
Transferring funds from a Belarusbank card to BPS: convenient ways. Money transfers using cards (their details) Top up the card of bps sberbank in cash

Alfa Bank Belagroprombank Belarusbank BelVEB Belgazprombank Belinvestbank BNB-Bank BPS-Sberbank BSB Bank BTA Bank VTB (Belarus) Idea Bank Moscow-Minsk MTBank Paritetbank Priorbank Solution RRB-Bank Technobank

Alfabank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition valid for transfers via internet banking and mobile banking... Transferring money from card to card through an ATM or self-service terminal is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, Belagroprombank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of 1.5% of the transfer amount, but not less than 0.2BYN per transaction. The size of the commission is the same and is valid for all transfer methods: Internet banking, m-banking, info kiosk.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, Belarusbank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of 1.5% of the transfer amount. The size of the commission is the same and is valid for all transfer methods: Internet banking, m-banking, ATM / infokiosk.

Bank BelVEB transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card through an ATM or self-service terminal is not possible.

Belgazprombank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition applies to all transfer methods: internet banking, m-banking, ATM / info kiosk.

Belinvestbank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person through Internet banking and m-banking without commissions and fees. In the case of a transfer via an ATM or self-service terminal, a commission of 1.5% of the transfer amount is charged, but not less than 2BYN per transaction.

BNB-Bank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card through an ATM or self-service terminal is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, BPS-Sberbank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of 2.5% of the transfer amount, but not less than 0.5BYN and no more than 15BYN per transaction. The size of the commission is the same and is valid for all transfer methods: Internet banking, m-banking, info kiosk.

The transfer of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person is carried out by BSB Bank without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card through an ATM or self-service terminal is not possible.

BTA Bank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card through an ATM or self-service terminal is not possible. 1

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, VTB Bank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of a fixed payment - 0.15BYN. The size of the commission is the same and is valid for all transfer methods: Internet banking, m-banking, ATM / infokiosk.

Transfer of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person. The idea is carried out by the Bank without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card through an ATM or self-service terminal is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, Bank Moscow-Minsk deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of 1% of the transfer amount + 0.14BYN. The size of the commission is the same and is valid for transfers via Internet banking and m-banking. Money transfer via ATM / self-service terminal is not possible.

MTBank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person only through Internet banking or online service perevod.mtbank.by. There are no fees for this transaction.

Parity Bank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card through an ATM or self-service terminal is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, VTB Bank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of a fixed payment - 0.5BYN. The size of the commission is the same and is valid for all transfer methods: internet banking, m-banking, ATM / infokiosk.

Transfer of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person via Internet banking or m-banking. Bank The solution is carried out without commissions and fees. In the case of transferring funds through an ATM / self-service terminal, a commission is charged in the amount of 0.5% of the transfer amount, but not more than 1BYN.

RRB-Bank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person only through Internet banking. There is no commission for this service.

Transfer of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person is carried out by Technobank without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card through an ATM or self-service terminal is not possible.

SB "Belarusbank" - largest bank Republic of Belarus. It occupies a leading position in terms of capital, assets and issued cards. They will be discussed in this article.


In 1987, the "Belarusian Republican Bank" was created, which in 1991 changed its name to " Savings bank Belarus ". In 1995, it was merged with KB "Belarusbank" into the current JSC "ASB Belarusbank". In subsequent years in financial institution also included Belsvyazbank, Belzheldorbank and MinskKompleksBank. Today the holding includes institutions that carry out leasing, brokerage, consulting activities and provide non-banking services.

Financial performance

By 2011, Belarusbank was recognized as the largest domestic market... In the 2015 annual rating of world banks by The Banker, Belarusbank was in 10th place among 25 institutions in Eastern Europe. More than 99% of the shares are owned by the state.

As of 01.01.16, the bank's resource base amounted to 268 trillion. rubles, normative - 33.8 trillion. rub., authorized capital- 26.7 trillion. rub. The share of the bank's presence in the domestic market was 41.2%: for deposits - 45%, loans - 72%. From foreign financial companies the bank attracted $ 1.8 billion, from legal entities- 79 trillion. rub., individuals- 95 trillion. rub.

Payment systems

Belarusbank issues cards of the Belkart system and international Visa and MasterCard. More details on how to put on a Belarusbank card will be described below. Since 2012, American Express cards have also been in circulation. Their acquiring is handled by BPS-Sberbank and Belarusbank. There are more than 20 thousand retail outlets and 30 thousand terminals for customer service.


