
The living wage of a working person in the Russian Federation. Increase in the minimum wage. As the cost of living per capita is calculated, the calculation formula

Surely everyone is familiar with the concept, the cost of living, but surely not everyone fully understands what it is and how it is defined, and what this concept implies in general. But everyone thought that the size of this minimum is negligible and the specified amount is not enough for the full existence of the individual. Let us examine in more detail the question of what is the amount of the subsistence minimum for today, and how it is distributed.

The subsistence minimum is the minimum amount calculated per capita to ensure the standard of living.

So, in simple words, this is the amount of money a person needs to live, what exactly is included in it, we will consider later. In Russia, this concept appeared in 1998. The amount of the subsistence minimum is equal to the cost of the consumer basket, and ideally should be equal to the minimum wage (minimum wage).

Why is this value needed:

  • to determine the minimum wage for the able-bodied population;
  • to determine social benefits, pensions and other benefits;
  • as well as for planning regional and state budgets.

The subsistence minimum per person is determined depending on the region in the first place, because in each subject of the Russian Federation the pricing policy differs significantly. The second factor is the category of the population, there are three of them: pensioners, children and able-bodied citizens.

Please note that the main provisions on the subsistence minimum are set out in Federal Law N 134-FZ.

What is included in the consumer basket

Now it is worth determining what the subsistence minimum consists of, what is included in this amount? To begin with, it is worth noting that the consumer basket, and this is exactly the set of goods and services that a person needs to ensure his life, consists of 156 items. And this is a real minimum, because in other countries this concept also exists, only this list is longer.

What is the consumer basket in Russia. First of all, these are food products, below is a list of the names of goods and their quantity for a year for each category of the population, first for pensioners, then for able-bodied citizens, and finally for children:

  • bread, bakery products and pasta, kg –98.2 / 126.5 / 77.6;
  • vegetables and melons, kg - 98 / 114.6 / 112.5;
  • meat products, kg - 54 / 58.6 / 44.0;
  • eggs, pcs - 200/210/201;
  • sugar and confectionery, kg - 21.2 / 23.8 / 21.8;
  • salt, tea, spices, kg - 4.2 / 4.9 / 3.5;
  • potatoes, kg - 80 / 100.4 / 88.1;
  • fish, kg - 16 / 18.5 / 18.6;
  • fruit, kg - 45/60 / 118.1;
  • vegetable oil and margarine, kg - 10/11/5;
  • milk and dairy products, kg - 257.8 / 290 / 360.7.

But these products make up only 50% of the cost of living. The other half is utilities, clothing, public transport, medicines, and even attending cultural events 5 times a year. Thus, the government calculated that 7 pairs of socks are enough for an adult man for a year and a half, and 5 pairs of tights for a woman. Outerwear, namely a winter coat and a demi-season jacket, should be purchased once every 7.6 years, for pensioners for 8.7 years, for children for 2.6 years.

In general, this list includes only what is vital for a person to exist. Accordingly, the list does not include alcoholic beverages, tobacco products. In addition, other entertainments are not provided for human life, including going to cinemas and clubs, as well as other recreational activities.

Please note that the list and composition of the consumer basket can be changed and edited at the initiative of the authorities.

The value of the subsistence minimum in Russia

This value is not constant and it differs depending on the region. Consider what is the cost of living in Russia for pensioners / able-bodied citizens / children in rubles:

  • Moscow - 11428/18530/14009;
  • on average in the Russian Federation - 8136/10678/9668.

This is according to the data for the third quarter of 2016. Moreover, in each region, the price of products and services can vary significantly, which means that local authorities determine the amount independently. Consider how to calculate the cost of living per person. First of all, in this way, the government can assess the well-being of all residents of the country as a whole. When calculating the value, only the market value of those goods that are vital for a person is taken into account. The calculation is based on the average cost of a product, according to Rosstat statistics, and the minimum consumption per person per year.

In simple terms, the minimum subsistence level is the minimum set of goods and services that a person needs. By the way, this amount does not include loan payments, therefore, with the minimum wage, the bank should not issue loans, although in practice it happens the other way around.

Governmental support

It is worth noting that the state supports low-income families and those whose income does not reach the minimum threshold. Several people live in each family, and the minimum is calculated directly per capita, that is, the entire family income is summed up and divided by the number of people. But it so happens that children do not bring income to the family, and wages are equal to the minimum wage.

