
What will happen to humanity in 20 years. Under full control

Image copyright THINGSTOCK Image caption BBC asks readers what the world will look like in 100 years

1. Thousands of farms will operate in the oceans, producing food on an unheard of scale (Jim 300)

IP: Probability 10 out of 10. We have to feed 10 billion people, and our planet does not have the resources for this. These ocean farms will grow not only fish, but also algae, which will be used for food and fuel.

PT: It's quite possible. According to Denis Bushnell, a senior researcher at NASA's Langley Research Center, seaweed, which will be genetically modified to absorb large amounts of nitrogen from the atmosphere, will free up to 68% of the fresh water that humanity now uses for agriculture.

2. The transmission of thoughts over a distance will become a reality (Dev 2)

IP: Probability 10 out of 10. Telepathy will become one of the usual forms of increasing the functionality of the brain. The perception of thoughts and their transmission over a distance will become as commonplace as storing thoughts in computer networks.

PT: It's quite possible. Artificial telepathy now seems like a fantasy, but it is quite real, if the transmission of thoughts is understood as the transmission of electrical signals of the brain.

3. Thanks to the achievements of genetics, we will be able to create people with the highest level of intelligence, immortality (game_over)

IP: Probability 9 out of 10. Direct connection of the brain to the computer will give people immortality in the practical sense of the word, however, genetic modification will lead to a significant extension of life until electronic immortality becomes available to everyone at a reasonable price.

PT: It's quite possible. The idea that scientific breakthroughs in genetics, biotechnology, and the development of artificial intelligence will expand the boundaries of the human mind and enable our species to largely overcome death is sometimes referred to as a singularity.

4. We will learn to fully control the weather (mariebee_)

Image copyright THINGSTOCK Image caption In 50-60 years, many people will probably use computer brain enhancers.

IP: Probability 8 out of 10. Already now there are ways to fight a tornado or make it rain. Thanks to the study of climate in recent years, due to fears of global warming, we have a better understanding of the mechanisms that influence the weather. Perhaps new methods of such influence will be too expensive for everyday use, and they will be resorted to only in critical circumstances.

PT: It's quite possible. Such attempts are inevitable. Most American scientists support a federal program to study methods of intervention in the climate of our planet. These geoengineering technologies are designed to neutralize human impact on the climate.

5. Antarctica will lose the status of a protected area (Dev 2)

IP: Probability 8 out of 10. The temptation to use this protected continent for the extraction of mineral resources will be too strong. Mankind will do this subject to the strictest observance of environmental standards.

PT: It's quite possible. But even before that, we will witness the development of the Arctic. In the coming decades, the struggle for control over the natural resources of the Arctic will become a major political issue for the Nordic countries and all of humanity. In case of its successful solution, it will be the turn of Antarctica.

6. A single world currency will be introduced (Kennys_Heroes)

IP: The probability is 8 out of 10. Already now we see electronic money being used everywhere, and this trend will develop. It is possible that by the middle of our century there will be only a few regional physical currencies, plus a global electronic currency. By the end of the century, she will be the only one.

IP: Not likely. In fact, the trend in this area is in the opposite direction. The Internet makes possible new forms of exchange of goods and services. Therefore, the number of different types of currency is likely to increase.

7. A direct connection will be established between the human brain and the computer (Dev 2)

IP: Probability 10 out of 10. For many, this will become a reality by 2050. By 2075, the majority of people in developed countries will be using some form of computer brain enhancer.

Image copyright getty Image caption Perhaps marriages will replace short-term contracts

8. Nanobots will circulate through our circulatory system, repairing cells and recording our thoughts (Alister Brown)

IP: Probability 7 out of 10.

PT: It's quite possible. So far, medical nanorobots exist only in theory, but research in this area is developing very actively.

9. Fusion will become a reality (Kennys_Heroes)

IP: The probability is 10 out of 10. Fusion power plants will appear, most likely, by 2045-2050, and probably by 2100. Whether they will become the main source of energy for humanity is not yet clear. It is likely that huge solar collectors and shale gas production will claim this place.

10. There will be only three languages ​​left in the world - English, Spanish and Chinese (Bill Walker)

IP: Probability 8 out of 10. Many languages ​​are in crisis and gradually dying, while others face competition from foreign languages. This process may be completed within a century.

