
Belarusbank credit time-tested conditions interest. Overview of credit programs of Belarusbank - conditions and interest rates. Documents required by the Bank

Belarusbank is the largest bank in Belarus: it provides financial services to both individuals and legal entities. Belarusbank has a wide product line for lending to consumer needs and housing, on favorable terms. Registration is possible on favorable terms with a minimum package of documents.

The offer involves the use of an international credit card with a renewable limit. A loan can be issued by customers with both a good credit history and a damaged one, according to the minimum package of documents, without guarantors. For conscientious borrowers, a more favorable interest rate is set.

A citizen of the Republic of Belarus, a foreign citizen or a stateless person, but the owner of a salary card or an account opened with a bank, can become a borrower. Prerequisite: regular receipt of salary within the last 3 months.

The credit line is renewed until the borrower reaches the age of 57. After the three-year validity period of the card, the plastic is reissued. The limit on the card depends on the solvency of the client, and the minimum monthly payment is not less than 2% of the amount of the principal used.

The interest rate depends on the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the country. Under this program, conscientious borrowers can count on a refinancing rate of + 2%, and another 1% higher for clients with a damaged credit history.

You can apply at any branch of the bank or information kiosk, by calling the call center or by filling out an online form on the bank's website.

Required documents:

  • The passport;
  • Confirmation of income with a salary statement for the last 3 months or an account statement;
  • Consent of the borrower to provide a credit report;
  • Consent to the processing of personal data and obtaining information about the borrower from the National Bank of Belarus.

consumer credit

You can apply for a regular consumer loan on the official website of the bank. The maximum amount depends on the solvency of the client, but should not exceed 8,000 Belarusian rubles.

Interest rates depend on the term of the loan:

  • Up to 1 year - the rate is equal to the refinancing rate of the National Bank.
  • Up to 2 years - the rate increases by 1.5%.
  • Up to 3 years - the rate increases by 2%.
  • Up to 4 years - plus 2.5% to the refinancing rate.
  • Up to 5 years - plus 3% to the refinancing rate.

A loan can be issued without guarantors and income statements. It is provided both to a bank card and to accounts of third parties (legal entities, individual entrepreneurs).

car loan

Under the car loan program in Belarusbank, you can purchase a GEELY car for up to 7 years. The maximum amount is determined upon confirmation of the income declared by the client, but should not exceed 15 base units.

During the first 180 days from the date of the loan, a preferential interest rate of 10% applies. After the end of this period, the rate is equal to the refinancing rate increased by 2%.

The loan is provided by non-cash transfer of funds to the account of the car seller organization. Requirements for borrowers and documents are similar to previous products.

It is not required to pay an initial fee and issue a CASCO.

Lucky Upgrade Credit

The program is aimed at refinancing both own and loans from other banks of the Republic of Belarus. If the borrower issues a loan only for refinancing, the maximum amount corresponds to the amount of debt on the principal debt of loans in other banks. The term can be up to 7-10 years. No guarantee required.

If it is necessary to receive an additional amount on hand (which is provided for by the lending program), the maximum amount is determined by the solvency of the borrower. Of course, in this case, it is required to confirm the income with a bank statement or a certificate of wages. When taking into account the declared income, the loan amount should not exceed 15 base units - 345 Belarusian rubles.

The interest rate is equal to the refinancing rate of the National Bank increased by 3%.

Requirements for refinanced loans:

  • There must be no active delays.
  • At least two months must pass from the date of registration. There must be at least 90 days left before the expiration of the contract.

The requirements for borrowers and documents are supplemented with the details of refinanced loans for the subsequent transfer of funds to repay the debt, and a certificate of debt status, indicating the number of the loan agreement, the balance of the principal debt, the date of execution, the number of payments made, etc.

Credit for the purchase of goods/services

Borrowed funds are provided on the basis of documented agreements with partners - trade or service organizations.

  • Term: up to 18 months.
  • Interest rates: within 18%.
  • It is necessary to add invoices for payment for the selected product/service to the main package of documents.

Credit "Young family"

Perhaps this is the most profitable loan for a young family with children. It can be issued without proof of income, and a prerequisite for participation in the program is the borrower's age - up to 31 years, and the provision of a child's birth certificate.

  • Maximum amount: 5,000 Belarusian rubles.
  • Term: up to 5 years.
  • Provided preferential interest rates. In the first 30 days from the date of registration, 0.5% is added to the refinancing rate, in subsequent months + 1%.

