
Monthly allowance from maternity capital. Maternity capital: how to get monthly payments for a second child? Receive a lump sum payment from mat capital

What does the monthly payment from MSC funds mean in 2019? At the end of December 2017, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law establishing measures to support families with small children from the state. The funds will be paid out of the maternity (family) capital for the second child who appeared in the family after the onset of 2018, every month until he turns one and a half years old.

In addition to this innovation, a number of changes have been made to the maternity capital program, which should have a positive impact on the demographic situation in the country. These important innovations include:

  • extension of the program until December 31, 2021;
  • You can use the direction of MSC funds for the education of a preschooler without waiting for him to reach the age of three.

Initially, with the introduction of this program, the amount of money under the certificate was 250 thousand rubles. Annual indexation increased the amount by the percentage established by the Federal Law, taking into account the rate of inflation growth. As a result, maternity capital in 2019 amounted to 453,026 rubles.

Law on monthly payments for 2 children from maternity capital in 2019

The legislative basis for monthly payments to families of amounts from maternity capital is Federal Law No. 418, signed by the President on December 28, 2017 and approved by the Federation Council. Its validity begins on January 1, 2018, and from that moment on, the holder of a certificate for MSCs can, if certain parameters are available, qualify for a monthly allowance.

A measure of state assistance in the form of a certificate for mother capital can be received by families where a second or next baby is born (adopted). However, a monthly payment from these funds is due only with the appearance of a second child.

However, there are no restrictions on the use of these amounts. This means that the cash payment is transferred to the family for any needs, similar to one-time payments from MSC funds. If you can fully dispose of the funds of the certificate only in several areas, then one-time payments are given for current needs, limiting the recipient only to the amount.

Who can receive a monthly payment?

To receive funds from maternity capital, the following conditions must be met on a monthly basis:

  • the emergence of the right to issue a certificate;
  • the need of the family, documented.

It is necessary to calculate the total family income, dividing it by all members, and derive the ratio to the regional subsistence level of the able-bodied population. In the event that this value is below 1.5 sizes, the family has the right to receive from the MSC every month a sum of money equal to the subsistence level of the child.

In the calculation of the total and average per capita family income, all cash payments and incomes received by all family members during the previous year are taken into account. The following material quantities are involved here:

  • official salary, remuneration under civil contracts (they can be confirmed by certificates from the accounting department and copies of contracts);
  • pension and social payments, scholarships;
  • compensation payments under state programs;
  • payments of an insurance nature (for successors);
  • income from activities (for entrepreneurs);
  • monetary allowance (for military personnel).

Material assistance from the state in the event of a natural disaster, as well as payments related to the consequences of terrorist acts and emergencies, are not subject to summation to the total family income.

The allowance is established until the child is one and a half years old. But the initial period is one calendar year, after which you will need to contact the Pension Fund again and prove the need for payment. It is also possible to terminate the receipt of such benefits at the initiative of the certificate holder.

Payment is terminated in the following cases:

  • with full use of MSC funds;
  • when the family moves to another locality;
  • when the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

How to calculate and who is entitled to monthly payments from maternity capital

The family can independently determine whether it is entitled to a monthly payment from the MSC funds. To do this, you need to know the size of the living wage in your region. It is set quarterly by the regional authorities, and you can check with the local administration or the committee for social protection of the population. For the calculation, the PM for able-bodied citizens, established for the 3rd quarter of 2018, will be adopted.

For example, for the Moscow region according to the relevant Decree, the PM of an able-bodied citizen amounted to 18,580 rubles. We will start from it when calculating the family's need for state support.

According to the Law, each family member must have at least 27,870 rubles, which is the amount of the PM of an able-bodied citizen multiplied by 1.5. Let's do some calculations:

  1. Add up all family income for 2018. It should be borne in mind that "black" income is taken, before the deduction of mandatory taxes.
  2. Then the resulting amount should be divided by 12 (the number of months in a year). After that, the monthly income for each family member is displayed.
  3. The result is a value that is compared with 27,870 rubles. If it is less, then the family has the right to receive a monthly payment from the MSC. It is not difficult to calculate that a family of four (2 children and parents) should have an income of at least 111,480 rubles per month, and for three people (2 children and one parent) at least 83,610 rubles.