11. Same-sex marriage will be accepted in most countries in the world (Paul)

IP: The probability is 8 out of 10. In Western countries this will happen inevitably. In other countries, the process will be slower due to religious restrictions.

12. California will be the first state to secede from the US (Dev 2)

IP: Likely 8 out of 10. Already, there are signs that California will seek to withdraw from the union of the states, and this trend may intensify by the end of the century. At the heart of this phenomenon is the huge difference in wealth between the states and the reluctance of the inhabitants of richer states to finance poorer areas.

13. A space elevator will make space accessible to everyone (Ahdok)

IP: The probability is 8 out of 10. The first space elevators will appear by the middle of the century and will be much cheaper than conventional methods of entering outer space. This will accelerate space exploration and the development of space tourism, although I doubt that the cost of their use will be massively affordable for people.

Image copyright getty Image caption The fight for the environment will cost humanity more and more

14. Artificial insemination will completely replace natural insemination (krozier 93)

PT: Not far from the truth. Already, more and more people are using new methods of fertilization. Genetic analysis and selection of fertilized embryos are increasingly used in specialized clinics. Already, embryonic scanning can identify about half of known genetic diseases. And in the next ten years, scientists will learn how to select almost 100% of full-fledged embryos.

IP: Probability 5 out of 10.

15. The natural habitat of humans and animals will be destroyed and replaced by nature reserves and museums (LowMaintenanceLifestyles)

PT: Not far from the truth. Our planet is on the verge of significant species extinction. Protecting biodiversity in an era of growing resource consumption, overpopulation and environmental degradation will require sacrifice, and can often come at the expense of local, often poor, peoples. Experts believe that the inclusion of the economic interests of the inhabitants of a number of regions in the struggle for the preservation of the environment should become an essential part of the environmental protection strategy.

IP: Probability 2 out of 10.

16. Deserts will turn into rainforests (jim300)

IP: Probability 7 out of 10. Desert control methods are improving and can bring success.

17. Marriage will be replaced by the conclusion of annual contracts (holierthanthou)

IP: Probability 6 out of 10. Habitual forms of marriage will give way to less obligatory ones, which are designed for a certain period of time, and not for life. With increasing life expectancy, this is inevitable - if you expect to live 100 years, it is unlikely that at 20 you should marry to the grave.

18. Sovereign states will disappear, they will be replaced by a world government (krozier93)

PT: Nice try, but not likely. On the contrary, the number of nation-states will increase. In the near future, wealthy citizens and wealthy corporations will seek to buy up areas of the world's oceans to create their own island states in international waters.

IP: Probability 2 out of 10.

19. War will be fought exclusively by remote means (LowMaintenanceLifestyles)

IP: Probability 5 out of 10.

20. There will be a revolution in Britain (holierthanthou)

IP: The probability is 7 out of 10. Although everything is possible.

1. You bring home a new microwave oven, unpack it, turn it on, and then your home computer says - a new device has been found, I install drivers. Refrigerators, TVs, air conditioners, cribs, sofas, dishwashers, doors, windows, and others are wirelessly connected to a home computer. Yes, in them themselves, Linux shovels different parameters, optimizing the process. Years 5-10.

2. Television will disappear. Already now, many people are watching YouTube, rutracker, lostfilm, russia and deliberately throw out “zomboyaschiki”. In any case, linear centralized broadcasting will disappear. It is much more convenient and easier to have a server with news, programs, films, etc., than to build towers, repeaters and all that, build a program, etc. Maybe something like Euronews or Vesti will remain. Years 5-10.

3. Learn how to implant multichannel electrodes into the brain. This is generally simple, you just need to choose the voltage so that the brain can not stand at all, such long (or flat) electrodes with many microscopic contact zones. Just implant, and then the brain itself will deal with the signals and learn. A USB belt or some kind of connector, or even better, a Bluetooth connection to a personal information center - an analogue of modern communicators. I think that some people are already testing this case on living people with might and main. Or maybe some kind of non-contact phased transceivers like a cap or a net on the head, which is even simpler. But straight to the brain is much more efficient and easier to set up. Years 10-15.

