is optional.

Consumer loan with guarantee

Attracting guarantors makes it possible to maximize the term of borrowed funds, increase the loan amount and reduce the interest rate. Since the bank faces a reduced risk of non-return of money by involving third parties, the conditions are more flexible and loyal:

  • The purpose is not intended.
  • The minimum loan amount is 15 thousand rubles. for regions and 45 thousand rubles. for residents of Moscow.
  • The maximum amount of debt is 3 million rubles.
  • The acceptable processing time for individuals in 2016 is 3-60 months.
  • Payment additional services for issuing borrowed funds - 0 rubles.
  • Guarantee - individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than two people).

The number of guarantors who are involved as security depends on total amount loans and income levels of these individuals. The same requirements apply to guarantors as to borrowers.

If the borrower is 18-21 years old, he is mandatory You need to attract guarantors - parents (one of the parents).

Interest rates for individuals in 2016 range from 14.9-22.9 percent.

Loan terms for military personnel

In 2016, a special line of loan programs was developed for individuals - military personnel who are participants in the savings mortgage system.

Today the loan is provided under the following conditions:

  1. Purpose – non-targeted, can be used as an additional payment for housing taken on a mortgage.
  2. Currency – ruble.
  3. The maximum allowable loan amount is 500 thousand rubles. The loan can be increased if you attract guarantors. In this case, the loan amount will be 1,000,000 rubles.
  4. The rate is 17.5 percent for registration without guarantors and 16.5 percent when securing a loan.
  5. The minimum loan amount in 2016 is 15 thousand rubles. for regions and 45 thousand rubles. when registering in the territorial divisions of Sberbank of Moscow.
  6. The maximum amount for individuals is 1 million rubles, total debt for loans of any type should not exceed 3 million rubles.
  7. Duration – 3-60 months.
  8. The cost of services for reviewing an application is 0 rubles.

Loan for people who run subsidiary farming

Personal subsidiary farming (LPH) does not belong to the sphere of entrepreneurship. It is the production, cultivation and processing of agricultural products on one’s own or rented plot for one’s own needs and to provide food for one’s family.

Today, the Government's policy is aimed at increasing the social standards of the population. The instruments of such a policy are banking system, while the main methods are implemented through Sberbank - commercial Bank with state participation. In addition to helping subsidiary farms, it is possible to take advantage of.

Today, loans for individuals who run private farms are based on reimbursement of a share of the cost of paying interest on the loan through subsidies. The subsidizing process is carried out using budget money.

Terms of registration:

  • Purpose – target.
  • Currency – ruble.
  • The acceptable period is 3-60 months.
  • The allowable amount for individuals in 2016 depends on the timing. If the loan is issued for a period not exceeding 2 years, the loan size will be 15-300 thousand rubles. for one private household plot. If the borrower wants to take out a loan for a period of 2 to 5 years, the amount will increase: 15-700 thousand rubles. for one private household plot.
  • The rate is 21 percent.
  • It is possible to attract guarantors as security.
  • There are no commissions or hidden fees for the registration procedure.

A loan for individuals running private household plots can be obtained in any region of the Russian Federation, except Moscow.

Sberbank: promotions on loans in 2016

Behind last years against the backdrop of growing competition between financial and credit organizations, the bank is trying to increase its customer base and organizes various promotions, providing profitable offer. All of them are pleasant and relevant for existing and potential clients, accompanied by reduced interest rates, an increase in the permissible limit, and more favorable conditions in general.

“Rates are lower - dreams are closer” is the slogan about consumer loans for individuals today. Sberbank loans are provided at reduced rates (from 14.9 percent to 15.9 percent without collateral), do not require lengthy collection of documents, are issued in the shortest possible time and provide the opportunity to take advantage of favorable conditions:

Loan repayment today is carried out according to annuity scheme. The loan is provided in national currency. The permissible loan amount, terms and interest are determined for each borrower individually. In this case, the bank has the right to refuse to provide borrowed funds and use of shares without specifying the reasons for such a decision.

General terms of lending at Sberbank

The general requirements, as in 2016, are quite strict and require a careful and responsible approach.

Take credit funds possible after confirming the application and signing an agreement between the bank and the individual – the borrower. Cash can be issued in a single payment or in installments according to the terms of the agreement. The funds are used for any purpose and can be spent at the borrower’s discretion.

