
Determination of the diameter of the temporary water supply pipe. Temporary water supply for construction. Description of the applied dispatching controls

At the construction site, water is consumed for industrial, household and fire-fighting needs.

The total water consumption is determined by the following formula:

Q total = Q pr + Q x-b + Q pozh,

where Q pr - water consumption for production needs;

Q x-b - water consumption for household needs;

Q wp - water consumption for fire-fighting needs.

Water consumption for production needs is determined for the period of maximum water consumption, which is determined according to the calendar plan for the production of work (the calendar date is indicated).

where 1.2 is the coefficient for unaccounted water consumption;

Q av - average production expense water per shift, l / sec;

8 - the number of hours per shift;

3600 is the number of seconds in 1 hour.

The average production water consumption per shift is determined by:

where: - specific water consumption for production needs, determined by

Appendix No. 6;

The total amount of work of this type (i = 1,2,3, ..., n) in natural dimensions;

The coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption (see Appendix 5);

The number of shifts per day, taken when performing this work (see the schedule);

The duration of this work according to the schedule

production of works.

Water consumption for household needs is determined by the formula:

where, is the specific water consumption per worker, one using the dining room, one using the shower, respectively;

25l - for canalized sites;

15 l - for unanalyzed sites;

10-15 l - for canteens;

30-50l - for one shower;

N max - the number of employees in the most numerous shift (see the calculation of temporary buildings);

N table - the number of workers visiting the canteen (see the calculation of temporary

N souls - the number of workers visiting the shower (see the calculation of temporary buildings);

8 - the number of hours per shift;

45 - shower time, min .:

к Н1, к Н2 - coefficients of hourly irregularity of water consumption,

k n1 = 2.7, k n2 = 1.5 (Appendix 5).

The consumption of water for fire-fighting needs is taken taking into account the degree of fire resistance of the object under construction, the category of its fire hazard and construction volume, we take 10 l / s.

The water supply network must be sized for the most demanding work, i.e. it must provide water to consumers during the hours of maximum water intake and during fire extinguishing.

Calculation of temporary water consumption is carried out separately for each consumer during the entire construction period of the facility. The initial data for the calculation (water consumers, volumes and periods of water consumption) are taken according to the data of the construction schedule of the facility.

Calculation of temporary water consumption is performed in tabular form

Table 3.12

The diameter of the temporary water supply is calculated by the formula

where is the speed of water movement in pipes, in preliminary calculations it is taken equal to 1.5 - 2.0 m / s.

The result obtained in the calculation must be compared with the existing diameters of water pipes (75,100,150, 200, 250 mm).

We measure the length of the temporary water supply networks according to the construction plan.

Organization of temporary power supply construction site

General Provisions on the organization of temporary power supply to the construction site

The required electric power is determined taking into account specific consumers and the period of the highest power consumption, is determined according to the calendar plan (a specific date is indicated).

Power supply is intended to provide power machines and mechanisms and technological needs, indoor and outdoor lighting of construction sites, sites construction works and inventory temporary buildings.

The sequence for calculating the temporary power supply of the construction site includes:

Definition of electricity consumers;

Calculation of power consumption by construction periods;

Selection of sources of electricity;

Drawing up a working power supply scheme for the construction site. The main consumers of electricity at the construction site are

construction machines and mechanisms, technological needs and lighting devices for indoor and outdoor lighting.

The total required capacity for construction needs is determined;

R tr = α (R m + R t + R ov + R he + R s), (kW)

where α is a coefficient that takes into account power losses in the network, α = 1.05-1.1;

P m - the total power consumed by construction machines and mechanisms is determined by reference data (see Appendix 7) or by passports of construction machines or mechanisms;

P t - total capacity to meet technological needs, is determined by calculations;

R s, R he - the total power, respectively, spent on indoor and outdoor lighting, is determined by reference data (see Appendix 7) and previous calculations of the temporary construction industry;

Р с - the total power consumed by the welding equipment is determined according to the reference data (see Appendix 7).

where Р i is the power of one consumer of this type(kW), determined by app. 7;

n - the number of consumers of this type (pcs), is determined in accordance with the schedule;

k ci - the coefficient of demand for consumers of this type, presented in table. 6;

Сos φ - power factor, taken for different groups consumers

On the basis of the calculations performed, a power consumption schedule is built. The schedule is necessary to determine the timing of the maximum electricity consumption at the construction site, to establish the period and the magnitude of the "peak load". The value of this load is used to calculate the power of the transformer substation.

