
Buy don't save hotline. Telephone number of the Ekapusta loan hotline. Buy, don’t save, a free phone hotline. Details of a microcredit institution that will help you find it among other companies

The organization MKK "KUPI NE KOPI" (LLC) 7735104496 is registered at the legal address 125040, MOSCOW CITY, PRAVDI STREET, BUILDING 8, BUILDING 1. In accordance with the registration documents, the main activity is Providing loans and other types of credit. Full name of the organization MICROCREDIT COMPANY "BUY NOT COPY" (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY). The organization was registered on October 4, 2002. The organization has been assigned the All-Russian State Registration Number: 1027700280640. The head is GENERAL DIRECTOR TRUBIN MIKHAIL NIKOLAEVICH. To obtain more detailed information, you can go to the company’s card and check the reliability of the counterparty.

04.10.2002 Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow registered the organization MCC "BUY NOT COPY" (LLC). The registration procedure with the State Institution - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 5 for Moscow and the Moscow Region, municipal district of Begovaya, Moscow was implemented on 02/27/2014. The company MKK "BUY NOT COPY" (LLC) became registered with Branch No. 40 of the State Institution - the Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (LLC) on 09/18/2016 00:00:00. The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which is contained about this company: Change of information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Obtaining loans from microfinance organizations is a fairly common service today.

The main advantages of cooperation with microfinance organizations are:

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  • loyal attitude towards customers with, ;
  • minimum package of documents for registration;
  • simplified application review process.

One of the well-known microfinance organizations is the Buy Don’t Save company. The organization issues loans for the purchase of various goods and services. Every citizen of Russia who has reached the age of majority, has permanent registration in the Russian Federation and has a regular income can get a loan from Buy Don’t Save. Even borrowers with damaged or bad credit history can apply for a mini loan.

For beginners, the organization sets limits of up to 5,000 rubles. But if the client repays the debt on time, when he contacts “Buy Don’t Save” again, he will be given a larger amount if necessary. carried out in any convenient way - through a terminal, bank cash desk, electronic wallet or bank card.

Loans from “Buy Don’t Save” are an alternative to classic consumer loans issued at points of sale for the purchase of furniture, household appliances, electronics and other goods. Cooperation with the organization is in demand among borrowers with damaged or bad credit history. However, the loans here are significantly higher than those of banks.

Information about the company

The microcredit company “Buy Don’t Save” received official permission to carry out financial activities in March 2020. The general director of the organization is Kotlyarenko S.V.

The official representative of MCC is Home Credit Express Bank. This is one of the first banks to open its own MFO. The company was created with the aim of bypassing the restrictions of the Central Bank and sharing risks in microcrediting the population.

Loans can be issued both at the office of the Buy Don’t Save company, as well as on the territory of partners and at the bank’s points of presence. The main activity of MFOs is issuing targeted microloans for a short period of time for the purchase of certain services or goods. To receive a loan, the borrower indicates in the application the details of a trade organization or service company, and the microfinance organization, after approving the application, transfers the funds there.

As a rule, the borrower pays part of the cost of goods or services in cash directly at the cash desk of a trade organization (TO). However, when purchasing goods (services) on a promotional basis or in agreement with the TO management, the required amount is fully paid by the microfinance company.

The main goal of the company is to provide loans to clients who do not meet the requirements of banks. All microloans are issued without collateral.

The company is characterized by a minimal refusal rate, prompt processing of customer applications and many convenient ways to repay debt. The disadvantages of cooperation with microfinance organizations are high interest rates (compared to bank ones) and a complex scheme for early loan repayment.

Loan conditions

The Buy Don’t Save company provides loans from 1500 to for a period of three months to two years. Subject to signing an insurance agreement, the loan amount can reach 250,000 rubles. Depending on the chosen lending system, the annual loan rate reaches 59% . At the same time, the purchase of individual goods may provide a discount for the client from the maintenance department to pay off interest on the loan.