The state provides all kinds of support to such families. If the total family income does not reach the subsistence level, then it is worth contacting the social protection authorities and applying for a subsidy for paying for utilities, in this case, you can get a refund of up to 50% of the payment. In addition, you can get help in other ways, such as free public transport, free meals for children in schools, additional benefits and payments.

Just take into account some factors. First of all, able-bodied family members must be officially employed, that is, it is necessary to provide 2-NDFL certificates to the social protection authorities. If an able-bodied citizen does not work, he must be registered with the Employment Center and receive unemployment benefits. If those in need of social assistance cannot confirm their income, then the application will not be considered, because the employees of the HSS cannot determine whether their income corresponds to the subsistence level or exceeds it.

Please note that to find out exactly what measures of state support are required for the poor in your region, contact the USSP at your place of residence.

So, to summarize, the cost of living is not the norm, but really the minimum, although many are likely to be shocked by the range and volume of goods presented. But to be fair, many employers pay wages several times higher than the minimum wage.

This question is rather difficult. Although the norms are established by the state, they are still constantly changing. Therefore, these changes have to be carefully monitored. As a rule, if a person does not have that very minimum, he can be recognized as needy. In Russia, support from the state is provided for such citizens. So what is included in the cost of living? How much is it at the moment? What must be provided for every citizen of the country? More on this further!

By category

To be honest, our today's question includes a huge number of features. What is included in the cost of living in Russia for 2016? For starters, it's cash. They are usually understood as "minimum".

Just the size of these is constantly changing. Moreover, a lot depends on which category of citizens you belong to. This is taken into account in Russia. So, for example, for children, the indicator will be one, and for the working-age population, it will be completely different. Where did this rule come from?

All this was invented based on the needs of a person at a particular period of life. A living wage should ensure a normal life for a citizen. So to speak, to supply him with the most necessary for life and health without excesses and luxury. More specifically, how much money is currently due to certain categories of citizens?


It has already been said that the cost of living, at least in monetary terms, is constantly changing. We have to find out the exact information for a specific period of time. At the moment, this figure has increased slightly. For some people, anyway.

In the 1st quarter of 2016, there were 9,776 rubles per capita. It is for this amount that you will have to provide yourself with life. If you think about it, not that much (given the constant rise in prices in Russia). But pensioners were less fortunate. For them, at least a month was only 8,025 rubles.

Two more categories of citizens for whom the minimum monetary value has different meanings are the able-bodied population and children. The first is entitled to 10 524 rubles, and the second - 9 677 rubles. Such norms are currently established in Russia. Now it is clear how much the cost of living is for 2016 (1st quarter) in monetary terms. But don't be in a hurry to rejoice!

Does not converge

Why? The whole problem is that in most cases it is simply impossible to provide a decent standard of living for the indicated amounts. Prices are only growing, and rapidly. At the same time, the income of citizens decreases. And if it does, then it does not keep pace with the rate of price growth. Therefore, it can be very difficult to "survive".

By the way, Russia is perhaps the only country where the "minimum for life" exceeds the minimum wage of the population. This is not good. It makes little sense to think about how much the living wage is in the country when your earnings are not too high. Or he is average, but you have a lot of members in your family.

Nevertheless, from somewhere this very minimum is taken! It is not just invented in the government! Really. After all, there are some features and points that are included in the cost of living. Just for the amounts indicated earlier. In any case, the state believes that citizens should "fit" into them at monthly expenses.

Consumer basket

All this thanks to a developed system called the consumer basket. It includes everything that should be provided to citizens for normal life. And nothing depends on your desires - no personal preferences or delights! Please note: the calculation of the consumer basket takes into account a period of 12 months!

What is included in the cost of living? These are goods and services that provide a certain (minimum) standard of living for the population, taking into account the "life" of some items. The consumer basket also depends on the category of citizens. And it includes three main components: products, non-food products and services. Now in Russia there are rules established back in 2013. So far, the consumer basket will not change. In any case, it is assumed that it will be valid until 2018. What's included? It is better to consider options for the working-age population. It is it that makes up the bulk of the country's inhabitants.


Able-bodied citizens play a huge role (and a large share of the population). Already at a monetary minimum, it is clear that such persons are entitled to the most resources and services. So this is where the biggest numbers will be.

First of all, you should pay attention to the set of products. The consumer basket indicates only the most essential ingredients. And it doesn't matter whether you use this or that component or not. According to the minimum, able-bodied citizens are supposed to (in kilograms):

  • bread products - 126.5;
  • potatoes - 100.4;
  • vegetables - 114;
  • fruit - about 60;
  • sugar and confectioners - by 24;
  • 58.5 meat products, 19 - fish products;
  • dairy products - almost 300 (more precisely, 290);
  • 210 eggs;
  • fats (margarine, butter, etc.) - 10.

