
Conclude an agreement with Gazpromneft for refueling a car. Fuel cards from Gazprom: personal account and management. Fuel cards for legal entities

Gazprom Neft, the leader in the Russian oil industry, adheres to modern business principles and high standards of customer service. The company is actively developing new areas of activity, designed to provide the most profitable and convenient conditions for the purchase of fuels and lubricants of guaranteed high quality. In particular, the system has been successfully implemented cashless payment Fuel and lubricants, involving the use of fuel cards.

Corporate clients of Gazprom Neft have the opportunity to use flexible discount system. Using fuel cards allows you to receive significant discounts, which vary depending on the volume of consumed fuels and lubricants. Several programs are proposed aimed at consumers of fuels and lubricants in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Why is it worth buying a Gazprom Neft fuel card?

  • Various payment systems. As one of the leaders in the fuel card market, Gazprom Neft has the ability to make the best offer for each of its customers. Currently, it is possible to pay for fuel in two ways. The first of them involves the payment of fuel and lubricants by means of pre-credited money to the account, the second - the establishment of limits.
  • Favorable conditions for the sale of fuel cards. A service contract can be concluded on the basis of one of three programs. Each of them implies the provision of a certain discount on fuels and lubricants. Depending on the amount of fuel consumed.
  • A wide network of sales companies. Having received a fuel card, each of Gazprom Neft's customers can refuel their own vehicles in most regions of Russia. The network of filling stations has more than 1000 filling stations, many of which are located outside the Russian Federation - in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.
  • Guaranteed high quality of fuels and lubricants. Simultaneously with the receipt of fuel cards, each corporate client of Gazprom Neft gets the opportunity to use them to refuel the leading oil refineries in Russia.

Fuel card market Russia is going through a stage of active development. This is due to a number of advantages cashless systems payments for fuel and lubricants of a general nature, which are characteristic not only for any one enterprise in the industry. Among positive sides fuel cards worth noting:

  • Effective control. The dynamic development of the fuel card market is primarily due to the fact that the use of non-cash payment systems makes it possible to control the volume of refueling for each vehicle, as well as the time and place of purchase of fuels and lubricants.
  • Absolute security. Using a fuel card- a guarantee that the money on it will be spent on fuels and lubricants and only by the driver who has the code. If the card is lost, a duplicate is made, and old map canceled.
  • Convenience of the system. When selling fuel cards, the geography of trips is taken into account, you can refuel with them at any gas station in the network, including abroad. The cards are reliable, durable and have an attractive design.

How do I get a fuel card?

To do this, you need to choose a suitable payment system and a program that allows you to receive additional discounts, as well as conclude a service agreement with Gazprom Neft. Before you receive fuel cards, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features accounting Fuels and lubricants, as well as other information presented on the site.

To save time, the application for the conclusion of the contract can be filled in in electronic format... If you have any difficulties or additional questions about how to obtain fuel cards, we recommend that you contact the single support call center corporate clients by phone: 8-800-700-51-51. The hotline is open around the clock.

Gazprom-Neft is the largest network of modern filling complexes: Moscow, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, Kemerovo, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and other cities in Russia and the CIS.

Do you want to save money when buying fuel or just stopping by a cafe on the road? Gazpromneft has created special program bonuses and discounts, thanks to which even a cup of coffee with a croissant at the gas station will bring you a point. And having typed a certain number of points, they can be exchanged for free gasoline or, again, pleasant purchases. Bonuses determine the status of the card "We are on the way!", Which is issued to the participants of the program. The Gazpromneft bonus card can be Platinum, Silver or Gold. It's simple: spend more, get more. The card status is updated monthly. We will talk about this in more detail later.

What you can get points for:

  • purchase of promotional goods;
  • payment for services at gas stations "Gazpromneft".

