
Voluntary health insurance programs alpha insurance. Alfa-Bank and AlfaStrakhovanie launched an insurance program for the bank’s salary clients Business programs

During the work of AlfaStrakhovanie in the Sverdlovsk region, a lot of questions have accumulated for this company, the answers to which, most likely, will have to be sought by law enforcement officers. In the course of litigation, things come to light every now and then. Interesting Facts related to the specifics of doing business. Among other things, controversial decisions on insurance payments in favor of “profitable” clients, obfuscation of financial traces with the help of consonant “subsidiaries,” and marketing expansionism. Meanwhile, experts are ironic: it is time for clients to insure themselves against the risky business policy of AlfaStrakhovanie.

The fact that not everything is so smooth at AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC became clear after a loud scandal involving a disputed payment Andrey Peredelsky– Head of the Internal Security Service of the Ural Customs Administration. In 2009, the security officer received an insurance payment in the amount of 544 thousand 722 rubles, and after that the company questioned the validity of receiving insurance, trying to convict its client of fraud.

In 2009, a customs officer, after suffering a severe head injury, turned to AlfaStrakhovanie on the basis of a contract that was available at that time with the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation on life and health insurance for employees. However, almost immediately after Peredelsky’s application was granted, the insurance company stated that he received the money illegally. AlfaStrakhovanie insisted that the head of the security service misled the agents by deliberately concealing the fact that he was intoxicated when he was injured. While the terms of the contract exclude the payment of compensation “in cases of voluntarily bringing oneself into a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication.”

However, then nothing came of the insurer's idea. In addition, it turned out that the contract did not clearly define the parameters of alcohol intoxication, in which the client is denied payment.

– There’s a big difference: a person drank a bottle of vodka or a glass of wine. For example, it is known that control rights vehicle deprived if the blood alcohol content exceeds 0.0 ppm, previously it was 0.3. It is not clear at what content they are deprived of compensation at AlfaStrakhovanie,” the lawyer commented on the situation Sergey Kolosovsky.

However, this fact looks like baby talk against the background of other legal connivances that were allowed in in this case. It turned out that the go-ahead for paying compensation to Lieutenant Colonel Peredelsky was given not by AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC, but by a certain AlfaStrakhovanie-Life LLC, whose office is located in Moscow. At the same time, it is not clear what relationship, other than the consonant name, the Moscow LLC has with the organization operating in Yekaterinburg. The company's lawyer was never able to present to the court any agreement on the basis of which the interaction between the Alphas was carried out.

As the head told “VV” legal department Ural regional center OJSC "AlfaStrakhovanie" Alexander Frolov, AlfaStrakhovanie-Life LLC has no relation to AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC: “They are completely different legal entities" However, when we asked a question about how it happened that these two “different” organizations appeared in the case of Peredelsky, a lawyer immediately appeared:

– “AlfaStrakhovanie” in this case acted as the official representative of “AlfaStrakhovanie-Life”, since the latter organization did not have an office in the Sverdlovsk region. Thus, Peredelsky concluded an agreement with AlfaStrakhovanie-Life.

An interesting statement from a lawyer, considering that the conversation began with the fact that the two “Alphas” have nothing to do with each other. When asked whether AlfaStrakhovanie continues to perform the representative functions of AlfaStrakhovanie-Life, Alexander Frolov, without answering anything intelligible, suddenly warned about the responsibility of the media for posting defamatory information.

– And if something happens, we will be happy to invite your publication to court. Moreover, we have a lot of experience,” Frolov seemed to threaten.

However, despite the lawyer’s warning, let us note that the relationship between Andrei Peredelsky and AlfaStrakhovanie was regulated by an annual government contract concluded with the Federal Customs Service of Russia, which did not say a word about AlfaStrakhovanie-Life. The correctness of our words is confirmed by a copy of the contract that came into the possession of our editors.