Student loan

The amount of a loan for education depends on the annual cost of education and the solvency of the borrower. The bank, by bank transfer, sends money to the account of the educational institution. Consideration of the application is possible, both with confirmation of income, and without it. The program needs suretyship and pledge of real estate.

The interest rate is equal to the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. When applying for a loan to pay for the first education at a university, repayment begins from the month following the month of graduation, and interest is payable from the next month from the moment the loan is issued. The same principle of repayment when studying in institutions of secondary specialized profile.

A loan for studying at a university is provided for a period of up to 5 years, and for a college for up to 3 years.

To the standard list of documents and requirements, you must provide a copy of the contract for training and documents on the education received.

Loan "Time to live"

The offer is relevant for the category of borrowers receiving a pension in accordance with the legislation of Belarus. The loan amount is determined by the client's solvency and cannot exceed 150 base units. In the first year, a reduced rate is applied for pensioners in the amount of the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, and increases by 1% in subsequent years. Loan term is 3 years.

The standard requirements are supplemented by the provision of a pension certificate, a guarantee agreement and a certificate of the amount of the pension.

A prerequisite is a pledge of real estate and a guarantee of individuals. Guarantors can be citizens of the Republic, foreign citizens or stateless persons, provided they have sources of income and permanent residence on the territory of Belarus.

Making an online application

You can fill out an online application on the Internet and get a preliminary decision without leaving your home. The following types of programs are available for online registration:

  • "For consumer needs" for a period of 1 to 5 years: against a penalty or with non-refund risk insurance;
  • "Serious plans" (a loan for young people on the card);
  • "Time to live";
  • "Tested by time".

After selecting the type of program, in the lower fields, specify the clarifying information from the drop-down lists, at the bottom of the page, find the button “I have read and agree with the terms of credit and services” and click on it.

Now start filling in your monthly income (including extra income, alimony and pension) and expenses for the last 3 months. If there are open loans, you must specify their number.

From step 2, filling in personal data, registration address, phone number, education, family composition, passport data, job information, etc. begins. It is important to enter the data correctly.

After sending the application, wait for a call from a specialist and find out about the preliminary decision of the bank. If you have been approved, go with the documents to the nearest bank office to confirm the data and complete the registration process.

JSC "ASB Belarusbank" provides a wide range of financial services to individuals and legal entities. One of the most popular areas is the provision of loans to various categories of the population in accordance with their needs. Specialists carefully study the current situation on the market and try to offer services on the most favorable terms. After reviewing the full list of existing lending opportunities, each client will be able to choose the most optimal option.

Consumer loans

One of the most demanded products of Belarusbank is loans for consumer needs. They are characterized by ease of design and a minimum set of requirements, which increases their accessibility for all segments of the population. The main purpose is the purchase of goods or services for personal use. They can be obtained by every citizen who meets the conditions.

Consumer loan for any purpose

A consumer loan in Belarusbank is characterized by mild requirements - the absence of guarantors and the need to confirm income (up to 490 Belarusian rubles). The maximum amount that can be obtained for this type of lending is 8 thousand Belarusian rubles. rubles.

The interest rate depends on the time during which the client will use borrowed money. The loan calculator of Belarusbank allows you to pre-calculate the amount of the monthly payment, taking into account current income. Funds can be received both in cash and non-cash.

To take a loan from Belarusbank for consumer needs, you must provide a basic package of documents, which includes:

  • Copy of the passport;
  • Consent to the provision of a loan report and the processing of personal data;
  • If necessary, proof of income.

Persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities must provide:

  • Copies of the certificate of registration, if any, then the license;
  • income data;
  • If an individual entrepreneur opened an account, then you need an extract on the receipt and withdrawal of funds for 3 months. When working without opening an account, you must provide a tax return;
  • Single tax payers need an extract on the tax payments made.

An application for receiving a payment is made on the official portal on the Internet or at the office of Belarusbank.

"Successful upgrade" to 7 years

This type is issued in 2 cases:

  • To repay other loans provided by banks of the Republic of Belarus for personal needs;
  • To pay off a debt on a loan received from Belarusbank.

This program is issued without guarantors for up to 7 years. The amount that can be obtained for this type of loan corresponds to the amount of debt. A citizen can receive additional funds that exceed the balance of another loan if he is able to repay payments on time. In this case, proof of income must be provided.