How to accumulate points

Understanding how the program works is easy. You buy something at a gas station - you get bonuses. The more you buy, the more bonuses you get. Status of your card "We're on the way!" is determined by the amount of purchases in the previous month and is kept until the next month. What does status give? It depends on how many bonuses you will be credited for a liter of purchased gasoline.

More about statuses:

  • If last month you bought fuel or, for example, pies at a Gazpromneft gas station for up to 895,000 rubles, then your bonus card automatically becomes Silver and with every purchase this month you will receive a 2% discount.
  • How to get a Gazpromneft Gold Card and what will it give you? If the amount spent by you during the month was in the range from 895,000 to 1,998,000 rubles, then the card is considered Gold and the discount on all Rosneft goods will be 2.5%.
  • The most prestigious is the Platinum card status. It will be so if within a month you buy goods for more than 1,998,000 rubles. In this case, the next month you will be able to buy fuel with a 3% discount.

If you have just purchased the card, then it is Silver. Bonuses are provided for every purchase, but there are exceptions. So, here's a small list of goods, for which payment points are not credited to your card:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • low alcohol drinks;
  • any beer;
  • tobacco products.

By purchasing the rest of the products at Gazpromneft-Belnefteprodukt filling stations, you contribute to the status of a loyalty program participant card.

There are also some nice bonuses. For example, on your birthday, you will receive a reward in the form of a 1% discount throughout the day. At the same time, bonuses will be provided to you for purchases as before.

Use the bonus calculator.

Checking the amount of accumulated bonuses

It is quite easy to find out about the status of the bonus account. You can check bonuses in several ways:

  1. At any Gazpromneft gas station you will receive a check on which the balance of points on the card will be written.
  2. How to find out how many bonuses are on the Gazpromneft card? There is another method. Go to your Personal Account - there bonuses are constantly updated, so there is always the latest data there. To find yourself in your Personal Account, follow the link.
  3. If you do not have access to the Internet, and you don’t want to go to the nearest gas station, you can contact the company's support service for information. Explain the situation and state your card number, a call-center employee will help you find out the bonuses.

Learning to spend bonus points

When points are accumulated in large quantities, they can be used to pay off like currency. You can buy additional fuel for the accumulated bonuses at absolutely all Gazpromneft-Belnefteprodukt filling stations.

In addition to the fuel itself, bonuses can be exchanged for:

  • purchase of any parts in the Gazpromneft chain of stores;
  • automatic car wash services;
  • gatherings in a cafe - there are pleasant prices, so you can buy a lot even for the minimum amount of accumulated points.

Loyalty program "We are on the way!" is constantly being improved. New features are being added, discounts are increasing.

The main advantages of the loyalty program from Gazpromneft

It is truly profitable to be a client of Gazpromneft. The company offers huge discounts. Among the advantages of cooperation with the corporation:

  • you can spend the collected points at any gas station of the company;
  • bonuses can be used not only for fuel, but also for other services at Gazpromneft filling stations;
  • loyalty program members get back 5% of all expenses for gasoline and other services;
  • bonus points will appear on your account the next day after you pay for a particular service;
  • you can view the accumulated bonuses and manage them using your Personal Account, which is created automatically as soon as you conclude an agreement with Gazpromneft;
  • each participant of the discount program can take part in charitable programs;
  • the company's hotline is always ready to take your call, Gazpromneft employees will answer any question regarding the program rules.

If you can't enter your Personal Account

When asked how to activate the bonus card "We're on the way!" we will answer here. The point is that Personal Area bonus card created automatically. Entering your personal data into the database takes at least 5 working days. If you have just entered into an agreement with the company, but have not yet made a single purchase that brings bonuses, it also makes no sense to enter your Personal Account, since in fact it is not activated. Activation will take place after the first card transaction.

What to do if you lose your savings card

First of all, it is worth blocking it in case the card is stolen deliberately. To do this, call the Gazpromneft support service and state your full name and date of birth or card number. No need to worry - there is an option to transfer points from lost card to the other. By the way, this also applies to cases of damage to the card.

