
Searching for a business loan. Which bank to get a loan from to start a business. The most profitable loans for individual entrepreneurs

If you want to organize your own business in Moscow, every entrepreneur is faced with a choice: to implement his own ideas or to purchase a ready-made business. In any case, you need initial capital to start. If this is not available, the best way is to take out a loan from a bank. However, not every financial institution is willing to provide loans to small businesses. And those that provide such services set loan terms that are unfavorable for a beginning entrepreneur and require a huge list of documentation. Answer the question: “Where can I get a loan to buy an existing business in Moscow?” our service will help. We have collected up-to-date information about the best banks and financial institutions that are interested in investing in private entrepreneurship.

Terms of service

Most banks issue loans for ready-made businesses only to trusted clients who have various types of movable/immovable property and have large turnover. If you are a beginner entrepreneur, then you can relatively easily get a consumer loan or take advantage of specialized lending programs that operate on an ongoing basis in many banks. An example of this is the existing loan from Sberbank called “Leasing for Business”.

In this case, a loan for the purchase of premises or the purchase of any equipment for running a business is provided on the following conditions:

  • the maximum loan amount is up to 24 million rubles. (depends on solvency and security);
  • obtaining a loan for the purchase of a small business is possible both with and without collateral;
  • payment period up to 120 months;
  • You can take out a loan to purchase an existing business at a low interest rate of up to 10%;
  • The client's application is reviewed within 24 hours.

How to receive funds through CreditZnatok?

The CreditZnatok service has already helped many beginning entrepreneurs get money to purchase an existing business in Moscow. To apply for a loan through our website, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the available offers, choose the optimal loan conditions for yourself and submit an electronic application. Its form will become available to you after clicking the corresponding button. After filling out and sending the application, a representative of the financial institution will soon contact the entrepreneur to accurately determine the purposes of the loan (purchase of an existing business, purchase of premises, equipment, etc.). It is possible that you will receive the necessary amount only by personally visiting the bank premises, because you will need to provide some original documents, which the representative will additionally notify you about.

Wanting to organize their own enterprise, many are faced with a lack of sufficient funds. Obtaining a bank loan to start your own business helps solve this problem. Often, a loan to start a business is the first step on the path to private entrepreneurship.

Is it possible to get a business loan from scratch?

Taking out a loan to develop your own business is considered a risky transaction for a banking institution. There is no absolute guarantee that a loan to start a small business from scratch will be repaid. In the event of bankruptcy, a newly minted entrepreneur may declare himself bankrupt in a month and refuse to return the funds. However, business financing is gradually resuming. Taking out a business loan from scratch is possible subject to strict conditions.

Under what conditions is a loan issued for a business from scratch?

The likelihood of receiving a startup loan increases if you have:

  • Good credit history. Lack of successful past loans, outstanding or late payments may result in loan denial.
  • A competent business plan. The obvious possibility of receiving a small but stable income from your business will persuade experts to make the right decision.
  • Parallel employment. A stable income allows you to safely repay a loan to open a small business from scratch.
  • Collateral property. This is a significant money-back guarantee, indicating that the client is serious about lending.
  • A third-party individual as a guarantor.
  • Starting capital amounting to at least a quarter of the required amount.

Which banks issue loans for small businesses from scratch?

Those wishing to organize their own business can take advantage of the help of financial institutions. A small business loan from scratch is issued in:

  • VTB24, offering the lowest rates for legal entities, a variety of conditions. The requirements for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs differ significantly. Often, a loan requires real estate as collateral.
  • Sberbank, which issues a loan as part of the Business Start product. Funding is provided for the developed project. It is possible to work as a franchise entrepreneur.
  • Rosselkhozbank, presenting various loan products for the development of small enterprises. There are no restrictions on the amount.
  • Alfa Bank, among whose offers there are only two types of financing. At the same time, management declares working with small and medium-sized enterprises as a priority.

