
Mortgage Loan Assistance Act. Bankers have proposed new criteria for helping mortgage borrowers. % reimbursement from the state

Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated August 30, 2017 N 1184 / pr "On the creation and organization of the work of the Interdepartmental Commission for the adoption of decisions on compensation to creditors (lenders) for housing mortgage loans (loans), mortgage agents carrying out ...

Appendix No. 2

to the order of the Ministry of Construction

and housing and communal services

Russian Federation

dated 30.08.2017 N 1184/pr









1. The interdepartmental commission for making decisions on compensation to creditors (lenders) for residential mortgage loans (loans), mortgage agents operating in accordance with the Federal Law "On Mortgage Securities", for residential mortgage loans (loans), the rights of claim on which acquired by mortgage agents, and to the joint-stock company "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" on mortgage housing loans (loans), the rights of claim on which were acquired by this company, losses (part thereof) resulting from the restructuring of mortgage housing loans (loans) in accordance with the terms of the program assistance to certain categories of borrowers on mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation (hereinafter referred to as the Interdepartmental Commission), created in pursuance of paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2017 N 961 "On the further implementation of the program of assistance to certain categories of borrowers on mortgage personal loans (loans) in a difficult financial situation" in order to improve the efficiency of the implementation of the assistance program for certain categories of borrowers on mortgage housing loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult life situation (hereinafter referred to as the assistance program).

2. The Interdepartmental Commission in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, these Regulations and the Procedure for the work of the Interdepartmental Commission.

3. The Interdepartmental Commission is formed in the amount of at least nine members, including the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and members of the Interdepartmental Commission.

The composition of the Interdepartmental Commission is formed from representatives of the federal executive authorities, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation.

4. The main functions of the Interdepartmental Commission are:

Consideration in accordance with paragraphs 7 and the Basic Conditions for the Implementation of the Assistance Program for Certain Categories of Borrowers on Mortgage Loans (Loans) in a Difficult Financial Situation (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Conditions), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2015 N 373 "On the main conditions for the implementation of the program of assistance to certain categories of borrowers on mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, and an increase in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" of requests from creditors (lenders) for mortgage loans (loans), mortgage agents, operating in accordance with the Federal Law "On Mortgage Securities", on mortgage housing loans (loans), the rights of claim on which are acquired by mortgage agents, and the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending Joint Stock Company on mortgage housing loans (loans), the rights of claim credits for which this company has acquired (hereinafter referred to as the creditors participating in the assistance program, the assistance program);

Making decisions on the possibility (impossibility) of increasing the compensation to creditors participating in the assistance program of the maximum amount of compensation for each restructured mortgage loan (loan);

Making decisions on the possibility (impossibility) of the joint-stock company Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (hereinafter referred to as AHML JSC) to pay to creditors participating in the assistance program indemnification (part thereof) in the event of restructuring mortgage housing loans (loans) in case of non-compliance with no more than two conditions provided for in clause 8 of the Basic Conditions.

5. The interdepartmental commission carries out its activities in accordance with the approved procedure for its work.

6. Meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission are held in the form of absentee voting at least once a month. If necessary, by decision of the chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission, meetings may be held in person.

7. The meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission shall be considered competent if at least half of its members have participated in it.

Absentee voting is considered to have taken place if at least half of the members of the Interdepartmental Commission have submitted duly completed questionnaires within the prescribed period. Decisions by absentee voting are taken in the absence of members of the Interdepartmental Commission. Issues on which no decisions have been made by absentee voting may be considered at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission

8. The Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission ex officio is the Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

9. Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission:

carries out general management of the work of the Interdepartmental Commission;

approves the forms of documents necessary for organizing the work of the Interdepartmental Commission;

convenes meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission;

approves the agenda of the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission and the list of issues submitted for absentee voting, sets the deadline for submitting completed questionnaires and the date for determining the results of absentee voting;

considers the information received from the members of the Interdepartmental Commission and the questionnaires received from the members of the Interdepartmental Commission in the event of absentee voting.

10. In the absence of the Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission, when organizing and / or holding a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission, his duties are performed by the Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission.