How to get points back from a lost or damaged card

If a person has lost the card or it turned out to be damaged, then you can transfer the received points to another card, but for this you need to buy it again. After you have purchased the card, make any bonus purchase and activate it via SMS. After that, go to the company's website and leave a request for the transfer of bonuses. There you will be provided with a special form, after filling out which your bonuses will be restored. With the same question, you can contact the Gazpromneft Consulting Service.

If you want to transfer the balance of the Gazpromneft card to another card, but everything is in order with the previous one and it is in working order, contact the operator at the gas station to complete the operation, because this can be done through the terminal.

When do bonuses expire?

Many people ask the question - what will happen if you do not use the card for a long time?

The program is beneficial for everyone. Even if you are in Ukraine, for example, you can use the card and accumulate bonuses. So it is quite rare that there are cases when "We are on the way!" is inactive.

Gazpromneft offers new means of payment for non-cash payments - fuel cards. Our material will discuss how to obtain a Gazpromneft fuel card and understand the nuances of use, as well as how to restore it in case of loss.

What distinguishes fuel Gazpromneft from competitors

Fuel gas station map Gazpromneft is designed for legal entities... It has a number of advantages:

  1. To make cooperation convenient, the company has provided for the possibility of payment in different ways. Both setting limits and pre-crediting of funds are available.
  2. Discount conditions depend on the chosen program. The benefit is determined by the amount of consumed fuels and lubricants.
  3. A wide network of gas stations will allow you not to look for the right one on the highway. Drivers who set off on a flight will contact gas stations in any region of Russia. There are stations in Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.
  4. Saving on taxes is a hot topic for any entrepreneur. Using the Gazpromneft program will reduce their amount by 18-25%.
  5. Simplifying accounting will free up employees to perform other tasks. You no longer have to keep track of every driver and check receipts.

The quality of the fuel provided meets the requirements of the Customs Union regulations, which will ensure the operation of vehicles without breakdowns.

How to get a Gazpromneft fuel card

To get a Gazpromneft fuel card, you need to contact the office and conclude an agreement. To facilitate the process, a public offer is presented on the company's website:

  1. Select the "Conclude an agreement" item.
  2. Read the terms and conditions, click "Fill in the details of the organization." You will need to indicate general data, addresses and phone numbers, information about contact persons.

Scans of documents are also required to sign the contract:

  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which must be issued at least six months prior to submitting an application on the website;
  • documents confirming the powers of the individual entrepreneur, as well as the general director;
  • the charter of the enterprise;
  • certificates of state registration of legal entities and of registration with the tax authority.

In conclusion, hand over the signed and sealed contract to the sales department specialists, and the card will be ready within 5 days. You will not have to pay for it, because funds are deposited only when reissued after damage or loss.

You will also need to choose a suitable program, and you have the following at your disposal:

  1. “Local” implies that Gazprom's discount program for gasoline will operate in the region where the agreement was concluded.
  2. "Transitnaya" will benefit owners of enterprises with a monthly consumption of 150,000 liters. Savings are made when refueling at highway gas stations located along central and secondary highways.
  3. "Mezhregionalnaya" is designed for entrepreneurs engaged in transportation throughout the Russian Federation. The purchase of fuel and lubricants will be profitable outside the local region.

Depending on the features of the program and the amount of fuel consumed, the price can be reduced by up to 10%.