4. In connection with paragraph 3, the world will enter another revolution - neurovirtual. We will live in neurally coordinated groups. It is much easier to communicate through a neuroelectronic interface, connecting brains directly, than to try to tongue-tiedly convey your idea to the listener with words and gestures. Years 20-25.

5. In connection with paragraphs 3 and 4, radio receivers, televisions, monitors and many other interface devices - keyboards, mice, typewriters, telephones, and so on - will disappear. We will enter the phase of buttonless civilization. Although, some backup or emergency buttons will still remain, but they will be pushed by designers behind the panels or somewhere else out of sight. Years 25-30.

6. The organization of labor will change significantly. First of all office, intellectual workers, teachers. Paper workflow will disappear, in connection with the development of neural interfaces, documents will become more saturated with graphics and video. Documents will become multidimensional, multilayered. Training will take place using completely different methods. Years 30-40.

7. In 10 years after the advent of mass high-capacity neural interfaces, China, Korea and other countries, where there are many people and there is a great readiness for personal self-denial to solve the tasks, will sharply take the lead. Neurally coordinated groups will be formed there to solve engineering, scientific, military tasks, planning, the degree of exploitation of intellectual resources will sharply increase. The development of advanced countries where personal freedom is protected will slow down - the elite will increasingly go into the world of virtual pleasures. Years 40-50.

8. As unnecessary, drugs will disappear or be legalized. Virtual reality will capture humanity so much that a special kind of supervisory authorities will arise - for the maintenance of virtual places, for attendance control. The life expectancy will begin to decrease dramatically, especially in countries with a low culture - the constant stay in virtual pleasures or the exploitation of the brain of an individual will disrupt the regulatory functions of the brain and this will worsen people's health.

9. The proportion of items oriented towards personal consumption will gradually decrease. The influence of computer systems that process and coordinate people's requests for movement, access to food, hygiene items will gradually increase. New professions and specializations will arise that meet the needs of a neuro-coordinated society.

10. Neuroprogramming will emerge as a technology for modifying the human psyche.

11. There will be an opportunity to partially or completely transfer consciousness into the virtual world, the hypermind of the network will arise and realize its existence.
Etc. I think that in 40-50 years after point 3 humanity will generally change in such a way that we even, probably, will not be able to understand them from our current positions.

The world is changing very fast, and people are changing with it. The day is not far off when a human foot sets foot, and we all begin to eat insects, looking at them with artificial eyes. We will not hug women, but cyborgs. In addition, we will completely forget why a steering wheel was needed in a car. We have not lost our minds, but simply predict the trends in the development of society, which are laying their foundation now. Today, science, first of all, is trying to solve global problems. And if we believe in humanity for the last time (let's be optimistic), then an interesting time awaits us.

World in 10 years (2026)

Biometric security system

Hacking the email of the US Democratic Party (this topic is being discussed from all sides) has shown that important data is easy to steal, even if you are the ruling party of the strongest country in the world. The issue of cybersecurity has risen like never before. In this regard, we consider promising developments that are associated with the replacement of conventional passwords with a biometric security system. Such protection is much better than the password "BroDude123". The banking and military industries will move in this direction, because in order to break a lock of this level, a “hacker” will either have to cut out the eye or cut off the hand of a person who has the necessary access.

3D printing in medicine

Recently, we have also seen an unprecedented development in 3D printing. Surprisingly, 3D printing is used even in medicine. There is every reason to believe that artificial joints, prosthetic limbs, prosthetic heart valves, and biological materials in general will be ubiquitously printed on 3D printers by 2026. This will significantly ease the burden on the medical industry.

World in 20 years (2036)


The population of the earth will continue to grow. On the horizon, especially for third world countries, the specter of hunger will take shape. People need a good source of protein to live and work, so they will look for new food opportunities. And one of these opportunities will be insects.

The consumption of insects has already become habitual in the Far East and parts of South America. Imagine a picture of locust becoming a common addition to soup or pasta. We already had an idea for a business - locust burgers. And this is very practical, because insects are 1.4 billion tons of protein that dart around the planet all year round.

But for the squeamish, there is synthetic meat that can be grown in the laboratory. Today this technology is quite expensive, but what will happen to it in 20 years?