The MFO also provides for the possibility of obtaining additional insurance protection for the client and including the premium of the insurance company in the loan amount. The borrower's refusal to sign the insurance contract does not affect the outcome of the decision to issue a loan. Therefore, the client decides independently whether to agree to draw up an additional agreement or not.

Requirements for borrowers by the company:

  • age - from 18 to 35 years old;
  • work experience in the last place - at least six months;
  • total work experience – at least one year;
  • permanent registration at the place where the loan was issued.

When receiving funds, the borrower must provide a general passport and a certificate of income.

Also, for identification you must present one of the additional documents:

  • international passport;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • driver's license;
  • certificate of pension insurance.

The application review period is up to three days. There is no commission for early repayment of the loan, for its issuance and servicing, however, some agent companies charge a fee for payments used to repay the loan.

There is a possibility of early repayment of the debt. No collateral is required for the loan. The calculation of monthly payments is determined by the annuity method, which implies monthly loan payments in equal installments. The company does not provide cash loans.

How to apply for a loan at Buy Don’t Save

You can apply for a loan in “Buy Don’t Save” at any branch of Home Credit Express Bank or on the territory of partner companies. Loan servicing is carried out only at Home Credit Express branches.

The microfinance company “Buy Don’t Save” issues loans for the purchase of goods or services. Cash withdrawal is not provided. When purchasing a product, the client pays a first installment to the trade organization’s cash desk, the amount of which is 10–50% of the cost of the purchased product (service). The remaining amount is paid by the microfinance organization.

One of the main conditions for obtaining a loan is that the client is not in arrears on loans to microfinance organizations and banks that are part of the Home Credit Express group of companies and are its official partners.

Methods for receiving and returning money

The loan is processed according to the following scheme:

The transfer of funds to the trading organization MFO “Buy Don’t Save” is carried out independently. The borrower can only repay the loan in the prescribed manner.

To provide clients with comfortable conditions, the microfinance company provides several options for making payments:

  • payment through a terminal, ATM or cash desk of Home Credit Express Bank;
  • from the Home Credit bank account, which supports the Internet banking service;
  • through Euroset or Cyber ​​Plat payment terminal;
  • using the Golden Crown loan repayment service;
  • from Qiwi e-wallet;
  • through branches of partner banks of the financial company Home Credit Express.

The client has the opportunity to repay the debt ahead of schedule, but must notify the company's employees in advance by phone or directly in the office. Otherwise, the payment may not go through.

Together with the loan agreement, the borrower receives a payment schedule, which indicates the deadlines, amounts and total number of payments. Funds should be deposited according to the schedule. If the customer defaults on payment, the company has the right to initiate collection proceedings.

To repay overdue debts, the company uses the following methods:

  • accrual of fines;
  • filing a claim in court in order to obtain a writ of execution and transfer it to bailiffs;
  • engaging a debt collection service.

To support citizens, microfinance organizations were formed to provide

Buy or save, finding out the loan balance and carrying out other activities is quite easy. Home Credit Bank acts as the official representative of this program, that is, this is an individual bank product

You can apply for a loan absolutely anywhere in the bank’s operations. But it is worth remembering that further servicing occurs through the services of employees of this bank.

Let's look at the features of this program using a practical example.

Features of the loan!

MCC “Buy Don’t Save” from Home Credit Express, under the form of ownership “LLC”, is engaged in issuing targeted loans for the purchase of goods and services belonging to a variety of segments.

There are several requirements that must be met by those planning to take out a loan:

  • presence of Russian citizenship in the passport;
  • being an adult;
  • permanent residence in the Russian Federation.

An application can only be submitted if the applicant presents his Russian Federation passport. You also need to bring one more supporting document, which is selected from the list.

This is a foreign passport, driver's license, pension certificate, insurance certificate.

Features of loan repayment!

MCC “Buy Don’t Save” is also distinguished by the fact that it offers a large number of opportunities for providing loans.

Here are the main ones:

  • terminal and ATM of the organization;
  • cash desk of a credit institution;
  • using a debit card;
  • Euroset stores;
  • Cyber ​​Plat payment terminals;
  • electronic services;
  • branches of third-party banking organizations.