Please note: bread products include a variety of cereals and pasta. Also included are legumes, bread, flour, baked goods. Plus, about 5 kilograms are allocated for other "expenses". This set of products provides for our minimum. Other food products include: salt, tea, coffee, various spices. In general, everything that can be eaten, as well as that is not included in the above detailed list.

Not food

What are the essential goods? And what is included in the non-food minimum list? This includes:

  • outerwear (coat);
  • costume and dress component (top);
  • Underwear;
  • hats;
  • hosiery products;
  • shoes;
  • stationery (including school supplies);
  • linens;
  • household goods;
  • essential goods (medicines, sanitary items).

Accordingly, each of them is also assigned a certain number. Able-bodied citizens can count, respectively, on the following indicators (in quotation marks the "life" in years is indicated, pieces and pairs of components are taken into account):

  • 3 (7,5);
  • 8 (4);
  • 9 (2,4);
  • 7 (1,5)
  • 5 (5);
  • 6 (3,3);
  • 3 (1);
  • 14 (7);
  • 19 (10,4);
  • 10% of expenses for non-food items.


The physiological cost of living for the working-age population does not end there. It remains to consider the mandatory services that every citizen should receive on average per year. All of this is not so difficult to understand, but remembering the exact data is not easy! So, mandatory services include:

  • housing (18 square meters);
  • heating (6.7 Gcal);
  • water (cold and hot - 285 liters per day);
  • gas (10 cubic meters / month);
  • electricity (50 kilowatts per month);
  • transport (620 trips per year);
  • "cultural" services (5% of expenses);
  • other (15% of spending).

All of the above is a social cost of living for citizens. Or rather, it takes into account only what is necessary for the average able-bodied person in the country. But only in this matter, there is one huge drawback. Which one? Let's figure it out now.

Does not work

The whole problem is that often the entire consumer basket does not take into account the cost of services. That is, it is calculated with an approximate calculation of the average price tags in the country. But in different regions, various prices prevail for goods, products and services.

Plus, if you think about it and divide, for example, food products by 12, you get the indicators that a citizen should "consume" a month. It is almost impossible to "fit" into the living wage (in monetary terms). After all, the cost of services and goods in the regions is constantly increasing. And wages, as already mentioned, either decrease or remain unchanged.

This means that in practice it is almost impossible to provide yourself with everything you need only at the expense of minimal funds. Only if you buy only food products for them. And then the diet will not be too rich. Thus, for the population, the established minimum living conditions seem to be a complete mockery! Now it is clear what is included in the cost of living. The majority of the population does not agree with these indicators. It has already been said - it is extremely difficult to live according to the indicated restrictions!

In 2018, Russia is expected to adjust the subsistence level in connection with the change in the general economic situation and the forecast of the Bank of Russia for an inflation rate of up to 4% by the end of the year. We will tell you what the cost of living in 2018 will be, how its value will affect the amount of the minimum wage and social benefits.

A living wage is a cost estimate of the consumer basket, which includes a set of goods and services necessary to maintain health and normal life. The subsistence level is closely related to the size of the minimum wage. It is on these two indicators that the economy is based, federal and regional budgets are planned.

Subsistence minimum in Russia from January 1, 2018

The methodology for calculating the subsistence minimum is regulated by Federal Law No. 134-FZ dated 24.10.1997. The living wage is asserted both in Russia as a whole and separately in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The size of the minimum is set separately for each of the three categories of the population (workers, pensioners, children) and revised every quarter.

Information on the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main population groups in Russia as a whole and in the constituent entities is published quarterly in the official publications of the Government of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

As of January 1, 2018, the subsistence minimum in Russia, according to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12/08/17 No. 1490, is the value known from the data for the 3rd quarter of 2017:

  • per capita - 10,328 rubles;
  • for the able-bodied population - 11,160 rubles;
  • for pensioners - 8496 rubles;
  • for children - 10 181 rubles.

The minimum for the 4th quarter of 2017 is:

  • per capita - 9 786 rubles;
  • for the able-bodied population - 10,573 rubles;
  • for pensioners - 8 078 rubles;
  • for children - 9,603 rubles.

Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2017, the cost of living decreased by 4.9-5.7%. The decrease in the Ministry of Labor is explained by the decrease in the cost of individual components of the consumer basket.

