
Extract from the Unified State Register for land sample. Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate

It is necessary to order an extract from the Unified State Register for a land plot for any actions carried out with real estate, including if you want to buy it. Certificates of state registration that were issued previously have now lost their validity.

Since January 2017 An extract from the Unified State Register for a plot is the only and main document that can confirm the rights to land ownership. It includes data from the State Real Estate Cadastre and the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate. Bringing this data together made it possible to improve the quality of services provided.

How to order a certificate from the Unified State Register for the desired area online

In a short time, after ordering a Unified State Register for the land being studied, it is possible to see a complete picture of the place you are interested in.

An extract from the Unified State Register for a land plot is certified by an electronic digital signature and will be valid when presented to various authorities and structures, for example, banks or courts.

What can you learn from the land extract?

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register online will help you learn a lot new.

Section I consists of essential characteristics:

  • site addresses;
  • area in square meters;
  • categories of land and permitted land use;
  • cadastral number of the land plot.

Section II includes all the most important things:

  • who is the real owner of the land;
  • date of registration of transfer of rights to the current owner;
  • a list of documents on the basis of which the transfer of rights occurred;
  • the presence or absence of disputes, arrests and other encumbrances.

Section III will inform:

  • about the location and boundaries of the site;
  • about the coordinates of key points;
  • other information.

A schematic sample site plan is available on the last page.

The presence of a previously ordered extract does not guarantee that the owner remains the same. When making any transactions with real estate, you must be sure who is the owner at the current moment, and when the transfer of this right occurred.

To understand whether the owner can dispose of the property at his own discretion, it is necessary to check the data on arrests. If there are any, the exact date, number and period of the restriction will be noted in the statement.

It will be possible to discover the presence of third party collateral, for example, if a mortgage is not paid to the bank, or to find out whether the property is pledged for some other loan.

Restrictions on provision

There is data that will be available only to a limited number of people. This information includes:

  • how much real estate the owner owns;
  • composition of title documents;
  • owner's capacity.

The above information can only be obtained by owners, their official representatives, judicial authorities, bank employees, notaries, heirs and bankruptcy trustees.

Anyone who is not on this list will receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Ownership of the requested land without this information.

How long is the information valid?

It is not specified in the law. However, an extract from the Unified State Register of Ownership of a land plot should be as current as possible. Many organizations put forward their requirements. Banks and notaries accept this paper for up to a month. Moreover, the earlier the certificate is ordered, the less confidence there is in it.

And this is justified, because within a month new encumbrances may appear or even the owner may change.

To order an extract of the Unified State Register for a land plot through our service, enter the cadastral number or address of the plot, then make sure that it is the object you are looking for and order the documents by checking the appropriate boxes next to the required documents.

Order documents

Last update: 12/10/2018

To begin with, let's give a few key definitions to understand what is what.

Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It. That is, it is a single database for the entire country, which stores information about all real estate objects and about the persons who have rights to these objects.

Practically, not a single apartment purchase or sale transaction is complete without an order. extracts from this database. And since 2016, after, such an extract became the only confirmation existence of registered ownership of the property.

Since 2017 Unified State Register database merged with GKN base (State Real Estate Cadastre), and created a unified data set - EGRN (Unified State Register of Real Estate).

IN EGRN contained as accounting and technical information about all real estate objects in Russia ( data from the cadastre), and data on rights and transfers of rights to these objects ( data from the register of rights). All this information is issued in the form of special certificates - "extracts".

What types of Extracts from the Unified State Register are there?

Extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate There are several types, that is, they can contain different types of information (depending on request), For example:

  1. about the main characteristics and registered rights to the property (Extract from EGRN-1 – former. Extract from the Unified State Register);
  2. about the cadastral value of the property (Extract from EGRN-2 – former. Extract from the State Tax Committee);
  3. on the rights of an individual to the real estate he/she has (possessed) (Extract from EGRN-3);
  4. on the transfer of rights to a property (Extract from EGRN-4);
  5. on the contents of title documents (Extract from EGRN-5);
  6. on recognition of the copyright holder as incompetent or partially capable (Extract from EGRN-6)
  7. on registered agreements of shared participation in construction (Extract from EGRN-7).

There are other types of extracts from the unified register, but they are not related to transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments.

Which Extract from the Unified State Register (EGRN) should I order?

In transactions with apartments they use ( order) only some of the listed extracts, namely those that relate to register of rights on real estate, and are important for the Buyer of the apartment:

  • on the secondary market Extracts No. 1 apply ( Always), №4 (often) and No. 6 ( rarely);
  • on the primary market (when the house is just being built) apply extract No. 7 ( Sometimes).