Banking methods for small business loans from scratch

Financial institutions are faced with the task of determining the degree of risk when lending to small businesses. Banks use two methods, one of which is review of the application by experts. The decision on lending depends on the result of a subjective check. Another way to determine the degree of risk is to use an automated “scoring” system, first tested 50 years ago. An impartial program counts points and draws conclusions based on the data entered into the client’s questionnaire. Types of scoring:

  1. by points (you need to get a certain number, most applicants do not pass it);
  2. against fraudsters (through behavioral analysis, it identifies factors indicating an inappropriate loan, a potential threat to the bank’s funds);
  3. against irresponsible borrower clients (delays are studied).

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch

Providing a profitable loan to start your own business requires a strict procedure. How to get a loan to open a small business:

  1. You should send your application to the bank. The application indicates the type of activity and the lending program.
  2. Next, you need to provide information about the financial condition of the small business. The profit margin and credit history are important.
  3. Then the accepted application is reviewed, the terms of the loan are approved - amount, terms, type of loan.

Loan for starting a business from scratch at Sberbank

A loan for a startup or starting a business can be applied for at a bank branch. How to get a loan to start a business from Sberbank? To do this you need:

  1. Contact the institution with a package of documents.
  2. Choose a suitable loan program.
  3. Get registered with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur and be included in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  4. Consider franchise programs offered by Sberbank partners.
  5. Choose a suitable franchise.
  6. Develop a business project in detail based on the selected program. It is necessary to create a marketing plan, determine the location of the office and other nuances.
  7. Prepare a package of documents for a loan to open a small business from scratch. The set includes the original and a copy of the passport, TIN, confirmation of individual entrepreneur registration, and a commercial plan.
  8. Apply for a small business loan.
  9. Collect a sum of money (30% for the down payment).

How to increase your chance of getting loans to start a business

If you want to take out a loan for your business, a novice entrepreneur needs to choose the bank in which he will be serviced as carefully as possible. Nuances:

  1. When deciding on a financial institution, you need to ask what offers it has for small businesses.
  2. Advice from partners and friends who work with a specific bank is useful.
  3. Loans are issued more readily for already developing businesses. An application with an attached project has little chance of financial support.
  4. It is desirable that the enterprise be solvent and exist for at least six months.
  5. An additional factor in favor of the bank’s consent to issue a loan is the presence of collateral. Real estate, cars, and technical equipment are considered as collateral.

How else to get a loan for budding entrepreneurs

An alternative way to obtain financial assistance is consumer lending. The loan can be issued to an individual in a company or online. The property is used as collateral or the support of guarantors. Such loans are unprofitable for the entrepreneur due to inflated interest rates. Remember: in many regions there are funds that support small businesses. These organizations act as loan guarantors on behalf of the state or issue small preferential loans to entrepreneurs themselves.

Video: do you need a loan to start a business from scratch?

Of all the loans, the most difficult to obtain is a loan to start and promote a small business. Individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs) and private individuals running their own business are included in the category of clients whom banks trust least. It is really difficult to get a loan for small business development from scratch. And this situation is explained quite simply. If, when taking out a mortgage for an apartment, you need to convince the bank that you have a stable average income that will definitely not disappear in the next eight years, then with a small business everything is much more complicated. Here, after all, the guarantee of the return of funds to the bank is the potential profitability, profitability, reliability, and survival of this business in the conditions of the shaky Russian economy. The only additional guarantee is the pledge of some valuable property of the borrower.

Even in developed countries (USA, Western Europe), economists give a maximum of 20% to the next small business project. This is the probability that the business will survive and not fail. And in the Russian Federation, this figure is 2-3 times less for a whole range of reasons. So banks are not eager to give money to people who will then very possibly become bankrupt. However, there are certain schemes for interaction with credit institutions for novice businessmen. Let's consider them.

Step-by-step instructions for getting a business loan from scratch

As an example, it is worth studying proposals from the main and largest bank of the Russian Federation in the civilian market. We are talking about Sberbank. He works with all types of business clients - individual entrepreneurs, private entrepreneurs (private entrepreneurs), CJSC, LLC. However, before going to the bank, you should prepare in advance on three main points, without which it is almost impossible to get a loan to start a business from scratch.