Confirmation of solvency is not required when receiving an amount up to 20 base units. The client can apply for any amount without a document from the place of work, if he already receives a salary or pension at the branches of Belarusbank.

The following conditions must be met for an application to be approved:

  • A loan requiring cash to be repaid must be registered in the name of the applicant;
  • Absence of the current delay and the presence of no more than 2 violations of the terms of payment;
  • At least 2 payments have been made to repay the principal debt;
  • More than 90 calendar days remain until the end of the debt term.

Applications are made online or at bank offices.

Loan "Tested by time"

This program involves the use of an international credit card, which has a renewable limit. Its advantage is the minimum set of documents. A loan can be received by every client of Belarusbank who receives a salary through it and has not yet reached the age of 57.

Citizens with both good and bad credit history can use the service. But the first group receives a lower interest rate.

The term of the credit card is 3 years. After this time, it needs to be reissued. The amount of money provided to the applicant depends on his solvency. The Belarusbank loan calculator allows you to calculate monthly payments, taking into account all the nuances.

This type of loan is available for the following categories of people:

  • Citizens of the Republic of Belarus;
  • Foreign citizens;
  • Persons without citizenship.

When applying, you need to provide a basic package of documents.

Includes 2 programs:

  • To buy a new car;
  • For the purchase of Geely from the dealers of SZAO BELGI.

The first offer allows you to receive funds without initial capital at a low interest rate. The maximum term is 7 years. A 6 month deferment is possible.

The amount of the payment depends on the financial situation of the borrower. The method of securing obligations is a guarantee.

The second program provides a low interest rate for the first 2 or 3 years. The loan amount is determined in a similar way. But it can be increased by adding the income of the guarantor. Term - up to 7 years.

Both programs require the submission of the same set of documents, which includes a basic set, a registered copy of a vehicle purchase agreement or a reference invoice.

You can leave an application for receipt only at the branches of Belarusbank.

This is the most convenient type of lending with relaxed requirements. Without visiting the office of Belarusbank, you can get loans of 2 types:

  • "Internet cashless".

Disbursement of funds under both programs is carried out in a non-cash way. Guarantors are not needed. Any client of Belarusbank who owns a plastic card and uses the Internet banking system can apply.

Term - up to 3 years, maximum amount - up to 10 thousand Belarusian rubles. rubles. The exact figure depends on the solvency of the citizen. The method of securing obligations is a penalty.

The interest rate for the first program is 0.01% per annum, for the second it depends on the term. Members of the "Carte Blanche" club receive more favorable conditions. The list of partner stores where the “Installment without overpayments” offer is valid is presented on the official portal of Belarusbank.

Credit for the purchase of goods or services

This type involves the provision of funds on the basis of agreements with partner companies that sell goods or provide services.

Includes 4 programs:

None of them require proof of income or guarantors. A supporting document is required only when receiving a credit card. Debt repayment is carried out in equal installments. In addition to the basic package of documents, it is necessary to provide contracts and invoices. The list of partners is presented on the official portal of Belarusbank.

Consideration of the application within the framework of the first proposal is carried out within 1 hour. The term depends on the agreements with the partner organization, but no more than 3 years.

The term, amount and interest rate under the loan offer "Partner" is determined by the agreement.

The term of the loan provided under the agreements concluded with organizations is 1.5 years. A calculator will help you calculate a loan in Belarusbank for consumer needs. It takes into account almost all the nuances, including credit history, which allows you to get the most reliable result.

Youth loans

For young people under the age of 31, Belarusbank is ready to offer 2 programs:

Interest under the first offer is calculated at a reduced rate during the first month. The transfer of money is made by issuing a credit card. The maximum amount is no more than 5 thousand Belarusian rubles. rubles, the term is up to 5 years. The borrowers are young families with a child. A birth certificate must be added to the basic package of documents.

The second sentence is not much different from the first. Exception - the maximum amount is 200 basic units, the possibility of securing a loan with a forfeit with a good history of loans, no need to have children.

It is provided to pay for the first training of the client in secondary specialized or higher educational institutions, provided that it will be held in full-time form.