Extract from Unified State Register No. 1 ("standard") is necessary for the Buyer to check the documents for the apartment, since it is the only confirmation of the existence of the ownership rights of a specific person to a specific property.

Other types of statements may be of interest to the Buyer only in some cases. Let's take a look at what these types of statements are, where they are obtained, what information is obtained from them, and when they may be needed.

Extract from Unified State Register No. 1 (“standard”) on the main characteristics and registered rights to the property

This type extracts from the register of rights to real estate is the most complete in terms of information about the apartment and its owner. The key information it gives the Buyer is information about property rights for an apartment, and about encumbrances these rights ( if they are). It is this information that is of paramount importance in real estate purchase and sale transactions. And since we are talking about a register of rights, then Extract from EGRN-1 many people still call it in everyday life - Extract from the Unified State Register.

What is an Extract from the Unified State Register for an apartment? What information does it contain?

Extract from the state register of rights (Extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate) is an official document issued by Rosreestr at the request of interested parties.

Extract from the Unified State Register contains information about the presence or absence of registered ownership of a specific apartment, the names of its copyright holders, as well as information about the presence or absence of encumbrances ( restrictions) at her. From this extract you can also learn about legal claims and rights of claim declared in court ( if there are any).

That is, literally, the “standard” Extract from the Unified State Register for real estate (or Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate-1 for an apartment) contains the following information:

  • cadastral ( or conditional) object number in the registry database,
  • address ( location) apartments,
  • area of ​​the property ( total area of ​​the apartment),
  • object type ( apartment, house, room, etc.),
  • object assignment ( residential/non-residential),
  • the floor on which the apartment is located,
  • cadastral value of the object ( apartments),
  • copyright holder/s ( Full name only, no passport details),
  • type of registered right ( property, incl. shared),
  • date of registration of the right,
  • document on the basis of which ownership was obtained ( for example, a purchase and sale agreement, or a certificate of inheritance),
    Note: the line can only be present in those Extracts from EGRN-1, which are issued upon registration of the right itself as a title document. If this extract is ordered later to obtain basic information about rights, then this line may not be in it. Then this information can be found in another EGRN-4 extract"on the transfer of property rights" ( see below).
  • presence/absence of restrictions/encumbrances ( for example, mortgage, pledge, arrest, etc.), legal claims or rights of claim asserted in court ( in case the rights to the apartment are disputed by anyone),
  • Full name of the person who applied for the extract,
  • graphic plan of the premises ( apartments) on the general floor plan of the house ( not always present in the statement).

This information is not a state or commercial secret, it is publicly available, so this extract from the register of rights is provided to any person upon his application for a small fee ( more about this below).

Sample Extract from the Unified State Registerfor an apartment presented below:

Electronic Extracts from the Unified State Register (EGRN) can be ordered on the Rosreestr website ( long, tedious and expensive), or on our website using a special widget API Rosreestr ( fast, easy, but also for money). Links to both options are provided below.

For self-order Extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate need to know address And cadastral/conventional number object ( apartments). You can find out the cadastral or conditional number of an apartment, knowing its address, using the Rosreestr service ( for free) – .

The order itself is made with the following statement: in paper form (if you order an Extract through the MFC), or electronic (if you order online). In the application on the Rosreestr website you will need to provide information about yourself, i.e. about who orders the extract - full name and passport details of the applicant ( when ordering through our website you do not need to do this).

There is a fee for providing an extract state duty (250-700 rubles, depending on the form and type of information requested). Current price tags can be viewed on the Rosreestr website -.

Sample forms statements for receipt Extracts from the Unified State Register (EGRN) – .

Receipt time Extracts from the Unified State Register / Unified State Register takes up to 3 working days. This period is established by federal law (Opens in a new tab.">Clause 9, Article 62, Federal Law-218).

Upon receipt electronic Extracts of the Unified State Register (EGRN) through the Rosreestr website, this period is counted from the moment payment of the state duty is received. The application submission date is considered to be the date the money is received into the budget. After the payment has been processed, a code for downloading the statement will be sent to the email address specified in the application.

And upon receipt paper extracts ( With a stamp) through the MFC, the established 3-day period is increased to 7 days ( including 2 days for physical delivery of documents from the MFC to Rosreestr and back).

Validity period of Extracts from the Unified State Register (EGRN) for real estate not established by law. Information from the Rosreestr database is considered valid and relevant only on the date of their receipt.

Each organization that requires an extract from the register can set its own validity period. Courts, notaries or banks usually accept statements for a period of no more than one month. The more recent the statement, the more trustworthy it is. Therefore, for the Buyer of an apartment, for example, it makes sense to order information from the register as close as possible to the moment of concluding the purchase and sale transaction.

