
Ways of payment. Help Beltelecom on calculations. Payment Methods How to Check Account For Home Phone Beltelecom

The Belarusian mobile operator Beltelecom, under which it offers services to provide Internet access. The operator is considered one of the best in the country, its services can take advantage of residents throughout its territory. But to access the network, you must first put money on Baiflai.

Today Beltelecom is the most large company In Belarus, in the field of telecommunication technologies, it has been working for more than one year, its staff is engaged in the development and provision of communication technologies, important both for the state and for ordinary members of society and business representatives. The company pursues a permanent expansion policy and is looking for ways to modernize the services provided. Beltelecom is constantly evolving, and today is considered the largest telecommunication service provider in the country.

The company was founded in 1995 as a state association of the republic. In 2004, was reformed in unitary enterpriseuniting regional telephone networks.

How to put money on bidet

The payment of Byiflow is carried out on the general grounds, within the framework of Beltelecom, the contract for the provision of services determines and the procedure for payment that is produced within the framework of the advance payment. In this case, the user must make money on his account from which payment will be made. The user itself determines how the amount of the advance will be entered into account, put money on Byfly via the Internet at any time, and any amount.

For physical Persons Payment Byiflai Available through:

  • "Belpochta";
  • Banks or payment systems operating with ERIP;
  • Infopental zala;
  • QIWI service (cash through the terminal or in a trading point, collaborating with Kiwi).

Also, the operator provided for the possibility of replenishing an account through the rapid payment cards (20 thousand or 35 thousand. belarusian rubles) And the "promised payment". Payment through the "Information portal" ZALA using a quick payment card looks like this:

  • On the page page in the Login line, an application number is entered through which the system that the service will be paid (this number is always indicated in the order form on this or that service);
  • Fill the PIN 1 and PIN 2 field using the code on the express card.

Payment through the "Promised Payment" service can be implemented through the user's personal account. Here you need:

  • Open the "Operations" window;
  • Click on "Registration of the promised payment";
  • In the window that opens, introduce the amount within 55 thousand rubles;
  • Pay for the service for three calendar days.

This feature remains accessible to all subscribers, it can be used at any time, except if one such payment has already been created. Information about the current state of this service is displayed in the Personal Account. If the user does not pay the agreed amount in three days, the system will deduct it from the personal account.

Put money on the Baiflai can be through the Internet

To do this, go to the official website www.byfly.by further all in order:

System "Calculation" - payment through the info

The system developed and supported by the National Bank also allows you to put money on Baiflay. Through it, payment can be carried out at any time through the infokiosk, online bank, at the box office of any bank or through mobile banking. When paying in the bank, the operator is transmitted information about the purpose of payment and the need to carry out it through "calculation".

Payment procedure through the infokiosk:

  • In the list select "System" calculation "";
  • Open your region and company whose services the user wants to pay through the drop-down tabs;
  • Choose byfly or other service;
  • Specify the amount of payment;
  • Adjusting, if necessary, data, finish the payment.

Video: How to put money on Baiflay with the help of Internet banking Belarusbank

A certificate of debt for the phone works on the Beltelecom website in all regions of the republic: regional and district centers.

All our subscribers can see the amount of payment for the home telephone online. You can create detailed telephone conversations by email. To do this, make a statement in the Beltelecom information and settlement center in Minsk or in service centers and the PCP in regional and district centers.

When making an application for detailed decoding of telephone connections, you must have a passport. The application is accepted only from the subscriber on which the phone number is registered. Payment for the service for the provision of detailed decoding by e-mail is included in the total account for the phone.

You can also get a brief certificate (free of charge) or complete decoding of telephone connections (local, long-distance, international communication, Internet, calls to the network of mobile operators) in the form of printouts in any PCP or service station.

Reference and information service 164 will provide information on the general account for the home phone.

Also by number 174, the subscriber can receive paid reference information:

About the current tariffs and the procedure for calculations, including connections with mobile network operators, use the Internet, ordering a conversation through the operator, etc.;

On the timing and rules of payment for the apartment phone;

About addresses, phone numbers, work time repair, linear and station shops, collective use points (PCP), groups of claims of the Beltelecom information and settlement center.