11. Executive Secretary of the Interdepartmental Commission:

keeps the minutes of the meeting and draws up the decisions of the Interdepartmental Commission;

organizes the preparation of meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission, forms, in agreement with the Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission, the agenda of the meeting and the list of persons invited to the meeting (if necessary), and also ensures the receipt of materials on issues to be considered at the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission;

engages specialists from AHML JSC to analyze requests submitted by creditors participating in the assistance program for the correctness of their preparation and verification of the completeness of the documents received;

informs the members of the Interdepartmental Commission and persons invited to the meeting about the agenda of the meeting, the date, place, time of its holding, and also sends copies of the materials to be considered at the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission;

prepares questionnaires on issues submitted for absentee voting and sends them to the members of the Interdepartmental Commission;

notifies the members of the Interdepartmental Commission of the deadline for submission of completed questionnaires and the date of determining the results of absentee voting;

submits to the chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission the received questionnaires of the members of the Interdepartmental Commission in case of absentee voting;

draws up the minutes of the meeting (absentee voting) of the Interdepartmental Commission;

provides accounting and storage of documentation on the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission;

agrees with the chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission and, upon agreement, signs the minutes of the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission;

sends copies of the minutes of the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission to its members, as well as JSC "AHML" for the purpose of subsequent consideration when planning actions as an operator of the assistance program;

performs other functions on behalf of the chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission.

12. Members of the Interdepartmental Commission:

a) participate in the discussion of issues considered by the Interdepartmental Commission, the development and adoption of decisions on them, voting;

b) make proposals to the chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the organization of the work of the commission;

c) submit materials to the executive secretary of the Interdepartmental Commission on issues to be considered at a meeting of the commission;

d) propose candidates for officials of interested federal government bodies who are not members of the Interdepartmental Commission to participate in the meeting;

e) is not entitled to delegate his powers to other persons. In case of absence from a meeting held in person, the right to express his opinion on the issues under consideration in writing, which is announced at the meeting, is subject to reflection in the minutes and is taken into account as the voice of the member of the Interdepartmental Commission present at the meeting.

TASS, August 22. From August 22, the Government of the Russian Federation resumes support for mortgage borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, according to new rules. Borrowers who have taken a loan both in rubles and in foreign currency will be able to count on help. See also Who will receive government assistance in paying mortgages The new program will be financed from the Government's Reserve Fund in the amount of 2 billion rubles, its extension will allow restructuring at least 1.3 thousand mortgage loans. The program will be operated by the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML). The new edition of the program clarifies the requirements for borrowers. Thus, mortgage lenders who have passed at least 12 months from the moment they received a mortgage loan to the date of filing an application for restructuring, and whose monthly payment on the loan has increased by at least 30%, will be able to take part in the program.

Commission set up to consider issues of mortgage restructuring

So, for example, by decision of the interdepartmental commission, in exceptional cases, the basic amount of assistance from the state can be increased from 1.5 million rubles, but no more than twice. Currency Mortgages Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov in March 2017, following a meeting with foreign currency mortgagers, proposed setting up a system of state assistance to mortgage borrowers in such a way as to shift the focus to foreign currency mortgagers. At meetings with the Ministry of Finance and AHML, activists of the currency mortgage movement insisted on a “product approach”, when the key criterion for joining the program is the very fact that a citizen has obligations under a targeted housing mortgage loan (loan), calculated in foreign currency and accepted in the period up to the end 2014.

Mortgage assistance program resumes work

The budget funds allocated to support mortgage borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation have already found recipients. As Izvestia was told at the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML), all 4.5 billion rubles under the state program were actually selected by banks and directed to mortgage restructuring. Thus, the state program can be considered successfully completed in the coming days, although the official deadline for its completion is May 31.


The state program of assistance to mortgage borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation due to the crisis will end in a few days, a representative of AHML told Izvestia. 4.5 billion rubles allocated in the first half of 2015 from the budget to support the Russians, in fact. exhausted. This was driven by the explosive growth in borrower demand for loan restructuring earlier this year. The purpose of the program is thus fulfilled, the agency is convinced.