The graph is executed in a linear form. For each consumer, a calendar schedule of power consumption is drawn separately with an indication of the amount of power consumed. The total, final power consumption graph is built in the form of a diagram, the top of which is the "peak load", which is used to calculate the power of the transformer. The calculation of the electricity consumption of the construction site is performed in tabular form (table 4.4).

Table 4.4

The required power of the transformer is determined by the following formula

R trans. =

k mn - the coefficient of coincidence of loads (for construction sites, its value is taken as 0.75-0.85).

The choice of the type and number of transformers is made according to the data in Appendix 8.

The construction process consumes a lot of water. When designing a temporary water supply for a construction site, the need for water is carefully calculated, taking into account the materials of technical and economic studies.

When designing a temporary water supply for construction at the stage of developing a construction organization project (PIC), the following issues are resolved:

  • - determine the approximate water demand of construction;
  • - accept and provide the most rational schemes engineering communications and points of connection of temporary networks to existing ones;
  • - choose the most efficient water supply sources from a technical and economic point of view, establish the drilling sites for artesian wells, determine the nature of the equipment for water intakes and filter-purification devices, establish the capacity and quality of water sources;
  • - agree with the relevant organizations on the issues of providing construction with water in the required quantities and with the required parameters.

When developing a PPR on the basis of fundamental decisions made in the POS, water supply networks are designed in accordance with the current technical conditions and norms. At the same time, they resolve the issues of connecting temporary networks to the existing ones, draw up updated specifications and statements for the necessary units, engines and materials. When designing temporary engineering communications, measures are taken to minimize their length and cost.

Water at the construction site is used for industrial, household and fire-fighting needs, and the calculation of temporary water supply is based on the calculation of water consumption for these needs.

The total estimated second water consumption in construction in liters is determined by the formula:

Q sum = Q pr + Q household + Q pozh,

where Q pr - water consumption for production needs, l / s;

Q households - the same for household needs, l / s;

Q pozh - the same for fire-fighting needs.

Water consumption for industrial needs Q pr, l / s, is calculated by the formula:

where 1.2 is the coefficient for unaccounted works;

Q cf - average water consumption for production needs per shift, l;

K 1 - coefficient of uneven water consumption, K 1 = 1.5;

t is the number of hours of work per shift (8 hours);

Q cf = 210 + 6 + 10 = 226 liters. - Consists of: 210 liters. - water consumption for cement-sand mortar; 6 l. - water consumption for plastering works; 10 l. - water consumption for roofing.

The consumption of water for household needs Q households, l / s, consists of the consumption of water for cooking, for the needs of sanitary devices and for drinking needs:

where n p is the largest number of workers per shift, people;

n 1 - the rate of water demand for 1 person. per shift (for sites with sewerage - 25 liters, without sewerage - 15 liters);

n 2 - the rate of water consumption for one shower (30 liters);

K 1 - coefficient of uneven water consumption, K 1 = 3.0;

K 2 is a coefficient that takes into account the ratio of those using the shower to the largest number of workers per shift, K 2 = 0.3;

The water consumption for fire-fighting measures is determined from the calculation of the simultaneous action of two jets from hydrants of 5 l / s for each jet, i.e. Q wp = 5CH2 = 10 l / s. This consumption can be adopted for small objects with a building area of ​​up to 10 hectares.

