
Placement of deposits of legal entities. Where in the cash flow statement should I indicate my own funds on deposit at the bank? Regulations for placing funds into a deposit account

When a company has available funds, the best solution will place them on a bank deposit to generate additional income. Unlike large investment projects, such an investment will not bring much profit, but is associated with less risk. There are several important nuances that distinguish a deposit for individuals from a deposit for a legal entity.

Types of deposits for legal entities

There are several types of deposits, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • The Demand Deposit is different in that funds can be withdrawn from it at any convenient time. This type is convenient for carrying out current calculations. It has a relatively low yield (up to 2%).
  • Funds with term deposit can only be obtained after a specified period.
  • A conditional deposit assumes that the client transfers funds to the bank for safekeeping until the condition specified in the contract occurs.
  • The NAU deposit account can be used for daily payments, with interest accruing on the balance.
  • In the bank where the organization's current accounts are maintained, a deposit may be opened for the period of service. Funds from the deposit can be used to make payments.
  • A deposit with the possibility of lending allows you to receive a loan from a bank after having previously accumulated an agreed amount in your account.
  • For some deposits, interest may be paid in advance, but the main part of the funds can be withdrawn only after the specified period.
  • If you plan to keep money in the bank for a long time, use a deposit with a progressive interest rate, which increases depending on the term.

To get maximum income and use your funds most profitably, study the bank’s conditions in detail and choose the best option.

How to open a deposit?

The procedure for registering a deposit for corporate clients also has its own characteristics. To open a deposit, an organization needs to provide a number of documents. Their list varies depending on the type of organization and the security rules of a particular bank. After checking the documents and copies, the company representative fills out the questionnaire, forms and signs an agreement with the bank. Funds are transferred by bank transfer from a current account to a deposit account. The bank has the right to refuse to open a deposit for a client if the tax authorities have made a decision to suspend the legal entity’s activities.

The contract states:

  • in what currency the deposit will be made;
  • deposit amount;
  • contract time.

Placing funds in a current account can also generate income. You can enter into an agreement under which interest will be accrued on the minimum or average monthly account balance. In this case, the bank stipulates the minimum placement amount, the period for maintaining the balance and the interest rate individually for each corporate client.

Available operations

After concluding the contract, the client can:

  • use Internet banking;
  • manage your accounts;
  • control the execution of operations;
  • withdraw funds or accrued interest from the deposit in accordance with the terms of the agreement;
  • seek advice from bank employees.

You can withdraw the initial deposit amount at any time, but in this case the bank client will lose the accumulated interest and may be forced to pay a penalty.


General conditions for holding funds:

  • The deposit amount cannot be less than the amount established by the bank.
  • The bank must open a separate account for each deposit.
  • All information provided by the client and information about deposit transactions cannot be transferred to third parties, with the exception of representatives of law enforcement agencies.

The package of documents for opening a deposit varies depending on the type of legal entity.

Documents for individual entrepreneurs:

  • tax registration certificate;
  • licenses or patents (if they are necessary to carry out the activities of an individual entrepreneur);
  • extract from the United state register individual entrepreneurs received no more than 30 days ago;
  • copy and original passport;
  • copies financial statements, tax returns, audit report.

A resident legal entity must provide:

  • constituent documents;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authorities;
  • a license giving the right to carry out activities;
  • documents that confirm the powers of the executive body (orders, protocols);
  • power of attorney to conclude an agreement with the bank;
  • identification documents of the person who signs the contract.

A non-resident legal entity provides the bank with copies of documents certified by the consulate (embassy) of the Russian Federation:

  • documents that confirm the registration of a person in the territory foreign country in accordance with local legislation;
  • constituent documents;
  • power of attorney in the name of the person concluding the agreement and his passport;
  • extracts or copies of orders and instructions that confirm the appointment of the organization’s leaders;
  • samples of seals and signatures;
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate certified by a notary.

How is interest taxed?

