
Conducting a hospital in the program 1C 8.2 complex. ... depending on the insurance experience

Hospital sheet is issued by a medical institution to a person who was injured or obviously sick and turned to the doctor. Calculation of payments on the hospital leaf is made only after the employee provides a closed hospital sheet on the enterprise. The basis in order not to go to work is the opening of the sick leave, but the basis for the accrual of temporary disability benefits is only correctly decorated, the genuine closed sick leave in the form approved. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 347n dated 04.26.2011.

The 1C accounting program is 8 .3 (edition 3.0.) The special document on the accounting of hospital sheets is not provided. How to make an accrual for temporary disability benefits on the basis of a sick leave, consider in the step-by-step instructions below.

STEP 1: On the partition panel, we find and with the help of the mouse, open the "Employees and Salary" section, on the side navigation panel on the left, choose the "Salary Accrual" item.

Step 2.: In the window that opens in the top panel, select the "Create" button using the mouse Create a new document.


STEP. 3.: Fill out the list of employees to accrual the hospital two options:

Option 1: In the created form, select the "Add" button and select from the list of employees who need to be charged on a bantice leaf;
Option 2: In the created form, select the "Fill" button, after which you remove from the form of the unnecessary employees.

The choice of the form of filling out the form depends on the number of employees who need to be charged on sick leave.


Step 4.: In the window that opens near the employee's name, in the Accrual section, select the form of accrual.


Step 5.: Payment by disability (sick leave) can be carried out by two forms: at the expense of the employer and at the expense of the social insurance fund (hereinafter referred to as FSS).

In the form of form on the top panel using the mouse, create a new form


Step 6.: Fill out the tabular part of the calculations when paying for the hospital at the expense of the employer.

To this end, in the "Name" paragraph, we indicate the hospital at the expense of the employer; Point "NDFL" - 2300; In paragraph "Insurance Contributions", we choose incomes with CEIK non-taxable contributions; The reflection method in accounting is fill in the reflection method in the reflection point, we select the reflection of the default accruals; Item "types of accruals according to the Tax Code" leave empty.


Fill out the tabular part of the calculations when paying from the FSS.

To this end, in the "Name" paragraph, we indicate the hospital at the expense of the FSS; Point "NDFL" - 2300; In paragraph "Insurance premiums", we choose the state benefits of compulsory social insurance paid at the expense of the FSS; Item "types of accruals according to the Tax Code" leave empty; The reflection method in accounting is fill in the reflection method.


Step 7.: In the window that opens, using a mouse, create a state of reflection of the salary.


Step 8.: Fill out the table part of the necessary data for the calculation: in the penny "Name" we write "sick-sized at the expense of the FSS"; In the "Account" paragraph, select the account of the account 69.01. We find the "Record and Save" button on the top panel with the mouse.


Step 9.: In the open window, choose "sick-based at the expense of the FSS" for substitution.


Step 10.: On the top panel of the "Hospital sheet" form, select the "Record and Save" button using the mouse with the mouse.


Step 11.: For the document "Accrual of the salary" we select the form of accrual.


Step 12.: Document "Accrual of wages" is filled. To hold accruals, you need to record and save.


Most recently, our forum was asked an interesting question about how to reflect in 1c the fact of the absence of an employee due to illness. A feature of this situation is that the employee works as an external part-time, and temporary disability allowance receives only at the main place of work. That is, the employer as an explanation of the absence of the absence of a copy of the hospital sheet, the accrual of which is not necessary to produce. Let's consider an example of the reflection of such a situation in the 1C program: salary and personnel management 8 edition 3.

Go to the "Frames" tab and create a "sick leave" document.

Fill the first tab of the document in accordance with the received copy of the hospital.

As we see, the amount of accrual at this stage in the hospital are indicated, but work with the document is not completed. Go to the "Payment" tab and remove the checkbox to "assign a manual C".

After performing this action on the tab "Accrued (Details)", the amounts of accruals are reset, and the calculation type automatically changes to the "absence of the disease".

If the automatic change of charges did not happen, then we return to the "MAIN" tab and click the "Recount Document" button.

We carry out and closing the document.
When calculating wages for a month, the days of the absence of the disease will be taken into account, the amount of the salary for spent time is reduced, but the assumption of the benefit will not be implemented. You can make sure that it is possible to form a settlement sheet for an employee after calculating the salary for the month.

The program "1C: Accounting 8.3" editorial board 3.0 allows an accountant to accrue benefit to temporary disability, which we usually call "sick leave". In this instruction, we will look at the steps how to spend it correctly, calculate and calculate.

Pre-in (see Main / Settings / Accounting Parameters) It is necessary to include the possibility of accounting for vacations, hospital and executive documents.

Now in the journal of accruals - there, where documents on the monthly salary accrual are created, you can create a "sick leave" document.

Creating a new sick leave in 1C 8.3 Accounting

In the document header, you should choose a month of charge, registration date, employee.

The "Main" tab indicate:

  • Lessa number disability.
  • If given hospital sheet - continuation of the previousThe corresponding mark is set and the required document is selected by the link.
  • Cause of disability. Selects from the list of the list - a disease or injury; Pregnancy and childbirth or other leave.
  • Liberation term from work. Dates are indicated according to the hospital sheet.
  • If there is an entry on the violation of the mode in the hospital sheet, in this document, you should specify the program date to reduce benefits.
  • Percentage of payment. By default, the program sets 60.00. If necessary, the percentage can be changed.
  • Amount of accrued benefits and average earnings. They are already calculated and completed on the basis of the employee's earnings in the previous two years available. According to the current legislation, if the cause of the hospital was chosen or an employee's injury (except for injuries in production), the program charges the first three days of disability at the expense of the employer, and other days - at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

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If there is no data on earnings in the program, the manual is automatically calculated "on the minimum". If necessary, employee income for previous years can be specified manually, for this, follow the link "Change" (next to the amount of the average earnings).