The state program of assistance to mortgage borrowers ends ahead of schedule

The borrower's documents will be submitted to the commission for consideration by the decision of the creditor bank on the basis of the relevant application. Banks have a responsibility to filter out borrowers seeking assistance they are not entitled to under the terms of the program. This will reduce the time for reviewing documents in order to provide assistance to those families who really need it as quickly as possible.


It is worth noting that during the last program of assistance to mortgage borrowers, a huge number of cases were recorded of borrowers who applied for a mortgage “yesterday” and “today” want to get part of the debt written off. Also, borrowers who have other residential real estate (one or more) that do not qualify for the program often applied. Moreover, the borrowers specifically transferred the property to relatives and submitted documents for restructuring.

Mortgage Borrowers Assistance Commission

The category of ruble borrowers whose monthly payment has increased by 30% or more includes mortgage holders who, due to the difficult financial situation, were previously restructured according to the bank's internal programs with a deferred payment, but an increase in its size. According to the authors of the new program, against the backdrop of a significant decrease in mortgage rates compared to 2015-2016, the condition of increasing the monthly payment by at least 30% is fair, ruble mortgage holders now have the opportunity to restructure their mortgages to reduce the monthly payment directly in banks. According to the head of AHML Alexander Plutnik, today banks offer mortgage refinancing at rates of 9.5% per annum. Thus, the program has become even more focused on helping borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation.

Official website of Sberbank of Russia

Previous program The Assistance Program for Mortgage Borrowers in Difficult Life Situations was launched in April 2015 and formally ended on May 31, 2017 (program funds were spent in March 2017). 4.5 billion rubles were allocated for the restructuring of debts of mortgage holders. In total, since 2015, about 22,000 people have received support under the state program.
Russian families. “Nevertheless, some borrowers still have difficulties with repayment of mortgage loans. To provide support to such citizens, additional funds in the amount of 2 billion rubles have been allocated from the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation, and new conditions for the program have been approved, taking into account the current situation on the market,” the AHML noted.
An interdepartmental commission has been set up in Russia to deal with the problems of mortgage borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation, told reporters on Monday. “We have a program to support mortgage borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. Appeals were received so that we could make decisions as part of the commission in certain non-standard cases. The administrative document was signed, the commission was created.

It was headed by my deputy Nikita Stasishin,” said Men. He noted that the commission will consider individual applications of borrowers. In addition to representatives of the Ministry of Construction, it will include representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank, the State Duma, the Federation Council, the Public Chamber and the Commissioner for Human Rights.

Has the Interdepartmental Commission for Assistance to Mortgage Borrowers Worked?

The Commission will consider issues of providing an increased amount of financial assistance to families (up to 3 million rubles) in especially difficult situations, as well as granting the right to participate in the program to families that have slight discrepancies with 1-2 conditions of the program. An employee of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) explained that the commission can allow the borrower to restructure if, for example, the area of ​​​​his housing is more than a couple of square meters than the program conditions allow, or a large family has a share of more than 1/2, but in a one-room "Khrushchev". “And so that it does not fit at all even under any one condition, then this is unlikely. Then we will be "overwhelmed" by the owners of elite real estate, and those who have a dozen apartments.

But of course, you can try if the bank accepts the documents…” the employee added.

The restriction in this case will be a one-time participation in the program and the application of its provisions to the only obligation of a citizen. As a result, in accordance with a government decree, it was decided that, within the framework of the updated program, banks would restructure problematic foreign currency mortgages at a ruble rate for a client not exceeding 11.5% or ruble problematic mortgages at a rate not higher than the rate in force on the date of the loan restructuring. “Mortgage borrowers who have taken a loan both in rubles and in foreign currency will be able to apply for participation in the program. The amount of the monthly payment on a foreign currency loan may increase due to changes in the exchange rate, and on a loan initially in rubles - for example, due to an increase in the interest rate, if it was not initially fixed for the entire loan term," AHML explained to TASS.

In addition, the mortgaged housing must be the only housing of the mortgagor's family. The basic amount of assistance from the state will be 30% of the balance of the loan amount, but not more than 1.5 million rubles. Interdepartmental Commission The new phase of the program to support mortgage borrowers will provide for more flexible criteria for providing assistance than it was in the old program, Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev believes. See also A special interdepartmental commission, which should be created before September 1, 2017, will contribute to this. The composition of the commission and the procedure for its work will be determined by the Ministry of Construction of Russia. The Commission will have the right to make decisions on providing support to citizens who formally do not meet the individual conditions of the program, but are in dire need of it.