The creation of any type of deposit by an organization must be reported to tax service. You will have to pay tax on deposit income if the deposit rate is higher than the refinancing rate established Central Bank. If the deposit is opened from December 15, 2014 to December 31, 2015, then income from deposits is taxed if the deposit rate is greater than the refinancing rate increased by 10 units. For deposits opened later than January 1, 2017, the Central Bank rate should be increased by 5 units.

Only the difference in percentage is taxed. Currently, the rate set by the Central Bank is 8.25%. For a deposit made in 2015 with a rate of 20%, tax must be paid on the difference equal to 1.75%. The tax amount is withheld automatically and is 35%. The tax base is calculated separately for each deposit. Currently, Sberbank offers corporate clients a rate from 3.3 to 6.21% depending on the term, deposit amount and currency (rubles, dollars, euros). Rates in other banks are higher and reach 12%.

Possible problems

The deposit helps the organization generate additional income, but there are several nuances that need to be taken into account before concluding an agreement:

  • Due to the fact that income from a deposit may be taxed, it is not profitable to choose a bank with high interest rates.
  • Deposits legal entities are not insured by the state. To protect its funds, a legal entity can independently take out insurance.
  • A foreign currency deposit can only be opened by an organization that has a license for foreign exchange transactions.
  • Banks charge an additional fee for opening a deposit, filling out an agreement, working as an operator, withdrawing and depositing funds.
  • Pay attention to the limits on withdrawal, deposit and transfer Money, which are established by the bank.

Procedure for closing a legal entity's deposit

The account may be closed due to the termination of the enterprise's activities, reorganization of a legal entity, or at the initiative of the bank. Also, the client may wish to transfer funds to another bank offering more profitable terms. To close the deposit, you must present identification documents. The application can be written by the person who opened the account or another authorized employee of the organization. Close the deposit individual entrepreneur Only the person for whom the individual entrepreneur is registered can.

You must write an application in the form prescribed by the bank. After this, you need to withdraw funds from the account. Funds must be withdrawn no later than seven business days. The account balance can be transferred to another account or received in cash. The responsibility for notifying the tax authorities about the closure of the account rests with the bank.

Agreement for banking services can be terminated only if the client has no debts, including to tax authorities. The bank may terminate the agreement in unilaterally, if there are no funds in the account for two or more years, by court decision or in case of financial violations on the part of the client.

LLC on common system taxation (main activity - consulting services) places its own funds on deposit in a bank. Which lines of the Cash Flow Statement should show the movement of money on the deposit and the receipt of interest?


1. If you account for the deposit in account 55, then in the Cash Flow Report do not reflect the transfer of funds from the current account to the deposit account and the receipt of money from the deposit account to the current account. Show percentages in line 4111 of the Report.

2. If you account for the deposit on account 58, then show the movement on the deposit either on lines 4113 and 4121, or on lines 4213 and 4223. If funds were transferred to the deposit and the deposit was repaid in one reporting period, cash flows show collapsed. Report the interest either on line 4111 or line 4214.

In which section should interest be shown? in this case depends on in which section you decide to reflect the deposit itself. This is established by paragraphs , , , PBU 23/2011.

You can fill out any accounting forms online and submit them via the Internet at

Bank deposit(or bank deposit ) - the amount of money transferred by the depositor to a credit institution-bank for a specified or unspecified period in order to receive income in the form of interest generated in the course of financial transactions with contribution.

Under bank deposit individual means funds expressed in Russian or foreign currency, which the depositor places in the bank for the purpose of storing and receiving income in the form of interest (clause 1 of Article 834 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Agreement bank deposit must be concluded in writing and reflect the conditions on the amount of the deposit, the currency of the deposit, the procedure for calculating interest, the procedure and terms for returning the deposit, and others (clause 1 of Article 836 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The deposit is the bank's debt to the depositor, that is, it is subject to return.