Refusal to provide an Extract from the Unified State Register (EGRN)

Refusal in providing Extracts from the Unified State Register / Unified State Register possible due to the lack of data on the rights to the apartment in the Rosreestr database, or due to an incorrectly completed application.

Rules and sequence for preparing a transaction with an apartment clearly shown on the interactive map "Opens in a pop-up window."> STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS » (will open in a pop-up window).

The Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP) is a complete state information database that stores information about all residential and non-residential premises, lands and their owners. Data on arrests, encumbrances and other existing restrictions for transactions (sale, donation, exchange, will, lease) are also stored there. The Unified State Register contains documentation in paper and electronic form, which is registered in the accounting books.

Responsible specialists from Rosreestr work in the unified state register of rights, whose work is strictly regulated by Federal laws. All information about registered objects that is available in the database is considered publicly available by law. This means that any interested person can submit a request to Rosreestr and receive the necessary certificate within the period specified by the employee.

The information stored in the existing Unified State Register database is recorded during the first registration of ownership rights to a real estate property and is changed or supplemented after each completed transaction.

Order extract from the Unified State Register online and receive it in 10 minutes:

Structure of a single database

To understand the principle by which Rosreestr works, you should highlight the sections that make up the structure of the Unified State Register:

Getting information

The procedure for obtaining data involves a request to Rosreestr to issue a certificate from a functioning Unified State Register. An extract is a document confirming the registration of ownership of living space or lack thereof. It also guarantees receipt of information about the encumbrance that is imposed on the object, which is a guarantee of security for the buyer when making a transaction. It does not matter in which region of the country the citizens are located. The Unified State Register applies to the entire territory of modern Russia.

An extract from the Unified State Register database provides for obtaining the following data:

  • Description of the apartment, house or other premises;
  • Information about the owner of the living space;
  • Restrictions and encumbrances for transactions;
  • Property claims and litigation.

The extract also contains information about the land on which the property is built, information about participation in shared construction, and all registered agreements, indicating legal entities and other participants.

Query Principles

The request is made in writing and is a kind of request for information about the premises or land of interest. Regardless of the form of application and the documents attached to it, further receipt of an extract is paid in the form of a state fee. The cost of the service depends on the region, as well as on whether an individual or legal entity submits the request. For legal entities the amount will be higher.

There are several options for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register database:

  • Personal submission to the responsible employee of the application and documents at the local registration authority or multifunctional center;
  • Mailing. Instead of original documents, copies certified by a notary are sent;
  • Electronic request through the official portal of Rosreestr (a digital signature is required).

The easiest and fastest way to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register online is considered to be the ktotam.pro service. Around the clock, in just 10 minutes, you will receive complete information about the property according to official data from Rosreestr. And you don't need an electronic signature.

The procedure itself includes preparing documents, filling out an application, processing the request and sending it to a government agency for registration. There the application will be checked and a decision will be made whether to reject or issue a certificate. After this, you will be issued an extract or a justified written refusal.

You can receive the finished document by coming to the institution yourself, by registered post to the address specified in advance, or by email, followed by printing it out.

Reasons for applying to the register

An extract from the database of the unified state register is an important document that can be used not only as personal reassurance when executing any transaction, but also when appealing to higher authorities or when resolving disputes in court. Obtaining such a certificate is required by law in such cases as:

We must not lose sight of some restrictions when Rosreestr simply does not have the right to provide certain information about an object to any applicant. Such data includes:

  • Contents of title documents;
  • Information about all real estate properties owned by a citizen;
  • Data on the transfer of ownership rights;
  • Information about the incapacity of the owner.

Obtaining the above information is available only to the owner and citizens who act by proxy on behalf of the owner, heirs, mortgagees, government authorities, bailiffs and similar officials when officially applying.

How to order an extract from the USRN for a land plot is written.

The extract contains the following information

Rosreestr issues extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for a land plot (as for any real estate) in electronic and paper form. The information in them does not differ. Look below at sample statements.

Samples of extracts from the Unified State Register of Land Registers for a land plot

(click on the picture to enlarge it)

Paper statement

Electronic statement

Information about the site contained in the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate:

  • address of the site, its area and category;
  • graphic plan;
  • cadastral value, cadastral number and date of its assignment;
  • Full name or names of organizations that are the owners (copyright holders) of the site and their shares;
  • numbers and date of registration of the right, also on the basis of what document the land was acquired (for example, a purchase and sale agreement, a gift agreement, etc.);
  • presence of restrictions (encumbrances). If there is an encumbrance, then on the basis of what document it was imposed, in whose favor and for what period. For example, if the site is leased, then “Rent” will be indicated. If in a mortgage, then “Pledge by force of law,” etc.

