
Cities of millionaires in the eastern economic zone. Cities-millionaires of Russia. There is not only an increase in the population of cities, but also a concentration of people in individual large urban agglomerations - megacities. Large cities are not just growing rapidly, absorbing the environment

A million-plus city is a special status. In Soviet times, million-plus cities had priority in financing. Such benefits as the subway were also associated with the population.
In modern Russia, this status makes it possible to participate in a larger number of federal programs and projects, including national ones, and receive increased tranches from the federal budget.
All the main indicators for determining budget expenditures for solving the problems facing large metropolitan areas are calculated based on the number of inhabitants. This includes the construction of hospitals and clinics, kindergartens, the development of the city's road network and high-speed transport lines. Some programs at the present stage are implemented only in cities with more than a million inhabitants.
In addition, the status of a million-plus city contributes to its investment attractiveness. The business strategies of many reputable companies are designed exclusively for large metropolitan areas. 1
The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the number of million-plus cities is currently increasing, and at the same time a number of problems.
The purpose of this paper is to study the emergence and growth of millionaire cities.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
    The emergence of cities
    Cities-millionaires of Russia
    Growth of millionaire cities
The subject of the study is cities with millionaires.
The object is the features of the development of millionaire cities in Russia.

The emergence of cities

The largest cities of antiquity and modernity

BC, the largest urban cultures of antiquity, where most of the world's population, including the urban population, lived, were in Asia.

The first large cities arose about 4 thousand years ago in the densely populated agricultural regions of Mesopotamia, in the valley of the rivers Nile, Indus (in western India), Huang He (in northern China). The emergence of cities is associated with economic progress - the appearance of surpluses of food necessary to provide for the non-agricultural population. Cities also arose as residences of rulers (for example, in ancient Egypt - as places of residence for pharaohs and priests), as fortresses, the main function of which was defense. In this case, they were located in the most strategically advantageous places.

In the Middle Ages, the largest cities in the world were Nanjing (470 thousand people), Cairo (450 thousand people), Vidzhavanagar (350 thousand people), Beijing (320 thousand people). Paris was the largest city in Europe (275 thousand), Milan and Venice were almost twice behind it, and the population of London, which by the beginning of the 19th century had become the largest city in the world with a population of 870 thousand people, barely reached 50 thousand people.

Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztecs, was among the largest cities in the world, destroyed by the conquistadors in the early 19th century.

At the beginning of the 18th century, no more than 10% of the world's population was estimated to live in cities. Some of the largest cities of the Middle Ages still exist, the development of others slowed down, and they turned into small provincial centers, and some disappeared altogether.

The development of large cities of our time as economic, political and commercial centers is associated with the emergence of manufactory and factory production. The concentration of the population in cities became possible primarily due to the development of energy: the development of technologies for the extraction, use and transportation of coal, and later oil. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the most important functions of cities have been: the production of goods and services, management and inter-district exchange.

Only in the twentieth century urbanization has become the main factor in economic development and changes in the territorial organization of society in most countries of the world. During the 20th century, the number of citizens increased sharply, the number of cities, especially large ones, increased.

The urban population grew mainly due to migration from rural areas (this factor is the most important at the initial stages of urbanization), natural population growth and urbanization of rural areas - the retraining of rural settlements into urban ones.

If at the beginning of the 20th century only 14% of the world's population lived in cities and there were 16 cities with millionaires, then by 1950 the share of the urbanized population had increased by more than 2 times, and the number of cities with millionaires - by almost 5. It is expected that by the year 2000 half of the inhabitants of the Earth will be city dwellers, and the number of millionaire cities will be 440.

The concentration of population, economic and political life in large cities observed during the 20th century led to the formation of an idea of ​​​​a world economy concentrated exclusively in cities, each of which is surrounded by a "heart-shaped" region with maximum changes in natural landscapes, a transition zone and a vast, little affected by the achievements of modern civilizations on the periphery.