Contrary to the statement of the corporate lawyer, in the contract of AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC with the Federal Customs Service there is no information about AlfaStrakhovanie-Life LLC

“For AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC, the issue of AlfaStrakhovanie-Life is a rather painful topic,” explained lawyer Sergei Kolosovsky, who defended Andrei Peredelsky at the trial. – The fact that these two organizations are connected is also confirmed by the fact that the employees of AlfaStrakhovanie-Life gave very confused answers at the trial and were never really able to explain why it was they, and not specialists from Yekaterinburg, who made the decision to issue insurance to Peredelsky .

In addition, according to the contract, which the insurer relied on in court, compensation to FCS employees was provided only if the employees were injured while on duty. Then the question of payment should have disappeared by itself at the beginning, since Andrei Peredelsky stated that he was injured when he was walking home from service, as a result of an attack on him by unknown persons. However, as it turned out during the judicial investigation, the materials of the internal audit conducted by AlfaStrakhovanie indicate that Andrei Peredelsky suffered in the service. Thus, AlfaStrakhovanie, based on its own mistake, made an unfavorable decision, which it later decided to challenge. This corporate carelessness looks especially egregious considering that Peredelsky, a client of the organization, was facing a real prison sentence.

Meanwhile, experts tend to view such errors as symptoms of the insurer’s bad faith, giving reason to seriously think about whether it is safe to use its services.

– Groups of companies with similar names are one of the obvious signs that not everything is in order with tax discipline in this organization, including the possibility of tax evasion. A consequence of the fact that the company’s structure is not entirely transparent is that the legal relations between the subsidiaries are not clearly defined, and there is a high risk for the client of delays in paying insurance, notes lawyer Kolosovsky in an interview with BB.

Another scandal in which AlfaStrakhovanie was caught up occurred the day before. The insurer tried to unreasonably collect almost 3 million rubles from the owner shopping center, in which an ATM of Alfa-Bank was robbed. Needless to say, this ATM was insured by AlfaStrakhovanie, and when it was robbed, payments to the bank account were received immediately.

Nevertheless, it was decided to recover the stolen money through subrogation from the owner of the Yuzhny shopping center (Kamensk-Uralsky), who allegedly did not check the ATM. About what Insurance Company sent statement of claim to the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region. As in the previous case, in court the case began to fall apart before our eyes. The businessman’s defense found out that AlfaStrakhovanie apparently rushed to part with its millions.

The internal order of the Alfa-Bank security service establishes the conditions and procedure for protecting ATMs. For some reason Alfa-Bank neglected this document

– There is nothing surprising in the fact that the ATM was robbed. According to an internal order, Alfa-Bank had to provide valuable property, which includes an ATM, with serious security - an agreement with a private security company, video surveillance, physical security, and so on. However, for some reason the bank neglected all these conditions,” the lawyer told BB Elena Afanasyeva, who defended the interests of a businessman from Kamensk-Uralsky at trial.

Besides everything, the ATM, in spite of common sense, stood not in the shopping center itself, but on the entrance area - between two doors. In this case, even with physical security, monitoring the safety of the monetary apparatus would be quite problematic. A strong argument in court in favor of dissatisfaction of the insurer’s claim was an official document of Alfa-Bank, approving the conditions and procedure for protecting ATMs. Meanwhile, experts note that if AlfaStrakhovanie were really interested in checking, then the ATM robbery would be included in a number of non-insurance cases.

As lawyer Alexander Frolov explained, the payment to Alfa-Bank was made for image reasons of the company.

– Each insurance company has obligations to pay compensation; if she does not comply with them, then sanctions are applied to her. Insurance was transferred to Alfa Bank in accordance with the law. Delaying the payment process threatens us with the loss of our image. We try not to abuse checks, and after payments we can sort it out,” commented Mr. Frolov, especially emphasizing that AlfaStrakhovanie has nothing to do with Alfa-Bank.