Last Tuesday, the Bank of Russia hosted a meeting with representatives of the largest mortgage banks. It discussed the format of a new state program to help mortgage borrowers, which is being developed on behalf of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Kommersant writes. The program is planned to be approved in the near future.

Despite the fact that the meeting had a closed format, and the participants and the Central Bank do not officially comment on it, in an informal conversation, the meeting participants shared some details with the publication. Thus, it became known that the bankers proposed to establish two key criteria for the provision of assistance, which were approved at the end of the meeting. According to one of the bankers, now such criteria are proposed to establish a fall in the income of the borrower by 30% or more, or an increase in the size of the loan payment by 30% or more.

As part of the implementation of the new program, it is also planned to create a special commission with the participation of representatives of the Central Bank, AHML, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction to select problem borrowers. It is assumed that this commission will also resolve controversial issues when, for example, the borrower's living space is more than 1 sq. m than the program requires, but it is obvious that help is needed.

In the new version of the program of assistance to mortgage borrowers, most likely, there will be no currency restrictions. The relevant ministries expressed the idea of ​​providing assistance mainly to foreign currency borrowers, while the previous program did not make exceptions for the currency of the loan. However, the largest player in the mortgage market, Sberbank, insisted on keeping assistance to ruble borrowers as well.

The bank pointed out that in the case of providing assistance exclusively to foreign currency mortgagers, more than 10 thousand of its borrowers, who collected documents during the period of the previous program, but could not receive restructuring, as the funds allocated for it (4.5 billion rubles ) ended ahead of schedule. According to the statistics of the previous program, only 750 applications out of 52,000 were from foreign currency borrowers.

According to the publication, at the meeting, which began at 18:00 and lasted almost four hours, the budget of the program was not discussed, the main task was to agree on the criteria for selecting borrowers who need to be supported. Meetings with the participation of AHML in the government, where it is planned to finally approve the final parameters of the program, should be held today and tomorrow.

Information that the authorities are ready to again offer assistance to mortgage borrowers appeared earlier this week. The program itself, implemented by the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML), officially ended on May 31. Banks restructured problem loans at a rate not exceeding 12% per annum, part of the monthly payment to the client was compensated by the state (maximum - 1.5 million rubles).

By May, banks received 52.3 thousand applications for restructuring, of which 18.5 thousand were restructured, and another 16 thousand were not - due to the exhaustion of allocated funds, although they met the requirements. In fact, the program budget (4.5 billion rubles) was chosen back in March. At the same time, banks continued to accept applications, and borrowers to collect documents, including paid statements. About 20 thousand borrowers found themselves in a situation where by the time all the certificates were submitted to the bank there was nothing to rely on.

Banks generally refused to provide assistance to such borrowers under the program. Unemployed borrowers (co-borrowers) also tried to “restructure”, but if they are not registered with the Employment Center, they were also denied assistance. In addition, there are many cases when borrowers who received a write-off of 10% of the principal debt re-submitted documents, trying to get another 30% write-off under the new program conditions. Will ruble mortgage holders get help? The program does not separate ruble and foreign currency mortgages into separate categories, however, if the amount of the monthly payment has not increased, then it is a refusal (to date, there has not been a single restructuring approval). Exceptions can only be families that have lost their breadwinner, borrowers who have lost their ability to work, a child's illness and other particularly severe cases.

Commission set up to consider issues of mortgage restructuring

TASS, August 22. From August 22, the Government of the Russian Federation resumes support for mortgage borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, according to new rules. Borrowers who have taken a loan both in rubles and in foreign currency will be able to count on help.


See also Who will receive government assistance in paying mortgages The new program will be financed from the Government's Reserve Fund in the amount of 2 billion rubles, its extension will allow restructuring at least 1.3 thousand mortgage loans. The program will be operated by the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML).

The new edition of the program clarifies the requirements for borrowers. Thus, mortgage lenders who have passed at least 12 months from the moment they received a mortgage loan to the date of filing an application for restructuring, and whose monthly payment on the loan has increased by at least 30%, will be able to take part in the program.