Cities and agglomerations connected by highways become the supporting frame of settlement. 2

Millionaire cities in Russia

The city is a model of the human society that gave birth to it. He has an amazing ability to reflect the characteristics of the region in which he is located; ethnic group living in this part of the Earth; industries represented in its production structure. The special significance of cities lies in the fact that they create conditions for the movement of mankind forward. They have arsenals of information, connect different areas of activity, at the intersection of which points of growth arise in culture, science, technology and politics. They have a special atmosphere of communication, a multi-contact environment.
In modern Russia, cities with a population of more than a million people play a huge role in the economy and life of the country, accounting for almost a quarter of the country's population. These cities are characterized by a complex industrial and administrative structure, high employment of the population and the greatest social differentiation.
Functions of cities: industrial, transport, scientific centers, resort cities, etc. Cities that perform several functions (multifunctional) are often the capitals of administrative entities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk.
In general, the development of urban settlement in the country can be considered insufficient for such a huge state as Russia. A fairly dense network of urban settlements was formed only on about 1/3 of the country's territory - in the Main Settlement Zone. The development of urban settlement in the rest of the country is hampered by harsh natural conditions and insufficient demographic potential. In the last decade, this problem has escalated as hundreds of small urban settlements have disappeared and the formation of new urban settlements has virtually ceased. 3 .
The large cities of Russia, being important industrial, scientific and cultural centers, at the same time create many difficulties for their inhabitants and worsen the ecological situation. Despite the advantages of large cities, their growth cannot be unlimited, as there are difficulties in providing people with water, food, in maintaining green areas, clean air, social problems are intensifying: crime is growing, transport is becoming more complicated, etc. Approximately 35 Russian cities have completely unacceptable levels of air pollution. An acute ecological situation has developed in Novokuznetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Nikel, etc. In this regard, urgent measures are needed to limit the growth of large and the development of small and medium-sized cities in Russia. 4
Million-plus cities (or millionaire cities) are cities with a population of over a million people. In Russia, as of the end of 2012, there are 15 million-plus cities:
    Moscow (pop. 11.5 million)
    Saint Petersburg (pop. 4.8 million)
    Novosibirsk (pop. 1.47 million)
    Yekaterinburg (pop. 1.35 million)
    Nizhny Novgorod (pop. 1.25 million)
    Samara (pop. 1.16 million)
    Omsk (pop. 1.15 million)
    Kazan (pop. 1.14 million)
    Chelyabinsk (pop. 1.13 million)
    Rostov-on-Don (pop. 1.09 million)
    Ufa (pop. 1.06 million)
    Volgograd (pop. 1.02 million)
    Perm (1001 thousand people)
    Krasnoyarsk (millionth resident was born on April 10, 2012)
    Voronezh (millionth resident was born on December 17, 2012)
Perm was a million-plus city until 2004, then it lost its million-plus status, but now exactly one million inhabitants live there. In total, more than 30 million people live in Russia's million-plus cities, which is about 22% of the Russian population, that is, every fifth Russian lives in a million-plus city. Seven out of fifteen million-plus cities have subways.
A million-plus city is a special status. In Soviet times, million-plus cities had priority in financing. Such benefits as the subway were also associated with the population.
In modern Russia, this status makes it possible to participate in a larger number of federal programs and projects, including national ones, and receive increased tranches from the federal budget.
All the main indicators for determining budget expenditures for solving the problems facing large metropolitan areas are calculated based on the number of inhabitants. This includes the construction of hospitals and clinics, kindergartens, the development of the city's road network and high-speed transport lines. Some programs at the present stage are implemented only in cities with more than a million inhabitants.
In addition, the status of a million-plus city helps to increase its investment attractiveness. The business strategies of many reputable companies are designed exclusively for large metropolitan areas. 5