It should be noted that AlfaStrakhovanie, in addition to the consonant bank, has an agreement with about 25 large credit institutions in the country. I wonder if other banks enjoy the same preferences as Alfa-Bank. If so, then the “image” strategy of the insurance company, which lawyer Frolov mentioned, should have launched it around the world a long time ago.

But, despite the obvious “failures”, AlfaStrakhovanie continues to actively promote its services on the Sverdlovsk market. At the same time, the company’s marketing also balances on the brink of legality. Thus, residents of Yekaterinburg periodically find letters in their mailbox from a company offering them to insure their home. At the same time, the advertising thrown in by savvy marketers is framed as an insurance policy, and it is almost impossible to distinguish it from a simple offer to conclude an agreement. The impression of authenticity and officiality is strengthened by the fact that the recipient’s address is entered into the pseudo-agreement form with an exact indication of the area of ​​his apartment and layout. In addition, without any agreement on this “piece of paper” with the facsimile signature of an abstract agent, the owners are asked to pay monthly insurance premiums.

“If one of the citizens had addressed this letter to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, it is possible that serious violations of antimonopoly legislation would have been identified in the advertising activities of AlfaStrakhovanie in terms of imposing its services by deliberately misleading the consumer,” says lawyer Kolosovsky.

It is clear that advertising is designed for the inattention and gullibility of citizens, who are often pensioners. It is possible that among AlfaStrakhovanie’s existing clients there are those who took this offer at face value and are paying the company. Moreover, in case emergency, these people have no guarantee that they will receive compensation, since there has never been an agreement, which also stipulates the terms of payment.

Ksenia Postovalova © “Evening Vedomosti”

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On this moment the AlfaStrakhovanie company, reviews of which are easy to find on the Internet, is one of the largest insurers in the country. It has a huge range of services, so anyone can find an offer that suits them, for example, life, business, car insurance, etc. If a private person wants to protect his life and health, he will be able to choose from a huge selection of offers, for every budget and for all possible circumstances. The most popular insurance programs for car owners, as well as comprehensive life and health insurance packages, including for the whole family or for travel.

In 1992, the insurance company AlfaStrakhovanie opened its doors for the first time. Reviews about it have never ceased to thunder in the media and on the Internet, because the company has branches in almost every locality Russia, and the range of its offers is almost limitless. The AlfaStrakhovanie company includes the Alfa Group consortium, which also includes Alfa-Bank, Vimpel-Com, X5 Retail Group, TNK-BP, Megafon and other giants.

There are AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC and Alfa-Strakhovanie-Life LLC: these two companies with similar names merged, and the result was the AlfaStrakhovanie company. User reviews do not single out one of the subcompanies, because their areas of activity are different: AlfaStrakhovanie-Life deals exclusively with life insurance various types. At the same time, the total authorized capital of the company is more than 2.5 billion rubles, and the number of representative offices has exceeded 350.

If you are interested in the Alfa Insurance company, the reviews will also tell you about the highest security of investments. In 2003, the enterprise was awarded an A++ reliability rating, which the Expert agency gives quite selectively, which says a lot. An insurer with such a rating undertakes to pay all money due to the client even in the event of economically difficult periods of its activities. The company is supported by many banks, for example, Raiffeisen Bank, Moskommertsbank, Trust, MDM Bank, Alfa Bank and many others. In addition to these achievements, AlfaStrakhovanie is a member of the Anti-Terrorist and Russian Nuclear Insurance Pools, and participates in the work of the All-Russian Union of Insurers and the British Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In 2008, the company was recognized as the best in the “Result and Success” category, and was also awarded an international financial stability rating.

If you want to use the services of the AlfaStrakhovanie company, reviews real people will help you decide on specific service packages. Among the companies that have entrusted themselves to AlfaStrakhovanie are Aeroflot, Wimm Bill Dann, Russian Railways, ID Kommersant, KMB-Bank and many others. In addition, the company employs people who have many regalia and diplomas, and its staff regularly wins in the ratings of directors of various professional areas. The quality of customer service received awards in 2007 and 2008 in a number of categories.