  1. Preparation of a business plan. An aspiring entrepreneur must create his own plan, project. This is the start of any business. By the way, regardless of the level (small, medium, large). A businessman or businesswoman determines the main tactical (short-term) and strategic (long-term) directions for the development of the future company. Quantitative (technological, production) and qualitative (increasing complexity of the enterprise structure, improving the skills of workers) analysis is carried out. Production volumes, the ratio of potential costs and profits are calculated, and the conditions of the market sector in which the business will operate are analyzed. The staffing level is also analyzed. A business plan shows investors whether a given business is worth investing in. And the bank too.
  2. Definition of a franchise. If a future individual entrepreneur comes to the bank and says that he wants to open his own independent enterprise, which will be called something like that, he will most likely be denied a loan. A franchise is a brand, it is a type of licensing, it is a certain model of running a business. For example, a franchise is the McDonald's chain. Or Coca-Cola. Or Microsoft. But such franchises are worth billions, since business under their auspices also guarantees corresponding profits. A beginning entrepreneur has to choose from a list of much more accessible options. Moreover, it is desirable that franchise companies are associated partners of the bank where the client is going to take out a loan. At Sberbank, these are Harat’s and a number of other companies that sell relatively inexpensive franchises.
  3. And, of course, you shouldn’t go to the bank, as they say, “naked”, without the possibility of collateral. Of course, it happens that a future individual entrepreneur has nothing to his name except a business plan and the desire to start working as soon as possible. But as already mentioned, financial institutions are extremely careful when issuing money to small businesses. It’s great when the client owns some kind of real estate or other valuable property (a mid-price car, for example). Then you can register this property as collateral. The institution will know that if the business fails, all or most of the money issued will be returned through the sale of the client’s collateral. Those who have nothing will have to at least find funds for a down payment, which is high for business lending (almost always at least 30%).

So, the preparation is complete. Let's go to Sberbank. Here the procedure is as follows:

  1. Filling out a form where, in addition to basic information, you express your desire for a small business from scratch.
  2. Choosing a loan program. You must select a special “Business Start” program.
  3. Registration with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur.
  4. Collection of all necessary documentation. Here you will need not only the standard set of individuals (passport, INN, income certificate 2-NDFL, military ID for men under 27 years of age, pension certificate), but also additional documents related to business lending (business plan, individual entrepreneur certificate or another form of organization, a letter from the franchisor about cooperation, a certificate of ownership of some valuable property that can be used as collateral).
  5. Submitting a direct application for a loan to create and develop a small business.
  6. Providing the bank with funds to repay the down payment (or registering expensive property as collateral).
  7. Getting the money you want and starting your own business.

Of course, some emergency situations and additional requirements may arise. Thus, a franchise company that is a partner of a bank may require an additional detailed analysis of the market sector in which the client plans to operate. If the future business requires additional licenses, they must be obtained before the loan is issued. For example, if a person is going to sell alcohol, hunting and traumatic weapons. Therefore, only general, standard instructions are presented here. The conditions under which Sberbank issues loans for small businesses are average and quite acceptable compared to offers from other banks:

  • annual interest - 18.5% (in other institutions this mark can reach up to 25%);
  • the minimum down payment is 20%, but it is better to agree to 30% (in other institutions it can reach up to 50%);
  • if a client has purchased a franchise from Harat’s, he can be given up to 7 million rubles. In other cases – up to 3 million rubles. The minimum loan is 100 thousand rubles;
  • the loan is issued for a period of up to 5 years (for users of the Harat’s business model) or up to 3.5 years (for all others);
  • The permissible late payment period for monthly payments for Harat’s clients is one year, and for all others – six months.