Growth of cities of millionaires

The rapid growth of large cities in the 19th century. objectively led to the emergence of a special category of urban settlements - millionaire cities. In 1900 the largest were London (4536 thousand), New York (3437 thousand), Paris (2714 thousand), Berlin (1890 thousand), Chicago (1699 thousand), Vienna (1662 thousand), Tokyo (1497 thousand), St. Petersburg (1265 thousand).
The growth of large cities and their suburbs gave rise to a tendency to merge nearby large and small settlements into giant urban agglomerations or conurbations, as they were then called. By the beginning of the 20th century such new urban formations appeared in a number of areas of Great Britain, Central Scotland, and Germany.
In the 20th century the growth of million-plus cities has accelerated, and from the second half of the year, the sprawl of cities becomes a universal process and a global problem. All regions of the world are drawn into this process, regardless of the level of urbanization, their socio-economic and cultural-historical development.
In the first half of the 20th century the number of millionaire cities increased from 16 to 75–80, and from 1950 to 1990 from 77 to 275, and their total population increased from 187 to 800 million people. By 2010, their number will reach 511 and by 2025 - 639. In 1985, developed countries accounted for 110 millionaire cities, and all the rest - 146, by 2025 a different ratio is predicted: 153 will be in the developed world and 486 in the developing world.
From the second half of the 20th century The growth of large cities in the world is carried out mainly at the expense of developing countries.
In the UN directories, from a diverse and quantitatively significant category of millionaire cities, super-large cities are singled out and clearly defined as an independent group - mega-cities (metropolitan cities) and metropolitan areas with a population of 8 million people or more. In 1950, only New York and London exceeded the specified population, in 1960 Tokyo and Beijing joined them, and in 1970 the number of mega-cities increased to 11, including 5 in developing countries (Mexico City, Beijing, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro).
The total number of mega-cities in the West reached six by 1970 and has not changed since then. The growth of mega-cities, starting in the West and reaching its limits in this part of the world, continues dynamically in developing countries. In 2000, the number of mega-cities in them increased to 19, by 2015 it will increase to 27. Mega-cities with a population of over 10 million inhabitants include many giant cities of Asia - Bombay, Greater Manila, Jakarta, Seoul and others. 6
The growth and development of modern cities are primarily associated with economic benefits - the so-called agglomeration economy: the concentration of producers and consumers in a limited area in itself becomes a source of additional income due to lower production costs per unit of output (the possibility of creating industries of optimal size) and reducing transport costs (proximity of buyers and sellers, creation of a common infrastructure).
However, the economic gain from the growth of the area and population of the city increases only to certain limits - as long as the inevitably increasing transport costs for the transportation of industrial goods, raw materials and passengers will be beneficial at given production costs.
The aggravation of the environmental problems of large urban agglomerations, the development of personal transport and modern means of communication lead to an outflow of the population to suburban suburbanization zones. This phenomenon is largely facilitated by cheaper prices for land plots outside cities, the relocation of science-intensive industries to suburban industrial parks, for which the significance of the agglomeration effect is small. 7


The rapid growth of cities in recent decades is what I usually call in the scientific literature the "urban revolution". The growth of urban settlements is so intensive that, according to preliminary estimates, by 2005 at least half of the world's population will live in them. Current demographic trends contribute to the fact that already now 2/3 of the world's citizens are concentrated in developing countries, where 65 million people become new residents of cities every year. According to UN experts, this will lead to the fact that by 2025 the level of urbanization in developing countries will exceed 80%.

There is not only an increase in the population of cities, but also a concentration of people in individual large urban agglomerations - megacities. Large cities do not just grow rapidly, absorbing the surrounding villages, they merge with each other, forming megacities with a population of many tens of millions of people.

Megacities - due to the huge concentration of people, industrial enterprises, transport in them, are the largest consumers of all types of natural resources - territorial, energy, food and the most important sources of environmental pollution. The pressure on the natural environment is increasing sharply not only in the megacities themselves, but also beyond them.

The most important problems of our time include providing residents of megacities with water and wastewater disposal. Garbage disposal and disposal of human waste are considered serious problems.