Good evening. I have been a client of the wonderful Alfa Bank since 2008. I would like to note that I am not an ordinary client, but a VIP client. I have recommended all my acquaintances and friends for many years and will probably continue to recommend them to become a client of this bank.

My attitude towards the bank deteriorated a little after May 2017.
In 2009, I signed up for an Alfa Insurance-Life “Children's Account” (ASJ) agreement with Alfa Bank (number No. 06312/556/002583/9), and regularly paid all fees under the agreement 2 times a year, on May 6 and November 6. All payments were made at Alfa Bank, in Belyaevo.

In order not to take the contract with me every time, the then manager made a template in the program and I paid according to the template.
The next payment on May 6, 2017, I hit “pay” and a week later I called Alfastrakhovanie to clarify the possibility of depositing funds. The call center told me that there is Grace period(40 days) to make the next payment, and I was “pleasantly” surprised that my contract was terminated in unilaterally in 2011, for failure to make the next contribution, a letter was sent to me at the registration address (when drawing up the contract and in 2011, I had different addresses).
Of course, I didn't receive any letter.

After repeated attempts to contact the manager of Alfa Insurance-Life (ASH), I was finally offered to write an application to receive the redemption amount at the time of termination of the contract and plus all amounts paid after that, and this is for 6 years, or to write an application to renew the contract, but without guarantees .

After that, I felt deceived and after such a boorish attitude from the manager and employees of the Alfastrakhovanie call center, I decided to contact Alfa-Bank, since the contract with me was terminated due to the incorrect indication of the contract number in the payments by a bank employee. From 2009 to 2011, all payments have the correct contract number, after that - in some 8 digits, in some - similar, but all are incorrect. The deputy manager of the Belyaevo branch suggested that I write a statement. Since Alfa Insurance lost my trust, I wrote a statement asking for the return of the entire amount I paid under the contract, compensation for damage (the ruble has depreciated by half), to find the culprits and punish them. I wrote the application on May 25, 2017, on June 7 it was registered with Alfastrakhovaniye (for almost two weeks no one could give me an answer). I wrote a complaint on the Alfa Bank website regarding the timing.

Finally, on June 30, I received a message that there was a decision on my application. I contacted the bank and received a decision made on June 16 that Alfastrakhovanie was offering me what the ASJ manager had offered me.

As I understand it, Alfastrakhovanie disclaims responsibility for the mistake of Bank employees and this is called partnership relations. After this, I do not advise all my friends to use Alfa Insurance products.
After the response from the ASJ, I still feel deceived and abandoned by a VIP client of Alfa Bank. I was forced to write this review because the bank employees threw up their hands, and I hope that the senior bank employees will solve my problem and accept correct solution and reconsider their partnerships. And I hope I will remain a client of Alfa Bank for many more years.

Since October 1, 2010, Alfa-Bank has become an Internet acquirer of the AlfaStrakhovanie company. Now holders will be able to buy an insurance policy for those traveling abroad on the company’s website plastic cards any banks. Thanks to the Internet acquiring project with Alfa-Bank, today this service is available on the AlfaStrakhovanie website to everyone who has a plastic card, regardless of the issuing bank.

In order to issue an insurance policy from the AlfaStrakhovanie company without leaving your home, you need to complete three steps that will take no more than five minutes. Required to fill out an order form insurance policy on the company’s website, pay for the ordered document with a plastic card and print electronic form AlfaTRAVEL policy, which will be sent to the address Email specified in the application. A unique feature of the AlfaTRAVEL online service is the ability to independently restore a document in the event of its loss.

Internet acquiring is one of the priority business segments. We are very pleased that our services make our clients' products more accessible to a wider range of consumers. The project with the AlfaTRAVEL company is another step in this direction, says Igor Arefiev, Head of the e-commerce department of the Retail Business Block of Alfa-Bank.