The first data on the cost of living in 2018 (for the 1st quarter) will be published in May-June. As a rule, the Government of the Russian Federation approves at least 1 quarter of the year by the end of the first half of the year. The indicator can deviate, both upward and downward. In any case, the discrepancy will be minor.

Terms of approval of the subsistence minimum in Russia in 2018

The amount of the subsistence minimum for 2018

As of June 1, 2018, the amount of the subsistence minimum per capita in Russia as a whole is 9,786 rubles, for the working-age population - 10,573 rubles, for children - 9,603 rubles, for pensioners - 8,078 rubles. And in the regions, the meanings are different.

The regional authorities consider the subsistence minimum not only from standard values, but are also obliged to take into account the local characteristics and needs of the citizens of the subject (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2013 No. 56). At the same time, the standard package of products includes goods such as milk, bread, flour, potatoes, etc. There are 11 products in the basket. This is the minimum that, according to officials, is sufficient to maintain the life and health of citizens.

In comparison, the amounts for a particular socio-demographic group (able-bodied population, pensioners and children) are different. Least of all food consumption is calculated for pensioners, then for children and working people. As a rule, the highest living wage is set for the able-bodied population, slightly lower for children, and even less for pensioners. But the specific values ​​are different in each region. The indicators are calculated as a percentage of the cost of a basket of products - from 45 to 60% and take into account the climatic characteristics of the regions (see table below).

Related articles:

Subsistence minimum in 2018 by regions of Russia: table

What is the cost of living for 2018 established in the regions? The procedure for revising the minimum in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is the same as in Russia as a whole. Each region will approve the value of the subsistence minimum for the 1st quarter already in the new year. The data for the 4th quarter of last year are already known. For example, since 2018 in Moscow, the subsistence level for the 4th quarter of 2017 has been in effect, approved by the decree of the Moscow Government dated 13.03.18 No. 176-PP. In 2018, at least 1 quarter of 2018 will be approved in May-June.

Each region sets its own minimum based on inflation (see table). The table shows the latest data for the 4th quarter of 2017. As soon as the lows are set for Q1 2018, we will publish the latest numbers. Follow the changes.

What is the cost of living in Russia in 2018

Region Per capita For the able-bodied population For retirees For children Government Decree
4 sq. 4 sq. 4 sq. 4 sq.
Adygea 8579 9168 7058 8618 No. 26 dated 02.26.18
Altai Republic 9405 9797 7874 10107 No. 20 dated 01/26/18
Altai region 8657 9196 7009 8950 No. 208 dated 06/14/18
Amur region 11203 11861 9056 11749 No. 87 dated 04/16/18
Arhangelsk region 11380 12361 9480 11142 No. 30-pp of 01/30/18
Astrakhan region 9040 9525 7320 9710 No. 25-P dated 01/30/18
Republic of Bashkortostan 8318 8850 6810 8288 No. 133 dated 04/04/18

Belgorod region

8281 8914 6911 8068 No. 71-pp of 03/13/18

Bryansk region

9279 9943 7714 9132 No. 36-p dated 02/12/18
The Republic of Buryatia 9563 9942 7574 9977 No. 75 dated 02/14/18

Vladimir region

9104 9898 7681 9047 No. 110 dated 02.22.18
Volgograd region 8720 9357 7100 8820 No. 70-p dated 02/12/18
Vologodskaya Oblast 10234 11059 8466 10002 No. 154 dated 02.19.18

Voronezh region

8034 8700 6751 7846 No. 74 dated 31.01.18
Jewish Autonomous Region 12160,70 12858,20 9734,11 12881,27 No. 29-OD dated 01/18/18
The Republic of Dagestan 9239 9516 7295 9359 No. 31 dated 04/12/18
Zabaykalsky Krai 10590,23 11039,72 8400,36 11045,38 No. 75 dated 02.21.18

