
Obtaining approval for the external network project. We draw up a water supply project for a private house - a scheme, stages, approvals. Information for the development of design documentation for water supply and sewerage networks

Engineering networks are coordinated only at the Unified Reception Office of the Department of Underground Structures of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest" at the address: Moscow, Leningrad Avenue, d.11. Documents are submitted to in electronic format through the public services portal of the Moscow Mayor's Office.

Coordination of networks is a large blue stamp (Technical report) which indicates the address of the object, the nature of the work performed by the contractor, as well as the signatures of the contractor and the head of the underground structures department.

One of the main documents for filing is an application of the established form. Pay Special attention to fill it out on the portal, because if you made a mistake in filling it out, then your entire package of documents is not subject to consideration. This application must include complete Bank details, as well as sign with the General Director and Chief Accountant.

ATTENTION! If general manager is the chief accountant, you must also provide a certified copy of the order on the appointment of the chief accountant.

ATTENTION! If the head of your organization operates under a power of attorney, then you must provide a certified copy of this power of attorney.

There are a number of requirements for the documentation provided:
  1. A situational plan on a scale of M 1:2000 must be attached to the package of documents.
  1. The project must be carried out on the current engineering and topographic plan (geobase not older than 3 years) MGGT on a scale: 1:200, 1:500 with the MGGT stamp, red lines, geodetic grid. If the design takes place according to several geo-bases, then after combining in electronic form, it is necessary to display the stamps of all orders on the main sheet, as well as their boundaries.
  1. The following entry should be present on the geo-base: "This topographic and geodetic plan is assembled in electronic form from fragments of the order (s) No. ____ issued by the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgorgeotrest and is their exact copy." This record is certified by the seal and signature of the responsible persons.
  1. For copies that are handed over directly, for applying the approval stamp, the engineering and topographic plan is discolored (made black and white).
  1. On each sheet there must be a stamp of the design organization of the established sample with the names and signatures of the responsible persons entered into it.
  1. The building plan must include explanatory note, as well as copies of all received approvals, certified by the seal of the organization and the name and signature of the responsible person, must be made.
  1. In addition to the general master plan must be provided the following documents concerning engineering communications:

Sewerage - longitudinal profile.

Gas - longitudinal profile.

Gutter - longitudinal profile.

Electrical cables 110 and 220 - longitudinal profile.

Plumbing - a longitudinal profile with detailing.

The heating network is a longitudinal profile with detailing.

Phone - longitudinal profile and sweep of wells.

Electrical cable - an electrical diagram on which the number of cables is indicated.

Please note that the longitudinal profile is carried out on a horizontal scale M 1:500, and if you use closed way, then on a scale of M 1:100.

  1. POS (Construction Organization Project) for laying engineering networks in which cross sections must be present.
  1. On the construction plan, the networks that are subject to agreement must be raised in color:

Gas is yellow.

The heating main is green.

The electrical cable is red.

Plumbing is blue.

Stormwater - orange.

Telephone sewer - green.

Sewerage - brown.

  1. It is necessary to have an operational services agreement or a record balance affiliation departmental networks, as well as the coordination of the owners of utilities.
The main requirements for the delivery of the construction plan for the main period also include obtaining mandatory project approvals. To submit documents to the OPS GBU Mosgorgeotrest, you may need to obtain the following approvals (the need for approvals is determined by Mosgorgeotrest):
  1. MKS branch of JSC "MOESK".
In addition to the basic requirements for a package of documents, there are also additional ones that are usually performed at the design stage:
  1. When bringing together several orders into one, a common geodetic grid must be present.
  1. On the building plan there should be a free space of A4 size for drawing technical opinion department of underground structures of the State Budgetary Institution "Mosgorgeotrest".
  1. It is necessary to indicate the new position of the networks that are taken out of the building patch.

Engineering systems are in any house. There is not a single modern building to which water, electricity, and sewerage would not be connected. All engineering networks are in demand and often complex, and, accordingly, an appeal is required to design engineers who can carry out the design with high quality, reliability and with a guarantee engineering systems.

Design of internal engineering networks includes:

  1. Water supply and sewerage project
  2. Ventilation and air conditioning project
  3. Heating project
  4. ITP or boiler house project
  5. Power supply and lighting project
  6. Projects of low-voltage systems (burglar and fire alarm systems, video surveillance systems, telephony, radio, clock, access control, LAN, automation and dispatching of engineering systems, "Smart House" systems)

Design of external engineering networks

Competent design of external engineering networks is carried out taking into account all external factors which may affect the quality of the work performed. The location of these networks depends both on the needs of the building and on such conditions as the presence of current communications on the territory of the facility, neighboring houses, etc. The design of external engineering networks, which is of particular importance for the future facility, ultimately determines the efficiency of using all external communications of the building.

Engineering projects are very important for construction, however, the process of designing external engineering networks and internal ones is only part of the overall work.

Usually, to eliminate design errors, design documentation is developed in several stages:

  1. stage "Draft design"
  2. stage "Project"
  3. stage " Working Documentation»

The Draft Design is the preliminary design stage. This stage is not formally subject to agreement with the authorities state supervision, but it performs equally important functions.