The allowance is equal to one subsistence minimum per child in the 3rd quarter of 2018, which will amount to 13,938 rubles.

Let us clarify that all calculations are taken for the Moscow region, in other values ​​\u200b\u200bwill differ. But on average in the country, the payment will be 10 thousand rubles a month.

Living wage table in Russia

Since the minimum for able-bodied citizens is accepted for calculations, and the payment is set in the amount of the minimum for a child, it makes sense to indicate them in the table for the regions of Russia. The indicated PM established for the 3rd quarter of 2018 are valid until March 31, 2019.

Region PM of an able-bodied citizen, rub. PM of the child, rub.
Moscow and Moscow region18580 13938
Saint Petersburg12079,50 10754,60
Perm region10804 10289
Chelyabinsk region10289 9551
Vladimir region10385 9374
Stavropol region9183 8764
Krasnodar region11075 9716
Rostov region10285 10117
Nizhny Novgorod Region9952 9355
Saratov region9390 8947
Samara Region10876 9608
Novosibirsk region11217 10800
Voronezh region9427 8528
Altai10241 10098
KhMAO15615 14352


Simultaneously with applying for a certificate for maternity capital, you can apply for an allowance. If it occurs later, then the following rules should be considered:

  1. If the second child, with the birth (adoption) of which the family received the right to a certificate and allowance, is not 6 months old on the date of application, the allowance is calculated for the entire period from the date of birth (adoption).
  2. If the appeal occurred after the child was 6 months old, then the allowance is issued on the date of the appeal, i.e. excluding the elapsed period from the date of birth.
  3. At the time of application, the second child should not be more than one and a half years old.

Based on this, it is advisable to submit documents for the issuance of a certificate and the establishment of benefits at the same time. They are provided to the bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia in person or through the MFC.

As of the first half of 2019, the government continued the program of payments from maternity capital. At the beginning of 2018, funds in the amount of 20,000 rubles were already paid out, the re-issuance began on July 1 and will last until October 30. Moreover, this time the value of the cash benefit from maternity capital will already be 25,000 rubles.

But not all parents have the right to take advantage of the benefit, this applies only to those who have a second and subsequent baby. The same amendment applies to adoptive parents. Those who have fully used the money from the maternity capital indicated in the personal certificate cannot apply for payment.

Repayment is issued in accordance with the rules:

  1. The parent must come to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and leave an application as an applicant to receive cash. If there are just 25,000 rubles left on the certificate account, according to the law, the account is reset to zero in record time.
  2. The repeated payment is provided to Russian citizens who are registered and live in the territory of the Russian Federation. This decision of the government is explained by the target orientation of material assistance.

The repeated payment from maternity capital solves the following important tasks:

  1. By improving the financial condition of the family, it ensures stability and protects those citizens who have become parents of 2 or more children, despite the sharp fluctuations in the Russian economy.
  2. The aid is designed as a lever to regulate the number of poor families living on the edge of poverty, helps to cope with the depreciation of the national currency and reduces unemployment rates at the state level.

Latest news on payments from maternity capital

It was not so easy for officials to decide to support the population in the conditions of the economic crisis and pressure from Europe through the introduction of new sanctions. However, the Russian government is trying not to forget about the vulnerable categories and the needy, for whom it has become even more difficult to get out of the situation and continue to live at a decent level.

The repeated payment from maternity capital was given to legislators in 2018 very difficult, disputes over the implementation of the program still do not fade away:

  1. On March 1, 2019, an anti-crisis plan was signed, which is valid throughout 2016. In its first sections, recommendations are given on who will be the first to receive cash from maternity capital - officials came to a compromise and gave priority to low-income families, who in 2016 barely make ends meet.
  2. At the end of March 2019, there was a message that a second payment to families was expected, and its size would be increased compared to the previous tranche. The preliminary meetings on the one-time payment of 20,000 rubles and the 5,000 rubles monthly issued for 1 year, previously offered for those who provide strong evidence for assistance, were put aside.
  3. By April 19, it was precisely determined what format maternity capital benefits would take in 2019. 25,000 rubles will be given to all families eligible under the law, regardless of the income of each family member.
  4. In April, the bill went through many meetings for consideration and was finally submitted for a vote in the Duma. On May 3, this fact was published on the official website.
  5. At the beginning of June, the law was approved by the deputies of the State Duma, while making 2 amendments, later it was agreed with the upper house of parliament and submitted to the president for signing. According to the amendments, the bill comes into force after the official publication, as soon as the decisive signature of the President of Russia appears. The exact dates for which the Pension Fund will complete the preparatory work before the implementation of the program in real life, are not yet known.