Types of deposits

Types of deposits offered on this moment commercial banks are conditionally divided into several groups depending on the goal pursued by the depositor planning to place funds.

The main types of deposits offered by banks are as follows:

    urgent savings deposits;

    savings deposits;

    demand deposits;

    multicurrency deposits;

    specialized deposits;

    deposits in precious metals.

Time savings deposits

When registering time savings deposits, the deposit is placed for a certain period.

The advantages of fixed-term savings deposits are the high interest rate and possibility of implementation additional functions on deposit management:

    partial withdrawal of funds;

    early closure contribution;

    monetization of interest.

In addition, time savings deposits provide for capitalization of interest, that is, every month (quarter) interest on the deposit is added to the principal amount of deposits and the next accrual takes into account the amount of capitalized interest.

Savings deposits

Upon registration savings deposits it is possible to accumulate the required amount of money for certain purposes.

The advantages of such deposits are the ability to replenish the deposit at any time during the validity period of the deposit, and a system for prolonging the deposit.

That is, if the depositor did not contact the bank when the deposit account expired, the deposit is automatically extended for the same period at the rate in effect at the time of extension.

Demand deposits

Demand deposits are used by depositors who want to keep money in the bank and at the same time be able to use their savings at any time.

Demand deposits (or perpetual deposits) do not have a strictly specified storage period for funds, and the depositor can access his funds at any time.

The disadvantage of such deposits is the low interest rate compared to other types of deposits.

Multi-currency, “specialized” deposits and deposits in precious metals

Contributions to commercial banks can be placed in national and foreign currency and precious metals.

Multicurrency deposits

When making multicurrency deposits, the deposit amount in one currency can be converted at any time at the bank’s exchange rate into the currency of another deposit.

Deposits in precious metals

When making such a deposit, the depositor buys precious metals from the bank, which are not handed over to him, but are credited to the client’s deposit account.

Specialized deposits

Many banks offer their clients so-called “specialized” deposits.

These types of deposits are provided for certain categories of citizens: pensioners, single mothers, children from large families and etc.

Pension or social deposits, as a rule, have preferential conditions for placing, replenishing and saving funds: a minimum initial amount, the possibility of non-cash replenishment from pension (social) accounts, an increased interest rate, etc.

Deposit storage periods

The deposit periods can be from one day to several years, and the longer the deposit period, the higher the interest rate.

Essential terms of the bank deposit agreement

The bank deposit agreement must contain the following conditions:

1. Amount of bank deposit.

The amount of a bank deposit is the amount of money that the depositor deposits in the bank, and on which interest is accrued in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

2. Term of the bank deposit.

The term of a bank deposit is the period during which the depositor's funds are kept in the bank. The period can be specified in days, months or years.

Based on the timing of depositing funds into the bank, deposits are divided into “demand” deposits and “time” deposits.

Demand deposits are not limited by the period of placement and are issued to the depositor upon request.

“Fixed-term” deposits are issued after the end of the period specified in the agreement (clause 1 of Article 837 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

3. Deposit currency.

Banks can place deposits in rubles or in foreign currency.

A mixed deposit is called a multicurrency deposit.

For a multi-currency deposit, the placement of funds and return of the deposit can be made in different currencies at the choice of the depositor.

In addition, funds can be invested in precious metals.

When opening a deposit in precious metals, the bank opens a special metal account for the depositor.

The profitability of such a deposit is determined depending on market prices for precious metals.

4. Interest on deposit.

The agreement must indicate the interest rate on the deposit, expressed as a percentage per annum.

The interest rate is the depositor's income, which is paid by the bank for the temporary use of funds placed on deposit.

The interest rate is determined as a percentage of the deposit amount for a certain period of time.

The interest rate can be either fixed or floating.

A floating interest rate depends on changes in a variable specified in the agreement, for example, the refinancing rate (key rate) of the Bank of Russia.