In megacities, a special microclimate is formed. Residential development reduces wind speed, and stagnant air contributes to the concentration of highly toxic industrial pollutants. Smogs - a mixture of smoke, dust and fog, reduce the amount of sunlight, cause serious illness in people. The air temperature in cities is always somewhat higher than the average temperature of the area. "Heating" of the urban atmosphere occurs due to the combustion of automotive fuel, heating of buildings and their subsequent cooling, from the release of radiant heat from all urban facilities. In cities of temperate latitudes, snow melts earlier, plants turn green. Often in winter, birds do not fly away from cities, usually wintering in other parts; simplified communities of fauna and flora are formed in cities.

Nevertheless, one must be aware that a significant part of the Earth's population will continue to live in megacities. This reality is motivated by the peculiarity of people's lives, their work, the level of modern technology, and many other reasons. The growth of megacities is a "natural phenomenon", the result of the self-organization of society, as a result of which, the interconnectedness of people is growing. We must accept this reality and learn how to build megacities in such a way as to avoid the problems that are characteristic of them today. 8


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    Murtuzalieva E. A., Garunova N. N. DEVELOPMENT OF CITIES IN THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTRIES OF WESTERN EUROPE IN THE XVI-XIX CENTURIES: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS [Electronic resource] URL: http://www.rae.ru/forum2012/7/ 2817 (Date of access: 12/17/12)
    Ozerova G.N., Pokshishevsky V.V. Geography of the world process of urbanization: A guide for teachers.- M.: Education, 1981.- 202 p.
    Pertsik E.N. Geography of cities (geourbanistics) / Pertsik E.N. - M .: Higher school, 1991. - 326 S.

Map of time zones of the world. Decree time. Time. Practical work. Date line. Labor and sleep. Moscow time. Local time. Get acquainted with the position of Russia in time zones. Locality. Russia. Point meridian. Translate of time. Time zone boundaries. Standard time. Change clock. International standard time. Terms and concepts.

"Economic regions of the Russian Federation" - Territorial organization and regionalization of Russia. Composition and structure of the CER. Copper industry of Ural-2. Geographic features of the economy of Western Siberia. EGP of the Far East. St. Petersburg agglomeration. Ural Federal District of Russia. The Trans-Siberian and BAM are the basis of the transport of the VSER and the Far East. Conditions of economy VSER. Volga ER. Rostov industrial center. Moscow and the Moscow Capital Region.

"Time zones of the Russian Federation" - The shape of the territory of Russia. What time will it be in Yakutsk if it is 10.00 in the afternoon in Blagoveshchensk. Territory sizes. Algorithm for determining standard time. Complete tasks. Advantages and disadvantages of a large area. Difference in time. Advantages. The size and shape of the territory of Russia. What time zones is Russia in? Longitude difference between time zones. What new did you learn in the lesson.

"Administrative division of Russia" - Internal differences. foreign territories. modern development of the country. Development and collapse of the Russian Empire. Thousands of municipalities. Formation of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Formation and development of the Russian centralized state. Transport and geographical position. Economic and geographical position of the Russian Federation. Territorial disputes. Russian Federation.

"Zoning the Russian Federation" - Plan for the characteristics of the economic region. Mendeleev. Regional factors. The division of the territory into certain parts for ease of management. regionalization functions. Central Federal District. Kolosovsky. In geography, different variants of zoning are used. Regionalization of Russia. Tatishchev. The first experiments in the economic zoning of Russia. Regional signs. each economic region. Hierarchical or single-level districts.

"Economic regions of the Russian Federation" - Central Chernozemny region. Dairy and meat cattle breeding. Engineering. Region. The composition of the region. Obninsk. Economic and geographical position of the Central Black Earth region. Vladimir Kolomna. Geographic dictation. Territorial structure of settlement and economy. Decipher the logic. Initial raw material. Branches of specialization. Stages of development of the economy. EGP. Statistics.