What to choose: a limit scheme or an e-wallet

Since the provided Gazprom card for gasoline can be replenished in different ways, you will choose the appropriate one:

  1. The limit scheme implies that funds are withdrawn from the client's personal account. To regulate costs, the client will set an upper limit for fuel consumption and the types of fuels and lubricants available to the driver. This scheme will allow you to control the work of employees and distribute gasoline, excluding the possibility of fraud. When the amount of purchased fuel reaches the upper limit, the payment means will be automatically blocked. They will be able to settle accounts after depositing finances into the account; money is debited at the time of the transaction, and the cost indicated on the terminal is charged. The main advantage of this option is that all cards are connected to one account.
  2. Gazprom's gasoline cards operating according to the “Electronic Wallet” scheme require the payment of a certain amount. The holder does this in the office, presenting to the manager means of payment, or at a gas station. You can also deposit funds through your personal account, but the amount should not exceed 25,000 rubles. The advantages include the absence of a signal threshold.

It will not be possible to say unequivocally which type of replenishment is better, because everything depends on the characteristics of the enterprise.

How to calculate, set limits, restore a fuel card Gazpromneft

When using a payment method, the following questions may arise:

  1. How to pay with a card? When the driver arrives at a gas station, he gives it to the operator and names the amount of fuel needed and the number of the dispenser. Then he enters the code and after debiting the money, he gets back the means of payment along with the check.
  2. How does a business owner know about transactions? For corporate sales of Gazpromneft fuel cards, the personal account allows you to monitor the processes. You will see all the information received at the time of the transaction: the volume of purchased fuel, price, station number and transaction time.
  3. How do I set limits and change them? You can select the upper limit of consumption in your personal account. If necessary, you can do this in the office, leaving a request to the manager. This option is suitable in the case when the limit exceeds 3 thousand liters or 100 thousand rubles, since it will not be possible to deliver a larger number using the Internet (the measure was developed for the safety of customers).
  4. What to do in case of loss of payment method? A lost card from Gazprom with a discount on gasoline is blocked through a personal account or by contacting hotline(you need to know the code word). You can also contact the corporate client support department. The payment instrument can be reissued, although the service will be paid.
  5. What to do if the volume ordered at the gas station does not fit into the tank? In this case, you need to contact the operator, and he will perform the return operation, later providing a check. Transactions will be displayed in your personal account.

Since the company has taken care of all the details, using a fuel card at Gazprom Neft filling stations will be simple.

How to get a Gazpromneft fuel card for individuals

Having learned about the benefits of the program for organizations, ordinary motorists also wonder how to get a Gazpromneft fuel card for individuals... For them, the corporation has developed another program with the accrual of bonuses, called "We are on the way".

To take part, contact the gas station operator and purchase a card from him: the cost is 199 rubles. An info check is attached to it, which indicates the code and phone number to which you need to send data in SMS. Upon successful activation, you will be able to make purchases and earn bonuses. Subsequently, you will pay with them at the rate of 1 point = 1 rub.

Didn't have time to activate the card, but lost your info-check? Contact the operator for the code.

How points are awarded for the Gazpromneft fuel card

The receipt of points depends on the status of the means of payment, and immediately after issuance, settlements are made according to the "Silver" tariff. Revision is carried out monthly according to the amount of consumed fuels and lubricants:

  • "Silver" is intended for those who made purchases in the amount of less than 5,999.99 rubles;
  • "Gold" is provided to customers who have reached the range of 6,000-12,000 rubles;
  • "Platinum" goes to buyers who spent 12,001 rubles. and more.

Accruals are made after every 100 rubles spent, and depending on the status of the card, you will receive 3, 4 or 5 bonuses, respectively. They do not come in all cases:

  1. Since the legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the promotion of the use of tobacco products, points are not credited to the account when buying cigarettes, cigars, etc. Also, bonuses cannot be paid for this type of product.
  2. There are also restrictions on charges for the purchase of fuel and lubricants: for diesel fuel, the upper limit is 500 liters per day; the monthly limit is set at 5,000 liters. Other types of fuel are limited to 100 liters per day and 300 liters per week. During the month, you can only get points for 1,200 liters.
  3. Charges are not made when you purchase related products in the amount of more than 4,000 rubles. per day. There is also a weekly and monthly limit (9,000 rubles and 36,000 rubles, respectively).
  4. Bonuses will not be received when you make more than 3 purchases of oil products or related products in 24 hours.

