
Carved house on Leningradsky Prospect. Panorama openwork house. Virtual tour Openwork house. Attractions, map, photo, video. Excerpt characterizing openwork house

But I never happened to inspect and take a picture of it from the inside.
Therefore, with great pleasure PR post chaiivo to the observation point 234. Openwork house from the inside.

Well, so, what did I stop at last time?

In fact, this house caught me at the very beginning of the path - the third viewing was exactly the same
apartment, like that in which I live now, only on the 5th floor and in a more decent condition. But her
owners pulled with sale, as they went out for themselves some very specific
alternative, in the end it was sold much later and more expensive ...

But the location, the house and layout I liked it right away, so I looked at time from time to time
in his direction, although the hopes were a bit - such "odnunches" in the house of only 5, one on the floor smoothly
each other. It was not accepted in those days to build such small apartments, in general at the beginning
There are almost no Leningrad Prospect.

So when after half a year I came across a new announcement, I was very surprised, but already prepared.
Despite the fact that the author confused the house number and called it 5-storey brick, in the photo I am easy
identified and rushed to the inspection already immediately with the realtor in order to immediately take the case without demonstrating
however, excessive interest in order not to provoke the price increase. However, immediately agree
i managed - the seller's realtor wanted to arrange more shows to decide on the price.

In order not to miss the option, I had to go to adventures as usual. Firstly post fake
announcement of the sale of another same apartment in this house, but with a lower price to understand
the potential number of competitors and the amount they are willing to spend, and secondly ask
comrades not deprived by acting talent, go to watch and convince the realtor that his offer is
so-yourself and the price is overestimated.

After a week of processing, the client matured, a small additional premium of the realtor vendors tried
the case in my favor, documents and formalities remained - to collect together the owners of the sellers, whom
it turned out to be two, get references from the psycho and drug transison for sellers, the consent of the spouses and other labud
having a bunch of time ... But these are all the details, please yourself!

In the house of only one entrance, the first floor is non-residential, busy shops and institutions. According to the Soviet project
there they should have a shop, restaurant, nursery, kindergarten and hairdresser. But, alas - from all
the splendor survived only the store. The first floor of the one-time height, with the mezzanine - a fady terrace
on half of its volume. And the mezzanine store, by the way, is a dry cleaning, repair of hours and more
some atavisms of life ... The rest of the seats took two banks, a beauty salon (almost a hairdresser),
travel agency and school game go.

The spacious front entrance is divided into two stairs, rising up with no less extensive

Platforms and part of the floor are paved, as bloggers told me, not just tiled,
and Metlah ceramics -Http: //www.metlah.ru - special super-duper burned tiles made by some
specialist. Technologies .. Not surprisingly, it has been preserved so many years, although there are already spaces on some floors.

The corridors of the central part of the house are covered although launched, but natural oak parquet -
the material is also very wear-resistant. By the way, stairs and corridors occupy almost 2/3 of the total
square at home, leaving small apartments quite a bit ...

Probably, they are great to ride in childhood on a bicycle or on the rollers, and drinks
native community GZ MGU)) but children are almost no choice in the house, and grandmothers in wheelchairs too
somehow do not dissect by corridors ...

Even in the attic leads no less aesthetic, although twice the narrowed staircase ...

She, top view ...

An attic as a attic - a huge empty unauthorized space ... when we finally allow us to be allowed
build roof floors? I would gladly mastered a couple of hundred square meters... but now
it is illegal and expensive at the same time, and I am now no longer a resident of the last floor.

View from the roof at the hotel "Soviet", in the depths of which is stubborn by the whole building of the former restaurant
"Yar", where we sang with Shalyapin))

Well, my window is now at the very bottom, on the first of the residential, although quite high, but still
just only the second floor. I would be a romantic young lady, I probably could
climb into the windows not to complain how boring we live ...

Well, I wanted to finally discuss internal planning and some repair matters - but
you will have to endure in a separate post - and so fully came out, and it's time to escape!

Built shortly before the Great Patriotic War "Openwork house" (also known as "Lace House", "House-Accordion" and house Buur) planned in quality typical projectBut the will of fate remained in a single copy and became one of the most famous architectural attractions of Moscow.

The six-storey residential building of the P-shaped-shaped house was built in 1936-1940 and became one of the first residential buildings built from large concrete blocks of factory manufacture - for this reason he is considered the first high-rise panel house in Moscow. A feature of the house for which he was nicknamed openwork and lace, are elegant concrete lattices in the form of a flower ornament, covering kitchen loggias and what is located on them. Decorative lattices are made in drawings of the famous graphics of Vladimir Fular. There is a home and other decorative feature, a less noticeable - panels on the external walls look as if made of marble, but in fact they are also concrete; The secret is that at the factory in concrete added dye - according to legend, it was a forced measure caused by the inability to achieve a uniform shade of concrete. One way or another, thanks to this detail, the house does not require additional exterior color, and reached us in the same color in which it was built.

