
Which means I didn’t cut the ends. Cut off the ends. Cut off everyone's heads

It was at this time, when these obsessive thoughts began to bother Lelka, that Kalina appeared in her life. Lelka realized that it was he who would help her let Victor go.

I feel, Asya, we need to cut loose ends. It's time. But as? I can’t say: get out of here and forget the road! Why on earth? In a good way it is necessary.
- It turns out that if you say, “I have another man,” it will be good?

Yes. How can you not understand? Not "the other man." It doesn't look like I dumped one lover and took another. It looks like I want a family, a husband... Do you understand?
- And you just decided to use Kalina as an excuse?
- Kalina... - Lelka smiled. - He is cool!
- And Vitya? Can you really do it that easily?..

Lelka quickly glanced at Asya, and she fell silent. Smiling, Lelka said:
- Don’t rub salt in my wound, friend.

Olga took a half-empty bottle of martini and poured it into both glasses.

It's time to drink to your past love and remember it with a kind word. For both of us, friend. If love has a soul, let's set it free. - She raised her glass: - Without clinking glasses. Well?

Asya hesitated... Without even looking at Lelka, she felt her angry, demanding gaze. She took her glass and drank silently. Well, let! And let Lelka leave her no choice. Asya couldn’t say: you drink to the memory of your love, but I won’t. What, does Lelka hurt less? Not at all! So what if her love didn’t turn into such a tragedy as Asya’s? And thank God I didn’t turn around. But Lelka was never an empty, frivolous fool, flitting about in pleasure. She truly loved Victor, and still loves him. And if he thinks that instead of “to be continued” in the novel it’s time to put “the end of the novel”... where is the levity in that? She changed her mind a thousand times, and if she thinks that this is the way it should be, then it cannot be any other way. And that means she, Asya, is obliged to support Lelka, which means that if he is on one side of the barricade, he cannot remain on the other side. On the other hand, there is always betrayal. Lelka left no choice.

“I saw him about a month and a half ago,” Lelka suddenly said.

Asya was silent and did not ask who “him” Lelka saw. Although Olga’s words were unexpected - her friends avoided talking to Asya about Artyom - she understood who they were talking about. She lit a cigarette, took the ashtray and leaned back in her chair.

“He really wanted to pretend that he didn’t notice me,” Lelka chuckled. - But we came face to face. He was scared.
- Why?

Don't know. Maybe he didn’t want me to see him like that. It was as if he hadn't dried out for a week. Thin, with stubble. But how beautiful he is!.. Even like that. At least take it and make him look like a fallen angel!

What were they talking about?
- Nothing. Empty stuff. "How are you?" - "Fine and you?" - “Also”... He was in a hurry. Or he pretended to be in a hurry.
- I would like to see him. It's strange, we never met him.
- For what?
- To apologize.

He already knows everything about you.
- It does not matter. It’s important for me to say,” she looked at Lelka, narrowing her eyes from smoke.
- Well, if it’s so important to you, why not meet? Just want it and you will find a way. Find out his phone number, for example.

Asya shook her head:
- No. If you call, you should have called a long time ago. Now, it's like an invitation to something more... I would like to meet him by chance.

She talked to Lelka about Artyom, and was surprised that she could talk. And the voice sounds normal, and there are no tears in my throat. And I even want to talk, ask Lelka more about him... But no, this is unnecessary. As well as Artyom’s invitation to a meeting.


Hello, Raisa!

Well, what can we say?
Asya and Lelka are in different and unequal current life circumstances. They cannot be compared. If Lelka is in a state of another change of “scenery”, and due to her undying love of life, in fact, she easily and painlessly experiences their changes. Everything is not easy for Asya. She is trapped by past awakening feelings that firmly hold her back from taking decisive steps to change her status quo. That's why she's so tight and still closed to Dakota. And, thank God, she remembers more calmly and even started talking to Lelka about Artyom.
The question is: will she be able to break away from thoughts about him? After all, without this, all Zhenya’s attempts to turn Asya to face him are doomed to failure. But let's see what happens next...