"Draft design" is carried out with the aim of:

  • urban planning justification for a new construction site,
  • presentation of facades and building layouts,
  • determining the attractiveness of the project in terms of investment,
  • determining the very possibility of new construction or reconstruction of a building or on a given site, taking into account environmental, social, economic and urban planning requirements.

Design documentation at the stage "Draft design" includes:

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Location plan with adjacent territories
  3. General plan
  4. Transport scheme
  5. Floor plans with explications of the premises
  6. Facades and sections of the building
  7. Photomontage on existing position
  8. 3D visualization of the building

Project documentation at the stage "Draft design" is developed to obtain initial permit documentation (IRD).

Stage "Project" - the approved stage of designing construction and reconstruction facilities. Developed in strict accordance with current government regulations, standards and regulations.

Section composition project documentation specified in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated February 16, 2008. "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content."

Project documentation at the "Project" stage includes:

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Architectural solutions
  3. Power supply system
  4. Water supply system
  5. Drainage system
  6. Heating system
  7. Gas supply system
  8. Communication networks (television, telephony and radio, computer network)
  9. Technological solutions
  10. Measures for environmental protection
  11. Fire safety measures
  12. Accessibility measures for persons with disabilities
  13. Compliance activities energy efficiency and requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for energy resources used
  14. Additional sections:
    • CCTV
    • security alarm
    • fire extinguishing system

Design documentation at the stage "Project" is the basis for the development of "Detailed documentation".

Project documentation at the "Project" stage is being approved by state supervisory authorities.

The stage "Working documentation" is a set of documents that are necessary for the production of construction and installation works.

Design documentation at the stage "Detailed documentation" includes:

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Scheme planning organization land plot
  3. Architectural solutions
  4. Structural and space-planning solutions
  5. Power supply system
  6. Water supply system
  7. Drainage system
  8. Heating system
  9. Ventilation and air conditioning system
  10. Gas supply system
  11. Communication networks (television, computer network, telephone and radio installation,)
  12. Technological solutions
  13. Construction organization project
  14. Project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects
  15. Automatic fire alarm and fire warning project
  16. Additional sections:
    • CCTV
    • access control and management
    • automation (dispatching) of engineering systems
    • security alarm
    • fire extinguishing system
    • vertical transport (elevator)
  17. Technical condition survey building structures existing building (during reconstruction work)
  18. Project of on-site engineering networks
  19. Project of off-site engineering networks

Precisely on the basis design solutions developed at the stage of "Working Documentation" construction of buildings and installation of engineering networks is carried out.

Contact the GIP company, we will consult you free of charge on any questions by phone: +7 499 6772176 or by e-mail: [email protected]

Very chaotically written, I'll try to help you figure it out:

Those. did the designers put the design position of the engineering networks for the project of which you performed the survey?
Yes, that is how the designed networks were applied!

What does it have to do with subsoil use and geod.survey? definitely subsoil users, maybe land users? Or did you also have geology?
The fact is that the networks being designed pass through the licensed areas of several oil companies. According to the GIP, when completing the section of engineering-ecology, it is necessary to submit a certificate from the Volga subsoil, or how it is correct, I don’t know. So, allegedly, they referred to these licensed areas, i.e. companies developing this or that field, and these, in turn, allegedly made remarks just with regards to promising sites, through which the designers laid the design networks. I hope I made it clear)

Did you have an assignment for IGDI? site plan with the specified survey boundary, or the axis of the projected route from which you yourself set the width of the survey strip. Or did you choose the route yourself? This is very important to answer your question.
We had a specification with an act of choosing a route, where the axis of the designed communications was specifically marked. Well, we carried out searches along the axis with a strip width of 100-150 meters. Although during the harmonization of existing underground utilities some companies notified us in advance about their promising sites and gave us the coordinates. And for some reason, one of them decided to notify us about this 3-4 months later, after the project was submitted for examination and the survey project was fully completed. ((

The phrase "with all" is not very clear.
But in general your problem is clear. Designers want to shift their work on agreeing to your shoulders: project documentation (project position of networks), or the Scheme of boundaries for obtaining permission to place the object, on your shoulders. To understand that this is so, you need to read your terms of the contract (namely, TK), and in general you have the right to refuse any "additions to the technical assignment".
In the standard TOR for IGDI, you must coordinate topographic plans only with the owners or balance holders of Eng. networks, for their availability and completeness and correctness of application, and that’s all, you should not have any approvals of the design provision either with land users or with networkers.
There will be questions write, I will answer.

Click to reveal...

So we also think so. Only GIP 3.14daras, by hook or by crook, wants to push this case onto us. Such works are not indicated in the task, and they are not in the mandatory annexes to the report according to the joint venture either. He refers to the fact that if the customer writes to any will fulfill. Although I think it is their duty to coordinate the design of these networks. And in principle, how can a topographer-surveyor know all the planned, prohibited sites and communications of third-party organizations, this simply cannot be taken into account. In my opinion, this information should have been indicated in the territory planning project. And the fact that we supposedly cross a promising drilling site is just the wishlists of oilmen without any justification.