Now it is not so obvious, but initially the project was conceived as typical - for mass residential building; Its authors are an architect and an inventor engineer Andrei Burov and architect Boris Blokhin. The appearance on the facade of the house of bright decorative elements In the form of a flower ornament - the result of ambitious tasks that Andrei Burov set in front of him when developing a building of a residential building building: according to the architect, the massive Soviet building should have been not only practical and functional, but also beautiful, and the tenants of the house should have access to Developed infrastructure step accessibility. To some extent, it affected the planning of the apartments: the kitchens in them were specifically made small, since it was assumed that they would be prepared for tenants in the restaurant on the first floor, and in the apartments food would only warm up. In addition to the restaurant, the house also had to be a gastronome, a hairdresser and kindergarten, and the passage to them was supposed to be made directly from the entrance. The ideas of such service of residents and views on the social infrastructure of the architect brought from the US, where he traveled on a business trip in 1930.

Unfortunately, it was not destined to become a mass project: the war began, the basements were converted to bomb shelter, and in the apartments hastily staged several families. After the war, the mass home-building project rejected: the country had to be restored, and the choice feast and simple buildings fell.

Now the "openwork house" is a monument of architecture, attracting the views of passersby and motorists with their unusual and beautiful views. And about him joking: they say, that's what a far-sighted architect of the boots - foresaw that people will keep any shit on the balconies, and with the help of beautiful decorative lattices hid a shame from his eyes.

The address where the "Openwork House" is located: Leningrad Prospect, 27. You can get to it metro Station "Dynamo" and "Belorusskaya" Zamoskvoretskoy line as well as from station "Running" Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya.

Coordinates: 55 ° 47'02 "s. sh. 37 ° 33'59 "in. d. /  55.7840917 ° C. sh. 37.5664528 ° C. d./ 55.7840917; 37.5664528. (G) (I)

"Openwork House" (also " House-Accordion") - Six-storey residential building on Leningradsky Avenue in Moscow, one of the first residential buildings from large concrete blocks of factory manufacture.

The internal layout of the building is based on a semi-cooled housing in the West (Apartment House), with whom A. K. Burov met during a business trip to the United States. Compact apartments on residential floors (from the second on the sixth, 18 apartments on the floor), with small kitchens and hallways, are located on both sides of long corridors. Internal partitions are made of "Different" slabs (alebastro-reed slabs) that do not require plastering before pasting with wallpaper. At the end of the corridors at the junction with wings of the building there are wide stairs, having spare outlets into the courtyard. The main entrance to the house, located on the part of the Leningrad Prospect, leads to the elevator hall with two elevators, on the sides of which were initially located two service apartments, of which control over all incoming and coming from the house. The rest of the first floor area was assigned to the common needs of the tenants - there was a food store, kindergarten and nursery.

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  • Monuments of the architecture of Moscow. Architecture of Moscow 1933-1941. / Auto-Cost. N. N. Bronovitskaya. - M.: Art-XXI century, 2015. - P. 295-296. - 320 p. - 2500 copies. - ISBN 978-5-98051-121-0.
  • Heador T., encounter I. Styles of Moscow architecture. - M.: Art-XXI century, 2014. - 616 p. - ISBN 978-5-98051-113-5.
  • Iconnikov, A.V. Architecture of Moscow. XX century. - m .: Moscow worker, 1984. - P. 93-94. - 222 p.
  • Rzhikhina O. I., Blashkevich R. N., Burova R. G. A. K. Burov. - Moscow: Stroyzdat, 1984. - 142 p. - (Master of Architecture). - 16,000 copies.
  • Andrei Konstantinovich Burov: Letters. Diaries. Conversations with graduate students. The judgments of contemporaries / Sost., Intr. Art. and notes. O.I. Rzhikhina, R.G. Drill .. - Moscow: Art, 1980.
  • Aronov, N. // Kommersant. - 2008. - № 168.
  • Creativity A. K. Burov // Architecture of the USSR. - 1958. - № 7. - P. 13-22.


  • Caterina Catherine. . Where do you live?. The Village (August 4, 2016).

