
Use someone else's bank card. Four ways to steal money from a plastic card, even without the knowledge of the owner. What to do to avoid this? Is it possible to use someone else's credit card

Credit Card is a bank card intended for calculations on the loan. The holder of such a card is a borrower, that is, the face that has taken a loan for a certain period. The borrower is entitled to use the credit card at its discretion, but not exceeding the credit limit.

But sometimes the card goes into the hands of third parties that use the funds at their discretion. There is a reasonable question, which threatens to use someone else's credit card? Let's deal with.

Using someone else's credit card

A feature of credit cards is their attachment to the jar. In other words, the funds are on the balance sheet belong to property financial institution. Use someone else's credit card is a kind of embezzlement of such money Or simply a bank fraud. This is due to the fact that the write-off of funds is carried out by an employee of a credit institution. Accordingly, the embezzlement from the card is not profitable, first of all, the bank.

Main fraud methods

PIN-code reading

The first type of use of someone else's credit card is to read a pin-code or "Skimming". The object of attackers becomes the magnetic side of the map, which, considering which you can easily determine the PIN code of the credit card holder.

As forces of embezzlement, fraudsters often use overhead keyboards, mini-chambers and reading devices. The information obtained from the magnetic tape is entered on new map, most often fake. It is practically no different from the original, so any shopping fraudsters are "paid" from a credit card holder.

Pin code reading ("Skimming") and the manufacture of fake credit cards qualify as criminal offenses. For such a type of fraud, a sentence is provided under Art. 187 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. True, the amendments made to the law do not affect the use of fake cards, so that the attackers can avoid responsibility by speaking their actions on ignorance of the fact that the card is fake.

However, modern credit cards from the Central Bank have a protective chip, fake which is almost impossible. Smart cards act as a kind of safe payment for holder.

Remote hacking

Having understood with the punishment for reading the pin-code and using the fake credit card, go to the second method of fraud. We are talking about such a majynation as phishing ("Fishing").

In contrast to the first method, phishing allows you to access someone else's credit card with a remote way, that is, at a distance. Scammers are not necessary to monitor the actions of the card holder near the ATM, it is enough for them to send SMS or e-mail a message from the face of the financial institution that serves the borrower's credit card. In the letter, they ask the holder to send them the card number, PIN code, smart chip and other information that are confidential.

Different messages can be used as arguments that the Bank checks the current accounts of citizens or detecting gaps in protection. The tricks of fraudsters can be very different, but they are all aimed at the fact that the card holder believes "bank employees" and sent them the required information.

Having obtained the necessary data, the attackers remain only to make a purchase in any online store, thereby staging money from the bank account.

Responsibility for using someone else's credit card

Responsibility for committing fraudulent acts with credit cards is described in the Federal Law No. 207-FZ, which adds additions to the Criminal Code Russian Federation. So, the amendments touched Art. 159.3 "Fraudual actions using a fake or someone else's card due to fraudulent actions against employees of credit or commercial organizations." Based on this article, the punishment for negligent citizens is up to 10 years of imprisonment and fine up to 1 million rubles.

Definition of fraud's facts under Art. 159.3 of the Criminal Code correlants with the following circumstances:

  • theft of cash with someone else's credit card;
  • making a fake credit card, passport or owner signature;
  • cheating or misleading card holder.

But at the same time, the responsibility for such an act may occur under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Cash tools". For example, fraudsters calculated the PIN code of someone else's credit card and removed funds through an ATM without the presence of a credit institution officer.

How to secure credit card?

Finally, I would like to give a few tips, how to avoid your card to do not take advantage of third parties:

  1. Do not disclose information about your credit card (PIN code, information on the reverse side, chip code, validity period, etc.).
  2. Use exclusively tested ATMs located in the territory of the banking institution. Third-party devices often do not have video protection, and therefore can be used by intruders.
  3. Do not keep large amounts on the same card. It is advisable to make several credit cards or enjoy rapidly replenished credit cards for non-cash payments.
  4. Buy things only in secure online stores. As a rule, such sites have a high level of protection from phishing and a triple system for verifying confidential user data. Pay attention to the form of the calculation, otherwise your card can be used by third parties.
  5. Do not store IDU code next to the credit card. In the event of theft of credit cards, scammers will instantly remove the money before you block the card in the banking institution.

On a note! If you are going to take the map of your spouse, parent or relative, for example, when buying goods in the store, the seller will not be able to pierce your check. This is due to the fact that calculations on credit cards are made only in the presence of a direct holder of the credit card and with its consent. In this case, it is appropriate to remove the amount through an ATM and pay for cash payments.

Cashier to accept someone else's bank card for the payment of goods (services, works) is not obliged. In this case, the actions of the cashier when refusing to adopt a clearly alien bank card are legitimate.