The corporation reserves the right to change the accrual system, so follow the rules on the website.

You will learn how to get a Gazpromneft fuel card and use it to save on fuel and lubricants from the video:

You can store up to 60,000 points in a payment instrument; when the upper threshold is exceeded, charges are stopped. Also, the Gazpromneft discount fuel card must be used at least once every 3 years, otherwise the bonuses on it will “burn out”.

What you need to know about using the Gazpromneft fuel card

To use the payment method conveniently, consider the following nuances:

Do not forget that after the transfer of points, the old card will be canceled automatically.

How profitable is the Gazpromneft program for individuals?

When comparing with loyalty programs from other filling station networks, it is easy to calculate that "We are on the way" from Gazpromneft outperforms its competitors. The number of bonuses is higher than in a similar program from Rosneft: for example, if you are a holder of a platinum card, then when refueling for 1,000 rubles. you get 50 points. Those are exchanged for services or fuels and lubricants at the rate of 1 point = 1 rub. With frequent refueling after 2.5 months. you can get a full tank of fuel only for bonuses.


To ensure customer loyalty, Gazpromneft programs for legal entities and individuals have been proposed. Legal entities are able to track all transactions made on the fuel card and set limits: in addition to saving on VAT, they effectively control the work of drivers and facilitate the tasks of the accounting department. Different kinds fuels are provided in this case at a reduced price (the amount of the discount is determined by the volume of consumption).

Developed for individuals bonus program"We are on the way": the cardholder receives points, which he subsequently calculates. According to customer reviews, options from Gazpromneft turn out to be more profitable than those offered by competitors.

PJSC Gazprom Neft - shark oil and gas industry countries. The company is engaged not only in the development and production of hydrocarbons, but also in their direct sale through its own stations. The company has special offers for corporate clients.


Gazpromneft is a brand that is widely known not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Carrying out retail sales of petroleum products through filling stations, the management of this company focuses not only on citizens, but also on business entities. One of the methods of attracting customers is Gazprom Neft fuel cards for legal entities.

As of the end of 2015, the network of filling stations of PJSC Gazprom Neft consisted of 1,432 stations located in Russia (28 regions), in some neighboring countries and in Eastern Europe.

Opportunities for clients

Customers who purchase fuel with cards can count on discounts that go up to 10%. The size depends on the amount of purchased fuel.

PJSC Gazprom Neft has one of the most developed networks in Russia. However, the management's plans are more strategic. By 2025, the company plans to sell 100% of the fuel through its own network.

Documents for the execution of the contract

Having made a decision to cooperate with PJSC Gazprom Neft, the legal entity must conclude an agreement for the supply of fuel. To complete this agreement at the point of sale, you must submit following documents:

  1. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the issuance period of which does not exceed six months.
  2. OGRN and TIN certificates.
  3. Documents (decision, order) on the appointment of the head of the organization.
  4. Power of attorney (at the conclusion of the contract not by the manager).

There is a possibility of concluding a contract online. To do this, you need to register on the official website of Gazpromneft and send the above documents (scanned copies) via the Internet.

The agreement is concluded with an affiliate of Gazprom Neft PJSC - Gazpromneft - Corporate Sales LLC.

Settlement system

Mutual settlements between Gazpromneft and the client organization can be carried out in two different ways:

  1. By pre-enrollment Money into the account.
  2. By setting different limits on fuel cards.

In case of interaction using the prepayment system, the client company is obliged to transfer to the account advance payment in the amount of 10 times the daily requirement for petroleum products.

Obligations of the seller to provide accounting documents

Clause 4.1.3. standard contract concluded with corporate clients, Gazpromneft is obliged to provide the client with the documents required for accounting within a certain period of time. According to the agreement, this period should not exceed the 5th day of the month following the reporting month. Documents provided:

  • invoice;
  • consignment note TORG-12;
  • act on the services provided.