Online Services Bobruisk

Coupon for the doctor, hotel booking, buying a ticket to theater and cinema, telephone directory, shares in Bobruisk stores and much more without leaving home!

The order and form of payment for the services of Beltelecom is determined by the contract for the relevant service.
For credit way payment The amount of services rendered is set to individuals in the form of a shared account for services telephone communication.
For all services, Beltelecom is possible to pay in the form of an advance payment. With such a system of calculations, the subscriber to its personal account and (or) the current account of the telecommunication operator makes money that is used to pay telecommunication services as they are consumed. The amount of advance payments is determined by the Subscriber himself, taking into account the volume of telecommunication services consumed. You can replenish the personal account on any amount and so often as it is convenient for you!
Payment methods (for individuals)

Cash, plastic cards, electronic money, etc.

  • Banks and payment systems connected to the ERIP
  • Banks and payment systems connected to the ERIP, including the QIWI service: cash in payment terminals and reception points of payments in communication salons and partner outlets QIWI

Replenish the personal account for BYFLY ™, Zala ™ services, as well as service packages Subscriber can also with cards express payment, as well as with the help of the service "Promised payment".

Express payment cards are produced with a denomination of 10 rubles. and implemented in all service centers and points RUE Beltelecom. In use, there are still cards of denominations with an indication of them nominal to denomination: 20000, 35,000, 100,000 rubles (data of the cards, respectively, have a nominal value in prices after the denomination of 2 rubles, 3.5 rubles, 10 rubles). To replenish the account, a pin-code applied to the card under the protective layer is used. To replenish the personal account in personal Cabinet Use the user to replenish the personal account with the help of express payment cards.

You can pay for the services (ZALA, BYFLY, service packages) either by means of the "information portal" of ZALA in the "Payments" section heading "Payments on Express Card Maps", or replenish the account in the Personal Account of the user by choosing the "Activation of Express Card" utility.
To pay, using the Zala information portal, you need to enter the application number to the service for which you need to replenish the account (login is specified in the order for the service) and fill in the PIN 1 and PIN 2 fields specified on the Express map Payment.

To replenish your personal account using the service "Promised payment", you need to enter the "user's office". In the "Operations" tab, select the "Registration of the Promised Payment" function. In the field "Amount" - to introduce the desired amount of the promised payment, not exceeding 5.5 rubles. Within three calendar days from the date of ordering the "Promised payment" service, it is necessary to confirm its real money.
You can use the "Promised Payment" service as often as the subscriber wishes, however, you can order a new "promised payment" only when the previous one is paid.
Information about the ordered "Promised Payment" services is displayed in the Personal Office of the user in the "Information" section in the "Enrolled Payments and Adjustments" utility.
If within three days of the order of the service "promised payment" the payment will not be confirmed by real payment, the sum of the "promised payment" will be written off from the personal account of the Subscriber.

Payment through the "Calculation" system

The calculation system is an automated information system of a single settlement and information space (AIS ERIP) was established by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus in order to simplify the organization of receiving payments from individuals and legal entities. (System site - www.raschet.by, contact center phone - 141)

The system "Calculation" allows you to pay in any place convenient for you, at a convenient time for you, in a convenient point for you banking service - ATM, infokiosk, Internet bank, bank cash desk, using mobile banking, etc. ( full list banking service points).

You can pay our products / services using cash, electronic money and bank payment cards at bank service points of banks that provide services for receiving payments, as well as through remote banking tools.

If you make a payment at the bank's office, please inform the cashier on the need for payment through the calculation system (ERIP).

For payment it is necessary:

  1. Choose the item "System" Calculation "(ERIP)
  2. Choose sequentially tabs: "Social offer" → Beltelecom → Your region
  3. Select paid service:
    • Internet (Byfly, Zala, MaxiPhe)
    • Telephone
  4. Enter the requested information (phone number, contract number, etc.)
  5. Enter the amount of payment (if not specified)
  6. Check the correctness of information
  7. Make a payment


Payment is made via the Internet in real time immediately after ordering.

For performing financial operation You can use cards international Systems Visa (all kinds), MasterCard (including Maestro), issued by any Bank of the world, including the issued ASB "BelarusBank", as well as the Card of the Belbart system, issued by the Belarusian bank.