Repayment: how and in what format you can get

In 2019, whoever quickly orients himself in the opportunity to receive money from maternity capital will take his 25,000 rubles. The application deadline for 2019 has been reduced to the maximum:

  • Employees of the Pension Fund started accepting applications for receiving money from the state on July 1;
  • re-payment can be appointed until November 30 of the current year.

Employees of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population have calculated how many Russian citizens in 2019 can receive repeated payments from maternity capital - no less than 3 million families. However, despite the simple conditions for processing documents, according to official statistics, only 70% applied for cash last year, which is 2 million families, which equates to the total number of applications accepted in 2019.

The procedure for issuing a re-payment in 2019

In 2019, it is planned to simultaneously apply for a maternity capital certificate and draw up an application on the issue of a lump sum payment.

  1. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation determines how justified the application for a certificate from the state.
  2. In record time, a decision is made whether to pay 25,000 rubles or not.

If the certificate has already been issued to the family before, the discussion and re-payment in 2019 is carried out within 1 month after the submission of all necessary documents:

  1. Parents of 2 children submit a written application to the PF department at the place of residence or to the MFC.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the format of the application, you can use the remote option. For example, to send a letter by mail, just be sure to pay for the registered type of letter in order to be sure that the courier will deliver the envelope to the hands of the right employee who will sign in the journal about receiving the application. You can also send an application to the PF e-mail box or the State Services online service, but in this case you will need to supplement the application with an electronic signature.

How it was in 2018

Initially, the anti-crisis program saw the world in 2015. As in 2018, the goal pursued by the government is to improve the well-being of families with two or more children. It was also possible to receive 20,000 rubles in cash or withdraw from a bank card.

Families with respect to which several important conditions are met could apply for a payment from maternity capital:

  1. Parents are raising 2 small, minor children at once.
  2. It was allowed to apply for state aid and receive it until January 1, 2018.
  3. Adults, like a child, must be registered in the country and be citizens of Russia.
  4. If by this time the family has chosen the entire amount indicated in the certificate of maternity capital, it can no longer apply for additional benefits.

Considering the program, officials made some clarifications:

  • in accordance with the order of the government of the Russian Federation, in order to receive money, it is not necessary to wait until the second child is 3 years old;
  • if in 2018 the balance of the certificate contains an amount that is less than 20,000 rubles, it can be transferred to a bank account as a balance;
  • money is not issued if all maternity capital has already been spent.

How did you get paid at the beginning of 2019

The procedure for preparing and submitting an application for the allocation of money from the state budget has not changed significantly. Parents were asked to come to the territorial office of the Pension Fund and write a statement by hand, the sample was provided by employees of the state agency. Of course, one application is not enough, it was necessary to support the right to money with the appropriate package of documents:

  • passport confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate giving the right to receive maternity capital if there are 2 or more children in the family;
  • a certificate containing details and information about a bank account previously opened by an individual in one of the banking institutions.

Pay attention to filling out a certificate with account details, in some financial and credit institutions this service costs money by default. But still, in most cases, it costs nothing, however, the form offered by bank employees is very different from the format for compiling paper for the Pension Fund.

In order not to have to turn to bank employees for help again, discuss in advance what details must be indicated on the reporting form:

  • full name of the bank where the bank account is opened;
  • legal address, location of the organization;
  • Finally, the personal account itself.

It is not allowed to ever use an open account, the account for the transfer of maternity capital in 2019 is opened separately and serves only for this purpose. After transferring funds to the account, you can manage the money as you like - leave it on the card for a while or withdraw it completely. There is also the option of cashing out directly at the bank branch.

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Due to a separately adopted law, families with two or more children, subject to the birth of one in the indicated period, have the opportunity to receive 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018 in cash.