The calculation is carried out by transferring funds to the account of the educational institution. The amount of the payment is equal to the annual cost. Any means, except for insurance and forfeit, act as collateral. Interest is charged at a low rate. The borrower is obliged to repay interest starting from the next month after receipt, and the total amount - within 5 years after the completion of the educational process at a university and 3 years at an institution of secondary specialized education.

A certificate stating that the education received is the first, a copy of the contract with the educational institution, a certificate of income for the past 3 months are added to the basic package of documents.

This program is the best loan for pensioners in Belarusbank. It applies to all people receiving a pension, regardless of their actual age. The maximum amount is 150 base units. The borrower receives a credit card. The maximum term is 3 years.

The Time to Live program is notable for its economical interest rate. Cardholders of Belarusbank receive even more favorable conditions.

You can leave an application at any office of the bank or on its official resource on the Internet. To do this, you need to prepare a basic package of documents and an extract on the amount of the pension for the past 3 months. Obligations are secured by any permitted means, except for penalties and risk insurance.

Belarusbank provides loans to the population to meet various needs related to the acquisition, construction and repair of housing. Each program provides for specific cases, which allows you to choose the most suitable option with the most favorable conditions. Belarusbank home loan is one of the most popular products that citizens often use to improve the quality of life.

Lucky Upgrade Credit

It is provided to clients who have previously received funds from the banks of the Republic of Belarus for the purchase of real estate.

The loan amount is determined by the solvency of the applicant, but not more than the amount necessary to repay the debt. Credit obligations are secured by all permitted methods, except for a penalty and risk insurance.

To receive a loan, you must meet the following requirements:

  • The applicant is personally a party to the contract;
  • Credit must be used in full;
  • No delay or non-compliance with payment terms. It is allowed to have 2 violations;
  • The client has already made at least 2 payments;
  • Loan term exceeds 3 months.

When making an application, in addition to the basic set of documents, you must provide an extract on a previously taken loan containing basic information.

"Mortgage with us"

This is an affiliate program of Belarusbank and Dana Holdings, a large construction company in Belarus. With this offer you can pay up to 90% of the cost of housing. The term is up to 20 years.

Interest is divided into 2 periods. A special calculator located on the official website in the "Credits and Leasing" section will help you calculate a loan in Belarusbank.

The method of securing obligations depends on the amount of the payment. If it exceeds 100 thousand Bel. rubles, then it is necessary to provide a pledge of the acquired housing.

Payment of the main debt is carried out monthly, and accrued interest - for the real period of use.

When applying, you must provide a document from the company, indicating the right to receive funds under this offer.

A loan for the construction or reconstruction of a residential building with the use of a subsidy for its repayment

You can use this program after a decision is made by the relevant authority to provide financial assistance to the population in paying off a certain part of the accrued interest. The loan agreement must be concluded before the building is used for its intended purpose.

The amount of the loan is determined by the cost of housing and the financial capabilities of the client. Consolidation of family income is possible. The maximum term is 20 years. The transfer of funds is carried out by crediting to the account of the organization. The list of citizens who are entitled to receive financial assistance can be found on the official website of Belarusbank.

When applying, you must provide a basic package of documents and a certificate confirming the provision of a subsidy.

Construction loan

Belarusbank loan for housing construction allows you to purchase funds for the implementation of the corresponding goal. The term of the grant is up to 20 years. You can cover up to 90% of the cost with a loan. The specific figure depends on the financial capabilities of the client. With their lack, it is possible to combine the income of the family and close relatives. Interest is accrued in accordance with the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus + 3 p.p.

To apply, you must provide a basic package of documents. In addition, some other papers are needed, the list of which depends on the method of construction.

This program allows you to purchase funds for the purchase of a housing stock or an allocated share in it. The maximum term is 20 years. The amount depends on the solvency of the client and the value of real estate, but not more than 90%. You can calculate a loan for the purchase of Belarusbank housing using a calculator.

If the applicant does not have sufficient income, then it is possible to pool all the funds received by the family and close relatives. When registering, you need to provide a basic package of documents and attach a contract of sale to it.

This offer is designed for participants in the building savings system, which consists of 2 stages. Initially, people save their own money by choosing a suitable Belarusbank program.

The second stage involves receiving the missing amount from the bank on favorable terms. The advantages of this program include:

  • The possibility of transferring rights to other persons. For example, from parents to children;
  • Interest is repaid in equal installments;
  • A loan can be obtained by any citizen, regardless of current housing conditions.