Ivanovo region

9488 10289 7952 9394 No. 7-uh dated 01/19/18
The Republic of Ingushetia 9111 9370 7180 9377 No. 42 dated 02.14.18
Irkutsk region 9825 10413 7921 10030 No. 46-pp dated 01/30/18
Kabardino-Balkar Republic 10140 10553 8019 10707 No. 30-PP dated 02.03.18
Kaliningrad region 10343 11094 8496 9948 No. 137 dated 03/14/18
Republic of Kalmykia 8551 8954 6886 8611 No. 40 of 20.02.18
Kaluga region 9601 10327 8010 9399 No. 70 dated 02.02.18
Kamchatka Krai 19220 20093 15199 20729 No. 25-P dated 23.01.18
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 8719 9208 7063 8877 No. 52 dated 05/03/18
Republic of Karelia 12203 13298 10230 11415 No. 103-P dated 07.03.18
Kemerovo region 8879 9391 7162 9306 No. 31 dated 06.02.18
Kirov region 9627 10286 7849 9859 No. 82-P dated 02.21.18
Komi Republic 12539 13420 10235 12614 No. 70 dated 06/02/18
Krasnodar region 9925 10737 8229 9486 No. 105 dated 02/01/18
Republic of Crimea 9126 9765 7522 9614 No. 85 dated 02.22.18
Kurgan region 9220 9831 7646 9705 No. 11 dated 01/30/18

Kursk region

8476 9116 7048 8415 No. 35-pa dated 01/22/18
Leningrad region 9628 10248 8402 9450 No. 44 of 15.02.18

Lipetsk region

8313 8962 6964 8422 No. 3 dated 01/12/18
Magadan Region 17635 18494 13852 18621 No. 5-p of 01/29/18
Mari El Republic 8742 9319 7167 9011 No. 10 dated 01/10/18
The Republic of Mordovia 7824 8410 6452 8045 No. 45 dated 01/29/18
Moscow 15397 17560 10929 13300 No. 176-PP dated 03/13/18
Moscow region 11365 12581 8535 11097 No. 199/12 of 03/30/18
Murmansk region 13787 14374 11487 14144 No. 58-PP dated 02/12/18
Nenets Autonomous District 20622 21664 16800 21703 No. 6-p of 01/26/18
Nizhny Novgorod Region 8739 9388 7229 9009 No. 88 dated 02/07/18
Novgorod region 9886 10751 8212 9729 No. 9-rg dated 01/26/18
Novosibirsk region 10316 10938 8306 10705 No. 12 dated 01/23/18
Omsk region 8464 8968 6824 8652 No. 61-p of 03/14/18
Orenburg region 8234 8716 6759 8405 No. 103-p dated 02.28.18

Oryol Region

8932 9577 7443 8892 No. 34 of 01/26/18
Penza region 8326 8961 6876 8615 No. 72-PP dated 02/14/18
Perm Territory 10098 10804 8279 10289 No. 51-p of 02/07/18
Primorsky Krai 12158 12796 9725 13213 No. 39-pa dated 02.02.18
Pskov region 10184 11050 8429 9962 No. 25 dated 25.02.18
Rostov region 9262 9857 7512 9662 No. 51 dated 02/08/18

Ryazan Oblast

8898 9620 7418 8800 No. 12 dated 01/31/18
Samara Region 9400 10333 7440 9253 No. 76 dated 02/14/18
St. Petersburg 10791,60 11868,20 8612,20 10403,20 No. 177 dated 03/13/18
Saratov region 8222 8834 6793 8424 No. 81-P dated 02.19.18
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 16610 17628 13338 17029 No. 74 dated 03/29/18
Sakhalin Region 13329 13991 10524 14235 No. 60 dated 20.02.18
Sverdlovsk region 10031 10708 8291 10332 No. 59-PP dated 09.02.18
Sevastopol 9713 10391 7964 10259 No. 119-PP dated 02.22.18
Republic of North Ossetia (Alania) 8742 9173 7281 8965 No. 48 dated 20.02.18

Smolensk region

9664 10376 8035 9470 No. 37 of 01/25/18
Stavropol region 8248 8766 6707 8484 No. 39-p of 01/29/18

Tambov Region

8214 8967 6887 8119 No. 62 dated 26.01.18
Republic of Tatarstan 8334 8877 6822 8326 No. 45 dated 01/27/18
Tver region 9665,34 10404,72 8035,84 10037,39 No. 33-pp dated 02/05/18
Tomsk region 10379 10932 8313 10698 No. 30-r dated 02/05/18

Tula region

9065 9732 7760 8888 No. 37 of 01/29/18
Tyva Republic 9342 9614 7360 9875 No. 80 dated 05/03/18
Tyumen region 10197 10774 8193 10390 No. 20-p of 01/30/18
Udmurt republic 8453 8943 6881 8553 No. 39 dated 02/10/18
Ulyanovsk region 9062 9732 7457 9202 No. 115-P dated 03/14/18
Khabarovsk region 12954 13807 10492 13452 No. 18 of 03/22/18
The Republic of Khakassia 9133 9625 7358 9612 No. 64 dated 02.19.18
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Yugra) 14135 15261 11588 13929 No. 12-p of 01/26/18
Chelyabinsk region 8962 9581 7415 9258 No. 29 dated 02/07/18
Chechen Republic 9995 10299 8424 9957 No. 42 dated 19.03.18
Chuvash Republic 8236 8719 6716 8365 No. 41 dated 02/14/18
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 20149 20600 15456 21201 No. 16 dated 01/23/18
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District 15946 16569 12525 15735 No. 110-P dated 02/12/18
Yaroslavskaya oblast 8994 9841 7322 9042 No. 9 dated 01/19/18