Then the total second water consumption will be:

Q sum = 0.014 + 0.087 + 10 = 10.101 l / s.

Temporary water supply networks are arranged in a ring pattern, which ensures uninterrupted water supply, regardless of the occurrence of damage in one of the sections.

The diameter of the pipes of the temporary water supply system D in, mm, is determined by the formula:

where Q sum is the total calculated water flow rate per second, m 3 / s;

n - the speed of movement of water through the pipes (taken in the range from 0.7 to 1.2 m / s).

The resulting value is rounded to the nearest standard diameter, taking into account that the diameter of the external fire-fighting water supply must be at least 100 mm. Based on this, we take a diameter of 120 mm.

Water at the construction site is used for production, technological, sanitary and household needs and fire extinguishing.

To teach / bai that the object under construction is usually located in the zone of operating fire hydrants, the water consumption for fire extinguishing can be ignored (in the absence of fire hydrants, they should be placed on a constantly designed water supply system). On the basis of the work schedule, a schedule of water consumption for design and technological needs is built.


1. The number of consumers and the amount of work (column 2) is accepted according to the schedule.

2. Specific water consumption (column 3) is determined according to the application data

3. Water consumption by months is conventionally shown by a straight line on the basis of the work schedule and the work schedule of the machines of the schedule, and the water demand in liters is determined as the product of the values ​​of columns 2 and 3

Veda consumption for production needs is determined by the formula:

8.2 - the duration of the work shift (hour); 3600 is the number of seconds per hour.

Water consumption for technological needs is determined by the formula:

O = (0 * K) / (n * 8.2 * 3600) = (14054.36 * 1.5) / (1 * 8.2 * 3600) = 0.714 l / s

sec / those cm / those 2

О - water consumption in l / sec for technological needs;

sec / tech "- *

О - water consumption for production needs per shift (taken according to table 4-); K - coefficient of uneven water consumption (taken equal to 1.5); n is the number of work shifts per day (taken as a calculation for 1 shift); 8.2 ~ duration of a work shift (hour); 3600 is the number of seconds per hour.

The consumption of water for sanitary and domestic needs is compounded and the consumption of water for drinking needs, sanitary devices, taking a shower are determined by the formula:

O = ((Ν * Ρ * Κ) / (8.2 * 3600)) + ((Ν * ο * Κ) / (0.75 * 3600)) =

sec / life 3 "4

= ((38 * 20 * 27) / (8.2 * 3600)) + ((38 * 30 * 0.3) / (0.75 * 3600)) = 0.695 + 0.126 = 0.821 l / s

О - water consumption in l / s for sanitary needs

N is the number of workers in the most numerous shift (taken according to the consumption schedule

Ρ - the rate of water consumption per 1 worker per shift (taken 20-25 liters);

K is the coefficient of uneven water consumption (taken as 27);

K - coefficient taking into account that not all workers will use the shower (taken 0.3-0.4) C-rate of water consumption per 1 shower (taken 30 liters);

О - the duration of the soul's work.

The total water consumption at the construction site l / s during the "peak" period is: 0 = 0 +0 +0 = 0.035 + 0.714 + 0.821 = 1.57 l / s

sec / pr sec / those sec / life

The diameter of the temporary water supply system is determined by the formula: D = / ~ (4 * 0 * 1000) / ((P * Y) = / ~ (4 * 1.57 * 1000) / (3.14 * 1.5) = 36.514 mm

D - the diameter of the temporary water supply;

V - 1.5 m / s - the speed of water movement through the pipes.

According to GOST, the closest diameter of steel water and gas pipes for a temporary water supply system is accepted (see Appendix 11) We accept:

Conditional passage - 70mm; Outer diameter 48mm; Nominal bore -100mm; Outer diameter 114mm,

5.9 Determination of the TEP of the construction plan .

6. The main issues of labor protection, safety and production equipment at the construction site during production.

Many workers of various professions work at the construction site at the same time. Each worker must perform his work in such a way as to provide safe working conditions for himself, for his team members and all other workers. To do this, you must follow a number of safety rules.

