
Earthworks on the site (cottage). What is included in the services? New site: sequence of work Excavation costs

And the beginning of most of the construction work. Every year, on tens of thousands of plots near Moscow, some kind of construction begins, improvement of the previously built one, drainage, raising the site, or simply arranging the lawn. This occupation is time-consuming, and often even overwhelming for most gardeners. Whether it's leveling a plot for a lawn, a foundation pit for an artificial pond, a trench for a gas main or foundation, installation of a septic tank, you have to dig everywhere. And we are happy to dig, move, fill, level ... Without straining the owners with an urgent search for guest workers and shovels. Digging a pit, a trench for our mini-excavator is not a problem at all. In addition, it is much cheaper: see a comparative calculation of the cost of digging a pit by hand and a mini excavator.

Prices (price) for earthworks

earthwork price depends on several factors: season, gravity of the soil, groundwater level.

1. seasonal factor. Excavation work with light equipment that does not open frozen ground should be prepared in winter, i.e. We pre-thaw the soil with special equipment. It is also problematic to find auxiliary workers in winter. Therefore, our prices, including excavation, in winter range from 700 rubles per cubic meter, which is at least 200 rubles. more expensive than in the spring-autumn season.

2. Factor of "heavy" soils. In the literature, there is a rather complex classification of soils, classes, groups, subgroups, types, as well as a special GOST 25100-95 classification of soils. Let's not go deep into this. For earthworks, something else is important: how much the productivity of equipment decreases in dense soil and in loose soil. How much time will increase if the excavator bucket is constantly cleaned of soft sticky clay and how many additional volumes will have to be worked out in loose soil. For example, in sand, if we are digging a trench, the angle of inclination of the walls will need to be made not 5-10, but all 30 degrees so that the walls do not crumble. The volume of excavation increases by almost 40%, and the cost of excavation increases proportionally.

3. Ground water level. If light soil, sand or sandy loam, is saturated with water, quicksand is formed. To understand the "charm" of earthworks in such soil, you can try to depict a recess with straight walls in a deep plate with liquid porridge. But, in practice, we do such work, only they cost about 2 times more, that is, from 1000 rubles. per cubic meter. This is not even excavation, but work to strengthen the walls with wooden formwork.

We respect competitors. But, they can only dig...

In the Moscow region, there is now an excess of labor from the southern republics. They can dig, they can dig deep, they can dig by linear meters, and they still can ... not dig :) Equipment for earthworks in winter they do not have at all or is represented by picks and crowbars. We offer an integrated approach: we unearth a trench or a foundation pit - we will lay communications, connect pipes, check slopes, install a septic tank, fill the trench, level and arrange any lawn or garden paths of your choice on top. The lawn, by the way, also needs to be chosen correctly, not everyone and not in any place will grow.

Leveling a summer cottage may be necessary if it is necessary to build it up, and the soil cover is not ideal. Difficult terrain becomes an obstacle for construction work. A slight slope in one direction of no more than one or two degrees is considered optimal, but such soil covers are quite rare.


A call to the office - consultation, the initial designation of the price already on the first call, if there is initial data Departure to the site to measure the scope of work and consultations on the site estimate (required after inspection) and a plan (in 90% of the case) if necessary Departure of the brigade to the site, (a contract is signed and work begins on the same day at the site) Upon completion of work, a certificate of completion is signed

Why alignment is needed

Leveling the land may be necessary for arranging the lawn, as well as for such processes:

  • Arrangement of a path around the perimeter of the building. It acts as a foundation protector from lateral soil pressure and is a kind of pedestrian zone. When at the beginning of spring the soil increases in volume due to the freezing of the earth and the melting of snow, the load increases. For laying out the track or pouring it with asphalt, a flat and undistorted surface is required.
  • Construction - a flat area is necessary for the correct distribution of the load on the foundation. Especially if pile or tape construction of the base of the house is planned. Permissible fluctuations - 0.5 meters.
  • Garden or garden work - although small slopes and hills do not particularly affect crop yields, it is still better to carry out planting and harvesting work on level ground. Flat ground without bumps and depressions will reduce water consumption for watering plants.

In addition, a flat surface is aesthetically attractive and lawn mixtures take root better on it. If the relief of the site has many hollows and depressions, then rain or irrigation water can stagnate in them, which leads to damage to the lawn. If the area is too wet, it causes various diseases in plants. The surface, on which there are many bumps and protrusions, is very difficult to process with a lawn mower.

Alignment of the suburban area may be needed to implement various design solutions. If the landscape designer decided to build a pond, a winter garden, alpine slides on a personal plot, then the rest of the surface should be as flat as possible.