Requirements for the borrower

  • age range – from 21 to 65 years;
  • official employment is mandatory, at least six months at the current place of work and more than one year of work experience over the last five years;
  • for individuals receiving a salary or pension from Sberbank, the conditions are slightly softened: you must work at your current place of work for at least three months; The work experience over the past five years must be at least six months.

Requirements for special groups of borrowers:

  • in order to take out a consumer loan for military personnel, you need to be a participant in the savings mortgage system; the borrower must apply to participate in the “Military Mortgage” or already be one;
  • In order to take out a loan to individuals who run personal subsidiary plots, it is necessary to add an extract from the business book on the registration of private household plots to the main package of documents.

Documents for obtaining a loan at Sberbank

In 2016, individuals who wish to take out a loan from Sberbank must prepare documents for obtaining a loan:

  1. application form according to the established Sberbank template;
  2. personal identification document – ​​passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  3. presence of permanent registration in Russia (temporary registration is allowed, but the loan period should not exceed the expiration date of registration);
  4. a document confirming solvency (from the place of work for the last six months) - the requirement does not apply to salary clients and persons receiving a pension from Sberbank;
  5. an extract from the business book on the accounting of personal subsidiary plots (for obtaining the appropriate loan);
  6. certificate of passage of an individual military service For consumer loan military personnel.

How to get a loan

To apply for a loan, you must contact the territorial branch of Sberbank. If you have any questions during the preparation process, you can call toll free hotline, and the consultant will answer all your questions. Salary clients today do not have to visit a Sberbank office; they can fill out a form and submit an application online.

During your visit to Sberbank, you need to fill out a form in the prescribed form (a sample will be issued by a Sberbank employee) and provide all documents.

How long do you need to wait? The application will be reviewed within 2 business days, and the employee will announce the decision made. For salary clients, the time to review the questionnaire is about 2 hours.

The decision will be influenced by the required amount, terms, solvency of the borrower, his work experience, and income level.

Specialists pay particular attention to credit history when analyzing an application. If the borrower previously took out a loan and repaid it successfully, without arrears, debt, legal proceedings, the likelihood of your application being approved is high. You can do it online without leaving your home. All you need for this is an Internet connection.

Advice: in order to find out your credit history, you can use the free online service V personal account many banks or go to the credit bureau website.

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Compared to other major players in the financial and credit market, Sberbank has many competitive advantages for its clients: a wide range of loan programs, loyal conditions, low interest rates, and no hidden fees. Attracting guarantors makes it possible to take out a loan on more favorable terms. At the same time, individuals receiving pensions and salaries from this bank can count on quick consideration of the application (within 2 hours) and the possibility of lower interest rates.

In contact with

When deciding to take out a loan, many borrowers first consider Sberbank’s offers. This is natural: here favorable rates and convenient service conditions. In this article we will tell you what types of loans there are for individuals at Sberbank, what their advantages and limitations are.

Requirements for borrowers

Sberbank, like all commercial financial structures, interested in relationships with paying clients. At the stage of accepting applications, bank specialists evaluate the borrower’s rating, preventing the risks of non-repayment and delays.

So, who will be approved for a loan application at Sberbank?

The main requirements for borrowers are:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 75 years at the time of loan repayment;
  • Availability of permanent labor relations and verified income. The family's income should be enough to pay for everyday needs and service the loan;
  • The presence of a positive credit rating, no lawsuits.

Here are the bank's standard requirements, but borrowers' applications are considered individually. Therefore, in each specific lending case there may be certain conditions relating to securing the loan, attracting co-borrowers or guarantors, providing additional certificates or guarantees.

Credit products

The Bank offers a line of loan products that meet different needs clients. Here you can get a credit card, apply for a mortgage, or take out money for a consumer loan. Let's take a closer look at the types of loans for individuals at Sberbank and the conditions in force in 2017.

Consumer loans

The most popular type of lending among the population is. This term refers to non-target cash loans. Depending on the amount, term and other parameters, the bank issues money with or without collateral.