Requirements for the borrower

Here it is worth considering not the minimum, but the maximum requirements. Those in which the chance of getting a loan increases to 90%. Sberbank's requests are standard. Any other bank will offer similar conditions to novice businessmen:

  • a clearly structured, comprehensive and maximally informative business plan;
  • income certificate in form 2-NDFL;
  • possession of any valuable property suitable for collateral;
  • having an account in another bank, owning shares and other securities (bank statement, from the register of shareholders). This is analogous to a pledge;
  • good credit history (having any other loans repaid on time). At the same time, having an outstanding loan that the client repays is not a plus, because it is an additional financial burden;
  • the presence of co-borrowers (business partners) or guarantors who have proven their financial solvency to the bank;
  • the client not only has a permanent residence permit, but also intends to open a business at the place of residence and location of the creditor bank. For example, in the same city where the Sberbank branch and the borrower’s home address are located;
  • The client's age ranges from 27–45 years. Why exactly 27 years? The answer is military duty, which is not at all pleasing to the banks;
  • For some reason, according to statistics, people with families are more trusted. Although family, logically, can become a distraction from business. Banks probably believe that a family man is a priori more responsible;
  • absence of any debts (for other loans, utility bills);
  • information about the client’s main monthly expenses (utility payments, other loans, alimony, rent, etc.);
  • absence of criminal convictions (especially outstanding, serious and for financial crimes);
  • a certificate confirming that the borrower has not been and is not registered with a psychiatric and/or drug treatment clinic.

It is not necessary to strictly comply with all factors. Yes, such borrowers practically do not exist in nature. It’s just that the “gold standard”, the ideal, is described here. Some factors are not particularly important (marital status), while others are of paramount importance (collateral, business project, absence of crime and mental health/drug problems).

It is worth mentioning that if the borrower already had his own business and now wants to take out a new loan for a new business, then this will be to his disadvantage. Because the bank always evaluates unsuccessful entrepreneurial experience from a negative point of view. And where is the guarantee that this individual entrepreneur’s new endeavors will not fail in the same way?

Factors influencing the bank's decision to issue a loan

In principle, after reading all of the above, you can clearly see those points on which the positive decision of the beneficiary directly depends. To summarize, there will be only three main factors: a promising and well-designed business plan, the availability of a suitable franchise and a certain financial level of the client. If all three points are assessed by the bank as excellent, then this will bring the borrower close to the loan he needs so much. It is useful to know that in the business lending system, banks work according to plan. That is, the client is analyzed according to a proven template. And there are two such templates.

No. 1. Credit specialists monitor the borrower and issue a verdict (on the client’s solvency and the degree of risk for the bank).

No. 2. A statistical, automated “Scoring” system is used, based on the use of mathematical methods. Within this system, all borrowers are sorted into groups, each of which is characterized by a certain degree of risk.

Sometimes the bank resorts to both analysis options.

Other ways to get a loan

It may well turn out that the bank refused to issue a loan. But this situation is not completely hopeless. What workarounds are there?

In order for a start-up small business to develop at a successful pace, as a rule, financial investments are required.

When founders do not have sufficient funds for development, bank loans come to the rescue. And although, looking at the advertisement, it seems that getting the loan you need is as easy as shelling pears, in reality, entrepreneurs can get a business loan without a down payment only if certain conditions are met.

Conditions are set by banks and serve to guarantee the repayment of borrowed funds. In this case, not only timely repayment of the debt, but also the interest on it, is important.

How to receive and apply

First of all, it is necessary to talk about to whom banks are willing to issue loans for organizing a small business.

The following requirements are imposed on a client who is a representative of a small business:

  1. Ownership of liquid property(equipment, real estate, securities, etc.). If a businessman can provide a valuable collateral as security for a future loan, the bank will almost always agree, since collateral is the best guarantee of money back. However, it is important to understand that the value of the collateral should be 150-200% higher than the loan amount.
  2. Age of the company. This criterion is especially important for individual entrepreneurs, although there is little trust in companies that have not managed to earn a reputation. For this reason, it is recommended to register a company in advance, thereby increasing the likelihood of the bank approving a loan application.
  3. Profitability. The company may not be new, but the profit is almost zero. Such a company may not be given money for development. Banks do not require incredible profitability, but they will have to show at least a minimum percentage.
  4. Business plan. It is required when we are not talking about loans for current activities. Bank specialists will definitely familiarize themselves with it to make sure that the money will be used to purchase liquid property. There is reluctance to take out loans to pay wages or rent.
  5. Credit history and reputation. If history is easy to check, then the situation with reputation is more complicated. By sending a request to BKI, the bank will be able to find out exactly how the client previously fulfilled its obligations. The bank will be able to find out about its reputation from the reviews of its business partners.