The amount can be up to 75% of the total value of real estate, the term is up to 20 years. The possibility of obtaining a loan appears immediately after the end of the program for the accumulation of funds.
When applying, you need to provide a basic package of documents and housing savings agreement data that allow you to determine the loan amount. In addition, additional information is required, the set of which depends on the method of construction.

This program is identical to the previous one. But the purpose of obtaining funds is not construction, but the purchase of finished residential premises. The offer has the same benefits and conditions.

When applying, you must provide a basic package of documents and a contract of sale.

An overdraft is a type of short-term loan. It can be obtained by the holder of a debit card, which is used for payroll, benefits, scholarships and other payments established by law.

The main goal is to receive the missing funds when making any payment. The client determines the amount himself. A suitable loan program is selected taking into account the current needs of the borrower.

Leasing services are available to individuals for the following purchases:

  • Vehicle;
  • Items used for a long period of time;
  • real estate;
  • Goods included in joint programs.

Lease payments are calculated using the leasing calculator.

Payment of all loans can be carried out in various ways, choosing the most convenient. However, many users ask the question: “How to pay a Belarusbank loan through ERIP?”. To do this is extremely simple:

  • Insert a payment card into the infokiosk;
  • Enter PIN code;
  • Select the category "Payments";
  • Click on the button "Payment of loans" and go to the appropriate category.

After that, it remains to enter the required data, complete the operation and take the check.

General terms

Loans for consumer needs from Belarusbank is a loan (credit line), the amount of which depends on your solvency, issued under the guarantee of individuals.

Credit calculator

In addition, the calculator will help you determine the amount of savings on interest, if you are ready to keep the amount of the loan payment at the same level.

Online loan processing

Using the order form, you can apply for a loan in 1 minute, after which the bank will contact you and inform you of the decision and determine the place (branch) for processing all the necessary documents.

Documents for obtaining a loan

  • Passport or residence permit;
  • Income statement.
  • Documents of the guarantor (passport and certificate of income)

Basic requirements for the borrower

  • Resident of the Republic of Belarus. Confirmed by a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit in Belarus.
  • Seniority. Confirmed by the information of the certificate of income.

Loan repayment

  • Through the cashier at the bank branch
  • With the help of Internet banking and mobile banking of Belarusbank
  • With the help of Internet banking and mobile banking of other banks, if they are connected to ERIP
  • Through ATMs and infokiosks of other Belarusian banks connected to the ERIP system.

Belarusbank offers loans for consumer needs to everyone who lives in the Republic of Belarus. This is a great opportunity to make a long-awaited purchase.

In Belarusbank, everyone will find the best loan product for themselves. The bank's specialists did a good job of creating consumer lending programs, thanks to which loans became even more accessible to all categories of the population of the republic.

In this article, we will analyze the current loan programs from Belarusbank. Perhaps someone will like some kind of loan after reading this article.

Belarusbank has a loan that provides for spending on consumer needs. This credit can be used to pay for goods and services, even if they were purchased on the Internet.

Consider the requirements of the bank in relation to its future borrowers and understand who can qualify for this loan.

Requirements of Belarusbank to applicants:

  • Capable persons
  • Permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus
  • Stable source of income in Belarus

It is noteworthy that this cash loan can be issued by both a citizen of the Republic of Belarus and stateless persons residing on a permanent basis in the Republic of Belarus.

So, the following credit conditions are available to the applicant:

  • Loan disbursement method: bank transfer or credit card
  • Debt payment procedure: actually for the period of using the cash loan
  • Loan amount: individually

The loan amount will be calculated based on the borrower's monthly income. By the way, the loan rate will also depend on some factors (agreement / refusal of insurance, loan term, etc.).

Let's call it a standard consumer loan and consider other relevant bank offers aimed at consumer needs.

Loan product "Time to live"

Such a cash loan is designed for consumers who have reached retirement age. However, there is a reservation that persons entitled to receive a pension in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus can apply for this loan.

Benefits of this loan:

  • Lower credit rate
  • Possibility to apply for a loan without proof of income
  • Customers can buy goods and services online
  • The applicant is provided with several ways to register the application

Under the terms of this loan, the applicant can count on the following loan conditions:

  • Providing a credit amount to a credit payment card
  • The amount of the loan: in the amount not exceeding 150 basic units within the solvency of the borrower
  • Loan collateral required

As collateral, the following are possible: a guarantee of individuals, a pledge and any other means of securing a debt obligation, provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

It is noteworthy that the credit rate is floating.