Self-driving cars

Now unmanned vehicles are unstable, but they are the future, if we speak objectively. Gradually, they will replace the entire transport system in large cities. In the future, this will reduce the number of accidents on the roads, as well as systematize the transport system so that there are no traffic jams and other crap. On the other hand, we would not want to lose power over the vehicle, so, as it seems to us, unmanned vehicles will mostly be used in freight and public transport.

Bionic eye

We are great at sitting at the computer during work. If you work in an office, you know what I'm talking about. You have to wear glasses, lenses, or get by with the eyes of an old man. However, if you look at the modern developments of bionic eyes, then we can say that everything is going in the direction of development. It is possible that in 2036 people will not only restore vision with the help of such sophisticated technologies, but also improve it.

World in 30 years (2046)

Nanoparticles to fight cancer

Cancer has been fought in vain for more than a year - this is a serious, terrible disease that affects our organs. Cancer wins, but there is hope. And, as is usually the case, hope lies in science. If you use a more subtle approach in the treatment of cancer, you can achieve a good result. Nanoparticles are good because they have the potential to restore the necessary organs exactly in the place where it is required. Current medicine is not capable of this - it does not see the difference between healthy and cancerous tissue. So let's cross our fingers and look forward to the future.

Robots for everyone

They are already appearing now, but we will not be romantics - for now they are very expensive toys with very limited functionality. However, any technology becomes cheaper over time, and the more it is distributed among the masses, the more accessible it will be. We give robots 30 years to become cheaper, learn how to cook and have sex with us. All the prerequisites for this are available, and the industry itself is interested in creating such a machine.

World in 40 years (2056)

Permanent presence on Mars

We must admit the reality: even if the old Elon Musk succeeds, humanity will still need a lot of time to acquire a full-fledged colony on Mars. But it will be, unless, of course, another world war is coming. The first settlers on Mars will be explorers, scientists, and possibly wealthy tourists who will sponsor the entire venture. We see the space industry moving into the private sector, so there is every chance that someday the people of Earth will watch a reality show with people from Mars.

Children design

First of all, we are talking about DNA. Today, some manipulations can be performed with him. In addition, not so long ago the human genome was deciphered, so people began to understand themselves better. It's hard to imagine, but probably all this technology will move into the commercial mainstream. Young parents will make "edits" in advance in the appearance of the child, the tendency to genetic disorders, congenital defects, predispositions. If science develops faster than usual, then in addition to changing hair color, it will be possible to adjust brain indicators that will be responsible for intelligence.

World in 50 years (2066)


Half a century is enough to firmly link biology and technology. Implanted nanoparticles can help treat minor ailments before symptoms appear. Spinal implants will help people learn to walk again - paralyzed people will disappear. Some implants will control your general condition - diabetes will no longer be a problem in this case.

Someone will celebrate the 130th birthday

Given advances in medicine, people will live to be a hundred years old. Today, the oldest person is 122 years old - no one gets beyond this limit, the body refuses. In the future, old age will shift even more. At 80, you will feel like a vigorous and healthy person, but you will become an old ruin only at the moment when you go far beyond a hundred.

World in 60 years (2076)

machine man

Given the variety of biotech upgrades available in 2070, the first human will appear who will be more machine than man. He will have artificial organs, bionic eyes and ears, all kinds of cybernetic implants, enhanced intelligence and physical abilities. But we will upset you - this person will visually look like an ordinary person, and not a terminator.

World in 70 years (2086)

Ion thrusters

Ion storage is already available in 2016, but currently cannot replace traditional engines, but they have much better fuel efficiency. Ion thrusters perform better in vacuum, making them ideal for long flights to the stars, where fuel efficiency is key to successful travel. As soon as this technology becomes sufficiently advanced, we will make a new technological leap.

Creation of new colonies in the solar system

Efficient ion thrusters will provoke a new one. States will invest in the colonization of satellites, planets and other celestial bodies. Formation of habitual climate on other planets will play an important role - the success of this sphere will be based on the achievements of biological technologies. The colonies will be small in number and will consist primarily of scientists and explorers.

World in 80 years (2096)

Colonization of Antarctica

If you believe in global warming (there are a number of scientists who refute this), then you will see great prospects in the colonization of Antarctica. Melting ice will expose land areas that can serve to create new colonies, which will most likely play the role of ports and focus their activities on sea fishing or shipping.