Interest on a deposit can be calculated in two ways:

Interest is calculated on the initial deposit amount without taking into account interest accrued on it (simple interest method);

Interest is calculated on the deposit amount taking into account previously accrued interest (capitalized interest method).

At the same time, the amount of interest on time deposits cannot be reduced by the bank unilaterally (clause 3 of Article 838 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

For demand deposits, the bank has the right to unilaterally change the interest rate, unless this is prohibited by the deposit agreement (clause 2 of Article 838 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

5. Procedure for returning the deposit.

If the depositor does not return the amount of the time deposit at the end of the term for placing the deposit, then the agreement is considered extended on the terms of a demand deposit, unless otherwise provided by the agreement (clause 4 of Article 837 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

If time deposit is returned to the depositor at his request before the end of the deposit period, then interest on the deposit is paid as on demand deposits, unless otherwise provided by the agreement (clause 3 of Article 837 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

6. Replenishment and partial use of deposit funds placed in the bank.

The bank deposit agreement may provide for the possibility for the depositor to replenish the deposit or partially spend the deposit funds.

Partial withdrawal of funds from the deposit is carried out before minimum amount down payment established for this type of deposit.

If, when spent, the balance turns out to be less than the minimum amount of the down payment, then in this case the deposit agreement will be considered terminated early.

7. Additional services jar.

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Deposit: details for an accountant

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Accounting entries for deposits and interest, as for all other accounting transactions, must be drawn up correctly. After all, the reliability of accounting statements and even the correctness of tax calculations depend on these records. In our article we will talk about deposit accounts and accounting accounts linked to them, as well as about which ones will be required in accounting accounting entries on placing money on deposit, returning it and calculating interest.

Placing money on deposit - what is it?

If an organization generates free funds, then so that they do not lie like a dead weight on the current account, the organization can make them work. Thus, money not involved in circulation can generate additional income. One of the ways to obtain such income is to place funds on deposit.

A deposit account is an account in a banking institution in which a person places free funds, and the bank, according to the terms of the signed agreement, accrues interest on them in established amount. Typically, deposit agreements are concluded for a specific period. Upon expiration, the funds are returned to their owner. Funds can only be credited to this account as a deposit.

IMPORTANT! The deposit account is not intended for settlements with third parties.

Which accounts are involved in accounting entries for accounting for deposit transactions?

The deposit account refers to the so-called special accounts in the bank, for the accounting of which account 55 is intended in the accounting department. The Chart of Accounts (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n, as amended on November 8, 2010) provides for several sub-accounts for this account. Deposits are accounted for in subaccount 55.3 “Deposit accounts”.

Because the deposits are recognized as financial investments in accordance with clause 3 of PBU 19/02, then they can be taken into account in account 58 “ Financial investments» by opening a corresponding sub-account.

NOTE! The organization establishes the method of accounting for the movement of money on deposit in its accounting policy.

Accounts 55 and 58 are active, so an increase in funds on deposit will be by debit, and a decrease in the deposit account or returned to the owner to the current account will be by credit.

As for the entries on the receipt of interest on the current account and, accordingly, their accrual, account 91 “Other income and expenses” will be involved in them. Subaccount 1 to this account “Other income” is intended to reflect various income, including interest received, from activities not related to the main one.

How are accounting entries made when transferring funds to a deposit - deposit and when they are returned (receipt to the current account)

So, the organization decided to place available funds in a deposit account at a bank. To do this, a bank deposit agreement is concluded (Articles 834, 835 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), which stipulates:

  • type of deposit;
  • amount credited to the deposit;
  • the amount of interest accrued by the bank and the frequency of their accrual;
  • the amount of the deposit account maintenance fee;
  • period of storage of funds in the account;
  • responsibility provided for each of the parties;
  • terms of termination of the contract;
  • other terms agreed upon by the parties.

After all formalities have been settled, the bank opens a deposit account, where the organization’s funds are usually transferred from the current account. At the same time, based on primary documents, including bank statements, the following entry must be made in the accounting:

Dt 55.3, 58 “Deposits” Kt 51.