Plot area, acres Leveling price for the lawn (plow + level - without collecting weeds) The cost of leveling with a tractor (planning)
until 6 27 000 35 000
8 36 000 35 000
10 45 000 35 000
12 54 000 40 000
15 67 500 50 000
20 90 000 60 000

The table does not show the prices for filling the site, because the cost of leveling in this way can only be calculated based on the measured volumes! Determination of volumes "by eye" gives an error in the price of dumping a site in tens of thousands of rubles!

Features of leveling the soil at their summer cottage

The process of giving the actual relief the correct shape is quite laborious and requires a lot of physical effort. The first summer cottage company will help level your site quickly and competently.

How the process goes:

  • The purpose of the site and its main zones is determined. A plan is developed, which is agreed with the customer down to the smallest detail. Soil analysis is carried out, the location of groundwater is determined.
  • The slope of the relief and the direction of the slope are determined.
  • Earthworks begin. Soil is being poured or moved. How long this process will take depends on the complexity of the initial relief and the desired result. Some types of work are carried out manually, using a rake or shovels. And for the rest of the processes, special equipment is involved.

It is worth noting that if the fertile soil layer is raised up, then it can be stored in this state for no more than a month. Otherwise, all or part of the aerobic microorganisms die, and the soil ceases to be fully enriched with oxygen. Leveling the site should be carried out in dry weather.

Site leveling methods

Method No. 1 Leveling the site with a walk-behind tractor or tractor - the soil is crushed as much as possible and leveling is carried out with a rake. Then the soil is plowed and loosened to the depth of the fertile layer (up to 20 cm). A deeper dive is not recommended, as there are poor layers of loam and sandy loam. The final leveling is carried out manually after harrowing and weed removal. This method will allow you to remove pits and bumps up to 20 cm high. The result is a plot with a flat and natural slope. This method is most often used if it is necessary to plant an area with a lawn.

Method No. 2 The site is planned with the help of special equipment.

When the size of the territory has more significant irregularities (differences, mounds, bumps), then the layout is carried out using special equipment. For this, a bulldozer or a backhoe loader with a hydraulic blade, as well as a tractor, are mainly used. This method is used if the site is needed for building.

Method number 3 Filling the site with soil.

If the site has a large slope or it is required to raise the level of the soil, then in this case the method of backfilling is used. Usually the site is backfilled with planned soil or sand. A fertile layer of soil is laid on top. This method requires mandatory compaction and leveling of the soil. These actions will prevent subsequent subsidence of the soil under the influence of rain or snow. Leveling the site in this way allows you to raise the level of the earth and make the terrain as even as possible.

If there is a need to level the site as efficiently and quickly as possible - contact the "First Dacha Company". We will prepare your site for landscaping or home improvement.

How is the leveling of the site by our specialists:

  1. Measurements are carried out with a level, a plan-scheme of the location of objects on the territory is drawn up.
  2. The territory is divided into conditional parts, where the installation site of the drainage system, septic tank, etc. is taken into account.
  3. The site is leveled by a tractor (wheeled or caterpillar) under the guidance of a foreman and control with a level.
  4. Garbage is collected and taken out, stumps are uprooted, ravines are filled up, soil is taken out or brought in, drainage ditches are dug.

The timing of the work depends on weather conditions. Typically, site leveling work takes from one to several days.

The cost of work will depend on such factors:

  • The need to use additional materials:
  • The complexity of the original relief;
  • How many pieces of equipment will be involved;
  • Soil type;
  • The number of irregularities;
  • The area of ​​the processed surface;
  • How much soil needs to be removed or moved.

Our engineers approach each order individually, evaluate the features of a particular site, use various technological solutions to obtain a decent result. To get more accurate information on these issues, you need to call our specialists. They will visit the desired site and make an accurate estimate of all current costs for leveling the surface in your country house.

More recently, the improvement of the land near the house was reduced to planting trees and shrubs, as well as lawn grass. Today, happy owners of country cottages or country houses strive to create a small piece of paradise on their site, with planting various original plants, creating artificial reservoirs, alpine slides and gazebos. Landscape designers help them with this.

Of course, you can equip the site with your own hands, but if possible, you should entrust this work to professionals.

Are you planning earthworks and landscaping in your garden? - looking for a landscape designer!

When all the formalities are over, serious and important work begins.

How to plan landscape and earthworks?