How to put money on a Belarusbank card? This operation can be performed in two ways:

  • Cash;
  • Transfer from another card, account.

Let's take a closer look at each of these options.

Cash replenishment

Is it possible to put money on a Belarusbank card through the cashier? Yes, you can. To complete the operation, you need to provide the cashier with the following information:

  • FULL NAME. owner.
  • Account maintenance agreement number.
  • Information about the branch of the bank in which the agreement was signed.
  • Card number.

Funds are credited to the account within three days.

Transfer between cards

The easiest way is to make a transaction between cards of the same person. No commission is charged for such transactions. You can also transfer funds between cards of the same bank, issued to different owners. For such an operation you will have to pay 2.5%. How to put money on a Belarusbank card? It is necessary to indicate the card number and its validity period in the application form on the bank's website. The operation is carried out only in rubles.

How else can you deposit money? The Belarusbank card can be replenished through international payment systems. On the websites of Visa and MasterCard you can find services for instant transfer funds between cards issued by one payment system... You will have to pay an additional 5% for the speed of processing the operation.

How else can you put money on a Belarusbank card? The accounting department of an enterprise can transfer funds to an employee to a card of any bank. An Internet banking system is provided specifically for this operation.

Use of self-service kiosks

Information kiosks (POS-terminals) are actively used all over the world by banks and other organizations to pay for goods and services, order tickets, etc. With their help, you can use the services without visiting the branch. An information kiosk is not an ATM. You cannot withdraw funds through it.

The machines are conventionally divided into two parts: some work only with cards, the other also accept cash (Cash-in function). Most often, bills go to a special converter. Subsequently, bank employees seize it, open it and conduct an inventory. After these procedures, the funds are credited to the recipient's account. There are also machines of the second type, which immediately recognize banknotes and transfer money to the client's account. They are more common.

How to put money on a Belarusbank card through an infokiosk? The first step is to select the item "Operations with cash" in the menu of the device. The system will issue a form to fill out. To make a payment, you need to specify the card number and expiration date, insert bills and confirm the payment. When replenishing your account, you need to take into account that the terminal does not issue change. Per this operation there is a commission of 1.5% of the deposited amount. Through the infobox, you can top up your card balance by 1-999 BYN. rub. The operation is carried out in real time. The funds are credited to the account in a few minutes.

How else can you put money on a Belarusbank card? If there is no cash, you can top up your account using bank card... To do this, in the terminal, you need to select the section "Cashless payments" and insert the card on the payment page. The system will ask for a PIN to confirm the transaction.

Other functions

The self-service kiosk can be used to receive reference data on the account. It is enough to insert the card of JSC "ASB Belarusbank" and select the appropriate menu item:

  • viewing account balance;
  • pay for bus tickets;
  • pay for the services of a mobile operator, home phone, Internet;
  • pay off debt on utilities(water, gas, electricity, etc.);
  • pay taxes;
  • repay a loan issued “ ASB Belarusbank”,“ AKB Belrosbank ”,“ Delta Bank ”;
  • transfer funds between accounts;
  • replenish your deposit account;
  • order or cancel the SMS banking service.

Without using the map, you can only see background information about the bank.

To pay for services, you need to insert the card into the card reader and enter the PIN-code. After authorization, select the "Payments" operation and then the required service, for example, RUE "Beltelecom" (payment home phone). To conduct a transaction, you must enter a phone number with a code (10 characters). At the next stage, the system will ask for the full name. subscriber. In order not to enter the data again, it is enough to save the payment in the system and, if necessary, return to the template. The screen will automatically display the amount owed. You can change it by clicking on the "Fix" or "Pay" button. Upon completion of the operation, you need to pick up the check and card.

How to put money on a Belarusbank card? Doing this for the first time is not always successful, therefore, in order not to resort to the help of other persons, better get acquainted with a few simple guidelines. If there is a valid account of Belarusbank, then clients can deposit funds at the branch without interest. An option is also available via the self-service kiosk in cash.

The owner of the funds of Belarusbank can send money to the client of BPS Bank completely safely. For a successful transaction, you should know the exact 16-digit code to which you want to deposit a specific amount. It is convenient to use your card for solving various tasks, including for transferring money.

Mutual settlements between individuals can be carried out through any bank card, and not only through means of payment Belarusbank. You can also transfer money to another person. using your card. It is also allowed to use credit, if there is a sufficient amount of funds on it.