If the transfer was made from a foreign currency account, the entry will look like:

Dt 55.3 Kt 51, 58 “Deposits”.

At the end of the period of storage of funds in the deposit account, the bank is obliged to return them to the owner to the current account. The deposit return transactions will be as follows:

Dt 51, 52 Kt 55.3, 58 “Deposits”.

Interest accrued on the deposit - accounting entry and its significance for tax accounting

As we have already noted, the frequency of interest calculation, as well as their rate, is one of the mandatory conditions of the contract. When accruing interest from an organization that owns funds based on bank documents The following wiring should be generated:

Dt 76 Kt 91.1.

Interest on deposits must be taken into account as non-operating income when calculating income tax, if the organization applies the main regime, or a single tax under the simplified tax system as they are accrued (or received) - clause 6 of Art. 250 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Interest can be transferred to a person’s current account as it accrues, or it can accumulate in a deposit account and be paid in a lump sum only upon expiration of the contract. The transfer of interest to the current account will be reflected in correspondence:

Dt 51 Kt 76.


The company can place funds on deposit to receive additional income. In accounting, entries will appear using account 55 or 58, which will reflect transactions of transferring money to the deposit and their return, and account 91.1, where the interest accrued by the bank in favor of the owner of the funds will be recorded as part of other income.

The article presented the main accounting entries that should appear in accounting when reflecting transactions on deposit accounts.

A bank deposit, or as it is commonly called, a deposit agreement, is an obligation under which the depositor transfers funds to the bank or relevant organization. In exchange for this the investor receives his money and interest on it after a certain time.

As a rule, the interest rate on deposit agreements lower than the interest that banks receive on .

To raise funds, an organization must have a license. The deposit agreement must be formalized in a written document or a certificate of deposit or savings book. Such documents may be provided for by law or other rules, if there is a reference to this in the law. Rules can be established by acts government agencies, and banking rules.

A passbook can be issued to a specific person or to the bearer. It should reflect:

  • Account information (number);
  • Information about the institution to which the contribution was made or information about its branch;
  • Information about the amounts deposited into and debited from the account.

Placement of funds on deposit is made for a certain time. Sometimes invested funds can be withdrawn upon request at any time. But such a deposit will be less profitable in its terms.

The law gives the right ahead of schedule withdraw the invested money, but then the interest rate will be reduced. In accordance with the law, the rate will correspond to the rate on deposits that can be returned on demand.

If the depositor is, then in the absence of the right to withdraw the deposit before the time specified in the agreement, early termination of the deposit is impossible.

In some cases, at the end of the term, banks resort to tricks so as not to give back the invested funds, as a result of which the depositor misses the deadline and does not comply with the requirements of the procedures for terminating the deposit. The money, of course, will be returned, but part of it will be spent on fines.

Interest can be paid every month, and can be paid once upon expiration of the contract.

Regarding changes in interest rates, you need to know that banks and credit organizations reserve this right in deposit agreements and often use it. That's why you need to be prepared for interest rate changes.

You also need to know that the higher the interest rate on deposits is offered, the less reliable the organization is. A high interest rate indicates a financial institution in crisis.

Placement of funds on deposit. Other questions

Deposits, or rather their return is guaranteed by a special fund, which consists of contributions credit institutions. Part of the fund's assets is paid for by the state. However You can apply to the fund only in case of bank bankruptcy.

Information regarding deposit security, is prerequisite deposit agreements.

But, if the organization violates the contribution, then you can go to court with a request to terminate the agreement with the bank or relevant organization.

The interest rate will then be depending on the place of residence or discount rate Central Bank.

A deposit agreement signed in favor of an outsider is possible provided that his name is indicated. He may refuse the granted right. However, until he claims any rights to the contribution, the person who made the deposit can use this money.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and Deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state