  • 7. Metallurgical complex of Russia.
  • 8. Machine-building complex of Russia.
  • 10. Perm region.
  • 11. Compare the characteristics of the west and east Sib. Economy Districts.
  • 12. Ural eq. District
  • 13. Volga region: industry and ter-tion page.
  • 14. North Caucasian and Central Black Earth
  • 16. Comparative characteristics of the western and eastern economic zones of Russia.
  • 16 . Compare har-ka zap and east economy. Zone.
  • 17. Central economic district: sectoral and territorial building of households. Problems and prospects of development.
  • 18. The place of Russia in the world economy and its changes in the 1990s.
  • 18. The place of Russia in the world economy and its change in the 1990s.
  • 19. Agriculture of the world: regional features and development problems.
  • 20. Transport engineering of the world. Role in the modern economy, placement features, development problems.
  • 20. Transport engineering of the world: role in the modern economy, features of placement and development problems.
  • 21. Fuel industry of the world: role in the modern economy, features of placement, development problems.
  • 22. World population: state, trends, problems.
  • 24. Countries of South Asia: common features and differences in all development.
  • 25. Developing countries: classification by level of socio-economic development. Features of development, location of the economy and modern specialization.
  • 26. EU: history of formation, problems, prospects.
  • 27. Comprehensive socio-economic characteristics of Germany. Internal problems of Germany.
  • 28. Japan is one of the centers of the world economic system. Features of development, placement of households, general and regional problems.
  • 29. Countries of resettlement capitalism: features of development, similarities and differences.
  • 29. Countries of resettlement capitalism: features of development, similarities and differences.
  • 30. Comprehensive socio-economic characteristics of the United States. Main economic regions
  • 32. Fundamentals of economic and geographical forecasting. Approaches and methods
  • 33. Territorial division of labor and its significance for the seg. Levels, types, factors of TRT. International And economy. Integration.
  • 34. Regional policy in the river. And abroad. Socio-geographical provision of regional development and management.
  • 35. Problems of development and territorial organization of social infrastructure
  • 36. Problems of mutual ob-va and wasps. The concept of the noosphere. The role and place of seg in the formulation and solution of problems.
  • 37. Problems of formation and development of TPC in modern conditions.
  • 38. History of the district. Goals. Tasks, principles. S-e paradise: problems and concept
  • 38. History of zoning. Goals, objectives, principles of economic zoning. Socio-economic zoning: concept and problems.
  • 39. Too. The concept of tos. The concept of territorial community in the economy., Social., Polit. Geography.
  • 39. Territorial organization of society. The concept of a territorial social system. The concept of territorial community in economic, social and political geography.
  • 40. Subject, goals, objectives and methods of seg.
  • 16. Comparative characteristics of the western and eastern economic zones of Russia.

    Western economic zone of Russia. The Western economic zone includes 8 economic regions: Northern, Northwestern, Central, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka, North Caucasian, Volga, Ural. Territory area - 4294.4 thousand km2, population - 112.8 million people.

    The Western economic zone is the main industrial and agricultural macro-region of the country. Significant production capacities, labor and scientific potential are concentrated here. The economic and geographical position (EGP) of most economic regions of the zone is much more favorable than that of the eastern regions. There are a large number of outlets outside our country, the territory has a dense network of roads and railways, pipelines and power lines. Natural conditions are milder than in the East, which contributes to the development of the main branches of agriculture, they are more favorable for people's lives.

    Now the Western macro-region provides more than 4/5 of all industrial and agricultural products of the country, more than 9/10 of Russia's financial resources are concentrated here, about 9/10 of the scientific potential.

    The share of the urban population is 74%. In terms of the number of cities, the West is ahead of the East by about 3.7 times (862 cities). In the European part, there are almost all millionaire cities (10 out of 12) and even cities with more than 500 thousand people. in the West 2 times more than in the East (respectively 14 and 7).

    Industry. In the specialization of the Western economic zone, areas are distinguished where manufacturing industries determine the specialization of the economic complex (Central, Central Black Earth, North-West, Volga-Vyatka). In the Volga region and the Urals, there is a combination of raw materials-oriented industries (oil, gas, potash salts) and manufacturing industries. The North Caucasus acts as a major producer and processor of agricultural products. And only the Northern region is very similar to the eastern regions, where the raw material component prevails.