This loan is also designed for the consumer needs of the borrowers. It provides for the issuance of borrowed funds to refinance a problem cash loan.

Refinancing applies to consumer and mortgage loans that were issued in Belarusian rubles or in foreign currency. But it is important that the bank provides an opportunity to use this loan program only for refinancing loans that were previously issued in Belarusbank.

This loan can be issued without a guarantee, and if the borrower is also a payroll client of the bank, then he will not need to confirm his income with certificates.

Loan conditions:

  • Method of issuing a loan: non-cash transfer to pay the principal debt on a refinanced loan
  • Interest payment procedure: upon use of the loan
  • Loan amount: depending on the solvency of the client
  • Security: any option provided by the legislation of the republic

The amount of the loan, although it depends on the solvency of the borrower, but it certainly will not exceed the amount of the remaining debt on the principal debt of the refinanced loan.

The loan will look like this:

  1. Any balance of debt on the loan, but the use of the loan up to 1 year: 20%
  2. The balance is over 1 thousand rubles, and the use of the loan is up to 5 years: 21%

Let's take a quick look at the requirements for borrowers who want to refinance their existing loan.

Belarusbank requirements:

  • A client who is a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, a foreigner or a stateless person who is on permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus
  • Having a permanent source of income in the Republic of Belarus

Submit an application in a convenient way for you and the bank will certainly notify you of its decision as soon as possible.

Loan "Tested by time"

Provides for the issuance of a loan using an international credit line due to the opening of a revolving credit line.

This cash loan is available to payroll customers and their age does not exceed 57 years.

The loan is issued to an international credit card, which will be valid for 3 years. After this period, it can be reissued. Well, the amount of the loan will be calculated based on the data on the solvency of the borrower.

Belarusbank provides several ways to register a loan application. The applicant only needs to choose the most suitable method for him and fill out the application form of the bank.

Ways to register an application in Belarusbank:

  1. At a bank branch
  2. Through the information kiosk of Belarusbank
  3. In the M-Banking system
  4. On the corporate website of Belarusbank
  5. Through the contact center

As you can see, the bank made sure that it was convenient for the applicant to apply for a loan. And for those applicants who do not like queues, the remote option is very suitable, i.e. registration of the application in any way, except for a visit to a bank branch.

Documents for obtaining a loan

To document a loan obligation to a bank, you need to collect a certain package of documents.

The standard list of papers that will be needed to conclude a loan agreement is as follows:

  • Passport of the applicant (and guarantor)
  • Income statement or bank statement for the last 3 months.
  • Consent of the applicant and the guarantor to the processing of their personal data

Please note that certificates are only valid for 30 days.

If necessary, the bank manager will clarify what other documents are needed to conclude a loan agreement, but this is already individual in each case.

The easiest way to get a loan is to payroll clients, since the lender has the necessary information about the borrower. It is enough for such clients to fill out an application and verify their identity with a passport.

Belarusbank has a lot of consumer lending programs. There is also a separate section of loans for the younger generation, as well as educational loans. Follow the bank's current loan offers and you will definitely find a loan product that will provide favorable loan conditions.

JSC "ASB Belarusbank" is the largest in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The bank provides over 100 types of financial services, including consumer lending. Belarusbank's clients are about 70% of all borrowers in the country, which is more than 800 thousand citizens.

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Lending terms

Belarusbank has several types of consumer credit products. There are options for the target direction, with provision, social orientation. At the same time, lending conditions for all loan products are similar to each other.

Filing an application

In order to obtain a consumer loan, the Applicant has the opportunity to apply:

  • in any of the branches of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank", which provides banking services;
  • fill out an online application on the corporate website of Belarusbank;
  • call the contact center at a special short number 147.

Applying for a trade credit is made directly to trade organizations that cooperate with the Bank.

Documents required by the Bank

To approve a loan application and grant a loan, the Bank requires the following documents:

  1. Passports, as well as their copies of the borrower and guarantors for the loan (in the case of choosing a loan with collateral - the guarantee of individuals).
  2. Loan application form.
  3. Certificates confirming the availability of income from the borrower, as well as from the guarantor (if involved). Or an account statement for the last quarter, provided that the borrower receives a pension or salary through Belarusbank. Certificates are valid for 30 days.
  4. Borrower's consent issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus to provide information about him, namely, a credit report from the Credit Register.
  5. Consent of the client to receive and verify by the Creditor Bank personal data about him.