State program of assistance to borrowers

According to the current requirements, the object must be located on the territory of Russia, and must also be registered as a pledge. Read about the procedure for obtaining a mortgage in the article at the link.
4 condition - requirements for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Assistance is provided if the residential premises, including residential premises, the right to claim for which arises from the share agreement does not exceed:

  • 45 sq. meters - for a room with 1 living room;
  • 65 sq. meters - for a room with 2 living rooms;
  • 85 sq. meters - for a room with 3 or more living rooms /

For reference. The condition of the minimum cost of 1 square. meters of total area excluded.
5 condition - the only housing. Assistance is provided only in the presence of a single housing.

New conditions for the program of assistance to mortgage borrowers 2017-2018

So, for example, by decision of the interdepartmental commission, in exceptional cases, the basic amount of assistance from the state can be increased from 1.5 million rubles, but no more than twice. Currency Mortgages Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov in March 2017, following a meeting with foreign currency mortgagers, proposed setting up a system of state assistance to mortgage borrowers in such a way as to shift the focus to foreign currency mortgagers.

At meetings with the Ministry of Finance and AHML, activists of the currency mortgage movement insisted on a “product approach”, when the key criterion for joining the program is the very fact that a citizen has obligations under a targeted housing mortgage loan (loan), calculated in foreign currency and accepted in the period up to the end 2014.

Mortgage assistance program resumes work


At the same time, the average monthly total income of the borrower's family (solid debtors) in the billing period is equal to the sum of the average monthly incomes of the borrower (solid debtors) and his family members and the amount of the planned monthly loan (loan) payment calculated on the date preceding the date of filing the restructuring application has increased by at least 30 percent compared to the amount of the planned monthly payment calculated as of the date of conclusion of the loan agreement (loan agreement). Thus, despite the fact that the assistance program is designed not only for foreign currency borrowers, its condition of increasing the monthly payment by 30% suggests that this program will be available mainly to citizens who have taken a mortgage in foreign currency.

3 condition - the location of the property and the official registration of the mortgage.
In addition, the mortgaged housing must be the only housing of the mortgagor's family. The basic amount of assistance from the state will be 30% of the balance of the loan amount, but not more than 1.5 million rubles.
Interdepartmental Commission The new phase of the program to support mortgage borrowers will provide for more flexible criteria for providing assistance than it was in the old program, Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev believes. See also A special interdepartmental commission, which should be created before September 1, 2017, will contribute to this. The composition of the commission and the procedure for its work will be determined by the Ministry of Construction of Russia. The Commission will have the right to make decisions on providing support to citizens who formally do not meet the individual conditions of the program, but are in dire need of it.

Interdepartmental commission on the program of assistance to mortgage borrowers

The borrower (solidary debtors) is a citizen of the Russian Federation belonging to one of the following categories:

  • citizens who have one or more minor children or who are guardians (custodians) of one or more minor children;
  • citizens who are disabled or have disabled children;
  • citizens who are combat veterans;
  • citizens who are dependent on persons under the age of 24 who are students, students (cadets), graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees, interns and full-time students.

2nd condition - change in the financial position of the borrower (solid debtors).

The restriction in this case will be a one-time participation in the program and the application of its provisions to the only obligation of a citizen. As a result, in accordance with a government decree, it was decided that, within the framework of the updated program, banks would restructure problematic foreign currency mortgages at a ruble rate for a client not exceeding 11.5% or ruble problematic mortgages at a rate not higher than the rate in force on the date of the loan restructuring.

Mortgage borrowers who have taken a loan both in rubles and in foreign currency will be able to apply for participation in the program. The amount of the monthly payment on a foreign currency loan may increase due to changes in the exchange rate, and on a loan initially in rubles - for example, due to an increase in the interest rate, if it was not initially fixed for the entire loan term," AHML explained to TASS.

Interdepartmental Commission for the Assistance Program for Mortgage Borrowers Contacts

Now let's take a closer look at the new conditions for obtaining support for borrowers with a mortgage loan. The issues of providing assistance in case of difficulties in the payment of mortgage loans are dealt with by the joint-stock company Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending.