Features of the adopted law

The law on 25,000 from maternity capital was adopted in 2018 on June 8. After the standard approval procedure by the Federation Council (June 15) and signature by the President, it was posted on the legal information website. This implies publication in official sources, which guarantees its entry into force on June 23.

Additional provision

Simultaneously with the approval procedure, the Ministry of Social Protection on the website of public services published additional provisions governing the interaction of structures with citizens regarding maternity capital (MC):

  • Rules for filling out and submitting an application;
  • List of obligatory documents.
  • Principles for the transfer of funds by Pension Funds.

Conditions for registration of maternity capital

A completely logical question, is it possible to withdraw 25,000 from maternity capital in view of the new law, it has a place to exist. As you know, a certificate is always issued taking into account certain principles:

  • The appearance of a second or subsequent newborn (adopted) in the family since 2007.
  • It is not possible to withdraw funds in the form of cash.
  • It is permissible to use resources to improve conditions, taking into account the interests of children: mortgages for housing, education for children, transfer to savings on account of a pension for the mother.
  • The request occurs after the day of delivery after three years with some exceptions (mortgage).

Getting cash legally

So, it is impossible to receive all maternity capital in cash, but a lump sum payment of 25,000 rubles is allowed this year. This is due to a number of reasons.

As the President explained, such assistance to couples with children will help somewhat alleviate the difficult financial situation caused by the consequences of the crisis.

Increase in the amount from 20 to 25 thousand ₽

Since the country is experiencing a decrease in the income of the population, an increase in inflation and unemployment, maternity capital (payment of 25,000) in 2018 allows you to give some social protection to families, and reduces the number of citizens classified as poor. A similar type of law existed last year, but provided for the cashing of 20 thousand rubles.

Procedure for applying for payment

The law describes the rules for issuing 25,000 from maternity capital according to the following criteria:

  • Holders of certificates received before September 30, 2018 inclusive are entitled to cash.
  • The dates of birth of the children do not matter.
  • The time period required for waiting in order to claim funds for the MK (the onset of the baby is 3 years old) is not taken into account in this situation.
  • If the account balance is less than the specified value, it is permissible to receive the entire balance.
  • Citizens living outside the country do not have the opportunity to cash out this part of the MK. When deciding whether it is possible to receive a payment of 25,000 from maternity capital to persons living abroad in 2018, the Government proceeded from the need to support families who find themselves in a crisis in our country. And citizens living in other states do not feel the negative impact of it.
  • Owners who have already rented 20 thousand rubles under the law of last year have equal rights with other persons.

You can officially withdraw 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018

Thus, all families, regardless of the degree of need and the amount of funds already used, are in an equal situation and can receive 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018. Those who became the parents of a baby, giving the right to issue a registered paper in the current period, also received such a right. At the same time, they can simultaneously submit two applications at once: for the issuance of a certificate and for cashing out this amount.

When can I withdraw money

The law also prescribes the deadline date when you can withdraw 25,000 from maternity capital - November 30, 2017. Citizens have less than six months to apply to the authorities. Recall that last time 20 thousand rubles in cash could be issued for a whole year, which allowed almost everyone to carry out the procedure - about 70%. In the current period, due to the shortening of the term, some problems are expected. According to the statistics of the previous period, about 2 million families can apply for a payment, which will most likely be accompanied by queues and a slowdown in the work of pension funds, because on average up to 20 thousand applications across the country will occur per day.

Where to go

In order to somewhat relieve the work of Pension Funds, the law defines several options for registration. A one-time payment of 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018 is possible through the following applications:

  • Territorial pension fund.
  • Centers providing state and municipal services.
  • Through post offices, taking into account the confirmation of the facts of receipt and dispatch.
  • On the PF website through the Personal Account service.
  • Through the portal of public services.

The procedure for how to get 25,000 from maternity capital for personal and remote access is practically the same. The owner of the MK will need the same package of documents (only in one case they are photocopies, and in the other they are scanned). Applications do not differ completely and are allowed to be filled out in printed form using a PC or handwritten directly in the PF.