“We strive to make our service as comfortable as possible for customers, offering the most convenient ways registration of insurance policies,” comments Alexander Gamygin, Director of the Customer Service Department of AlfaTRAVEL. - The emergence of the AlfaTRAVEL Internet service became a logical step towards the formation of a simple and convenient system ordering a policy health insurance for those traveling abroad. In order for everyone to be able to use the AlphaTRAVEL service, we decided to revise the terms of payment for the order electronic policy. Now holders of plastic cards of any banks will be able to pay for the AlfaTRAVEL service online.”

Thus, AlfaStrakhovanie strives to optimize the insurance system for travelers abroad due to the growing demand for tourism services. Compared to 2008, the AlfaStrakhovanie company's fees for insurance of people traveling abroad increased in 2009 by almost 57%. In 2010, demand for travel health insurance is expected to continue to grow.

Depending on the option of the AlphaTRAVEL program, the insurance policy may reimburse medical transportation, payment for emergency dental care, legal assistance, fare etc. The AlphaTRAVEL type depends on the duration of the trip, the insurance territory and the insurance risks. In total, AlfaStrakhovanie offers 6 different program options: from AlfaTRAVEL MINIMUM for short-term trips with a minimum set of risks to AlfaTRAVEL MULTI for multiple trips with an extended risk package.

Alfa Bank founded in 1990. Alfa Bank is universal bank, carrying out all main types banking operations represented on the financial services market, including servicing private and corporate clients, investment banking business, leasing, factoring and trade finance.

Based on the results of the 2014 financial year, according to data financial statements(IFRS) total assets of the Alfa-Bank Banking Group, which includes Alfa-Bank JSC and subsidiaries financial companies, amounted to 43.6 billion US dollars, total loan portfolio- 28.1 billion US dollars, total capital - 4.3 billion US dollars. Net profit for the first half of 2014 amounted to 33 million US dollars.

As of December 31, 2014, Alfa-Bank services approximately 162.2 thousand corporate clients and 11.4 million individuals. 804 branches and branches were opened in Moscow, regions of Russia and abroad, including subsidiary bank in the Netherlands and financial affiliated companies in the USA, UK and Cyprus.

AlfaStrakhovanie Group unites AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC, AlfaStrakhovanie-Life LLC and AlfaStrakhovanie-MS LLC. Consolidated authorized capital amounts to more than 5.5 billion rubles. AlfaStrakhovanie Group is part of the financial and industrial consortium Alfa Group (Alfa-Bank, Alfa Capital, TNK-BP, A1, Rosvodokanal, X5 Retail Group N.V., Altimo, STS Media and others ).

Under the license, the Group offers more than 100 insurance products, including life and accident insurance products. On Russian territory insurance activities carried out by more than 380 regional offices. The Group's services are used by about 1.5 million private clients and more than 100 thousand companies. Has an international rating financial stability Fitch and the highest reliability rating A++ rating agency"Expert RA"

The work of insurance companies is based on the norms of industry legislation and the Basic Legal Act of the country. Policies are now issued for almost everything that, in the general sense, has value.

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But nothing has yet been recognized as more important than human health, so the AlfaStrakhovanie company has created many work areas in the medical field.

What it is

AlfaStrakhovanie's VHI programs are a range of health care services offered by the company as a supplement to compulsory health insurance.

The VHI policy covers expenses that are not included in compulsory medical insurance and guarantees that the insured will receive a full range of services for the period specified in the contract. It’s safe to say that AlfaStrakhovanie’s VHI programs are more profitable than concluding a standard insurance contract.

The sum insured usually significantly exceeds the cost of the policy.

General list of programs

Over the years of its operation, the AlfaStrakhovanie company has created many medical programs that can be classified according to the following indicators:

  • business programs;
  • PDMS for individuals;
  • VHI programs for legal entities.

Comprehensive programs are focused on providing a complete package medical services. These include almost all PDMS for business and corporate clients.