Before being allowed to work, as well as in the process of work, workers undergo special training and instruction in the safe performance of work. The most common causes of industrial injuries during construction and installation works are:

1. Non-observance by workers of the personal safety regime during production

2. Insufficient knowledge of safe working practices;

3. Improper use of personal protective equipment or not at all
their use (mittens, glasses, helmet, overalls);

4. Working with faulty tools;

5. Clutter in the workplace or construction site. There are areas of increased danger from workers and other workers, when you are in these areas, special care is required. These areas include:

1. Places near non-insulated live parts of installations (place
connecting a tool, a knife switch, etc.);

2. Territory near unlimited height differences;

3. Places where machines and equipment or their parts are moved to workers
organs, especially in the absence of fencing;

4. Places over which cargo is moved by cranes; 5. Territory near the standing building.

Construction safety rules.

Excavation .

Before the commencement of earthworks in the locations of existing underground utilities measures for safe working conditions must be disassembled and agreed with the organizations operating these communications, and the location of underground communications on the ground is indicated by appropriate signs or inscriptions.

If explosive materials are found, excavation in these places

should be discontinued immediately pending approval from the relevant authorities. The soil removed from the excavation or trench should be placed at a distance of at least 5 m from the edge of the excavation. Before allowing workers to enter a pit or trench more than 1.3 m deep, the stability of the slopes or the fastening of the walls should be checked. Loading of soil from the excavations with the help of workers should be carried out from the side of the rear or side board.

Stone works

The bricklayer must work in overalls and gloves. Fulfill brickwork it is necessary with ceilings of a stable flooring or scaffold. Materials should be stored in such a way that they do not interfere with the passage and do not overload the platform.

The gap between the wall and the platform should not exceed 5 cm.

The paving level after each movement of the scaffold must be at least 0.7 m above the level of the deck or slab. All decks of scaffolding and scaffolding with a height of more than 1.3 m shall be fenced with handrails with a height of at least 1 m.

When starting laying at the floor level, bricklayers are required to work with safety belts attached to the mounting loops of the floor slabs or a specially stretched cable,

Do not leave materials, tools or debris on the wall. Simultaneously with the laying of the walls, it is necessary to install window blocks or cover the openings with an inventory fence.

When laying walls from internal scaffolds along the entire perimeter of the building, they arrange external, inventory, protective canopies in the form of flooring on brackets, hung on steel hooks, which are embedded in the wall along the masonry. The first row at a height of no more than 6m, the next - after 6-7m. Above the entrance to the stairwells, permanent canopies with a size of at least 2 * 2m are arranged.

Installation and rigging works

Cross-beams or other lifting devices for lifting structures must exclude the possibility of spontaneous unhooking, load hooks must be provided with automatic latches. In addition to periodic tests, the slings are subjected to an external examination before the start of each shift.

It is forbidden: to use a tower crane in window openings and on installed balcony slabs, crane operation in a wind of more than 6 points. It is forbidden to move structures after their installation and removal of the gripping devices. When lifting parts with Vehicle it is prohibited to move them over the driver's cab. Hazardous areas during installation for the movement of people must be fenced and equipped with clearly visible warning signals.

Installation and climbing work in the open air with a wind force of 8 points, with ice, heavy snowfall and rain is not allowed. Lifted structures must not be left suspended. The release of the lifted and installed elements from the slings is allowed only after they are firmly and securely fastened. Fitters' workplaces should be equipped with erection ladders, walkways and paths. Their stay on the wall of the mounted element is not allowed,

The burden of installation requires:

The use by installers of safety belts attached to the mounting hinges of the floors or a steel cable specially stretched along the outer walls;

Installation area fencing;

Elimination of the possible presence of people within the installation area.

Concrete works

The development of the formwork should be carried out only with the permission of the foreman or foreman in the specified sequence. During the production of formwork, take measures against accidental damage to formwork elements, collapse of supporting scaffolds and structures.