Here are the basic conditions consumer loans Sberbank in 2017:

  • No collateral. Money is issued for any purpose; no deposit or report on the amounts spent is required. Under the terms of this loan, you can receive an amount of up to 3 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years. The minimum tariff will be 14.9% per annum for holders salary cards there are benefits. To approve the application, the borrower must provide proof of his income and a complete package of documents;
  • Under the guarantee of individuals. For this type of loan, bank clients can borrow 5 million rubles for 5 years at an interest rate of 13.9% per annum. To obtain a loan, a guarantee from one or two persons with a permanent confirmed income is required. Salary card holders can submit only two documents to the bank for consideration of the application. The loan is issued in cash or by transfer to a card. Repayment is made in equal installments;
  • Non-targeted loan secured by real estate. This type of loan makes it possible to get a large sum for a long time. According to the terms maximum size the loan will amount to 10 million rubles. The limit on the amount will be the value of the collateral property: a loan is issued in the amount of up to 60% of the price of the property. The period for using money is up to 20 years. Any object owned by the borrower can be provided as collateral: an apartment, a house, a garage, a summer house or a plot of land. The borrower's spouse acts as a co-borrower if his or her income was taken into account to determine the maximum loan amount. Mortgaged property subject to compulsory insurance. The borrower's life and health insurance is carried out on on a voluntary basis. Restrictions: this type no loan is issued individual entrepreneurs, business owners, members of peasant farms;
  • Loan to military personnel - NIS participants. Special offer bank for military personnel participating in the NIS and being mortgage borrowers Sberbank: consumer loan for up to 5 years. There are two options to choose from: a loan without collateral in the amount of 500,000 rubles or with the involvement of guarantors in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. The tariff will be 13.5% for a secured loan or 14.5% for an unsecured loan. Money is provided for any purpose. As a rule, borrowers use them for additional payment for purchased housing, or for repairs and equipment new apartment. The bank does not require a report on the expenditure of the amount;
  • Loan to owners of personal subsidiary plots. Persons working on private farms can receive up to 1.5 million rubles at a rate of 17.0% per annum for a period of up to 5 years. Mandatory conditions: the borrower must be the owner (owner) of the subsidiary farm and provide a guarantee from individuals. In addition to the application, passport and income certificate, you need to submit to the bank an extract from the book on subsidiary farming.


Mortgage loans are issued against real estate. Sberbank offers several mortgage options, both for the purchase and construction of housing. Let's look at what conditions apply in 2017:

  • New buildings. The bank's partners are large development companies, and it is not surprising that they have the most favorable mortgage offers for apartments in new buildings. The loan can be issued for a period of up to 30 years, at an interest rate of 10.9% per annum. Required an initial fee from 20% of the purchase amount. In addition to the standard offer, there are promotions from developers with tariffs starting from 8.9% per annum. Required condition is the insurance of the purchased apartment;
  • Ready housing. Loans for the purchase of secondary housing in Sberbank today can be issued for up to 30 years, with a 20% interest rate own funds for the first payment. The minimum loan size will be 300 thousand rubles, the base rate is 11.25% per annum. Interest may be higher if the borrower does not have a bank salary card and a life and health insurance policy;
  • Military mortgage. Sberbank provides loans to military personnel for the purchase of finished and under construction housing within state program. The loan amount is 2.22 million rubles, at an interest rate of 10.9% per annum. The maximum loan term is 20 years, but in each specific case it is set individually and cannot exceed the borrower’s 45th birthday;
  • Mortgage with maternity capital. It is worth noting that almost all mortgage loans can be issued at Sberbank using maternal certificate. This right is often used by families with two or more children when deciding their housing problem. The program is available to all categories of borrowers, including state employees, military personnel, and young families. Standard loan terms: down payment from 20% of the property value, rates from 13% per annum, period up to 30 years. Special requirements: the purchased property must be registered in the general shared ownership for all family members;
  • Vacation home. Few banks today lend to construction and acquisition projects country houses. In Sberbank you can apply for such a loan, receive targeted money for the construction or purchase of a dacha, acquisition of ownership land plot. The first payment will be 25% of the amount, the rate is 11.75%, minimum size loans of 300 thousand rubles. It is allowed to attract three co-borrowers in order to increase the loan amount. Spouses of borrowers act as co-borrowers without fail, regardless of age;
  • Credit cards. Sberbank credit cards deserve special attention. In addition to ease of use and simplicity of design, their advantage for customers is excellent service and support. Sberbank offers cardholders the best mobile applications and Internet banking. You can use your card account from anywhere, without time restrictions. The line of credit cards includes classic and premium options. Credit limits are set for each client individually, the maximum amount can be 3 million rubles. Tariffs range from 21.9% per annum. To obtain a card, simply submit an application to a bank branch. The bank will issue salary cards to owners promptly, using two documents. The list of credit cards is presented on the website.