Based on all of the above, it is obvious that getting a loan for a small business is extremely difficult:

  • Indeed, there is no history as such yet;
  • age is not yet great;
  • a business plan is not the most important criterion;
  • and the lack of liquid property can completely destroy all hopes for a profitable loan.

That’s why they often end up using one of two options:

  1. A loan is issued to an individual (director, founder, owner).
  2. Participate in the state program.

In the first case There is a standard procedure for applying for a loan, such as a consumer loan. Most often, only two documents are used: a passport and confirmation of monthly income. And here is the main difficulty, since it is quite difficult to confirm the income of an individual entrepreneur, since he does not receive a salary.

Disadvantages of this solution:

  • a loan to an individual cannot be reflected in the expense item when the entrepreneur calculates the tax base;
  • restrictions on the loan amount (substantially less) and on the terms of its repayment;
  • the borrower himself has to come to terms with the fact that he will have to repay the loan to the bank even if the enterprise goes bankrupt.

The second option is much more promising– receiving a grant or loan from the state. There are even gratuitous loans that entrepreneurs who comply with the conditions of the state program do not even need to repay. To receive such a loan, you will need to take part in a government program or become a grant recipient.

The main difficulty here is to comply with a large number of formalities. In addition, entrepreneurs will have to prove their business acumen and interest officials in their innovative projects.

Loans to small businesses from the state in 2019

If we compare 2019 with 2019, then there is a reduction in government funding for preferential financing for small businesses.

The following enterprises will be able to receive a loan from the state on preferential terms:

  • where there are no more than 100 employees on staff;
  • turnover for the year on all accounts does not exceed 400 million rubles;
  • the applicant must prove his own solvency;
  • demonstrate a positive story.

The process of obtaining a loan in general looks like this:

  • An application for a government loan is drawn up and submitted to the regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund.
  • At the same time, the financial statements of the enterprise are submitted to the bank working with the Fund for comprehensive study.
  • After approval of the application and documentation provided by the applicant, the Fund transfers the money to the bank, and the bank issues a loan to the applicant.

You can find out a lot of useful information at the Entrepreneurship Support Fund (local territorial division):

Each territorial division operates on the basis of.

Table 1. Basic conditions for preferential state lending to small businesses in 2019

Express loans

It compares favorably with the usual speed of its design. Most often, individual entrepreneurs resort to this type of working capital borrowing, since the requirements for the borrower are minimal and, in the absence of a negative history, the probability of receiving an express loan is almost 100%.

All express loans are unsecured, and this is another of their undoubted advantages. The company does not have to prepare documentation for the pledge or register an encumbrance; the procedure for obtaining the required amount takes several times less time than with the standard one.

Express loan costs include a commission (1-2% of the loan amount), as well as interest on the use of borrowed funds.

You can reduce the rate by choosing a targeted borrowing, for example, for the purchase of transport, replenishment of working capital, etc. By providing the bank with collateral and guarantors, you can reduce the interest rate by 5-7%.

Interest rates on this banking product are usually high and amount to 25-30% per annum.

For example, at Sberbank the “Trust” loan for small businesses is a very profitable product aimed at providing a loan in the shortest possible time.

Table 2. Terms of the “Trust” loan at Sberbank.

Those enterprises whose annual turnover can apply for a loan on such terms are: does not exceed 60 million rubles.


Investment loans are effective tools for business development. The process of processing and approving applications from entrepreneurs for an investment loan is quite complicated.