Application through the State Services and the FIU

In such a limited framework, the role of remote services becomes very significant. Today, citizens rarely resort to such resources due to distrust and give priority to a personal visit to the PF. Because of this, the time for approving applications and accepting applicants is slowing down. Therefore, experts advise turning to the services of electronic filing of applications with the Pension Fund and the State Services portal in order to unload the activities of the Pension Fund. This will allow everyone to receive a timely response.

Important dates to remember Until the end of the year, the law is in effect and maternity capital is issued (25,000). You can apply for the money until November 30th.

You can apply for a certificate if a baby was born this year only until September 30.

List of documents

Having chosen the treatment option, you need to prepare documents for 25,000 from maternity capital. The Rules developed by the Ministry include the following list:

  • Passport Certificate of the owner of the certificate or identity document of the legal representative and a power of attorney are required if the procedure is performed through a proxy. The document is needed to identify and secure the right of a person to apply, as well as to clarify his place of residence.
  • Information about the details for transferring money: bank name, TIN, BIC, corr. account, recipient, account number. The latter must be opened in the name of the owner of the MK. You can provide this data by means of a paper from the bank with full details (certificate of opening an account) or an agreement for servicing this account.
  • Certificate It will be required when applying for 25,000 from maternity capital to enter relevant data: number and series, branch of the issuing PF and date.
  • SNILS You will need to indicate your number.

It is worth remembering that the Rules have not yet been finalized and are subject to change. Only after signature and official publication they will come into force. The Ministry has time for this up to a month after the publication of the order. Therefore, it is worthwhile to clarify the list immediately before submitting an application.

Preparation of copies for the application

When applying for 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018, it is necessary to prepare copies of these papers. They will need to be attached to the application if the transfer takes place in person (at the PF or MFC). When sending papers by mail, photocopies must be certified by a notary. Using remote resources, papers are provided as scanned copies.

Rules for filling out an application

An application for 25,000 rubles from maternity capital is not yet accepted at the moment. According to reviews, the order is expected on July 1, when the reception will begin. The information needs to be checked first. The deadline for the approval and full functioning of all bodies is July 23.

Sample application for a one-time payment

There are usually no problems with filling out the application itself. This is a standard form, where all the columns that need to be filled out are signed:

  • Fund name.
  • Surname, personal data.
  • Status (from the point of view of the child: mother, father, guardian, child).
  • SNILS number.
  • Certificate number.
  • Who issued the certificate.
  • Identity document: number, date of issue, authority.
  • Place of residence according to the registration indicated in the document.
  • actual residence.
  • Information about the representative, if registration takes place through him: personal, passport, registration data, paper certifying the right to represent the interests of the owner of the MK.
  • Amount to issue. Withdraw 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018. Only those who have the same amount of money can. If there is no such amount on the balance sheet, the full balance should be indicated. You can specify it in the PF by the certificate number.
  • Requisites for transfer: BIK, TIN, KPP, corr. account, bank name, purpose of transfer, account number.
  • Indicate the correspondence of the parameters: deprivation of parental rights, the use of malicious actions towards the child, the abolition of the right to adopt, the restriction of rights, the removal of the baby.
  • List of papers attached to the application.
  • Signature.

Special consideration for getting paid

To maternity capital in 2018. and a one-time payment of 25,000 has been agreed, you need to follow the procedure according to all the rules:

  • The PF employee must check the compliance of the information entered by the applicant with the attached documents.
  • The application is assigned a registration number.
  • Date of receipt. Employee's signature.
  • A receipt is filled in, which indicates the name of the owner of the MK, the application number, date and initials of the employee. It remains with the applicant.

Deadlines for receiving a lump sum payment

If the appeal takes place remotely, the receipt is sent by mail or electronically. To understand when you can get 25,000 from maternity capital, you should consider how the PF works. The structure first checks the validity of the citizen's appeal. With full compliance with the conditions and the availability of up-to-date information about the owner, a decision is made to transfer the amount.

In doing so, the PF is guided by the following principles:

  • The PF has one month to consider the application. Even with the transfer of securities for 25,000 maternity capital in the last days (until November 30), the structure still has time until December 31 for a response, i.e. until the end of the law on payment. The answer can be one of two: to grant the request, to refuse.
  • If the answer is positive, the transfer to the applicant's account occurs within a month.
  • Having issued a refusal, the Pension Fund is obliged to send a notification within 5 days after the decision is made to the citizen's postal address. If the appeal was made through electronic portals, the response is sent by e-mail.