When discussing types of loans at Sberbank, one cannot ignore the topic of refinancing. This tool should be used in a number of cases, for example, to reduce the monthly installment or the convenience of servicing several loans.

The bank offers refinancing of loans received from third-party banks: you can take out up to 3 million rubles at 13.9% per annum, without collateral. Many borrowers will benefit by paying off more expensive loans and transferring their loan portfolio to one bank.

You can also refinance mortgage loans: in 2017, Sberbank offers such a service, issuing money for up to 30 years with a base rate of 10.9% per annum. This lending option is collateral and requires insurance of the property.

Previously, borrowing was resorted to as a last resort, but now installment purchases are becoming commonplace. Credit products are a source of income for financial institutions, so they try to provide more offers to the client. What kind of loans are there from Sberbank to individuals in 2017, on what conditions, at what rates does it offer credit organisation borrowed funds to clients?

Sberbank requirements for borrowers

For a long period of time, Sberbank has been demonstrating financial stability and offers clients favorable borrowing conditions and preferential lending programs. This can be achieved through a careful approach to selecting clients in order to minimize the risk of loan non-repayment. The bank has increased requirements for borrowers - before providing a loan, the client’s credit history and solvency are necessarily studied.

Borrowed funds can be used by persons over 21 years of age. Age limit for lending per day full repayment debt is considered to be 65 years (for loans without collateral or guarantee) or 75 years for all other borrowings. The mandatory requirement is to have an income and at least six months of work experience at the time of applying for a loan (in total - at least a year).

Types of loans at Sberbank for individuals

The borrowed funds offered by the credit institution can be used to solve financial problems, for the purchase of goods, housing, land plots. Developing credit programs Sberbank for individuals, the bank’s management tries to take into account the needs of various categories of borrowers. Depending on the purpose, you can take from the bank:

  1. Consumer loans. Such borrowing is classified as non-targeted; there is no confirmation of the use of loan funds.
  2. Mortgage loans. Registration involves the issuance of credit funds exclusively for the purchase of real estate: houses, apartments, land plots, dachas.

Consumer loans to individuals

The most popular type of borrowing at Sberbank is a consumer loan. It is available to most clients, its registration is simplified - you can quickly obtain it by providing a minimum number of documents. When issuing a loan, the determining factor is the amount of income. To guarantee the repayment of borrowed funds, the amount of earnings must be twice the monthly repayment amount. The bank invites borrowers to issue:

  1. Loan without collateral. It must be repaid before age 65.
  2. Loan with a guarantor. Under guarantee, loans are issued to clients who can repay the money up to 75 years of age. In this case, you can count on borrowing for citizens with low earnings, because the earnings of the co-borrower are taken into account when calculating the total income.
  3. Lending for military personnel who participate in the savings-mortgage system. Borrowed funds are provided for the arrangement of housing purchased by a military personnel on credit.

Mortgage loans to individuals

In developing loan products for the purchase of housing, the needs of different categories of the population were taken into account. Borrowers are given the opportunity to use funds maternity capital to pay off the debt, it is proposed preferential lending young families. There are the following individuals in 2017:

  1. For the purchase of living space in new buildings.
  2. For purchasing housing on the secondary market.
  3. To build a house.
  4. Military mortgage. Advantageous loan for military personnel, when the main part or all of the debt and loan costs are covered by the proceeds of the savings-mortgage system.

Secured loans

For those in need of borrowing large sums There is a special loan from Sberbank for individuals, which involves providing existing property as security. This loan combines the characteristics of two types of loans – mortgage and consumer:

  • can be used for any purpose without confirmation of use;
  • provides for the execution of an additional collateral agreement;
  • You can borrow up to 10 million rubles for a period of up to 20 years.

Terms of lending at Sberbank for individuals

For housing and consumer lending, the conditions for granting loans by Sberbank differ in terms and size, but we can highlight General terms financial institution:

  • borrowed funds are issued in national currency without deduction of commission;
  • The bank provides the opportunity for borrowers to completely repay the debt ahead of schedule or to deposit a larger amount for repayment than in the approved schedule.

Non-targeted loans are designed to solve everyday needs, so receiving money is possible under the following conditions:

  • in the amount of 300 thousand rubles to 3 million rubles (without providing security), 5 million rubles (with the provision of a guarantor), maximum 10 million rubles (when registering a pledge);
  • for a period from three months to five years (10 years when signing a collateral agreement).