Assistance is provided in the form of loan restructuring. In this case, restructuring can be carried out both by concluding an agreement by the creditor and the borrower (solid and several debtors) on changing the terms of a previously concluded loan agreement (loan agreement), and by concluding a new loan agreement (loan agreement) for the purpose of full repayment of the debt on the restructuring mortgage loan.
To conclude a debt restructuring, the borrower must submit an application to a credit institution.

Interdepartmental Commission for the Assistance Program for Mortgage Borrowers


However, the conditions of the program have changed significantly. For reference. The normative document regulating the procedure for providing assistance is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2015 N 373 (with amendments and additions in force in 2017) “On the main conditions for the implementation of the assistance program for certain categories of borrowers on mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, and an increase in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending.

The new terms of the assistance program for mortgage borrowers in force in 2018 were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2017 N 961 "On the further implementation of the assistance program for certain categories of borrowers on mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation" (came into force 21.08.2017).

Today we will talk about what the Mortgage Assistance Program is and how exactly you can get help paying off your mortgage.
from the state in 2019.

Assistance program for mortgage borrowers in 2019 from the state, changes and additional 730 million rubles

Today you will learn:

  • What is an assistance program for certain categories of mortgage borrowers?
  • How to get help in paying off a mortgage from the state?
  • Reviews of those who received state assistance in paying mortgages.

What can you get

Mortgage has become one of the effective tools for solving the housing problem in Russia. Yes, it has a number of pluses and minuses, which we will consider in a separate post of our project, but this is a real opportunity, especially for young families, to purchase housing.

With the onset of another crisis in the economy, the state had to provide support to mortgage borrowers who found themselves in a difficult financial situation. In April 2015, the corresponding Decree 373 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015, signed by D.A. Medvedev. JSC "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" became the operator of the implementation of this project.

Initially, this resolution provided for the validity of the assistance program until the end of 2016, but it has been repeatedly amended and supplemented.

To date, according to the latest changes 373 of the Government Decree dated November 24, 2016, assistance to mortgage borrowers (mortgage restructuring) is valid until March 1, 2017(extended until May 31, 2017 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 10, 2017 No. 172, since March 7, 2017, the acceptance of new applications has been suspended due to the expenditure of funds under the program.

However, in July 2017, an additional 2 billion rubles were allocated from the government fund to restart the program. On August 11, 2017, new conditions for participation in the program of assistance to mortgage borrowers came out - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 961, which you will learn about from this article) and is as follows:

  • The borrower's mortgage obligations to the bank are reduced in the amount of 20% to 30% of the balance (at the discretion of the lender's bank), but not more than 1,500,000 rubles.
  • By agreement between the borrower and the bank, you can choose the format of assistance, namely, either send the entire amount of assistance to the mortgage to pay off the principal and thereby reduce the monthly payment, or to reduce the monthly payment by 50% or more for up to 1.5 years.
  • Replacing a foreign currency mortgage with a ruble one. At the same time, the mortgage rate cannot be higher than 11.5% per annum. For a ruble mortgage, not higher than the bank's current rate, except in cases stipulated by the mortgage agreement, in case of violation of insurance rules.
  • Until September 1, a special interdepartmental commission should be created, which will be able to increase the maximum payment under the program by 2 times and approve applications for participation if there are deviations from the basic conditions, but not more than in two points.

Example:If the family has a mortgage balance at the time of restructuring of 2 million rubles and, after checking the AHML documents, the creditor bank decided to write off the debt in the amount of 20% of the balance of the principal debt, then with a mortgage of 12% per annum with a remaining term of 10 years, the payment will be reduced from the planned 28694 rubles. per month up to 22955. Benefit 5739 rubles.

There is an opinion that very often banks refuse to restructure mortgages, but in fact this procedure is very beneficial for them. losses incurred by the bank (lost interest income) due to early repayment are compensated by the state.

Changes to the Mortgage Borrower Assistance Program dated February 10, 2017, they suggest that the maximum reimbursement of 30% of the balance (up to 1.5 million rubles) is compensated by the state only if the family has two children or you are disabled (child disabled), and combat veterans can also apply actions. With one child you can only claim 20%. The amendments dated August 10, 2017 make it possible to double the amount of the maximum payment by decision of a special interdepartmental commission.