In the form that opens, we see the fields for entering a monthly earnings for the two previous calendar years. These amounts accountant can fill out on the basis of its own data (if an employee worked at this time in an organization, but there was also no accounting in 1C) and on the basis of the certificate of earnings from the previous employer. The program of 1C Accounting automatically calculates the amount of the average daytime earnings, which will be transferred to the sick leave by pressing "OK".

The "Advanced" of the Hospital Sheet, the type of restriction of the benefit should be specified. By default, the limit of the limit value of the base for the accrual of insurance premiums is also available, options for "in the size of Moton" or to maximize monthly insurance payments are also available.

Here, if necessary, you can specify the district coefficient (in format 1, xx) and the benefits applied.

The "Accrued" tab reflects the accruals, their result and period. Amounts are available for manual change, in this case the edited result will be displayed on the "Main" tab.

When conducting a "sick leave" performs movements on account accounts, or wiring. The amount of a manual at the expense of the employer, the program refers to the same accounting account as the salary of this employee (according to the existing settings), in correspondence with the loan account. 70. The amount of benefits at the expense of the FSS is classified as a debit of accounts 69.01 "Social Insurance Settlements".

Reflection of hospital in salary accrual

Any our colleague knows that even in the "small" team itself sooner or later there may be a need for payments on a hospital leaf. The regulatory framework on this issue in 2017 changed and more than once. There were active conversations about electronic hospitals, people were asked questions, they say whether it is necessary to communicate with them if the director still "does not give me"? In general, empty chatter was quite a lot, and the payments from this did not carry people less.

Today we will tell you about how it is easy and convenient to calculate the hospital without going beyond our beloved . Step-by-step instructions for your service, dear readers!

What should be done?

First of all, you need to visit the section dedicated to personnel. Select the desired value and click on the button "All accruals":

Then you must click on the button "Create". In the list that appears, select a string "Sick leave".

After that, the page opens where we need to enter all the employee data.

Among them is information about FULL NAME, the reason for disability, the period for which the employee will be exempted from the performance of official duties, and will also need to specify the percentage of the salary, which will be compensated for. Next click on the button "Change":

After that, a table will be displayed on the screen, which will help accurate to a penny to calculate the average earnings of the ill worker, so that the calculator is not at the calculator.

What does the question mark mean, you ask? Everything is very simple. The service independently calculated the average "cost" of one working day, pushing out from the data on the minimum wage. One of the key advantages Compared to the "boxes" versions of the program lies in the fact that all updates occur automatically when starting, excluding the "aging" of information.

After we recover all the values, you can print a document in case that the verification authorities will require. In any case, the calculation will be saved in the program.

Accordingly, if a person is sick, then a wage recalculation should be made. Go to B. "Accrual".

As a result, we get exactly the meanings that should be.

Obviously, dear friends that the calculation and accrual of "hospital" is a very simple task for the service ". And appreciate all its benefits fully!

We wish you good luck!

Registration of the hospital in 1C Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0)

2016-12-07T18: 15: 57 + 00: 00

Finally, Troika Dorosal until I boldly recommend to all accountants to do accrual for temporary disability (sick leave) not in the old manner (a separate type of accrual), but specially created for these purposes document "Hospital sheet".

This allows you to automate the calculation of the average earnings for further vacations and hospitals, as well as in some way approaching 1C: Accounting 8.3 to 1C salary and personnel. But about everything in order.

Here there are only salaries periods for past periods. Create a "Hospital sheet" document:

Attention! If you have no sick leave and vacation list in your dropping list, then you.

Fill the document in accordance with the figure below:

We filled out a month (the hospital charge is made in January), chose an employee, indicated the reason for disability (illness), indicated the period of the disease and the percentage of payment, based on the experience of the employee's work.

The program quite correctly calculated us the average earnings and the amount of the hospital, and also divided this amount due to the employer and at the expense of the FSS. Excellent!

Let's go into the average earnings ("Change" button next to the calculated average earnings). The data entry window will open to calculate the average earnings:

It presents the income of the employees for the previous 2 years and the calculated average earnings.

Press the question of the question next to the amount of the average earnings to see the calculation itself in more detail. As you can see, the program even makes a comparison of the average earnings from the minimum wage:

Close the data entry window to calculate the average earnings on the "OK" button and back to the open document "Hospital sheet". We will find and click the "Calculation of Middle Earn" button:

We will have a certificate for the calculation of the average earnings of the employee:

Finally, I will conduct a document "Hospital sheet" on the "Conduct and Close" button and see that he accrued sick leave, but did not accruem NDFL.

That's right. NDFL will be charged with a final document Accrual of the salary, which we will do the last and in which we will receive and accrued our sick.

Create a document salary accrual for January and click the "Fill" button:

We see that the period of the hospital is taken into account when calculating the worked days and hours. The sum of the hospital fell into charge of this month. This amount (as well as the total salary) accrued personal income tax. Wonderful!

The estimated sheet will be like that.

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