Specific VHI programs are created for single insurance cases. For example, the Alphaklesch program, which covers the costs associated with the treatment of encephalitis.

Business programs

In business, both corporate and individual VHI programs can be used. It all depends on how many people need to be insured and how many insurance events will be included in the policy.

Entities of a business group can issue policies in the context of the following PDMS:

  • “money for health”;
  • "alphaglobality yougenio";
  • "alpha health center";
  • "voluntary health insurance program
    alpha insurance for travelers";
  • PDMS "alpha-mite";
  • "alphaglobality cogenio".

Medical insurance is issued for a period of 1 year.

Programs for legal entities

The AlfaStrakhovanie company makes it possible to insure for on a voluntary basis health to corporative clients, as well as their relatives.

The following programs exist for them:

  • "alphaglobality cogenio";
  • "alpha health center";
  • "medicine while traveling"

Legal entities are more likely than others to take out voluntary health insurance policies.

Corporate clients can use the programs provided for business, as they offer insurance in an individual and comprehensive manner.

Programs for foreigners

Foreigners upon registration medical policies have equal rights with other insurance subjects. They can use the travel insurance program when applying for an entry visa or choose any other program created for individuals. persons

Foreigners living permanently or for some time in the territory of the Russian Federation who want to use the medical services of local institutions must take out compulsory insurance.

But this does not apply to temporary residents. Detailed information On insurance of citizens of foreign countries, you can find federal industry instructions and laws.

Advantages of AlfaStrakhovanie VHI programs

A policy issued under the program makes it possible to cover the costs of treatment for the insured person. Its main advantage is that it guarantees the provision of qualified medical care.


  • individual approach for each group of clients;
  • taking into account all the wishes of the insured person;
  • provision of a full range of medical services;
  • the opportunity to be treated by the best doctors and first-class clinics;
  • 24/7 telephone support;
  • the ability to make changes to the terms of the insurance contract;
  • provincial voluntary health insurance program basic alpha insurance makes it possible to receive adequate medical service in regions of the country;
  • speed of policy issuance;
  • medical protection anywhere in the world thanks to the use of alpha VHI programs created for foreigners and travelers;
  • wide range of options for corporate insurance;
  • a wide range of programs and a wide network of regional representative offices of the company;
  • having its own network of medical clinics;
  • a large number of insured clients;
  • centralized medical examination;
  • good conditions for insurance of public sector employees.

The advantages of alpha insurance voluntary health insurance programs, which are not at all, were listed above. characteristic features mandatory policies.

More information about the benefits and features of alpha PDMS can be found in the VHI Rules.

Description of comprehensive health insurance programs

AlfaStrakhovanie's comprehensive VHI programs are designed to ensure that the client receives a full range of medical services. They are designed for the occurrence of several insurance events.

Comprehensive policies usually cover:

  • outpatient and inpatient services;
  • emergency care;
  • dental care;
  • consulting support;
  • fare.

Payments of insurance amounts can be made no more than once a month. Complex programs have three tariff plans: classic, plus and maximum. They all differ in the volume of services provided and the amount of payments.

Alpha Globality GoGenio program

The comprehensive Alpha Globality GoGenio program is three-module (the policy covers costs associated with outpatient care, dentistry and inpatient care).

Subjects of insurance: teams with at least 5 employees. Medical care is provided in clinics stipulated by the contract.

Payment - in cash, followed by 70% compensation of the price of services (if this is an economy option). The cost of the program is in the range of 18,000 – 85,000 rubles per year.

The package of services under the Alpha Globality YouGenio program is selected for each client individually. Subjects: individuals, employees of companies who go abroad for work, leisure or study.

International travel policies cover the following expenses:

  • medical;
  • transport;
  • associated with other insurance risks.

Alpha TRAVEL program

"Alpha TRAVEL" is a comprehensive voluntary health insurance program.