To install the reinforcement of walls, partitions and individual crossbars and beams, a working floor of at least 0.8 m is installed, fenced with railings and equipped with stairs.


Since the work is carried out on inclined slopes and at a considerable height, workers should be shod in non-slip shoes, and with a roof slope of more than 20% and work on the edge of the roof, they should be provided with safety belts.

With a roof slope of more than 20%, portable ladders with a width of at least 300 mm are accepted for work.

It is prohibited to carry out roofing work in foggy weather or in the dark. A 3m wide fence is created along the outer walls. materials and tools must not be dropped from the roof.

The place where the mastic is cooked and heated must be at least 50m away from combustible buildings and warehouses.

Cookers of mastics and primers, as well as stickers of roll materials must be in overalls, goggles and rubber boots.

Plastering works

The operation of mechanisms and pipelines for transporting solutions under pressure should be carried out by specially trained workers. It is forbidden to bend the hoses at an acute angle or bend the hoses 6 in the form of a loop, along which the solution is transported.

Mortar pumps in the joints must be secured with special clamps. The motorist must be connected by sound and light signaling to the workplace. Before applying the mortar by a mechanized method, check the condition of the mortar pump, compressor, hoppers, vibrating screens, and the strength of the fastening of the hoses. Internal plastering work should be carried out from a stable platform or special plastering tables.

Workers applying the solution must have safety glasses, work in tight overalls and gloves.

Painting works

Painting work is carried out in overalls and with a fixed tool. In rooms painted with aqueous compounds, the electric current is turned off for the duration of the painting work.

It is forbidden to work on faulty scaffolds, ladders, tables. It is necessary to follow the safety regulations when working at height.

Painting work is carried out in a specially designated ventilated room, in which fire safety rules are observed.

Before starting work, pneumatic paint spraying devices and rubber hoses are checked by testing at a pressure of 1.5 times the working pressure. What the act is drawn up and an entry is made in the work log.

Work with spray guns is carried out in rubber boots and gloves. Precautions must be taken when working with flammable materials.

Fire safety

All fire safety measures are aimed at creating conditions that exclude the occurrence of a fire and the rapid elimination of the occurrence of a fire source.

The most common causes of fire in construction are:

1) Negligence with fire (temporary ovens, bitumen cookers, welding, smoking outside the designated areas, thrown un-extinguished matches and

2. Improper storage of building materials, especially combustible and explosive;

3.Failures electrical networks violation of the rules for the operation of electrical equipment; 4. Lightning discharges; 5. Negligence and negligence of workers.

Fire safety at the construction site is ensured by compliance with special fire safety requirements.

The main means of preventing a fire is the observance of strict fire discipline by workers on the territory of the construction site. All workers should be instructed in the methods of fire protection and the handling of the simplest fire extinguishing means (sand, water, fire extinguishers).

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All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Date the page was created: 2016-04-27

Temporary water supply to the construction site is envisaged from the existing city water supply system. The calculation of the maximum water demand is determined by network graphics during the period of its most intensive use. The maximum changeable water flow is determined in the form of a table.

P / p No. Water consumers
Unit rev. Qty Per unit rev. Common qty
I. For production needs
1. Plastering works m 2
2. Facing works m 2
3. Crushed stone preparation device m 3
4. Preparation of the solution m 3
5. Refueling and car wash PCS.
Total: 3394
II. For household needs
1. Drinking Consumption people
2. Shower people
3. Canteen people
Total: 1760

Determine the estimated water consumption for 1 sec. for production needs according to the formula, where = 1.5 - coeff. uneven water demand for production needs.

Determine the estimated water consumption for 1 sec. for household needs according to the formula: , where = 2.7 - coefficient. uneven water consumption for household needs

Water consumption for 1 sec. for fire extinguishing for construction sites up to 10 hectares

we accept 10 l / sec. The total estimated water consumption per second is taken according to the largest of the values:


where R = 1.15 ÷ 1.25 - coefficient. unaccounted for small consumers and water leakage.