Its main principles are:

  1. For the bank, the intentions of the entrepreneur in relation to borrowed funds are of great importance, even more than his actual financial situation. Therefore, the package of documents includes a feasibility study - feasibility study.
  2. The interest on a future loan should be significantly less than the expected return on investment.
  3. The borrowing period is determined individually, depending on what the payback period for this particular investment project turns out to be (the borrowing period is not less than the payback period).
  4. If the project is very promising, then the bank can even provide the borrower with a grace period, during which the client will only repay the interest on the loan.

If we look at the practice of issuing investment loans to representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, we often talk about money for:

  • construction of production facilities:
  • equipment procurement;
  • establishing the production of agricultural products;
  • loan for the purchase of an existing business, etc.

The company enters into an investment agreement with the bank in accordance with. classifies agreements for receiving investments as a mixed type of agreement, since its parties can be not only a bank and a small business representative, but also the state.

Express loans and investment loans to small businesses in Russian banks

The conditions for granting loans, as well as the size of loans provided, in domestic banks differ quite greatly. This opens up opportunities for businessmen to conclude an agreement with the bank on favorable terms.

Such conditions optimally correspond to the current financial situation of the borrower. Table 3 shows the current offers of the largest Russian banks for small businesses.

Table 3. Conditions for providing express loans and investment loans to small businesses in the largest Russian banks as of October 1, 2016.

Name of the bank Express loan Investment loan
Sberbank (client’s annual revenue – up to 60 million rubles) Duration – up to 3 years,
maximum amount – 5 million rub.,
interest rate – from 16%
Duration from 3 months. up to 10 years,
rate – from 14.48%,
client’s own contribution – from 10% of the project cost,
maximum amount – up to 200 million rubles,
deferment of the principal debt – up to 1 year.
Rosselkhozbank Duration – up to 3 years,
maximum amount – up to 4 million rubles,
interest rate is individual.
Duration – up to 15 years,
maximum amount – up to 200 million rubles,
deferment of principal repayment – ​​up to 18 months.
Alfa-Bank (client's annual revenue up to 350 million rubles) Duration – up to 3 years,
maximum amount – up to 6 million rubles,
interest rate – from 14.5%.
Terms, amounts and rates are determined individually.
VTB 24 Duration – up to 3 years,
maximum amount – 4 million rub.,
interest rate – from 15%.
Sum - from 850 thousand rubles.,
term – up to 10 years,
rate – from 13.5%.
Raiffeisenbank (annual client revenue up to 55 million rubles in year) Duration – up to 4 years;
maximum amount – 4.5 million rubles.;
Duration – up to 5 years,
maximum amount – up to 4.5 million rubles,
interest rate – individually.

Business plan loan

The peculiarity of lending according to a business plan is that an entrepreneur who wants to get a loan from a bank prepares a package of documentation in which he substantiates the following points:

  1. Money is required for a specific purpose, now and for a specific period.
  2. The loan will be used for maximum benefit.
  3. Repaying the loan in the current state of affairs will not be difficult for the borrower.

A detailed business plan is a large volume of documents, so for approval of applications, a condensed version of only 4-10 pages is submitted, no more.

In the vast majority of cases, business plans are prepared according to the standard scheme:

  • the economic potential of the enterprise is described, as well as the size of the current profitability and the one predicted after receiving a loan, all groups of costs are listed in detail;
  • the marketing plan describes all the activities that will be implemented by the company in order to bring its product to a given sales volume;
  • the technical part, which describes the product, the necessary modifications, as a result of which it will be possible to increase sales.

The first thing that bank specialists will do when reviewing a business plan submitted by a potential borrower is to assess the risks associated with repaying the loan. It is almost never used when financing business projects.

Therefore, the document itself must have a section on risk assessment by the borrower himself, where justification for all categories of risks must be provided. After reviewing the submitted condensed business plan, the bank studies the project and makes a decision - to approve the application immediately or to consider a detailed business plan.

Based on the results of the study, the company is offered conditions for issuing a loan. Most often the conditions are:

  • individual;
  • taking into account risks;
  • taking into account the current financial position of the enterprise.