Additionally, depending on the purpose of the loan, the Bank requires:

1. As part of the provision of trade credit:

  • invoice.

2. When applying for a burial loan:

  • death certificate;
  • invoice.

3. The need for a loan for medical services, the borrower must confirm:

  • a certificate from a medical institution stating that the applicant himself or his relative is registered with the dispensary;
  • an agreement and (or) an invoice for the provision of medical services indicating the cost of medicines and services provided.

4. For an education loan:

  • a copy and original of the agreement on training a specialist in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution on a paid basis;
  • a certificate from an educational institution, indicating the presence of the first higher or secondary specialized education.

    The document must contain information about the form and timing of graduation.

Before applying for a loan, it is worth considering -. Detailed information about this type of lending can be found on our website.

Do you want to take out a mortgage but don't have the funds for a down payment? We will tell you.

Interest rates

The peculiarity of the current interest rates on consumer loans in Belarusbank is its linkage to the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

Thus, the Bank sets the cost of a particular loan as a multiple of the NBRB refinancing lending rate plus (or minus) a certain number of credit points.

The size of the interest rate under the concluded loan agreement remains unchanged throughout its validity, unless otherwise provided by the agreement itself.

The refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus last changed downwards in August 2019. As of November 2019, its value corresponds to 20% per annum.

Video: How to get a loan?

Types of consumer loans from Belarusbank

Consumer lending in Belarusbank is limited to 9 offers.

Requiring security in the form of a guarantee, non-return insurance, collateral:

  • "Consumer credit" for any needs. Provided by non-cash transfer or to a payment card;
  • "For the purchase of a car", in fact, targeted car loans;
  • "For training", provided for the purpose of obtaining higher and secondary specialized education. The money is transferred to the account of the educational institution;
  • "", as well as the installation of monuments and fences;
  • "For medical services" for citizens who are registered with the dispensary, in order to pay for medical care, purchase medicines and equipment.
  • With provision only in the form of a penalty:
  • “Tested by time” is a non-targeted loan designed for payroll clients under the age of 57 years. Money is transferred to an international credit card;
  • “For the purchase of goods”, as the name suggests, a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of goods in trade organizations with which the Bank has agreements;
  • "Application to Santa Claus", a special offer for the New Year holiday, valid from November 24, 2019 to January 15, 2019. The loan is provided on a bank card.

Without collateral:

  • "Installment without overpayments" is a loan intended for the purchase of goods in certain trade organizations. The loan is transferred to the settlement account of the trading organization.

Requirements for the borrower

The Bank's requirements for an applicant for a loan are the same for almost all loan products:

  • citizen of the Republic of Belarus;
  • foreign citizen;
  • a stateless person;
  • compulsory residence in the country;
  • having a permanent source of income in Belarus;
  • employee of a branch and representative office of a legal entity located abroad.

Loan processing

Regardless of the method of applying for a loan, in order to draw up a loan agreement, the borrower must come to the Bank's branch. Moreover, this makes it possible to count on the maximum loan amount.

Features of applying online

For borrowers who apply electronically, a loan of no more than 200 base units is available.

As of November 2019, this is within 30 million bel. rub. The process of filling out and submitting an online application is as clear and simple as possible. All you have to do is fill out the form provided on the website.

The decision of the Bank is communicated to the applicant in the manner indicated in the application. Refusal is possible in a situation where loan payments are more than 50% higher than the net income of the borrower. In case of a positive decision, the client must personally come to the bank with a package of necessary documents.

Interest rate

The interest rate is set by the Board of the Bank in accordance with the type of loan, the terms of its provision and the period of use.

In most cases, its calculation is based on the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the NBRB rate), which as of November 2019 is equal to 20% per annum.

Type of loan product

The size and features of the interest rate

Calculation in relation to the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Absolute value as of November 2019, %

"Tested by time"

For citizens with a positive CI: 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - 4.5 percentage points

For all other borrowers: 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - 3.5%

consumer credit

For a loan for up to 1 year: 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus at the time of the conclusion of the contract - 4.5%

For a loan for up to 5 years: 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus at the time of the conclusion of the contract - 2.5%

For a loan for up to 5 years, subject to the conclusion of an insurance contract: 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

To purchase a car

For up to 7 years - 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

For up to 5 years - 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - 2 p.p.