    Agriculture. Due to the fact that the Western economic zone is the main one in the production of agricultural products, all branches of agriculture that are characteristic of Russia as a whole are represented in the macroregion.

    Eastern economic zone of Russia. The Eastern economic zone, or the Eastern macro-region, consists of the three largest economic regions of Russia in terms of territory: West Siberian, East Siberian, Far East. Often the Eastern macro-region is identified with the concept of Asian Russia. Area - 12,765.9 thousand km2, population - 31.0 million people. In terms of area, this part of our country (75% of the entire territory of Russia) is larger than any state in the world. The population (22% of the total population of Russia) is comparable to many countries in the world, but has a negative population dynamics. The vast territory of this economic zone is the main reserve of the country for minerals.

    Now the various resources of Western Siberia are actively used in the western regions of the country, and oil and gas are also exported to Europe. The proximity to the main centers of consumption has led to a greater development of production in Western Siberia. In Eastern Siberia and the Far East, due to their remoteness from the center, only those resources are developed that, by their specifics (the most valuable, severely scarce) are needed for the national economy, or there is a possibility of their export to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Of particular pride is the huge reservoir of fresh water - Lake Baikal.

    The vast territories of the Eastern macro-region are areas with harsh natural conditions and belong to the zone of the Far North.

    In general, it can be said that the eastern part of the country concentrates significant resources of coal, gas, oil, iron ore, copper ore, precious and rare metals. More than 3/4 of the country's hydropower and water resources are concentrated in the East, and the reserves of mature wood are unique. The Pacific Ocean is one of the largest areas of the world in terms of bioresources.

    Population. Compared to other territories of Russia, the Eastern macroregion has a small population. If in the European part of the country the population density reaches 27 people/km2, then in the Asian part it is 10 times less (2.5 people/km2). The population is concentrated in the south - along the route of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Here, in some areas, the density sometimes increases tenfold compared to the average.

    The selective nature of development, difficult conditions for agriculture predetermined the predominance of the urban population. In general, in the macro-region, the share of city dwellers is 73%. In some subjects of the federation, it reaches 85-90% (Kemerovo region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Magadan region, Sakhalin region). Currently, there are 230 cities and 579 urban-type settlements. The largest cities of the macro-region are the "millionaires" - Novosibirsk (the third largest in the country) and Omsk (the seventh largest).

    Industry. In the specialization of the Eastern Economic Zone, sectors of the raw material component are distinguished: the fuel industry (gas, oil, coal, uranium), ferrous metallurgy (Western Siberia), non-ferrous metallurgy (Eastern Siberia and the Far East), the forest complex (Eastern Siberia and the Far East), fish industry (Far East). Eastern Siberia is the largest region in terms of electric power industry. In many subjects of the federation, the chemical industry and mechanical engineering are represented, usually oriented to local needs.

    Agriculture is concentrated in the south of the territory and is mainly consumer-oriented, with the exception of grain farming in Western Siberia, fine-wool sheep breeding in Eastern Siberia, and soybean and rice cultivation in the Far East. For the indigenous peoples of the North, reindeer herding plays a special role as a traditional branch of management.

    Transport. The eastern macroregion is poorly provided with transport. In the south, rail and road transport are decisive, in the north - river and sea. Transportation of goods by road trains is possible in winter. It is in the East of our country that new road construction is being carried out. The Moscow-Vladivostok highway (the Chita and Amur regions) is being built, submeridional railways are being built to the north of Western Siberia and to Yakutia. The Far Eastern ports are of paramount importance for the development of relations with the eastern neighbors and the creation of the East-West corridor. The possibility of developing the territory is associated with large scientific centers of Siberia and the Far East (Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok).