World in 90 years (2106)

Changes in language culture

If the world follows the path of globalization (which is quite possible), then this world will have to develop a single language that will serve as the language of international communication. Currently, this role is played by English, but it is likely that an artificial language will be proposed, which will include elements of Chinese, Indian and English. It will be extremely easy to learn.

On the other hand, if the world critically perceives globalization and, on the contrary, is divided into small states, then the study of any foreign language will become meaningless - by this time, humanity will have acquired automated translation systems that will be integrated into the brain or into a certain device.

World in 100 years (2116)

A new kind of civilization

Ultimately, humanity will have to abandon traditional energy sources and adopt renewable energy sources. What these sources will be, we do not know. But if we fail to find something similar, then our civilization will not be able to get out of the planet, which has a limited lifespan.

Active terraforming of Mars begins

You will finally see how life appears on a lifeless planet. First it's bacteria, then algae - they will change the atmosphere of Mars specifically for people to prepare the planet for mass settlement. Terraforming is a multi-generational task, and it certainly won't be complete by the start of the 22nd century.

By Stevie Shepard

The gap between the predictions of science fiction writers, scientists - futurologists, technical prophets of various kinds is shrinking year by year: no one will be surprised by space flights, robots, or liquid LCD displays. We present to your attention the average attempts to predict what awaits us in the year 2030.

1. Everything you say or do will be recorded. Humanity will be united in a truly global network, consisting not only of computers, but also of the people themselves: each will be assigned its own ip-address, or another constant by means of a sewn-in nano-chip that opens access to the global network to every "cog" - whether it be a car or human. It will be possible to fix each step, and after a while to reproduce if necessary.

2. Genetically modified organisms will appear everywhere, despite the attempts of many scientists and ordinary people to stop this process. At present, nothing can stop the development of genetic engineering, unless a nuclear war breaks out (don't let it), or an asteroid falls on Earth (let's knock three times on wood).

Biofarms with genetically modified plants and animals will produce tens and hundreds of times more food than is happening now.

3. Cars as we know them will disappear from our roads. In fact, the roads themselves may disappear from the face of the earth, leaving room only for air transport.

4. Specialization of scientific activity, office work will reach a maximum - the position of "chief stapler" or "mop manager" will cease to be anecdotal. All smaller and specific niches of activity will be occupied by appropriate specialists.

5. Most likely, there will no longer be legislation localized by country and region - a cybernetic legal system will control the life and death of criminals living both in Alaska and in the middle of Australia.

6. Professions and specialties will be updated almost every day - we feel an increasing need for additional training and education today. In the future, retraining and additional training will no longer be innovations.

7. Genetic improvement of the human body is likely to take its rightful place in the system of sciences, despite the current ban on eugenics (the science of improving the human race).

8. Urbanization will reach 60% by 2030. The vast majority of the population will live in megacities and large settlements, suburbs and small villages will be inhabited by a limited number of farmers engaged in agriculture with the help of robots and automated control systems.

9. The influence of religion on a person will increase. In a completely technogenic, cybernated society, the role of religion will increase many times over: firstly, a person needs to believe in something, and secondly, the methods of preaching are constantly being improved and enhanced by technology.

10. The electrification of our planet will increase by 83%. Electricity will penetrate into the most inaccessible corners of the globe. Naturally, the consumption of electrical energy will also increase, but by that time, alternative energy sources will take their rightful place.

Of course, all these predictions point to the general direction of the development of our civilization, but they are all based on research and progress trends that are relevant at the moment.

10 years is a negligibly small time span on the scale of the Universe. Which, by the way, is about 13.75 billion years old, according to conventional wisdom. However, even such a small amount of time may be enough to restore order on Earth. With the general desire of the authorities and society, of course. And as you know, about 7.3 billion people live on the planet. And despite the fact that the theme of the Earth and its future contains a huge number of nuances, many continue to worry about the question of what will happen to our world in 10 years.


We all see very well what has been happening on the planet in the last few years in political and social terms. The question of the destruction of a large terrorist organization, which is strictly prohibited in the Russian Federation and in many other civilized states, is now particularly acute.