  1. In order to create a concept and assess the scope of future work, the specialist must, first of all, go to inspect your site. The designer must carefully inspect the area in order to determine what excavation work on the site will need to be carried out. After that, the specialist will create several projects, which will be submitted to the customer for consideration. At your request, the specialist must acquaint you with information (or a price list) on how much various services cost: excavation, installation of a gazebo, installation of lamps and others.
  2. When developing a project, it is necessary to take into account everything, not missing even the smallest details. The designer will have to transfer to paper his vision of the future site in accordance with all its features, with the obligatory consideration of all the wishes of the client. Finally, the upfront costs are calculated. Of course, some changes will be made to them, but there are fixed amounts, such as earthworks, the prices of which are indicated on the company's website.
  3. When the project is approved, the contractor starts work. This is the most serious stage when preparatory and excavation work is carried out on the site. , during which the soil is dug up and levelled, paths are laid in accordance with the plan and artificial reservoirs are created. Particular attention should be paid to the laying of water supply and drainage systems. Usually they are hidden under the tracks. It should be remembered that when carried out on the improvement site, excavation work will take a longer period of time and require more serious labor costs.
  4. After completing the earthworks, the landscape designer starts landscaping. This is the most pleasant area of ​​​​work for such specialists. At this time, trees, shrubs, flowers are planted and grass is sown. An experienced specialist will always select plants for your site so that your site is green and blooming throughout the season. A true professional must know the climatic conditions of your region well in order to create a real paradise in your garden. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the features of your site. After all, it depends on the quality of the soil which plants will take root there and which will not.

Of course, the services of a landscape designer are not cheap at all. Many will think that it will be much more economical to independently carry out landscape and earthworks in the country. But, if you sum up all the costs, and add your efforts to them, then as a result it will turn out that it will be more profitable to pay the cost of earthworks.

What services are included in the list of earthworks?

  • site cultivation,
  • site leveling,
  • digging a drainage system (laying geotextiles, pipes, backfilling with sand and gravel),
  • sowing lawn grasses,
  • stump uprooting,
  • transport of soil around the site,
  • digging trenches for communications,
  • other jobs.

When the work is completed, it remains only to report to the customer. The company prepares a detailed report, where all costs are included. This is done so that the client can clearly see how much he paid for the designer's services, how much the gardener's services cost, and what kind of landscaping or earthworks were carried out, the price for which was planned in the project.

Earthwork price:

Price of works

direction peat
peat-sand mix TPS
peat-earth mixture ТЗС
Concrete A107 740(south,west)

700(north, east)


710(north, east)


710(north, east)

Bohr highway 730 740 740
Warsaw highway 740 750 750
volokolamskoe highway 720 730 730
Dmitrovskoe highway A104 690 700 700
Kaluga highway A101 730 740 740
Kiev highway M3 730 740 740
Kashirskoye highway M4 740 750 740
Leningrad highway M10 700 710 710
Minsk highway M1 730 740 740
MKAD 690-730 700-740 700-740
Moscow-center, garden ring 750 760 760
Moscow, 3rd transport ring 740 750 750
Novorizhskoe highway M9 720 730 730
Novoryazanskoe highway M5 730 740 730
Pyatnitskoe highway 710 720 720
Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway A105 740 750 750
Skolkovo highway 730 740 740
Simferopol highway M2 740 750 750
Highway Enthusiasts M7 720 730 730
Schelkovskoe highway 720 730 730
Yaroslavl highway M8 690 700 700

More about earthworks on the site

Land works on the site represent a fairly wide range of services provided by our company. We carry out not only professional landscape design, but also carry out landscaping, installation of various systems (watering, lighting). The company's specialists will carry out work on the improvement of the territory. The whole process begins with the transportation of soil to the object, the selection and calculation of the required amount of material and subsequent work on the site itself.

Our company guarantees the high quality of each service. The most important processes, including the vertical planning of the site, are carried out exclusively by highly qualified specialists who can cope with tasks of any level of complexity. "Sakura" is the key to the success of such work as the design and planning of the territory, the breakdown of the area, construction. By contacting our company, you are guaranteed to receive a high quality service, which consists in creating fertile soil, replacing soil, clearing the territory, preparing it for future development. Masters will easily uproot all stumps, dismantle structures that interfere with the appearance of the territory.

For earthworks, the price at Sakura will be a pleasant addition to professional service, as we have objective prices for each offer. The cost of the order for each client is an individual calculation in each individual case. The final amount depends on the complexity of the upcoming work.

Ground work on the site, carried out by our team, is the embodiment of all the wishes of the client, as well as compliance with quality standards and norms. It is here that you can order a comprehensive service. There is no need to spend time and money on contacting various companies to get the desired result. We will perform tree transplantation, lawn laying, irrigation system installation at a high professional level.

Photo gallery of earthworks at competitive prices:

Landscaping - breakdown, creation of a project and planning of sites, excavation and construction work on the site

Landscaping is a rather complex process that requires special attention from a specialist. Without the necessary qualifications and skills, it is simply impossible to perform the entire range of services at the proper level - that is why our company employs exceptionally competent and talented experts, who have many successfully implemented projects behind them.

Soil delivery - fertile soil order, delivery

Our service will timely organize the delivery of the soil, after which the soil is analyzed to determine its suitability. After laying the fertile soil, planting will be carried out.

We have been operating for more than ten years, so we are capable of various tasks (compacting the soil, removing snow and construction waste).