Common Slavic word, ascending krobshpi, formed from the stem rob; in dialects it retains rub - “rumen, edge”. Krylov's etymological dictionary

  • chop - Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping... Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • chop - rub, chop; prib. suffering past chopped, -flax, -a, -o; nesov., pereh. and without additional 1. With a swing, hitting with force with a cleaving tool, divide it into parts. For whole days he began to fuss around the house: either knocking with a hammer, or chopping with an ax, or sawing with a saw. Ch. Small academic dictionary
  • chop - chop the ruble, Ukrainian Rubiti, blr. rubats, other Russian rubiti, bulg. rubya “I cut it, I make a border” (Mladenov 566), Serbohorvian. rubiti, rubim – the same, Slovenian. róbiti, -im “edge, chop, beat”, Czech. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • chop - see >> cut Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  • chop - chop I ness. trans. and uninterrupted. 1. Hitting with something sharp, divide it into parts; dissect. || Grind by hitting with something sharp. || trans. decomposition Sharply and clearly distinguish your movements and speech; mint. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • chop - Chop, rub, chop, incompetent. 1. someone or something. Cut, divide into parts, striking with the tip in a sweeping manner. Chop branches. Chop the enemy with a saber. Chop meat. Chopping wood with an axe. “It’s time to chop the cabbage.” M. Gorky. | When you hit, get out. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • chop - verb., nsv., used. compare often I chop, you chop, he/she/it chops, we chop, you chop, they chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop; St. cut down; noun, g. cutting separation, cutting off... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  • chop - Chop the ruble, chop; chopping; chopped; -len, -a, -o; nsv. 1. (St. cut). What. With a swing, hitting with force with a secant tool, divide into parts, cut, crush. R. firewood. R. meat, cabbage. R. with an ax and a chop. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • chop - chop, rub, chop; nesov. 1. what. To understand, to understand something. chopping using technology. You never kill a dog (at all) in your life. 2. same as without additional Same as chopping. 3. than and without additional. Walk (in a game of chance). 4. where, from. Walk, walk, move. Explanatory dictionary of Russian argot
  • chop - to know, to understand Dictionary of thieves' jargon
  • chop - chop, rub, chop; chopped; nesov. 1. someone or something. Hitting something. sharp, divide into parts, cut off, crush. R. branches. R. forest (cut down trees). Slashing weapon. R. with a saber. R. chopped cabbage. R. shoulder (also translated. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • chop - (foreign language) - speak, do in vain, decisively, recklessly Wed. He doesn’t cut strangers at random. (Sofia.) “He’s being naughty! She doesn’t love him.” Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 3, 1. Chatsky (to the side). See chop like an axe. See at random. Mikhelson's Phraseological Dictionary
  • chop - Obsesslav. Suf. derivative from *rǫbъ (see shirt), the same root as lit. rantýti “to chop”, Old Norse ram(m)r "spicy". Primary - “to separate smth. smb. sharp” (with a knife, ax, etc.) > “to cut off, chop off”, then also “to sheathe what was cut” (cf. to chop). Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  • Cut off the ends Simple. Express To decisively end something (usually: habits, attachments, inclinations). It's been seven years since his wife left him. And, it would seem, it is high time to overcome his grief and cut off the ends of his heartfelt affection, but he cannot, and does not want to do this. He remains true to this feeling(G. Sinelnikova. New role).

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

    See what “Cut off the ends” is in other dictionaries:

      Cut off the ends- Razg. Decisively end things. F 2, 12...

      END- THE END1 To the end of the world. Psk. Very far away, in a remote place. SPP 2001, 46. Looks like the end of the coma. Kar. About the approach of someone's l. of death. SRGK 2, 413. To the end (to the end). Razg. Completely, completely, completely. FSRY, 203. Dead end. Volg. About quiet... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

      FINGER- husband. (stick) in general, a short stick reinforced with a poke; then: the finger, the end member of the hand and foot of man and fingered animals, not excluding birds and reptiles. On the hand: thumb (palm), index (shish), middle, fourth and little finger; on the… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

      Battlecruiser Moltke- Moltke The cruiser "Moltke" in New York in 1912 Basic information Type ... Wikipedia

      Moltke (battlecruiser)- Battlecruiser Moltke Moltke ... Wikipedia

      SMS Moltke (1910)- This term has other meanings, see Moltke. Battlecruiser Moltke Moltke ... Wikipedia

      CUT OFF- CHOPPING, chop off something, chop around, cut off with an ax, knife; instead of chop off. Cut off tree branches. Cut off the ends of the corners and logs in the corners of the hut. I'll cut off your ears. The ax will chop it off, and the fire will burn it down to the roots. be cut off; | make a circle... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

      CUT TOGETHER- CUT off, cut off something, chop about (from), cut off the ends or around, trim, dupe with a chop, a hew. Cut off the branches. Cut off the ends of the rope. cut the stone. To cut a millstone, forge, peck, notch, poke, pull. Trim the beard, old... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

      HEAM- or to chop, to chop off something, to chop off, to shorten with a chop, an ax; | cut at the bottom, at the root. | Let down, fake the cutting or increase it by adding more crowns. Cut the corners in the log house, cut off the ends of the logs shorter and more evenly. Like supports... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    The West continues to report in measured doses on the consequences of the events of February 7-8 and the next few days, when the coalition and the Kurds achieved a bridgehead on the left bank of the Euphrates. A message arrived about the explosion of a large ammunition depot in Tabiye (Deir ez-Zor), during which 15 Russian soldiers were killed. The message does not say which military personnel we are talking about - regulars or private soldiers.