After analyzing the negative reviews about the payment of a mortgage with the help of the state, our experts came to the conclusion that most often the reason for refusal is false information provided by the borrower and lack of knowledge of the basic requirements and conditions for state support. Let's talk about them now.

Important point! The acceptance of documents under the Program has been suspended since December 2, 2018 and the program is no longer working.

Who can receive support from the state

Government Decree No. 373, as amended on November 24, 2016, provides for the following list of persons to whom the state can help pay mortgage payments:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation with 1 or more minor children;
  • Guardians (custodians) of 1 or more minor children;
  • Participants in hostilities;
  • Disabled people or families with disabled children;
  • Citizens with dependent children under 24 who study full-time at an educational institution.

Mortgage requirements

To receive assistance from the state, a mortgaged apartment must meet these characteristics:

  • It should not exceed the total area for a one-bed apartment - 45 sq.m., for an apartment with two rooms - 65 sq.m. and for three rubles and more - 85 sq.m.
  • The cost of 1 sq.m. total area of ​​housing exceeds no more than 60% of the average cost of a typical apartment in your region on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement (according to the Federal State Statistics Service).
  • The dwelling must be the only one for the mortgage borrower. At the same time, it is allowed to have a total share of ownership of all family members of no more than 50% in one other residential building. The countdown on the availability of property is from 04/30/2015. Those. it will not be possible to quickly rewrite / donate “extra” real estate in order to become a member.

Important point! The requirement for the total area of ​​mortgage housing and the cost per square meter does not apply to families with 3 or more minor children. If you have more than 50% property in other housing, then you will be denied under the program, but you can transfer it to relatives and then everything will be OK. From 08/11/2017, disputes over square meters and deviations under the program must be resolved by a special interdepartmental commission, which will be created in September.

Requirements for mortgage borrowers

  • Russian citizenship
  • Your income is below two living wages at your place of residence for each person in the family, after subtracting your monthly mortgage payment from them. Three full last months are analyzed. In this case, the mortgage payment must increase by at least 30% of the initial payment.

Those. this program is only suitable for foreign currency mortgages and those borrowers who have a floating rate. For ordinary mortgage borrowers, a situation is impossible when the current payment is 30% higher than the original one. But when the interdepartmental commission starts working, it will be possible to submit an application for consideration there, because. up to 2 deviations from the conditions are allowed. Deviation on increase in monthly payment including.

If you have a co-borrower in the mortgage and he has a share in the property in this apartment, then he is obliged to provide a full package of documents both for himself and for his family members.

Now answer these questions.
If you received the answer “NO” for one of them, then you will not be able to apply for participation in the mortgage borrower support program in 2018:

  1. Do you have minor children or are you the guardian (custodian) of such children?
  2. Home mortgage bought in Russia?
  3. Are all mortgage borrowers citizens of the Russian Federation?
  4. After deducting the mortgage payment, is the income for each member of your family less than two living wages in your area?
  5. Has your payment increased by 30% from the original schedule?
  6. Is the mortgage issued for the purchase of ready-made or housing under construction?
  7. The total area of ​​​​housing is less than 45 sq.m for a odnushka, 65 sq.m. for kopeck piece and 85 sq.m. for three rubles and above (except for families with 3 or more children).
  8. The cost of 1 sq.m. no more than 60% of the average cost of a square in a typical apartment in your region?

If all your answers are “Yes”, then you will be able to receive support from the state in paying off mortgage loans.

How to get government support

Now you already know what you can count on support from the state in paying off the mortgage . Now it remains to find out how to get it.

First of all, you need to contact the bank where you received the mortgage. Almost all major banks participate in this program of assistance to mortgage borrowers.

The full list can be downloaded from the link.

As a rule, this issue is dealt with by the department for dealing with overdue debts. It is enough just to call the contact center of your bank and find out where it is located.