Relations between countries, sanctions, establishing contacts with the United States - this, in turn, is for the most part of interest to the inhabitants of the Russian Federation. Especially the last one. Many worry about the relationship between the major powers - the United States and Russia. The world even joked that the outcome of the elections in America was more worried not so much by the inhabitants of this country as by the citizens of the Russian Federation.


However, all these concerns are understandable. After all, diplomatic relations aimed at maintaining friendly contact, peace and security between states were established between the United States and Russia a very long time ago - in 1807. And no one wants two major powers to be at enmity, even if behind the scenes.

Of course, it is difficult to judge what will happen in the political arena in 10 years. There are good forecasts, but there are also extremely pessimistic comments (people, unfortunately, are used to the bad). But, if you believe the primary sources, which are directly the presidents of the powers, a global "reset" of relations between states is planned, and in a positive direction. Nothing is done quickly, so it remains to wait.


No less relevant is the question of what will happen to society in 10 years. In this case, most forecasts are also negative. The reasons are countless.

First, there is an increase in the number of early pregnancies, which, as you know, happen unplanned and not out of great love. Consequence: young parents without education and work, who have not taken a worthy place in society, with a child to whom they cannot give anything. Outcome: the number of members of society who do not have the opportunity to realize themselves is growing. Accordingly, the lower class expands.

Secondly, every day our world is becoming more modern. This is good, but people forget what it means to work and develop. Take, for example, those children. They master the computer before they can speak normally, hardly read and become enlightened too early in topics that are not appropriate for their age. Of course, this is not the case in all cases. Everything depends on the parents. But this has already been discussed above.

Thirdly, work is gradually being automated. Many people believe that the future of the planet lies with cars. A solid component of society opposes this assertion. How it will be - time will tell. But the fact that modern inventions have made our life more comfortable is a fact that reassures.

Specific forecasts

Now we can move on to the topic of Strategic Forecasting. It is a US-based intelligence and analytics company that has been making predictions for the future for more than 20 years. And in the near future, too, there is already something.

What will happen in 10 years in the international political arena? According to Strategic Forecasting, the White House will make more restrained decisions on world problems. Analysts believe that US resources will also weaken.

Germany is predicted to stagnate. Stagnation in production, difficulties in trade, an increase in the number of unemployed, a decrease in wages and general living standards - all this, according to Strategic Forecasting, awaits one of the most developed countries in Europe and the world. It's hard to believe. However, what will happen in 10 years is still unknown. Maybe the predictions will come true.

By the way, China will also face similar problems. An increase in the number of problems due to the uneven development of regions is not ruled out.

Possible perspectives

If you believe the forecasts of Strategic Forecasting, then in 10 years Europe will be split into 4 parts. There will be the British Isles, Scandinavia, and Eastern and Western Europe. Analysts believe that formally the "cradle of ancient civilizations" will remain united. However, political and economic integrity is not to be seen.

Even analysts, predicting the future of the planet, assure that close cooperation between the United States and Turkey is not excluded. Seems weird? Not at all, this will be facilitated by the chaos reigning in the Arab world, which, by the way, does not plan to subside in the near future.

Analysts did not deprive Poland of their attention either. The future of this country in 10 years, in their opinion, will be more than successful. We will be able to observe rapid economic growth, which will give Poland the opportunity to become one of the leading countries in Europe. And Japan, in turn, will take a leadership position among the maritime powers in Asia. If the supposed forecasts of Strategic Forecasting come true, then our planet in 10 years will look very interesting.

Strategic Forecasting about Russia

Naturally, the notorious analytical company did not ignore our state in its forecasts. What will happen to Russia in the near future, according to researchers?

The main forecast is political disintegration, which is the disintegration of a single whole into several parts. And to be more precise, a change in the form of government. And it's always stressful. Especially for such a huge state as the Russian Federation. And, according to Strategic Forecasting, it is this process that will become the main cause of the crisis of the next decade.

But these are not all the assumptions regarding what will happen to Russia in the near future. Analysts suggest that the former Soviet republics, which have maintained strong ties with our country, will overestimate relations with the Russian Federation. Belarus is already demonstrating a warming of its position towards the West. Armenia, in turn, questioned good relations with the Russian Federation after a new outbreak of armed conflict with Azerbaijan because Analysts note that the confrontation escalated, most likely, and because the Russian Federation at that moment was engaged in conflicts in Syria and Ukraine.