Excerpt characterizing openwork house

- completeness, graph. You know!
"I don't know anything," said Pierre.
"I know that you were friendly with Natalie, and therefore ... no, I'm always more friendly with faith." CETTE CHERE VERA! [This cute faith!]
- Non, Madame, [No, madam.] - continued Pierre disgruntled tone. - I did not at all take on the role of the Knight Rostova, and I have not been from them for almost a month. But I do not understand the cruelty ...
"QUI S" Excuse - S "Accuse, [who apologizes, he accuses himself.]" Smiling and Mahai Korpiga, said Juli and, so that the last word remains for her, now changed the conversation. - What, I now learned: poor Marie Volkonskaya came yesterday to Moscow. Have you heard, she lost his father?
- really! Where's she? I would very much wanted to see her, "said Pierre.
- I spent the evening yesterday. She now or tomorrow morning goes to the near Moscow with a nephew.
- Well, how is she? - said Pierre.
- Nothing, sad. But you know who saved her? This is a whole novel. Nicolas Rostov. She was surrounded, they wanted to kill, injured her people. He rushed and saved her ...
"Still a novel," said the militiaman. - Decisively, this overall flight is made to marry all the old brides. Catiche - one, Princess Bolkonskaya - Other.
- You know that I really think she is Un Petit Peu Amoureuse du Jeune Homme. [Lovely in love with a young man.]
- Fine! Fine! Fine!
- But how is it in Russian to say? ..

When Pierre returned home, he filed two bills brought on this day.
In the first it was said that the hearing seem to be prohibited from Moscow to be prohibited from Moscow, - unfair and that, on the contrary, the Count Muskolchin is glad that Baryni and merchant wives are leaving from Moscow. "Less fear, less news," said in the poster, "but I answer life that the villain in Moscow will not be." These words for the first time clearly called Pierre that the French will be in Moscow. In the second poster, it was said that our home apartment in Vyazma that Count Vitgsnstein defeated the French, but what many people wish to armared, then for them there is a weapon cooked in arsenal: Sabls, pistols, guns that residents can receive at a cheap price. The poster of the poster was not so funny, as in the former Chigirin conversations. Pierre conceived over these posters. Obviously, the terrible thunderstorm cloud, which he called on all the forces of his soul and who, at the same time, initiated the invalid horror in it, is obviously, this cloud approached.
"Go to military service And go to the army or wait? - For the hundredth time, asked himself this question. He took a deck of cards lying on his table, and began to do solitaire.
- if this solitaire comes out, he himself says himself, mixing the deck, holding her in his hand and looking up, - if it came out, then ... what does it mean? .. - He did not have time to decide what the voice heard the voice Senior Princess, asking whether it is possible to enter.
"Then it will mean that I have to go to the army," Pierre agreed. "Sign in, enter," he added, turning to the princess.
(One older princess, with a long waist and petrified lid, continued to live in Pierre's house; Two smaller married.)
"Sorry, Mon Cousin that I came to you," she said with a repulsive voice. - After all, you must finally decide on something! What will it be like that? Everyone left Moscow, and the people of Buntuet. What are we staying?
"On the contrary, everything seems to be safely, Ma Cousine," said Pierre with the habit of jokingly, which Pierre, always confusively translated his role benefactor before pritation, learned himself in relation to her.
- Yes, it is safe ... Good well-being! Today, Varbara Ivanovna prank, as our troops differ. For sure you can assign honor. Yes, and the people completely rebelled, listen to listen; My girl and that sad has become. Stark soon to beat us. You can't walk through the streets. And most importantly, today the French will be that we will wait! I ask about one thing, Mon Cousin, "said Princess," order me to take me to Petersburg: what I mean, and I can not live under the Bonapartov authority.
- Yes complete, ma cousine, how do you consider your information? Opposite ...
- I do not conquer your Napoleon. Others, as they want ... If you do not want to do this ...
- Yes, I will do, I will order now.
Princess, apparently, it was annoying that there was no one to be angry. She whispering, sat down on the chair.
"But you will be wrong to you," said Pierre. - Everything is quiet in the city, and there is no danger. So I read now ... - Pierre showed the princes of bills. - Count writes that he is responsible for life that the enemy will not be in Moscow.
"Ah, this is your graph," princess spoke with anger, it was a hypocrite, the villain who himself confined the people to rebel. Didn't he wrote in these stupid billboards that whatever there is, take it for a khokhol to go down (and how stupid)! Who will take, says, the honor and glory. So it was datched. Varvara Ivanovna said that he almost killed her people for spoke in French ...
"Why is it so ... you are very taking everything to your heart," said Pierre and began to spread solitaire.
Despite the fact that Solitaire fell asleep, Pierre did not go to the army, but remained in the empty Moscow, everything is in the same alarm, indispensable, in fear and together in joy waiting for something terrible.
On the other day, the princess went to the evening, and his mainly disposal with the news came to Pierre that the shelf required by them cannot be obtained for uniforms, if not to sell one estate. Major Governor generally represented Pierre that all these arrows should have ruled it. Pierre with difficulty hid a smile, listening to the words of the manager.
"Well, sell," he said. - What to do, I can't refuse now!
The worse there was a position of any cases, and especially his affairs, the pierre was more pleasant, the more Overner it was that the catastrophe he was waiting for, approaching. Already no one was almost from the familiar Pierre in the city. Jules left, Princess Mary left. Of the close familiar, some Rostov remained; But Pierre did not go to them.
On this day, Pierre, in order to have fun, went to the village of Vorontsovo to watch a big balloon, which was built by Leppikh for the death of the enemy, and a trial ball that was to be launched tomorrow. This ball was not yet ready; But, as Pierre found out, he was built at the request of the sovereign. The sovereign wrote the count of the trash about this ball as follows:
"Aussitot Que Leppich Sera Pret, Composez Lui Un Equipage Pour SA Nacelle D" Hommes Surs et Intelligents ET Depechez Un Courrier Au General Koutouusoff Pour L "En Prevenir. JE L "AI INSTRUIT DE LA Chose.
Recommandez, Je Vous Prie, A Leppich D "Etre Bien Attentif Sur L" Endroit Ou Il Descendra La Premiere Fois, Pour Ne Pas Se Tromper et Pas Tomber Dans Les Mains De L "Ennemi. Il Est Indispensable QU" Il Combine Ses Mouvements Avec Le General En Chef.