    There are two nuances to the news.

    The first is the source. The notorious London Rahman Observatory. The source is not reliable, but at the very least it cannot be dismissed - through Rahman, fairly accurate information is being released by the British, who are directly involved in the coalition both with their air force and the work of special forces. Anyway, .

    The second nuance is that regulars of the Russian army from the MTR also took part in the attack on Konoko. They were reported several times before the offensive, but the number is unknown. Taking into account the fact that the Americans significantly mixed up the entire attacking group with sand, and judging by the losses, regular military personnel could easily have died in this mess. Just for company. At the same time, the Americans stubbornly insist on the version that in all their calls to their Russian colleagues, they categorically denied the presence of regulars in the column going to Konoko.

    It is possible and necessary to hide the dead military personnel, but take them out of the scope of the operation. It is possible (and this does not seem surprising) that the partners came to an agreement on this issue and moved them from Kisham to Tabiyya. Fortunately, it’s very close. Well, as for bombing a warehouse in a targeted manner to cover up the issue - no problem.

    To understand the situation, it is necessary to clarify that the team of Putin’s oligarch, who went to “squeeze the plant,” as was said in intercepted telephone conversations about the incident that were distributed on the Internet, did not just go to some “factory.” Conoco belonged to and was built at one time by the famous and very large American oil and gas company ConocoPhillps, then nationalized by the father of the current President Assad, and now the Americans have taken their property back. And, naturally, they protect it and do not intend to give it away. Now imagine the situation: you finally took yours, and then some merry gang comes to take yours away from you. Here, by all standards, the States were obliged to roll out anyone who encroached on the master's property. And they rolled it out.

    To justify the oligarch, we can say that he could have been completely unaware of the situation. And how do these guys from the gates know the nuances of the territory in which they pirate. And in general, if someone thinks that the oligarchs have a lot of money, and they recruit the very best into their security services or analytical departments, then this, of course, is not entirely true. The same security service of Deripaska - no matter how much money they pay her, they couldn’t keep track of some prostitute, and hello: the boss now has problems.

    And smart people from the gang competing with the oligarch could simply set him up, unobtrusively inviting him to squeeze out a useful factory from the gypsies and improve his financial situation a little. And they set him up with cooler brothers. That's the whole simple background. Another question is that the tough guys treated Putin’s brother, who had lost his shores, too harshly, and now they have to cut loose ends.

    In general, the SOHR news may well be true, but with some minor deviations from reality. But who cares about these details?

    Cutting the ends means being closer to the middle.

    • - all R"...

      Russian spelling dictionary

    • - Lord Jesus, don’t poke your head forward, don’t stay back, don’t stay in the middle...
    • - Two ends, two rings, and in the middle a carnation...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - There is a sacred thing, taken from a linden tree; there are straps along the edges, and in the middle...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - See BEGINNING -...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - See RANKS -...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - It’s not true that the arc is branchy: the ends are in the water, so the middle is out; the middle is in the water - the ends are out...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - Around it is smooth, in the middle it is sweet, we have a tool for that sweetness...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - It’s a flat board, with lining around the edges, and a hole in the middle...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - See MIND -...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - See TALK -...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - See TALK -...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - See A LOT -...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - Cm....

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - Slimy, awkward, there’s a rope in the middle...

      IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    • - adverb, number of synonyms: 11 in the depths in the middle in the womb in the center inside in the middle in the middle in the middle in the middle in the middle...

      Synonym dictionary

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    From the book On the Rumba - Polar Star author Volkov Mikhail Dmitrievich

    THE KNOT NEEDS TO BE CUT The next morning, Bykov invited all three lieutenants to his place and gave him a real test: he tested his knowledge of the navigation area. True to his impetuous manner, he bombarded them with questions: “Strelkov, what is the characteristic of the fire on Cape Tochny?” Andreevsky,

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