The whole range of services with the replacement of the soil and the creation of a fertile base is carried out within the agreed time frame. Without delay, we will clear the territory for subsequent development, fell trees, uproot stumps, remove structures and structures.

The price of land works in our company will allow you to order the necessary service, because an attractive price will make it possible to save. If you are interested in preparing the site for planting, laying a lawn, laying irrigation systems, then contact a company representative.

We offer to buy soil at competitive prices

If you need to buy soil, you should also trust professionals who have the necessary knowledge regarding such products. They will help you buy a quality product that meets established standards. This will create fertile soil in your area for the favorable growth of plants and trees.

We inspire earthworks on your site

Turning to the company "Sakura", you can always count on excellent service, a wide range of services, which include works of any level of complexity and scale:

  • laying and asphalting of a temporary road;
  • digging a pit, excavation;
  • embankment arrangement, excavation development;
  • soil compaction;
  • digging a trench, manually planning the territory;
  • removal of construction waste, snow and earth from the site.

Professionally performed earthworks on site- the key to successful development of even large territories. If you want to turn a piece of virgin land into a comfortable resting place or a full-scale farming facility, you should entrust the work to specialists from the very beginning, who will be able to find the best solutions to achieve your goals. We level and prepare the area for sowing and laying lawn, carry out comprehensive landscaping and paving around the house, and also do a lot of other types of work, turning the most lifeless details of the landscape into attractive landscapes.

Let's plow the land quickly

Where do they start earthworks on site? First of all, plowing of the soil is carried out here, which makes it possible to thoroughly loosen the fertile layer. In a country house or on a plot of land within the city, both a compact but powerful professional walk-behind tractor and a full-fledged mini tractor with a plow can be used for processing. You can also order a complete turnkey landscape improvement - in this case, loosening the soil will be only the first stage of a long and fruitful cooperation.

The use of a walk-behind tractor is advisable on land plots from 6 to 20 acres, as well as where it is impossible to ensure the full delivery of a larger construction machine with a mounted module. In any case, it will not be possible to do without preliminary cultivation during further landscape improvement with the arrangement of parking in the country, and when leveling or sowing lawn grass.

Alignment of sites: quickly and efficiently

Earthworks in the country, performed independently, although they are inexpensive, sometimes turn out to be completely unbearable for the owners. Without modern machinery and equipment, as well as the necessary base of agrotechnical knowledge and skills, it is almost impossible to achieve the desired results. Moreover, even areas within the city cannot boast of an ideally smooth relief in both the Moscow and Leningrad regions. And virgin countryside is completely capable of hitting its owner with a variety of relief. Is it any wonder that even with experience and a desire to cope on their own, an increasing number of summer residents choose the services of specialists. Moreover, the price per m2 here starts from 30 rubles, which allows you to cope with the tasks set even without significant costs.

A flat ground surface is created by our specialists using tractors and loaders with full-scale attachments. You won't be able to cope without it. Moreover, you can even take advantage of the benefits of using the technique, such as getting a really flawless, even and smooth surface without holes, ruts, bumps and other details that disturb the beauty of the landscape. Professional approach allows us to make earthworks at the cottage as easy as possible for your wallet, and also makes it possible to significantly reduce the time for their implementation.

Soil preparation for turf

Admiring the natural color of the soil is not the most interesting entertainment. But you can always improve the view from the window by simply seeding or spreading a turf lawn. An impeccably smooth coating with an ideal appearance will be an excellent solution for absolutely any object, whether it be a lawn near a country mansion or a resting place with a hammock on your favorite six acres. But in order for the results of the work to be worthy, care should be taken from the very beginning to ensure that the implementation of all necessary transformations is also at a high level. If you want to achieve a radical effect in a limited time, you should not save, especially since our company has a earthwork price always remains the most affordable and profitable. Even if you do not have time for long preparations, we will be able to realize the dreams of a beautiful and flawlessly green lawn covering in practice in the shortest possible time.

Pricing Features

What determines the installed earthwork price? First of all, the pricing is influenced by the following factors:

  • density and complexity of the soil for processing;
  • features of the entrance to the territory of the object;
  • the presence of a threat of flooding - additional drainage may be required;
  • terrain features.

All these moments are carefully taken into account when real professionals get down to business. No matter how large-scale the upcoming changes are, with the support of specialists, it will be possible to solve any problems that arise. To receive services on the most attractive terms, you will simply need to contact us in any convenient way. For personal contact, you can use the contact numbers from the site. Call us in Moscow and St. Petersburg to agree on further cooperation. Also, customers can leave their request in a special feedback form. Here you will have to specify the minimum set of contact information and send a message. After that, you will be contacted by a specialist who is ready to provide all the necessary information about the company's work with private and corporate clients. Trusting us, you can be sure that all hopes and plans will justify themselves.

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