What affects the cost of living in 2018

The cost of living in 2018 certainly affects the calculation of many payments. For example, on the size of scholarships, pensions, etc. But this also affects the number of salary revisions (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 25.07.17 No. ED-4-15 / [email protected]).

The inspectors, as before, are interested in envelope salaries. They compare employee incomes with minimum wages and living wages and, if there are deviations, suspect schemes. First of all, inspectors will check those organizations where employees themselves complain about employers.

It is safer to pay subordinates not less than the minimum wage. And since officials have equated the minimum wage with the living wage, it is better to reconsider the salary for low-paid employees now.

In 2018, the minimum wage is 11,163 rubles. Review the salaries so that the supervisors have no complaints. Otherwise, they can charge additional personal income tax and fine the company. Also, the company will be interested in the labor inspection: for wages below the minimum wage, they are fined up to 50 thousand rubles (part 6 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The calculation of the minimum amount required to maintain normal life is done on a quarterly basis. Statistical bodies in Moscow collect information received from various retail outlets. Living wage in Moscow depends on the category to which the citizen belongs. Economists estimate the costs of people belonging to different social groups in different ways.

For what purpose is the cost of living used?

When calculating the minimum payments, specialists determine the list of goods and services necessary for a normal life:

  • the body needs a constant supply of nutrients;
  • the list includes products that are used for hygienic purposes;
  • specialists take into account the costs of footwear and outerwear;
  • the basket includes the cost of housing and communal services, taking into account the standards.

Economists estimate parameters that affect the size of the living wage:

  • the salary that local residents receive on average;
  • rise in prices for goods that are bought by local residents.

Living wage in Moscow used in calculating benefits that are paid at the birth of children to young families. This indicator affects the amount of subsidies due to low-income citizens. The income level of some citizens does not even reach the subsistence level. The state provides financial assistance to such people.

The minimum costs are calculated for all groups of people living in the capital. There are several categories of Muscovites:

  • people who work at the enterprises of the capital;
  • elderly people who have received a pension;
  • children who have not yet turned 18 years old.

When calculating this indicator, information provided by the state statistics authorities is used. This takes into account the price level in large retail chains. The cost is determined separately for different product groups.

Living wage in Moscow per capita depends on their income level. This figure in January is 16160 rubles. People who work in various organizations in the capital have the right to receive 18453 rubles. The state pays 11,420 rubles to the elderly. Children are entitled to payments in the amount of 13938 rubles.

Important! The update of the above indicators will take place in March 2019. Information about this should appear on the website of the Moscow Government.

What expenses are taken into account when calculating the consumer basket in the capital of Russia in 2019?

When calculating the cost of a consumer basket, the following types of expenses should be taken into account:

  • about 50% of costs are accounted for by the food group;
  • experts calculated the number of pairs of shoes needed by Muscovites;
  • the basket includes the cost of things that the residents of the capital need;
  • payment for services necessary for normal living.

It is not only social status that influences people's needs. Much depends on the gender and age of the applicant. Experts divide the residents of the capital into 3 main groups:

  • people who receive an official salary;
  • Senior citizens;
  • minor children.

In March 2019, the composition of the food basket will change. Now residents of the capital have to spend 41.4% on food purchases. To purchase non-food products, Muscovites spend 16.4% of the cost of a food basket.

When calculating the cost of a basket, you need to take into account the composition of food products. The choice of non-food items depends on gender.

When preparing a list of hygiene devices, the characteristics of the female and male body are taken into account. When calculating a grocery basket, specialists need to achieve the correct balance of nutrients. A person needs a certain ratio of protein and fat components. Minerals and vitamins are needed to build cells.

What is included in the daily food intake of a Muscovite?