On the payment procedure on cards Belkart OJSC " ASB BelarusBank»

* CVV2 / CVC2 code is a control number consisting of three digits, which is printed on the back bank card. This number is usually printed in the upper right corner of a special dial for signature. Entering the room is necessary to make sure the map is used by the present owner.

When choosing a payment using a bank card, payment processing (including entering a bank card number) produced by LLC "COMPANY OF ELECTRONIC DETAILS" Assist software and hardware complex of the Assist electronic payment system, which has passed international certification. The system ensuring the security of payments is used by special technical measures to transfer confidential information from the client to the server. This means that the payer's confidential data (map details, registration data, etc.) do not enter the online store, their processing is fully protected, and no one can get personal and client bank data. In addition, when processing payments on bank cards, a secure 3D-Secure technology is used, which obligatory Requires international payment visa system And MasterCard.

Home Telephone Today is the memories of childhood about the hometown, tranquility, conversations for hours and pleasant waiting for the call of close people.

Currently, the home phone provides a stable connection to communicate at any convenient time at home.

Purchase a permanent number and connect a landline phone very simple.

You can leave an application for connection in 3 ways:

  • turning to any sales office;
  • by phone contact center;
  • on the company's website.

In order not to spend time to visit the office, consider the online connection stages, for what you need:

1. Go to the official website and leave an application for connection.

2. Select the services you want to connect. In our case, we need a landline number of the phone.

The selection is fixed by the site automatically, when visiting the page on the link.

If necessary additional services, Mark them yourself at the top of the screen by clicking on the mouse.

And click the "Connect" button in the center or in the upper right corner of the screen.

In the proposed fields, you must make your data be sure to specify the name, name and patronymic, as well as the contact phone number.

Be sure to specify the email address in order to receive accounts for payment and information on the company's shares.

A very convenient proposal for choosing the date and time of connection, which will allow you not to violate personal plans.

3. After receipt of the application, the manager will contact you to clarify the tariff and match the details, as well as the possible adjustment of the installation date.

4. It will be necessary to visit the office of the company and sign the documents.

When signing, it is necessary to present a passport and the right-ending documents to the property in which the phone is required.

5. At the appointed time, the company's specialists will arrive and install a home phone. Installation time takes no more than 60 minutes.

Beautiful apparatus purchase yourself in advance.

Tariff plans

Depending on the need for communication, each can choose a tariff that is also the desired budget.

Installation of equipment is made in 1,800 rubles.

Selection and Tariff Connection

To make a connection of any tariff or change the current need to do a few simple actions:

1. On the site in the Tariffs menu, select the necessary one.

2. On the desired tariff, click the "Set" button, after which the registration form will open.

3. The company manager will contact you and agrees the convenient place and time of the meeting to sign documents.

If you have no time to visit the office of the company to connect or change the tariff possible in the Personal Account.

Change tariff

To change the tariff there is a special service in the personal account.

1. Enter your personal account. In the upper right corner of the site, click on the "Arrow" icon and enter the login and password in the open window, then click the Login button.

If you want to use the personal account for the first time, you need to get a personal code from the manager at the Customer Service Center or the Contact Center Operator.

When visiting the office, it will be necessary to provide a passport, and the operator call its data for your identification.

After receiving the code, you must enter it in the "Password" field and enter the Cabinet.

One of the features of the personal cabinet provides for a password shift so that you choose a comfortable characters and signs.

If the password has been forgotten to get a new one by similar ways.

2. The Cabinet menu is clear, the interface is simple. To change the tariff, you must go to the menu item "Tariffs and Services", located on the left.

3. In the window that opens, select the "Changing Tariff Plan" command, confirm the selection and click on the "Change" button.

MGTS home phone disconnection rules

If your life is so mobile that there is no need for a home phone or you are going to leave for a long period, you can turn off the phone at any time or forever - terminating the contract with the company.

Home Disconnection Stages:

1. Visit the website of the company https://mgts.ru and find the nearest convenient compartment. The list of compartments is located in the center of the top of the page.

2. Departments are presented on the map, for convenience of searching you can choose your location in the "Region" field or click on the "Show List" tab.