For the purchase of goods

2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - 4 p.p.

For education

For the first education: the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement + 10%

For obtaining a second education: the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement + 12%

Improvement of burial places

rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement + 6 p.p.

For medical services

"Installment without overpayments"

with payment of 0.01% per year

"Application to Santa Claus"

In accordance with the terms of loan agreements, the interest rate does not always remain unchanged throughout the entire period of the agreement.

A change in the cost of a loan may be caused by a change in the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Belarus. Or by decision of the Board of the Bank.

The borrower is informed about the new terms of the loan through newspapers, websites and branches of the Bank.

Maximum and minimum loan amount

Before concluding a loan agreement, the Bank assesses the client's creditworthiness.

During the assessment, loan debts, guarantee agreements, credit history, factors that can affect the solvency of the borrower (marital status, expenses) are analyzed.

The result of this analysis is the determination of the maximum loan amount, that is, the limit of the borrower's solvency. It cannot exceed the borrower's net income ratio set by the Bank.

The minimum size for consumer loans of Belarusbank is not set.
The available size of the marginal loan for the borrower necessarily satisfies the above criterion. Individual loans have additional conditions:

Name of consumer loan

The maximum loan amount within the solvency of the borrower

consumer credit

but not more than 50 million Bel. rub.

To purchase a car

taking into account the cost of the car

For the purchase of goods

in the amount of up to 200 base units established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus as of the date of the decision to issue a loan (currently - up to 30.0 million rubles)

"Installment without overpayments"

"Application to Santa Claus"

For education

within the annual tuition fee

Loan disbursement terms

Credit terms in Belarusbank generally range from one to seven years.

consumer credit

Loan terms

"Tested by time"

consumer credit

1 to 5 years

To purchase a car

For the purchase of goods

up to 1.5 years

For education

Improvement of burial places

For medical services

up to 2 years

"Installment without overpayments"

depends on the outlet

"Application to Santa Claus"

State regulation of the interest rate level allows controlling the lending system in the Republic as a whole and in Belarusbank in particular.

All loan products are available, inexpensive and easy to obtain. With the help of credit funds, you can become parents, solve current issues and perpetuate the memory of loved ones.

This allows us to say that Belarusbank is ready to help its customers throughout their lives.

Debt repayment

Payment on debt to Belarusbank is made monthly for the actual time of using the loan in accordance with the schedule.

There are several ways to repay:

  • at the cash desks of the bank;
  • at information kiosks, using cards issued by Belarusbank and other resident banks. In the latter case, the commission is 1% of the amount;
  • through M-banking;
  • using the Internet banking service.

According to customer reviews, the main problems of the bank are:

  • commissions, as the bank calls them "the amount of remuneration" charged for certain services. If we talk about consumer lending, then such a fee costs the client 3.5% of the amount of cash withdrawal, but not less than 10 thousand Belarusian rubles. rub.;
  • problems in the work of Internet banking. Unfortunately, the service is not always available to customers "due to technical reasons", which naturally causes inconvenience and dissatisfaction;
  • insufficient number of ATMs and branches.

But these minor shortcomings are more than covered by today's pluses:

  • affordable loan rates;
  • two low-interest offers on social targeted loans for medical services and improvement of burial sites;
  • a convenient website of the Bank, which allows the client to independently understand the conditions of lending, get answers to questions of interest through an online consultation, calculate loan conditions using a calculator;
  • holding holiday promotions on credit offers;
  • credit offer "Installment without overpayments", which allows you to purchase on the terms of an almost interest-free loan.

But even tomorrow the Bank has room to grow. In the future, it would be nice:

  • increase the number of branches;
  • expand the list of partner outlets;
  • eliminate shortcomings in the operation of Internet services;
  • expand the range of unsecured consumer loans.

Separately, I would like to note a big plus of lending not only in Belarusbank, but also in the country as a whole - this is the presence of presidential decrees aimed at preferential lending.

In particular, in this Bank preferential consumer loans are available to students receiving their first higher education, young professionals, for gasification and even for in vitro fertilization. The cost of such loans is several times lower than the cost of consumer loans.


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