Ways to put money in cash on a Belarusbank card

Click on the photo to enlarge

If you have an account with Belarusbank, then you can use its wide capabilities anywhere. A valid card can be topped up in cash in one of two ways:

  1. No plastic used.
  2. Using.

It is convenient to replenish the account in either way, which the holder chooses at his discretion. It is possible to manage funds on the account both in the institutions of bank branches and using self-service kiosks that have the function of replenishing "cash-in".

Need to know billing number of the plastic card, as well as its validity period (information about the month and year).

Sberbank card, which they plan to use for making transfer transactions, should be valid... To replenish it at the appropriate points, need to know expiration date and number. Commissions are set at 2% (tied to the amount) or 2.5%, subject to the use of a transfer made according to the plastic details.

Do not forget that the ATM issues money, and the terminal accepts and allows you to transfer them to any account without delay.

You can make a transfer from a starting amount of 1 BYN. and up to the border 999.90. Transfer of money in any chosen way is carried out instantly, so in a few seconds the required amount will be successfully enrolled... From abroad, depositing money is allowed via the international bank transfer. Worth considering that the card must be Visa or Mastercard.

Through the info kiosk

What do you need to transfer finances through the self-service terminal? You can use the services of POS terminals without visiting the branch financial institution. You need to choose that device, which has a "cash-in" option. Where can I find a suitable terminal? It is located in different places and is recognizable due to the bright logo of Belarusbank.

This is what the search for info kiosks looks like on the official website of the bank

Before you decide to transfer funds to the card, you should carefully check the 16-digit number and successfully confirm the payment.

You can easily transfer money to a valid account, if everything is done in stages:

  • Select "Cash operations" in the infokiosk menu.
  • In the form to fill out, indicate the validity period and number.
  • Enter the required amount of bills.
  • Confirm all operations.

The self-service device charges a commission from the money deposited (1.5%). Funds are credited to the account instantly. Top-up amount varies within 1-999 BYN. Cash payment when using the terminal is entered in the whole amount and with preliminary acquaintance with the public offer agreement... After carrying out all the manipulations don't forget to press Finish the job. Data mobile phone will not be required.

If there is no cash, then can be replenished directly from account to account. This operation is performed through the section "Cashless payments", for the successful completion of which you need to enter the PIN-code.

The video will tell you more about the transfer of money:

At the bank's cash desk

Using salary card, you can transfer funds through the cash desk of Belarusbank. To successfully complete a deposit such data will be required:

  1. Validity.
  2. Plastic number.

During the operation, a commission will be charged, which is the same for all clients - 2.5% of the amount... The size of the commission is not affected by whether you replenish someone else's or your own card. In this way, you can replenish the plastic of Belinvestbank, Belgazprombank or any other.

It is worth considering that the cash desk of the Belarusbank branch works according to the established schedule, so on Saturday payments are not accepted all day, but on Sunday the bank is closed. In this case, it is more convenient to use the services of an infokiosk, which can be installed in a bank or in other places open for public use.

Banking is also open to customers, with the help of which it is allowed no less fast transfer money. Confirmation of the transfer of funds does not come by mail, but via a mobile phone.

How to put money from a card to a Belarusbank card?

The possibilities of a bank card are not limited to a few simple operations. Plastic with the Visa marking allows not only withdrawing money from an ATM, but also replenishing another or your own card. The appropriate method is chosen at the discretion of the client. Conveniently, both I can successfully transfer money without a card if all the required data is present. You don't need to spend a lot of time to top up your balance.

Can I transfer money from one card to another? To carry out such an operation, you will need information about the expiration date and a 16-digit plastic number. If transfers are made between the accounts of one person, then no commission is charged.

Pops up before replenishment such a warning:

  • Is charged 1.5% of the amount transfer, if the funds are transferred to the account of Belarusbank.
  • 2.5% charged if transactions are carried out with a card of another bank.

So if you need to replenish the Belagroprombank card in the amount of 50 bel. rub., then 1.5 rub. will constitute a commission. The same commission will be charged to the client when transferring funds to the card account of MTbank. The totality of all actions is not difficult, even if you are transferring money to a non-cardholder.

Photo instructions for transferring money in Internet banking.