Office addresses on the map
Information for each compartment includes the address and mode of operation.

3. In the department it is necessary to write a statement statement proposed by the manager indicating the reason. After that, you will receive a notice of disconnecting the phone to your cell number.

If the equipment provided you by installments and has not passed its redemption.

It is necessary to hand over to the manager or agree on the date of visiting your apartment or home by the master.

If there is a debt account, it must be paid off on the day of writing a statement or earlier.

Get advice on any issue, addresses and modes of the work of the Offices, to issue a call to the master can be addressed by number 8-495-636-0-636.

How to pay a home phone?

Quality relationship depends on timely payment. Monthly, according to the selected tariff plan, it is necessary to replenish the personal account.

Ways of payment:

1. Online payment on the site.

2. In the Personal Account of the Subscriber.

3. Through sales and service centers.

4. In the salons - MTS stores.

5. Electronic money Yandex.Money, Qiwi, Webmoney, MTS money.

6. In terminals and ATMs of large payment systems.

7. In MTS Bank and partner banks, as well as any other by transferring money on the details specified in the contract.

In order to replenish the account online, you must go to the menu "Payment Methods", located top of the page.

In the description of the "Online Payment" method, click on the invitation string "Go to payment", for the convenience of customers, the link is highlighted in another color.

In the window that opens, you must enter the phone number and the amount of payment, after which you choose the source of the write-off of the means and click the "Next" button.

Note, That payment can be made from the balance of the cell phone, and click the "Next" button.

The next page will open to enter the personal account of the operator cellular communicationin which you need to confirm translation.

If you choose the payment of the card, you will need to enter the holder data, the number and date of the map.

And also, CVC code and phone number and also continue by pressing the "Next" button.

Payment through the personal account for the first time takes about 5 minutes, in the next no more than 1 minute, since all entered this will be stored in the system.

The advantages of the home phone are easy to use. Availability of repayment and convenient mobile application.

Today, mobile communication is available to everyone and always and our dynamic life makes us escape from the house at work, to friends or just stroll.

Remember your parents or loved ones, pour tea, sit at home in your favorite chair and take the phone of the home phone ...

This service is not only profitable, but also opens up additionally optimal services for the service of the home Internet, the number identifier and call forwarding.

Comfort, comfort and stability is a home phone from MGTS.

The payment for the phone near Beltelecom used to be carried out until the 25th day of the current month (for the last, for example, in August, communication services for July were paid). Now the National Operator of the Republic of Belarus takes payments otherwise: the accrued subscription fee - until the 1st day of the next month (in August - for August), and for "conversations", that is, for the telecommunication services rendered to the 1st day of the next month (For August - until October 1). You can pay through the jerp any in a convenient way - Cash, bank card.

Curious fact: Uncomprehensible with a change in the rules of accrualing funds, subscribers before September 18, 2015 could send a written notice to the address of the operator.

How to find out payment for home phone Beltelecom

Find out the accrual for the current month and the amount of payment for the home phone in Beltelecom can be several ways. First, the service number has been working on communication services - 164. On it can be found not only total payment, but also:

  • subscription fee size
  • accrual for local services,
  • data on long-distance, international relations,
  • accrual for supported by third party organizations.

At the same time, you can use the rooms 123 (technical support), 130 (help consultations), as well as go to the personal account of the subscriber on the Beltelecom Bai website. Starting a service in the System of the Jerip, you will also learn the amount for payment and brief summary information on the types of services rendered (data is available before the payment phase).

Payment for the phone Beltelecom via the Internet

Payment for the phone in favor of Beltelecom is carried out different ways, including through SMS banking and Internet banking. Payment is carried out through the ERIP system. On the Internet, you can pay communication both in the banking banking office (in the presence of a bank card) and via WebMoney and EasyPay systems (on pages payment systems). To do this, you will need:

  1. Select Beltelecom (regional, district, in city).
  2. Specify the phone number by following the instructions: for Minsk - just a phone number (8 digits), for other cities - code + phone (2 latest code digits are used, for example, for the Koreich region - 96, and then the usual phone number).
  3. The amount to pay the system will be automatically issued, however, if you wish, the data in the field can be edited by specifying a large or smaller amount.