As you can see, the withdrawal of 25,000 from maternity capital will require maximum 2 months, which is not contrary to the procedure and law of last year.


So, thanks to the recently issued law, it became possible to cash out 25,000 from maternity capital in 2018. When you can receive and send an application at the moment is not exactly known. Approval of all rules for interaction with applicants is expected by July 1. All owners who have sufficient

In 2018, on behalf of Putin, the government introduced new opportunities for using the maternity capital certificate. Low-income families receive monthly payments for a second baby up to a year and a half.

The appointment procedure and the list of documents are established by the order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 29, 2017 No. 889n.

Who is granted

The monthly allowance will help support a family that has a second baby. A woman (or her husband) can receive a subsidy on the basis of a certificate to which they are entitled in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”.

An important condition from 2019 is that the average per capita income should not exceed two living wages established in the region for the 2nd quarter of last year.

To calculate the average per capita income, all family income before taxes for the last year is used. Income includes: wages, salaries, pensions, rewards and incentives, allowances, scholarships, compensation from the state, monetary allowances for military personnel.

You can use the right to Putin's monthly allowance from the mother's capital only at the birth of a second child. If a third or fourth appears in the family, on them, which is equal to the subsistence level in the region.

Payout amount

The amount of monthly benefits depends on the subsistence level in the region. Depending on the subject, the amount of monthly assistance can vary significantly.

Average amount:

  • in 2019 - 10,800 rubles;
  • in 2020 - 11,400 rubles.

The rest of the maternity capital amount can be used for other purposes provided for by law.

How to issue

You can apply for a subsidy at the Pension Fund at the place of residence, where they will inform you about the required list of documents or through the multifunctional centers "My Documents".

If two or more children were born, then a monthly allowance is issued for the first baby in the social security authorities, and for the second in the Pension Fund, since funds for the second will be allocated from the mother's capital.

An application for a maternity capital certificate and an application for a monthly payment for a second child can be submitted at the same time.

The documents

Application for funds is issued for 1 year. After that, you will need to once again issue payments for a period of six months and re-submit the necessary information.

List of documents:

  • Statement.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Applicant's passport.
  • Bank account information.
  • Statement of income of each family member for the 12 months preceding the month of application.

When to apply

You can apply for Putin's payments at any time until the child is 1.5 years old. If the documents are drawn up during the first 6 months of a child's life, then it will be possible to receive benefits from the moment of his birth for a period of 1 year. If the documents are submitted after the child is six months old, then the funds will be paid from that moment until one and a half years.

Payments stop:

  • if the child has reached the age of 1.5 years;
  • if the recipient of payments has changed his place of residence (it will be necessary to draw up documents again in another territorial body);
  • if the recipient refused the monthly payment based on the application;
  • if the child has died;
  • if the recipient of payments has died, he has been declared missing or deprived of parental rights;
  • if the mother's capital is completely spent.

Payments can be re-assigned if:

  • the court will cancel the decision on the death, loss or deprivation of the recipient of parental rights;
  • the recipient, on the basis of the application, decides to receive payments again.

All benefits begin and end in these cases on the 1st day of the month following the current one.

What can you spend on

Payments are transferred to the recipient's bank account and can be spent for any purpose. Do not require a report.

Additionally, you may need:

  • Documents confirming the death of a woman, declaring her dead, depriving her of parental rights, canceling the adoption.
  • Documents confirming the dissolution of marriage.

Need to remember

  • the average per capita family income should not be more than two sizes established in the region;
  • the amount of the allowance is equal to the subsistence minimum in the region, on average in the country it will be about 10,800 rubles;
  • funds from maternity capital can be received until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years;
  • Monthly cash aid usage reports are not required.

Maternal (family) capital is a state social program to help parents who have a second child (born or adopted). The government rightly believes that the lack of funds for their decent upbringing is an obstacle to the birth of children in Russian families, and therefore it was decided to stimulate the birth rate by establishing additional support measures. The authorities allow maternity capital funds to be directed only for specific purposes, and therefore many families have not been able to use the certificate. Let's figure out how to get a lump sum payment of maternity capital in 2020.