The credit card is intended for operations, the calculations for which are carried out at the expense of funds provided to the Client credit Organization - Issuer within the established limit in accordance with the terms of the contract between the bank and the client. The calculated (debit) card is used to carry out operations by its holder within the expense limit - the amount of customer funds on its bank account, and (or) the loan provided by the credit institution - the issuer to the client in case of insufficiency or absence in cash bank account (overdraft ) (Clause 1.5 of the provisions on the emission of payment cards and on operations committed with their use approved by the Bank of Russia 24.12.2004 N 266-P). When using someone else's credit card, cash on credit account is the property of the bank. In accordance with Art. 854. Civil Code RF Writing Cash with Customer Account is carried out by the Bank on the basis of the order of the Client itself, which is concluded by the contract. There is an exception when funds are written off from the client's account without his order: by court decision, or if this condition Initially included in the contract or provided by law (paragraph 2 of Art. 854 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The case of payment in the store by the buyer for someone else's bank card in this article is not named. In addition, fraud using payment cards Criminally punishable, it is directly indicated in Art. 159.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In the way, based on the meaning of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the Bank of Russia, the N 266-P Cassier has the right to make sure the owner of this bank card is entitled, and when the owner is not compliance, refuse to accept the card to pay.

It's hard to imagine more comfortable tool Payment than plastic card: Cash can not be worn, and pay only as needed. At the same time, you can track your payments on the Internet and keep cost statistics.

Unfortunately, it is not so small ways to use money on someone else's card and they are not as difficult as it may seem simple man. Everyone knows the rule: "Do not store the ID-code of the card next to it," and consider the execution of this rule sufficient. However, it is not.

How can you steal money with plastic card?

  • Use a card with a PIN code (password). The card owner wrote her pin-code on the map or put in the wallet, and lost the card with the wallet. An attacker can take cash at ATM at any time. If the bank proposes to come up with a PIN code itself, do not write easily selected passwords: a year of its birth (in the hands of the criminal can also be your documents), simple sequences of symbols of type 1111.
  • Take the card without a password: There are several ways to steal money:
    • Using your card To make payments in a store that does not require the input of the PIN code, when the criminal gives himself to the owner of the card;
    • Using card data (Map number, owner name, validity and CVV code on the back of the card (three last digits) for payments over the Internet. This data is enough to pay your card. For example, these data request hotels booking sites or hotels themselves to make Reservation hotel room. At the same time, you do not know which employees work at the hotel, and how the hotel's email is reliably protected. That is, these can take advantage of the data. You will leave the hotel, and a year from the card, some amount maybe Or periodically disappear rubles to 200, and you will not even see it and do not accept any action. The same in a restaurant or cafe: To pay the card, you pass it to the waiter, and he takes it to the checkout and only then returns you. that he Does at this moment with the map?
    • Scanning magnetic tape and making card. This is technically complex, but also a completely working way of theft of money from the card. In remote ATMs, in unreliable shops, attackers put additional equipment that reads the PIN and the card. Therefore, always use ATMs installed in banks, where there are camcorders.
  • Check off with viruses with viruses on smartphones and tablets. A program that remembers the login and password from entering the Internet bank can be unnoticed to the device and blocks the SMS messages arriving on the number used in the tablet. Thus, money can be written off, and the user's user will not see any SMS messages about it. To protect against this type of stealing, you need to install an antivirus program on the device and not use the SIM card with the phone number in the device.

As we see, there are quite a few ways, and they are very not difficult, especially with the data of the cards: told someone the number of the card and the name of the holder - put the safety of his funds at risk.

Rules for using plastic cards. How to protect yourself from theft of money from the card?

  • Never store a pin-code of the card next to the card itself, and it is better to remember it.
  • Never inform the PIN code to anyone, including bank employees, shops, colleagues and even relatives. Are you sure your acquaintances can also be as well as you, to ensure the safety of the card and PIN code? Many banks make it possible to make several cards for one account with the expense limit: If you need to send a map to other people, just make a separate card for them and install the limit.
  • Never transmit your card data to anyone: by phone, email, etc. If you have the need to use cards on the Internet,
    • first, use only proven stores and verified payment systems;
    • secondly, it is desirable to make a separate card to make such payments and replenish its balance only as needed. For example, book a hotel for 20,000 rubles, went to the terminal, replenished the map for this amount, and entered the data on the Internet.
  • Do not release your card out of the view, do not put it, take it, etc. For payments in stores and cafes, it is also better to use a separate card on which large amounts of money will be stored.
  • Connect the SMS notification about all the card operations. As soon as you see incomprehensible payments, immediately block the map. To do this, keep your bank's phone number at your hand, which you can block the map.
  • If you need to tell the card number on the phone (employees of your bank), then make sure that no one overhears you.
  • Keep all the receipts that an ATM is issued as a confirmation of operations.

Of course, banks should ensure the safety of funds on the map, but if the owner itself behaves carelessly, then no security system will be saved. Be alert, using your cards, use the services that offer banks to track money tracking.