--- Messages united, 9 Jan 2018, Original message time: 9 Jan 2018 ---

Designers want to shift their work on agreeing to your shoulders: project documentation (project position of networks), or the Scheme of boundaries for obtaining permission to place the object, on your shoulders.

Most of the developed projects need to be coordinated with various organizations. Each designer must know with whom this or that section of the project documentation is agreed, and must also know the procedure for agreeing on the design and estimate documentation.

1 State expertise of projects.

The most expensive approval for the customer is the passage state expertise. A positive conclusion of the examination - there is an agreement on the project documentation. Experts check the compliance of project documentation with the requirements normative documents, and also try to reduce the cost of construction, thereby saving the customer's money, especially budget resources. There are certain projects (depending on the purpose of the object, type of construction, etc.), which, in without fail must pass the state examination.

When agreeing (removing comments), conflicts often arise between designers and experts, because everyone reads the rules in their own way. Even experts sometimes cannot agree among themselves how to do in this or that case. Therefore, in such cases, you have to contact the developers of regulatory documents for clarification or follow the following rules:

1 The expert is always right.

2 If the expert is wrong, see the first paragraph =)

2 Energy supply.

Energosbyt is an organization that sells electrical and thermal energy to individuals and legal entities.

Commercial metering meters are coordinated with the energy supply organization. Counters technical accounting do not agree with the power supply. Also, it is necessary to coordinate the ASKUE set with the power supply company.

3 Energy supervision.

Energy supervision mainly checks protective and switching devices.

Never over-set the circuit breakers.

Projects of substations, internal power supply must be coordinated with energy supervision.

4 Electrical networks.

Most often, technical conditions for power supply are written out Electricity of the net. If you were issued internal specifications, i.e. If you are a sub-subscriber, these specifications should still be agreed with the electrical networks.

Electrical networks check if your project meets the specifications for electrical supply, i.e. whether you have exceeded the permitted power, look at the connection points, the laying of external electrical networks.

5 Gorsvet.

Outdoor lighting is coordinated with the municipality.

6 Signalers, water utility, heating networks, mezhraygaz.

External networks are coordinated with the owners of gas pipelines, water pipelines, heating networks, communication networks.

7 Roads and railways.

Crossings with railway and highways must be coordinated with the owner of the roads. It is also necessary to request specifications for crossings, which will indicate the method and location of the crossing, as well as other requirements for crossing and parallel laying.

8 Third parties.

When designing outdoor networks, especially in urban areas, you have to cross the cables of various organizations. With all of them, it is necessary to coordinate the intersections of the designed cables.

9 Customer.

Projects are not agreed with the customer very often, only if he himself wishes it or it is written in the design task.

Agreement procedure.

Basically, certain days are assigned for coordination. Ours is Tuesday and Friday. Some organizations agree on projects every day.

Many require a cover letter for approval and review the documentation for several days.

When agreeing, have a ruler, pencil, pen, proofreader with you. Sometimes it can come in handy.

All our approvals go through something like this and the names of organizations may differ slightly, but the essence does not change.

Always carefully read the technical specifications for power supply, ASKUE and the design task. They may prescribe with whom it is additionally necessary to coordinate the design and estimate documentation.

Dear colleagues and blog readers!

Happy New Year 2015 to everyone and wish you professional growth next year, go only forward, achieve all your goals and objectives, and that all projects are approved the first time and without comments.

The beginning of activities for the construction of structures and the conduct of communications is preceded by the collection of certifying certificates and the justifications necessary for the construction. Permission to lay to a constructed building for the provision of life support for people can be obtained from the following federal and municipal authorities executive power:

  • "MED", JSC "MOESK", "OEK" - connection to electricity;
  • SUE "Mosvodlkanal" and SUE "Mosvodostok" - connection to water supply;
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgaz" - supplying gas to the premises;
  • Department of Underground Structures of State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest";
  • Department of Urban Planning Regulation;
  • GlavAPU;
  • State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Metro.

Also, when agreeing on engineering communications, you should contact expert and operating city or local companies. If during the registration of documents in the constituent bodies there is a deviation from the plan and a discrepancy legal papers, then GENPRO will be able to resolve this issue. The company has in its structure a service technical customer, whose responsibilities include defending the rights and interests of investors regarding the design, obtaining permits and erection of buildings.

Why is engineering design approval necessary?

The design and development of a complex of life systems includes a permit for water supply, which consists of water intake units and wells, storage tanks, built-in water transmission and purification stations, main and distribution networks, and wells.

The complex of drain devices, sewers is designed to divert all kinds of household, biological, chemical waste and rainwater. It is also possible to carry out drainage networks, which are used to destroy excess rainfall.

Cable lines are designed and led to structures in order to use the transmission of certain electric current impulses. They are most often used in areas where it is impossible to create air routes. Heating the building and providing warm water is impossible without special networks operating through pipelines. They are main, centralized, decentralized and distributive. Gas supply and electricity supply, as well as coordination master plan engineering networks contributes to comfort and coziness in a future building or a newly restored facility.

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