Based on the above possibilities, it can be noted that there are quite a few ways to repay a bank loan. The choice of one option or another depends solely on the convenience of the individual borrower.

Scheme for obtaining borrowed funds

This is what the general algorithm for obtaining borrowed resources looks like.

  1. The client selects the desired product or service, and then becomes familiar with the terms of the loan, as well as determining the timing of loan repayment.
  2. The company's specialists provide tremendous assistance in filling out an application for a loan, and then sending it to the microfinance organization.
  3. After the documents have been verified, MCC employees will make an appropriate decision, and the client will sign a specific agreement, paying the starting amount and picking up the item.

The representative of the Buy-Don't-Copy MCC is Home Credit Bank.

It is possible to obtain a loan at the Bank's points of presence in the territory of its partners. Further servicing of loans is carried out at Home Credit Bank branches.

Dear Clients! We inform you that MFO "Home Credit Express" (LLC) has changed its name to MCC "Buy Not Copy" (LLC). When paying for loans, the recipient of the payment will be MCC “Buy Don’t Save” (LLC), the rest of the company’s details do not change!

How to apply for a loan?

MCC “Buy Don’t Save” (LLC) issues targeted loans to clients (Borrowers) for the purchase of goods and services in various product segments.
Requirements for Borrowers:

  • ✓ citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • ✓ age from 18 years;
  • ✓ permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Submission of an Application for a Loan is made only upon presentation by the applicant of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. As a second document, the Applicant provides any document of his choice from the list:

  • ✓ foreign passport;
  • ✓ driver's license;
  • ✓ pension certificate;
  • ✓ insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

How to repay the loan?

  • ATM/terminal of Home Credit Bank supporting the cash deposit function;
  • Cash desk of Home Credit Bank;
  • From the debit card of Home Credit and Finance Bank LLC in the Internet Bank;
  • Euroset;
  • CyberPlat payment terminals;
  • Service "Golden Crown - Loan repayment";
  • Rapida service;
  • Qiwi wallet;
  • Through branches of other banks that accept transfers from individuals of other commercial banks.


Full corporate name of the microfinance organization in Russian:
Microcredit company “Buy, don’t save” (Limited Liability Company).

Abbreviated corporate name of the microfinance organization in Russian:
MCC “Buy, don’t save” (LLC).

Full corporate name of the microfinance organization in English:
Microcredit company Kupi ne kopi Limited Liability Company.

Abbreviated corporate name of the microfinance organization in English:
MCC Kupi ne kopi LLC.

Location of the permanent executive body:
125040, Moscow, Pravdy street, 8, bldg. 1
INN/KPP: 7735104496 / 771401001

Lends money exclusively for the purchase of goods and services. Conditions:

  • Terms up to 1095 days.
  • Down payment from 0.02% to 0.13% of the cost of the product or service.

Requirements for borrowers

Buy or save a loan online onto a card is available to citizens of the Russian Federation over 18 years of age. The client must have permanent residence in one of the regions of Russia. To take out a Buy on Copi loan, you need to provide a passport. Additionally, when registering, you must have a second document with you to choose from the list:

  • SNILS;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • international passport;
  • driver license.

How to apply for a loan in Buy Don’t Save?

The online application for a loan in Buy not Kopi is filled out not on the website, but at the point of sale where the client purchases the product or service. In the questionnaire you need to indicate contacts (address and phone number), information about work and income. Review time is about 15-30 minutes. If the application is accepted, the buyer signs the contract on the spot, and the loan is instantly transferred to the seller’s account.

How to repay a Buy don’t save loan?

MFOs provide many options for making payments:

  • free cash in Euroset and Svyaznoy communication stores.
  • at the cash desk or terminal of Home Credit Bank without interest for the transaction;
  • money transfer “Golden Crown” or “Contact”;
  • through payment terminals;
  • via Qiwi wallet;
  • at the cash desk of any bank.

You can also make a payment online in your personal account on the Buy Don’t Copy website with a bank card. Enrollment times are up to 3 business days, but most often payment is made instantly.

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