The bank will give you a list of documents for government support for mortgages. An example list is provided below:

  1. An application form with the obligatory indication of the reason for providing you with assistance from the state (reduction in income, reduction, decree, etc.).
  2. Passports, birth certificates of minors of all family members.
  3. Marriage certificate (if the marriage is registered).
  4. Certificate of divorce, change of full name, parents and children, agreement of parents on the residence of the child with one of the parents (if required).
  5. The decision of the guardianship authorities or the court decision on the establishment of guardianship (for guardians and trustees).
  6. War Veteran's Certificate (for veterans).
  7. Documents on disability from the borrower or co-borrower or from their children.
  8. Birth certificate for dependents under the age of 24.
  9. Certificate of family composition to confirm the residence of a dependent under 24 years of age with the borrower/co-borrower.
  10. A certificate from an educational institution stating that a child under 24 years old who is dependent on the borrower/co-borrower is studying full-time.
  11. Notice from the Pension Fund that a dependent person under 24 years of age does not have independent labor income.
  12. A certified copy of the work book of the borrower/co-borrower.
  13. Official certificate from work (for military or law enforcement officers).
  14. IP registration certificate (for individual entrepreneurs).
  15. Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia on appointment as a notary (for notaries).
  16. Employment book and/or expired employment contract for the unemployed.
  17. Document on registration with the employment service (for unemployed).
  18. Notification of the pension fund on the state of the personal account of the insured person (for all).
  19. Certificate from the FSS of the Russian Federation on income from temporary disability, benefits and other payments.
  20. Certificate of income in the form of 2 personal income tax or in the form of a bank from all family members.
  21. Bank certificate on the total amount of family income (provided by the bank).
  22. Tax returns, patents, etc.
  23. Information about the amount of pension for pensioners.
  24. Loan agreement
  25. Mortgage (if issued, it is in the bank).
  26. An application from borrowers that they have real estate in Russia.
  27. Equity agreement (for a mortgage on a new building).
  28. Mortgage collateral appraisal agreement.
  29. Technical / cadastral passport for residential premises.
  30. Mortgage payment schedule.

The list is quite impressive and will make you run a little, but it's worth it. The only moment that is rather complicated is extracts from the USRN. They cost money. One statement on the rights to property throughout Russia is 1,500 rubles per person and no one will return them to you if you refuse. There were a lot of complaints about this last time. From 08/11/2017, the requirement for an extract from the USRN has been cancelled. The bank has no right to demand it. AHML independently requests it.

After the complete list of documents is submitted to the bank, the responsible officer must send them to AHML for verification. On average, it lasts 30 days, but the feedback from the participants indicates that it can reach up to six months. the bank and AHML request additional documents at their discretion.

When AHML makes a positive decision, the bank will notify you of the date of the meeting. Next, you will need to sign a new payment schedule, a new PSK document, conclude a restructuring agreement (additional agreement to the mortgage agreement), an agreement to change the terms of the mortgage. Next, you will need to wait from 2 to 4 weeks, when the mortgage will be requested from the bank's archive. After that, it is necessary, along with a full package of loan documents and an agreement to change the terms of the mortgage (be sure to make copies), to visit justice for state registration of changes.

The process is similar in Gazprombank. VTB 24 closes the mortgage and issues a new loan for a smaller amount, which means that you again have to pay insurance and assessment costs.

There is no mortgage restructuring fee. Carrying out this procedure does not exempt you from paying the monthly payment and insurance premiums stipulated by the contract.


There are a number of negative and positive reviews on this program.


  • A support amount of up to 600,000 rubles well helps to reduce mortgage payments.
  • A lower mortgage payment will help alleviate a difficult financial situation.


  • Large list of documents.
  • Lack of transparent mechanisms for tracking the stages of consideration of the application.
  • Long processing times.
  • There is no mandatory requirement to state the reason for the refusal.

From this we can conclude that the assistance program is indeed a good tool to support mortgage borrowers, but the mechanism for its implementation is complex, clumsy and non-transparent, which leads to negative feedback from the population.

I hope now everything is clear to you pay off the mortgage with the help of the state.

Important point! If you submitted an application for participation earlier, but did not receive a response, then you need to collect all the documents again and apply again.

If you were unable to participate in this program, then we recommend that you consider another type of support for mortgage borrowers - Detailed conditions are described in a special post. Read on.

In October 2018, Dmitry Medvedev signed a government decree to continue the program to help mortgage borrowers. An additional 730,000,000 rubles were allocated for the implementation of this program.
Video: Launched a hotline for the program of assistance to mortgage borrowers

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