How much food does a Muscovite need for a normal life (annual consumption)
The staple food of the capital's residents is considered to be potatoes. Muscovites eat 1 ton of potatoes a year.
The share of vegetable products is 115 kg.
A person cannot live without vitamins. The annual norm in fruits for Muscovites is 65 kg.
Bakery products account for 130 kg.
The annual demand for meat is 60 kg.
When calculating the basket, experts take into account the annual rate of sugar, which is 20 kg.
The fish accounts for 20 kg.
Everyone has the right to eat 180 eggs a year.
The proportion of oil is 13 kg.
According to economists' calculations, the demand for milk is 220 kg.

At the same time, the daily requirement for bread among Muscovites is 300 g. Potatoes occupy a large share in the nutrition of the capital's residents. A person eats 280 g per day. Dairy products account for 80 g.

To maintain normal life, Muscovites are given 50 g of fish. The share of meat products on the table of a capital resident is 180 g. As you can see, the number of products does not correspond to modern conditions at all. The type of non-food products used to calculate the subsistence minimum.

Non-food group

Important! In 2019, Moscow is expected to increase the cost of the consumer basket by 10%. The monitoring of food prices is carried out by statistical authorities on a regular basis. Experts estimate the level of prices in 105 trade organizations of the capital.

Utilities services are vital. In the cost of the consumer basket, economists include:

  • 300 liters of water, which on average Muscovites spend per day;
  • within a month, a resident of the capital consumes 10 cubic meters. meters of gas;
  • the monthly demand for electrical energy is 55 kW.

When calculating the subsistence minimum, you need to take into account 620 trips by public transport.

How is the living wage calculated for a capital resident

When determining the subsistence level, experts take into account the following indicators:

  1. The consumer basket is estimated.
  2. The minimum amount is influenced by the amount of payments for hygiene products. Man needs shoe things.
  3. Residents of the capital monthly pay for various services. It is necessary to take into account the tariffs that exist in the city.

The share of food items in the basket should be 50%. Moskvich spends about 25% on non-food products. The remaining 25% is accounted for by services. Economists take into account the rise in prices for food and food products.

In doing so, they determine the minimum costs for essential goods. The monthly income of a family living in Moscow is divided by the number of people. When calculating family income, only close relatives are taken into account.

How to determine the living wage for a Moscow family? To do this, you need to calculate the annual amount of food consumed. The resulting amount is divided by 12 months and multiplied by the average cost of goods and services. After that, add up the values ​​obtained.

How the cost of living affects the ability to receive social benefits

When applying for social benefits, experts assess all the costs of Muscovites. These include the expenses indicated in the personal income tax declaration. It is necessary to take into account the funds that were spent by able-bodied citizens.

To determine the level of income of a family, you need to add up the salaries of all members. Moreover, income is influenced by the number of disabled citizens. These can be children, the elderly, and the disabled. The subsistence minimum for children exceeds the cost of pensioners.

Parents spend on food for their children in school canteens. The purchase of clothing and stationery is a rather serious item of expenditure.

To determine the amount of family income, you can use the formula:

PM = ((PM tn x N tn) + (PM p x N p) + (PM d x N d)) / (N tn + N p + N d), where:

PM - the value of the subsistence minimum in the region.

PM tn - how much able-bodied citizens receive.

PM n - the size of the living wage for the elderly

PM d - the minimum amount required for the living of children, taking into account the cost of food in educational institutions and the cost of education.

N is the number of close relatives living in one apartment.

First you need to determine which social groups the family members belong to. After that, you need to estimate the cost of living in a particular region. Let's analyze the procedure for carrying out calculations using an example.

My father works in a municipal enterprise as a worker. Mother got a job in accounting. These 2 family members belong to the working-age population. Parents are raising 1 minor child. Pensioners are 70 years old.

The living wage for able-bodied citizens in the region is 11,569 rubles. The size of the minimum payments due to elderly people is 10,144 rubles. The subsistence minimum for children is 10,715 rubles.

PM = (11 368 x 2) + (10 131 x 2) + (10 612 x 1) / (2 +2 +1)

From here, we get:

PM = (22 736 + 20 262 + 10 612) / 5 = 10 722 rubles.

As of January 1, 2019, the subsistence minimum values ​​in effect in the 4th quarter of 2017 will be relevant. Its value must comply with Resolution No. 952-PP. You can estimate changes in the living wage of Muscovites using the following table.