As a rule, those banks that develop small business financing offer on their websites a sample business description for obtaining a loan. This information gives a clear idea of ​​how you should prepare your project before submitting it for consideration to a specific bank.

Rating of banks for small businesses

Large marketing and analytical agencies (Moody's, Rus-rating, NRA, etc.) regularly publish ratings of banks, including those that offer the most profitable loans to small businesses.

  • annual gross volume of loans issued for small business development;%
  • range of services provided;
  • completeness of online service and other indicators.
  • by assets - the value of the bank’s property, the size of its capital, the amount of all obligations of small business representatives to the bank, the volume of securities, etc. are assessed;
  • credit – compiled on the basis of the volume of loans issued.

The source of reliable information about the financial stability of any commercial bank is the Central Bank. The regulator’s website regularly publishes data on the wealth of the largest players in the banking business, from which you can obtain information about the banks of interest.

(click to enlarge)

Choosing a bank to receive a loan for small business development is a very difficult decision for an entrepreneur. It is necessary not only to compare the conditions for providing investments.

It is necessary to compare the reliability of the credit institution, as well as take into account the real possibilities for timely repayment of the loan along with interest. Brokerage organizations can provide real assistance in finding the best option for obtaining a loan.

Video: IncomePoint.tv: loans for small businesses.

The organization of small business lending is undergoing positive changes. The Government began to understand that the country’s budget is formed not only by large businesses, but also by hundreds of thousands of small enterprises, therefore the Government’s support for small businesses began to change from a declarative approach towards real steps to support small businesses. Large banks received an additional incentive to work with small businesses through additional capitalization through federal loan bonds, subject to their participation in the state small business lending program.

Lending to small businesses is the transfer of capital from banking organizations for temporary use by small businesses with interest charged for use.
Small businesses are represented by:

  • Individual entrepreneurs (IP);
  • Peasant (farm) farms (peasant farms);
  • Limited liability companies (LLC), with no more than 100 employees;

Russian legislation defines them according to several criteria, the more understandable of which are the number (average annual) of those working for them and the volume of revenue. Therefore, an LLC with a number of employees from 101 to 250 people is considered a medium-sized enterprise, with a number of employees from 16 to 100 it is considered a small enterprise, and with a number of employees up to 15 people, a micro-enterprise.

These indicators are important when obtaining a loan, since banks make an analysis using special (scoring) assessments of the solvency of their clients when deciding whether to issue a loan. Indicators of the size of the number of employees and the volume of average annual revenue are included in these assessment parameters. This is also important for obtaining support from the state for small businesses, so if the enterprise has more than 250 employees and a revenue volume of more than 2 billion rubles, you will not have to count on government assistance.

Who lends to small businesses

Most Russian financial institutions of all levels, from financial giants to small financial organizations, declare that they provide loans to small businesses. However, an analysis of lending to legal entities shows a decrease in the lending portfolio of small and medium-sized enterprises.

In fact, it is easier and more reliable for banks to have several large clients with solid assets and the same collateral than hundreds of small enterprises that are unknown to the bank and for which there are no risk-free lending technologies. In addition, large enterprises almost always receive assistance from the state if their credit policy fails.

In world practice, states use two key tools to stimulate small businesses: they support them with guarantee mechanisms and issue money to banks directly for lending to small businesses. Our government has chosen the first instrument. Therefore, to stimulate small businesses, regional funds for their support and the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small Businesses (SMEs) have been created.

The main problem with lending to small businesses is the high risks and low efficiency of government support mechanisms. The SME Corporation is designed, first of all, to help small businesses solve the problem of collateral guarantees. These guarantees and guarantees add to LLCs (small enterprises) the reliability, liquidity and solvency necessary for their lending.