    This city is a millionaire
    located on the banks of one of the major Siberian rivers. Region, administrative
    the center of which it is, has access to the state border of Russia.
    The basis of the city's industry is machine-building enterprises and
    petrochemistry, it houses the largest oil refinery in the Asian part of Russia

    Compare the map (Fig. 39) with the map "Population density in Russia" and draw conclusions. In what areas in terms of comfort are millionaire cities?

    What is the maximum population of cities located in uncomfortable areas?

    1. Population of Russia at the present time (million people):

    1) 30,2; 3) 148,7 2) 125,2; 4) 292,5.
    2. The main direction of geopolitics under Peter 1 was:
    1) western; 2) east.
    3. Currently, the natural movement of the population is characterized by:
    1) natural growth; 2) natural decline.
    4. The Indo-European language family includes the peoples:
    1) Russians; 2) Russians and Ukrainians; 3) Russians, Ukrainians, Ossetians.
    5. In Russia, the population prevails:
    1) male; 2) feminine.
    6. Arrange the territories of Russia as the population density increases:
    1) European North; 2) the north of Western Siberia; 3) Ural.
    7. The millionaire cities of Russia include:
    1) Moscow, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg;
    2) Novosibirsk, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod;
    3) Togliatti, Ulyanovsk, Murmansk.
    8. Arrange the industries in decreasing order of the number of employees:
    1) non-production sphere; 2) industry; 3) transport.

    1) Most of the peoples of the North Caucasus profess a) Buddhism b) Islam c) Orthodoxy 2) The North Caucasus is not located in

    a) altitudinal zonation

    c) deserts

    D) subtropics

    e) semi-deserts

    3) City-millionaire in the North Caucasus

    a) Krasnodar

    c) Rostov-on-Don

    d) Gorozny

    4) The relief of the North Caucasus

    a) flat and mountainous

    b) plain

    5) Lack of resources in the North Caucasus

    a) recreational

    b) soil

    d) agro-climatic

    6) the largest seaports of the northern region

    a) Arkhangelsk, Murmansk

    b) Murmansk, Selehard

    c) Arkhangelsk, Kandalaksha

    d) selehard, dixon

    .The population of the West Siberian economic region does not include:

    1) The largest in terms of population.

    3) The highest level of urbanization.

    4) There are no cities of millionaires.

    5) Omsk, Novosibirsk - millionaire cities.

    6) Russians predominate, but there are indigenous peoples.

    7) Indigenous peoples: Nivkhs, Aleuts, Chukchi, Yakuts, Evenks, Evens, Koryaks.

    8) Indigenous peoples: Nenets, Nganasans, Evenks, Evens, Buryats, Tuvans, Khakasses.

    9) Indigenous peoples: Nenets, Shors, Selkups, Khanty, Mansi, Altaians.

    10) The first capital of Siberia - Tobolsk.

    11) The first university city of Siberia - Tomsk.

    12) Academgorodok is part of the city of Novosibirsk.

    13) Tyumen - the organizational base of Siberia for the development of oil and gas fields.

    14) An acute shortage of labor resources and their outflow from the northern territories.

    According to the standard classification, a city is a large settlement. As a rule, the labor activity of its inhabitants is in no way connected with agriculture, and the population is employed in other spheres of life. Previously, the city was called settlements around which there were defensive structures. Today, such a settlement has high-rise buildings, developed infrastructure and all kinds of institutions for providing services to the population.

    Million-strong cities are settlements where the number of inhabitants exceeds 1 million. In the last century there were about 220 such cities, today there are more than 300 of them.

    The undisputed leader in this list is China, because about 1.5 billion people live in the country itself. The next country on the leaderboard is India, followed by Brazil and only then Russia, Indonesia and Nigeria. The United States is approximately in 7th place, since the country is dominated by a large number of small settlements, and there are only 9 million-plus cities.

    Historical reference

    The very first city with a population of 1 million was Rome. The list also included the city of Alexandria, where so many people lived from about the 1st century BC. By the middle of the new era, the Chinese city of Chang'an, the modern name of Xi'an, became a millionaire. And by the end of the millennium, Baghdad emerged as a leader. In 1800, Tokyo was first on the list, after 50 years there were already 2 cities in the world, and by 1985 - 273 settlements.