Loans for the purchase of housing require two agreements: lending and collateral. Loan agreement is issued under the following conditions:

  • funds are issued from 300 thousand rubles;
  • borrowing period up to 30 years;
  • the down payment is at least 15% of the cost of the purchased property;
  • Maternity capital funds can be used for the down payment;
  • insurance of property that is pledged.

Interest rates in 2017

Good news for all borrowers was the financial institution's reduction of interest rates in February on all loan products. Customers can take advantage of the promotion until June 2017. Base rates are calculated for bank clients. The most profitable period for consumer lending is up to two years. Basic interest rates for a consumer loan start at 12.9%, for a housing loan – at 10.25%, they can increase or decrease under the following conditions:

  1. Policy health insurance is not mandatory when borrowing, but refusing it means increasing the rate by 1%.
  2. For clients of other banks, the rate increases by 1% in the case of a non-targeted loan, and by 0.5% in the case of a housing loan.
  3. A reduction is possible by 1% for those applying for a consumer loan online and by 0.5% for electronic registration of a home purchase transaction.

Sberbank offers for loans to individuals

The financial institution provides preferential lending conditions:

  • young families are provided with a reduction in loan interest when purchasing housing in newly built houses;
  • when purchasing residential space from a developer who is a partner of the bank, the seller compensates the borrower for a portion of the interest on debt obligations for seven years;
  • pensioners.

Loan without certificates and guarantors

Even with a strict approach to selecting clients for a loan, the bank takes into account the reality that not all borrowers can confirm their income. Sberbank issues mortgage loans without the borrower providing guarantors or proof of income. A borrower can obtain such a loan if he makes a down payment of more than 50% of the cost of the home being purchased.

For salary card holders

With fewer documents, participants in the salary project can borrow money. To apply for a consumer loan without collateral from Sberbank, they need to provide only one document - a passport. Borrowed funds are issued to salary clients and deposit holders at a minimum base interest rate. Loan recipients are offered a credit card with a limit of 150,000-200,000 rubles.

For pensioners

According to the terms of the financial institution, loans are provided to employed persons under 75 years of age, but when a pensioner does not have a guarantor, then persons under 65 years of age can apply for a loan. For pensioners and recipients of payments at Sberbank, the same benefits are provided as for salary clients:

  • issuing a loan without providing income certificates;
  • assigning a minimum interest rate according to the tariff of the loan product.

Loan refinancing 2017

In order to attract new clients, the bank offers a convenient loan product with an attractive interest rate, which starts at 13.9%. If you have several (up to five) loans from other banks or Sberbank, you can combine them without providing collateral into one loan (refinance) and receive the following benefits:

  • save on interest rates;
  • if there is a loan with collateral, remove the encumbrance when re-registering the contract.

Documents for obtaining a loan to individuals at Sberbank

To obtain a consumer loan, borrowers must provide standard package documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • income certificate.

When providing a guarantor, you must have a passport and proof of income of the guarantor. Upon registration mortgage lending or a loan with collateral, the applicant must provide additional documents for the property, and if there is no certificate of income, then one of the documents can be shown:

  • military ID;
  • driver's license;
  • international passport.

The procedure for issuing and repaying loans to individuals

Obtaining a loan involves the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Apply for a loan at a bank office or online.
  2. Receive a message from a bank employee about the decision to issue a loan (happens within 2-6 days, faster for payroll clients).
  3. Come to the bank with the documents provided for a specific loan product and sign a loan agreement.

Money is issued to the borrower in cash or credited to credit card without deduction of commission. Along with the agreement, the borrower receives a loan repayment schedule indicating the date and amount of the installment. You must deposit money in equal monthly installments (annuities), the amount of the contribution consists of the amount of interest and debt. If repayment terms or amounts are not met, the borrower pays a penalty to the bank.

How to get a loan from Sberbank online

It is convenient for borrowers to apply for a loan online, this way they can save time and get a lower interest rate. The client needs:

  1. Decide on the type of loan product. To make it easier to choose a loan, the bank’s website provides credit calculator. You can enter your income, the requested loan amount, the expected borrowing period into the cells of the calculator and calculate the monthly payment and the amount of overpayment, and then compare the results for several loans.
  2. Fill out the application form under the selected product and submit it.
  3. After informing about the positive decision of the bank, visit the branch with a package of documents to formalize the agreement.

Video: Sberbank loan rate for individuals in 2017

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