The documents are transferred to the client at the supplier's office, but the parties can agree on a different place and form of transfer.

To reduce the cost of purchasing gasoline, organizations use Gazprom fuel cards for legal entities. According to this company, it is the leader in terms of a set of indicators: the quality of fuels and lubricants, service and ease of workflow. Let's figure out how true this is.

Features of fuel cards

This means of payment is plastic card equipped with a chip. It is used to automate payments and non-cash payments for fuel and services at gas stations. This option allows you to control the movement of finance, and also provides a VAT refund (18%). The cardholder receives full reporting and the ability to analyze spending.

The offers will delight you with the following advantages:

  • 100% protection against unauthorized access;
  • favorable rates;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to do without the transportation of cash;
  • providing a tool for multilevel control of the vehicle fleet.

The filling station coverage network includes the territory of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Tajikistan. Customers are also offered discounts from 1 to 10%, the amount of which is determined by the volume of fuel consumed.

Unlike loyalty programs for individuals, where the main condition is the availability of discounts and bonuses, when working with legal entities, Gazprom Neft relies on VAT refunds and simplified control.

Available service programs

Taking into account the type of activity, you will choose the program:

  1. "Tranzitnaya" is intended for customers purchasing more than 150,000 liters of fuel and lubricants per month. They receive additional discounts at highway gas stations.
  2. "Local" is suitable for those who limit their activities to one region.
  3. "Mezhregionalnaya" is designed for carriers whose routes pass through different constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Discounts are available for gas stations outside the local region.

The purchase of Gazpromneft fuel cards for legal entities allows you to receive the following services:

  • individual supply system;
  • the ability to select the type of gas station by location (city or mainline);
  • various work formats and infrastructure solutions.

The contract is concluded on the basis of any program, and both a public offer and a traditional paper document are available. You will sign it at the office by finding the closest one on the site.

Advantages over competitors

Such means of payment have long been used for settlements, but the advantages of the Gazprom Neft fuel card distinguish it from competitors. The company relied on a set of factors:

These advantages make it possible to send cars on flights without interruption: the quality was appreciated by more than 40,000 corporate clients in the territory of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

You will understand all the advantages of the Gazprom fuel card for legal entities by watching the video:

How to get a Gazprom fuel card for legal entities

To start cooperation, you will need to conclude an agreement (the offer can be found on the website). You will later sign the classic paper version if you wish. You will need to go to home page, select the item "Conclude an agreement" and register. To complete the operation, provide scanned copies of documents:

  • the charter of the organization;
  • evidence of state registration LE;
  • documents on the powers of the individual entrepreneur;
  • certificates of registration with a tax organization;
  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, received no more than 6 months. back.

You will need to indicate the general data of the organization, as well as the addresses and phone numbers of contact persons. You will be offered the following conditions:

  • the delivery of fuels and lubricants is made on a prepayment basis;
  • payment is carried out at the prices established at the filling station network, but customers are provided with discounts of up to 10%, depending on the volume of consumption;
  • data updates are made in real time;
  • you can place an order, block it and adjust the limits in your personal account.

If you have any difficulty filling out the form, please contact the 24/7 call center. After completing the transaction, hand over the signed and sealed contract to the sales department and the card will be issued within 5 days. It is provided free of charge, and funds are charged only for reissue (the amount of compensation for damage in case of damage is indicated in the contract).

To sign documents in paper form find the nearest office from those presented on the map.

Features of working with means of payment

Gazprom fuel cards for legal entities are easy to use. This does not affect security: calculations can be made after entering a 4-digit code, and the number of attempts is limited. Refueling at a gas station, the driver gives the card to the operator and reports the volume of fuel and lubricants, the type and number of the dispenser. Then he enters the PIN; after the sale is completed, the payment instrument is returned to him and a check is issued. If the driver made a mistake with the volume, and there is not enough space for the purchased fuel, a return procedure is carried out. The difference in the amount is automatically returned, which you will see in the list of transactions.