    There are 157 thousand settlements in the country. The state is in 9th place in terms of population in the world, total inhabitants - 146,880,432 people (statistics as of 01.01.18).

    How many million-plus cities are in Russia? Only 15.

    Moscow. Unconditional leader in terms of population in the country and is second in the European list after Istanbul. Today, 12,506,468 people live in the capital. An interesting fact is that in 1871 only 602 thousand lived in the city.

    Saint Petersburg. The northern capital of Russia is the second in the list of million-plus cities in Russia, today it is home to 5,351,935 people. Compared to previous years, there is a slight increase in residents, in 2010 there were 4,879,566 people.

    Novosibirsk. Large the center of Siberia, where 1,604,179 people live. And in 1897 there were only 8 thousand people in the city.

    The top five is closed by Yekaterinburg (1,455,904 people) and Nizhny Novgorod, with a population of 1,264,075.

    Other million-plus cities in Russia:


    This part of the world is washed by the waters of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, located in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet. The area covered is approximately 10 million square kilometers. According to statistics for 2013, 742.5 million people live in Europe, that is, about 10% of the total number of all inhabitants of the planet.

    List of million-plus cities:

    Of the major capitals of the European part of the world, Budapest, Warsaw, Vienna and Bucharest can be distinguished, where 1.7 million people live.


    It is the largest part of the world in terms of population and area. Together with Europe it forms the mainland - Eurasia. The area occupied by Asia is about 43.4 million square kilometers, and the inhabitants are about 4.2 billion people, approximately 60.5% of the total population of the planet. It is in this part of our planet that the rapid development of the economy and industry is observed.

    In this part of the world today there are 4 cities with a population of 7 million and they are all in the People's Republic of China: Wuhan, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Chongqing. The list of large Asian settlements closes the Iraqi city of Sulaymaniyah, where 1 million people live.

    Australia and Oceania

    This part of the world consists of mainland Australia and nearby islands included in Oceania. This is the smallest part of the world in terms of area - 8.51 million square kilometers. Australia and Oceania is home to the least people, with only 24.2 million people.

    Million cities:


    This is the second largest continent on the planet after Eurasia. There are 55 states here, that is, more than on any other continent. The total occupied area, together with the islands, is 30.3 million square kilometers, which is approximately 6% of the entire earth's land. About 1 billion people live in these territories.

    Large cities located in this part of the world, where more than 3 million people live:


    Qty, millions

    Democratic Republic of the Congo


    Republic of South Africa


    Ivory Coast

    Cape Town

    Republic of South Africa

    Republic of South Africa


    Addis Ababa

    North America

    Under these lands, 24.25 million square kilometers are occupied, together with the islands, located in the northern part of the Western Hemisphere of the planet. There are about 500 million inhabitants on this continent, that is, about 7% of all living on the planet. A unique feature of the mainland is that all the countries that are located here have access to the sea.

    Million-plus cities of the world, located in this part of the world, in which more than 2 million live:

    South America

    The total area of ​​​​the mainland is 17.84 million kilometers, this is only 4th place among the other continents. There are many islands around the mainland. In total, about 387 million people live here.

    Cities with a million inhabitants:


    Qty, millions

    Sao Paulo



    Rio de Janeiro





    Buenos Aires









    Belo Horizonte







    Santa Cruz de la Sierra

    The rest of the list consists of 9 cities, the last in the list is the city of Barquisimeto (Venezuela), where only 1,018 people live.

    Scientists are sure that by 2025, approximately 60% of the total population will live in cities. And in 1800 the figure was only at the level of 2%, and after 180 years the number of urban population increased to 40%. By the same year, more than 90 super-megacities will appear, that is, huge cities where more than 5 million people will live.

    Some countries have satellite cities. Roughly speaking, these are "safety valves" of millionaires. In the satellites, people live and work in the metropolis. For example, in the same China, to get into the capital, you need a special permit.

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