Water resources

Well, it is worth digressing from politics and move on to an equally urgent problem. Ecology is now in a very deplorable situation. And the fault, again, lies with the people. Numerous deforestation, the construction of factories that emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, water pollution ... The list of problems is endless. And, given the magnitude of what is happening, what will our planet be like in 10 years?

Forecasts are disappointing. In the coming years, the situation can still be kept under control. In 10 years, more than half of the states will experience water shortages, more than serious. And in 25 years, the entire Middle East will face a global one. It will turn out to be so massive that the phrase “catastrophic thirst” is more suitable.

Not so long ago, the UN said that by 2030, the need of mankind for drinking liquid will exceed the existing reserves by 40%. The main reasons lie in the intensive growth of the population (what demographic problems can we talk about?) and the decrease in underground resources.

About natural phenomena

A group of scientists from the UK, who conducted research led by Andy Challinor, also made disappointing conclusions regarding ecology. The Earth in 10 years, in their opinion, may face global warming. And the process will begin with Africa. A rapid decline in fertility is coming. For a state like Africa, this phrase is not just a bad forecast. This is a death sentence.

Sharp climatic changes are instantly reflected in the crop. According to scientists, corn will be the first to suffer. And it will happen in the near future - in 2 years. Then the problem will affect other varieties of cereals. Scientists propose to start creating new types of nutritious plants. But this is, to put it mildly, a slow process. But global warming is not far off. But, fortunately, this is only an assumption, albeit with some foundation.


This global problem also needs to be mentioned. No one will be mistaken if they call it the largest. Above is an image showing two images of the Earth taken by NASA from space. And it is visually noticeable how bad things are now.

The world will look even worse in 10 years. Over the past 8,000 years (also a short period, by the standards of the Universe), half of the forests that existed on the planet have been destroyed! Those that remain are 22% natural ecological systems. All others have been changed. By whom? Naturally, a person.

Society must understand that the process of destroying trees is the most pressing problem today. After all, deforestation affects the climatic, social, economic and environmental characteristics of life. Biodiversity is disappearing, the water content of rivers is decreasing (a reference to the above problem), and the greenhouse effect is increasing. Humanity is irrationally using wood resources. And in 10 years a real ecological catastrophe can happen.

The medicine

Well, it doesn't hurt to talk about the good. About medicine, for example. Man has come a long way in this area. In 10 years, clinical practice will change as physicians will be much better equipped to use technologies to help transform their own biology to protect against aging and disease.

In addition, the method of production of induced stem cells is now being improved. And some are completely sure that people in the near future will be treated according to the genome. That is, a person, giving his DNA for analysis, will receive individual treatment, which implies taking into account all his specific features. And such prospects please.

Energy revolution

Raymond Kurzweil, who is a famous American inventor and futurist, is sure that in 10-15 years all the needs of mankind will be met by solar energy. It has already been proven that every 2 years the total number of watts produced by solar panels is growing. And if humanity can use at least part of the solar energy, then everything will work out.

This success will lead to a food revolution. When energy in our world is cheap, the process of desalination and water purification will accelerate. And it won't cost as much as it used to. This will gradually solve the problem of drinking water around the world.

And, of course, such success will also affect the development of agriculture. Futurologists are confident that soon fruits and vegetables will be grown by artificial intelligence, and hydroponically. What's more, Kurzweil believes the meat will literally be "vitro-grown." This, of course, is far away, but I would like to believe in such prospects.


The last thing I would like to talk about is computers. In 10 years, they will become tens of thousands of times more powerful. This can be stated with certainty. Remember, at least, what computers were like 10 years ago! What about laptops? To date, the thinnest model is the HP Specter, at 10.3 mm thick. Yes, and computer monitors 10 years ago were 30 times thicker (and this is not a figurative meaning).

What to say about phones! Almost every month, some new product is released, shocking with an abundance of functions, incredible photo quality and the presence of artificial intelligence (assistant). So, perhaps, the field of technology is the most difficult in terms of forecasting for the distant future. By the standards of the Universe, 10 years is a moment. And on the scale of technology - an eternity.

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