Lump sum payment from maternity capital: how are things today

The size of the lump sum payment from the maternity (family) capital at the moment is 25 thousand rubles. The legislative act, which spelled out this amount, was adopted and entered into force on the same day that it was officially published. This is due to the fact that a one-time payment was recognized as an effective measure to support families during the economic crisis. In accordance with the provisions of this law, any family holding a certificate is eligible to apply for funds in the amount of the above amount.

The opportunity to receive one-time financial assistance from maternity capital is available to families who did not have time to send the money of the certificate for the needs specified by law and received the document no later than September 30, 2016.

The payment of 25,000 rubles became the second opportunity to receive money from a certificate for maternity capital - in 2020, families had the opportunity to apply for a benefit of 20,000 rubles. If the parents of the children took advantage of this opportunity and reimbursed their expenses for their maintenance in this way, this does not deprive them of the right to receive a second payment.

What remains of the amount of family capital will be allowed to be spent in the future for the same purposes that were originally provided for by law, or for one-time payments, if any continue to be provided.

One-time payment from maternity capital in 2020

Lump sum payments from family capital in 2020 will not be provided, despite the fact that the deputies of the LDPR party at one time proposed for consideration a bill on the payment of 50 thousand rubles from these funds. The project did not find support and was rejected, allegedly due to illiterate design and incorrect submission for study.

The Government has repeatedly mentioned that assistance will be provided to families raising children in the form of permission to withdraw maternity capital funds not only for the needs specified in the original law, but also to combat the economic crisis and its consequences. However, there is no talk of anything concrete yet, and payments for the current year have not been approved.

How to get a lump sum payment of maternity capital

In 2017, the Government announced that it would be impossible to issue one-time payments from maternity capital. The possibility of receiving funds in the future is silent, but this year it will not be possible to receive funds unambiguously.

It was necessary to apply for a one-time accrual of funds withdrawn from the certificate for family capital to the local branch of the Pension Fund before November 30, 2016. It was allowed to apply for a certificate at the same time, if it had not been received earlier, despite the fact that the right to receive it had already arisen, and for payment. Payments were made until the end of 2016.

Registered users of the official portal of the State Services were allowed to submit an application in electronic form. Photocopies of documents were attached in scanned form, and the questionnaire was filled out online.

What documents are needed to apply for a lump sum payment from maternity capital

In 2016, one-time payments from maternity capital were provided subject to the preparation of the following set of documents:

Maternity capital in 2018

Due to the economic crisis in Russia, maternity capital has not been indexed since 2015, so the amount of the payment remains at the level 453026 rubles. There is every reason to believe that maternity capital will also be provided to families in 2018, since the President has repeatedly received proposals to stop issuing certificates due to a lack of funds in the country's budget, but rejected such measures.

Federal Law No. 433 makes it clear that the Pension Fund will continue issuing maternity capital certificates next year. It is assumed that the program will end on December 31, 2018, but this is not certain, and, probably, maternity capital will be provided to families further.

When will it be allowed to withdraw money from maternity capital

Since the relevant ministries did not agree on the situation with the provision of payments to citizens from family capital, the Government took over the issue. The new bill on the withdrawal of one-time payments was studied by the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of social issues. According to preliminary data, the program can be resumed in the spring of 2018 - it will not be possible to introduce changes earlier than this date, because people need to be given at least six months to submit applications.

Plus, even if the law is adopted, it will be necessary to wait until it is drawn up and published. Using the example of studying the bill on payments from maternity capital in 2016, you can see the dynamics of the decision-making by the authorities:

  • 28.04 the project was approved at a meeting of the Government;
  • On May 18, the law was adopted at the 1st reading by the State Duma;
  • On June 8, amendments were made, the law was adopted at the 2nd reading;
  • On 23.06 the law was signed by the President, it was published;
  • a week later, the Pension Funds prepared to receive applications from the public.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common Mistakes

Mistake: The family refused to issue a payment of 20,000 rubles in 2016, because at that time they had not yet issued a certificate for maternity capital.

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