It exists in two forms:

  • for short trips ( sum insured ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 dollars);
  • for long trips (sum insured can be 30,000-100,000 dollars).

The cost of insurance depends on the length of stay abroad. For example, a trip to Australia for 5 days will cost about 4,000 thousand rubles.

Travel insurance is valid for less than 1 year. Money is provided exclusively for the treatment of diseases provided for in the contract.

Outpatient services

The Outpatient Program covers the following expenses::

  • related to diagnostic and treatment appointments with doctors;
  • procedures and therapeutic manipulations;
  • diagnostic studies.

The price of outpatient services depends on the chosen program. Usually this is a quarter of the cost of the full package of services (approximately 4,500 - 20,700 rubles).

The insured amount is paid after the occurrence insured event stipulated by the contract.

Ambulance and emergency medical care

Ambulance and emergency health care are not mandatory conditions comprehensive programs.

Such insurance covers the following expenses:

  • related to transporting a patient to a doctor or to a hospital to provide primary care in an emergency or accident;
  • provision of emergency assistance on site by SSP;
  • the cost of used medications and dressings.

Ambulance and emergency care may be included in comprehensive VHI programs or be part of inpatient and outpatient care provided for in the insurance contract.

The extracted cost of providing services usually does not exceed 10,000 rubles, even if we are talking about classic programs. Order insurance compensation standard (with consideration of copies sent by e-mail within 10 days).

Dental care

The Dental Assistance Program covers the following services:

  • appointments with dentists;
  • cost of diagnostic testing;
  • expenses associated with therapeutic treatment and surgery;
  • cost of dental materials;
  • aesthetic dentistry services.

The cost of this program is rarely calculated separately, and depends on the total price of the selected PDMS. If dental care is included in a three-module insurance, then its cost can range from 6,000 to 27,500 rubles.

Emergency and planned inpatient care

The insurance covers the following expenses:

  • related to transportation and placement in the ward;
  • diagnostic costs, as well as the cost of medical and nursing care;
  • related to surgical treatment, chemotherapy and treatment of cancer;
  • the cost of drugs, dressings and non-drug treatment;
  • related to the treatment of mental disorders.

This VHI program provides coverage for expenses associated with the stay of relatives in the hospital, outpatient psychotherapy, subsequent rehabilitation and hospice care.

The cost of emergency and planned maintenance is usually included in the comprehensive package VHI programs. How much money it will take up depends on the type of insurance and the amount of assistance provided. You can count from 5000 rubles.

Description of specialized programs

Specialized PDMS provide coverage for the cost of medical services that are not included in the general list. They can be classified depending on the specific circle of insurance entities and target orientation.

For example, the AlphaKlesch program covers only those costs associated with the treatment of encephalitis.

The elements of comprehensive health insurance policies are specialized. For example, the AlphaGlobality CoGenio program includes outpatient clinical, inpatient, dental care, as well as ambulance and emergency care.

Comparative Cost

When choosing an insurance company, it is not the cost of the programs, but its rating, experience insurance market and user reviews should be the determining factors. Unreasonably cheap policies are a risk.

There is a possibility that the insurer will not create sufficient reserves to fulfill obligations. The cost of voluntary health insurance programs always depends on their type, the volume of medical care provided and the number of insurance cases provided for in the contract. The level of the company and the presence of foreign guarantors for fulfilling obligations also affect the minimum price of the policy.

Comparison table for the cost of VHI services.

Companies "Alpha
"Agreement" "RESO-Garantiya"
Programs Program
includes classical
serviced program
by choice and
(in this case it is paid
about 70% of expenses).
includes 4 directions:
outpatient clinic,
dental care
and integrated
"Doctor RECO"
"Emergency help",
"Pregnancy and childbirth"
"Protection against tick-borne
Price From
18,000 to 82,500 rubles
7,000 to 79,300 rubles
20,000 to 122,000 rubles

Video: Is corporate voluntary health insurance necessary?


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