Large bedroom apartment, known as Buur House, "Openwork House", "Lace House".
Leningrad Prospekt, d.27, p.1
Authors: Architects A.K. Burov and B. N. Blokhin, Engineers A. I. Kucherov and G. B. Karmanov, Artist V. A. Favorsky.

Boris Kondakov, Architect, Urbanist:

"We are before us an example of the building of the" Master of Classical Heritage with Human Face ", a sample of the Soviet AR Deco. In the era, when the facades often needed to blindly reproduce samples of an antique classic (which does not exclude the brilliant examples and in this genre), Andrei Konstantinovich Burov went his way, guided by the principle of "the best thing to imitate ancient, is not to imitate them": These words PA Vyazemsky drills quoted in his work "On Architecture".

This house, the harbinger of massive residential construction in the USSR for the 2nd half of the 20th century, has little in common with what was created in the subsequent era, when the architecture retreated not even on the second, but on the third position. It was possible to connect incompatible, it would seem, things - the low cost of industrial production and a highly artistic approach of "piece" architecture.

The facade of the house personifies the search for new tectonics (on the drill - plasticly developed, artistic meaningful design) of the building, in a context time, the building that should have been gathered as an aircraft from the industrial method produced large elements, but not from brick. The boys fits in this work a new proportional rhythm of modern building materials. Here, for the first time, the technological feature of construction from large blocks was understood: the seams were not masked, but, on the contrary, were focused.

"Attempting to impose into the inorganic, crystalline system of repetitions (for example, the same apartments expressed on the facade) dynamic system of the golden section, hide them under it, is distorting both the task, and its decision. Architecture turns into falsification, "argued the drills. Another quotation of the master is appropriate - that time when he has already finally approved in thought, which is behind the industrial materials - the future. Here he criticizes, apparently, his own residential house of Narcomple (Tverskaya Street, D.25), the first stage of which was completed several years earlier at home on Leningradka: "So we drive the eight-storey house with a repeat of the same apartments in the facade of the Three-storey Italian Palazzo (where In the first floor there were gangguards and security, in the second - senor, and in the third - a man), and then the eight-storey house acquires the type of three-story. And I was also warned in such falsifications. "

It can be imagined as in some parallel reality from such buildings on the Leningradsky Avenue of houses would be created entire cities. Andrei Konstantinovich has their description. "Here there will be a marble floor of the central square with fountains, surrounded by a mirror wall of shop windows, marked in gold-plated steel of curb blames, - the area of \u200b\u200bthe hall, covered with sky and inscribed in greens residential areas... and the solemn center, modern, the same beautiful and modern, as the Acropolis is modern and modern. "

But, as we know, the story has developed otherwise, the house remained a piece prototype. Meanwhile, this house is surprisingly contemporary, it combines the qualities of the urban development unit that seem most important to us: the public ground floor with a cafe and a kindergarten - active facade; The rich and variable plastic of the facade in the industrial approach to its creation, fully revealed with the close, "tactile" contact of a person with architecture - instead of the deliberate monumentality; Apartment housing is a solution based on personal impressions of Burov from American hotels. "

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