You can control expenses in your personal account:

By reflecting transactions online, you will block a payment instrument if you suspect that it is inappropriate.

Setting fuel limits is carried out in your personal account or through an application submitted at the office. The upper limit that you set using the Internet is limited: it is permissible to spend no more than 100,000 rubles. and purchase a maximum of 3,000 liters. You can choose a limit for a certain type of fuel, and it is set in rubles or in liters; the period of validity is from one day to several years. Separately, it is proposed to put restrictions on 1 transaction: this will not allow the driver to fill up all the gasoline at the beginning of the month, and then resell it, replacing it with low-quality fuels and lubricants.

The holder will set restrictions on certain days of the week or weekends; the limit can also be included at selected hours.

Denial of service and solutions

In some cases, customers are faced with denial of service on a fuel card. The reasons are as follows:

  1. If a company is blacklisted, it means that the account has run out of money. It is enough to make a deposit to make the cards work again.
  2. When the message “Service is not available”, you need to pay attention to the type of fuel with which the driver is trying to refuel the vehicle. Perhaps, an unavailable type of fuel and lubricants has been selected or an admissible amount has been used up.
  3. A notification about the need to renew the card means that it has not been used for 6 months. According to the agreement, after this period the means of payment is blocked. To resume service, the holder will have to contact the company's office.
  4. The message "Card is blocked" means that the goods are not issued.
  5. "Exhausted daily limit"Indicates that it will be possible to purchase a certain product the next day. It will become available at 00 h 01 min.
  6. Notice of insufficient funds says that the amount on the card or account is less than the value of the item. Check the balance with the operator and choose another purchase.

The holder can also make the blocking in case of loss or theft of the means of payment: you will need to call the call center, specifying the code word. The operation is also feasible with the help of a personal account or contacting a service center for corporate clients.

Most often, difficulties occur due to untimely replenishment of the account or incorrect setting of restrictions. To avoid complications with the use of cards from "Gazprom", the threshold of the limit should be chosen with a small margin and monitor the fulfillment of financial obligations.

Disadvantages of using fuel cards

Gazpromneft fuel cards for legal entities also have disadvantages:

  1. The payment instrument is not assigned to a specific vehicle. It is also not the responsibility of the cashier operator to check whether the driver has the right to refuel this vehicle. It is enough to know the 4-digit code, and it will be possible to fill the fuel even into the canister. The ability to monitor transactions only partially solves the problem, because if there are 10 cars in the fleet, it will be difficult for the manager to control each operation. Allocating an employee for this task will have to pay the salary, and besides, there remains the risk of collusion with the drivers. The problem can be solved by installing sensors in fuel tanks and reconciling operations on the map with the amount of fuel and lubricants filled in, but this will require additional costs.
  2. When concluding a contract, you need to collect a package of documents, which takes time. The security service then checks the organization's data for several days, although Gazprom Neft works on a prepaid basis.
  3. To receive a 1% discount, you need to purchase more than 3,000 liters of fuel and lubricants.
  4. A personal manager is not provided, and questions have to be resolved through the call center.

Despite a number of shortcomings, the proposals are in the lead in the lists of the most profitable options for legal entities.


To learn more useful information you can read the.

Fuel cards from Gazprom Neft are distinguished by flexible tariffs and ease of use. Personal account becomes an instrument of control and management, although with a fleet of 10 or more Vehicle tracking every transaction will be problematic. The pluses include different ways replenishment, as well as the ability to receive reports for tax authorities within 5 working days from the beginning of the new period.

A number of shortcomings (lack of a personal manager, the need to collect documents with seals to conclude a contract) outweigh the fact that high-quality fuel and lubricants are provided at gas stations at a low price. As a result, more than 540,000 users choose Gazprom Neft fuel cards.

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