Information kiosks (usually called information kiosks, or POS terminals) are actively used both by banks themselves and by many other organizations. In Western countries, no respected hotel can do without these devices; they can be found in travel agencies and supermarkets, at gas stations and in educational institutions, it's easier to say - almost everywhere. Through them, users order tickets, get acquainted with cultural events that are held in the city, etc. Here we will look at how to put money on a Belarusbank card through an infokiosk.

Plastic cards are widespread in the CIS, but most often they are used only to withdraw money from an account. Not surprisingly, most POS terminals are banking. Financial structures set them up for the purpose of earning money - with their help, customers get the opportunity to use the services of the bank without visiting a branch. This is a self-service point where the client can manage their finances without hiring branch employees.

you can put money on a Belarusbank card through a branch

You should not confuse an information kiosk with an ATM, although both of them allow you to manage your funds, only the ATM supports the procedure for withdrawing money from an account. A POS terminal cannot carry out such operations, however, it provides much greater opportunities, through which you can replenish a virtual account, transfer money to another card, etc.

Types of self-service kiosks

You will not always be able to put money on a Belarusbank card through an infokiosk in cash. Since there are two types of self-service kiosks:

  • Standard, does not work with cash.
  • Special, accepts cash from the client (with the "Cash-in" function).

A special kiosk can accept money in envelope or non-envelope way. In the first case, the accepted cash is placed in envelopes, then the employees financial structure seize them, open them, check the correspondence of the invested amount to the declared one, and make the transfer. This option is ineffective, therefore, it is gradually being abandoned. The second type is more effective, it recognizes bills upon acceptance, and instantly credits money to the account.

How to put money on a Belarusbank card through an infokiosk in cash

Most the simplest way replenishment - use the card. With it, you can deposit money into your account, and the simplest way is to visit a bank branch. But if this is not possible, you can use the information kiosk with the function of accepting cash.

It is enough to find an infokiosk with the “Cash-in” function, log in (with or without a card), select the replenishment procedure, deposit the required amount, and confirm the operation.

Available methods:

  • For users with a card, the “Cash-in” function is provided. This is one of fastest ways put money on a Belarusbank card through an information kiosk, funds are transferred to the account as quickly as possible, they can immediately be used to carry out financial transactions by bank transfer.
  • Without a card, you can also make a payment. You should use info kiosks with the “Cash-in” function. To carry out the operation, the user must indicate the number of the card he wants to replenish and its validity period.

When carrying out the operation, the bank will withhold 1.5% of the amount, the allowable amount of the operation is from 10 thousand to 9.5 million Belarusian rubles.

The progress of technology cannot but rejoice, before the advent of POS terminals it was extremely inconvenient to use bank accounts... According to a study by Opinion Research, queues at the bank were among the ten most unpleasant. Automation of the simplest routine organizations has significantly reduced the load on banks and made life easier for clients. In practice, it turned out that putting money on a Belarusbank card through an infokiosk couldn't be easier.

Video: How to put money on a Belarusbank card through an info kiosk

It is not always possible to transfer money from your card to a card of another bank, and a commission is sometimes charged even for transfers within the same bank. the site has figured out how much you need to pay to use the service.

By the way, you can use the TUT.BY service for transfers from card to card - it is located.

Transfers between cards can be roughly divided into three types: transfers at the issuing bank between two of your cards, transfers at the issuing bank between two other people's cards and transfers to a card of another bank. In the latter case, the commission is written off almost always.

Bank Where can you produce
Alfa Bank
Bank BelVEB
Bank Moscow-Minsk Internet banking, mobile app
Bank Solution Internet banking, mobile application
Belarusbank Internet banking, mobile application, self-service terminal, ATM
Belgazprombank Internet banking, mobile application, self-service terminal, ATM
Belinvestbank Internet banking, mobile application, self-service terminal, ATM
Belarusian Narodny Bank Internet banking, mobile application

Internet banking, mobile application
BSB Bank Internet banking, mobile application
BTA Bank
VTB Bank (Belarus) Internet banking, mobile app, ATM
Idea Bank Internet banking, mobile application
Paritetbank Internet banking, info kiosk
Priorbank Internet banking, mobile app, ATM
RRB-Bank Internet banking
Technobank Internet banking, mobile application
Fransabank Internet banking
Zepter Bank Internet banking, mobile application
Transfer type and commission amount Where can you produce

Alfa Bank

Transfers between bank cards - no commission. Transfer from an Alfa-Bank card to a card of another bank - 1 BYN. Internet banking, mobile application, self-service terminal, ATM