We accept

The initial data for determining the need for water are the measures taken for the production and organization of construction and installation works, their volumes and the timing of their implementation.

Water at the construction site is used for production, household needs and in case of fire extinguishing. The calculation is made for the construction period with the most intensive water consumption separately for production and economic purposes.

The calculation ends with finding the required diameter of the main entrance of the temporary water supply to the construction site.

The total estimated water consumption in liters per second is determined by the formula:

Q full = Q production + Q household food + Q wp, where (18)

Q proiv - water consumption for production needs, l / s;

Q household food - water consumption for household needs, l / s;

Q wp - water consumption for fire extinguishing, l / s.

where (19)

V is the volume of construction and installation works where water is required;

q 1 - specific water consumption per unit volume of construction and installation works;

K 1 - coefficient of unevenness of water consumption;

1.2 - coefficient for unaccounted expenses;

8.2 - the number of hours of work per shift;

3600 is the number of seconds in an hour.

where (20)

N is the number of workers in the busiest shift (85 people),

B - water consumption per worker (10 l),

K 2 - coefficient of hourly irregularity of water consumption (3),

Q 1 - the rate of water consumption per shower (40 l),

N 1 = 40% of N (34 people)

M 1 - duration of shower (50 min.),

Q 2 - the rate of water consumption for the dining room (15 l),

M 2 - the duration of the canteen's work (50 min.).

When the area of ​​the construction site is less than 0.5 hectares, Q wp is taken equal to 10 l / s.

Table 5.

Calculation of the need for temporary water supply

Water consumers Unit rev. Quantity V Specific water consumption q 1, l / s Irregularity coefficient of water consumption K 1 Water consumption, l / s
Production needs
Erection crane PCS. 1,1 0,0134
Loader PCS. 1,1 0,0067
Trucks PCS. 0,0055
Compressor PCS. 0,0032
Painting works 100 m2 77,07 1,25 1,9581
Plastering works 100 m2 6,97 1,25 0,1771
Concrete watering m3 691,2 1,3 3,6527
Total: 5,8278
Household needs
General People 0,27
to the shower People 0,17
to the dining room People 0,16
Total: 0,6
Firefighting targets
- - - - -
Total water consumption: 16,4278

Explanations for filling in column 3 of table 6:

1. Painting and plastering works

We take the volume from table 2.

2. The volume of the concrete floor is equal to the floor area multiplied by its thickness (0.2 m).

We get 0.2 m * 3456 m 2 = 691.2 m 3.

3. The volume for all other water consumers (column 3) is left unchanged.

Plumbing pipe diameter external network determined by the formula:

where (21)

v is the speed of movement of water in the pipes (0.9 m / s).

D = 2 * ((16.4278 * 1000) / (3.14 * 0.9)) 1/2 = 152.5 mm.

In the specification of diameters of temporary water supply, the following pipe sizes are distinguished: 100, 150, 200, 250 mm. Therefore, we take the diameter of the external water pipe = 200 mm.

Calculation of temporary power supply.

The initial data for the organization of temporary power supply are the types, volumes and terms of construction and installation work, types of construction machines and mechanisms, the area of ​​temporary buildings and structures, the length of roads, the area of ​​the construction site and the shift of roads.

Electricity at the construction site is consumed for production needs (cranes, hoists, welding machines, etc.), technological needs (electric heating of concrete, soil, etc.) and lighting (outdoor and indoor).

For the calculation, we use the method of calculating loads based on the installed capacity of electrical receivers and the demand coefficient with differentiation by types of consumers.

where (22)

α - coefficient taking into account losses in the network;

K is the demand coefficient;

сos j - power factor;

Р с - power of power consumers, kW;

Р т - power for technological needs, kW;

R ov is the required power for indoor lighting, kW;

R but is the required power for outdoor security lighting, kW.

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