Types of small business loans

Banks have compiled a list of the most common types of loans for working with small businesses:
Small business development lending. This is a loan for any purpose in any sector of the economy. The limit of such a loan is set as a multiple of the monthly or annual revenue of a small enterprise.
Lending by type of small business activity: trade in car spare parts; trade in food and alcohol; restaurant business, etc.
Overdraft. A very common loan for small businesses is taken out by enterprises and organizations with a temporary lack of necessary funds in their accounts for a short period (on average 30 days).
Loan for the purchase of fixed assets. It is provided by banks if an organization or enterprise shows income from activities during the previous year. The collateral can be acquired fixed assets.
Lending for starting a business (start-ups). The least common, but most popular loan for small businesses. In the West, this type of loan is common and is in great demand among beginning businessmen.
Venture lending. Banks are reluctant to finance venture projects due to the uncertainty of the results of the venture project and high financing risks. Around the world, venture lending is carried out by special venture funds and investment companies. In Russia they exist and are developing successfully. The intended purpose is to finance science-intensive projects.
Investment lending. Banks lend to investment projects if they have well-developed business plans, collateral or guarantees from reputable companies or even government agencies. Equipment purchased for the implementation of the project can be used as collateral.
Project financing. Also a little used type of lending in our country. It is used to purchase technology or equipment through financial leasing for the implementation of an innovative or enterprise development project. The project is being implemented on purchased equipment, which is owned by the bank until the end of payment of leasing rates.
Commercial lending. This type of lending does not require banks - it is lending to legal entities among themselves, one organization gives a loan to another. That is, one organization acts as a lender, and another organization acts as a borrower. Each legal entity signs a loan agreement, which defines its size and fee for providing financial assistance. The banking community does not recognize such an agreement as a lending agreement for legal entities.

How to get a small business loan

Analysis of lending to legal entities of small businesses is replete with a variety of conditions and interest rates. The leaders in this area have approximately comparable conditions, especially the dozen banks chosen by the Government as partners of the Federal Small Business Development Corporation.
There is no point in going to a bank for a small business if it has:

  • business registration outside the Russian Federation;
  • negative credit history with another bank;
  • existence of debts on taxes and fees;
  • a bankruptcy or insolvency procedure has been applied to the company.

In other cases, collect the basic documents for obtaining a loan, select the type of loan, select a bank for this type, check all the loan conditions on the bank’s website, clarify the list of documents for the loan and add the missing ones and apply for a loan via the Internet with the required documents provided electronically . The best conditions for lending are provided by banks associated with the state program to support small businesses and accredited by the SME Corporation.

The most accessible for LLCs (small businesses) are the first three types of loans.

Lending for business development of small enterprises and lending by type of small business activity
When applying for a loan, it is important to correctly formulate the purpose of the loan. Typically, banks give the client the opportunity to choose from the goals he has formulated. The most common goals are:

  • for current purposes (payment of wages, purchase of materials, tax payments, etc.);
  • replenishment of working capital;
  • capital increase (reconstruction, modernization, new construction);
  • refinancing loans.

The interest rate for these purposes varies from bank to bank and ranges from 19 to 29%. Repayment of the loan and interest in equal installments monthly or quarterly.

When applying for a loan, you must provide the bank with several legal documents (sometimes less), the list of which is published on the banks’ websites. The following can be used as collateral for a loan: equipment, transport, real estate, securities and guarantees from third-party businesses, small business support funds, etc. Collaterals are accepted with a coefficient of 0.5 to 0.7 from the bank valuation of the collateral.

In case of violation of the loan agreement (late payment), the borrower pays penalties at the rate of: interest rate when issuing a loan / 2/365 (366)% per day from the date of delay for the amount of the unpaid loan. Failure to repay the loan entails the transfer of the collateral into the ownership of the bank and, in the event of a shortage of funds, the debt is transferred to the property of the company, and for individual entrepreneurs to the property of the founders.

Cash gap lending or overdraft

Banks are willing to issue an overdraft when a small business confirms turnover on accounts opened with the creditor bank. An overdraft requires the same collateral as for the above-mentioned loans, but the list of documents provided is significantly reduced. The interest rate for this type of loan is lower and amounts to 12 -18% per annum, the loan size is up to 50 million rubles with a repayment period of 6 - 12 months.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and Deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state