For what period was the living wage calculated for a capital residentThe size of the indicator, taking into account the category of Muscovites, rubles
What is the cost of living per capitaWhat is the minimum amount required for the residence of working citizensThe minimum amount of payments for senior citizens who have received a pensionWhat amount is needed for children to live in the capital?
Estimated value for the III quarter of 2017 (the values ​​will be relevant in January 2018)16 160 18 453 11 420 13 938
How much was needed for normal living in Moscow in the II quarter of 201716 426 18 742 11 603 14 252
Subsistence minimum indicators for different categories of citizens in the 1st quarter of 201715 477 17 642 10 965 13 441

The living wage in January 2019 will be calculated based on previous indicators. The reason for this approach is that in order to obtain objective figures, statistical information is needed for all groups of citizens. It takes some time to process them. Due to this indicator, the state guarantees the fulfillment of its obligations.

The administration of the capital sets a certain level necessary to meet the minimum needs of a person. A family receiving less than the subsistence level can count on additional payments.

In 2019, Muscovites who work in various organizations will have to receive at least 18,453 rubles. For older people, the minimum income level is 11,420 rubles. Spending on children is much higher than that of retirees.

Parents need to constantly spend money on food in the school cafeteria. For most Russian families, the process of preparing for the new school year is a challenge. It is necessary to buy clothes and various accessories. According to the calculations of economists, the minimum cost for a Moscow schoolchild is 13,938 rubles.

Subsistence minimum per capita

This value is calculated by adding the minimum payments for all groups of residents. In the 1st quarter of 2019, the size of the living wage in the capital will be 16,160 rubles. The minimum amount of income required for the residence of an able-bodied citizen. The salary of a working person cannot be less than 18,453 rubles. This amount should be enough for the most essential things and food.

Living wage for an elderly person

The amount of income of a pensioner living in the capital is 11,420 rubles. Older people need more than food. Poor health forces them to buy various medications. Often, retirees receive less than the subsistence level. In this case, they are entitled to additional payments.

Minimum payments for a child in Moscow

Funds are used to purchase school supplies and clothing. Children get sick much more often than adults, since they have not yet formed the immune system. For treatment, parents are forced to buy expensive medicines.

How much money do you need to meet the minimum needs of people living in the Moscow region?

In January 2019, people working in enterprises have to spend at least 12,156 rubles a month. Parents' expenses for the maintenance of their children are 11,881 rubles. Seniors can claim a minimum payment of RUB 9,071. The income of the population depends on the size of the living wage. Its value in the Moscow region reached 13,750 rubles. Employers are not allowed to pay less to their employees.


When calculating the subsistence minimum, the costs associated with payment for services are taken into account. Moreover, experts take into account the differences associated with different social status of people. As people age, their food needs change significantly. The greatest burden is experienced by people who work at enterprises in Moscow.

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The year will be set by the state.

In 2018, the government plans to increase the size of the established minimum. Inflation is growing, prices, respectively, too, what will be the cost of living - we will consider below.

The minimum wage is planned to be revised upward so that it is not lower than the amount that is necessary to cover the most necessary expenses.

Living wage 2018

You probably know why the cost of living depends. The government adjusts this amount based on the value of products that are included in the so-called consumer basket.

It is by this criterion that not only the minimum amount is established, but also conclusions are drawn about the quality of life of the population.

Reforms of benefits for the poor also depend on what the government sets the minimum threshold. When inflation rises, a decision is made accordingly to allocate additional funds to stabilize the situation.

It is worth noting that, of course, there is an average indicator, but there is no single cost of living for everyone. There is a division into several social categories of citizens. For each of the categories, it has its own. The size depends on the needs of a particular segment of the population. Retirees have the same needs, schoolchildren have completely different needs. Here's an example of such differentiation:

The presidential order to the government said that it was necessary to take measures to prevent the increase in prices for utilities, management and repairs of houses.

Not long before that, the President of the Russian Federation said that the increase in tariffs by 8.8% in the field of housing and communal services is unacceptable. The presidential proposal includes a decision to restrict asset management companies' access to funds and tighten tariff regulation in the housing area.

The government also has to deal with regional debts. Already in March of this year, the interest rate on loans taken by the regions should be limited.

At the end of December 2017, the question was raised that the loans taken earlier need to be restructured and the excessively high interest rate should be reviewed.

Rostov Governor Vasily Golubev made a proposal on the need for special lending for the regions. He noted the need to introduce individual conditions for the regions in order to reduce the burden on local budgets.

To date, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation gives the following amount of public debt. Regional authorities owe the state about 2140 trillion rubles. One should also take into account the fact that no later than 5 years ago, the amount of the national debt was two times less.

Below are the regions with the largest debt today:

  • Krasnodar region
  • Krasnoyarsk region
  • Republic of Tatarstan
  • Moscow region
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region

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