Attention! For delay in payments, fenship is charged in the amount of refinancing rates, as for using other people's funds.

How to find out the debt for the phone by number or facial accountTo avoid disconnection from the MTS or MGTS network.

In the life of any person there was such a situation when the telephone connection is disabled, and it is necessary to repay the debt to restore it.
Different communication operators have their own ways to inform the user about the debt.

Duty Rostelecom

Operator Rostelecom disables access if the subscriber's arrears is very large. Previously, this company sent accounts to its users. Now you need to look for information about the account yourself.

There are five main ways, check non-payment by Rostelecom:

  • by phone;
  • through the site;
  • through the Rostelecom Service Center;
  • at the post office;
  • through the Sberbank terminal.

To get information on the phone, you need to call the technical service on multichannel numbers: 8-800-100-0800 and 8-800-181-1830. The operator will ask the subscriber to call the personal account, address, and then report information. The call to the service is free.

It is very convenient to find out on the Rostelecom website - LK.RT.RU.. This requires to go to your office, after registering. It is available to users even with a minus balance. With the consent to receive a subscription to the Company's news, the subscriber will receive information about the status of the account.

The user can find out the amount of his non-payment, going to the Rostelecom Service Center, if decorated on it. This requires a passport and numbers of a subscriber personal account.

It is possible to find out the amount for the stationary apparatus in the post office. By calling the props and telephone operator, you can pay. Documents to present it optional.

The last way to learn about the amount on your account is using the Sberbank terminal. The subscriber needs to go to the "Payments" section and write a number of your account. The amount will be displayed on the ATM screen.

We define arrears of MGTS

You can learn the duty of the Moscow City Telephone Network:

  • on the MGTS website;
  • through the MGTS technical support group on the Internet;
  • by phone hot line;
  • through the Sberbank terminal.

You can by phone number MGTS, looking at your balance on the official website of LK.MGTS.RU. You need to go to your office and see all the necessary information. Registration on the site occurs automatically when the new user is connected.

"In contact" there is a group of technical support MGTS - https://vk.com/topic-44345402_30204552, where you can find out the size of your debt. You must join the group and, writing a moderator, wait for an answer.

To find out what unless you need to pay off, you can on the local phone - 8 495 636-0-636. You should call the operator to the subscriber account, address of residence and phone number. The call is free.

You can learn about your debt through the Sberbank terminal. You need to enter the number of the subscriber personal account in the "Payments" tab. The amount of debt will be displayed on the ATM screen, which you can immediately pay.

Pay for home Beltelecom

Learn the amount of debt at the National Operator of the Republic of Belarus is possible in several ways:

  • by the service number, dealing with payment services;
  • through the site.

Dialing number 164, you can not only find out the amount of debt, but also the size of the monthly fee, accrual for the provision of local, international and long-distance communications.

On the website of the company Beltelecom.by, by filling out a special form, get information about your debt is also quite simple. To do this, you need to enter information about the subscriber: surname and number.

The Beltelecom subscriber needs to quickly repay the debt, because penalties are charged for non-payment.


Learn your duty on MTS

To find out the debt for the MTS home phone on the facial in several ways:

  • by phone;
  • on the MTS website in the subscriber's office;
  • in the MTS service center.

MTS operators on the hotline 8 800 250 0890 will answer all questions of the subscriber by debt. To do this, you need to dictate the operator number of your personal account.

Find out the amount of debt for the home phone on the official website of MTS SPB.MTS.RU. To do this, go to the "Home Internet and TV" tab, and enter a login and password. Getting into your personal account, you should see the balance.

If the subscriber is not suitable 2 of the listed method, it can find out the debt in the MTS user service center personally, presenting a passport.

How to determine the payment of the company Ukrtelecom

To find out the debt to the Ukrainian telecom operator Ukrtelecom may be as follows:

  • through the site;
  • in the help desk;
  • in the communication department;
  • through the PrivatBank terminal.

By typing a multichannel phone number of 0-800-506-800, the user will receive complete information about its debt. The operator must be said to the subscriber's contract number.

On the company's website www.ukrtelecom.ua, it is possible to learn about the amount of debt in the personal account, but there are delays with updating about 7 days.

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