Bank BelVEB

Transfer between your two BelVEB cards is free. Transfer between two different users of BelVEB cards - commission 0.9% of the amount. Transfer to a card of another bank - 1% of the amount, at least 1.50 BYN. Internet banking, mobile application

Bank Moscow-Minsk

Transfers only between cards of the Bank Moscow-Minsk. Cards of one client - the amount of the commission is similar to the amount of the commission for cash withdrawal (if the card is cashed for free, the transfer is also free). When transferring between different clients - a similar commission, but not less than 1% of the transfer plus fixed amount 0.14 BYN Internet banking, mobile application

Bank Solution

Transfers between bank cards Solution without commission. Transfer to a card of another bank is possible through the ERIP system - the commission is possible at the receiving bank. Internet banking, mobile application


Only between Belagroprombank cards. One client's card - no commission, between two different users - 1.5% of the amount, min. 0.20 BYN Internet banking, mobile application, info kiosk


Between your two cards - it's free. Between two different card users - 1.5% of the transfer amount. Transfer to a card of another bank - through devices 2.5% of the transfer amount, through ERIP there is no commission. Internet banking, mobile application, self-service terminal, ATM


Transfers between bank cards - no commission. Transfer to cards of another bank: Service Transfers - transfer fee 1.5% of the amount, min 0.49 BYN, individual payment via Personal Area Internet bank (mobile application) - commission 0.5% of the amount, max. 30 BYN. Internet banking, mobile application, self-service terminal, ATM


Transfers between bank cards - no commission. Belarusbank, Belagroprombank cards - a commission of 1.5% of the amount, at least 0.49 rubles. You can transfer money to cards of other banks through an arbitrary payment on the Payments tab. For the transfer, all the details of the card account are indicated, there is no commission. Internet banking, mobile application, self-service terminal, ATM

Belarusian Narodny Bank

There is no commission between bank cards via Internet banking. To the card of another bank - 1% of the amount, min. 1 BYN, max. 5 BYN. Internet banking, mobile application


Between two of your cards - no commission.
Between two different card users - up to 24.99 flat commission 0.50 BYN, from 25 BYN to 749 BYN - 2% of the amount, from 750 BYN - commission 15 BYN.
To cards of another bank via Internet banking - “Transfer to me” service with a commission of 1.8% of the amount, min. 2 BYN (conditions - both MasterCard or Maestro cards), or any transfer according to details - commission 1 BYN.

Internet banking, mobile application
There is no commission between bank cards. You can transfer to a card of another bank through the application or Internet bank using the "Free payment" function - there is no commission either. Internet banking, mobile application
There is no commission between the bank cards; when transferring through an ATM, the minimum transfer amount is 10 BYN. Transferring money to a card of another Bank - a commission of 0.8% of the amount (minimum 50 kopecks). Internet banking, mobile app, ATM

VTB Bank (Belarus)

Between cards of VTB bank - 0.15 BYN, to a card of another bank - 1% of the transaction amount, at least 1 BYN. Transfers are only possible between Visa cards. Internet banking, mobile app, ATM

Idea Bank

There is no commission between the cards of the bank, on the card of another bank - a commission of 1.3% of the amount, at least 2 BYN. It is possible to transfer money to the cards of other banks by an arbitrary payment - in this case, there is no commission. Internet banking, mobile application
There is no commission between bank cards, transfer to MasterCard cards and Visa - 1.5% of the amount, min. 0,49 BYN

Online service perevod.mtbank.by


There is no commission between bank cards. To cards of other banks - via Internet banking and the "one-time payment" service, the commission will be 1% of the amount, min. 0.50 BYN. Internet banking, info kiosk


Between Priorbank cards - free of charge (exception: transfer from Boomerang card, commission 3.5% of the amount + 1 BYN). To cards of other banks - 1.2% of the amount + 1.5 BYN (from a Boomerang card - 3.5% + 1 BYN). Internet banking, mobile app, ATM
Transfer only between RRB-Bank cards, no commission. Internet banking


There is no commission between bank cards. To cards of other banks - using “Free payment” according to account details (that is, not by card number), commission - 1 BYN. Internet banking, mobile application


Transfer is possible only between Fransabank cards, there is no commission. Internet banking

Zepter Bank

There is no commission between Zepter Bank cards. You cannot transfer money to cards of other banks. Internet banking, mobile application

We also offer to use a convenient service of transfers from card to card between bank payment cards Maestro and MasterCard issued by any bank in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and other countries.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state