The Unified State Register of Real Estate does not contain information about non-privatized real estate, so the statement will show “The requested information is not available.”

Difference between electronic and paper statements in their very form. The paper one can be held in your hands, but the electronic one has the .html format and is opened using a browser on a computer, tablet or smartphone. The electronic one can be loaded onto a flash drive/disk or other media. The paper one contains the blue seal of the Rosreestr registrar and his hand signature. Together with the electronic extract, they send the registrar’s electronic digital signature (EDS), this is a file with the extension .sig. This file confirms the authenticity of the electronic statement, that the blue seal and the hand signature of the registrar in the paper one.

How to order, how much it costs and delivery time

An extract from the Unified State Register can be ordered by any person (not even a citizen of the Russian Federation) and for any real estate in the Russian Federation (both his own and someone else’s). There are 2 options for ordering an extract:

  • Order at the Registration Chamber (Office of the Federal Service for State Registration of Cadastre and Cartography) or at the MFC (Multifunctional Center) of your city or district - read the detailed instructions. The cost without coordinates of points on the boundaries of the site is 400 rubles for individuals, 1100 rubles for legal entities. With coordinates - 750 rubles for individuals, 2200 rubles for legal entities. Plus about 30-50 rubles commission.
  • Order online - instructions at this link. A paper extract costs 400 rubles for individuals, 1100 rubles for legal entities without the coordinates of the plot boundary points. With coordinates - 750 rubles for individuals and 2200 for legal entities. An electronic statement is issued without coordinates - 250 rubles for individuals, 700 rubles for legal entities. There is also a 3-5% commission. In my work I use this method via the Internet - it is more convenient.

According to the law, the maximum period for receiving an extract is 3 working days after payment, and regardless of the order method (clause 9, article 62 of Federal Law No. 218), but in practice it can be longer. An electronic statement arrives faster than a paper one.

Statement validity period

The validity period of an extract from the Unified State Register is not established by law. But each organization that requires an extract can set its own validity period. Courts, notaries or banks usually accept statements for a period of no more than 30 days. The more recent the statement, the more trustworthy it is.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Land Registers for a land plot is an official document that contains information about the copyright holders of the real estate property and registered rights. It may be required to check the purity of transactions with real estate, for their legal examination, and for carrying out cadastral work.

You can receive data both in text format and in the form of an electronic document. They are issued only for objects with already registered rights and contain detailed information about them: area, location address, type of right, presence/absence of encumbrances, information about the copyright holder, legal claims and other data from the unified register of rights. If such data is missing, the applicant will receive a notification about its absence. The document is prepared and issued within five days (working days are taken into account).

Let us consider in detail the procedure for obtaining such an extract: the procedure for applying, the list of required documents and other features.

Extract from the Unified State Register for a land plot: how to get it?

The document in question is issued by any government agency that registers rights to real estate.

To obtain publicly available information about registered rights to a particular property in the form of an extract, the applicant needs to fill out a request in a form approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development.

You should carefully check the compliance of filling out all lines of the request with the established standards: if it does not comply with the Order, it will be considered not received and officials of the body carrying out state registration of rights will not consider such a request, therefore, the applicant will not receive an extract.

In addition to the request itself, the following documents are provided to the registration authority:

  • confirmation of payment of state duty (receipt);
  • citizen's identity card (passport or other);
  • a power of attorney, certified and properly executed, if the application for an extract is submitted by a representative of the owner;
  • constituent documents for the applicant - a legal entity: certificate of registration, charter, constituent agreement and others.

Extract from the Unified State Register for a land plot: where to get it?

A request to submit information from the Unified State Register (receipt of an extract) can be obtained in different ways. Let's look at them.

  1. Personal appeal to the Rosreestr Office. In this case, the request form must be filled out independently or with the help of a specialist from the registration authority.
  2. By post. In this case, the signature of the applicant or his representative must be notarized. Copies of documents attached to the request also require certification.
  3. Through electronic services of Rosreestr.

Let's consider the procedure for obtaining an extract using the electronic portal rosreestr.net.

  1. First, go to rosreestr.net
  2. Enter the cadastral number of the land plot or address in the box.
  3. Click “find object”, select your object.

You will be provided with preliminary information free of charge.

You can also receive an extract from the Unified State Register. You need to select the “Extract from the Unified State Register” checkbox, click “proceed to payment”, enter your email and pay in a way convenient for you.

You will receive the official statement by email in electronic form with a digital signature. Completion time from 15 minutes to 3 hours.


  • the required document from the Unified State Register can be obtained in electronic or paper format;
  • You can submit a request in person, send it by mail, or use digital services on the Rosreestr information portal.

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