The cashier refused to be quite legitimate. And you were still lucky that the cashier did not fulfill his direct responsibilities for making measures for the chief detaining. Cashiers have instructions on security measures and bank card maintenance rules:

With the slightest suspicion that the map is fake or is not submitted by its legal holder, It is necessary to make an authorization request regardless of the transaction amount. Keep in mind that the authorization code can be given for fake or just stolen cards. Obtaining code is not a reason for providing maintenance by such cards.

After that, try to establish the identity of the cardholder, asking the documents to present the identity. Identify a photo in a document with a map presenter. The personality of a citizen of Russia is established in the general passport, a foreign passport (mandatory with a non-delicent period and issued in Russia), a driver's license; The serviceman - by the ID of the Officer or Military Ticket. The personality of the foreigner can be established at the submitted national passport, the accreditation card of the diplomat, journalist, businessman.

When establishing the fact of using a map to someone else's name or fake card, lay a slick, and accept all measures to ensure the possibility of detention of a criminal with the help of protection / employees of district police departments.

Enterprises can directly report an attempt to illegal use of a map on contact numbers of law enforcement officers.

The bank card (map) is the property of the issuer's bank issued and can be used to acquire goods, obtaining services or removing cash only by a legitimate card holder. The name of the holder must be indicated on the front side of the card (with the exception of inconsonified cards), and the sample signature is on the signature panel. The data submitted by the identity holder of the document (surname, name, photography, signature) must comply with the data on the map.

The card cannot be transferred to its legitimate holder to use to another person under any circumstances.

Under the illegal operation with the map is understood: use or attempt to use a map on someone else's name, fake card or fake card itself; Using fraudedly received forms of accounts and accounts is not your company, applying for an additional symbol / entry cards - counterfeit accounts; Use instead of a blank plastic card with an authentic card (so-called "white plastic") instead of a blank plastic card.

Almost every average citizen of our country has. A banknotes, like any other thing, can be left somewhere, forget in an ATM or losing. What if you found someone else's credit card? Can I use it?

Credit card activation

It is known that when receiving a credit card, it is necessary to activate it. In some cases, the Bank activates the card immediately after it is issued (using an SMS message), in others it is enough to perform at least one payment operation on the map. If you are by chance found someone else's credit cardYou will most likely be able to activate it (it is practically impossible without a secret PIN code and personal data of the owner). Another thing is that if you got an envelope in the mailbox with a new credit card, which the postman in the uncertainty put in your box. In this case, you will have all the necessary information to activate the map. However, if you are honest, it is better not to experience fate and transfer the map for the appointment (neighbor or neighbor, which it was originally addressed).

Is it possible to use someone else's credit card

If you find someone else's credit card, then you have a great desire to take advantage of it. In addition, there is a lot of ways to do this. For example, it is possible to buy any goods online. So usually there are fraudsters. To check funds in someone else's credit card, they list into any charitable fund small amount Money with stolen card. If the money on a loan account was still, then the past amount of attackers make online purchases (with the help of banknotes via the Internet almost never tracked by bank employees). The main advantage of the Internet is the fact that the seller of any virtual services does not see the buyer's face, accordingly, cannot be monitored. In the usual stores in the exercise of any of the purchases, the owner of the card is obliged to sign on the check. In turn, the cashier must verify the identity of the painting on the check and the map.

However, in most cases, when the cardholder detects its loss, he calls to his bank and the credit card is blocked. Therefore, most likely there will be no funds on the found map.

How to arrive

If you found a credit card, then for your own security, do not activate it. According to the Criminal Code, the use of someone else's credit it is already a criminal case and can be punished throughout the rigor of the law. Specialists advise in the case of such an unexpected find, just turn the map in half or not to raise it at all. You can also contact the bank for the free number. hot linespecified on the back of the card, and tell about what happened. If the card was blocked, then representatives of the bank will also recommend to break it.

When you can use someone else's credit card

Cases are not excluded when a person can take advantage of someone else's credit card. This happens when someone from relatives or close acquaintances can voluntarily transfer your credit card to you. In such situations, shopping representatives prefer to call the owner, and to find out if he really gave a credit card in his will. But this happens in most cases when with a foreign credit card, some very expensive goods are purchased. Banks also often check their own and sometimes delay the sister or wife of the card holder, which take off cash, etc.

At the end I would like to say, you should not take things that you do not belong, because it may well be a deception. Scammers sometimes play whole performances. They specifically throw a credit card. A person is seduced and raises her. The authorities are then resorted by law enforcement agencies (the same fraudsters, but disguised into the form), accompanied by the cardholder and say that the credit card was an ennna amount of money. With a citizen who found a credit card, check the score and report their losses. Then the threats begins, and the borne citizen is forced to return the amount of money to the card holder, which was supposedly stolen with him. Therefore, be careful! Need credit card? Open the card account, and its maintenance will depend on the established tariffs in your chosen bank.

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